96-42� � : • �, ► • A RESOLUTIO� OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AUTHORlZING YHE EXECUTIO{d OF A JOIIVT PARTICIPATIUN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CLEAF?VVAi'ER ANC� THE STATE OF FLORIDA D�PARTMEPIT O� TRANSPORi'ATION, TO RE�URBISH AIRCRAFT HANGAR `A' AT CLEAFiWATER AIRPAR�C; PROVIDING AN EFF�CTIVE DATE. V�i�iEREPeS, the construction of improvements at the Clearwater Airpark is necessary to the safe, efficient and economically sound operation of the �Eearr�vat�r Airpa�c; and V1/O�i�F2�A�, Hangar "A" needs to be refurbished, a�d the City Cornmissior� of the Ciiy of Clearwater desires to enter into a Joinfi Participafiion Agre�ment w9th the 5tafe �fi Fiorida Department of Tran�p�rtafion for s#ate partic9pafiion in the cost of ih� refJrbishing Flangar ",4;° and Wf-6�RE/AS, the State of Florida Departrneni of 1'ranspor�aiion is prepared to a�sist in ihe improvernents under Joint Participation ,4greement VV9'I 7826673, Job No. 15007-3880, a copy of which is attached hereto a� Ex'�ibit A; now, fih�refore, �E IT RESOL�fE� �Y �'HE CITY COMf+AIS�iON OF TH� CI�'Y �F CLEP�fZWATER, FLORIQA: Section 1. T'h� City Commissian hereby accepts and approves the Joint Particip�tion Agreer�ent between fhe City ar�d ih� �t�4� af Fi�rida ��partr�re�t of Transportation, VVI/PI No. 7826673, Job No. 1500/-3880, for the refurbishing of Hangar ",4" at fhe CleaNVater Airpark, and authorizes the City fV�anager to execute the agreement. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this � day of , 1996. Rita Garvey, Mayor-Com �ioner Approved as to form Attest: and legal sufficiency: ��—'`.� � �� � J n Carassas, Asst. City Attomey Cyn ia E. Gou�eau, City �ferk Resoli�i�n ��o. �6-A2 . � :'.."'\ z"e' SfATB OP PtAR@A D�ARTAffiti OF 7RANSPORTATION PUBLIC'd'RANSPORTATION �� � jOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT °OQ-""� . �.�.ru WPI No:]li2fi�iZ'� Fw�d:.fl1n _ SAMAS APP�P��RR7t� Function: 6�7 SAMAS Obj.: i�0607 dob No: � s�_�RRn Fr,deral No: Org. Cgde: 5��� Con�ace NO: Ara?�3 Yec�dor AIo.: F-_S9�tx1�tY�R9nm THIS AGREEMEIy'T, made arsd �nteced into this day of , 19-, by and between th� S�'A"Y"E OI° FIARIDA D�PAR�'AZENT OF 1RAIdSPORTA'i'iON, an agec�cy of the State of Fiorida, h�reinaffier sefe€�red UD as the [2epart�nent, an�ci.f�iTd �F ('f FARW�TF,B, P f) R(DX 47� �i Fe�RWATFR F9 c1RTi)A �yg� �'T4lR hereinafter referred io as the Agency. V✓i'TNESSETd3: �iEREAS, the Agency t�as the a�thority Uo ensee into said Ageeement and 4o ieadertake 9he projecc heeeinaftear descrit�ed, and Yhe De�aartmerat has beea gr�at�d ti�e authorify to funcfion adeg�aaEely in a91 are�s of appropriate juriscif ction iBCl� ihe img�I�mmentatian of aa intep�t,ed ��alanced transportation system and is auttaoriaed ucxier rx�ar��u ��� tx��r��� � ,1�9orid� S�awtes, to enter ieato this Agreement; IotOW, 'THF.�FORE, in �a�ideratto�a of the enutual covenants, pmmises and representatioas hereen, t9�e pardes agree as follows: 4.00 ��pose of Agr�raent: Tiie purpose of 9his A$reement is to includa: refucbish airccaft bangar'A". . � and as further descrii�ed in Exhibit(s) A-�3-r-� a*�i F attached hereto and by tEus reference made a part heseof, heceinafter referrerl to as the project, and to provitie �rtment�l financial assis4ance to the Agency and state d�e ternu and ��tions upon which such assistance will be providecl aIId the understandings as 4�o the manner en wh9c6 the project wiU be undertaken and completed. �s�lu-fian �!a � �ia �� � ns�ooa ruetx��n►w ooc • izu rr�s=.tu 2.OQ Ac�complishment of the Project: 2.10 G���1 Requlre�nents: Tha Agency shall commen�, aced compSete the project as described in Fxhibit "A° attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, with all pra:,tical dispatch, in a sound, econo�nical, and eiiicicat manner, and in accordance with the provisions herein, and al! applicable laws. 2.20 Purs�4adot to FederW, State, and i.or�tl i.aw: In the even4 tliat any etection, referendum, approval, permit, �tic�, or oti�aer proceeding or autlwriaaeoa is requisite under applicable law to enable the Elgency to enter into this Agreenaeot ac � u�ertake the Qrojed i�reunder, or to observe, assume or carry Qut any of the grovisions of the P.greemecs¢, tLe Agencgr will initiaee anri c�c�summa�, as provided by law, afl actions necessary with mspect W aay such matters so requisite. 2.� �a�sds c� tE�e Ag�y: The A�ency si�!! initsate ared procaeeute to completio� a1 proceedangs necessary including federal aid reqiure�se�ss to enabi� th� Agancy to pravide �Pae r�ecessax}r %ujds f�r compEetion of the projecc. 2.49 Sub�H�a of �a�in�:s, �ntr�cts and O2h� I�acu�iu�rets:liae Agency shal( submit to the Deparbmr,�t such dara, reports, records, canteac4s ae�si other documents relating to t6e projecc as the Deparhnent may require as 2isted io F�hibit "�" attached hereto ant! by t�is rafecence Enade a garc hereof. 3,00 �'roje�t �t: 'Tl�e total esiimated cost of the project is �1(1Q,�(I+�. . 1�is amount is f�a� upon the estimat� su0aena� in Exhibit "8" attaci�ecf hereto a� by this reference made a part hereof. 'Phe A�eney agrees to bear all expeases ira exeess of the to¢�al estimated cost of the pro,�ect a�id any deficits involved. 4.U0 Y4�a�rt�ea�ra� Paskflsi�taarao 'I7ee d)epac�me�ai agrees to nsaximum participa6on, iacluding con6ngeeacies, an dae pro�ect in the amount of $�?��► (k1 as detailed in �xlvbit "B", or in an amount ec�uai to �he peecentage(s) af total proj�ct cost showca ia lE�chibit "B", whichever is I�.• . 4.I4 Proje�t �t Eligpbid'aty: Pa�ojeei;tt uosts �li�ble for 5tate pa�%icipation will be allowed orily from thv effective da� of this tlgseemeat. b4 is understood ti�at 5tat� participadon in eligible project c�sts is subject 40: (a) Legisiadve approva! of ti�e Deparimenf s appropriation reqeeest in the wor& program year thae the project is schedule:sl to be comQniited; (b) A'vailahility of funds as siated in paragcaph 17.00 of Yhis Agreement; (c) Approval of all plans, s�secifications, contracts or otin�r o6ligating documents and all od�er ter�ms of this Agreement; • (d) � 1)epartment apgroval of the project scape a�! budget (E�rt�ibits A&�) at the 6me appropriadon autborlty becomes available. 4.20 Front End Fl�nding: Front end fundin� (XX) (is cat) aPPli�abie, I� applicable, the Depastme�i may ynitiaUy F�Y 1009b of the tohdl allowable incurced project cwsts up to mn aanotusc equal ��t� total s6are of particepatiocz as shown iiu �graPh 4.Q0. 