96-44� �f'=-�� RESOLUTION NO. 96-44 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF NOT TO EXCEED $9,750,000 GAS SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS APiD $8,500,000 GAS SYSTEM REVENUE REFiJNDTNG BONDS; FIXING REDEMPTION PROVISIOI�S FOR TiiE BOND5; SETTIIdG FORTH THE FORM OF THE NOTICE OF BOND SALE AND SUNIMARY NOTICE OF BOND SALE REI,ATING TO THE SALE OF SUCH BONDS; DIRECTING PUBLICATION QF THE SUNIMARY NOTICE OF SALE RELATING TO SUCH BONDS; PROVII3ING FOR THE OPEIdING OF �iDS RELATING TO THE SALE OF THE BONDS; SETTING F012TH THE OFFZCIAL NOTICE OF SALE AND BID �ORI+2S• PROVZDING THAT SUCH BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED IN FULL BOOK EIdTRY FORAi AND AUTHQRIZING THE EXECU'I'ION AND DEI�IV]ERY OF A LETTER OF REPRESENTATION WITH THE DEPOSITORX TRiTST COMPANY; APPROVING THE FORM OF A PRELIMINARX OFFICIAL STATEMENT; PROVIDING FOR COMPLIANCE WITH A CONTINUTNG DISCLQSURE CERTIFTCATE; AUTHORIZING THE SELECTTON OF A REGISTRAR AND PAYING AGENT; AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF NlUNICIPAL BOND INSURANCE; AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF DEBT SERVICE RES�RVE FUND SLTRETY BONDS; AUTHORIZY�tG THE EX�CUTION OF A FINAI3CIAL GUARANTY AGREEMEI�TT &VITH AM�AC IPtDE1�TITY CORPORATIOld; PROVIDING CERTAIN OTFiER 1�YATTEAS IAT CONNECTIOId THEREWITH p AND PROV3DING A,N EFFECTIVE DATEe WHEREAS, on August 15, 1997., the City Commission of the City of Clearwat�r, Florida (the "City'� or the °Issuer°) enacted Ordinance No. 5118-91 (the ��Oriqinal Ordinance��) to provide for the issuance of bonds payable from Net Revenues of the Gas System (as de�ined thereinj; and WHEREA3, on Sept�mk�er 1, 199�4, �h� Ci�y enacted Ordinance No. 5665-94 (the fOSeries 19948 Boncd OrdinanCe"j which authorized the issuance of na� to exceed $26,750,000 City of Clearwater, Florida, Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series ['to be determined], as Additional Parity Obligations uz�der the Original Ordinanoe to finance the costs of the Series 1994B Projects (as defined in the Series 1994B Bond Ordinance); and WHEREAS, on June 6, 1996, the City enacted Ordinance No. 6030- 96 (the '�Refunding Oi:dinance��, which togetha� with the Original Ordinance and th� Series 1994B Band Ordinance, collectively, the "Bond ordinance��) which authoriz�d the assuance o£ no� to exceed $8,500,000 City o� C3.earwa�er, F'l.orida, Gas System Revenue Refunciing BandS, Series [�o �e determiri�d� (�h� ��Refunding Bonds�� j, as Additiona7� Pa�ity Obligatians under the Oric�inal Oxdinance to Resolution No. 9�-44 r �� �1 advance refund a portion of the City's outstanding Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 (the "Refunded Bonds"); and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to designate the portion of such bonds to finance the Series 1994B Projects as "Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A," (the 10Series 1996A Bonds" ) and to designate the Refunding Bonds as "Gas System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1996B" to reflect the year of their issuance; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to provide for the public sale of not �to exceed $9,750,000 of Series 1996A Bonds and $8,500,000 of Refunding Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BX THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, as follows: SECTION 1. SERIES DESIGNATION. The not to exceed $9,750,000 of th� Gas Sys�em Revenue Bonds, Series [to be determined] authorized by the Series 1994B Bond Ordinanae being offered pursuant to this resolution are hereby designated as Series 1996A Bonds (the "Series 1996A Bond�10) and the nat to exceed $8,500,000 af the Gas System Revenue Refunding �onds, Series [to be determinedj authorized by the Refunding Ordinance being offered pursuant to �this resolution are hereby designated as Series 1996B Boncls (the 10Sexies 19968 Bonds") . SECTION 2. PUBL,IC SALE. There are hereby authorized to be sold pursuan� to a public sale not to exceed $9,750,000 City of Clearwater, Florida, Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A, and no� to exceed $8,50Q,000 City of Clearwater, Florida, Gas Sys�em Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1996� (�he Series 1996B Bonds, together with the Series 1996A Bonds, the "Series 1996 Bonds"). SE�TZON 3. PROVISIONS k'OR REDEMPTION. The Series 1996 Bonds maturing pr�.or �rs or t�n �epternber ]., 2004 are no� subject to redemption prior to their ma�urity date. The Series 1996 Bonds ma�uring af�er Sept�a►ber 1, 2004 are subject to redemptian at the option of th� City prior to maturity on ox after September 1, 2004, in whole at any �im�, or in par� from iime �o time, on any interest payment date in such manner as shall be dstermined by the City at the redemption prices expressed as a percentage of the principal amount of the Series 19�6 Bonds to be redeemed as set Eorth below, together with accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. Pex'�od Dur.{hq. Wh.ich Redeemed Sep�emb��' 1, 2Qaj3 �11�COUg11 AUtgt15� 3�,r 200� Se��emi�e� �., 2005 th�ough Aur3us� 31, 2006 5ep�em�er ]., 2od6 and therea£ter Redemption Price jPer�en#:�ae of Par) 102� 101 100 Resaltt�ion No. 96-44 � ��., SECTION 4. SALE OF SERIES 1�96 BONDS. The Finance Director is hereby direc�ed to publish the Summary Notice of Sale of the Bonds in a newspaper regularly distributed in the City of Clearwater and in The Bond Buyer, such publications to be on such date as shall be deemed by the Financ� Airector to be in the best interest of the Issuer and such publications to be not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of sale; and to publish such Notice in such other newspapers on such dates as may be deemed appropriate by the Finance Director. Proposals for purchase of the Series 1996 Bonds will be received at the office of the Finance Director of the City, 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 34616, from the time that the Notice of Bond Sale is published until 11:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Sawings Time, on June 27, 1996 (the "Bid Date"). SECTION 5. APPROVAL OF FORMS. The No�ice of Bond Sale, Suinmary Notice o� Sale of the Bonds and �the Af�icial Bid Forms to be submitted �or purchase of each series of the Series 1996 Bonds shall be in substan�ially �the forms annexed hereico, as Exhibits A, B, C, and D, respectively, together with such changes as shall be deemed nec�ssary or desirable by the Finance Director, incorporated herein by reference. SECTTON 6. BOOK ENTRY ONLY BONDS. It is in the best interest of the City and �he residents and inhabitants thereof tha� the Ser�.es 1396 Bonds be issueci utilizing a pure book-entry system of registrationm Tn �urtla�rance �hereof, the Ci'ty authorizes the execution arad c3�:l�.�rery of a Le�ter af Representation with the Depository Trus� Company iaz substantiaily the �orm at�ached hereto as Exhibi� E and �he Mayor-Commissianer or the City Manager are hereby �uthorixed to execute and deliver tixe Letter of Represen�ation �ri�h suoh ciianges, insertions and omi.ssions as shall be approved by tl�e o�ficer of �he City executing the same, The City hereby ratifies and �pproves the terms anc3 conditions set forth on Exhibi� E attached h�reto. Such �erm� and provisions sha11 be cieex�ed �o b� in.^,orp�rat-ed herein and in the Ordinance as if set for�h a� length. For so long as �he Series 1996 Bonds remain ira such book entry only system of registration, in the event of a conflict between the provisions of �he Ordinance and the provis3.ons af Exhibit E a�tached hereto the terms and provisions of Exhibit E sha�.l prevail. SECTSON 7. PRELIM7NA12Y OFFiCIAL STATEMENT. The Mayor- Commissioner and Financs� Di.rector are authnrized and directed to cause a Preliminary Official Sta�ement to be ,prepareci in substantially the form attached h�reto as Exhibit F, with such changes, ins�xtions and omissions as sha�.l. be approved by� the Mayor-Cammissioner and Finance Dfrec�nr, containing a copy of the attaahed Natice of �and Sale and Of�3.cia1 Sid �'orm� anci ta Purnish a copy of' ��ch Preliminary Officia7. Statement �o interested bidde�s. The Mayoz��commissioner and Financ� Di�ector are 3 :i2esolutiori No� 96--44 � �� authorized to deem final the Preliminary Official Statement prepared gursuant to this Section for purposes of Rule 15c2-12 (the "Rule") of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Upon the award of the Series 1996 Bonds to the successful bidder, the City shall also make available a reasonable number of copies of the Preliminary Official Statement �o such bidder, who may mail such Preliminary Official Statements to prospective purchasers at the bidder's expense. SECTION 8. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE. The City hereby covenants and agrees that, in order to provide for compliance by the City with the secondary market disclosure requirements of the Rule, that it will comply with and carry out all of the provisions of that cert�in Continuing Disclosure Certificate in substantially the form attached �ereto as Ea�hibit G, to be executed by the City and dated the date of issuance and delivery oi the Szries 1996 Bonds, as it may be amended from tim� to time in accordance with the terms thereof (the "Continuing Disclosure Certificate"). Notwithstanding any other provision of t�is Rasolu�ion, failure of the City to conply with such Continuing Disclosure Certificate shall not be considered an event of dePault; however, any Bondholder may �ake such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandate or specific performance by court order, to cause the City to comply with its obligations under this Section. SECTId� 9. RE�ISTRP,Z2 AND PAYING AGENT. First Union National Bank of F2oxida, Jacksonville, Florida, is hereby appointed as Registrar and Paying Agent for the Series 1996 Bonds. SECTIQN 10. MUNICIPI�L BOND IN�T,JRANCE POLICIES AND RESERVE ACCOUNT STJFtEfiY BONDS. Pu�suant to the Bond Ordinance, AMBAC Indemni�y Corporation ("AMBAC Indemnity01) has been selected to provide i�s Diunicipal Bond Insur�nce Policies as the Credit Facility (as definad in �he Bond Ordinance) as additional security for payment of pxincipal and �.nterest on the Series 1996A Bonds and Series 1996B Bonds, respec�ively, and to provide its debt service resexve �urety bands (the "Surety Boncis01} in the amount of the applicable Reserve Requirements to �und the subaccounts of the Rese�ve Account for �he benefi�t of the Series 1.996A Bonds and Series 19968 Bonds, respectively. Selection of AMBAC Indemnity as the Crecii� Fac31i�}� Issuer (as defined in the Sond Ordinance) and AMBAC Indemnity �s the provider of the deb� service reserve fund surety is her�b� �atified and confirmed and payment for such Municipal Bonc1 Insurance Policies and 5urety Bonds Pram procesds oi each of the series of the Series 199G Bonds is hereby authorized. The Issuer her�by a�cep�s the terms, conditions and agreements relating to i:he Municipal Bond Insurance Policies and the Sure�y Bonds in accordance with the CQmmi�ment for Municipal Bond insu�ance anci Conuni�ment ior Surety B�nd, �ach as attached here�o as Eschibit H and incorparated hereirt. .A statement oE insurance is hereb� au�harized to Yae prin�ec� on or attiached �o each series of the Series 1996 �onds for ��e benefit and information af �he 4 Resalution No. 96�44 �� -� holders of the Series 1996 Bonds. The Mayor-Commissioner is authorized to sxecute and the Clerk is authorized to attest a Guaran�y Agreement in substantially �he form attached to the Commitment for Surety Bond attached as Exhibit H hereto, with such cha�ges, insertions and omissions as may be approved by such officers. In addition to the covenants and agreements of the City previously contained in the Bond Ordinance regarding the rights of AMBAC Indemnity as the Credit Facility Issuer and the provider of �he debt service reserve fund surety bonds, which are hereby incorparated herein, the City hereby makes the following additional covenants and agreements for the benefit of AMBAC Indemnity and the iiolders of the Series 1996 Bonds while the Municipal Band Insurance Policies insurzng i�he Series 1996 Bonds and the Surety Bonds are in full force and e�fec't s COVENAIdTS REGARDYIdG MUNICIPAL BOND INSURANCE POLICIES. As lang as the Nlunicipal Bond Insurance Poli.cies sha11 be im full force and �ffec� with respect to the Series 1996 Bonds, the Issuer agrees to compiy with the �ollowing provisions: (A) Consent of AMBAC Indemni.tv. Any provision herein or in the Bond Ordinance expressly recognizing or granting rights in or to AMBAC Indemni�y may not be amended in any manner cahich affects the rights of AMBAC Indemnity hereuncler or �hereunde� without the prior written consent of AMBAC Indemnity. Unl�ss otherwise provided in �his Section, AMBAC Tndemnity's aonsent shall be required in addition to Bondholder consent, when required, for the iallowing purposes: (i) �xecution and delivery of any supplemen'tal resolution; (ii) removal oi the Paying Agent and selection and appointment of any successor Paying Agent; and (ia.i) initiation or approval of any acti�n not descrilaed in (i) or (ii) above which requires Bondholder consent. Any rec+rganization or liquida'tion plan with respect to the Issuer mus� be acceptabl.e to A�l1BAC Zndemnity. Tn the event of atay reorganiza�ion or liquidation, AMBAC Indemnity shall have the right tc� vate on behalf of aZl bondholders who holci AA�SAC Sndemn�.ty-insur�d bands absent a defaul� by AMBAG Indemni�y under the appliaable Municipa7. Bond Insurance Poiicies insuring suah Series 2996 Bonds. Any�hinc� herein or in the Bond Ordinance to the can�rary notwi�hstandi.ng, ugon �hs c�ccurr�nce �nd aontinuance o� an even� of t?e�ault as defin�d the�ein, AMBAC �mdemnity shall. be en�i�led ta contzol. and direat the e1�Ear.cement of all. rights .""i Resalution T�o, 96�-44 r"� '�` and remedies qranted to the Bondholders under the Bond Ordinance. (B) Notices To Be Given To AMBAC Indemnitv. The Issuer shall furnish to AMBAC Indemnity (to the attention of the Surveillance Department unless otherwise indicated: (i) as soon as practicable af�ter the filing thereof, a copy of any financial s�atement of the Issuer and a copy of any audit and annual report of the Issuer; (ii) a copy of any notice to be given to the registered owners of the Series 1996 Bonds, including, without Zimitation, notice of any redemption of or defeasance of Series 1996 Bonds, and any certificate rendered pursuant hereto relating to the security for the Series 1996 Bonds; and (iii) such addi�ional informa�tion it may reasonably request. The Issuer shall notify AMBAC Indemnity of any failure of the Yssuer to provide relevant notices, certificates, etc. The Issuer urill permit AMBAC Indemnity to discuss the affairs, finances and accounts of the Issuer or any information ANiBAC Indemnity may reasonably request regarding the security for the Series 1996 Bonds with appropriate o�ficers of the Issuer. The Issuex will permit AMBAC Indemnity �a have �ccess to th� Project and have access to and to make Gopies of all books and records relating to the Series 1996 Bands at any reasonable time. AMBAC Tndemnity shall have the right to direct an accaunt�.ng at the Issuer's expense and the Issuer's failure to comply with such direction within �Ehir�y (30) days after receipt of written notice of the direction from AMBAC Indemnity shall be deemed a default under the Bond Ordinance; provided, however, �hat if compliance cannot occur within such per�od, the�► such peri.od will be sxtended so long as compliarlc� is begun within such perio�i anci diligently pursued, but only af such ex�ension would not materially advers�l}► affec� th� interests af any registered owner of the Series 1996 Boz�ds. Notwithstanding any other grovision of the Bond Ordinance, the Issuer shall immediately nntify AMBAC Indemnity if at any time ther� are insufficient moneys to make any payin�nts oP principal and/or interest as �equired and immediately upon the occurrence af any event o� default under the Bond Ordinance. 6 Resolution No. 96-44 � �' To the extent that the Issuer has entered into a continuing discldsure agreement with respect to the Series 1996 Bonds, AidBAC Indemnity shall be included as a party to be no�ified thereunder. (C) Payment Procedure Pursuant �o Municit�al Bond Insurance Policies. The Issuer agrees to comply with, or cause to be complied �aitii, the following provisions: (a) At least one (1) day prior to all interest payment dat�s for �he Series 1996 Bonds (each an "Interest Payment Date") �he Paying Agent will determine whether there will be su�ficient funds in the funds and accounts to pay the principal af or interest on the Series 1996 Bonds on such Inter�st Faybnent Tat�. Tf �h� Paying Agent determines ichat there will be insufficient funds in such funds or accounts, the Paying P,gen� shall so no�tigy AMBAC Indemnity. Such notice shall speci�y th� amount of the an�tici.pated deficiency, the Se�ies 1996 Bonds to which such deficiency is applicable and whether such Sexies 1996 Bonds will be deficient as to principal or interest, ox both. I€ the Paying Agent has not so notcifi�ci AMBAC Tndemnity at least one (1) day prior to an Interes� Payment Date, AMBAC Indemnity will make payments of principal or interest due on the Series 1996 Bonds on or before the firs�t (ist) day next following the date on which �IBAC Indemnity shall have received notice of nonpayment from the Paying Agent. (b) Thp Paying Agent shall, after giving notice to AMBAC Indemnity as p�ovi�.�cl in (a) above, make available to AMBAC Indemnity and, at AMBAC Indemnity's direction, to �the United States Trus� Comp�zay af YdeG� York, as insurance trustee for AMBAC Tndemnity or any successor �.nsurance trustee (the eolnsurance TY'L1S'�'.e2") ,�he reqistration baoks of the Issuer maintained by the Paying Ag�nt and all records relating to the funds �nd accoun�s mai�x�ain�d uinrler �k�e Bond Ordinance. (c) The Paying Agent shall provide AMBAC Indemnity and the znsurance �'ruste� with a list a� registered owners of Series 1996 �onds en�i�Cled to receive p�incipal or interest payments from APiBAG Indemni�:y uncler �he terms of the Municipal Band Insurance Policies, and sh�ll mak� arrangements with the Insurance Trustee (ij to mai.l checks or drafts to the regis��red owners oE Series 1996 Bonds entitled to receive full or partial int�rest payments f�om 11YMBAC Indemnity and (ii) to pay principal upon Series 1996 �3onds surrendered to the Insurance Trustee by the registered owners of Series 1996 Bonds �nti�leri to receive full ar par�ial principal payments from AMBAC Indemnity. 7 Resolu�ion No. 96-44 ■ � � .�> (d) The Paying Agent shall, at the time it provides no�ice to AMBAC Indemnity pursuant to (a) above, notify registered.owners of Series 1996 Bonds entitled to receive the payment of principal or interest thereon from AMBAC Indemni�y (i) as �o the fact of such entitlement, (ii) that AMBAC Indemnity will remit to them all or a part of the interest payrnents next coming due upon proof of Bondholder entitlement to interest payments and delivery to the Insurance Trustee, in form sa�isfactory to the Insuzance Trustee, of an appropriate assignanent of the registered owner's right ta payment, (iii) �t�at should they be entitled to receive full payment of prineipal from AI�BAC Indemnity, they must surrender their Saries 1996 Bonds (along with an appropriate ins�rument of assignmen� in form satisfactory to the Insurance Trustee to permiic ownership of such Series 1996 Bonds to be regis�ered in the namc� of A1�IBAC Indemnity) for oayment to the Insurance Trustee, and not the Paying Agent, and (iv) that should they be enti�led to receive partial payment of principaZ from AMBAC Inde3nnity, tYaey must surrend�r their Series 1996 Bonds for paymen�. thereon first to the Paying Agent, who shall note on such Series 1:996 Bonds the portion of the principal paid by �he Paying Agen�, and then, along with an appropriate ins�rument of assignment in form satisfactory to the Insurance Trus�ee to the %nsurance Trustee, which will then pay the unpaid portion of the princiFal. (e) In iche event that the Paying �gen� has notice that any payment of principal of or interest on a Series 1996 Bond which k�as become Due for Payment and whicka is made to a Bondholder by or on behalf of the Issuer has been deemed a preferentaal transfer and theretofore recovered from i�ts reqistered owner pursuant to�the United Statas Bankruptcy Code by a�rustee in bankruptcy in accordance with the final, nona�pealable order of a court having competemt jurisdiction, the Paying Agent shall, at the time AMBAC Indemnity is no�tified pursuant to (a) above, notify a11 registered owners �ha� zn the even� 'tha� any regis'tered o�rner°s payment is not recovered such registered owner will be entitled to payment irom P,.�BAC Indemnity to iche ext�nt of such recovery if suFficient funds are not otherwise available, and the Paying Agent shall fu�nish �o AMBAC Indemnity its records evidencing the payment of principal of and i�xterest on the Series 1996 Bonds which have been made by the Paying Agent and subsequently recovered from regis�.ered o�aners and the dates on which such payments were made. (£) In addition to those rights gran�efl AMBAC Indemnity hereunder and under the Bond ardinance, AMBAC Indemnity shall, to the ex��n� it makes pagnnent of principal of or interest on Series ].996 Bonds, become subrogated to the rights of the r�cipients of such payments in accardance with the terms of the Municipal Bond Insurance Policies, and to evidence such 8 Resolution No. 96-44 �� r� sub�ogation (i) in the case of subrogation as to claims for past due interest, the Paying Agent shall note AMBAC Indemnity's rights as subrogee on the registration books of the Issuer �aintained by the Paying Agent upon receipt from ANN�AC Indemnity of proof of the payment of interest thereon to the registered owners of the Series 1996 Bonds, and (ii) in the case of subrogation as to claims for past due principal, the Paying Ag�nt sha11 note AMBAC Indemnity's rights as subrogee on the registration books of the Issuer maintained by �he Paying Agent upon surrender of the Series 1996 Bonds by the regis�ered owners thereof, together with proof of the payment of principal �hereof. (D) Pavina Aaent-Related Provisions. The Paying Agent may be removed at any time, at the request of AMBAC Indemnity, for any breach of the trust set forth herein and ir� the Bond Ordinance. AMBAC Indemnity sha11 receive prior 4rritten notice of any resignation of the Paying Ac�en�. Any st�ccessor Paying Agent sh.all no�t be appoin�ed unl�ss AMSaC approves such successor in writing. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof of or the Bond Ordinance, in determining whether the ra.ghts of the B�ndhalders will be advers�ly a.ffected by any action taken pursuan� to the terms and provisions hereof, the Paying Agent shali consider �he e£gect on �he Bondholdex°s as if there were no Municipal Bonci Insurance Polic�es. Not��ithstanding any other provision hereof or of the Bond Ordinance, no removal., resignation or termination of the Paying Ageret shall take effect until a successor, acceptable �o AMBAC Tndemnity, shall be appointed. (E) Thixd-Party Benefzciary. To the extent that this r�solu�ion ox the Bond C�rdinance confexs upon or gives or grants to .Al`+II�AC indemnity any ri.ght, remedy or cZaim under or by reasan hereof nr thereof, AMBAC Indemnity is hereby eYplicitly recognized as being a third-party beneficiary hereunder or �hereunder and may enforce any such right, remedy or claim conferred, given or granted hereunder or thereunder. (F) Par�ies Interested Herein. Nothing in this Resolution or the Bond Orciinance expressed or implied is in�ended or shall be construed �to confer upon, or to give or grant to, any person or entity, o�ther than the Issuer, AMBAC Indemnity, the Paying Aqent and the ragistered owners of the Bonds, any righ�, rem�dy o� claim under or by reason hereof or any covenan�, conditian or s�ipulation hereoE or thereof, and a�.l covenants, stipulations, �aromisas and agreements herein and the�ein contained by and on behalf of the Issuer shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Issuer, AMBAG 9 Resoltttion No. 95-44 � � Indemnity, the Paying Agent and the registered owners of the Series 1996 Bonds. (G) De£easance. Notwiths�anding anything herein or in the Bond Ordinance to the contrary, in the event that the principal and/or interest due on the Series 1996 Bonds shall be paid by AMBAC Indemnity Corporation pursuant to the Muni.aipal Bond Insurance Policies, the Series 1996 Bonds shall remain Outvtanding for all purposes, not be defeased or othere�ise satisfied and nat be considered paid by the Issuer, and the assignmeni� and pledge hereunder and under the Bond O�cdinance and aal covea�ants, agreements and other obligations of �he Issuer to the registered owners shall continue to exist and shall gun to the bene�it of AMBAC indemnity, and AMBAC Indemni�y shall be subrogated to the rights of such regis�ered od�ners . CoVEN�NTS R�'G�ING SURETY BONDS. As lonq as the Surety Bonds shaZ� 3ae in fu11 force and eLfec� wi�h respect to the Series 1996 Bonds, the Issuer agrees to comply with the following provisians: (A) Consen4 �f AMBi�t: Indemnitv. ,�ny �r:�;rision her�in or in the Band Ordinance expressly recognizinc� or grantinq rights in or to AMBAC Indemnity may not be amended in any �anner which affects the rights of AMBAC Inclemnxty hereunder or thereunder without the prior written cons�nt o� �AC Tndemriityo ilnless oth�rwise pravided in this Section, AMBAC Inclemnity°s consent sha11 be required in addition to �ondhold�r aonsen�i, when required, for the following purposes: (i) execution and delivery of any supplemental resolution; (iij removal of the Paying Agent and selection and appointment of any successor Paying Agent; and (iii) initiation or approval oi �ny ac�ion not described in (i) or (ii) above w�ai�h req2aa.r�s �onsiholder consent, (B) Notices To Be Giv�n To AMBA� Indemnitv. The Issuer shall furnish to AMBAC Indemnity: (i� as soon as practicable after the filing thereof, a copy of any iinanc:ial statemen� oP th� Issuer and a copy of any audit and annual report of the Issuer; (ii) a copy of any notice to be given to the registered owners of the Series 1996 Bonds, and any aertificate rendered puxsuant hereto rela�ing to the security ior the Series 1996 Bonds; and 10 Resolution No. 96-44 • . � � � (iii) such additional informa�ion it may reasor►ably request. The Issuer will permit AMBAC Zndemnity to discuss �ha affairs, finances and accoun�s of the Issuer or any information AMBAC Indemnity may reasonably request regardinq the security for th� Series 1996 Bonds with appropriate o�ficers of the Issuer. The Issuer wi].1 permit AMBAC Ind$mnity to have access to the Project and have access to and to make copies pf all.books and records relating ta the Series 1996 IIonds at any reasonable time. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof or of �Ch.e Bond O�dinai�ce, 'che issuer shall immediately notifp AMBAC Tndemnity if at any �ime there are insufficien� moneys to make any payments of grincipal and/or interest as required and i�med.iatel�� upon the occurcrerrc� of ( i� any even�t of default hereunder or thereundez�, or (iij any payment default under any r�lated securi�ty agreement. To the extent that the Issuer has entered inta a continuing disclosure agreement with respec� to the Series 1996 Bonds� AMBAC Indemnity shall be inc].uded as a party to be noti.�ied thereunder. (C) Pavment Procedu�e Pursuant to Suretv Bonds. (ij Ir► the event and �o the extent that maneys on deposa.t in the Sinking Fund, plus all amounts on deposit in and credited to the resp�ctive subaccounts of the Resexve Accoun� for �he benefi� af the Series 1996A and Series 1996 B Bc�nds, �respectively, therein, in �xcess of the amount of the Surety Bonds, �re insufficient to pay the amoun� of p�-incipal and interest c�ming due, then upon the later of: (1) one (1) day after r�a�igt by the GPne�al Counsel oi AMBAC Indemnity of a ciemand for payxaent in the �orm a�tached �o the Suraty Bonds as Attaahment 1(tlhe "Denand for Payinent°'), has not been made �CO the Paying Agen�; a�c (iaj the payznent date of the Obligations as specifi�d in th2 Demand fpr Faymen� presented by the Paying Agen� �o the General Counse3. af AEdBAC Zndemnity, AMSAC Indemnity will make a deposit af funcis in an account �vith the �'aying P.gen�t or i�s suacessqr, in New York, rlew York, su�ficien� far the payment �.o the Payinq Aqr.a.