5.00 Retainage: Rehainage (JIX) (is not) appticable. If applicable, Departanent's total share of participa6on as shown in paragraph 4.Q0 is Ua be Deparement's discretion, on or before the compledan of the final project audi� 6.00 Project Budget and Payment Provisians: N/A perceat of d�e l�eld in retainage to be disbursed, at t6e � 6.10 The Pro,ject Budget: A project budget shatl be prepared by t6e Agency and approved by the Departrnent Tt�e Agency shall mainhain ssaid budget, carry out the proje�E and shatt incur oi�ligatio�cs again�2 and make disbursements of pro�ect funds only in conformity with the latest approved budget for the proje�t. No budget increase or decrease shall be effective wiless it complies with fund participa6on requirements established in paragraph 4.W of this Agreement and is approved by the Department Comptrollec: +�e50kc�ion 9lo'�a � Fow� rrsmoo6 fUDUC TRANSP A�MN OOC•17RS hp ! �f p 6.20 Payrtoent Proe�isior�: Unless othenvise aliowe� under paragraph 4.2Q, payment will begin in the year the project or projece phase is scheduled in the work program as of the date of the agreement. PaymenY will be made for acwal costs incurred as of the date the invoice is subrrtitted vvith the final payment due upon receipt of a final invoia. 7.00 AccountIng Itecards: 7.10 Fstahlishment and 11�ainfenance of Accoamting TPeoords: 7'he Agency shall establish for tt�e project, in confoamiry witi� requic+ements establi�c�d by Departmeat's program guidelices/procedr�res and "Principles foe State and I.ocal C�vernments", sepaeate accc�e��s to 6e maintained within its �isteng accountiing sysoem or estab(ish indepe�ient accounfs. S�h accounL� are referred to herein collecdvely as the "projece accoune". �ocumentation of the projeci account s3�all be ma�ee availabt� 4o the Departmeret upon request any time during the peeiod of the Agreemeai and for five years after finai pa�yme6t 9s made. 7.2i1 Funds Receiat�i Or MacBe �vailable for �'P�e Projet�: Zha Agency shall appropriately aecord ia tf� praject �cflour►t, an� deposi2 i� a bank os hvsi company which is a rn�cnl�e af 9hs F�deral Deposit If�surance Corporae�on, a61 paymeea� recsivesl by it from die Depaetmene pursuant to shis Agcesemenc and all ogFaee funcls peovided far, accruing td, or u�erwise received on acaouc�t of d�e proP�eet, which Department payments and ot6er fiupds are }eere�a collec6vely refersed to as "projee4 fu�s".1'!ee t�gency st�all require depQSitories of project funds 2o seccere continuously and fully all project flwds in eACess of the amounis insured u�der fe�Iera! plans, or undee State plans which have been approved for the deposit off project fiend� by the De�rtrr�ent, by t4�e deposit ar setting aside of collateesY of the types ac�d in the manner as prescribed by Slate I.aw foe t6e seccarity of public fuads,-or as approved by ¢he Departrnent 7.30 �4� Faicurr�st fos th� Projed: '14�e Ageex,y shall charge tn the project account aq etigible costs of d�� project. Costs in e�cess of the latest appr�ved budget or attributable to actions whicl� haae not aeceived Yhe required approv�! of the Degartr�e�at shall not � considere�l eligible costs. 7.40 Iioaimgaitttion of Proj�i C,ostss All cosPs charged to the project, including any approved services contributed by the �gency or others, sl�ali t�e supported by pcopesly executed Ernyrolis, c'� records, invoices, contaacts, or voucheas evid�ncing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges. 7. s0 Cleesks, Orders, and Vouchers: Any check or oraer dravv� by the Agency with respect to aery item which �s ar wiil i� chargeable againsc the project account will be dcawn only in accordance with a properly signed voucher theo on file in the ogiice of d�e A�ency stating in propee detail the pur�sose for wbicij sveb checic �c arder is cfrawn. Afi ch�eks, payrolls, inr+oices, contracts, vouchers, ordecs, or other accoundng documen9s perta➢ning in whole or in part to the project shall be clearly iden6fied, readily accessibie, and, to the extent feasible, kept separatc and apart from all other such documents, 7.60 Audit Report�: The Agency shaU provide to die Departra�ent for each of its fiscal years for which 9he project account remains open, t�ero audit reporis pne��ed eit6er by iLs official audifos or audit agency or an indepe�dent certified public accocuyta�t, reflecting tbe use of the funds of the Department, �e Ageaecy, a�d � from any other source with respect to tbe project. Audits shall be pe�lFormed in accordance wittr generally aacepted goaercameut suditing shandards contained iU the "Standards for Audit of Governmental Organiza4ioas, Pragnms, Activities aad �unciioas", issued by tbe Y3. S. C�neral Acco�nting Office and OMB Girculares A-128 or A-133 where applicabl2. 'Yi�e Ageucy shali require its anditors to include in their report a schedule of project assistance as described in Exhibit "A"� Special Consideratiom. 7.70 Insurance: Execudon of this Joint Participadan Agreerc�en4 constitutes a certi�ica6an that t9�e Agency has and wili maintain the ability to repair or replacc any project equipment or facilides in the event of ioss or damage due to any accident oc c�u�alty far tfie useful life of such equipmont or facilities. In d�e event of the loss of such equipment or faciiiats, the Agency shall either replace the equipment or facilitics or reimburse tfie Dcparunsnt to the extent of its interest in the I�t equipment or facility. In the event this Agreement is for purchase of'land or for the constr�ction af infrastructure surh as airport runways tl� f�r��lr��r�r� ����� _-�, Fowa rn-0oo-as nisuc �w�xsP,�n►er ooc • mu e�. a.I1� Department may waive or modify this sec6on with an Ezhibit "C". S.aO Requisatiwts and Payt�ents: �.10 Ac4ion by f9re Agea�cy: In order o� obtain any Department fi�nds, the Agency shap file with the Department of Transportation, District �rVPr Pubtic Trac�poroataon Offioe T�mEra Florida,3�t2 Bts requisition on a iarm or forms presccibed by ti�e Department, and otl�er data pertaining to the project account (as defined iia paragraph 7. fl0 hereo� to jus6fy and supporc the payment requisitions. 