�, �f amounts which are then due ta '�he Payi.nq Agent hereunder {as speoified i� th� Demand �ar Paymentj up �0 3aut not in excEss of �he Surety Sand Caverage, as defin�d in the Surety Bonds; gxav�dedr hows�rer, that in the even� tha� tiie amoun� on depQS,it itti a� credi�ed �:d, t%e r'espeotive subaccounts af the �tese�v� Acaount �o� the b�n�fi� of the 5eries 1.996A Bonds ancl Se�a.es 1996� ]�onds, xn adclition �o �he amo�tnt av�ilabl.e under the Su�`e�y Bor�cis, it�Cludes amaunts a�tailabl� �index a letter o£ credit, insur�nce policy� surety bond or other such f�tnding ].1 Resoiutiori No. 96-�44 .� �, instrwnen� (the "Additional Funding Instruments"), draws on the Surety Bonds and the Additional Funding Instruments shall be made on a pro rata basis to fund the insufficiency for the Series 1996A Bonds and/or Series 1996B Bonds. (ii) the Paying Agent sha31, af�er submitting to AMBAC Indemni�y the Demand for Payment as provided in (i) above, mak� available to r'�YMBAC Indemnity all records relating to the Funds and Accounts maintained under the Bond Ordinance. (iii) the Paying Agent shall, upon receipt of moneys received from the draws on the Surety Bonds, as specified in the Demand for Payment, credit the respective subaccounts of the Reserve Account for the benefit of the Series 1996A Bonds and Series 19968 Bonds to the extent of moneys received pursuan� to such Demand. (iv) the respec�ive subaccounts of the Reserve Account for the benefit of the Series 1996A Bonds and the Series 1996B Bonds siiall be replenished in the follawing priority: (a) principal and interest on the Surety Bonds and on the Additional Funding Instruments, if any, shall be paid from first availabZe Revenues on a pro rata basis, (b) after all such amounts are paid in full, amounts necessary to fund the respective subaccoun�s of �he Reserve Account for the benefit og the Serias 1996A B�nds and the Series 1996B Bonds to the required 1PVeI, after taking into account the amounts avai7�ab1� under the Surety Bonds and the Additional Funding Ynstruments, if any, shall be depe�sited from next available Revenueso SJEC7��ON �.1. AWI�RD O�' BIDS. The Finance Director is hereby authorized �o accept �he bicis for the Saries 1996 Bonds. The City Manager and �he Finance Di�ector are hereby authorized to award the sale of the Series 1996A Bonds and/or the Refunding Bonds, respec�iv�ly, on their determination oi the best bid submitted in accordance with �he texms of the Notice of Bond Sale provided for herein and wiichi.r� the following parameters: (1) in the case of the Series i996A Bonds, the true interest cost rate shall not exceed 7.00�, and (2) in ithe case of the Refunding Bonds, the true interes� cast rate shaTl not exceed 7.00� and the refunding of the Refur►ded Bonds by the Refunding Bonds shall prnvide the City with a ne� presen� value savings of not 1.�ss than 4.0� of the par amount of the Refunded Bands. The City Manager and the rinance Director are her�by authorized �o award the sale of either the Series 1996A Bonds or the Refunding Bonds as set forth above or to reject all bids for either or both series of Series 1996 Bonds. Such award shall b� Ei.nal. SE�TiOId 12. EFFECTSVE DATE. Thi� �esolu�ion shall take effect immediately upon adap�ion. 12 Reso].ution No. 96-44 , , � � ,.. �_ :� :>� Passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, this bth day of .TLne , 1996. Approved as to form and lega� sufficaency: �Y.-�__�_.l- � Pamela Ke Akin, City �.ttorney � 13 CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA �� Rita Garvey Mayor-Commissioner Attest: � � . �.�?. Cyn ia E. Goudeau, City C1erk Resolution Na. 96-44 � 1 „ � C� � f' f; °; �. ;:', !' ; � : _, EXHIBIT A FORM OF NOTICE OF BOND �ALE Resolution N'o. 96-44 � �� OFFTCIAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE $8,695,000 * CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA GAS SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1996A and $6,445,000 � CflTY OF CLEAR�i'VAT�JR, FLORIDA GAS SYST�cNi REVENUE ItEFUNDIlYG BONDS, SERIES 1996B Sealed pzoposals will be received by the City of Clearwater, Florida (the "Cit}�') at the offices of the Finance I?irector of the City, 1Q0 $outh Myrde Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 34616 by 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Daylight Savings Time), on June 27, 1996, for the purchase of the City of Clearwater, Florida, Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A (the "Series 1996A Bonds") and for the City of Clearwater, Florida, Gas System Revenue Refunding Bonds, 3eries 1996B (the "Series 199bB Bonds" or the "Refunding Bonds", together with thz Series 1996A Bonds, the "Sesies 1496 Bonds"). The proposal for the Series 1996A Bonds, together vvith the good faith deposit described hela�v, should be enclosed in a sealed envelope mazked "Proposal for $8,695,(300" City of Clearwater, Florida, Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1946A; Do Not Open Until 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Daylight Savings Time), Jvne 26, 199b", and the proposal for the Refunding Bonds, togethes with the good faith deposat described below, should Ise enclosed in a sealed envelope marked "Proposal for $6,445,G00$ Ciry of Clearcvater, glorida, Gas Systena Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1996B; Do Not Open Until 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Daylight Savings Time), June 27, 1996", or such similar legend which appropriately identifies the contents thereof. For� of Series 1946 �onds �'he Series 1996 Bonds �,vill be issued in book eutry onlq forrn, without coupons, in denominadons of $5,000 or any integral multiples thereo£ Principal of and any redemption premium on the Series 1996 Bonds shall be paid to the reg,istered owners at the principal corporate trust office of First Unio� Nadonal Bank of Florida, Jacksonville, Florida (the "Paying Agent" and "Itegistrar"), upon presentment and surrender of the Series 1996 Bonds. Interest on the Series 1996 Bonds shall be paid to the registered owners as shown on the registradon b�oks maintained by the Registrar, by ciieck or cirait mailed to each suoh owner's address as shown on the registration books maintained by the Registrar as of the fifteenth (i5th) day of the calendar month preceding such interest payment dake. Interes4 will be payable each September 1 and March 1, commencing Septemises 2, l�96. �.terest �vil! be caiculated on the basis of a 36�D-day year of twelve 30-day months. For so long as The Depository Trust Gompany, New Yosk, New York, or its nominee, Cede & Co. (collectively, "DTC") is the registered owner of the Series 1996 Bonds, payments of principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest fln tY�e Series 19�3b Bonds will be made directly to DTC. Disbursements of sach payments to the DTC particepants is the responsibility of DTC and further disbvrsement of sucl� payments from the DTC participants to the bene6cial owners of the Series 1996 Bonds is the responsibility of the Y�TC pazticipants. Tnitially one bond will be issued for each matwity of the Series 1946A Bonds and for each matueity of the Refvnding Bonds in the aggegate principal amount of each such Ynahuity and registered ia the name of DTC. D1'C, an automated clearing house for securities transactions, will act as seeuri6es depository for the Series 1996 Bonds. Purchases of We Series 1996 Bonds will be made in book-entry-only form (without certificafion). it shall be tlie resFsansibility of the Successfui Hidder (as hereinafter defined) for the Series 1936A Bonds and for the Successful Bidder for tlte Itefunding Bonds to furnisls to DTC an underwriters' questionnaire nnd to the City tlie CUSIP ntunbers of tlie Series 1996A Bonds and of the Refunding Bonds not less than seven (� days prior to EUs Closing Date (as hereinaft�r deGned). 'Preliminary, subjeet to change. ��so%.�ion l�o, 96—�`� �. � � , Muturtgy Schedule The Sesies 199fiA Bonds will mature on September 1 of the following yeazs in [he following principal amounts: Series 1996A Bonds Principal Principal Maturitv Amount* Maturitv Amount* 1996 ^� -- 2012 $ 135,000 1997 65,OOQ 2013 155,000 1498 65,000 2014 265,000 1499 70,000 1A15 285,000 20aU 80,OOU 2016 300,000 2001 75,QOQ 2017 310,000 2(?02 80,Qt?0 2018 335,000 2A03 85,000 2A19 350,000 2Q04 95,04U 207A 365,000 2�5 90,6Q0 2021 390,000 2Q05 95,0� 2022 410,000 20()7 105,(IU0 2023 430,000 ?A(�fi i10,Q00 20?A 460,000 2b09 115,000 2i125 1,52A,000 ?A10 12A,Q00 2026 1,61Q000 2011 L25,t200 The Ftetunding Y3onds will mature on Segtember 1 of the follow�ing yeaTS in the following principal amounts• R�� � 1997 1998 1999 Z0�l0 20�1 2002 ?.d�3 2ED04 Series 19?6B �onds Principal �Q�k* $ 20,000 25,000 ?5,000 25,000 325,Q00 345,Q04 3fi0,000 375,Cl00 390,000 Matunty ?A05 2A06 2007 2008 7AQ9 1AlU 2011 ?Al2 2013 Principal Amount' $415,000 435,000 455,000 475,Q00 SOO,OQO 530,Q00 555,000 590,000 610,000 1� atc►�ryR�d�mn�iagPY'ovisions If the Sur,cessfut Bidder designates any Series 199GA Bonds or any Refunding Bonds as term bonds as descrabcd under "Uesi¢�atioa 4f 7'eren ]Bon�s," the follovving mandatary redempdon provisions shall appdy with respect ttr such desi�nated tec�a bondsi Z �esa/�.�ian Nv 9'(�-�f � F� The Series 1946[A][BJ Bonds maturing on September 1, _ will be subject to mandatory redemption prior to maturity, selected by lot, or in such manner as the Registrar may deem appropriate, at a redemp6on price equal to paz plus accrued interest to the redemption date, on September 1, _, and each September 1 thereafter, from amounts deposited in the Sinking Fund established by the Ordinance, in the following yeazs and amounts as follows• Yeaz Amoun Ooiional RetlereQtion Provisions The Series 1996 Bonds maturin� on or prior to September 1, ZOQ4 are not subject to redemption prior to their maturity date. The Series 1946 Boads maturiag after September 1, 2QQ4 are subject to redemption at the opUon of the City prior to maturity on or after September 1, 2004, in whole at any time, or in part from time to time on any interest payment date, in such manner as shall �e determined by tfie City at the redemption prices expressed as a percenfage of tha principal amount of the Series 1996 Bonds to be redeemed, as set forth below, together with accirued interest to the date iixed for redemption. RedesnpNon Period Redemption Price September 1, 2UU4 through August 31, 2005 Septembes 1, ?A05 through August 31, 2006 Septeffiber 1, 2(m6 and thereafter. Ai@ushneae� of P'rimcanal Amn�unt 102% 101 100 After fmal computation of the bids, to achieve desued debt service levels, the City reserves the right eitber to increase or deerease �y Principal Amount of the Series 19�15A Bonds and/or the Refunding Bonds (or any A.morCizadon Installment in the case of a Term Bond) shown on the schedule of Principal Amounts set forth above (the "h3ariuity Schedule"), by an amount not to exceed five percent (5%) of the stated amount of each such Principal Amount on the 1VBaturity Schedule and conespondingly adjust the issue size, all calculations to be roundeci to the nearest �S,OUO. In the event of any such adjustment in either the 3eries 1946A Bonds or the Refunding Bonds, no rebidd�.n� or recalculation of the bid submitted with respect to such 3eries 1996A Bonds or Refunding Bonds will be requared or pexmitted. Yf necessary, fhe total purchase price of tl�e Series 1996A Bonds or the Refunding Bonds, as thc case aazay be, will bc increased or decreased in direct proportion to the ratio that the adjustment bears to the aggregate principal amouut of the Series 1S96A Bonds or the Refunding Bonds specified herein; and the Series 1996A Bonds or the Refunding Bonds, as the case maybe, of each maturiry, as adjusted, will bear interest at the same rate and must l�ave the sazne initial reoffering yields as specified in the bid of the Successful Bidder. However, the award will be made to the bidder whose bid produces the lowest true interest cost, calculated as speafied below, solely on the basis of the bid for the Series 1996A Bonds or the Refunding Bonds, as applicable, offered pursuant to the Bid Mahuity Schedule of the relevant series of Series 1996 Bonds, without taking into account any adjusknent in the araount of Series 199bA �onds or Refunding Bonds set forth in the applicable Bid Maturity Schedlule� •Preliminary, subject to change. �e,solu.ilon � .96-4� � Designation of Terna Bonds �m� Bidders may specify that the annual Principal Amounts of the Series 199GA Bonds coming due in any t�vo or more consecutive years may be combined to form one or more maturides of Series 1996A Term Bonds scheduled to mature in the last of such yeazs with the preceding annual Principal Amounts for such years consdtuting mandatory Amortization Instaliments oE Series 1496A Bonds to be selected by lot and redeemed at a price of par plus accrued interest in accordance with the Resolution. Bidders may specify that the annual Principal A�ounts of the Refunding Bonds,coming due in any two or more consecutive years may be combined to form one or more maturi6es of Series 1996B Term Bonds scheduled to mature in the last of such years with the preceding annual Principal Amounts for such years cansdtu6n� maadatory !-tmortization Installments of Refunding Bonds to be selected by lot and redeemed at a price of par plus accrued interest in accordance with the Resolution. �asic pf �►wstrd Proposals must be uac:onditional and only for all tl�e Series 1945A Bonds and/or all of the Refunding Bonds. The purchase price bid for the Series 1496A Bonds may include a discount (including undenvriters' discoaeat and ariginal issue discount) not to exr.ced two gercent (2%) of the princigal amount of tlae Series 1996A Bonds and s�all specify how much of the discount is original issue discount. The purchase price bid for the Re£undiag Bonds ffiay include a discount (inclvding underwriters' discount and original issue discount) not to exceed two perceat (2%) of the principal amount of the Refunding Bonds and shall sgecify fiow much of the discount is orignal issue discount. T'he gurchase price bid for each series of Series 1996 Bonds will not deduct the insurance premium. Said deduction of premium will be made only for the purpose of calculating the true interest cost. No more than one (1) Proposal for each series of Series 1946 Bonds from any bidder will be considered. �'he City reserves the right to determine the Successful Bidder for each series of Series 1996 Bonds, to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularity or informality in any bid. The Series 194GA �onds svi.11 be awarded to the bidder (herein refened to as the "Successful Bidder" as to the 5eries 1995R Bonds) offering such interest rate or rates and purchase price which will produce the lowest true usterest cost to the Ciry over the life of the Series 1996A Bonds. True interest cost for the Series 1496A Bonds (expressed as an annual interest rate) will be that annual interest rate being twice that factor of cliscoiant rate, couepounded semiannually, which when applied against each semiannual debt service payment (interest, or psinsipal and interest, as dve) for the Series 199GA Bonds will equate the sum of such discounted semiannuai paymeasts to the bid price (inclusive of accrued inteaest). Such semiannual debt service payments be�in on Sa�tember 1, 1996. 7Che trne interest cost shall be calculated from July 16, 1996, the expected closing date o� the Series 1446 Bonds (the "Ctosing Date") and shall be basecl upon the principal amounts of each serial matuxity set forth in tlris Notice of Bond Sale and th�e bid prace set forth in the Proposal for the Series 1996A �ionds submitted in accordance witfi the Nodce of Bond Sale. In case of a tie, the City�ay select the Successful Bidder by lot. It is requested Yhat each Proposal for the Series 1996A Bonds be accompanied by a computation of such tsue interest cost to the City under the term of the Proposal for Bonds, but such computadon is not to be considered as part of tl�e Proposat for Bonds. 'Y'he Refunding Bonds will be awarded to the bidder (herein refened to as the "Successful Bidder" as to the itefunding Bonds) offering such interest rate or rates and purchase price which will produce the lowest true intecest cost to the City over the life of the Refunding Bonds. True interest cost for the Refunding Bonds (expressed as an annual interest rate) will be that annual interest rate being twice that factor of discount rate, compounded semiannually, wluch when applied against each semiannual debt service payment (interest, or prineipal and inierest, as due) for the ltefunding Bonds will cquate the sum of such discounted semiannual payments to the bid price (incluside of accrued interest): Such semiannual debt service payments begin on Sepfember 1, 1996. The true interest cost shall be calculated from the Closing Date, and shall be based upon the principal amonnts of each serial maturity set forth in tivs Notice of Bond Sale and We bid price set forth in �esvlufion l�o. 9�'� � F` 'S each Proposal for each series of the Refunding Bonds submitted in accordance with the No6ce of Bond Sale. In case of a tie, the City may select the Successful Bidder by lot. It is requested that each Proposal for the Refunding Bonds be accompanied by a computaGon of such true interest cost to the City under the term of the PropasaI for Bond; but such computa6on is not to be considered as pazt of the Proposal for Bonds. Inter�5t RstYes Permitted The 5eries 1946 Bonds shall bear interest expressed in nultiples of one-eighth (1/8) or one-twentieth (1/ZO) of one percent. No iaterest rate specified for any maturiry of each series of Series 1996 Bonds may be lower than any interest rate specified for an eazlier ma:urity of such series. There shall not be a difference greater than three hundred basis points (300 b.p.) between the lowest coupon and highest coupon wittun each series of Series 1�6 Bonds. Should an interest rate be specified wluch results in annual interest payments not being equally divisible between the semiannual payments in cents the first semiannual payment will be reduc.ed to the next lower cen[ and the second semiannual payment vrill be raised to the next higher cent. It shall not be necessary that all Serles 199�5 Bonds beaz the same rate of interest, provided that all Series 1996A Bocds maturing on the same date shall bear the same rate of interest and that all Refunding Bonds ffiaturing on 4he same dace shall bear the same rate of interest. A rate of interest based upon the use of split ar suppie�ental interesk payments or a zero rate of interest witl not be considered. P�inng�emt �and 1Reeistrar The Paying �,gent and Registrar for the Series 1496 Bonds u Fust Union National Bank of Florida, 7acksonvilte, Fiorida. .� Pxincipal of and interest on the Series 1996 Bonds to be issued pursuant to Ordinance No. 5118-91, as amemded and suppleme�ted by Ordinance No. Sb65-94 and Ordinance No. 6030-9b and all requued sinking fund, reserve and other payiuents shall be �ayable soIelv from the IVet itevenues of the City's Gas Sysfem, together witla the eagnings thereon derived from the investsnent thereof in the Funds and Accounts established in the YZesolution and as inore fiilly descsibed in the Preliminary Official Statemeaat. The lien of the Series 1996 Bonds upon tbz Net Reveflues is on a parity wlth the City's outstanding $7,680,� Gas System Revenue Bonds, Serics 3491 (except to the extent refunded by tha Refimding Bonds), and the $8,110,000 City of Clearwater, Florida, Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1994A. The 3esies 1996 Bonds do not constitute a�eneral indebtedness of the City within the meaning of any coastitudonal, statutory or charter provision or limitaGon, and no Bondholder shall ever have the right to require or compel the exercise of tbe ad valorem ta�ring power of the City or taxation of any real or personal property therein �or the paym�nt of the principal of and interest on the Series 1996 Bonds or the making of any debt service fund, reserve or other payments provided for in tt�e Resolution. Puruose Pursuant to the Ordinance, the Series 1996A Bonds are being issued to fmance additions, extensions, supplements or replacements to the Cit}rs Gas System, to make a deposit to, or to purchase a surety for, the Reserve Account for the Series 1996A Boncls, and to pay the cost of issuance of the Series 1996A Bonds, and the Refunding Bonds are being issued to advance refiwd a portion of the Cit}�s outstanding $7,680,000 Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1991(the "Itefunded Bonds"), to make a deposit to, or to purchase a surety for, the Reserve Account for the Refunding Bonds (net of amounts transferred from the reserve fund for the Refunded Bonds upan the defeasance of ihe Refunded Bonds}, and to pay the wst of issuance of the Refunding Bonds. �e.s`o/u�ion No. q�o- �f�f � Issaance of SecieS 1996 Bonds ,-�• 'The Series 1996 Bonds will be issued and sold by the City of Clearwater, Florida, a miwicipal corporation organized and e�sting under the laws of the State of Florida. The Series 1996 Bonds are being issued pursuant to Ordinance No. 5118-91 enacted August 15,1991, Ordinanee No. 5665-94, enacted September 1, 1994, aad Ordinance No. 6030-,aCi, enacted on 3une 6, 1996, as supplemented by resolutions (collectively, the "Bond Ordinance") by the City of Clearwater, Florida (the "Cit}�') and purs�ant to the provisions of Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law. 1Vlunecigaal Bomcl Insurance Policv A coanmitment to issue a municipal bond insurance policy guaranteeisig payment of principal aad interest on the Serzes 1996 Boncts has been obtained from . The price bisl for purchase of the Series 1996 Sonds, as set forth on the Officeal Bid Form, will be reduced by the xmount of the bond insurance policy premium, for the purpose of calculating the true interest cost rate of the bid. �ormafion regard"eng tfie bond insurance commitment incIuding the amount of the premium, may be obtained from David Thornton of Raymond 3ames & Associates, Ync., Financial Advisor to the City, {813) S?3-�2282. I'ro,�a��ais Proposals for the Series 1996A Bonds and for the Refunding Bonds aze desued on forms which vrill be fu.rn9shed iry the City, and envelopes, containing Proposals for [he Series 1996A Bonds should have endorsed thereom "Proposal for $8,695,000' Gity of Ciearwater, Florida, Gas System Revenue Bonds, Secies 1996A; Do Not Ogen iTntil 11:Qfi a.m. (Eastem Daylight Savings Time), June 27,1996", and envelopes, containing ProposaLs for the Refunding Bonds should have endorsed thereon "Proposal for $6,445,000• City of Clearwater, Florida, i'sas System i2evenue FLefunding Bo�ds, Series 19965; Do Not Open Until 11:00 a.m. (Eastem Daylight Savings Ti�e), June 27,1995", or words af equivalent import, and should be asidressed to the City at the above address. Each propos�l for the Series 3996A Bonds must b�e accompanied by the sum of $86,950 and each propasal for tire dtefunding ]3onds ffiust b� accompanied by the sum of $64,45Q in the form of either {i) a Cashiec's or Certified Check drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company, payable to the City of Glearwater, Flosida, as evidence of good faith, or (u), a Financial Surety Sond fsom any insurance company licensed to issue svch � surety i�ond in the State oi Florida and approved by the City (as of the date hereof only Capital Guaranty Insurance Coa►pavy has been so approved) and submitted to the City prior to the opening of the bids, idenSaf��g each bidder whose deposit is guaranteed by the Pinancial Surety Bond, which shall evidence goa� faith on the part of the bidder. I� a check is delivered the check of the successful bidder may be cashed by the City and th� proceeds .viil be held as security for performance of the bid. If a Financial Surety Bond is provided by the successful bidder the good faith deposit shall he delivered by wire traasfer to the City by 3:00 p.m. on the aexk bus;ne,s day. If the Successful Biddsr shall fai! to comply promptly with the terms of its Progosal, the amount of such check or wire will be forfeited to saicl payee as liquidated damages. The checks of unsaccessfeil biddexs will be returned to such bidders by registered mail at the addresses stated in their Proposals, os delivered to a representative of such bidder immediately after the award of the Series 1996 Bonds to thc Successful Bidder. Tl�e proceeds of the good faith check of the Successful Bidder will be applied to the payment of the purchase price of the Series 1996A Bonds and of the Refunding Bonds, as applicable. Prior to the delivery of the Series 1996 Bonds, the City may cash and invest the proceeds from the good faith check. No interest will be paid to any bidder apon any good faiW check. •Preliminary, subject to change. �.�-salu.fior� lIlv• 9'�—�-/� �� Dslivery_and Pavment �� It is anticipated that the Series 1996 Bonds in book entry only form will be available for delivery on July 16, 1996 in New York, New York, at The Depository Trust Company, or some other date and place to be mutually agreed ugon by the Successful Bid.der and the City against the payment of the purchase price therefor including accrued interest calculated on a 360-day year basis, less the amount of the good faith check, in immediaeely available Federal Reserve funds without cost to the City. lo§ing� Uocuments The City will fi►rnish to the Successful Bidder upon delivery of the Series 1996 Bonds the following closing documents in a form satisfactory to Bond Counsel: (1) signature and no-litigation certificate; (2) federal tax certificate; (3) certificate regarding information in the Official Statement; and (4) seller's receipt as to payment. A copy of the cranscrigt of the proceedings authorizing the Series 1996 Bonds will be delivered to the Successful Bidder of the Series 1�39b Bonds upon request. Copies of the form of such closing papers and certi&cates may be obtained from the City. Informadion SEate�ent Section �18.38(1)(b)1, Florida Statutes requires thaY the City file, within 120 days after delivery of the Series 1996 Bonds, an informa6on statement with tlie Division of Bond Finance of the State of Florida (the "Division") containing the following information: (a) the name and address of the managing underwriter, if any, connected with the Series 1996 Bonds; (b) the name and address of any attorney or financial consultant who advised the City with respect to the Series 1996 Bonds; and (c) any fee, bonus, or gratuity paid, in connecGon with the boud issue, by an underwriter or financial consultant to any person not regularly employed or engaged by sach undenvriter or consultant and (d) any other fee paid by the City with respect to the Series 1996 Bonds, inciuding any fee paid to attomeys or financial consuitants. The Successful Bidder will be required to deliver to the City at or prior to the time of delivery of the Series 1946 Sonds, a statement signed by an authorized officer containin� tb.e same information mentioned in (a) and (c) above. The Successful Bidder shall also be required, at or prior to the delivery of the Secies 1996 Bonds, to furnish the City with such information concern.ing tlie initial prices at which a substantial ainount of the Series 1996 Bonds of each maturity were sold to the public as the Cily sh�ll reason�bly request. Pursuant to Sec6on 218.385(2) and (3) of the Fiorida Statutes, as amended, a truth-in-bonding statement will be required from each bidder as to the Series 1946A Bonds as paz't of their bid in the following farm: '"Tbe City of Clearwater, Fiorida, is proposing to issue $8,695,Otm° original aggregate principal amount of Gas System Revenue I3onds, Series 1996t�, for the purpose of (i) financing capital projects for the City's Gas System, (u) funding a reserve account within the reserve fund or purchasing a surefy, and (in) payingthe costs of issuing thc Series 1996A Bonds, all as further dessce'ibed in Ordinance No. 5665-94. The imai rxiaturity date of the Sesies ig96A Bonds is , and the Series 199bA Bonds are expected to be repaid over a period of (� years. At a forecasted average interest rate of _%a per annum, total interest paid over the life of the Series 14SGA Bonds will be $ . The source of sepaymant or security for this proposal is the City's pledged funds, including the Net Revenues of its Gas System (as defined in the Qrdinance) and moneys and investments held in the funds created under the said Ordinance. Authorizing the Series 1996A Bonds will result in $ not being available to fmance the other gas services of the City. *PreWn3nary, suUject to change, f�e.so�i,cf�a�t Na. ��—�� � � .�:� This truth-in-bonding statement prepared pursuant to SecGon 218.385(2) and (3) of the Florida Statutes, as amended, is for info=mational purposes only and shall not affect or control the a�tuai terms and conditions of the Series 194GA Bonds." Pursuant to Section 218.385(2) and (3) of the FIorida Statutes, as amended, a truth-in-bonding statement will be required from each bidder as to the Refunding Bonds as part of their bid in the following form: "The City of Clearwater, Florida, is proposing to issue �6,445,000° original aggregate principal amount of Gas System Revenue Refitnding Bonds, Series 1996B, for the purpose of (i) refundiag a portioa of the outstanding prinapal amount of the City's Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1991, (u) funding a reserve account within the reserve fund or purchasing a swety, and (rii) paying the cos�s o€ issuing the Series l99fiB Bonds, all as further described in Ordinance No: 6030-96. The final maturity date of the Series 1996B Bonds is , and the Series 1496B Bonds aze expected to be repaid over a period of (� years. At a forecasted average interest rate of _% per annum, total interest paid over the life of the Series 19468 Bonds will Ue $ . The source of repayment or security for this proposal is the Cit�s Pledged Funds, including the Net Revenues of its Gas System (as defined in the Ordinance) and moneys and investments held in the funds created under the said Ordinance. Autt�orizing #he Series 19468 Bonds will result in $ not beiag available to fmance the other gas services of the City. This truth-in-5onding statement prepazed pursuant to Section 218.385(2) and (3) of the F7orida StaYutes, as amended, is for informational purposes only and shall not affect or control the acival terms and conditions of the Series 1996B Bonds." In the event the Successful Bidder for the Series 1996A Bonds and tke Refunding Bonds are the same person(s), khe above tauth-in-bonding statement may be combined into one statement. .,;: #, , � The Successful Bidder will be fwrnished, without cost, with the approving opinion of Bryant, Miller and Olive, P.A., 'I'aIla.�assee, Florida, to the effect that based on existing law, and assuming compliance by the City with certain covenants and sequireffients of the Ynternal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), regazding use, expenditures, investment of proceeds and the timely payment of certain investment earnings to the Unitea States T'reaseuy, ths interest on the Serzes ].936 Bonds is not includable in the gross income of individual,, hovtever, interest on the Series 1996 �onds will be included in the calculation of the altemative min'unum tax and environmental tax liabiiities of corporations. The Code contains other provisions that could resu]t in tax consaquences, upon which Bond Counsel renders na opinion, as a result of ownership of the Series 1996 Bonds or the inclusion in c�rtain computations (including, without limitadon, those related to the corporate alternative minimum tax and envuonmental tax) of interest that is excluded from gross income. Q�cfa1 Siatement The Preliwinary Official Statement, copies of which may be obtained as described below, is in a form "deemed final" by the City for pwposes of SEC Rule 15c2-12(b)(1) (except for certain permitted omissions as described in sucli rule) but is subjcct to revision, amendment and complefion in a final Offiaal Statement. Upon the sale of tlie Series 1996 Bonds, tlie City will publish a final Official Statement in substantially tiie same form as the Preliminary Offic3al Statement. Copies of the fmal Offiaal Statement will be provided, at the Cit}�s expense, on a tinxely basis in such quantities as may be necessary for the Successful Bidder's regulatory compliance. ��s�l�.�oh No. 9�-�1� �"°.,� '�-. W It is not the intenfion or the expectadon of the City to print the name(s) of the Successful Bidder as to either the Series 199GA Bonds or the Refunding Bonds on the cover of the Official Statement. Continuing Disclosure The City has covenanted to provide ongoing disclosure in accordance with Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission. See "Appendix D-- Summary of Continuing Disclosure Certificate" attached to the Preliminary O�cial3tatement. CYJSIP PTum�r It is an6cipated that CUSIP identifica6on numbers will be printed on the Series 1996 Bonds, but neither the failure to print sacii number on any Series 1996 Bonds nor any erros with respect thereto shall constitute cause for failwe os refusal by the Successful Bidder to accept delivery of and pay fos the Series 199b Bonds in accordance wit}a its agreement to purchase the Series 1996 Bonds. All expenses in reladon to the printing of CUSIP numbers oa the $eries 1996 Bonds shall be paid for by the City; provided, however, that the CUSIP Service Buteau charge for ehe assiy�ment of said number shall be the responsibility of and shall be paid for by the SuccessfuI Bidder. CO�E�4,Q� �6CD1ffiQt1QS Copies of the Preliminary 0fficzal Statement, this Official Notice of Bond Sale and the O�cial Bid Form and further information which may be desired, may be obtained from the City's Financial Advisor, Raymond James & Assoclates, Inc., 880 Carillon Pazkway, St. Petersburg, Florida 33716, telephone (813) 573-8282. Aanen�ent �nd Nofices Amendments hereto and nodces, if any, pertaining to this offering shall be made by the Munifacts News 5ervice or similar information distribution service. CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA /s/ Rita_J._�arvev Mayor-Commissioner ��solu.�lU� l�a • �I� � �� . . � � EXHIBiT B FORM �F SUN�RY NOTIC� OF SALE Resoltitioit �'o. 96-44 . , �,.� ��i y sursrs�RY NoTac$ o� s�$ $8,695,000* CITY OF CLE2�rRWATER� FLORIDA Gas �ystem Revenue Bonds Se�ies 1996A and $6B4�i5,000* f:TTY OF CL�i1RiBATER, FLORIDA Gss Sy�t� Rev�nue Re€unding Bonds 82Pi@8 1�9C>B S�a].eci bicis �rrill be reaeivpd by the Finance Director of the City o¢ Claarwaic�er, Florida, at the offace of the Finance Director, �.00 South M3y��t].e Av�nue, Clearwater, Florida 34616, subjec�t to the provisiorzs of �the Official No�ice of Bond Sale. Sal� L�ate: June 27, 1996 Time: 11:00 a.m., E.D.S.T. Bonds Dated: Maturities: Due gSeptember 11 1996 1997 1998 1399 ��0� 2001 2002 2003 20p4 2005 2Q06 2007 2008 2Q09 2Glp Zo�.i July 1, 1996 Payable September 1 in the years and amounts as collows: Series 1�96P, Saxads i�rincipal Due Principal Amount* SSegtember 1) Amount* $ -- 2012 $ 135,000 6�,000 2013 155,000 65,OA0 2014 265,000 70,000 2015 285,000 80,000 2016 300,000 ?a�,000 2017 310,000 80,000 2018 335,000 85,000 2019 350,000 95,000 2020 365,000 90,000 2021 390,000 95,OQ0 2022 410,000 105,000 2023 430,000 11�1,000 2024 460,000 115�OQ0 2025 1,520,OOA �.20 � 000 2025 l, 6].0, 000 125,000 . *Preliminary, sub�ec� �o charrge. �.�o/u-fi"on /l�. 96 � �� . , � �3 Due j Set�tember 1) 1996 1997 1998 1999 z000 2001 20Q2 2�03 2004 Series 19968 Bonds Principal Due Amount* (September 11 $ 10,000 25,000 25,000 25,Q00 325,000 345,000 360,000 375,000 390,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 aoio 2011 2012 2013 Principal Amount* $415,000 435,000 455,000 475,000 500,000 530,000 555,000 590,000 610,000 Tnterest Payment Dates: Payable September 1 and March 1, commencing September l, 1996. Legal Opinion: Bryant, Miller and alive, P.A., Tallahassee, Florida For copies of the Official Notice of Bond Sale, the Prelimina�y Official S�atement of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and o£fic�.al Proposal Form, please contact the Financial Advisor, Raymoncl James & Assoaiates, Inc., 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Pet�rsburg, �'lorida 33716, teZe�hane (813) 573-8282. � �''e�a��.�'ah 11/0. �b - �I � . , � �� EXHIBIT C FORM OF BID PROPOSAL FOR SERIES 1996A BONDS r Resolution No. 96-44 , � PROPOSAL FOR a8,695,000 • CI1Y OF CLEARWATER, Fd.ORIDA GA� SYSTEM REVENUE BUNDS, SERHES 1996A F'snance D'usctos Municipal Services Building 100 Soutfi Myrde Avenue, Third Floor Clearwater, F'lorida 34b16 Ladies and Gendemen: For the City of Clearwater, Fiorida, Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A (the "Series 1996A Bonsis"), dated July 1, 1996 and maturini� on September 1, through Sep[ember 1, �, in the principal amount of $$,695,000°, described in the Official Nodce of Bond Sale, wluch is hereby made a part of this Proposal, we will pay you in immediatety available federal reserve funds Dollar�$ ) {not less tbaa $ *), plus accrued interest to the date of delivery of the Series 1996A Bonds. We undzcstand that kiie Series 1945.i Bonds will be insured by . The ic�urance premium will be paid by the City from proceeds of the Series 1996A Eonds. Said Serles 1995A Bonds shall bear interest at the rates and shall be reoffered at prices or yields specified below. Priacipal Interest Price Priacepal Interest Price 1Nfatun"Jy Amount" Rake or Xield Ma ri Aa�ount* Rate or Yield 1996 $ -- 2012 $ 135,Q00 1997 65,000 � 2A13 155,000 194$ 65,000 2014 ?bS,OQD 144� 70,G00 � 2015 285,�0 %f1tI0 �Q,(Hi� 7.016 300,000 2A01 75,000 2A17 3i0,000 2pp2 g0,t�i0 2(JI� 335,000 ZQp3 $$,Qpa 2019 350,000 20(14 95,QU6 � ?A?A 365,000 2(�5 40,004 2021 390,000 ?�U6 95,Q00 2022 410,000 2Q07 105,U00 � 2023 430,000 2()Q8 110,Q� 2i)24 460,000 2009 115,00(3 � 2025 1,520,000 ?A10 12Q,000 2tf2G 1,610,U00 2A11 125 000 , � '1Cenm Bonds Op#ion. The interest rate or reoffering price or yield for any Term Bonds shall be indicated in fhc table above only in ihe year of final maturity. The annual Principal Amounts so inclicated shall be :tppUcd fos thc usandatary rztiremenk of one or more Te�m Bonds maturing in the years and amounts and bearing interest as follor,+s; „ ,, . � ,. . , �i �, . , �So�l.Lfll.�'� Nb. 9(� � �{� � �� S Term 3onds maturing on 1, at % per annum at a price or yield of $ Term Bonds matwing on 1, ae % per suinum at a price or yield of $ Tezm Bonds maturing on 1, at %per annum at a price or yield of $ Term Bonds maturing on 1, at % per annum at a price or yield of $ Term �onds maturing on 1, at % per annum at a price or yield of We will accept delavery of said Series 199GA Bonds through The Depository Trust Company, with the closing occurring at the office of the F"mance D'uector of the City of Clearwater, 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Ciearwater, &'torida'34516 on or about.Iiily 16,14�6, unless another date or place shall be mutually agreed upon, it being understood that the City shall fumish to us, free of charge at the time of deLivery of said Series 1996A Sonds, tve opinion of Bryant, Miller and Olive, PA., Bond Counsel, Tallahassee, Florida, approving the validity thereof. In accardance with the Official No(ice of �ond Sale, �ve either (i) enclose herewfth a Cashier's or Certi�ed Check for $86,950 payable to the ordea of the City of Clearwater, Florida, to be returned to the uudersigneci upon the award of said 3�ries 199tu�.Baxids provided tfiis Proposal is not accepted, or (ri) provided for a F'u►ancial Sure�+ Bond in accordance with the Official Nodce of Sale. The check is to be cashed and the amc�twt of the check or wire retained by tlxe Ciiy until ihe delivery of said Series 1396A Bonds and payment �Fx�refos, and is ta be apgtisd to the paya►ent oi the Serles 194(A Bonds os retained as aad for liquidated damages iia case of the failure of the undersigned to maks gayffient as agreed. �'his proposal is ffiot subject to any conditioas not expressly stated fierein or in the annexed Official Nodce of �ond Sate. Receipt of ihe Paeliminary Official Statement relating to the Series 1996A Bonds is hereby acknowled$ed. Tbe nannes of the underwsiters or members of the account or joint bidding accounts, if any, who are associated for the purpose of this Progosal are listed either below or on a separate sheet attached hereto. Name o€ lFirm Address By: City State Zip Name: '3'it�e2 Telephone Number 'Phe following is our computation made in accordance with the Official Nodce of Bond Sale of the We interest cost to the City of Clearwater, Florida, under terms of our Proposal for Series 1946A Bonds, which is for iwf'armational gurposes oniy and ss subject to verification prior to award: Re�o/u��� N�. ��-�� � Paz Amount Less Original Issue Discount Plus Origiaal Issue Premium I.ess Underwriter's Discount Anno�nt Bid Before Accrued Interest' I.ess Bond Insurance Peemium. s�a Accnaect interest '1`sue Inieaest Cost Rate (Z'o JuIy ib, 1946) � $ $ $ $ $ % 'Y'ha following fruth-in-bonding skatement is required to be completed in compliance with Section 2,18385, i�lorada SBaEutes: . Tlie Clty of Clearvvater, Florida is proposing to issue $8,695,04D"°` original aggregate principal amount of Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 19�SA for the purpose of (i) financing capital projects for the City'� Gas System, (u) fundiag a reserve subacc�euat within the reserve fund or purchasing a surety bond, and (iri) paying the costs of issuing the Series 349GA Bonds, all as fiuther described in Ordinance IVo. 5665-94. The fmal maturnty dake of ihe Sesaes 1996A Bonds is 1, 7A�, and the Seaies 1996A Bonds are expected to be repaid ov�r a periosi oi � years. At a fosecasted average iaterest rate of !% per anaum, total interest paid over tbe 19fe of the Series 194bA Bonds will be $ . The source of repayment or sec�as�ity for ihis proposal is the Gity's pledged fu�ds, including the NeE. Revenues of its t.�as System (as defined in the Orclinaneej and moneys and investments held in the fi�nds created under said Ordinances. Authoreaiug the S�ries 1945A Bonds vrill resuie in $ __ nat being available to finance the ather gas seevices of the City. Tbis truth-in-bonding statemenf prepared pursuant to Section 218.385(2) and (3) of the Florida Statutes, as amended, is for informational pnrposes only and shalt not affect or control the actual terms amd con�ditions of the Series 1995A Bnnds. (No addition or alteration is to be made to this Official Bid Form, and it must be submitted with the Qffici�i Notice of Bond Sale,) ]Eierzipt for the return of the good faith check is hereby acknowledged. By " I�rpo n b� �ho�d �atch price bid o?�oag� 1 af thi,�ronosal °i°pre�iminarv s�j�„to ch'aneC3 Reso/u;�fr'on �o. 96 � �f� s 1 � � � EXHIBIT D FORM OF BID PROPnSAL FOR REFUNDING BONDS Resolu�ion No. 96-44 r � � v� PROPOSAL FOR �6,445,060'� CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA GAS SYSTEM REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1996B Finance Director Municipai Services Building 1Q0 5outh Myrtte Avenue, Third Floor Clearwater, Florida 34616 I.adies and Geutteenen: �or the City of Cieanvater, Florida, Gas System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1496B (the "Series 1996B Bonds"), dated 3uly 1, 1996 and mahuing on September 1, through September 1, _, in the psincipat amoanE of $6,445,000�, described in the Official Notice of Bond Sale, which is hereby made a part of tLis Proposal, we s�ill pay you in immediately available federal reserve funds Dollars ($ )(not less than $ '), plus accrued interest to the date of delivery of the Series 2996� �unds. We undesstand that the Series 1996B �onds will be iusured by . The insurance premium will be paid by the City from proceeds of the Series 1996A Bonds. Said Series 1496B Bands shall beaz interest at the rates and "shall be aeoffered at prices or yields specified below. Peincipal Intesest Price Principal Interest Price I�F�'ty Amount' Rate or Yield Maturity Amounk° Rate or Yaeld 19+96 S 10,(tB0 2005 $415,000 �/ �,Qpp 2006 435,QQ0 19g8 25,� 2007 455,000 1499 2§,Qpp 2008 475,Q00 ?A00 325,000 2009 500,000 2A01 345,0(10 ?A10 530,U00 7002 3gQ,�p 2011 555,�40 2003 375,{?00 2Al2 590,060 2004 39�O,Q00 ZAi3 610,000 '%'er� �o0c1� (Dntion. The interest rate or reoffering price or yield for any Term Bonds shall be indicated in the table above only in the year of final maturity. The annual Principal Amounts so indicated sball be applied for th,e mandakory retirement of one or more Term Bonds maturing in the years and amounts and bearias iaterest as follows: S Term Bonds maturing an 1, � at % per annum at a price or yield of $ Term Bonds maturing on 1, at % per annum at a price or yield of $ Term Bonds maturing on 1, at % per annum at a price or yield of . � Tercn Bonds waturing on 1, at % per annuub at a pnce or yie(d of $. Term Boncls mafuri�n� an 1, at % per annum at a price or }iield of ,,.�._, � K � �.,. � •• � � R�br�on No. �1�—� � � a We will accept delivery of said Series 194bB Bonds through The Depository Trust Company, with the closing occurring at the office of the Finance Director of the City of Clearwater, 112 South Osceola Avenue, Clearwater, �lorida 34616 on or about July 16,1996, unless another date or place shall be mutually agreed upon, it being understood that the City shall furnish to us, free of charge at the time of delivery of said Series 1996B Bouds, the opinion of Bryant, Miller and Olive, PA., Bond Counsel, Tallahassee, Florida, approving the validity thereof. Yn accofdance with the Og'icial Notice of Bond Sale, we enclose herewith either (i) a Cashier's or Certi�ed Cbeck for $64,450 payable to the order of the City of Clearwater, Florida, to be returned to the undersigned upon the awazd of said Series !99"bB �ands provided this Propc�sal is not accepted, or (u) provided for a Fsnancial S�arety Bond in accordance with the Official I+Totice of Sale. The check is to be cashed and the amonnt of the check or �vire retained by the City until the delivery of said Series 1996B Boads and payment therefos, and is to be apglied to the payment of the Series 1996B Bonds or retained as and for liquidated damages ia case of the failu3� of tbe undersigned lo make payment as agreed. Tfiis proposal is not subject to any conditions not expressly stated herein or in the annexed O�cial Nodce of Band Sale. Yteceipt of the Prelim4nary Official Statement relating to these Series 19468 Bonds is hereby ac3mowledged. T7►e names of the underwriters or members of the account or joint bidding accounts, if any, �vbo ace assnciated for the purpose of tliis Proposal aze listed either below or oa a sepazate sheet attached he�eto. I�iame of F'um Address �y�,_ _ Ciry State Zip Idame: Tide: — 'Telep�one Number 'Ihe follawing is our compueation made in accordance with the Off'icial Notice of Bond Sale of the true intesest c.mst to the City of Cfe�ater, Florida, under terms of our Proposal for Series 1996B Bonds, which is for infosma�zonal purposes oaly and is subject to eeriiacation prior to award: �es�cc�on ll�o. 96 - �l� � Par Amount Less Original Issue Discount Plus Original Issue Premium I.ess Underwriter's Discount Amount �id �efore Accrued Interest' Less Bond Insu=aace Premium ��a Accrued Interest True Interest Cost Rate (To July 16, 1996) � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ % The follov�ing truth-in-boading statement is required to be completed in compliance with Section 218.385, Florida Statutes: The City of Clearevacer, Florida is proposing to issue S "" original aggregate prinapal amount �f Gas System Reveaue Itefunding Bonds, Series 1996B for the purpose of (i) refunding a gostion of t1�e ouestand'eng princigal aiaount of the �ity's Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1991, (ri) funding a reserve snbaccount in tlie reserve fund or purchase a surety bond (net of amount transfened &om refunded bonds), and i (iii) payaag the casts of issuzng the Series 199GB Bonds, all as further descrlbed in Ordinance No. -46. The finaZ maLurity ciate of tiae Series 19968 Bonds is 1, 2A� and the Series 1996B Ronds are expected �� to be sepaid oves a period of (� years. At a forecasted average interest aate of _% per annum, i- toeal interest paid over the lit'e of the Series 1995B Sonds will be S . The source of repayment or security for this pr�posal is khe City's pledged funds, inciuding the Net Revenues of its Gas 5ystem (as defined in the Ordinance) and mqneys and investments heid in the funds created under the i Qrda�acece. Authorizuag the Series 195'bB Bonds will result in $ not bein� available to iusance the other gas services of the City. T1ais trukh-in-bonding statement prepared pursuant to Section � 218.385(2) and (3) of the Fiorida Statutes, as amended, is for iuformationai purposes only and shall not affect or ca�atro? ttae actual terms �nd coaditions of the Series 149GB Bonds. (I�io addilion or atterahion is ta be made to this Official Bid Form, and it must be submitted with the Officeai Pdotisz of BaAd Saie.) Aeceipt for the return of the good faith check u hereby acknowledged. By '' A��:xnt id shg +�„Sl l, mats]�,�+ric� bid an na¢e 1 of Phis nronosal °'i'reyi inarv. subieci to chanee. 3 �ieso/cc.�ion /✓o. 9� -� yr/ ji. � �" I:::; : i ;., i<,:: , � � EXHIBIT E FORM OF DTC LETTER OF REPRESENTATION � Resolution No. 96-44 �:. ,� ^ � Bfanket Issuer Letfer of Representations (To be Completed by Issuerj [Name of Issuer] [Date] Attenti�n: Undenvriting Department — Eligibility T$�e Y�eposiaory Taaast Company 55 `i�ater Street; 50th Flaor I1ew York, NY I0041-0t}99 Ladies and Gentlemen: � This letter sets forth our understanding with respect to all issues (the "Securities°) that Issuer shall request be made eligible for deposit.by The Depository Trust Company ("DTC"). To i¢iduce DTC io accept the Securities as eligible for deposit at DTC, and to act in accordance with DTC's Rules with respect to the Securities, Issuer represents to DTC that Issuer will comply with the requirements stated in DTG's Dperational Arrangements, as they rnay be amended fmm iime to time. Note: Schedule A contains statements that DTC believes accuratety deseribe DTC, the method of effactin book- enby transfsrs rsf securities distributed e6mugh D�C, and certun relat�d matters. ��zVea �a �,�pt�a: 'T�iE I7EP�5ITl?RY TitUS'I' COMPANY Very truly yours, (Issuer) By: (Authorized OfIicers Signature) (Typewrite !�ame & Title) (Street Addreu) By� (City) (State) (tip) (Phone h'umber) ,Qe<S'olw�i'm h illo. 9 6- y�{ L �r �i � � EXHIBIT F PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT Resolution No. 96-44 . . �? � EXHIBIT G CONTINUTNG DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE Resolution No. 96-44 � � � CONTINUIPIG DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE This Continuing Disclosure Certificate (the "Disclosure Certificate°t) is execuied and delivered by �he City of Clearwater, Flarida (�he °1Issuer") in connection with the issuance of $ City of Clearwater, F2orida, Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A (the "Series 1996A Bonds"), and $ City of Clearurater, Florida, Gas System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Ser3es 19968 (the °1Series 1396B Bonds") (coZlectively, the 00Bonds"). The Series 1996A Bonds are being issued pursuan� to Ordinance No. 5118-91 enacted August 15, 1991 (the "Original Orriinance11j, and Ordinance No. 5665-94 enacted September 1, 1994, ar�d the Series 1996B Bonds are being issued pursuant to the Origimal Ordinanc� and Ordinance No 603Q-96 enacted by iche Issuer on June 6, 1996, as supplemented from �.im� to time (collectively, the 11Bond Ordinance10) , The Issuer covenants and agrees as follows: SECTIQN Z. Purpose of the Disclosure Certifica�e. This Disclasure Certificate is being execu�ted and delivered by the Issuer fox �he �enefit of the Holders and Beneficial Owners of the Bonds and in ord�er to assist the Participating Underwri�ers in camp�..�in� witt� s.�.c. �uie 15c2°12(b) (5). SECTION 2. De�initions. In addifeion to the definitions set fortYa a.n �he R�so]�u�Cion, which apply to any capita7.ized term used in this Aisclosuxe Certificate unless otherurise defined in this Seotiora, �i�� fa1l.�wiz�g capitalized terms shall have the follawing meaningst "Annual Report" shall mean any Annual Report provided by the 7Cssuer pursuan� to, and as described in, Sections 3 and 4 of this Discla�ure �er�ificate. "Benefiaial Owner°t shall mean any person which (a) has i:he power, directly a�r indi�ectly, to vote or consent with respect to, or to dispose of ownership of, any Bonds (including persons holding �onds through nominees, depositories or other intermediaries), or (b) is treated as the owner of any Bonds for federal income tax puXp�oses . "'Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day when banks in the City of New York, New York, or in Pinel.las Coun'ty, Florida, or in the cities in which the Principal Offices a� the Issuer or the Paying Agent are required or atathori�ed by law �o be closed or an which the New York Stock Exchange is closed. "Dissemination Agent" shall mean initially, the Finance Dir�ctor of the Issuer or any successor or alternate Dissemination Resa/u,�i�o� Na. 9�-�� � �� Agent subsequently designated in writing by �the Iss�xer and which has filed with the I�suer a written acceptance of such designation. "Listed Events" shall mean any of the events listed in Section 5(a) of this Disc2osure Cer�ificate. "National Repository" shall mean any Nationally Recognized Munici�al Securities Information Repository for purposes of the Rule. The National Repositories currently approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission are set forth in Exhibit B. "Participating Underrariter" shall mean any of the original underwriters of the Bonds required �o comply with the Rule in connection with offering of the Bonds. "Repository" shall mean each National Repository and each sta�e Repository. 1°Rule" shall mean Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) adop�ed by the United Sta�es Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exci�ange Act of 1934, as the same may be amended from time to time. '°Statet1 shall mean the Sta�e of Florida. '1State Repository10 shall mean any public or private reposi�tory or entgty designated by the State as a state repository �or the pur�os� c�f �the Rule an� �ecognized as such by the Securities and Exchange Commission. As of �he date of this Certificate, there is no Sta�.e Repository. SECTIOPT 3. Provision of Annual Reports. (a) The Issuer shall, or sha11 cause the Dissemination Agent �o, not later than July 1 of each year, commencing July 1, ].997 wi�h �h� repoxt fa� the 1995-1996 Fiscal Year, provide to each Repository an Annual Report wYaich is consistent with tfie r�cguirement� of Section 4 0� �his Disclosure Certificate. The Anraual R�por�t Yuay be submitted as a single document or as separate doc�aments comprising a package, and may cross-reference other znfarma�ion as provided in Section 4 of this Disclosure Certifi- cate; �rovided that th� audited financial statements of the Issuer may be submit�ted separa�tely �rom the balance of the Annual Report and la�er than �he date required above for the filing of the Annual Report if ichey are no� available by that date. If the Issuer's �iscaZ year changes, it shall gfve notice of such change in the sar�� manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). (b) Noi: later �han fifteen (15) Business Days prior to said date, the Issuer shall provide the Annual Report to the Disseminatiom Agent (if other than the Issuer). If the Issuer is unabZe to prova.de �o the Repasitories an Annual Report by the date required in subsection (a), the Issuer shall send a notice to each �eSp�C��7�On No. 9�--� v� � Repositary and the Sta�e Repository, if any, in substantially the form attached as Exhibit A. (c) The Dissemination Agent shall; (i) determine each year prior to the date for providing the Annual Re�ort the name and address of each National R�pository 'an3 the State Reposi�ory, if any; and (ii) if the Dissemination Agent is other than the Issuer, file a report with the Issuer certifying that the Annual Report has been provided pursuant to this Disclosure Cer�ificate, stating the date it was provided and listing all the Repo�itories to cahich it was provided. SEC�ION 4. Content of Annual Reports. The Issuer's Annual Repor� .