8.11 Invoices f�c fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be submiued in detail �vfiicient for a proper preaudit and pastaudit tfiereof 8.i2 Invoicas for auy travel expecu�s shall be submiteed in accordaeke v�idi (�a�pter 112.061, F.S. '�hc Departmeae may establish rates lower than d►e maaimum grovi�ed in Chaptea 112.061, Fiocida Statutes. �.43 For real Properea+ acquired. submec; (1) the date the Ag�ncy acquireti the real property, {2) a stateanent by the Agency certifying that ihe Agency has acguired said real property, and actual considera�aan paid fiss reat property. (3) a shategne�t by the Agency cectifying that the appcaisa! and acqu➢sition of the real proper[y togeiher evitb aay ats�nt rel�atiou of ocaip�nfs was accomplished in compiiancc with all fedeeal laws, ruies and requie�d by any fe�,rai overs�f agency and with sill state laws, rules snd proc,etiur�s t�at Ynay �ply 4o d�e Agency acquiring the real pro�rty. �.2/! 'i'ta¢ f's : Stihyect to other provisio� hereof, the Depaetmenc wiA honor such requesiGa�s in amounts and at times deem�d iry tine Depac�ent tfl be peopec to e�ssure the c�riying aue af the pro�ect aad payment of dfe eli,g�ble c�ts. &�towever, �atwid�sha�ding auy oi�x provis3on of diis Agreement, ihe 13epartm.ent may elecc by �n�ice in v�riting not to make a payment on the praject if: 8.2i P+Tisrepcesantatioaa: The Agency slzall have made misr�presentation oi a material nawre in its applica6on, or any supplement ihereto or amendme�t 9hereof, or in or witb mspect to any document or data furnished therewit6 or pursuant heretn; 8.22 daC�teon:'Iheoe �s tbe�t pendiag litigadon taith respec4 to the performance by ths Agency of any of its duties or obligations which may jeopardize oe adversely affect the project, the Agreeaaent, or payments to the project; 8.23 Approval by Department: llne Agency shall have taken any ac6on peclaining to the project which, �under this agreement, requires the approval of the I?eriartme6t or has made redated expendihires or incurred relateai obliga6on.s without having beea advised by the Department that same ace appeaved; 8.1.a Contlia� af Inte�ts: There has been any violation of the conflict of intemst provisions conhair.sd herein; or 8.25 Detault: 'the Agency has been determined hy the Departrnent w be in default under any of the provisions of the Agreement. 8.26 Federal Partici�tion (iP AP[iGc�abl�): �►ny fc�3erai age�+ proviciin� %deral firranc�a! as�istance � the project svspencls or terminates fe�ieral fiaancial assistance w ihe p%jeat. In the event of svsgension or termiaatian o€ federal financial assistance, the Agency will reimburse the Department for all clisallowed co�s. 8.30 Disallowed Ca�ss In cietern�ining the amount of the payment, the Department will exclude ail projects costs incurred by the Agency prior to the effective date of this Agreement, costs which are not provided for in the latest approvat budget for d�e project, and c� attributable to goods or services received under a cantract or olher arrangements w�ich have �e�'o�u.�ion 9�-�. .,-. roR.r �zsmoa rlJlll3C 7'RAtL1r AM�1N OOC • 1?1RS PapSdti not been approved in �vridng by the Department. 8.40 Payrr�ent Offset: If, after project compiedon, any claim is made by the Department resulfing from aa audit or for work or services performed pursvant oo ttus agreement, the Departrnent may o�f'set such amount from gayments due for work or services done under any public traacporraticn joint participation mgrecment wlnich ii has with the Agency owing such amovnt if, upon demac�d, payme�tt of the amoant is rat made within sixry (60) days to the Departrnent. OfFs�tting amounts shall not be considered a bre�ch of contract by the Departrnent. 9.04 Teamination or Suspeaasian of Project: 9.10 'Ter�vw�atiort er Sus�orc C�ner�lly: If ti►� Agency abandons or, trefore completion, finally discontinues tiae project; or if, by reason of any of the events or condi6ons seY forth in paeagraphs 8.21 to 8.26 incBusive, or for any other reasan, the �mQrss'r,ernent, pansecu6on, or timety oamptedon of the project by �e Agency is renalered ianpsahable, infeasible, impossible, Qr illegal, the Departarent will� by writtea notice to 4he Ageacy, suspend any or all of its obligat�ons under this A�r�eement un61 such time as the eveat or condition reslilting ia such 5vspension has czased or been oorrec4ed, or th� Degart�ent may tennenate any or all of its obligadons ursder fhis Agree�ne�t. 9.11 A,ction Subs�que.�t to 1Votice of Terminat�an o� Susp�sasioa�. Upon receipt af any fi�al temainadon or �aspenslon notice under dus paeagrapia, dae Age�scy shail proceed peomp4ly to carcy out d�e ac6ons requis� thereia which may incdude any ar all of she foilowing: (1) necessary ac6on to terminate or suspend, as the case �ay l�,.project activ➢eies and contracss and �ch othec ac6on as may be requiced or d�si�able to kcep to �he mind�um the costs upon � basis of wbich the fi�aucing is €o be computzd; (2) fisraish a statem,ent of the project ac6vides and �ntracts, and oe6er undeetal�ings the eose of wbich are o� ir►claadabis as project costs; and (3) r�mit eo the Department s�ch poetion of the financflng a�d �uy adeance �sayane�i previously received as is determia�d. by the Y?epartment to be due under the provisions af t6e Agree�ent. The f8SI11112�ti0II OP SUS�81SlOII SIl2II � C2tt1P� 011t it1 COIIfOiilllt1l WIRI itl8 I�tCSt SCIICdIile, pfan, and bndge4 as approved by the Depa�trrient or upaa tbe hasis of terms and cond'atioas imposed by the I�egartment ups�a the failura af tfae Agency to furnis6 Phe schedule, plan, and bradget within a reasonable fima. The approval of a remittance by f.he Agency or tbe alosing o�et of fetteral ficr�ncia� pae�icipatiom ia die project shall not constid�e a waiver of any claim which the DepartmanY may othenvise bave arising out of this Agreement. 9.12'l�e Deparm�enY reserves the eig�t w unilatera!!y cancel this Agseement for refusal by the contract�r or Agency to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject W the provisions of (;hapter 119, Florida S�iutes and made ac received in conjunc6on �aith this Agreement. i0.00 �emission of Iarojc�t Atxount U�enn Coanpt�tdon of Project: Upon compfe6on of tbe project, and after payanent, provision for paymeat, or reimbur�ement of all project costs gayable fro� the pro,yect accou�t is made, the Agency smaU remit to the Depariment its share of any unexpended balance in the project account. 11.0t! AudiB and Irtsped'eon: The Agency shall permit, and shali require its contractors to permit, the DepartYnent's authorized represeatadves to inspect all work, materials, payrolls, cecords; and to audit the books, records and accounts pertaining to the financing and development of the project. 12.00 Contracis oE the Agency: 72.Y0 'iivrci ParEy t��t�ents: Except a, oth��wiise authorivai in wri6ag by ehe I)epartmene, d� Agency shall noE execute any contract or obli�ate itse(f ia any manner r�quiring the disburs��nt of Degartm�ni joint participatina funds, inciuding consultant, coostruc6on or purchase of commodides contracts or amendments thereto, with any third party with respect to d�e praject widiout the vvritten approval of the Department. Failure to obtain such approval si�all be sufficient cause for aonpayment by the Departmenr as provided in paragraph 8.23. 'i'he Department specifically reserves unto itself the right W review tht qualificadons of any consulfant or confractnr and ta approve or disapprove �he emplaymetrt of ihe same. iZ.20 Compliance tsith Cdnsulianfs' Competitive NegotiaGon �d: It is w�dersiood �nd agr�ed by the parties hereta f��sotu��� ��-�� �� ruaaoo� eueucrn�u+srnn►� ooc- ia�ss Pa�e 6111 that participation by the Department in a project with an Agency, where said project involvcs a consultant contract fa engira�ering, architecture or siu-veying services, is contingent on tiie Agency complying in full with provisions of Chapter 287, Florida Statutes, Consultants Compesibve Negotiation Act. At t6e discretiom of Ehe Departrnene, tbe Ilgency will involve t�e Depar4�nent in 9he Consultant Selec6on d'rocess for alt contracts. In atl cases, the Agency's Attocney shatl certify w tbe Department that selection has been acoomplish�d in comptiance evith d�c Cons�iltant's Competitive Negotiafion Act. 12.30 D�sadvanta�ed Business Enlerg�e�e (D�� Policy and Obl➢g�Ga�se: 12.31 D�IE Eolicy: It is the pol�cy of the 13epartme�t that disadvantaged business enterprises as defined in 49 CFR Part 23, as am�a�ed, shall tiave the mazimum �g�riuniry �o participate in the peribm�ance of cantracts financed in whote � in part wieh Depacdnenc fiands under this Agreement. T6e DBB eequirecnents of �►9 CFR I'ar3 23, as amended, apply to this t�greemeni. �2.32 YD�E ObG�tioa�+a The Ageocy aaMi iLS coneractors agree bo eas�ue E'�at D�sadvantaged �usiness Enterprises as defie�eci in 49 CFI2 Part 23, as ame�ed, have 6se maximum apposcunity to participat� in the perfoa�ance of contracts awd t6is /�gre�inent. In shis a�egard, all recip➢ents, �shd contsaac�rs sh�ll rase all a�ecessaay and reasonable st�s in accordaace with 49 C� �'art 23, as amended, to eusure that t9�e I�isadv�tag�r3 �usi� �asterprises 6av� the maximuni o��rtunqly to compece for �i �r%rm contracts. �'isanUees, reciple�r� aad their contractors shall not discrinzic�ate mn t➢ne basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the awarc� and �rforcnance of �epartmeret assisted cfl�tr.tct�. 13.48 Restrictias�s, �rasE�ibi�i�s, �ntrols, aand Y.sia� Prro�a�s: fl3.10 Eq�l �aeploym�ei 6?ppoa�t�anity; ia connecdon with dae carrying out oi a� project, the Agency sball mot discrimiaoate aS�f �Y �F��Yee os applicaast far e.�sD�ne ➢�cause af ruuc�, age, creed, coloc, sex ar srarional ocigia. 'f'be Ageacy will t�ake af6rmative action to ensure thac �slicanEs ase employed, and d�at exnployees aae 8reated desring employment, wi�hflut segacd to tbe�r race, age, creed, eolar, sex, or national origin. Such action shat! include, bui ceoi be Ilmited to, dee followfng: �mgloyane�t upgrading, demotion, or uransfer; t�e�ruidnen4 �r rec.avitmesst adveriis3p�C;; Fayaff os Yecmination; rates of pay o�.other for�.s of compensation; and selection for training, includ"eng apprenticesbip. 'i°i�e Agency shaii insert � £oregoing provisiom modi�ied o�ly to s�ow the paedc�ilar contractuai reladonsF�ip in all its contracts em connec6ion witb �e deveEapment or opecadon of the project, except coffitracts for ti�: siaeedard coa�mercial supplies or raea materdals, and shall. require all such contractors to insert a similar provision in a1! s�ubcon4racts, except subconteact� for sfla�ard cu�cr:eecial s�appl'ees ar raw materials, Wtsen the pcoj�ct involve,s i�stallation, comttvcdon, demoli6ou, removaly CUI{ti IIYIpCOVCIYIP.Oty OT similar work, the Ageacy'shall pose, in conspictaous plar.es avaiflabl� 4o e�nployees a� applicaa� for em�ptoyaYent %r project work, notices w be provided by the Departmeat settin$ forth the provisions of ihe nondiscrimi�ation clawe. 13.Zt! TiUe �- Cfivil Itigfi�ks Aet of 1964: Executioa of t5is 3oint Participation Agreamenc cons6tutes a certificadoa �hae the A�ency will comply with sll 9he rec�uircueent� imposed by 'Titl$ Vd of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (7� Stab�te 252), the ReguJations o€ the Federal Department of Trausgc�ria6on iss�ti thereucoder, aad ttae assu.�anr,� by t3�: }�.gency pu��uar�& thcreto. 13.30 Title VIII - C5vi1 Rights Ad ot 1968: Fxecutiau of 9his Joie�t Parrticipadon Agreement coastiwtes a certificada� t4�at tI� Agency will ca�mply with All ths requirem�ents im�oseci hy Tde VIII of the Civil Righ�s Act of 19fi�, 42 WSC 3641,es s•q,, wluc� atr�ong other thiags, prohibits discrimin�tion in housing on tLe basis of nce, color, na6onal origin, re(igion, sex, disabiliry and famiiial status. 13,40 Am�ira� with DisabiliGes Act of 199�0 (ADA,): Exacution of this Joint Participation Agrecment comstiWtes a certi�ication that the Agen�y will camply with all the recluiremems imposed by the ADA, she regWa6nns of the fcderal governmerft issued 16ereunder, and the ass�rance by the Agency pursuant thereto. 13.50 ProtdbiCed Inferests: Neithet ihe Agency cat a�y of ifs raatraetors or iheir subct�ntractors shall enter into acry conuact, subcbntract, or arrangernent in conr�ection with the projecC or anY p*bpertY included or p�annect to tr included i� the projecf, ie which any tnember, officerf or employee of the Agency+ during his fenurt br for fwo years thereafter has atry �Icc�i� �°�� Gi. :�.. �ow.s 3ssawaa rttetac r�uwr �n►a� ooc- faus P�p � �3 if intenest, direct or indirect. if any such pnesent or former member, off`icer, or emptoye� involuntarify acquices or fiad acquired prior ta the be�inning of hi5 t�nure any such interest, and if such interest is immediately disciosed to the Agency, the Ageetcy wids gxior appravat of d�e �, may waive the prohibiaan comai�d in this subsecdon: Provided, that a�y such present membee, officer or emp3oyee shafl �i patticipate in �ny action by the Agerscy reladng bo sucli cantract, subcanrract, a arr�ru. 