�hall contain or include by reference the following: 1. Thz audi�ted financial statements of the Issuer for i�he prior fiscal year, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as promulqated to apply to govern�ental entities from time to time by the Governmental Accountinq Standards Board. IP the Issuer's audited financial statements are no�c �vailable by the time the Annual Report is required to be filed pursuant to Section 3(a), the Annual R�port shall contain unaudited financial statements in a format �imilar to th� fir�ancial statements contaimed in the finai Official S�atemen�, and the audited financial statements shall be filed in the same manner as the Annual Report when th.ey b�came available. 2e To the extent such information is not otherwise included as part of the annual audited financial statements of the Issuer, updated information from that set forth in the Of�icial Statem�nt for the Bonds under the headings: The Syste�aa I2a�es, Fe�s and Charg�s (including Appendix G-1 thsgeto, to the extent it describes the rate structure), and Servi�e Area; Historical Coverage of Maximum Debt Service by tne System N�t Revenues. Any or all of the items listed above may be included by specific reference to other documents, including official statements nfc debt issues of the Issuer or related public entities, which have been submitted to each of the Repositories or the Seaurities �nd Exchange Commission. If the document included by reference is a final official statement, it must be available from the Municipal Securi�ies Rulemaking Board. The Issuer shall clearly �den�ify each such other document so included by reference. SECTION 5. Reportinq of Sianifa.cant Events. �e.so/u.-fior� �la. q�o-� C� ,.�,', (a) Pursuant to the provisions of this Section 5, the Issuer shall give, or cause to be given, notice of the occurrence of any of the following events with respect to the Bonds, if material: i. principal and interest payment delinquencies. 2. non-payment related defaults. 3. modifications to rights of Bondholders. 4. optional, contingent ox unscheduled bond calls. 5. defeasances. 6. rating changes. 7. adverse �tax opinions or events affecting the tax �xemp� statius of the Bonds. 8. unscheduled d.raws on the debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties. 9. �anscheduled draws on the credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties. �0. substitution of �he credit or liquidity providers or �their ia�lur� to perform. 1i. release, substitution or sale of property securing repaysient of the Sonds. �`` (b) 6dhenever the Issuer obtains knowledge of the occurxence of a Listed Event, the Issuer shall as soon as possible d��erm�ne iP such even� would be material under applicable federal secura.�ies laws. (c) If the Issuer de�tenmines that knowledge of the occur�cence of a Lis�ed Evenf would be material under applicable federal securities laws, the Issuer shall promptly file a notice of such o�currence with each Repository, including the State Reposi�orya if any. Notwithstanding the foregoing, notice of List�� �ven�� described in subsections (a)(4) and (5j need not be gaven under this subsection any earlier than the notice (if any) of the underlying event is given to Holders of affected Bonds pursuant to tne 32e5o�utian. SECTIaN 6. xex^znination of Re�orti� Oblictation. The Issuer's oblic��tions under �ha.s Disclosure Certificate shall terminate upon ic�i� lega�. defeasance, n�ior redemption or payment in full of all of the Bonds. I� suah tennination occurs prior to the final maturity 4 Reso%fi`on il la, 9(� � � �1 � of the Bonds, the Issuer shall give notice of such termination in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(f). SECTION 7. Dissemination Agent. For purposes of this under�alting, the Issuer has designated the Issuer's Finance Direc�or (the "Agent"j as its Dissemination Agent and has delegated to the Agent the du�ies, func�ions and responsibilities of the Issuer undertaken by the issuer in this Disclosure Cer�ificate. The Issuer may, from time to �ime, appoint or engage an alternate or substitute Dissemination Agent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under this Disclosure Certificate, and may discharge any such Pigent, with or without appointing a successor alterna�e or subs�i�ute Dissemina�ion Agent. The D3ssemination Agent other than tEx� Agent shall no� be responsible in any manner �oz�the content of any no�ace or repor� prepared by the Issuer pursuant to this Disclosure Certifio�te, SECTIO�F 8. �mendment: Waiver. Notwithstanding any other pravisio�a of this Disclosure Certificate, the Issuer may amend this Disclosure Ceri�ificate, and any provision of this Da.sclosure Certifica�e may be waived, provided that the following conditions are satisfied: (a) If the amendment or waiver relates to the provisions of Sec�ions 3(a), 4, or 5(a), it may only be made in connec- tion with a change in circumstances that arises from a change in legal r�quirements, change in law, or change in the identity, nature or status of an obligated person with respect to the Bonds, or the type of busi�ess conducted; (b) Tha unc�ertaking, as amended or taking into account sucix waiver, would, in the opinion of na�.ionally recognized b�nd cou�s�l, have camplied with the requirements of the Rule at �he time of the original issuance of the Bonds, after taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule, as well as any change in circumstances; and (a) The amendment or waiver either (i) is approved by �he Ho].ders of iche �onds in the same manner as provided in the Re�o].ution €or amendments to the Resolution with the consent of Holdersr or (ii) does not, in the opinion of nationally rzcognized bond caunsel, materially impair the interests of �he iiolders or B�neficial owners of the Bonds. In �he event of any amendmen� or waiver of a provision of this Disclosure Certificate, the Issuer shall describe such amendment in the next Annual Report, and shall include, as applicable, a narrative explanation of the reason far the amendment or waiver and i�CS impac� on the �ype {or in the case of a change of accounting principles, an the presentation) of financial information or opera�ing da�a being presented by the Issuer. In addition, if the amendment relates to the accounting principles to be followed in E %��sn/ufio� l�o� 96—� �;� �� preparing financial statements, (i) notice of such change shall be given in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(f), and (ii) the Annual Report for the year in which the change is made shauld present a comparison (in narrative form and also, if feasible, in quantitative form) between the financial statements as prepared on the basis of the new accounting principles and those prepared on the basis of the former accounting principles. SECTION 9. Additional Information. Nothing in this Disclosure Certificate shall be deemed to prevent the Issuer from disseminaicinq any other inf�rmation, using the means of dissemina- �ion set forth in this Disclosure Certificate or any other means of communication, or including any other information in any Annual Rapar� or notics of occurrence o� a Listed Event, in addiiion to �hat which is required by this Disclosure Certificate. If the Issuer chooses �o include any information in any Annual Report or not�.ce of occurrence of a Lis�ed Event in addition to that which is sp�cafically xequired by this Disclosure Certificate, the Issuer shal�. hav� no obligation under �his Certificate to update such iniorma�a.can 0r include it in any future Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Lis�ed Event. SECTTON 10. Def�ult. In the event of a failure of the Issuer to comply wii:h any provision of this Disclosure Certificate any HoZder or Beneficial Owner of the Bonds may take such ac�ions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandate or specitic p�rformance by court ard�r, to cause the Issuer t� comply with its obZigations under this Disclosure Certificate. A defaul� under this Disclosure Cer�ificate shall not be deemed an Event of D���u�.t under the Ftesolution, and the sole remedy under this Disclosure Certifica�.e in fihe event of any failure of the Issuer to comply eaith this BiscZosure Certificate sha11 be an action to ccampel performanc�. SECTION 11. Duties Immunities and Liabilities of Dissemina- tion A enfc. The Dissemination Agent shall have only such duties as are specifically set forth in �this Disclosure Certificate, and the Issuer agrees to indemnify and save the Dissemination Agent, its ofiicers, directors, employees and agent�, harmless against loss, e�cpense and liabilities u�hich it may incur arising ou�t of or in the exercise ox� per�ormance o2 its powers and duties hereunder, including the casts and e�cpenses (including attorneys fees) of defending against any claim of liability, but excluding liabilities due ta tiie Dissemina�.ion Agent's gross negligence or wilful misaonduct. The obligations of the Issuer under this Section shall sux�vive resigna�ion or removal of the Dissemination Agent and payment of 'the Bonds. �ESolu•�`�an No. 9'(����{ . � �i SECTION 12. Beneficiaries. Thzs Disclosure Certificate shall inure solely to the benefit of the Issuer, the Dissemination Agent, the Par�icipating Underwriters and HoTders and Beneficial Owners �ram time to time of the Bonds, and shall create no rights in any othe� persan or entity. ATTESTt �1erk ; Date: . City of Clearwater, Florida 7 By Its: Mayor-Commissioner f��'%c�iar� f lla. 9� - �l/ . � ``� EXFIIBIT A NQ'iICE TO REPOSZTC7RIES OF FAILtIRE TQ FILE ANNUAI, REPORT �'ame of Issu�r: Ci�Gy of Clearwater, Florida I�ame of Bond Issuee City of Clearwater, Florida, Gas 3ystem Revenue Boads, Seri�s 1996A, and Gas System 12evenue Bonds, Series 1996B Da�e o� 3ssuance: , 1995 N�T�CE IS IiERE�Y GiVEN that the Issuer has�not provided an Annual Re�r�rt c�aith respect to the above-named Bonds as required by Section � of the Resolution. The Issuer anticipates tha�t the Annual Repor� will be �iied by Da���^ :�:� : �:� City of Clearwater, Florida By ,�'��G� �I • ����� a ` ' � EXHIBIT B � Na�hionally RecognizeclMunicipal Securities Information Repositories approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission as of July 17, 1995: Bloomberg Niunicipal Repository P.O. Box 840 Prince�on, NJ 085�2-0840 Internet address: MUNIS@bloomberg.doc (609j 279-3200 EAX (609) �79-3235 (609) 279-5963 Con�aata Dave Gampbell The Bond Buyer Secondary I�Iarke� Disclosure 395 :Tucisan ��rQS�, 3r� Floor ia'ew Yar�, A7i' 3.0014 Intern�t acldr�ss� D�.sclosure@muller.com (2�2) �07-38A4 FAX (2Y.2) 9�9-9282 Con�acto Thoma� Garske Disclosure, Ince �7ocearaer►� Augmen�ation/ Piunicapa]. S�curities 5'161. R3ver Road Bet3assda a i�3D 2Dg 16 {301) 951-1450 ��.X (301) 71$°2329 Con'cac�z Ba�ry Sv.garman (301) 215-6015 :J,7 �Genra�r I�zformat�,on Services The Re�ository 65 Braad�ray, 16th Floor %J��a lor3c, NX 10Oi;6 (212) 770-44568 FAX (222) 797�7994 Con�:aa�: Joan Horai, Repository 1Kaody's YdRMS�R Public �'inanc� In�ormata.on C�nter 99 Chu:rch Street New York, NX i000'I-2i96 (8QA) 339--6306 � �'.�1}C (212) 553-1450 C:antac�: Cl�ud�tte S�ephensan (21.2j 553-0345 /�C'�`��it�i�or� /�o. �%� � . � "� EXHIBIT H COMMITMENTS FOR MUNICIPAL BOND INSUR.ANCE POLICIES AND DEBT SERVICE RESERVE SURETY BONDS Resolution No. 96-44 �` `����� � � co���a_ �o�t �atraagciP�►aa $a� ZAISIIRi�1NCB s�OLYC]�BB AND ta�a� a��t��c� ��s���g ���Tx sottns � ,� Resolu�ion No. 96-d9 , • ' � , i \\1I3.1C In�lcntnil� t:ue���n'.�Wm � )itc �t:uc titr�•ct Pla�:i �r�� 1<,ri.. \ca 1'nrl< Iunn i (?� �1lt(wti-11�.i11 j?:1\: 1!�!J i11'1•�JI'N1 3esne 3,1995 Ra6�R Read, FsQ• B4yaa�t, Mill�r and Olive, P.A Baa� Pl�, Suitc 1265 101 Easi �y BouievaN Tampa, Floaida 33502 �. RE: 515, 340,�0 City of Clearwater, Florida, Gss Syste�n Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A and B, dated July 1, 1996 39rar IaYz�. Re�: �nc!assd pl� � tl�e ori�i aied one certified copy of thc �mcni¢ment for Munici�xal Band Insuranoe, Commatrnent No. 13708 (tbe "Commim�ent"), se[ating to @�t above�aptionad obligations (the "Bonds"). 'The original off this Commitment s8e�aid be delives�d to or held on behalf of the issuer of t!� Bonds, and if not exerciseci, shoutd be disregarded I'lat.� �sote t�e tollgw in� 1. I8 tlsis is�ac of �nds se1Lc witi► �AC ins�aranoe, p�ase notify 7anine Fe�ad'a at (212) 208-3301, who wil( assign a cl�ir�g ca�k� will 6e �pvn4�bk fae Ylts 5n�cing tiuougfio�t tlat ctasin�. Endt�ed in ANBACs .�' AaANN9�f�RD PACIGt�Ci� is � bortd legEnd which should ap�r an the Bondc. iiie poliry numt� w be gru►t�d as paxt of sk�e bond leg� c�n t� o�eained 4'mm t}}see cl�sing caordinaws. Z. dsa orda� en �ssc a t�mely clnsins, glease �tify yeur cl�ing c�oordinaYOr as soan as poss�'ble if you wild requirc rating Z�s fioan Fitch Investors Servioe, L.P., 1Vloaiy's Iamstors Servicc or Standard & Poor's Rating� G�oup. tf airv �s aa� mad� of you by any aa�g ag�ery for doaumentation m�rding this iss� oa airy related or paeiry �ebt issue, pic^� t�stscsa�l p%mp:ly sit�c ihis wi�l facilitate the tu�cty �ipi of the ra6ng letters. 3. 1f �ested, an opinion of AMBAC's ootu�cl ceg,ardii►g the fairness and ac�ua�y af the langaage included in the OBfiaal Statement cicscnbing t�Iv�,AC and the Foliry �iit lx deliveeod at ctusing. The de6very of such opinion is �pa�d�tt upc�n th�e pciar revi�a+ of smch oSciai s�atemen! by wu legal d�pariment �i. �nclos�i f�c y�r u/x in preparing the Official Statement are (i) a sample Municipal Bo� In�ance Poliry (the �-�L7'�7 ��Y aPPlicable endorsements thereto. and (ii) A1viBACs STANDARD PACKAGE, which inciudcs svgg�ied Ofi�cial St�izenA:nt disclosur� lan�uage a�i ttre oHicial AIvff3AC bgo. F�ax �d al! drAft� � the Oi%staB Statcment to AMBAC'S Closiag Dcpartment, attention ot your closing c�ordinaioa: Rec�ipt, by ttoe closin� coordinatar, at SIX C�PIES ot the FWAL OFFICIAL STATEMENT will eaare timeiy preparatd�o of AMBAC'a Polky for wbmissian to the rating agencies. /�e.,�a�r,c�i�n No. 9�a- �� • �„� ..,�.. 5. Fl� aeftr so page 2 af tEus Commitrnei►t. fbr conditions �vhich must be sati�ad prioe to AIvIBACs release of its Policy. Drafis af all 6rsancing doaunents and tegal opinions shouid be seat io the closing caordinator assi�nad to the S.s�ancin�. f:. F.�ytiy, 'I'd�VO fanal iTPi�OYTrdA taac�ripts mu�t be sen4 to your closing caosdinatoe as sa�� as yassibls atter clasiu�. gg y� ��r qu�i�,s, plea�c do nnt hesitate to mntacx Janine Feradi or me. Si�-..tg , �� � �i R�ers . � �i�4IYcnfo E�ar� �: Aa�d I8. i7wrQSaan Itaymoiad 7a�es � �ate�, I�. 880 Cari11Q� i'ari�vay Sg, Florida 33716 �'.1LCVh�3, d�MBAC 0 pesa/u�on Na. 9�j �� .�� -_• � r'� a.�lli�\(: Inticmnity C�,r�xir.uiun � � Onc 5t:uc titrect Pl:v.a \ct�� tii�rk. \c�� li�rk UNN)�► 131214(>ti-IIF�U F:��:1?131511�)-�11�N1 SuYee 3,1996 Rd�eet R�ed, Esq. Brya�, I�filla �ti Otive, P.A �ar�t�t Pla�s. Suiie 1255 301 lEa� Kenaedg� Boail&va�d T�aup�, �P� 33fi�2 RE: g8.69S,000 Ci4y of Cl�awai�. Florida, Ga5 System Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A, dated Juty 1,1996 }?ear i4fr. �e�at: �ecla� p8c� f�d ths arigae�l and oae aratiS�d c,opy of Lhe Coanmitment for Sunly Bocsd, Commitment No. $B13710 (tiiG " i, a�laRias� to ttac �tionad oblig�c'sans (the "Bonds'�. The orig�inal of thes Commitment siauld be delivered �o � 1ae1d an bghaYf ai the isss� �the �ond�, and if noi exer�ised, shwild be dis�regaeded. � a� t� ron�win� 1. If �, � qsiaeoa af AIvviBAG's cwn�el regaeding tt►e fairness and aaauacy ot tt►c language includod in We O�ciai S d�is'i� �AG and tLe Sue�y �d will he delive�sd. The deliveey of svch apinioa is depa�dau upon tl� gs� t� �'� a#�iaal st�te.�s�ant by our �gal depactrnent. 2. �e y�r us6 is AA+�AC's srANnARn PACxAGE which contains G) Frodisions rdating co the surety Bond w be �d iea 3tre �amcin� �c,iu�aus; (ii) a� s�ue�y boe�l to be isajad by �AC; and ('iii) oectain sample lan8�8� � ar�la�s�e in fhe cffi�ial �xa2ear�cnt relating to ths Bonds (tP� "O�aal Statemau'�. 3. �� e�'8a �e 2 of this Cainmitsnent foz coaedidons which must be s3tisfied prioa to ANi�ACs rekase of its SureQy. �� da'�iil fina�cing Qaar�sents and le�al opinions shavld l� �nt w the clasing moidinator acsig�aed to the finanang. All da� �f �f�t�g �rr�s►ts anctud;ng b� �cx timrtoa w ttee �al stacemeni am acry i�l opinion �a�g w the is�x s�'t� �a�s, to the �adent nat alc�dY Providad, s1►ould be submiti�d for AI�AC I�demniry ceview as availabla �t ���i iatcr tisaa S�ve (� b�inas days p�oa' to clo�ng. Pteave Ywte that bond counsei's appraving apinion must be 1� to AYv�AC �ty and shat! be eitt�er addressad to AIv4BAC Ind�mnity a ddiveiad with a irliaz►oe letter tr AR�3AC Ltt�ennaty. F�lea�e pmvide a oapy of the claang indac as �on ac gract�ble. �. Lasclq,l4'YA final YJNBOIJND txans�xipts must be sent to your closing 000rdic�ator u�ooe as pa�ibk after slaaing �Y� ��Y ��n�, Fdease do not hesitate w wniact Janir� Feudi aa me. Si��Fy, 1����� . ��� � a� DavM! R. i'[�nrnton P. Nail�det, At�AC Itayznond Jamcs 1A A�ciates„ Inc. 880 C.srilk�► Parl�way St �sbtu�g, %7atids 33716 ������ �� ����� � �� A�IIiAC; In�l�nmit�• C�����cn:rti��n • . c)nc St:rt� titrcrt 1'L•ti�� \�a 1'<�rk. \c�+ liirk I�lOU i ( 3131 6h7i-f I F i�l F:�x: t 3 I 3! iU�)-�)1 �JU 1eFne 3, i996 �nbtn iti�d, Fsq. Bs�aat. Melltt aad 01it�c. P.A. �a�seitP'�. 5uit� F253 101 F.�st Z�nar9y �c�anf T�u. FT�aida 336�2 � �: 56,4�i5,000 City � Cleacv�atsr, F7orida, Gas System Revea�ee Rdunding Bonds, Series 1996B. dated July 1. 1996 �r�.:� � ., E�c� g�.� fi� tbc original and one oecti5ed oopy af We Canmitrnent fat Suiety Boc�d, Commitment No. SB13711 (the "Ca�tt¢��g`�, eelatin$ 40 4he a�vo-raptior� oblegations (the 'Bonds°�. 'tl�e originat af this Comrtaitmeni stwuld be deliveied � a� � e�e beBalf of tlae i�aer of the Bonds, and if not exercis�d, shaild be disrcgarded �a.ae � 4�e fo3loevin� I. Tf �d, an opiaion of ANIDACs cauud negazding the faimess and axurary of ttu language induded in'the 06da1 d�biag AYv�3AC aad the Su�ely Bond will be delivaed. The delivcay of �ch opinien is dena�deat upon tl�e � aavsca� at'su� o�icial �t hy aur kgat d�t. 2. �ncl�ad Sot ya�r tas�s i� �tviBAC's STANDARD PACKAC� which cattta�eis (i) pravi.�oas ielaflng to the Sueeiy �o� to b� i� en tfie �i�tg daa�r►P� (iij a s,ample �.y b� 9n bs issua! by AA�IBAC; and (ui) anfain saanple languaEe ��ncl�seon in tF� �caai stat�zet n:lating Lo the �(ti� "CY�cial Statem�ut'�. 3. � reffa to pe�e 2 Qf 4his CommltneenY for wnditions w�Lich mu� be satisfied prior w AriIDACs iel�ase a�f its Sumty. Drafts c�'all �Saug doctausec�ts ant i�tl �puuioctis st�uld be � to the clasing c�ordinator assigrced Uo the finaiecin�. All aisat�s a1' �:fat� � inel�lang but � ticai4E+td b t5e O�ficial Statement acd any Icgal opinion nelating to the ��'tL� F3o�s, to the extenc noc �Ia�adY Provided. �k9 be �bmitted for AMPAC tndemiuty reviea+ as available but in t� cv�t l�tec tha.n fr+� (S) busi�aess days prior io closang. Please noce that 6ond munsel's aPPravin� aginion must be W AIVBAC �'sty and shall be eitl�r �l W AA��AC Inde�uiity or deliv�red with a teliana lcuer to AR�"sAC Icx�mn9ty. PIea,e gmvide a copy af tbe dasia�g ind�c as soon as practicabie. 4�. I.a�tty, '�V� fnc�l �JJAPBOUriiD� Uanscripts must be su►t tD yoeu dosing 000rdinator aa �oon as possibk after elasing. I�Y� ��Y 4���, Please da �t t�e.sitate to contact Janicee Feudi or me. Si;�', .r , ., �/ � r'.af.t�--' �� � i' � .M / tx: Ba�vid R liarnioa P, Nwhod�l, AMBAC Raymood James dz Assodatxs„ Lx. 880 l.�otillon Parlcway St. ��sbutg, �7orida 33716 �e�,%�i�r� lila �'6 ° �fy r. � . � �"ti . _ AMBAC Y�IIDEMNITY CORPORATION - COMMITMENT FOR SURETY BOND L�1� Bonds: CTTY OF CLEARWATQ2, FLORIDA $5,695,OOD Cras System Revenue Bottds, Series I996A, dated July i, 1946 and mariuing on September 1, 2026. Commitment Number. SB13710 Date of Commitment: June 3, 1996 Fy�uarion Date: August 29, 1996 Pmtnium: 2.50% of the Beix Service Reserve Fund Requirement AMBAC In�ann�.ty CA�oration ("AMBE�C" or "A,I�IDAC Indemnity"), A Wisconsin Siock Insuiance Company, t�ereby comBnfts to issue a S�y B�nd (Ehe "Commitment") celating to the Ddbt Seivice Reserve Fund for the above-descn'bed debt obligatioos (the'Bonds"}, suhstantialty in the focm attached hereto, subject to the terms and cxmditions contained hereia or added Y�reto (see cunditions set forih herein). To �xtend �ius Commiunent �r tlee expiration date sei focth above, an oral (s�►bs�uendY confirmad in writing) or c+rssBtcn �qas�,� �'or re�al xa� be submitted to AMBELC at 1� one business day prior to s�xh expuation dats. APv�AC r�aves tt�e righi to miu� to grae�e a�►�al or may renew this Commitment subjest to addi6onal tenns and cxanditsons. Ti� Surety Band {the "5u�ty`� shall be issued if the following conditions aze �tisfied: 2. 4� AMBAC shall cc:�ive an opinion of coun�l oc a oedificate of an officer of die Lssuer or ultimate oUligor stating that the inforniadon svpplied w ANBAG in order to obtain the Surety and the documents to be c�:ted and delivaed in cotu�ection with the issuaca� and salc of ths Bonds do nat contain any unmie or misleading statement of a material fact and da not fail W state a material fict requiied to be stated th��in ar ae�rssary in order ta make the infomeadon contained therein not misleading. I�o event shali oavr wiuch would permit any purchaser of the Boncls, othenvise required, not to be mqirireti ta purchase the Bonds on th� date scheduled for the issvan�� and delivery thereof. There shall be no material change in or affecting the Bonds, the Lssuer or ultimate abligor (includin�, bc�i nai limitai W, the sccurity for the Bonds), the Off'icial Slatement, if any (or any similar diszlosure dociunent), including airy 5nancial stalements therein �ntained, the financing dacuments or atry legal opinions W be cea.vte� and delive�xl in cannociion with the issuance and sale of the Bonds, or ariy o:her infom�ation submitted to ANBAC in order W obiain the Surety, from the ciescriptions il�ercof provided w AMBAC at airy time prior to the isauance of �tie Bonds and there sh��ll not have occumod or came to the ausn6on of the issuer or purchaser arry material change of fact or law adverse to the f ntetrsts af AMBAC, unie.ss approvcd by AivffiAG in unting. Unless t�pressly waived in whole or in part by AMBAC, the Snancing documents shall a►ntain a) the terrti5 and pcovisions pmvided in the AN�AC STANDARD PACKAGE transmiuod here�vith, and b) acry Peovisions dr eomments given orally by AtviBAC. �e.�lu.�jOn llla. �b-� �� .. � , No later tiiat� �ve (5) business days priorto closing, AMBAC shall be prrnided with: (a) ptoposed copies of all financing doc�unents, and (b) the proposed o6cial stacement (or any similar disclosiue document); and (c) the proposed various legdl opinions delivered in connection with the issvance and sale of the Boa�ds, including, withoat limitation, ihe unquali5ed aPP�g oPinion of bond counsel mndeied by a law firm acceptable to ANIBAC. The form af bond counsel's appraving opinion must be accegtable to ANIDAC. The form of bond counsel's approvir►g opinion shall indicate thac ti� L�►� must camply wifh certain rnvenanis under and pursuant to the Intemal It�venvz Coc� of t985, as amended and that the Issuer has the legal pnwer to comply with such covenants. AIv1SAC shall aLso be provided with e.�cec.vted copies of all Snancing detvments, inc]uding but not limited to the Offcial Statement (or aary similar disclosure �cxument) and ihe various legal opinions rendered The e�ocute8 opinion of bond counsel shaii be a� to ANIDAC or in lieu tiiereo� a letter stiall be paovided to AMBAC to the effec? tl�at AMBAC may seiy on such opinion as if ie wete � to .AIvIBAC and such ietter shall tre delivered with an execut�ti opinion; and (d) a�ry pravisions of the Puc�l�ase Contract or Bond Puichase Agreement referencing ANNiBAC or the isa�er of the Sumty in genetal. If such provisions are noc received in a timefy manner or if pmvisibns are inserted in the Purchase Contracc or Bond Pu�hase Agreement withoui AMBAC Indemnity's knawledge, complianoe with such pcovisions may not be pasn'ble; and (e) a leiter from tsoe�i oounsel or counsel w the putchasea or othenvise from another oounsel aoceptable to AA�A6 to the effz�i that the Snancing dnc.vments, th� Official Statemene (or aary similar discl�me d�nt) and the various legal opinians execvted and delivered in wnaeection with t�ee iss�et� and sale of the Bonds, arz substantially i.z the foams previously s�;r;usd to ANYBAC for r€wiew, with oniy such amendments, modifacations or deledons as m.^y be appraved by Ah�IDAC; and (� a copy of any insucance policy, surety bond, guaranry or indemnification or arry other policy, �ntraci or agr�ment �vhich provides for payment of all or am portion of the deby the costs of reconssauction, the !� of business income or in any yray secures, ensures or enhances the income stm�am antistipated to pay the �onds; and (� a ceetified or cashier's check for or evidence of wire transfer of an amount equal to the payment for the Surety at the time of the issuance and delivery of the &,nds. Wire transfer sl�all be used for any gayment for ihe Snrety in an amount greater than S 100,00U; and (h) the final debt service �hedule. A15AEiAC Indemnity must reaeive at l�ut (5) husiness da}� prior to closing an opinion addressed to AMBAC by counsel aoaptable to AMBAC that the Guaranry Agrcement is a legal, valid and binding obliption of the Obligor thereof, enforceable in accordance with its terms. -, r.��; � �z Autho,izeri �n'/� ✓� �4tesolu,:-�r'an N�. 9� - y� � AMBAC INDEMNITY CORPORATION — COMMiTMENT FOR SURETY BOND ]ssuer. Bonds: CTTY OF CLEARWRTER, FLORIDA Sb,44S,000, Gas SYstem Revenue Refiending ]3onds. Series 194fiB, datefl Juty 1, 1946 arud mariuing on �eptember 1, 2013. Commitment Nwnber. SB13711 Date of CommitmenG June 3, 1996 E�pirauon Date: August 29, 1996 Premium: 2.00% of the Debt Service Reserve Fund Requirement A1V�AC In�mariry Corporation ("A2J�AC" or "AMBAC Indemnity"), A Wi�onsin Stocic Insurance CompanY, herebY comtteits W issue a Stuety Bond (the "Commiunent") rel2ting to the•Debt Service Reserve Fund for the above-descdbed debt ahlip�biotss (the '°�onds'�, siabstaniiallY in the form attached hereto, subject to the terms and conditions contained he�ia oa �Sd her�tco {sea conditions set forth herein). To � thi� Commita�u after 4he expiration date set forth above, an oral (subsequsndy confirmad in writin� or �rritte� request fos renevval musc be submittsd to ANIBAC at least one business day prior to such cepiration date. AMi3AC reserv�,s 9Tie right to xefu� W 8rant a renewal or may ien�v this Commiunent subject to additional temis and �tditions. '1'he 5ue�iyHo�r3 lth,� °Su�Ay") st�ll t� issu� if the following conditions are satisfied: .AIdlBAC shall a�eoeive an opirdon of oounsel or a certificate of an officer of the Issuer or ultimate obligor stating that the infores�afian �up�+Iied to AA�AC in order to obtain the Surety and the documents to be e,r;ecuted and delivered in wnnection with the issuance and sale af the Bonds do noi contain any unwe or misleading statement of a material fad and do not fail w state a material fact required to be staced ihecr_in or n�a:s�a.cy in order ur make the informadoq contained therein not misleading. No evenf shall oavr wiuch would pernut any gurchaser of the Bonds, otherwise required, not to be ra{uire� to purct�ase the Bonds on the date scheduled for the issuance and delivery thereof. 1'ioere shall be n� materiat change in or affecting the Bondc, the lssuer or ultimate obGgor (including buf noi llmit�ci to, the s�.rity for the Honds), the �cial Statement, if any (or any similar discios�ue dsx,v�ent), including an}' financial statements therein contained, the financing documents or a�ry legal opinions to be esocuted and delivered in connection wilh U�e issvance and sale of the Bonds, or any other inforniation wbmitted to AN�AC in order to abtain the Surety, from the descriptions thereof provi'c.aci to A1VV�AC at any time prior to the isswvxe of the Bonds and there shall not have oavrred or come to the attenlion of the issu�r or piu�haser azry material change of fact or la�v advecse to the intccrs�ts af ANNiBl4G �� aPp� trY �AC in writing. �.Tnies� c�pms�ly vraived in whole or in part by AMBAC, the financing documents shali confain a) the Yem�s and provissions pmvided in the AMBAC STANDARD PACKAGE fransmitted heret�ith, and b) �Y Pmhsions or comments �ven orally by AN�AC. ��sa%Cf'ivn l�% �b�� � .