'Ihe Agency shaU i�rt in alt �nttacts entered into in connection with tUo project or any groperty included a planned to be included in any projece, and shall recjuire its contractors w insert in each of their subcontracts, the following g�ovlsion; "No member, ofificer, or er►tpioyee of d�e �l��cY d�sric� t�ss teaure ar foc twa years lhereafZec shaU have any interest, dire�t or i�clirecY, in th9s coartr�ct or ilhe pr�tieds thereof.° 'I`he provisions of this s�bsecdoa s�aall ►�i � applicable to any ageement between the Agency and its fisca! depasitories, ar io aa� agce,emenc for ufili¢y s�cvic,es �e rat,es faa evhdc� are 4'viced or controtled by a Gavernmental agency. 13.C�! Intca�t �f �iera�b� ts€, ar�' �e�at� @s, Cosag,�'e�o No membee or delegace tio the Congress of the LTnited States stsall be adraiteeti f,o any si�are or part of the Agree�ent �r any �roefit arising sherefeom. id.�fl 11��4@sau� �'roaasfi�s: gq,lp �nair��me�t�,y ��43utim�: Execudon af t�is Joiat Partic'spation Agreement constitutes a rxrti�icatian by dae �g�Cy y�rat d� �rpj�t will i�e prritcy �eat ia �€ortnanc� witU afi a�lir.able environmental segu9a6ons e�clu�,ing tt�e securing of any applecable y�rmi�s. 1�ae Ag�ncy will be solcly responsible for any liabitity in tta� avent of ffio�-compliance with a�ia�bS� en,riso�c�[ regutatioc�, incluuding the secua�►e� of any �Licable permits, a�ad ,vill reimburse the E>eparanent for aay to� incaarrer! in caasa�ctioo �eere�rati�. �A,2lg �Q�e��a� 1V,o� Ob�ig�g� QEe'�'6�ied Parti�.s: 'i�e �epaa�cment shall not ba obligaf.eal ox iiable hereunder ta ar,y part}r ottier than the Agency. ��.30 VYlaeas 1�'s�4sls �sd Reasaed'aes I�Iot i'Vaas�eda In na eveni shall the ma�dng by tha Depart��nt of anY PaYm�t � th� �ge�cy cor►s¢itute or be co� as s waiver by the i)r.,�sartix►�nt of any breach of coveceant ar any default which may €@s�n exist, on t�►e parc of i�e Ag�ray, aixi ds� c�ida�g af surii PaYxne� i�}' d�e 1Tepartment whale any surh br�ch ar deiauli sB�ll exist st�a1! in � way un�air or pre�udioe a�sy ri�ht ru re�e�dy 2vait�bie to the Ykpartment with respect to such breach or default. 14,�10 �To�e �gs��meea►i ��k�'es�i by i'�ov�a€�s �eang �ield lnvalid: If aay p�oaision of this f6gre�cnemt is 6eld inaaiid, ihhe re�saindsr of t�is Agreement 5hai� not i+� af£ecYed. Tn such an instance tl�e remainder woold tt�n condnue to confocm to the terms a�ad requirements of applicable iaw, 14.5Q i�aeu� ar Cass�'ssseon. �y execudan of tt� Agree�eac the Agency represents thae it has a4t paid and, alsa, �grEC}.s not 9A pay, any bonus or c:oan�ission f�r the pucgose oF abffiizxi�sg a� approval of its apglica6on fot the fiaanciag hereunder. flQ,&U $tRte or'p'erritariasll I�aw: Noflzing in d�e AgKeetnant �ia11 rec�nure d� Agency �o observe or enforce compliaYxx �+vith any prov�sioa t�ereo�f, perform aay �er act or da airy otk�ee dung 6n 4antravendon �f any appt9cable State taw: P'rovided, th,�t iF arry of � provisions of the Agreement violate any appiiCable Stace 4aw, the Ageney wi!! aC ouce noafy the Degarfineat in wciting in drder d�at apprapriat� cbang�s t�nd ar�tlifac�tions �ay be mada by tt�e Degarlm�nt anri the Ag�tscy su 1ha es►d that fhe Agency may proceed as suon as possible wi�h d�e projeCt. 14.7Q Use atit� Maintest�vx�,of �roject F�alities ss�d �quipmcxtt; The Agency agrees that the project faciliads aud tquiQm�nt wiii be used by tt�e Agency to prov9de or support pubGe tr�nspostaedn foc tha period of the tueTitl life of sueh 6cilities and dquipmen4 as determined in accordark:e wi�h general accdun�ng principles and approved by tbe U�rtment. '� Ag�.y �uther �g�eeS w ir�aintain dte project facilities �rul et�upment in good working brdet fbr th� useful li�e bi �aid faaiiideS o[ aqt►ipsnCnt. �(�inn �'(� °� �� ! � .-,, PoaM �nsassa rve+�c�risrnwex oac- mrs . r.�aan 14.71 Property Records: 'Ii►e Agency ag�rees to maintain property records, conduct physical inventories and devebQ control systems as required by 49 CFR Part 1�, �vhen applicabte. 1�.80 Dis�nsal oF Project �scalities oa� Equiper�cnt: Yf the Agency disposes of any peoje�t ttaci�icy or equiproent dur6ng its useiW life foe any purpose except its replacement with like facility or equipinent for public tr�nSposta64u use, me Ageau.y will comply with the teems of 49 CF�R Part 18 relaric� to prczperry management ssandar�. 'Ihe Agency agrees to remit to the Departmant a proportional amount of the proceeds from the disposal of the faciliry or equipanecat. Said pmportional amo+dnt sh�ll be d�ternuned on ti�e besis o€ d�e rafio of dte Y�epartment financing of the facility or equipment as provisted in this Agreement 14.90 �iracival �ad�ttu�ity: To the eztent permitt�d by law, the Agency shall indemniiy, defepd, save, and ha�lcl harmless the Depaetment and all it� o4iic�rs, agen4s or employers from all suit�, ac6ons, claims, demaatids, iiabil9ty of any nah� whatsoever arising out of, because of, or due to !bmach of dae Agc�eememi by the Agency os its subcontractoas, a�9s or e�3ayr�s or cPue co any neglige0t aet, or occucrenee of o�ission or commission of the ,4gemey, its suLecou�aetors, age�s ar e�aployees. Neither the Agency �r any o� its ages�ss wil! be liahle uncler this sec6on fos damages arising out of iajucy or d�eeage ta ge�ns or pro�rty dieecsfy caussd r�r rest�lting fcom Y➢ie ne$6g�nce of d�e De�sartment or any of ies affccers, a�ent� os emg�6�r�c,5. Ti� par4ies agr� tl�at tius claease shall ceoY �a�aive she benefits or proeisions o� Ciaapcea 76�.28, Ftl�rida S4aw�s ar as�y scenilar provision oi la�+. Agein�y's abli�ation ia irpd�maify, defenst, and pay for the defense or at the Department's optioa, tm particepate and a�ocaase with the Y2epartmec�t in dee defens� and trial of any damage claim suit aQd any reEated sett(ement c�go6atioas�, sir�ll be tsegg�r�l by the Y�Sarta�nt's notice of claim for indemnification to .Agen�y. Agency's ia�,belity to evaluats liability oc its �vaHua�on of liabilitsr �11 e�ot excu� Agency's dury Yo defes�d and 'era�emmify ovi�hin :�eveu days a�bee sucii �aodc� by � �epartrneiat is �ven by re�ra� n�ail. Only and adjudica4�oqt ar judg�nenf a4�er 9ai�est apgeai is exhausted specifaeally fie� the d3epaa�tment negligent shat! excuse perfornsancs of this Qrovisian by Agency. Agency shald pay all cosis aQd fees relat� to f�u� ouligation and iis enforcement by the Departrnent. i5.Q4 PL�sats a�ad Sp�i6s�tia�as: tn the event t6at this Agreement involves dee purchasing of capita! �quip�ent or tbe conseivcting and equipping of facili6es, fhe Agency shali submit w Ehe Deparhnent for appa•oval ali appropriate plams �d �Scations covering the project. The Deparhnent will revievv a16 placu �ud specifizations a�c! v✓ii� i�ue to �Se Agency writbea apgsoval with arry approved portions of the pro,ject a.�d comaaents or recommec�ado� canr.erning any remaicadec oi' t�e pza,{e�i deemed appropriate. After resolu6on of thess comnaents �nd recommemmdafiaas to the E3epactrraent's satisfaction, �e Deparhreent will i�te to the Agency written a�rproval with said remainder of the praject. �ailure to obtain 4�is written approva! shall be sufficie6t cause for nonpayment by the Department as provided in parageaph 8.23. i6.08 �ro,�ect Cmmpletion, Ageaecy Certafieatioe�: 7l'he AgeQCy wrill cer6fy in writing on or attached to ihe fina� invaoe, �I�at the project was completed in accordanca we� appvcable plan►s and s�eciSaa6ons, ls in place on• the Agency facility, t'aat aclequate ride is in the Agency and that the projeat is acc.�pted by 4he Ageney as sul�able fo� the int�n�ed peu�pase. 17.O�U Appropription of Funds: Y7.10 The State of Fiorida's performance and obliga6�n to pay under this A�reement is con6ngent upon an annual appropriation by the I.egislatuae. 27.?dl Multi-Year Commitment: In the event tais �greement is in excess of S25,a00 and i�s a term for a periacl of more than one year, the provisions of Chapter 339.135(6j{a), F7orida Stawtes, are hereby incorporateds • "(a) The Department, during any fiscal year, shalt not expend money, incur any linbility; or �nter info any contcaet wtuch, by ifs terms involves the expendiWre of money in excess of the amounfs b�dgeted as available for ezpenditure during such fiscal year. Any contract, verbal or writt�n� made in viofabbn oF tivs subse�tion is null and voidy and nu mnney may be paid on �tcla contracG Th� Department shall require 2� statement from d� oompttoller of the Departrt�enf t}rat fu� ar� available pnor to entering intcr �►r�a�uf��n �-�� � �o�w nsabae PU61JC iRANE►ADMN OOC• WS fiy� f A U any such contract or other binding commitmen4 of funds. Nothing herein contained shap prevent �e making of contracts for periods exceeding 1 year, but any contract so made shall be exet:uWry otily for the value of the services w be rendsred or agreed ea be paid for in svcceeding fiseal year;; and this paragraph shall be incoeporated verbatim in alt oontracts of the Depactrnent w6ic6i are for an senount in excess of 25,� dollars and which have a teren €or a period of more thaa 1 yeae." 18.QD Experafion of Agreemea�t: The Agency ageees to complete the pro}ect on or before �FuurTeuv ?A' t9c�4 . If the Agency does not complete the project wittun this time period, this Agreemeat will expire unless an exten�on of the 6me period is requesied by the Agency and geanted in writing by the District Secretary, District �Q�,�fl - . Facpiration of t6is Agr�ment witl be oonsidered tennination of dse project and d�e procedaue establ'eshed in paragraph 9.00 of tivs Agr�ment shall be initiated. 1ffi.10 F5aea1 �eevace: 'Ii�e Agecacy must submit d�e fvral invoic� on this project w dse Departrnent wethin 120 days afler Yhe expiration of ihis .Agreement. Invoices submitt�id aftee 4he i20 c&ay ticne pe�od will .�e be paid. 19.00 A�rceaeteeat ��rmstt: 1411 words usetl hee�in in �e singular for�s shall exier� to and includs the plural. All �xords aised in the pl�ial form shall exterd to and i�cluc�e the s4ngular. All words i�sed in a�y ge�der �hall exEe�sd to aod include all genders. Z{6.� Executioe� of A��t: 'lisis Agreement may 1� simuttaneously execu�d in a minimum oi two c�mterparls, each of which so exeeuted shall be deemed to be an ariginal, and such corante� wge8aee shall constitute one in Yhe �me iass�un�ne. 21.�0 Ib�stians �n Lobbying: 21.10 �e�al: 'il�e Agency agrees tha4 no i'ederal apprapriated fiu�s have been paid or wi(1 be paid by or on behalf of the Agency, fo any peeson for infi�encing or attemptang w influence auy offirar or em�loyee of apy federal agency, a I�ieanber o� Congress, aa officer or employee caf Congre�,s, or an employee of a Ia4ember of Congre� en connec5on with the awarding of any federa! conirace, the maldng of any federa! grant, the making of any fedesal loan, dze enteria�g inw of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, con6n�aadon, renewal, a�endment or rt�rlification off any federal cootract, grant, doan or coopecative agreemenc. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid by the Agency to any person for influencing or attempting eo influeerce an offioer or employee of any federal agency, a IViember of Congress, an officer os e�npi�yee af Coagress, or an etnpioyee of a Membec af Congress in connection with this Joini Participadon Agreement, 4he undersigned shal! complete aod svbmit Standard Foren-LLL, "Disclosure For�► to Report La6byi6g," in accordan,r,e wid� oLs in�t�ucdons. 'E'he Agency shall require tha4 the language of tWs sectioa l�e included ia� the award doeu�e0ts fot all subawards at all tiers ('uacluding subcontrads, subg��ants, and contr�cts uncler grams, Heaass and coa}�erative agreements) a� 9hat a11 subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 21.20 States No funds ceceived pursuaAt to this contract may tse ex�c�ded for lobbying tha L.e�islature or a state a�ency. 22.00 dendors Rights: Veadors (in tiaas dc�ument identified as 1►geae�) providing goads atxD services to the Departrr�ent stwsild be aware of ti�e following time fcanses. Upon receipt, the Lkpaxtmant has fivs (S, warking days w inspect and approve the goods and services unless ti�e bid specifications, purchas� arder or contract specifies•otherwise. Tbe Dcpartment has 20 days to deliver a request for paycnem (voucher) w the Deparhnent of �anking and F`itrance. The 20 days are � from d�e lauer of the dafe the invoice is received or the goads or services are received, inspected and approve�. If a payment is not avaiiable within 40 days after reeeipt of tt�e invoice and receipt, inspection aad approvat of goods and ;�rvices, a sepatate interest penatty in accordance with 5ectian 215.422(3j(b) will be due and payable, in addition to the invoice �'a�c,c�i�n �6-�f� ,''� .