�.. No later than five (5) business days prior to closing AlbffiAC shall be provided with: (a? proposed capies of alf financing documents, and (b} the proposed official statement (or any similar disc�osure document); and (a) the proposed various legai opinions delivereil in wnnection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds, including, without limitadoq the unqualified approving opinion of bond counsel rendeied by a law fum ac�eptable to AIvIBAC: The form of bond counsel's approving opinion musc be aocepcabte to AAM�AC. The form of bond counset's apPcoving opinion st�all i�icate tt�at the Luuer must comply with oertain covenants under and pursuant to the Intemal Itevenue Cade of 1986, as ame� and that the Issuer has th� tegal power to wmply with such oovenants. AMBAC shall also be provided with executed c�pies of all St�ancing d�uments, including but not limited to the Official Statement (or any similar das�losure document) and the various legal opinions rendered The ceccuted opinion of bond counsel sha11 be addr� to AMBAC or in lieu ihereo� a letter shatl be provided to �lgAC to the effect thac �AC may rely on such opinion as if it were addressed to pMBAC and such letter shall be deliverzd with an executed opinion; and id) a�►Y Provisions af the Punchase Contract or Bond Punhase Agre�ment ieferencing AMgAC or the issuer ai the Surety in general. If such provisions arc not received in a ti�ly manner or if pravisions are inserted in the Purchase Contract or Bond Puachase Agreement without AMBAC Indemnity's laiowledge, comptiance with such provisions may not be possfble; and (e) a letter fram bond aoamsel or cwuisei W the puechaser or othenvise fium another counsel acaeptable to AN�AC to the effect that the �nancing daauneaiis, the Officia! Statemcnt (or anY similar dasclosu� clocurt�ent) and ths various legal oginions exe�uteti and delivened in connection wifh tl� issvance and s�ale of the Bonds, ard subst�r►tially in the fornss pc,eviousiy submitteci to AMf3AC for review, with anty such amendments, modiScations or deietions as may be approved by ANIBAC; and �� a°°py' °f an3' °�'� Poli�X �tY b�nsl, guaranty or indemnification or arty other poGcy, conYract or agreement which pravides for paymenY of all or any portion of the debt, the costs of reconsLruction, the lnss of business incom� or in anY �Y �, ensures or enhances the income sire�aa� andcipated tn pay the Bonds; and (g) a certified or cashiee's ch�c for or evidenoe of wire transfer of an amount equal to the payment for the Surety at the fime of U�e issuance and delivery of the �onds. Wire transfer shall be used foc any payment for Ihe Surety in an amount grpter tl�an S 100,000; and (�) the final debt service schecfiile. A1vIDAC Tndemnity must �eive at least (5) business days prior to closing an opi: �on addressed to ANIDAC by counsel axeptable to AMBAC that the Guaianty Ageement is a legal, vaiiri , s�d bin�iing abligation of the Obligor thsreo� enfo�opble in accarciance with its teans. ��'� ���Y ��. �xive, at lrast $ve (5} business days prior to closing, the esc�ow agrcement, �zt forna and subsiance atx�eptabte to APvfBAC, for the complete defeasanoe of the applipble Bonds (the "Priox Bonds'�. At least Sve (5) business days prior to closing, AMBAC must recxi��e certification by a nationally re�o8nizod acoounting firm �haE ihc s�xurities im�sted arc svfi'icient W pay the pnor bonds. �'���I.LT/IJ�"j 1 V11. ��'"' t�T • -,. 9, AMBAC must receive an opinion of Counsel acceptable to AMBAC that the Prior Bonds have been legally defeased. 10. Funds held by tl� Escrow Tmstee for the payments of the refunded bocuis muu be held as cash fiilly insuced by or the Federal Deposit Iiuurance Cotporadon or invested in direct obligations of the United States of America. • 11. AMBAC must receive, at least five (5) busness days Prior W closing, a dcaft opinion of bond counset or special tax counsel aoceptable to ANIBAC, address�d to ANIDAC, a telecopy of ttee cxecuted opinion on the day of clasing (212-785-1178) and an execvte� original following closing, to the effecc tl�at the �g �d �rny ue in fiili compL'anoe with all applicable Federal and State azbitrage �gulations. 12, AMBAC mu� receive, at le�ast five (5) business days prior to closing, diaft opinions of issuer's counsel and �crow agent's oounset and a telecopy of the �.vted opinion on the day of closing (212-785-1173) regarding the validity, binding nalure and enforceability of the escraw agreement 13. If a focward supply contract is used: (i) Secwities delivered to the escra�v ag�eecnent musi be noa-callable U.S. Gavernn►ent abligatians which do not matune lacer than the date on which ncecled to pay debt service on the refimded bonds. (ri) The CPA vecification must be in a form and subsfance satisfactory to A1viBAC and muct opine that the es�c'ow u sufficient to be defease the refunded bonds whether or nat the fonvard sugply �awract provider delivers s�urides to the escrow. (ui) Tize fonvard supply cantract must specify thai (a) the pwchase price of the s�rides delivered to the escmw must not e.� the amount of cash received from maluring sec�uities iri the escrow, as speci5ed in the verificataon, and (b) the matwiry value of the s�curities in the �w must noL be les.s than the purciiase price paid for such securities. (av) The fonvard supply conteact provider shall have no cecourse eo the escrow upan any failure of the issuer or escrow agenc to perform its obligations under the foctivard supply contracrt. Other ihan the payment of the pvrchase price for the securides to be delivered pursuant to the fonvard supply contract, no payments of any other kind may be made &om the escrow in respect to the fonvard suppty oonuact (v) The fonvard snpply contract provider must be at least A by a nationally ncognized rating a�enry. (vi) The fonvard supply conuact shall be in form and substance satisfactory to ANBAC. �� ' 2•C�i.:/L'`: au �a oa� , �t+/. /Y% , �esb/u�rdn lUv. 9�-��F ', ' . ,,..,� —. . � , . Comae�itment for Municipal Bond Insurance Lssuer. CTTY OF CLEARWATER, FLORTDA Boads: 515,140,OQ0, consis�►g ef: 58,695,000 Gas System It����!e �nds, �ries 199GA date� 3��1y 1, 1S96, and maturing on September lst in the yeazs 1946 tluough 2025, both inclusn�e; and 56,445,000 Cras Sysiem R�7enu� Refunding �onds, Series 19468, datal July 1, 1936 and Hnaturing on �eptember ls� in tir� yqcs 1946 tfitoa�gh 2013, bott► inclusive. AMBAC Indemnity Corporation do CT Corporotion Systems 44 East Mifftin Strcet MaJison, Wisconsin 53703 Administrative Otfice: One SRate Street Plszn New Yorb4lVew Yorlc 10004 Commitrnent Number. 13708 Date of CommiUnenC 7une 3, 1996 Expiration Date: August 29, 1996 In�uransc premium: 0.30°/. of t6e Wta! principal and interesi due om the Bonds tor Sereea 1996A and 0.26Y. of the totel principsi and 6ntereat due on the Bonds tor S�ries 19968 (�itsh Invcstors S2rvice, L�., 1bIIuady's Yaveston �ervice and Standard 8a Poor's Ratings Group asseas soparaee rating fees rrhlc6 are payable dieectly to them: Al( questiona regarding B6e payment of such fees must be addressed to the applicable cmting agency.) A��A� I�deYr�arity Co�°pora�ioca (�i�r�C) .� Wi�eonsin S��ck I�ua�aace ��nmga�y here*�y coma►its to issue u Municipal Bond Insurance Policy (the "Policy") relating to the above-described debt obti�ations (Uye "gonds"), subsinntisslly in the form impainted in this Commitment, subject to the terms and conditians contuined herein or added hgreto (:�ee conditions set forth on page 2 and following). To kecp tYsis Co;rututnlent in etTect after the expiration dete set forih above, a request for rmewul must be submitted to AMBAC grior to such expimtion date. AMBAC reserves the right to refuse wholly or in paR to grant u renewal. �ks i�dunicipal Bor�tD Ynsur�oce Policy shall be issued if the following conditions ure satisfted: 2. 3. 4. The documenis to be executed and delivem.ci in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds shnil not contuin any vnttt� or misleading statement of a muteriai fuct and shnll not fuil to state fl mnterial fact necessary in order to mnL-e the information contnined thereinnot misleading. No event shrill occur �vhich would pemtit any purcheser of the Bonds, othenvise required, not to be required to ptarchaSe the Bonds on the dnte scheduled for the issuance and delivery thereof. 'I'here shall be no mnterinl chnnge in or affxting the Bonds (including, wichout limitetion, the security Cor the Bonds) or the fmancing documenls or the o�cial statement (or nny similar disciosure document) to be e�ecuted nnd delivered in connection with the issuance nnd snle of the Bonds Crom the descriptions thereof heretofore provided to AMBAC. Thc Bonds sholl conwin no reference to AMBAC, the Policy or the municipal bond insurunce evidenced thereby except es may lx npproved by AIv�AC. �sa/cc-�itr� �a� �i�y�� --. 5. f�MBAC shal! be provided with: (a) Executed copies of ail fumncing documents, the official stat«nent (or any similar disclosurc document) and the vnrious legnl opinions delivered in conneclion with Uie issuance and ssile of the Bonds, including, without limitation, the unqualified approving opinion of bond counsel rendered by a law fum accepmble W AIviBAC. The fortn of Bond Counsel's approving opinion shall also indicate, if applicable, that the Bonds are exempt from federat income ta.�cntion, that the issuer must oomply with certain covenants under and pursunnt to the new tax law end that the issuer lias the legul power to comply widi such covenants. Such opinion of bond cotuuQl sttall be addressed to AMBAC or, in lieu thereof, a letter shall be provicied to AMBAC W the effect that AI�4BAC may rely on such opinion as if it �erere addressed to AIv1BAC. (b) A letter from band counsel or coun5el to the purct�aser or otherwise from another person acceptable to AIvIDAC to the effect that the financing documenLS, the official smtement (or any similaz disclosure document) end the vacious legel opinions executed aad delivaed in wnnection with the issunnce and sale of ihe Bonds ere substnntially in the forms t2�eretofore submitted to AMBAC for review, with only such amendments, modifications or deletions as approved by AMBAC. (c) A certified ar cashie�s check for or evidence of wire transfer of an amount equal to the insurnnce premium at the time of the issuance and delivery of the Honds. If the amount of premium exceeds $100,000.00, payment must ize madc by fedeml funds wire cransfer. 6. Unless expressly waived in whole or in part by AMBAC, the financing documents and tlie Official Siatement shall caatain (a) the terms and provisions pcovided in the AIvBAC Indemnity STANDARD PACKAGE transmitted herewith and (b) any additianal ornl or written provisions or comments subanitted by AMBAC. 7. AMBAC shall receivc a copy of any insurnnce policy, surety bond, guarunty or indemirification or any other policy, contruct or agreement which provides for gaymene of all ar any partion of the debt, the costs of reconstruction, the iass of business income or in any way secures, ensums or enhances the income strenm anticipated to pay the bonds. 8. Any pmvisions csa� requirements of Lhe Porchase Coaatract or Bond Purct�ase Agreement referencing A2vviBAC must be seat to thc attendon of Janine Feud'a not less than five (S) business days prior to closing. If such provisions or requirements are nat recxived within ttist dme, compliance mray not be possible. 4. Review and approval by AMBAC at least 5 days prioa to ciosing of the Escrow Agreement for the defeusance of the applicable Bonds (ihe "Prior Bonds"), 10. At leust 5 days prior to closing, AMBAC must receive certification by un accounting firm acceptable to AMBAC that the securities invested ure sufticient to pay the Prior Bonds. Upon receipt of this commitment AMBAC should be notified which fum will be providing the certification. I1. Reccipt of an apinion of counsel acceptuble to AMBAC that the Prior Bonds hnve been legally defeased. 12. Receigt of an opinion of counsel accepmble to AMBAC with regard to the vnlidiry and enforcenbility of the Escrow Agreamen� 13. If a farward supply wntract is used: (u) Securities delivered to the escrow agreement must be non-cullable U,S. Government obligations which do not mnture iater tlwe► the date on which needed to pny dcbt service on the reCunded bonds. (b) The CPA verifcntian must be in form and substnnce satisfactory to AMBAC and must opine thnt the escrow is suRicicnt to deCease the refunded bonds whether or not the fonvard supply contrnct provider delivers securities to the escrow. (c) 11ie fon��rd supply contrnet must speciCy thnt (i) the purchase price of the securities delivered to the esctow must not exceed the amount of cash received from rtwturing securities in the escrow, as specified in lh� verification, and (ii) the mnturiry value of the securities delivered to t(ie escrow must not bc less thnn Ihe purchase price paid for such securities. �es%c�ion No. 9/a��f � 0 a� .,R T�' �'� (d) 'Ilic fonvurd suppty contract provider shaq huve no recourse to the escrow upon any failure of the issucr or esctow agent to perform its abtigations uuder the fonvard s�pply contrncG dther tlu+ti the puyment of the purchnse price for the securities to be delivered pursuant to tlie fonvnrd suppiy contmct, no payments of any other kind may be made from the escrow in respect of tlie forward supply contrncL (e) The focwtud supply contract provida mast be rated at lease A by a nationally recognized mting egency. (� The farward supply contract slwll be in form and subsrnnce satisfuctory to AMBAC. ��.►��y �, �� � . •r -±�;�k.�• . �e.s�lufi�n N�. 9�-�� ' k ���� . AMB�C INDEMNITY STANDARD PACiiAGE FOR TRr1NSACTIONS SUPPORTED BY AN ANYB�►C INDEMNITY CORPOItATION SURETY BOND WITHOUT DEPOSIT AGREEh1ENT �. May 20, 1996 TO: Issuer, Issuer's Counsel, Managing Unden��riter, Bond Counsel and Unden�•riter's Counscl RE: Preparation of Financing Documents for Issues the Debt S�ivice Reserve Fund of �chieh is tG'6e supported b��' an A.MBAC Indemnity Corporation (`'Aiy1BAC indemnin� ') Surery Bond The attachec! materials have been prepared to assist you in the preparation of documents for issues the Debt Service Reserve Fund of which is to be supporced by an AMBAC Indemnity Surzn• Bond. Please madify tl�e attached e.�:hibits «�here appropriate. If desired, these provisions can be incotgorated into one section entided `'Debt Scrvice Reserve Fund ANiBAC Indemnit}� Surety Bond" ei�thin the applicable Indenture, Resolution, Ordinance, Order or an}• other operative financing document (such applicable financing document �ti•ill be referred to herein as the "Financing Document"). Please be advised that the pro�•isions contained in this package are in addition to the conditions listed on the commitment for the AMBAC Suren• Bond and am• other comments or changes that may be required by the AMB?�C Indemnit�• personncl n•orking on this financin�. This package and the dasumenks contained herein are not for use in Virginia C►nancings. Ifyou have any questions, please calt one of the follo�ving persons: Eileen L. i:irchoff. Mary P. McKeon, Jem� H. Pisecki, Karl T. Molin, or Ke��in J. Do}�le. o Definitions (Ezhibit A). • AI�BAC Indemnih� consent required for changes to underhing documentation and e�+ercise of rerrtedics upon dGFault (E.�hibi[ B). e Information to bc given to AMBAC [ndemniry (E.e}ubit C), a Description of AMBAC Indcmnity pa�ment proccYlure (E.�}ubit D). • AMBAC IndemniN Official Statemcnt Disclosurc (E�:hibit E). o Form of es.hiBAC Indenmih• Opinion (Exhibit F). e• Form of Surch� Certificate of Bond Insurcr (Exhibit G) • Fomt of Sunt�� Bond (E�hibit H). • Focm of Guar�nri• Agccement (E.�hibit I). e�iBAC Indemnih• Corporation Wiring Utstructions (Exhibit J) �s�/c�tion No, 9�-�`� • r S • � i+�n. . EXHIBIT A DEFINITIONS The follo�ving definitions are those �vhich AMBAC recommends for the Financing Document: "AhiBAC Indemniry" shall mean AMBAC Indemnity Corporation, a Wisconsin domiciled stock insurance company. "Surety Bond" shalt mean the surety bond issued by AMBAC Indemnity guaranteeing certain payments into the Debt Service Reserve Fund �vith respect to the Bonds as provided therein and subject `to the limitations set forth therein. �eso�u-�ion Illa. 9lo-�f� . 2 . , . ,-•,, � ,.t �: EXHIBIT B AMBAC CONSENT LANGUAGE AMBAC requires that the Financing Document contain the follo��7ng consent language: A. Consent of r4MBAC Indemnity. Any provision of this [Financing Document] eYpressly recognizing or granting rights in or to AMBAC Indemnity may not be amended in any manner which affecu the rights of AMBAC Indemnity hereunder �tilthout the prior written consent of AMBAC lndemnity. �. Consent of AMBAC Indemnity in EAddition to Bondholder Consent. iJnless o[hen�hse provided in this Section, AMBAC Indemnity's consent shall be required in addition to Bondholder consent, when required, for the follo��ing purposes: (i) execution and delivery of any supplemental [Financing Document] or any amendment, suppiement or change to or modificatian of the [Loan Agreement, Lease Agreement, etc.] (ii) removai of the Trustee or Paying Agent o� selection and appointment of any successor trustee or paying agent; and (iii) initiation or approval of any action not described in (i) or (ii) above which requires Bondholder consent. �eso%�-fi`an No, 9� -- �y 3 . � , ,,--., � , E�CHIBIT C ANFORMATION TO BE G[VEN TO AMBAC INDEMNITY AMBAC requires that the following notice provisions be incorporated into the Financing Document: A. W}ule the Surety Bonci is in effect, the Issuer* or the Trustee, as appropriate, shall fi�rnish to AMBAC Indemnity: (a) as soon as practicable after the filing thereof, a copy of any financial statement of the Issuer and a copy of any audit and annual report of the Issuer; {b) a copy of any notice to be given to the registered o«�ners of the Bonds and any certificate rendered pursuant to this [Finar►cing Document] relating to the security for the Bonds; and (c) such additional information it may reasonably reyuest. B. The Issuer witl permit AMBAG Indemnity to discuss the affaies, finances and accounts of the Issuer or anv information AMBAC Indemnity may reasonably request regarding the security for ihe �ontis ��ith appropriate officers of the Issuer. The Trustee or Issuer, as appropriate, �rill permitl�M$AC Indemnityto [have access to the Project and] have access to and to make copies of all books and records relating to the Bonds at any reasonable time. �. NoRvithsYanding ary oiher provision of ihis [Financing Document], the Trustee shalt immediateiv notify AMBAC Indemnity if at am� time there are insufficient moneys co make any pa}�tnenYs of principai and interest as required and immediately upon the occurrence of (i) any event of default hereunder or (ii) any payment default under any related security agreement. i7. To Yhe extent tl�t the Issuer has entered into a continuin� disclosure agreement «7th respect to the �tonds, AP�hBAC Indemnity shal! be included as pam� to be notified. *or ap�sopriate obligor on the �onds. �esv�u.-fio.7 /1/v 96-�f� 4 � ,-�. EXHIBIT D PAYMENT PROCEDURE PURSUANT TO THE SURETY BOND The foilow�ing language sets out standard procedure for pa}Tnents under the SureR� Bond. Mcxiifications should be made to take into account definitions used in the Financing Document (e.g. Debt Service Reserve Fund, Revenues, Additional Funding Instrument). Specific or different pa}�nent procedure required by the Financing Document must be discussed ��ith AMBAC Indemniry. �,. As long as the Surety Bond shall be in full force and effect, the Issuer, Trustee and Paying Agent, if appropriate, agree to comply with the following provisions: (a) In the event and to the e�ctent that moneys on deposit in the Fund/ Account, plus all amounts on deposit in and credited to the [Debt Secvice Reserve Fund] in excess of the amount of die Surety Bond, are insufficient to pay the arr►ount of principal and interest coming due, then upon the later of: {i) one ( t) day after receipt by the Geaeral Counsel of AMBAC of a demand for payment in the fornt attached to the Surety Bond as Attachment 1(the "Demand for Paycneni"), duly executed by the Paying Agent certifying that payment due under the [Financing Documentj has not been made to the Paying Agent; or (ii) the pavment date of the Obligations as specified in the Demand for Payment presented by rhe Paying Agent to the General Counsel of AMBAC, AMBAC will make a deposit of funds in an account �vith the Paying Agent or its successor, in Ne�v York, New York, sufficient for the pa��nent Yo the Pa}•ing Agent, of aznounts �shich are then due to the Paying Agent under the [Financing Document] (as specified in the Demand for Payment) up to but not in eYcess of the Surety Bond �overage, as defined in the Surety Bond; provided, however, ihat in the even[ [hat the amount on deposit in, or credited to, the [I3ebe Service Reserve Fund], in addition to the amount available under the Surety Bond, includes amounts available under a letter of credit, insurance polic��, surety bond or other such funding insirument (the "Additional Funding Instrument"), dra�vs on the Surety Bond and the Additional Fundin� InsYrurnent shall be made on a peo rata basis to fund the insuffcciency. (b) the Trustee, oc Pnying Agent, if appropriate, shall, after submitting to �.MBAC Indemnity the Demand for Payment as provided in (a) above, make available to AMBAG Indemnity all records relating to ttse Funds and Accounts maintained under this (Financing Document). (c) the Truste�, or Pa��ing Agent, if apprapriate, shall, upon receipt of mone}s received from the dra�v on the Surety Bond, as spccified in the Demand for Pa}-ment, credit the Debt Service Reserve Fund to the sx4ent of moneys received pursuant to such Demand, (d) the [T3ebt Service Reserve FundJ shall be replenished in the follo�ving priority: (i) [principal and '►nterest on the Surety Bond shall bc paid from first availabie Revenues] [principnl and interest on the Surety Bond and on the Additional Funding Instrument shall be paid from first availabie Revenues on a pro rata b:�sisJ; (ii) after all such amounts are paid in full, amounts necessan� to fund the [Debt Service Reserve FundJ to the requircd level, a8er taking into account the amounts available under the Surcty Bond [and the Additional Funding InstrumentJ shall be deposited from next available Revenues. ��so/u,�i�n No� 9�O-� 5 —�. EXHIBiT E OFFICIAL STATEMENT DISCLOSURE FOR AMBAC INDEMNITY CORPORATION SURETY BOIYD Security For'ihe Bonds �ebt Service Reserve Fund AMBAC Indemnity Surety Bond 0 The [Financing Document] requires the establishment of a Debt Secvice Reserve Fund in an amount equal to $>. The [Financing Document] authorizes the lssuer to obtain a Surety Bond in place of fully fundin� the Debt Service Reserve Fund. Accordingly, application has been made to r1MBAG Yndemnity Corporation ("AMBftC Indemnity") for the issuance of a Surety Bond for the purpose of funding [a portion of] the Debt Service Reserve Fund (see "THE [Financing DocumentJ >" herein). The Bonds �vill only be delivered upon the issuance of such Surett� Bond. The premium on the Surety Bond is to be fully paid at or prior to the issuance and delivery of the Bonds. The Surety Bond provides that upon the ]ater of (i) one {1) day after receipt by AMBAC Indemnity of a demand for pa}Tnent executed by the Paying Agent certif}ing that provision for the payanent of principal of or interest on the Bonds �vhen due I�as not been made or (ii) the interest payment date specified in the Demand for PayTnent submitted to AMBAC Indemnity, AMBAC Indemnity will peomptly deposit funds with the Paving Agent sufficient to enable the Paying Agent to make such payments due on the Bonds, but in no event exceeding the Surety Bond Coverage, as defaned in the Surety Bond. T'ursuant to the terms of the Surety $ond, the Surety Bond Coverage is automatically reduced to the extenl of each payznent made by AMBAC Indemnity under the terms of the Surety Bond and the Issuer is required to reimburse AMBAC Indemnity for am� dra��•s under the Surety Bond tvith interest at a market rate. Upon such reimbursement, the Sureh• Bond is reinstated to the extent of each prin�ip�l reimbursement up to but not exceeding the Suret}• Bond Coverage. The reimbursement obligation of the Tssuer is subordinate to the Issuer's obligations �cith respect to the Bonds. In the event the amount an deposit, or credited to the Debt Service Reserve Fund, e�ceeds the amount of the Surety Bond, any� dra�v on the Surcty Bond shall be made only aRer all the funds in the Debt Service Reserve Fund have becn expcndcd. In the event that the amount on deposit in, or credited to, the [Debt Service Reserve Fund], in addition to the amount available under the Surety Bond, includes amounts availnble under a Ietter of credit, insurance polic��, surety bond or other such fi.�nding instrument (the "Additional Funding Instrument"), dra�cs on the Surety Bond and the Additional Funding lnstrument shall be made on a pro rata basis to fund the insufficiency. The [Financing Document] provides that the [Debt Service Reserve Fund] shall be replenished in the foUowing priority: {i) [principal and interest on the Surety Bond shall be paid from first available Iievenues] [principal and interest on the Surety Bond and on the Additional Funding Instrument shail be paid from first available Revenues on a pro rata basis]: (ii) after all such amounts are paid in full, amounts necessarv to fund the [Debt Service Reserve FundJ to the required level, after t�.ing into aecount the amounts availabie under the Surcn� Bond [and the Additionnl Funding Instrucnentj shall be deposited from ne�t available Revenues. The Surety Bond does not insure against nonpa�Tnent caused b�� the insolvency or negligence of the Trustce or the Paying Agent. ?esolu,fion No- �1�a-�� 6 .� AMBAC INDEMNITY CORPORATION AMBAC Indemniry Corporation (` AMBAC Indemniri•'� is a Wisconsin-�lomiciled stock insurancc corporatian reguIated by the Office of the Commissioncr of Insurance of thc Stau: of Wisconsin and licensed to do business in 50 states, the District of Columbi� �hc Temtory of Guam ar�d thc Commomc�slth of Puerto Rico, with admitted assets of approximlteh� 52.�30.000.000 (unauditcd) and statutory capita! of a�pro.rim3tely $1.387,000,000 (unaudiccd) as of M11arch 31. 1996. Statuton• capitzl consists of AMBAC Indemnity's policyholders' surplus and statuton� contingency reserve. AMBAC Indemnity is a�ti�holly owned subsidiarv of AMBAG Inc., a 100%a publicly-held company. Staitdard & Poor's Ratings Services, a division of The McGra�s-Hill Companies, Inc., Mood}•'s Investors Service and Fitch Investors Service, L.P, have each assigneri a triple-A claims-pa}�ing abiliN racing to AMBAC Indemnity. AMB�C indemnity has entered into pro rata reinsurance agreements under ��•hich a percentage of Ehe insucance underwritten pursuant to certain municipal bond insurance programs of AMBAC Indemnity has been and k�ll be assumed by a number of foreign and domestic un�liated reinsurers. AMBAC dndemr►ity has obtained a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service to the effect that the insuring of an obfigation by AMBAC Indemnitv �vill not affect the treatment for federal income tax purposes of interest on such obligation and that insurance proceeds representing maturing interest paid by A1VI�AC �ndemnity under policy provisions substantially identical to those contained in its municipal bond insurance p�licy shall be treated for federa! income tax purposes in the same manner as if such payments �cere made by the issuer of the Bonds. [THE FOLLOWI�'G MUS"I' BE INCLLTIDEI3 il� ANNUAL APPROPRIA'TION LEASE TIL�►NS�CTION: No representation is made by A1VI�AC Indemnity regarding the federal income tax treatmen[ of pa}�ments that are made by AMBAC Indemnity under the terms of the Policv due to nonappropriation of funds b}• the LesseeJ � t�MBA�C Indemnity makes no representation regarding the Bonds or the advisability of investing in the Bonds and mal:es no representation regarding, nor has it participated in the preparation of, the Official Statement other than the information supplied by AI�{BAC Indemnitt• and presented under the heading °` ", Ab''AiL.�,�d.E INFORM,�TiON The parent coinpany of AMBAC Indemnity, AMBAC inc. (the `'Compam�"), is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act'�, at�d in accordance there�cith files reports, proxy statements and other information with the Sec�rities and Exchange Commission (the `Commission"). Such reports, proxy statements and other information may be inspected and copied at the public reference facilities maintained bv the Commission at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20�49 and at the Commission's regional ofi�ces at ? World Trade Center, New York, New York 10048 and North��•estern Atrium Ccnter, 500 West Madison Street, Suite 1400, Chicago, Illinois 60661. Copics of such material can be obtained from the public reference section of the Commission at 450 Fifth Strcet, N.W., 4Vashington, D.G. 20549 at prescribed rates. In addition, the aforementioned mntcrial mav also be inspected at the offices of the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. (the "NYSE") at 20 Broad Strcet, Netv York, New York 1000�. The Company's Common Stock is listed on the NYSE. �eso/u-��o�, �Vo� 96 —�f `f � • • m.... �,. 0 Copies of AMBAC Indemnity's financial statemcnts prcpared in accordance «�th statutory accounting star►dards are available from AMBAC [ndemnity. The address of AMBAC Indemnity's administrative offices and its tclephone numbcr arc One State Street Plaza, 17th Ftoor, New York, Ne�v York, 10004 and (212) 668 0340. II+IC�DRPORATION OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS BY REFERENCE The follo�tiv�g documents filcd by the Company �vith the Commission {File No. 1-10777) are incorporated by reference in this Qfficia! Statemenr (1) The Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fisca] year ended Dec�ember 31, 149� and filed on April 1, 1996; (2) The Compan}�s Cunent keport on Form 8-K dated January 31, 1996 and filed on 1 ebn�ary 2�, 1996; (3) The Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated March 13, 1996 and filed on lYYarch 14, 1996; and (4) 'I'he Company's Current Report on Form 8-K/A, First Amendment ta Current Report nn Fo�rn 8-K dated Iviarch 13, 1996 and filed on March 15, 1996. All do�uments subsequendy filed bv the Company pursuant to the requirements of the E�change Act after the date of this Qfficia! Statenient ��ill be available for inspection in the same maru�er a� dsscribed above i�n "r�1�AILA�LIE INFORiVYATIQI�t". . �esolu`fi�oh No- 9�0-�� � s � E�HIBIT F FORM OF ANiBAC 1NDEMNITY OPINION >, 199 Ladies and Gentlemen: �. This opinion has been reqaested of the undersigned, a Vice Presiden[ and an Assistant General Counsel of AMBAC Indemnin� Corporation, a Wisconsin stock insurance compam• ("AMBAC Indemniry"), in conneciion ��ith the issuance by AMBAC Indemnih� of a certain Surer�� Bond, effective as of the date hereof (the "Surety"), guaranteeing payment of an amount equal to $> into the Debt Service Reserve Fund for the >, dated >(tha "Bonds"). In connecGon with my opinion herein, I have ew�mined the Surety, such statutes, documents and proceedings as I have considered necessary or appropriate under the circumstances to render the %iloe��ng epinion, includin�, �b�ihout limiting the generality of the foregoing, certain statements co�ttained en the Official Statement of the Issuer dated >, 199� relating to the Bonds (the "Off'icial SYatement") under the he�adings ">" and ">". Based vpon the foregoing and having regard to legal considerations I dcem rclevant, I am of the opinion that: L. AM�AC Indemnin• is a stock insucance company duly organized and validh� existing under the lab��s of the State of Wisconsin and dulv qualified to conduct an insurancc business in the State of > 2. AMBAG Indemnin• has full corporate po���er and authority to execute and deliver the Sureh• and the Sureh� h�s been duh� authorized, executed and delivered by AMBAC Indemnit}� and constitutes a le�al, valid a�d binding obligation of AMBAC Indemnitv enforceabte in accordance �rith its terms except to the extent that the enforceability (but not the validin•) of such obligation may� be limited by any applicable bankruptev, insolvency, liquidation, rehabilitation or other similar la��� or enactment no�v or hereafter enacted affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights. 3. The execution and delivery b�� AMBAC Indemnit�� of the Surety �cill not, and the consummation o£ the transactions contemplated thereby and the satisfaction of the tcrms diereof will not, conflict ��-ith or result in a breach of any of the terms, conditions ar provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation or By La���s of r�MBAC Indemnih•, or an�• restriction containcd in an}• contract, agreement or instrument to ���hich AMBAC Indemnity is a party or b�� �rhich it is bound or constitute a default under any of the foregoing. 4. Proceedings legallv required for the issuance of the Surety have been taken by AMBAC Indemnity and licenses, orders, consents or other authorizations or approvals of any governmental boards or bodies legally rcquired for the enforceability of the Surery hnve been obtained: any proceedings not taken and any licenses, authorizations or approvals not obtained are not material to dte enforceabiliry of the Surety. • �R�sol�ion No. 96-�f � E -";� . f''� -�, 5. The statements contained in the Official Statcmcnt under thc heading `'>," insofar as such statements canstitute summaries of the matters rcferred to therein, accuratety rcflect and fairl�� present the infomiati�on purpoRed ta be sho��� and, insofar as such statcmcnts describe AMBAC Indcmnity, fairly and accuratety describe AMBAC Indemnin�. The opinions expressed herein are solely for your benefit, and may not be relied upon by any other person. Very truly your�, Vice President and Assiseant General Counsel �3esolu�ion Na� 96-`�� 10 ■ .-� —� EXHIBIT G SURETY CERTIFICATE OF BOND INSURER AMBAC Indemnity Corporation ("AMBAC") is issuing a surery bond (the "Suret�� Bond") guaranteeing pa}�nent of an amount equal to $> to fund the Bond Reserve Requirement (as defined in the Surety Bond) established �vith regard to >(the "lssuer") >, dated >(the "Bonds"). On behalf of AMBAC, the undersigned hereby certifies that: (i) the Surety Bond is an unconditianal and recourse obligation of AMBAC to pay the schedu{ed payTnents of interest and principal on the Bonds in the event a draw on the Reserve Fund is required under the {Resolution/Indenture} and the amount credited to such Fund is insufficient to make such payment (up to but not in escess of the Suretv Bond Coverage as defined in the Surety Bond); (ii) the premium of $> for the Surety Bond was determined in arm's length negotiations in accorciance d�ith our standard procedures, is required to be paid as a condition to the issuance of the Surety Bond, and represents a reasonabie charge for the transfer of credit risk; (iii} no portion of such premium represents a payment for any direct or indirect services ather than the 8ransfer of credit risk, including costs of undenr�riting or remarketing the Bonds or the coss o� insurance for casuaity of Bond financed property; (iv) we are not co-obligors on the Bonds and ��•e do not reasonabl}� expect that we ���ill be calted upon to make any paymeni under the Surery Bond; and {v) the Issuer is not entitled to a refund of any portion of the premium for the Sureh� Bond us the evznt thaY the Bonds are retired prior to their stated maturity. Il�t �dI'd'NESS WHEREOF, AMBAC Indemniry Corporation has caused this cenificate to be esecuted in its name on this > day of >, 19> by one of its officers duly authorized as of such date. AMBAC INDEMNITY CORPORATION Bv: . > Vice President and Assistant General Counsel ��'ol u;�i on lI la• 9b ��� 11 . � EXHIBIT H SURETY BOND AMBAC Indemnity Corporation One State Street Plaz�s New York, New York 10004 Telephone: (212) 668-0340 Policy No. SB BE AMBAC Indemnity Corporation ("AMBAC"), in consideration of the pa}�nent of the premium and subject to the terms of this Surety Bond, hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the full and complete payments which are to be applied to pa}ment of principal of and interest on the Obligations (as hereinafter defined) and �vhich are required to be made by or on behalf of the (the "Obtigor'� to (the "Paying Agentl['rustee") as such pa}Tnents are due by the 061igor but shall not be so paid pursuant to a resolution of the City Council of the 461igor autftorizing the issuance of $ (the "Obligations") of said city and providing the terms and conditions for the issuance of said Obligations (the "Resotution/Indenture/Ordinance"); pro�rided ihat the amount available at any par[icular time to be paid to the Paying Agent under the terms hereof shall not exceed the Surety �ond Coverage, defined herein as the lesscr of $ ar the [Debi Service Reserve Fund Requirement for the Obligations, as that term is defined in the Resolution] (the "Reserve Requirement"). The Surety Bond Coverage shall be reduced and may be reinstaLed from time ta time as set foRh herein. I, As used k�erein, the term "O�mer" shall mean the registered owner of any Obligation as indicated in the books maintained by the applicable paying agent, the Obligor or an� designee of the �bligor for such purpose. The term "Ouner" shall not include the Obligor or am� person or entity �shose olaligntion or obli�ations by agreement constitute the undcrl��ing securih• or source of pa�'cnent of the Obligations. 2. Upon the later of: (i) one (1) day after receipt by the General Caunscl of AMBAC of a dcmand for pa�•►nent in the fonn attached hereto as Attachment 1(the "Demand for Pa}mient"), duly executed by the Pa}•ing Agent certif��ing that pa}-ment due as required b�• the Resolution has not b�en made to the Faying Agent; or (ii) the pa}ment date of the Obligations as specified in the Demand for Payznent presented by the Pa}•ing Agent to the General Counsel of AMBAC, AMBAC «71L make a deposit of funds in an account ��•ith the Paying Agent or its successor, in [City/State] sufficient for the pay�nent to the Paying Agent, of amounts �chich are then due to the Pa}•ing Agent {as specified in the Demand for Pn}ment) up to but not in excess of the Surety Bond Coverage. 3. Dsmand for Pa}Tnent hereunder may be made by prepaid telecopy, telex, or tclegram of the eyccuted llemand for Payment c% the General Counsel of AMBAC. tf a Demand for Pavment made hereunder does not, in any instance confortn to the terms and conditions of this Surety Bond, AMBAC shall give notice to the Pa�7ng Agent, as promptl�� as reasonabl}� practicable that such bemand for Pa�lnent a�as not eE%ctcd in accordance �vith the tcrms and conditions of this Surety Ban�i �nd bnefl}� state the rcason(s) thcrefor. Upon being notificd that such Dcmand for Pay�rnent was not eff�cted in accordance �vith this Suren Bond, the Pa��ing Agcnt ma�• attumpt to conect any such nonconfomung Demand for Pa��rnent if, and to the ext�nt that, thc Pa��ing A�ent is entiticd and able to do so. �e�lu.�ian Nd q� � ��i ,� � � 4. The amount payabie by AMBAC under this Surcty Bond pursuant to a Demand for Pa}Tnent shall be limited to thc Surety Bond Coverage. The Surcty Bond Coverage shall be reduced automatically to the extcnt of each pa}�ment made by AMBAC hereunder and ���il( be reinstated to the extent of each rcimbursement of AMBAC by the Obligor pursuant to Article II of the Guarann� Agreement, dated as of the date of the Obiigations, by and be�reen AMBAC and the Obligor (the "Guaranty Agreement"); provided, that in no event shall such reinstatement exceed the Surety Bond Coverage. AMBAC �ti•ill notify the Paying Agent, in «•riting ��ithin five (�) da}�s of such reimbursement, that the Surety Bond Coverage has been reinstated to the extent of such reimbursement pursuant to the Guarantv Agreement and such reinstatemen[ shall be effective as of the date AMBAC gives such notice. The notice to the Paving Agent ���ll be substantially in the form attached hereto as Attachment 2. The Surety Bond Coverage shall be automatically reduced to the extent that the Reserve Requirement for the Obligations is lowered or reduced pursuant to the terms of the Resolution. 5, Any service of process on AMBAC may be made to AMBAC or the office of the General Counsel ofAMBAC and such service of process shall be valid and binding as to AMBAC. During the term of its appointment, General Counsel ��711 act as agent for the acceptance of service of process and its offices are tocated at One Stste Street Piaza, New York, Ne�v York 10004. 6. This Surety Bond is noncancelabte for any reason. The term of this Suret�� Bond sha(1 e�pire on the earlier of (i) (the maturity date of the Obligations) or (ii) the dnte on �ti•hich the Obligor, to the satisfnction of AMBAC, has made all payments requircd to be made on the Qbfigations pursuant to the Resolution. The premium on this Surety Bond is not refundable for any rcason, inctuding the pa}Rnent prior to maturih� of the Obligations. 7. This Surety Bond shall be govemed by and interpreted under the la���s of the State of Wisconsin [or l�Yin�esota, ti/ermont, North Caro{ina, South Carolina or Washington, for financings in those states], and any suit hereunder (seeking specific performance, for financongs in Florida] in connection �vith any pa}�nent may be brought only by the Paying Agent ��ithin one year (two years en PVlinnesotA, three years in Maryland, five years in Kansas and five years in Florida] after (i) a Demnnd for Payment, with respect to such paym�ent, is made pursuant to the terms of this Surety Bond and AMBAC has faited to make such pa}�nent or (ii) payTnent �vould othen��ise have been due hereunder but for the failure on the part of the Paying Agent to deliver to AMBAC a Demand for Pa}Tnent pursuant to the terms of this Surety Bond, ���hichever is earlier. �. �ne o;Fthe follor��ing paragraphs may apply: ADDITIONr�.i.. PARAGRAPH FOR CALIFORNIA TRANSACTIONS: In the event thnt AMBAC Indemnity �cere to become insolvent, an}• claims arising undcr the Surety Bond tcould be excluded from coverage by the CaGfornia Tnsurance Guarant�• Association, established pursuant to the la��{s of the St�te oF Califomia. AIiDI'iiOl�tAL PARr10Etr�►PH FOR NE�V YORK TRAIVSACTIONS: The insuranee proitided b� the 5ureh• Bond is not covercd bv the prop�rt��/casualt�� insurancC secunn• fund spccificd bv thc insurartce la��s of the State of Nc�v York. '��,� j�on lll0 9��'�� �� ADDITIONAL PARAGRAPH FOR FLORIDA TRANSACTIONS: � The insurance provided by the Surety Bond is not covered b�• the Florida Insurance Guarant�• Association. IIV W6TNE�S WHEREO�, AMBAC has causcd this Suren• Bond to be executed and attestcd on its behalf this day of , 19 . Attest: Assistant Secretary ,� AMBAC Indemnity Corporation Bv: Vice President and Assistant General Counsel 8v: (Countersignature Agent, if applicable) �;'�solu�ian �lo. �l6-��� 14 . Attachment 1 Surcty Bond No.SB BE DEMAND FOR PAYMENT AMBAC Indemnity Corporation One State Street Plaza New York, New York 10004 Atteniion: General Counsel 19 .—.. Refe�ence is made to the Surety Bond No. SB BE (the "Surety Bond") issued by AMBAC Indemnity Corporation ("AMBAC"). The terms which are capitalized herein and not othenvise defined have the meanings specified in the Surety Bond unless the contest othenvise requires. The Pa}7ng Agent hereby certifies that: (a) Pa�ment by the Obligor to the Paying Agent �vas due on [a date not (ess than one (1 } day prior ta the applicable payment date for the ObligaYions] under the , attiched hereto as Exhibit A, in an amount equal to $ (the "Amount Due"). The Amount Due is payable to the O��ners of the Obligations on (b) $ has been deposited in the [fund/account] from mone}•s paid by the Obligor or from other funds legally available to the Paying Agent for pay�nent to the O��ners of the Obligations, which amount is $ less d�an the Amount Due (the "Deficiency"). (c) The Paying Agent has not heretofore made demand under the Surety Bond for the Amount Due or an;� portion thereof, The Pa�ing Agent hereby requests that payment of the Deficiency (up to but not in excess of the Surety Bond Coverage) be made by AMBAC under the Surety Bond and directs that pa}znent under the Surety Bond be made to the fotto�r�ng account by bank �vire transfer of federal or other immediately availnbie funds in accordance �tirith the terms of the Sureh� Bond: Account] [PAYIMG AGENT] Bv: Its: [Pa�•ing Agent's �esnlu�tion No. 96-�f `� 15 . . �'�, �� Attuchment 2 Suren� Bond No. SB BE NOTICE OF REINSTATEMENT , 19 [Paying Agent] [AddressJ Reference is made to the Surety Bond 1Vo. SB BE (the "Surety Bond") issued by AMBAC Indemniry Corporation {"AMBAC"). The terms «•hich are capitalized herein and not othenvise defined have Yhe meanings specified in the Surety Bond unless the conte.�ct athenr�se requires. AP1t$AC hereby delivers notice that it is in receipt of payment from the Obligor pursuant to Article IY of the Guaranty Agre�ment and as of the date hereof the Surecy Bond Coverage is $ subject t�o a reduction as ihe Reserve Requirement for the Obligations is lo���crcd or rcduced pursuant to the terms of the Resolution. ANiB�C dNi3ENItYITY CORPORa►TIOIY Attcst: Bv: Title Tide �es�lu-fton lUa. 9�'yy ' i6 � ,�-. EXHIBIT I GUARANTY AGREEMENT GUARt},NTY AGREEMENT dated as of , 19 by and bern�een , a public body corporate organized and existing under the la��•s of the State of (the "Obligor'�; and AMBAC INDEMNITY CORPORATION ("AMBAC"), a Wisconsin domiciled stock insursnce company. WYTNESSETH: i�IH�fftEA5, the Obligor has or ��711 issue (the "Obligations"); and &�/�-iETi�AS, AI4IBAC �ti1il issue its Surety Bond (the "Surcty Bond"), substantially in the form set forih in Annex A to this Agreement, guaranteeing certain pa��cnents by the Obligor subject to the terms and limitations of the Surety Bond; and i�l�iEltEr�S, to induce A1LiBAC to issue the Surety Bond, the Obligor has agreed to pay the premium for such Surety Bond and to reimburse AMBAC for all payments made by AMBAC under 4he Surety Bond from Legally Available Funds, all as more fully set forth in this Agreement; and iVHEREAS, the Obiigor understands that AMBAC expressly requires the delivery of this Agreement as part of the consideration for the execution by AMBAC of the Surety Bond; and NO'�i�, 7LHEIdE�ORE, in consideration of the premises and of che agreements herein contained and of the execution of the Surety Bond, the Obligor and AMBAC agree as follo�rs: ARTICLE d DEFIIYITIONS; SURETY BOND SecYion 1.01. Definitions. Except as othe��-ise expressly provided herein or unless the conte�ct othen��se requires, the terms ��hich are capitalized herein shall have the meanings specified in Annex B hereto. Sec�ia►r I.02. �i�retv Bond. (a) �.MBAC will issue the Surery Bond in accordance ��•ith and subject to the terms and conditions of the Commitment. (b) The ma.�cimum liabilit}� of AMBAC under the Surety Bond and the coverage and term thereof shatl be subject to and limited by the Surcty Bond Coverage and the terms and conditions of the Suretv Bond. �esalu�iDn 1 �o. 9�'`�� 17 � _ (c) Pa}�cnents made under the Surety Bond «•ill reduce the Surety Bond Coverage to the cxtent of that paytnent, provided that the Surety Bond Covcrage shall be automatica(ly reinstated to the extent of the reimbursement of principal by the Obligor of an}• pa�Tncnt made by AMBAC. Ah1BAC shall notify the Paying Agent in �eriting no latcr than thc fifth (�th) da�� follou•ing the reimbursement by the Obiigor that the Surery Bond has been rcinstated to the extent of such reimbursement. Section 1.03. Premium. In consideration of AMBAC agreeing to issue the Surety Bond heceunder, the Obligor hereby agrees to pay or cause to be paid from Legally Availabte Funds the pramium set forth in the Commitrnent. Section 1.Oa. Certain Other Expenses. The Obligor will pay alt reasonable fees and disbursements of AMBAC's counsel related to any modification of this Agreement or the Surety Boad. - �►RTICLE II REIli4BUfl25Eb�iEN'I' OBLIGAT[ONS OF QBLTGOR AND SECURITY THEREFORE Section 2.01. Reimbursement for Pa��ments Under the Suren� Bond and Exnenses. (a) 'I'he Obligor will reimburse AMBAC, from Legally Available Funds within the Reimbursement Period, ���ithout demand or notica by AM�AC to the Obligor or any other person, to the exient oi each 3uretti� Bond Pa}�ment ��•ith interest on each Sureh• Bond Fa�ment from and including'the date made to tl�e date of the reimbursement by the Obligor at �he Effective Interest Ra.te. The Obligor agrees that it shnll mal:e monthly level principal repa}ments for each 5urety Bond Payment during the Reimbursement Period. Interest on each Suren• Bond Pa}�nent shnll be paid monthly during the Reimbursement Period. To the extent that interest pa}�nents due hereunder are not paid on a mnnthly basis, or are not paid as each principal repa.�nent is made, interest shall accrue on such unpaid amounts at a rate equal to the Effective Interest Rate. (b) Tl�e Obligor also agrees to reimburse AMBAC, from Legally Available Funds, immediately and unconditionallv upon demand for at( reasonnble expenses incurred b}• AMBAC in connection e��ith the Surery Bond and the enforcement bv AMBAC of the Obligor's obligations under this Agreement together �ti�th interest on all such expenses from and including the date ��•hich is 30 da}�s from the date a statement for such expenses is received b�• the Obligor incurred to the date of pa}�ment at the rate sc[ forth in subsection (a) of this Section 2A l. Section 2.02. Allocation of Pa�znents. AMBAC and the Obligor hereby agree that each r�pa}ment of principal received by AMBAC from or on behalf of the Obligor as a reimbursement to AMBAC as required by Section 2.01(a) hereof shall be applied to reinstate all or a portion of the Surety Band Coverage to the extent of such rcpa}ment. Any interest pa}•able pursuant to Section 2.01(a) hercof shnll not be appGed to the rcinstatement of an�� portion of the Surety Bond Co��erage. �PSo/�� on l�o. 9b—'� 18 � � Section 2.03. Securitv for Pa«nents• Instrumcnts of Furthcr Assurancc. To the e�tent, but only to the extent, ti�t the Rasolution, pledges to the Onaers or any pa}�ing agent therefor, or grants a security interest or lien in or on any collatcral propem�, revenue or other pa}�ments ("Collateral and Reveaues") in order to secure the Obligations or provide a sourcc of pa}•ment for the Obligations, the Obiigorhereby granu to AMBAC a security interest in or licn on, as the case may be, and pledges to AMBAC all such Collatera! and Revenues as security for pa}�ment of all amounu due hereunder, wh'sch security interest, lien and/or pledge created or granted undcr this Sectian 2.03 shall be subordinate only to the interests of the O���ners and any paying agent therefor in such Collaterat and Revenues. The Obligor agrees that it �b�ill, from time to time, execute, acknowleslge and deliver, or cause to be executed, acknowledged and delivered, any and all fcnancing statemenu, if applicabie, and all other further instruments as may be required by la�v or as shall re3sonably be requested by AMBAC for the perfection of the security interest, if any, gr.nnted under this Section 2.03 and for the preservation and protection of ail rights of AMBAC under this Section 2.03. Section 2.04. Unconditional Obli a� tion. The obli$ations of the Obligor hereunder are absolute and uncanditional and witl be paid or performed strictly in accordance ��7th this Agreement, irrespective of: (a) any lack of validity or enforceability of, or any amendment or other modification of, or rvaiver with respect to the Resolation or the Obligations; (bJ� any exchange, release or nonperfection of any securiN interest in prope►ty securing the Obtigaiions or this Agreement or any obligatioqs hereunder, (c) any circumstances �vhich might othern�ise constitute a defense available to, or discharge of, the Qbiigor �vith respect to the Obligations; {d) «•hether or not such Obtigations are contingent or matured, disputed or undisputed, liquidated or untiquidated. AR'TdCLE IIi EVENTS OF DEFAULT; REMEDIES �ection 3.01. Events of Defnult. The fbllo��•ing events shali constitute Events of Defaulf hereunder: (a) The Obligor shall fail to pay to AMBAC any amount payable under Sections 1.04 and 2.0! licreof and such failure shnll have continued for a period in excess of the Reimbursement Period: (b) Any matenal represcntation or ���arranty made by the Obligor hercunder or under the Resolution or any statement in the application for the Sureri• Bond or any report, certificate, financial statement or other instrumcnt provided in connection t�•ith the Commitment, the Sureh� Bond or here«ith shnll have been material�y false at the time ���hcn made: �solu�ion No. 96 �� 19 � � {c) Except as othenvise provided in d�is Section 3.01, the Obligor shall fail to perform any of its other obligntions under this Agreement on c�reundcr, providcd that such failure continues for more than thirty (30) da}•s after receip[ by the Obligor of notice of such failure to perform: (d) The Obligor shall (i) voluntarily commence am• procceding or file am• petition seeking relicf under the United States Bankruptcy Code or any other Federal, state or foreign bankruptcc•, insolvency or similar la�v, (ii) consent to the institution of, or fail to controvert in a timcly and appropriate manner, any such proceeding or the filing of any such petition, (iii) apply for or consent to the appointment of a receiver, paying ageni, custodian, sequestrator or similar official for ihe Obiigor or for a substantial part of its propertv, (iv) file an ans��•er admitting the material allegaiions of a petition filed against it in any such proceeding, (v) make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, (vi) become unable, admit in ��•riting its inability or fail generall}� to pay its debts as fhey become due or (vii) take action for the purpose of effecting any ofthe foregoing; or (e} .�n involuntary proceeding shalt be commenced or an involuniary petition shall be filed in a court oicompetent jurisdiction seeking (i) relief in respect of the Obligor, or of a substantial part of its property, under the United Siates Bankruptcy Code or an}� other Federal, state or foreign bankruptcy, insolvency or similar !aw or (ii) the appointment of a receiver, pa}•ing agent, custodian, sequestrator or similar official for the Obligor or for a substantial part of its propcm�: and such proceeding or petition shall continue undismissed for sixty (60) da�•s or an order or dccrcc approving or ordering any of the foregoing shall continue unstayed and in effect for thirty (30} days. 5ection 3.02. Remedies. If an Event of Default shall occur and be continuing, then AMBAC ma�� take �vhafever action at la�v or in equity m�y appear necessary or desirable to collect the amounts Chen due ar�d thereaRer to become due under this Agreement or an}� related instrument and any obligation, agreemen[ or covcnant of'the Obligor under this Agrcement: provided, ho�sever, that AIvIBAC mav not take anv action to direct or require acceleration or other enrh� redemption of the �Jbligations or adversely affect thc rights of the O��ners. Al( righu and remedies of AMBAC under this Section 3.02 are cumulative and thc e�crcise of an}• onc rcmed�• does not preclude the exercise of one or more of the other available remedics. ARTICLE IV SETTLEMENT AIVIBAC shall have the exclusive right to decidc and determine whethcr an}• claim, liabilin�, suit or judement made or brought against AMBAC, the Obligor or any other party on the Surety Bond shall or shall not be paid, compromised, resistcd, defendtd, tried or appealed, and AMBAC's decision thereon, if made in good faith, shall be final and binding upon the Obligor. An itemized stntement of payments made by AMBAC, certified by an o�icer of AI�iBAC, or thc vouchcr or vouchers for such payTnents, shall be prima facie evidence of the liabilit}� of the Obligor, and if the Obligor fails to reimburse AMBAG, pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 2.O1 hercof, upon the receipt of such statemcnt of pa}�nents, interest shall be computed on such amount from the dntc of any payTnent made by AMBAC at the ratc set forth in subsection (aj of S�ction 2.01 hcreof. �esol ufian Na. 9�0-� Zo �.., �... ARTICLE V MISCELLANEOUS Section 5.01. Computations. All computations of premium, interest and fees hereunder shall be macie on the basis of the actual number of days elapscd over a year of 360 da}�s. Section 5.02. Exercise of Riehts. No failure or delay on the part of AMBAC to esercise any right, power or privilege under this Agreement and no course of dealing ben�•een AMBAC and the Obiigor or any other party shall operate as a waiver of any such right, po�ver or privilege, nor shall any single or partia! exercise of any such rieht, po�s�er or privilege preclude any other or further esercise theeeof or the exercise of any other right, po�ver or privilege. The rights and remedies herein expeessiy provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any righu or remedies which AlY1BAC would othenvise have pursuant to law or equiYy. No notice to or demand on any party in any case shail entitle such party to any other or further notice or demand in similar or other circumstances, or constitute a�caivar of the right of the other party to any other or further action in anv circumstances without notice or demand. Section 5.03. Amendment and Waivec Any provision of this Agreement may be amended, tvaived, supptemented, discharged or terminated only with the prior �r�ritten consent of the Obiigor and AMBAC. The Obiigor hereby agrees that upon the written request of the Pa}�ing Agent, AMBAC may make or consent to issue any substitute for the Surety Bond to cure any ambiguity or forma! defect or omission in the Surety Bond ��•hich does not materialiy change the terms of the Surety Bond nor adversely affect the riglits of the O��rers, and this A�reemcnt shall apply to such substituted Surety Bond. AMBAC agrees to deliver to the Obligor and to the company or compnnies, if any, rnting the Obligations, a copy of such substituted Suret�� Bond. Section �.04. Successors and Assi�ns; Descriptive Headin�s. (a) This Agreement shall bind, and the benefits thereof shall inure to, the Obligor and AMBAC and their respective successors and assigns; provided, that the Obligor may not transfer or assign any or all of its righ¢s and obiigations hereunder n•ithout the prior written consent of AMBAC. (b) The descriptive headings of the various provisions of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference onh• and shail not be deemcd to af�ect the me�ning or construction of any of the provisions hereof. Section 5.05. Oxher Sureties. 