-.. roaa� mmoaa nisucnuru►nn�tH ooc• �s n� �o.r u amount W the Agency. The interest �tnatty prowisaon app(ies after � 35 day dme period to health care providers, as defined by xule. Interest penalties of less than one (1) dallar a�►il nat be enforced v,�iless the Agency requests paymen�, Irnoices which have W be returned to an Agency lzecause af veaados prepara6on errors wil! �esult ia a delay in Yhe payment iire invoioe gaymant rec�uirements do na�t s�4ar! uae61 � prog�erty completed invoice is providzal Ln t6�a Departmsot. A Vendor Ombuds�can has been establist�ed within t6e Departmtnt of Banidng and Finance. The duties of this iedividual includ� acdng as aa �dvacate for Agencies who �my be ezpeeiencing prolslems in obtaiaing timely payment(s) from tbe I7�rtme�t. T�se Vendor Ombs�ds�nan �aay i� oonrac�sl at (4U4)4$8-2924 or by calling the S4ate Comptrollee's Hodine, 1-800- $4�-37g2. �e�alu�ib� 9�-�� , • .,.—� -• t�w rtsc�ooe rueuctxnxsr,eawa ooc-u�s n�.nau WPI NO: ��7'� JOB AiO. 15tt�7-'�RRn Conaract No. A�u� Agreement Date iN W��'NESS �V�'dtEU�, d3e parties fl�eseio i�ve caused 8�� presents be execa�te�, tha day ae�d year ficst above writte�. Au�AICY ClTf1 C�F Ci.�iR'Wt�'t`�.Ii ?�.fA. �OX �74F3 CI �A��N�a'f�lt, ��IAR�A 34b18-47� . � � ��Y: 1i"I'L.E: ��� i?AT�c PIJI�IAIG AY'PROirEID �Y C�NifPT�tOILLER (SEE ATTACHED ENCiJIJ�Rt�NCE PdJRI++� / �� { ��E!.ii/ i � �% f � � •. � . ..• . DEPARTMENT OF TRAIJSPOStTATtON �i: •; i �►.1► :►ik C�. a�� RECYCLE6PAPER� �sv�u.�io� 9b~�� --� --, --�, WPI NO. 7826673 JOB NO. 15007-3880 CONTitACT IoTO. AD263 (]Exhibit Updated 9/95) EI�Hi�TT ut�" Pitd?JE� DESCRI�'T�Oiet APTD RESPOATSfBY]LI'Y'�IES This exhibit forms att integral part aithat certain Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florid�, Department oiT`r�nspartation and CITY CDF CLEARWATER. P.O. ROX 4748 CLEARWA"g"EER, �d.OF�,a� 34618-47�48. � dated �'ROTECT LOCA'iI�N: CI,EARI�IA'TER A�'�tK CLEAR�VA�It, FL4)gLIDA PkZOJECT DES�P.�'�CDI+i: " FtEFiJR�ISI� A1RCRt�T �111PJ�i'rt� «.�„ SPECIAL C4NSIDERATIOI�IS BY AGENCY: Agency will submit final invoice within 90 days of projeci expiration. Non-compliance must be noticed to the �epartment by ti�e �,$eaacy I��ad ptior to end of 90 days. This modifies Section 18.10 - Final Invoice. The audit report(s) required in paragraph 7.60 of the Agreement sh�91 inelude a schedule of project assistance that will refle�t ihe d)�partmerst's contracc nu�nber, W1PI nuar►ber an�P Job number and tihe Federal Iden�cation n�amber, where applicabl�, and the amount of state fianding action (receipt and disbursement of funds) and any federai or local tunding �etion and the fund�ng action from any other source with respect to the project. Audit reports must be submitted to the I3epartment within 13 months ait�r fiscal year end or 30 days from audit completion. ��IG��IOrr ��• �b `�� • ,...� .-. �,,, I�'the amaunt received by a suhreceipient does not exceerl S25,Q00 &om state 3nd federal sources during a fisca3 year, then asa sudie reporc is not required. Instead the head of the entity or organization may submit a letter, in accordance �vith Section 216.349, Florida Statutes, attesting that the provisions of the s�reement have b�een complied with. Annual audit reports or attestation statements wifl be retained in the respective district or central program office for a period of three years from 4he date of issuae�ce. Audit workpapers and repo�ts shall be retained by the independent auditor for a minimum of three years �om tia� date of the sudit r�port. S�ECIAL COIId5�3�itA'FIONS BY I?EPART'MENa: �'ime extensic�ns en�y b� ge�e'+ted by Ehe IDir�ctor of Pianning acsd Programs. This modifies Section 18.00. 2 '�so/u�i�n 9�6-�� � � � WPI NO. 7826673 JOB NO. 1500�-3880 COATY'ItACT AIO. AD263 (Ex�ibit updated 9/95) EXHIBI�' u�" PROJECT BUDGET i'his ext►ibit farms an im4eg,r�1 paat of 8hai csrtain Joirt Psarticapation �Agreement between the State of Fl�rida, Department �f �'r�a�spo:tat�on �aad CTI'X OF Cd.EAIRWA�R, P.�. l�0% 4748. CLEARi�h1ATER FLO�A 3�18-4748. dated _ _ I. PROT�CT COST: $100,OQ0 TO'it�I. PR�JEC'T COST: $100,000 II. P�'TICT�'Ai'ION: iViaximum.Federa! Paftiaipstion FTA, F.AA ( %) or S Agency Participat�an � In-Kind ( %) � Cash ( 50 %) � SO,f�00 �th�i � °/a� � Maximum I3epartment �zutecipation, Primary (DS)('t�J�C}(X�}(3IXX3�) '�( 50 %) or $ 50,000 Federal Reunbursabl� (I)LJj(P'ItA�7FPA) ( %) or � Local Reimbursable (DI.) ( %) or � TOTAL PR03ECT ��ST $100,000 *THE DEPARTMENT MAY FAIZTICIPATE IN UP TO �IVL HAi� THE NON-FEDE�AL SHARE OF THI5 PROJECT AS P�.OVIDeEll 1�'Y FL,�RI�A STATUT"� 33?.A07(6J�. . ��soCu.�i� 96-�a.. � ,--�•., � WPI NO. ?82667 JOB NO. t5007-3880 CONTRACT NO. AD263 (Exttibit undated 9/9S) EX�FT �C" - AVLATION (GENERAI,) �, This exhibit forms an integral part of that Joint Participation Agreement between the State af rtorida, 33e,�a�Yment of Transportation and CITY OF CLEARi�ATER P.O. �OX 4748. CLEAitWA�l� FL.�RIDA 34618-474�. dated _ (}nly items indicated with an "X" are applicable. SUBIIRITTAL/CERi'IFTCATION BASIS C3F ACCEP°TANCE � Consultant Setecctian Compliance Public Agency Attorney's Certification Feasibiiity Siudy (if nec�sary) Public Agency _�pE/EYS (if necessary) Public �►gency � Lesi�n $ubmiYtal gds/o Departinent review iett�s �nd written approvafl 100% De�atment revie� letter snd wriiten approvai �Constsuction/I'rocurement 'C NI�E Compli�nce y� 3afety Compliance EA/Ivfaster Plan Submiti�ls (Each Section) Preliminary �fft$� � Audit Reports , �_,Certification of Completion i'ubSic Ag�ncy Certi�ication Pssbiic Agency Certificatior� Public Agens:y Certificatlon Departme»t Review and Writien Acceptance Annually by Agency's Auditor Agency Let4er 1 '�alr.c�iah ���f� �,. ApPraisals ApPlicable State Laws Acquisition of Real Property Agency Attorney Certification and Complianceto Florida Statiute Chapter 332 Requests for Reimbursement (drsvoice Submittals) in accordance with Secfion 215.422 Ftorida Statutes and the requirement of Paragraph 22.00 of this Agreament REQUIRED SiJ�R�TTTAL TIIvIE The Agency musi submit an invoice to the Department within ninety (90) days from the ending date of the eligible bi!ling period covered by the invoice. Should the Agee►cy not submit a correctly prepar�d ar►d documented invoice within the praper time frame, the DeRartment may deay payrrtent of the Departrrsent's share of th� invoice. 2. REQiJYRED SLT�NlTI"PAL �ORM The l�gency shall submit invoices on forms provided by the Depaetment �nd prepared in accordance with instructions given by the Department Fiack-up documentation will include the appropriate items necRSSary to verify costs incurred and the elegibility of said cost�. Invoice Docum�ntation: (Also see Paragaphs 7.40, 21.� and 22A0). Invoices to the Depae4meni mtast be amanged in the following manner. 