1f AMBAC shall procure any othcr sureh• to reinsure the Surery Bond, ihis Agreement shall inure to the benefit of such other surety, its successors and assigns, so as to give to it a direct right of action against the Obligor to enforce this Agreement, and "AMBAC," wherever used herein, shall be deemed to include such reinsuring suretv, as its respective interests may appear. Scction 5.06. Si¢nature on Bond. The Obligor's liability shall not be affected by its failure to sign the Surety Bond nor by any claim that other indcmnity or sccurity �t•as to have becn obtained nor by the reiease of any indemnitp, nor the rcturn or exchangc of an�� collatcral that ma}� have been obtained �eso�u.-�1Dr� iUtl. 9�-���4 21 .�-., ^ Section 5.07. Waiver. 'The Obligor �caives any defense that this Agreement was executed subsequent to the date of the Surety Bond, admitting and covenanting that such Surery Bond �vas executed pursuani to the Obligor's request and in reliance on the Obligor's promise to execute this Agreement. Section 5.08. Notices Reauests. Demands. E�cept as othen��se expressly provided herein, ail «�ritten notices, requests, demands or other communicaeions to or upon the respective parties hereto shall be deemed to have been given or made «•hen actualiy received, or in the case of teles or teIecopier notice sent over a telex or a telecopier machine o���ned or operated by a pam� hereto, �ehen sent, addressed as specified belo�v or at such other address as either of the parties hereto or the Paying Agent may hereafter specify in «-riting to the others: If to the Obligor: > If to the Paying Agent > If to AMBAC: AMBAC Yndemnity Corporation One 3tate Sireet Plaza 17th Floor Ne�v York, Ne�v York I0004 Attention: General Counsel Section 5.09 Survival of Representations and Warranties. All representations, warra.nties and ob(i�ations contained herein shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Surety Bond. Section S.1Q. Governin� La�v. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the patties under this Agr<;emeni shalt be govemed by and construcd and interpreted in accordance �vith the la��•s of ti�e State. Section 5.11. Counterparts. This Agrecment may be eYecuted in any number of copies and by the different patties hereto on the same or separnte counterparts, ench of which shall be deemed to be an original instrument. Complete counterpares of this Agreement shxll be lodged �vith the Obligor and AMBAC. Section 5.12. Severabilitv. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof. YN WITN�SS WHEREOF, cach of the parties hereto has caused a counterpart of this Agreement to be duly executcd and delivered as of the date first above �critten. (Seal) Attestt B!' Tide Tide AtiiBAC INDEMNITY CORPORATION Bt� Title �sal��� 1��. 9�-� 22 . � _a ANNEX A - SURETY BOND ANNE?C B DEFINITIONS For all purposes of this Agreement, except as othen�ise expressly provided herein oc unlcss the conte�ct otherwise requires, all capitalized terms shall have the meaning as set out bclo���. "Agreement" means this Guaranty Agreement. "A11�1BAC" has the same meaning as set forth in the first paragraph of this Agreement. "Collateral and Revenues" has the same meaning as set forth in Section 2.03 hereof. "Commitment" means the AIv1BAC Commitment for Surety Bond in the form attached hereto as Annex C. "Debt Service Payments" means those payments required to be made b}• the Obligor ��•hich «till be applied to pa}�nent of principal of and interest on the Obligations. "Effective Interest Rate" means the lesser of d�e Reimbursement Rate or thc maximum rate of inierest permitted by then applicable la�v; provided, ho�vever, that the Effcctive Interest itate shall in no event be less than the interest rate on the Obligations. "Event of DeFauli" shall mean those events of default set forth in Section 3.01 of this Agreement. "Legaliy Available Funds" means any mone}�s lcgall}• available to the Obligor for the payment of its obligations. "Obligations" has the same meaning as set forth in the second paragrnph of this Agreement. "Obligor" has the same meaning as set forth in the first paragra.ph of this Agreement. "O��ners" means the registered o«�ner of any Obligation as indicated in the books maintained by ihe applicable pa}�ing agent, the Obligor or any designee of the Obligor for such purpose. The term "O�ti�ner" shall not 'snclude the Obligor or any person or entity «•hose obligation or obligations by agreement constitute the underl}7ng security ar source of pa��►nent for the Obligations. "Pa}ring Agent" means "Reimbursement Period" means, «tith respect to a particular Suren� Bond Pa}ment, the period commencing on the date of such Surety Bond Pa�ment and ending 12 months following such Surety Bond Payment. ``Reimbursement Rate" means Citibank's prime rate plus h�•o (2) percent per annum, as of the date of such Surety Bond Pay�nyent, said "pnme rate" being the rate of interest announced from time to time by Cipbank, Nerv York, Ne�ti York, as its primc rate. Thc r�te of intcrest shall be calculated an the basis of a 360 day ycar. �esolu.-fr`On I�o, 9�'�� �� .. . . � �� C "Resolutiod' mcans "State" means the State of .�� "Sureh• Bond" mcans the surety bond issued by AMBAC substantiall}• in thc form attached to this Agreement as AnneY A. "Suretv Bond Coverage" means the amount available at am• particular time to be paid to the Pa��ing Agent under the terms of the Surety Bond, �ti•hich amount shalt never exceed $ . "Sureh• �ond Papcnent" means an amount equal to the Debt Service Pa}�ment less (i) tha[ po�tion of the Debt Service Pa}Tnent paid bv the Obligor, and (ii) other funds legall}• available to the I'a}•ing Agent for pa}ment ta the Owners, alt as certified b}• the Pa�•ing Agent in a demand for payment rendered pursuant to the tecros of the Surety Bond. ANNE�C C COMb•IITMENT ��ru,�ion �%. �b.� `� � 2a , , �„� i' w a�. AMBAC INDEMNITY CORPORATION WIRING INSTRUCTIONS (REVISED - AS OF 4/10/95) Citibank N.A. ABA NO. 021000089 For: AMBAC Indemnity Corporation A/C No. 40609486 Advise: Pamela Dottin (212) 208-3308 �'• Please indicate Poticy Number on �tiire *'* POLICY NUMBER CAN BE OBTAINED FROM AMBAC INDEMNITY'S CLOSING DEPARTMENT. CALL JANINE FEUDI AT (212) 208-3301 � �� ��al ���►� No. 96 - � � 25 , ,-R-. A�a :\�113:�C Indemnit�• C<�rpcn•cuic�n c)nr St.it�� 5u•eet Ylari \�u l'urk, \c�c 1i>rl: lUOO�j !?l?) (�(�5-Oi-10 I:u: (21Z) 5(1�)-91�)I) TO: M7�A � May 20,1996 A29�IBAC INIDEIVINITY STAI�ARD PACI�AGE FOR AIMBAC-INSURED 'I'I2ANSACTIONS []VOT' FOR �ISE �'ITI� GENERAL OBLIGATION/LIMITED OR �INLII+,�ITED TAX TRANSACTIONSJ Issuer, Issuei's Counsel, Managir►g Undenvriter, Bond Coi::�,sel and Underwrite�s Counsel pnegaratian of Financing Documents for AMBAC Indemnity Insured Issues ��� �� �v� (x�► pc�a��ed tu assisc you in the preparation of documents for your AMBAC indc-nv�ity �rpacation (`<AM�iAC Indeann�ty'� insured issue. Please modify the attached exhibits where aPP�PsqaLe and notify us as to any proposed modificatioc�s., If desire�, these pmvisions can be incorpotated iarto one section entatled "IMunicipal Bond tnsurance" e��tkun the apPlicable Indentiue, Resolution, Ardinance, Order or any other o�c'ative financing document (such a�plicable fi�socing d�ument wilt be refeaed to herein as ihe "Fimancing I?ocun�►t'�. Please be advised that the provisions contained in this pacicage are in addirion to the c�nditiQns listai ia the Cornmitrnes�t for Municipal Bond Insurance and any other commec�ts or changes that may tse requiresi by t1� AIVI�AC Indemnbty perssonnel working on tlus financing. If you have any questions, please c�ii one Of tt� foIlowing persons: Eile� L. Kiechofl� Jerry H. Pisecld, Karl T. Molin, Mary P. McKeon, or Kevin J. Boyle. e II�efinitions (Exhibit A). _ o piMBAC indemnity conseni required for changes to underlying documentation and exercise of remc:dies upon defauk (E�c}►ibit B). • INFORMAT70N to be given to AMBAC Indemnity (Exhibit C). • Permit�ad Tnvestrnents and Valuation Provisions (Exhibit D). . I2efeasance Lan�age (Exhibit E). • Deseription of AMBAC Indemnity Payment Procedure (Exhibit �. a Trustee-reiated provisians (Exhibit G). o AIvIBAC Indannity as a third-party beneSciary (Exhibit H). • Suggested lan° ,�e for (i) AMBAC Indemnity Official Staternent Disclosure, (ii) Notice of Sale, (iu) Bond Leg�l, and (iv) Cover page of Official Statement (Exhibit n. • Form of AMBAC Inderr�r►ity I.egal0pinion (Exhibit n. • Forrt► of AMBAC indemnity Certi6cate of Bond Insurer (Exhibit K). . A1viBAC Inda�uuty Wiring Instrudions (Exhibit L). �BSOlce�on No. 96-�f� . ^. � EXHIBIT A DEFIrTITIONS The following definitions ane th�e which AMBAC recommends for the Financing Docwnent: "AMBAC Indernnity„ sha11 mean �►A'�AC Indemnity Corporation, a Wisconsin -domiciled stock �� ��y. "Municipal Bonci tnsurance Policy" shall mean the manicipal bond insurance policy issued by AMBAC �CSd�nnity insuriny� the paymene when due of the principal of and interest on the Bonds as provided 3hese�n. z �eso%c�ion No. 9� -�� �� EI{HIBIT B AMBAC CONSENT LANGUAGE � AMBAC requires that the Financir►g Document include the following consent provisions: A. Consent of �A� Tndemnity. Any provisian of this [Finaneing Document] expressiy recogiizing or granting rights in or to AMBAC Indemnity may not be amended in any mar�ner which affects the rights of AMBAC Indemnity heteunder withoet �e prior written cot�sent of AMBAC Indemnity. B. �onsent of A1dYBAC Indemnity in Addition to Bondholder Consen� Unl�s ofherwise provided in this Section, AMBAC Indemnity's consent shall be requirad in addition to Bon�older comse�t, when rec;uired, for the following purposes: (i) execution and delivery of any �uppl�ntal [Finan,cing Bocument] ar any amendment, supplement or change to or modification of the [7-oan P+gr�cnent, Lease Agrcement, etc.] (ii) removal of the Trustee or Paying Agent and selectian and appoin�t of any successor LZistae or paying agent [required in those transactions in which the Financing I��um�f provides for a trustee or paying agent]; and (iii) initiation or approval of any action not described in (i) oe (ri) above tvhich requires Bondholder consent. C. Consent of AIMi$A� dndernnity en tl�e �vent of Insolvency �1ny rearg�niaation or liquidation pian with respect to the [issuer or obligor] must be acceptable to AMBAC Fsidemnity. In the event of any reorganization or liquidaiion, AMBAC tndemnity shall have the right to vote on behalf of all bondholders who hold ANiBAC Indemnity-insur�d bonds absent a default by AMBAC Indemnity under the applicable Municipal Bo7d L�surance Policy insuring such Bonds. [In Uat�sactians for which acceleration is not a remedy for an event of default, the following provision is to be included in the Financing Document.] �?. �onsent af AtYffit�C Indemnitg� Upon IDetaul� �.nytlut� in this [Financing DocumentJ to the contrary notwiihstanding, upon the occurrence and continuance of an event of dei'auh as deSned herei� AMBAC Indemnity shall be entided to control and direct the �force�nent u�all rights astd remer�ies gante�l to the Bondholders or the Tnistee for the beneSt of the Bondholders under ihis [Financing Documentj. [In trAnsactions %r which scceleraflon is a remedy for an event of default, the fo(lowing two provisions maast be induded in the �nancing Document in lieu of paragraph D above.j D. Consent of All�BAC Indemnity Upon Defaul� Anything iu this [Finar►cing Document] to the conhary norivitlu-tanding, upon the occurrence and continuance ofan e�.�ent ofdefault � denned'nerein, AMBAC Indenv»ty shall be entiUed to control and direct the enfarcem:a►i af �J! righ�s �nd rear►�ecli�.s �.r►ted to the Bondholders or thc Trustee for the benefit of the Bondhold� ur,der ti�is (Fiesanc�n� i?ocument], including, without limitation: (i) the right to accelerate the principa�l of t'rce Bonds as descril�ed in this [Financing Document], and (u) the right to annul any declaration of acceleratioq and AMBAC 1nd�uiity shall also be entided to approve all waivers of events of default. �S�Iu�'oh No. �i�-�� ,� E. Aeceterution Rights � Upon the occurrenoe of an event of default, the Trustee may, with the cansent of ��TsdBAC Indemnity, and shall, at the diredion of AMBAC �c�dexnnity or °/a of the Bondholders with the'c`fl�ent of AMBAC I►►detnnity, by writt�n natice tn thc lssuer and AMBEIC Indemnity, declare d�e principai of the Bonds to be unmediaiely due and payabl�, wheceupon that port�on of the principal of 4he Bonds thereby caming due and the interest thea�an accrued to the date of payment shall, without fwil�er action, be�ome and be immediately due and payable, anytlning in this (Fi�ancing Document] or in the Bonds to the contrary notwiihstanding. Reso/u,�iorr 1��. 96 — �� , .� EXHIBIT C INFORMATION TO BE GIVEN TO AMBAC � AMBAC requires t�tsat the follawing natice provisions be incorporated in the Financing Document: A. WtWe tl� Municipal Bond Insuranc� Policy is in effect, the LSSUer* or the Trustee {as appropriateJ shall fiunish to AMBAC Indenu►ity (to ihe atiention of the Surveillance Departrnent, unless otherwise indic�ted): (a) as so� as praciicable after ehe filing thereo� a copy of any financial statement of the Issuer* and a copy of any audit and annual report of the Issuer*; (b) a copy of any notice to be given to the registered owners of tUe Bonds, including, without limitalioq notice of aaty redemption of or d�feasance of Bonds, and any ceetificate rendered p����ant to this [Fu�aacin,� I�ocurne�nt] relating eo the secwity for the Bonds; and (c) such z.damoc�at :nfom,atiQn ic may reasonavty requesr. B. Tbe Tneste� or Issteer* [as appropriate) shall notify AMBAC Indemnity of any failure of the Issuer* to provi� reievant notic�s, ceriificates, etc. C. 11ts issuer* will gem�it AMBAC Inderruaity to discuss the affiurs, finances and accounts of the Issuer* or any inforenaAir�n AMBAC bn@emnity may reasonably request regarding the security for 4he Bonds with appropriat� o�ceYS of the Issuer*. The TrusteE or Issuer* [as appropriate] will permit AMBAC Indeannity to-�ve access to the Project and] have access to and to make copies of all books and re�ords relating to 4h� Bo►zds at any reasonabPe time. l3. A14��►C Indenmity shall have Yhe right to direct an accounting at the Issuer's* expense, and the Issuer's* failure Yo comply with such dir�ction withici thirly (30) days after reczipt of written notice of the direction fr�am AMBA� Ynde�nnity shall be deemed a default hereunder; provided, however, that if compliance cannot c�ccua within suclr �ria�, then such period will be extended so long as compliance is begun within such perinci and diligc�tly pursued, but only if sueh extension would not materially adversely affect the inten�ts of any registered owner of the Bands. E. Notwithstanding any.other provision of this [Financing Document], the Trustee or Issuer* [as appropriaLeJ shall immediately notify AMBAC Indemnity if at any time there are insuff cient moneys to make auy payments of peu�cipa! and/or interest as required and immediately upon the occurrence of any event of defiutt hefeunder. F, To the extent that the Issuer has entered into a continuing disclosure agreement with respect to the Bonds, AMBAC Indemnity shall be included as party to be notiSed. G. [FOR C�L.IFORNIA ANU ATDIANA (A�ATEMEIVT S1YLE) LEASESJ The Tcustee or Issuer [as appropriate] shall annually oertify to AMBAC that the insurance policies required by Section _ of the [IxasellndenUue] are in full force and effect, and �vill provide AMBAC with copies of such policies upan request. "or appropriate obligor on the Bonds. ���lu�ion Nd . 9�0- � �. EXHIBIT D PERNIITTED INVESTMENT� � A. AI�4BAC Ltidenuuty will allow the following obligations to be used as Pemutted Inveshnents for all purposes, inc�uding defeasance inveshnents in refunding escrow accounts. (EiMBA.0 Lndenu�ity does �ot give fl premiam credit for the investrr►e�et of accrued and/or capitalized intea�t.) (1) Cash (insured at ali tirn�es by the Fe�eral Deposit Insurance Corporation or otherwise collateralized with obligations d�scribed in paragraph (2) below), or (2) Llirec� obligations of (including obligations issued or held in book entry form on the books o fl the ISegar�t of the Treasury of the United States of America. �. ANS�AC �rmity will allov� the following Obligations to be used as Pemtitted Investrnents for all purposes other tha�i def�ce inveshments in refunding escrow accounts. �i) obligRations of any of th� following federal agencies which obligarions repr�esent the full faith and credit of 4he Unite� States s�f Amer�c�, wcluding: — Export-Import Bank — Farrri Cr�lit S,ystem Financia! Assistance Corpotation — Fazmets Fiome Adminisdation — Genera! Servisxs Rdministration — U.S. Maritime AdstEinistYation — Small Business ,4dmini5hation — Govesnment National Mortgage Association (GNMA) — U.S. Degaifiment of Housing & Urban Development (PHA's) — F�cier�l Housictg Administration; (2) senior debt obli�ations rated "AAA" by Standard & Poo�'s Corporation (S&P) and "Aaa" by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. (Moady's) issued by the Federai National Moc4g�ge Association or the Fe@eral Hanre Losan Mortgage Cocporation. Senior debt oblieations of other Govemment S�onsored encies anmmved b.1.r AMBAC Inde►nnitv: (3) U.S. dollar d�omirkzted deposit accounts, federal funds and banker's acceptances with domestic cQrnmenciai banks which have a aating on their short term certificates of deposit on the date of pwchase of "A-1" or "A -1+" by S&P and "P -1"by Moody's and maiuring no more than 360 days after the date of purc,hase. (Ratings on holding companies are not consider�t as the rating of the bank); (4) commercial paper which is rated at the time of purchase in the single highest classification, "A-1+" by S&P and "P-1" by Moody's and which matures not more than 270 days after the date of purchase; (5) investrnents in a money market fund rated "AAAm" or "AAAm �'r" or better by S&P; ��salu�ion lUa, g6 -�� � (6) Pre-nefw�ded Municipal Obligations defined as follo��5: Any bonds or other obligations of any state of the Unit�d Stafes of America or of any agency, inst�wne�►tality or 1oca1 Bovemmental unit of any such staLe which are not callable at the option of the obligor prior to maturity or as to which irrevocable instn�etions have been given by the obligor to call on the date specified in the notice; and (A) which are rated, based on an irrevocable escrow account or fiu►d (the "escrow'�, in the highest rating category of S&P and Moody's or any successors thereto; or (g) (i) whi�h ue fully secured as to principal and interest and redemption premium, if any, by an escrow consist�ing only of cash or ak�ligataons described in paragraph A(2) above, which escrow may be applied only to the pa.yment of suc4i principal of and interest and redemption premium, if any, on such bonds or othec obligations on the maturity date or dates thereof or the specified redemption date or dates pursuant to such.irt�vocabte instructions, as appropriate, and (u) which escrow is sufficient, as verified by a nationally rempuzed ic�deg�sdent certi5ed public accountant, to pay principal of and interest and redc�s�ptian premium, if any, on the bonds or other obligations described in this paragraph on the maturity date or dates specified in the imevocable insdvations refetred to above, as appropriate; [Pre- regunded NYunicipal Obligations meeting the requirements of subsection (B) hereof may not be used as Permitted Investments for annual appropriationlease transactions without the prior writtcn approyal of S�P.] ('n invesbnentagreements approved in wri:ing by AMBAC Indemnity Corporation [supported by appropriate opinions of counsel] with notice t�o S&P; and (8) other %rnu of inveshnents (includin� renurchase agrcementsl approved in writir►g by AMBAC with notice to S&P. C. The vatue of the above investments shall be determined as follows: "Value", which shall be de�temuned as of the end of each month, means that the value of any investrnents shall be c�lculat�d as follows: a) as to invesht�ents the bid and asked prices of which are published on a regular basis in The Wall Street Joumal (or, if not there, then in The New York Times): the average of the bid and asked prices for such inveshnents so published on or most recendy prior to such time of detem�ination; h) as Yo investrnents the bid and asked prices of which are not published on a regulaz basis in The Wall Street Joumal or The New York Times: the average bid price at such time of detemtination for such investrnents by any two nationally re�ognized govemment securities dealers (selected by the Trustee in its absolute discretion) at the time making a market in such inveshnents or the bid price published by a narionally recognized pricing service; c) as to certificatcs of deposit and bankers acceptances: the face amount thereof, plus accrued interest; and d) as to any investrnent not spe�ified above: the value thereof established by prior agreemenc betwe�n the Issuer, the Trustee and AMBAC lndemnity Corporation. /��.so��d� No. q��� �, �. r � EXHIBIT E DEFEASANCE LANGUAGE A, The deScution of"Qutstanding" bonds or obligations, or any like concept, should speciScally include bonds or obligations which fall into the category described below. B, liie defea5ance section of the Financing Document should include the following language: N�� �g }�� ���ntrary, in ihe event that the principal and/or interest due on the Bands shall b� paid by AMBAC Indannity Corporation pursuant w ihe Municipa] Bond Insurance Policy> ��n�s s�ll a�n�r, a�uts�ia�3 fo� a11 purposes, nat be defeased or othenvise satisfied and not be a�nsiden�d paid by the Issi:er, and the assignment and pledge of the Trust Eshate and all covenants, agre�nents aud other obligations of fhe Lssuer to the registered owners s}iall continue to exist and shall run to tbe hea�fif of At�tlC lndemnity, and ANIBAC Inde�ru�ity shall be subrogated w the righis of such regist�red ovmers. a �esal��i'an Na. 9�0-� -�. FJ;HIBIT F ,.�.. PAYMENT PROCEDURE PURSUANT TO THE MiJ1vICIPAL BOND INSURANCE POLICY The following language sets out the applicable procedure for payments under the Municipal Bond Insurance Poicy and should be incorporated into the Financing Document: As long as tl►e bor►d insurance shall be in full force and effect; the Issuer, the Trustee and any Paying Agent agree to comply with th� followin� provisions: (a) At least one (I) day prior to all interest Payment Dates the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, will determine wheiher there will l� sufficient funds in the Funds and Accounts to pay the principai of or interest on the Bonds on such Interest Payment Date. If the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, dekem�►ir►es that thea� wiil be insufficient funds in such Funds or Accounts, ihe Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, shall so norify AMBAC Indemnity. Such notice shall specify the amount of the anticipated deficiency, the Bonds to which such deficiency is applicable and whether s�ch Bonds «�ill be deficient as to principal or interest, or both. If the Trustae or Paying Agent, if any, has not so notifiefl AMBAC Indenu�ity at least one (1) day prior to an Interest Pa}�nent Date, AI��IBAC Indemnity will make payments of principal or interest due on the Bonds on or before the firsti (lst) day nex�t following the date on which AMBAC Indezeviity shall have received notice of nonpayment from the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any. (b) the'E'rustce or �aying Agent, if any, shall, after giving notice to ANIBAC Indemnity as provided in {a) above, make available to AMBAC Indemnity and, at AMBAC Indemnity's direction, to the United States Trust Company of New York, as insurance Wstee for AMBAC Indemnity or any successor insurar►ce trus�ee (the "Insurance Trustee'�, the registration books of the Issuer maintained by the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, and all records relating to the Funds and Accounts maintained under this [Financing Dacument]. (c} 41� Tevstee or Paying Agent, if any, shall pra�vide AMBAC Indemnity and the Insurance Trustee with a list of registered a�mers of Bonds entitled to receive principal or interest payments from AMBAG Inde�nnity under the te�ms of the 1�lunicipal Band Insurance PoGcy, and si�alt make arrangements widi fhe Insusance Trustee (i) to mail checks or drafts to the registere� owners of Bonds entitled to receive full or partial interest paymenEs from AMBAC Indecnnity and (ii} to pay principal upon Bonds surrendered to tkee Insurance'Trastee by the n�istered owners of Bonds entided to receive fiill or partial principal payme.nts from AARIiAC Indemnity. (d) the Tnast� or Paying Agent, if any, shall, at the bme it provides notice to AIvIBAC Indemnity pursuant to (a) above, notify registered oevners of Bonds entitled ta r�;eive the payment of principal or interest t6erean from AMBAC Indenmity (i) as to the fact of such entitlement, (u) that AMBAC Inde�nnity vrill remit to them all or a part of the interest payments next coming due upon proof of Bond��lderentitlement to interest payments and delivery to the Insurance Trustee, in form satisfactory to the Insurance Trust�, of an appropriate assigiment of the registered owner's right to payment, (ui) that should they be e»titled to receive full payment of principal from AMBAC Indemnity, they must surrender theu Bonds (along with an appropriate instrument of assigvnent in form satisfactory to the L�sutanc� Tnistee to pemtit ownership of such Bonds to be regstered in the name of ANYBAC In��ity) for payment to the Luurancc Trustee, and not ths Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, and (iv) that shbuld thcy be entitled to receive partial payment of principal from AMBAC Indemnity, they must surraider their Bonds for payment thereon first to the Tnistee or Paying Agent, if any, tvho sl�all note on such �onds the portion of the principal paid by the Tnustee or Paying Agent, if any, and then, along with an apprupriate inshument of assignment in fam satisfactory to the Luurance Trustee, to the lnsurance Trustee, w}►ich will then pay the unpaid portion of principal. �?�D�il�A�7 /UD• �(v�i� --�. (e) in the event that the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, has notice that any payrr�ent of principal of or interest on a Bond which has become Due for Payment and which is made to a Bondholder by or on belialf of the Issuer has be�n deemed a prsferential transfer and theretofore recovered from its registered owner pursuant to the Unite� States Bankruptcy Code by a trustee in ba�ilavptcy in accordance with the final, na►appealable order of a court having competent jurisdiction, the Trustee orPaying Agen� if any, shall, at the time AMBAC Indenu�ity is notified pursuant to (a) above, norify all registered owners that in �e eveat that any negistered owne�s payment is so recovered, sach registered owner will be entided to payit�eat fmm AMBAC Tndemnity to the extent of such recovery if suff cient funds are not otherwise available, and the Tnrstee or Paying Agent, if any, shall fiunish to AMBAG Indeauiity its records evidencicqg the payments of principal of and interest on the Bonds which have b�► anade by the Trustee or Paymg Agent, if any, and subsequently recovered from registered owners and the dates on which such paysneats were made. i fl in addition to those rights granted AMBAC Indemnity under this [Financing Document], AMBAC Inderntuty shall, to the �t it makes payment of principal of or interest on Bonds, become subrogated to tt�e rights of the recipieats of such paym�ts in accordance w�ith the terms of the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy, and to evidence such subrogation (i) in the case of subrogation as to claims for past due intee�s� the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, shall note AMBAC dndemnit}�s rights as subrogee on the negis(satian books of ihe Issuer maintained by the Trustee or Paying Agent, af any, upon rc�eipt from AMBAC Lidemnity of proof of the paysnent of interest ihereon eo the registered ov��ers of the B�nds, attd ('ri) in the case oisubraga�lion as to claims for past due principat, the Trustee or Paying Agent, if any, shali nt�te f�MB�4.0 Ync3emnit}�s rights as subrogee on the registration books of the Issuer maintainad by the Z'rustee or Paying A.gent, iiany, upon surrender of the Bonds by the registered owneas themof toge4her with proof of the payment of principal ther�of. '���sD�u�i7lk► N�� y���� .� ��,, EXHIBIT G TRUSTEE-RELATED PROVISIONS Vt7ith respect to Uai�sactions involving a trustee or paying agent, AMBAC requires that the following provisions be inuorporated into the Financing DocumenX Please note that wiless othenvise required by AIvI�AC, if the fu��ncing at hand does not contanFlate a 4rustee or pa}nng agent, these provisions may be discegarded. 1. The Trustee (or Paying Ag�t) may be removed at any time, ai the request of AMBAC Inderruiity, for any breach of the Tnist set forth herein. 2. �MBAG I�nnity shzll receive prior written natice of any Trustee (or Paying Ag�t) resign�ation. 3. �very successor Tcuste� appointed pursuant to t}us Section shall be a trust wmpany or bank in good slanding located in or incorporated under the laws of the State, duly authorized to exercise trust powers and subjed to examination by 4etleral or sfate authority, having a reported capital and surplus of not less than Si5,OJ0,OQ0 and acceptabie to AMBAC Lndemnity. Arry successflr Paying Agent, if applicable, shall not be appoie�ted ua��ss �1BAC approves such successor in writicig. 4. Nolwitl�ing �ny oiher provision of dvs [Finan�ing Doc�unent], in detennining whether the rights of the �ndhal�ets dvel! be adveesely affected by any actian taken pursvant to the temis and provisions of this [Fit�neing I�wrsentj, the Trustee (or Paying tlgent) shall consider the effect on the �ondholders as if there were pea Mw�icipa! Boa�d Ins�u�ace Policy. 5. Noh�ifhstanding atry other provision of this [Financing Document], no removal, resigsiation or ternw�ation of the Trustee (or Payeng Agent) sha13 take effect until a successor, acceptable to AMBAC, shall be appointed. Res�l c�r'o�, Na q� �f , , . . �.,.�, EXHIBIT H INTERESTED PARTIES � 1n addition 4o the provisions listed above, AMBAC also requires the following provision be incorpofau� inw the Financing Documa�G A. �MBAC As Third Party Benefeciary. To ths eMet�t that this [Financing Document] confers upon or gives or grants to AMBAC any right, r�ernedy or ctairn under or by �easou oFthis [�inancing Document], AMBAC is hereby explicitly �ized as being a third-patty b��ficiary her�der and may enforce any such right remedy or claim conferred, given or gtanted i�r. B. Pariiies Iraterested Iiere9n Nothia►g isi Shis j�°ic�aaescing Y3ociuncx�t] exp�ssed or implied is intende�i or shall be canstrued to confer upon, or to g+ve or �rant to, any person or entity, other than the 3ssuer, the Truscee, APvIBAC lndemnity, the Paying Agent, if any, and the r�giste�ed owners of the Bonds, any right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this [Financia�g I��ra�t� or any cod�ant, condition or stipulation hereo� and all covenants, stipulations, promises anci a�rienis in this [Financing Document] coniained by and on behalf of the Issuer shall be for the �ole aabd excluseve benefit of the Issuer, the Trustee, AMBAC lndemnity, the Paying Agent, if any, and ihe regisPce�ed ow�s of the Boa�ds. i: Res�l�c�an �Ild� 9� �� ,-., � EXHIBIT I AMBAC INDENIIYITY OFFICIAL STATEMENT DISCLOSURE AND SUGGESTED LANGUAGE �O�R'I'�IE NOTICE OF SALE, BOND LEGEND, COVER PAGE OF OFFICIAL STATEMENT AN�A� INiDLM1vITY OFFIGIAL STATEIVIENT DISCLOSURE Payment F'ursussnt to 1VEunicipal &ond Insurance Policy t�1VIBAC'dndemnity has made a commitrnent to issue a municipal bond insurance policy (the "Municipal Bond insurance Policy'� reL�tir►g to the Bands effective as of the date of issuance of the Bonds. Under the terms of the Municipal S�nd Insurznce Policy, AMBAC Indemnity will pay to the United States Trust Company of New York, in New Yosic, New York or any successor thereto (the "Insurance Tnistee'� that portion of the principal of aaid interest on the �onds wivcti shall become Due for Payment but shall be unpaid by reason of Nonpayment by the Issver (as stach ierms are defined in the Municipal Bond Lisurance Policy). AMBAC Lnderruuty wilt make such pay,ments to the Insnrance'T'rustee on the laYer of the date on which such principal and interest becomes Due for Payment or wi4h4rr one buseness day following the date on which AMBAC Indemnity shall have received notice of Nonpayment from 4he Trustee/Paying Agent. The insurance wil! extend for the term of the Bonds and, once issuerl, cannot be canceled by .R,MBRC Inclemnity. The Munic9paI Bond Inswance Policy wil! insure payment only on stated maturity dates and on mandatory su�idng iund insialLnent dates, in the case of principal, and on stated dates for payment, in the case of interest. If the �o�ds become subject io mandatory r�lemptian and insufficient fiands are available for reslemption of all out,�anding Bonds, A1VIBAC Indemnity will remain obligated to pay principal of and interest on outstanding l�onds csn the originally schetiul�i is►terest and peincipal payment dates including inandatory sinking fund zedetnption date.s. Yn Yhe e�ent of any acceleration of the principal of the B4nds, the insured payments will be ma.de at such tianes acad in srach amounts as would have he�n made had there not been an acceleration. In the event the Truste�JPaying Agent has notice that any payment of principal of or interest on a Bond �vhich has become Bue for �ayment and which is made to a Bondholder by or on behalf of the Issuer has been deem� a preferen6al Lansfer and theretofare recovered &om its registered owner pursuant to the United States Banlauptcy Code in accordance with a final, nonappealable order of a court af competent jurisdiction, such registered owner will be entitled Lo payment from AMBAC Indemnity to the extent of such recovery if sufficient funds aze not otherwise available. 'Il�e Munieipal Boatd Insurance Policy does not insure any risk other than Nonpayment, as defined in the PoGcy. Sp�ifically, tlfe Municipal Bond Insurance Policy does not cover: 1. payment on acceleration, as a result of a call for redemption (other than mandatory sinking fund r�lemption) or as a result of any ofher advancenicnt of maturity. 2. payment of any redemp6on, prepayment or acceleration premium. 3. nonpaytt�e.nt of principal or interest caused by the insolvency or negligence of any Trustae or Paying Agent, if any. /��'ies°�/u fi"o� Na. 9G- `f`i �. � If it becomes n�ssary to call upon the Municipal Bond Luurance Poticy, payment ofprincipal requires sarrender of Bonds to the Insurancc Trustee together w�th an appropriate uutrument of assig�ment so as to permit ownership of such Bonds to be registered in d�e name of AMBAC Indemnity to the extent of the payment undee the Municipal Bond Insulance PoGcy. Payment of interest pursuant to the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy raquims proof of Bondholder entidement to interest payments and an appropriate assignment of the Eondholdet's righito payment tc� AMBAC Inde�ru�ity. Upon payment of the insurance benefits, AMBAC Tnde�ruuty will become the owner of the Bond, appurtenant coupon, if any, or right to payment of principal or interest on such Bond and ��11 be fully subrogated to the surrenderin� Bondholder's rights to payment. • �OR'I'RANSAC'I'IONS INVOLVING VARY�BLE RATE BONDS: Ti�e Ivtunicipal Bond 7nsurance Policy does not insure against loss relating to payments of the purchase price of Bonds upcxe tender by a registered ow�ner theroof or any preferential transfer relating to payments of the purchase price of g3onds upon eender by a registered owner thereof. Ai3Di'I'IOI�TAL �AIdAGRAPH FOYd CALIFORNIA TR�►NSAGTIONS: � the event 4hat A16ffiAC indemnity were to become insolvent, any clairris arising under the Policy would be exciude� from coarerage by the Califomia lnsurance Guaranty Association, established pursuant to the laws of the State of Califomia. AYDIDTI'Ip1�AI, ��►1tr1�RAPH FOR NEW �'ORK TRANSACTIONS: T�e insurance,�rovid� by the ll�tunic9pal Bond Insurance PoGcy is not covered by the propert}�/casualty insuranee security iund specifi� by ihe insurance lau5 of the State of Ne�v York. �IDI'I'IONAT. PARAf�RAi'H F'OR Fi,ORIY)EO 'd'ItANSACTIONS; The insurance provided by the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy is not covered by ihe Florida Insurance Guaranty Assaciation. AMBAC II�IDEIVINITY CORPORATION AMBAC Indenuuty Corporation ("AMBAC Indemnity'� is a Wuconsin-domiciled stock insurance corporation regulaferl by the Officeof the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Wisconsin and lice��sed to do business in 50 states, the District of Columbia, the TeRitory of Guam and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, with admitted assets of approximately $2.440.00OL000 (unaudited) and stariitory capital of approximately 51.387.000.000 (unauditetl) as of March 31,1946. Statutory capital consists of AMBAC Indemnity's policyho]ders' surplus and statutory contingency reserve. AMBAC Indenuuty is a wholly owned subsidiary of AMBAC Inc., a 100% publicly held company. Standard & Poor's Ratings Services, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Mood}r`s Investors Service and Fitch Investors Service, L.P. have each assigned a Mple-A claims-paying ability ratin� to AMBAC lndemnity. AMBAC Inde�ntuty has entered into pro r�ata reinsurance agre�ments under which a percentage of the insurance undenvritten puisuant to certain municipal bond insurance programs of AMBAC indemnity has bee� and will be assumed by a number of foreign and domestic unaffiliated reinsurers. �����'ior� /llo. �6 y� �� .� AMBAC lndaru�it, as obtained a ruling fran the Intema! Revenue Service to the effcct th:. .,; insuring of an obGgation by AMBAC Inderru�iYy will nat a�'ect the treatrnent for fc�deral income tax purposes of interest on such obGg�tion and that insulance proceeds t�epresenting tnaturing interest paid by AMBAC Indannity under poGcy provisions substantially ideatical to t}�ose contaic� in its municipal bond insurance policy shall be treated for f�3eaa1 inoom� tax }�u�po�.•rs in the same maruier as if such payre►ents were made by the issiaer of the Bonds. ['TkiE FOI,Z.OWII'+iG 1!'IiJ�T EiE iI1iC�..ilDED IN ANnIUAL APPROPRI�1TYQtV LEASE 'I'�1I�St�t'd'IONSc No erpr�enta6on is rnade by AMBAC Indemnity regarciing the federal income taz treatptaeaet of paymgnts tluat �re mad,e by A1�AC dndemnity under the terms of the PoGry due to monapprapria4ion off fiends �y ttee i,essee.] �NB�� i�nngey am3kes aso a��ratiw� re�rding �e B�nds or the advisability of investing in the Bonds and scsalces nn tc.p�en �ing, aor has it participated in tfie preparation o� the O�c9a1 Statement other thaa 4he infnrnsaYi� supplied by AMBAC Ind�nniry and p�ented under the heading •• `< AYAII.AB�,� YToT�OR1VPA'YTON °Ilte � ccsmpaay �iAI�/l�.4C I�v�nity, APVIBAC dnc. (tkiee "Company'�, is subjed to the infomtiational r�+quiremeats of t'�e S�� �xchange Act of 1934, as am� (the "Ezchange tSct'�> and in accondance iherewith files tepoats, ProxY stat�ts and other inforn�ation with the Sacurities a�ad Exchange Commission (the "C��a6s�ion'�. Sucb ae�sts, Proa7' sta?�ts and other irefomiatiora etaay be inspected and copied at the pubGc �f'e� �ecilit's�,s by dse �oen�tis�ion at 450 Fifth Stseet,lV.W., Vdgshingwn, D.C. 20549 and at the Catsanissioa's re��al o�ces at 7�1+Torld'Trasle Ccnter, New YoriS New York Id048 and Northevestem Atrium �ter, 500 West Madison Sme�k, Suite 1400, Chicago, IDinois 6U661. Copies of such material can be obhained from 4he p�ablic re�ce se�ion ofthe C�nunis,sian at 450 Fifth Strat, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 at presccib� rafe�. Em as3di0at, tbe afo�atioceed material may also be inspecte� at the offices of the New York Sta�' �xc,�nge, inc. (dae "IVYSE'� at 20 Broad Street, Neev York, New York 10005. The Company's Core�rnon SEOCk is list�d � the I+IYSE. �pies of`��SC indeannit}�s fia�aaiciai stat�n�ts pre�arad in accordatsce with sKatutory accounting standards are avaitabte frtxn All�3AC Iad�iuiity. ihe adda�ss of AMBAC Ind�neui}�s administntive offices and its telepi�one numher ane One State Sheet Plar�, 17th Flaor, New York, New York, 10004 and (212) 668-0340. I1KCiiR&'�itA'dZC3N QF ��TAIP1 IDOZiJMENTS �Y REFERENCE 'Ihe following docucr�ents filod by the Company with the Commission (File No. 1-10777) are incorporate� by n�ference in this Offici�l Statemen� (1} 'I� Company�s Annual Report on FoRn 10-K for the fiscal year ended Decc�nber 31, 1995 and filed on April 1, 1996; (2) i'he Compan}�s Cureent Report on Form 8-K dated January 31, 1996 and filed on Febniary 28, 1996; (3) Tl�e Compan}�s Cureent Report on Form 8-K dated Mazch 13, 1996 and filed on March 14, 1996; (4) The Company's Cwrent Report on Form R-K/A, First Amendment to Cucrent Report on Fortn 8_K dated March 13,1996 and filed on March 15, 1996; and (5) Tise Compa�s Quartcdy Report on Fortn 10 for the quarterly period ended March 31, 1996 and Sled on May 15,1996, �.�alu�ivv� l�a. 9�0 -`�SG a-�, � AU doctamea�ts suhsaquendy filed by the Company pursuant to the roquiremenks of the Exchange Act after the date of this Official S�ent will be available for inspection in the same manner as described above in "AVAII.ABLE INFORMATION". NO'liiCE QF SALE �AC Tndemnity f'ocporation ("AMBAC Ind�nnity'� has issuad a commihnent for municipal bond ins4aranc�e relating to the Bonds. All bids m�y t� conditioned upon the issuance effective as of the date on which 4�ae Bonds are issu�, of a policy oiinsuranos by AMBtlC Indemnity, insuring the payment w}pen due of principal of a�d intes�st an the Bands. Eac}s Bond wi11 t�ear a legaid referring to the insurance. The purchaser, holder or aw�aer is not autborized to make any stiatea��aats conc�ming the inswance beyond those set out here and in the iwnd legend widwut the agproval of AMBAC Indernnity. lBOlmll) iEGEt� Ivlunicipai Bond Inssarance Policy No._ (the "Policy"� with resp�t to payments due for principal of and interest on this bond has been issued by �AG Ta►►denmity Corporation ("AMBAC Indemruty'�. Ti�e Policy has bezn deliverai to � Llniteci States Tntst Company of New York, New York, New York, as ihe Insua;�eECe Tnestee under �aisi 3'oficy and vvfll i�e held by such Ltisuranc� Trustee or any successor insurance trt�. 'ihe Polic� is on flte and avasiable fi�r i�spe�tion at tlae principal o�ce of the Insurancs Truste.e and a copy ther'eof may be secur�i fram �AC � or the �c�surance Trustee. Atl payments requued to be macie under the Policy shall be m�al� in accordance wath the provisions thereof. 'I'he o�vner of this bond acimowledges and consents to the subroga�tian �ig7�ts af �I�AC Iaademnity as more fWly sc^t forth in the PoGcy. �' CC3�� PA�E O� i)��,'IAi. �Tt9 � LNY��iT' �ayment of the principal of �av3 interest on fhe �onds when due will be insured by a municipal bond insurance policy to be issuad 6y AtVI�AC 5nd�nnity Corporation simultaneously with the delivery of the Bonds. �t��c.t7 i�ri 1��. �f�°� �� ' • ' --� EXI-QBIT J FORM OF THE AMBAC LEGAL OPIrTION Ladies and Gentlemen: �. This opinion has been requested of the undersigned, a Vice President and an Assistant General Counsel of AMBAC Indeannity Cocporation, a Wiscoruin stock insurance company ("AMBAC Inder�uiity'�, in connection with the issiaance by AMBAC Tndemnity of a certain Municipa! Bond Inswance Policy and endorsement thereto, effective as of tlie date hem.of (fhe "Policy'�, insuring $> in aggregate principal amount of the >(the "Issuer'�, > dated > (the "Bmnds'�. In connection with myopinion herein, I have examined the Policy, such statutes, documents and proccedings as I l�ve considered necessary or appropriate under the c'vcumstances to render the following opinion, including, without limiting the generality of 4he foregoing, certain statements contained in the Official Statement of the Issuer dated >, aelating to the Bonds (ihe "Off cial Statement'� under the headings ">" and ">". Based upon the foreboing and having negard to legal considerations I deem relevant,l am of the opinion that: 1. AMBAC Yndemnity is a stock insurance company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the Stat? of Ve/isconsin and duly qualified to conduct an insurance business in the State of >. 2. l�MBt�C Indernnity has full corpo�ate power and authority to execute and deliver the Policy and the Policy has bcen duly authorize�, executed and delivered by AMBAC Indemnity and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of AMBAC Indemnity enforceable in accordance with its terms except to the eartent that the enforceability (but not the validity) o£such obligation may be limited by any applicable banlmaptcy, insolvency, liquidation, rehabilitation or other simitar law or ena.ctment now or hereafter enacted affecting the en%rcement of cm,3itors' rights. 3. The exa�ution and delivery by AMBAC Indemnity of the PoGcy will not, and the consummation of the h�ansactions contemplated thereby and the satis4'action of the terms thereof will not, conflict with or result in a breach of azty of the tetms, conditians or provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation or By-Laws of AM�A� lndemnity, or any restriction contained in any conhact, agreement or instrument to which AMBAC Indeznnit�� is a party or by which it is bound or constitute a default under any of the foregoing. 4. Proce�dings legally required for the :ssuance of the Policy have been taken by AMBAC Inde►nnity and �irenses, orders, consents or other author'vations or approvals of any governmental boards or budies legally roquire� for the enforc.eabitity of the Policy have baen obtained; any proceedings not taken and any licenses, authorirations or approvals not obtained are not mlterial to the enforceability of the Policy. 5. The staiernents contained in the Official Statement under the heading "�," insofar as such statements constitut� summ�ries of the matters referred to therein, accurately reflect and fairly present the infom�ation purported fo be shown and, insofar as such statements describe AMBAC Indemnity, fairly and accurately describe AMBAC Indemtvty. � �e�s�lcc%�r� � . 9� �`�� ' • ' � �,�,. 6. The form of Policy contained in the Official Statement under the heading ">" is a true and complete copy of the farm of Policy. The opinions e�ressed herein are solely for yow benefit, and may not be relied upon by any other person. Very tn►IY Y� �7ice Peesid�ut aetid Assis�ac►t Geneia! Counsel IB �e�svlu�i'dn Na . R� j �� .. , � ---�, EXHIBIT K CERTIFICATE OF BOND INSURER � in connection with the issuance of > in aggregate principal amount of (the "Issuer'� >(the `Bonds'�, AMBAC lndeennity Corporation (••AMBAC'� is issuing a municipal bond insurance po6cy (the "lnsuirance Policy'� guaeantceing the payment of principal and interest when due on the Bonds, all as more fully sd out in the LLauance Po(icy. On behalf of AMBAC, the undersigned hereby ceitifies that: (i) the Insu�ance PoGcy is an uncanditional arad recourse obligation of AMBAC (enforceable hy or o� behalf of fhe holdess of the Bonds) to pay the scheriuled payments of interest and principal on the �onds in 41ze ev�4 of a Nunpayrt�ent as defined in the Insurance Policy; �ii) ihe inseuanc� premium of $ was determin�i in azm's ls�gth negotiatians un accordance with our standard procedures, is required to be paid as a condition to the issuance oPthe �nsurance Poficy and repr�ents a reasonable charge for the transfer of credit risk; (iii) no porti�n of such pr�nium repr�sents a payment for any direct or indirect services ot3� tha� tl� gansfer of cr�it risk, inclusiing costs of undenvriting or remadceting the Bonds or the cost of insuran�e for casiaalty of d�nd �nanced progerty; (iv) we arc noT �tsbligors on the Bands and do not reasonably expect that we will be call� vp�n to malc� atiy payme�t unaer the insuranc� Pa6cy; (v} the Lssuee is uot entided to a refiuid for the Insurance Policy in the eve�►t that the Bonds are ietirod prior t� thrir state�d �riatsuity; and (vi) we wauld not have issued the Insurance Policy in ihe absence of a debt service reserve fiuid of the siu aaid type �tablis}�ci by the dacuments pursuant to which the Bonds are being issued, and it is nomial and custamary to res{uire a ckbt service reserve fund of such a size and type in similar transactians. IRI �'i3'r1FSS WI-�REO�, AMBAC Indenu�ity Corporation has caused this certificate to be executed in i1�s m�me on this day of 19 by one of its officers duly authorized as of sucli date. �AC INDENINITY CORPORr1TI�1V By: vice Pres;denc and Ass;stanc General Caunsel �e��lc�rOr� N�. �j��� • • � � � �-. � EXIiIBIT L AMBA,C INDEI�II�IITY CORPORATION WIRING INSTRUGTIONS Citibank N.A. ABA NO. 021000089 For: AIVIBAC Indemnity Corporation �4/C No. 40609486 Advise: Pamela Dottin (212) 208-3308 *** Piease indicate Policy Number on wire *°* POLICY NiJMBER CAN BE OBTAIIVED FROIVI ANBAC INDENiNlTY'S CLOSING DEPARTMENT. CALL 3AY�TIIIE FEUDI AT (212) 203 330I � /�eso%ch'a� Na • t� -��' � �� Municipal Bond Insurance Policy Issuer: Bonds; � A�iBAC Indrm�...� Corporation c/o CT Corporarion Sysrems 4-f Easc Dtifflin St., T4adison, Wisconsin 53703 Adminisrraricc Officc: One Scacc Sr�c�ac Plaza, New York, '.�IY 10004 Tcicphone: (2123 668-0340 Polity Number. Premium: AMBAC Indemnicy Corporation (AMBAC) A Wisconsin Scock Insurance Company in tonsidera[ion of che paymenr of che premium and subject ro che cerms oE chis Policy, hereby agrees to Company of New York, as vuscee, or its successor (the "Insurartce Truscee"), for che benefic of 6on cipal ofand interest on che above-described debc obligacions (ehe "Sonds") which sl�all �ecome Due Fe�Q? reason oE Nonpaymenc by che Issuer. �� AMBAC will make such paymencrto che Insurance Truscee within one (i) business dav i ng r mene. Upon a Bond6older's presentacion and surrender ro rhe Insurance Truscee oF suc u aid canceled and in bearer form and Ree of any adverse claim, [he Insurance Trusree bu t principal and interesc which is chen Due for Paymenr buc is unpnid. Upon suc isb rse en AM surrendered Bonds and mupons and sha14 be fully subtoga�ed co all of c! Bon er ri ts Scatcs Tmsc rcion of che prin- be unpaid by iQ Ah�BAC of Nonpay- r[en�[ coupons, um der [he Eam amount oF became ehe owner of �[he In cases. whrre the Bonds are issuabfe only in a form whereby princi ' p b eb te ndholders or cheir assigns, che Insurance Truscee shall disburse principal ro a Bondholder as af 'd o r e ac n and surrender to ehe [nsurance Trus[ee of the unpaid Dond, uncanceled anJ free of any adveae claim, ' e er •i ms un c of nssignmenc, in form sacisfacrory m the Insurance Trusree, duly execuced by che Bondholder or I 's a o ed repmsencacive, so as eo permic owncrship of such Dond ro be regis[ered in the name of AMBAC or ic io ' c n ses h e e onds are issuable only in a form whereby inceresc is payable [o regiscered Bondholders or cheir assi ns, ch Insu nce st� s disburse in[erest ro a Bondholder as aforesaid only upon presencntion co the Insurance Trustee of p a c6 laima th on enricled ro rhe payment of inceresc on che Bond and delivery ro the Insucance Trusece of an in c of ssi menc i For i saeisfacrory ro die Insurance Trusree, duly execuced by the claimant Bondholder or such Bondholder dul au[ 'ze tep � ca e, cransferring co AMBAG atl tights under such Bond ro receive ehe inceresc in respecc of which che ' u ce me ade, Abf6AC shali be subrogaced ro all che Bondhoidcrs' righcs ro payment on regiscered 6onds c c exc c f c ins e disbucsements so made. In the evenr the [rustee or yi ag t r e n as notice that any paymene of principul of or in[eresc on a 6ond which has become Due for Paym ic e to a o �older by o� nn bchalf of [he Issuer of the Bonds has been deemed a preferen�ial transfer and cheret r vet fr ia regisa ed owner pursuan[ cu che Uniced Stacrs B�nkrupcty Codr in accordance wich a finnl, nonappeala6le ar r a co f m cenc jurisdiction, such mgisreied owner will be en[ided co paymcnc from AM4AC to the extent of such recovery, s icnt fu te oc otherwise avnilable. As used hcrein, thc o h der means any person othcr rhan the [ssuer whu, ac the timc oF Nonpayment, is che owner of a Bond or oCa coupon appertai ond. As used herein, "Due for Plymenc", when referring ro che principnl of Don�ls, is when the sr,ued matucity date or a ma edemption dace fur che applicacion of a required sinking Fund installment hns been reached and does not refer co any earlier date on which payment is due by re�son of call for re�emption (other chan by application of requireJ sinking fund installmencs), acceleration or othcr advancemenc nF inamricy; and, when reCerring to interest nn the Bo�d5, is when che seated Jate fot paymcnr of inreresc has bcen reached. As used herein, "Nonpayment" means che failure of the issuer to have provided sufficirnt Funds ro the paying agenc for paymene in full ot all ptincipal of and inceresc on che Bonds whieii are pue for Paymenc. Tliis Policy is noncancelabla The premium un this Policy is not rcfundablc for any reason, including payment of the Bonds prior to matuciry. This Yolicy does noc insure againsc loss of any pmpaymenr or ocher accclerdcion paymenc which ar any time mny becOme duc in respect of any Bond, o�her chan at cha sole opcion of ADfBAC, nor againsc any risk othec than Nonpaymenc. I� wimess whereof, AMBAC has caused chis Policy �o be affixed with a facsimi�c of its corporate seal and eo be signcd by its July autkorized qfficers in facsimile co betome effeccive as its original seal and signntures and binding upon AMU�1C by virtue of the eouncen signaturc of its duly au�horized represcn�ative. � President Effeccive Datc: �ssa ♦E�IMIIY q� � �t�,�'�'j,►0�,j •�I� � ` f •" � rE'''� °i 1, � r � � � =d� 1� ji � �'•, % s 1`; ,,��t�o�ylr,r e i d ����� LINI'I'�Iy 5'CAT�5 Y'ItL�5T CC)Afi'AIVY (y� IV�W 1'C)RtC acknowicdges that it h� agteed tcs prri'orm tNc d�cs t�Ctnsurxnre'Cnlsrec undcr this Pn1 iry. ro�n� r saG ourr! ro,'�1� !0�����/'^� V l/�%� ,� Secretary Authtlrizeti Etepresentative Au�C561tet'C�� / � ,���-h n �� -� . , ,'—� > i' 3: x;;�:�,�:; :kt �., : ;� ����ti; ,��. � �= :. ..� � r . ,�,� � � „y a e> r � r - 1.5r �' :�e �c����n N�, �� -�� .�-� � �- �timi°serYnent Policy issued to: � AMBAC Indemnity Coiporation c/o CT Corporation Systems 44 East Mtfflin Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703 Administradve Office: One State Street Plaza New York, New York 10004 A[tached to and forming part of Effec[ive Da[e of Endorsemenc The iasura�ce provided by this policy is not covered by the Florida Insu u ty s ciation. Nothin� herein contained shal I be heC , a er, aive e re ny of the [erms, conditions, provisions, agreemencti or limitations of the above mentioned i th n e ted. In Wdtness e� has ca d itS Corporate Seal to be hereto �xed and these presencs to be signed by its duly authori ice ' si 'le to become effective as its original seal and signatures and binding on the Company by virtue of cou er nature s y authorized agenc President form t 9214tlf�01 �J1y01 AMBAC Indemnity Corporation �� �� ' E�'' °f � 0 � � � l��' �/` �. •5':��� ��, z, f t � / i � '•."�,rco.nw,s+''•''� Secretary iea.•': ��� Authortzed Represen[aUve �e,solc,t�-{�'�n No. q(o—��