1} Deparkment's Invoice Summary 5heet 2) Spread sheei flssting 7�'A budget it�ms alang Ehe top rnaagin, and individta�l �urch�� alon� #Fd� !eft araasgAn, e�rith the aaa:ounts in t��e proper columms. 3) Por each pe�rchase, a copy of the purc&��s� oj•c�er, vendor 'snvc�i�, and proof of payr�ent ThPSe iEem� musi be fastened togeYher an "packages" ared s�erange8 in the same order as ihe porchases listed on �he spread she�8. 4) Summary sheet showing curren4 app'roved budget, amounis previously invoiced, amounts bein� invoiced, and remaining tial�nrzs. Line items cannot be exceeded withou2 feist obtaining a budget revision &om ihe ]Departmen�. S) Invoices must b,e submitied within 60 clays oia�uarter eaad during �ich ihe expens�s vaere incurr�s9. Exceptian� must be dacu�nent�d foannally wath justifications from 4h� �'+gency Head to the Y)epartan�nt Proj�ct Niana�er. APPROVAL OF SUB�'AL Goads or services received under this agrcement sh�ll be approvedJdisapproved by the Dep�rtment na laier ih�a �ve (S) war�in� c�sys a£te� receip�, fiy �tae �isfr�ct �°ubli� Transportation �"mce, o�� pro�erly prtepaued $n�i submitted envoice. Should 4he invoice be incomplete or incorrect, ehe Department shall inform the Agency within �ve (5). working days of receipt and return the invoice for corrections. 5�a�u,�lor� q( ��� .-,. WPI NO. 7826673 JOB NO. ,�5007-3880 CONTRACT NO..AU263 (Exhibit updat�d 9/95) EXHIBI'g' ��ID" S�EC1fAL.�VIA'I'ION ECONOMt� D�V�LOP1titEP1T Pi;�DGRAP+� COIaTDTIT(DYdS � This exhibit foims an integra! part of that certain Joint Parteaipation Ageement b�tween the State aiFlorid�, IIepaetsr��nt of Trarss�rta�tion a�td �iTSt OF �LE�ItWA'i'ER �'.O. B03� 4748 CLEARW/�,.'TE FLORD�A 3461 �-4748. dated 1. The projece ant�st b� r..venue producing ai fair market value of ueiprovements. 2. The net prac�d� from the pro}eet must be used for sirport related peojects. These funds may be us� for airport maintee�aacice, airport operations, �r ra�a4ching 4'unds for capital proj�ts on tihe airpoa�, 3. If project proceeds are used for non-airport pueposes, the fuil amour►t of the State grant will immediately bocome du� and p�yable to the k'loricia ]DepartenenE of'Pr�nsportation. This provisa app�ies durin� #kae fi3l1 �s�fullife ofih� project which is dee�raed to be 20 yeaa�ss. 4. The project must coenply with all applicabie building codes and otfier skatutory requirements. � 5. The use of owner furnished equipment and supplies is encouraged. This includes owner purchased pre-eetgineereci buildings %r erection by others. 6. The sponsor will maintais� a separate ledger account tcr recoad Snancial eransactions fos the project during its useful life. �ju� q� ��fa � , , ,�.,, , .—,, , WPI NO. 7826673 JOB NO. 15007-3880 COAITRACT NO. AD263 (Exhibit Updated 9/95) E�I'T ��F�� S�'ECIAL AI1R�6P�t'T A�'' _`�ZAi�TCES Tius exh�'bit fanns an inte�ral pari of t'�at certain Joirtt Participation �,grcemezt between the State of Florid�, Department of Transportation and CITY OF CiEARWATER, P.O. BOX 4748, CLEA�WATE�. �L,ORII3A 346t8-4748; dated. I. GEl'�TERAL a. These assurances shall be comp➢ied with in the performance of master pl�nnin�, land ,acquisition, economic develapment or capital improvement projects wluch contain Nt7 fe�eral funds. b. �Jpon acceptance of this Joigt Patticipation Agreement by the sponsor, these a.sstarances are incorporated in and be.�ome a part thereof. gI. I3I.T�.Z.A�.'It)ri 'The terms, eonditions and assurances of the grant agreement shall remaln in iull force and ei�°ect throu�hout the usefial ai�e ot'the f�cii�t��s deve�apes3 or e�uipr�ent acquired for any sirport development project, but in any event not to excsed twenty (20) years from the date of acceptance of a grant agreement ufilizing state funds for the project. However, there shall tse no limit on the durat�on af the assura�aces with respect to reai property ar.quired with project funds. ffi. S�'OIVS�R CERTIFdCATION 3'he spansor hereby �ssures and certifiss, with resp�ct to this grant: �. It b�,s su8icient £unds available for that portion of the project costs not paid for l�y the State. it has suPficient fun8s avaxlabie �u rssayre operation and maietenance of itens it will own or contral fianded und�r the grant agrecm�sat. �solt,c�idn 9(o--�f� .-. . ,.., b. It holds good titie, satisfactory to the Department, to the landing area of the airport or site thereo� or will give assuranc� satisfactory to the Department, that good title will be acquired. c. If an arrangement is made for management and operation of the airport by any agency or person other than the sponsor or an employee of th� sponsor, the sponsor will reserve sufficient rights �d authority to ensure that the airport will I�e operated and maintained in accordanG� with r' ,�ederal Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, or successive legislaYion; the reg...�«ans and the terms, canditions and assurances in the grant agreement; and shall ensure ihat such araangemerat also requires compliance therewith. d. Ft will ad:.yuately _° ::u' ���-�nie�t tlie aerial approaches to the airport by removin�, lowering, relocating, mastzie��„ or �j3htin�, or otheewise mitig�ting existing a�irpor� hazards and by preventing the establisiunecat or creation o£fufiare airport hazards. e. It will make its airport available as an airport for public use on fair and reasonable terms. f. It will pernut no exclusive rights for the use of the airport by any peasons providing, or incendis�g to provide ae�. �; a'��' ��1 services to the public. �� g. All r�venues gea��ted `qy the ai�port wrill be expe�aded by it for the capital or operating costs ` of t..;�e. airport, t}�e °-�1 airport system, or o4her ior,al facilities owned or operated by the owssE: , i Qperator :�;he airport and directly related to the actual aeriaD trarisportation of passengers or properfy. h. Once accomplishec0, it will keep up-4o-date a minimum off an Airport Layout Plan of the airport showing (1) boundaries oithe airg�rt and all propo�i additions thereto, together with the bounc�aries of aiA offsite �reas c�vds►ed or eontrolled by ihe spo�sor for airport purposes and praposed addiYi�ns ��aereto; (2) ih� locaiion and nature af aPl existing �nd proposed sirport facititses and struceuees (such as runvrays, taxlways, aprons, termina� buildings, hangars and roads), iricluding all pr�pased extensions and seductions of existing airport facilities; and (3) the location of al� exi�ting improve�nents ehereon. �'�r�c�fi'�n �6 ~�a.