96-24' ` � ' RESOI,UTION NO. 96-24 � A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CONlMISSIOPT OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, PROVIDII3G FOR THE REDEMPTIOPI OF ALL OF THE OUTS't'ANDIPdG CITY OF CLEAI2WA'1'Elt, FLORIDA, PARItIIJG SYSTEM REVEPTUE BONDS, SERIES 1983? PROVIDII3G FOR THE PUBI,ICATION OF THE NOTICE OF REDEMPTION; PROVIDING CERTAIN OTHER MATTER5 IN COIdNECTION THF.'REWITHi AND ES�Y'1iBLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 63HE�tEAS, th� City of Clearwater (th� "City°) has determined that it has on deposit in various funds and accounts, funds suf�iciea�� to rede�m �].1 of th� curren�ly outs�anding City of Clearw��er, Florida Parking System Revenue Bonds, Series 1983, da�ed as of January 7., 1983 (the "Redeemed Bonds"), which are scheduled to mature on January 1, 1997 and January 1, 1998; and WI�EREAS, �he Bonds hawe been subj�ct to optional red�mption as of 3�nuary 1, 1990; and WHEREAS, the City has det�x�z�+z�ed to call the Redeemed �onds for optional redemption and to dire�t The Bank of Aiew York, New York, New York, successor to NCNB I�atzonal Bank of F3.oricla, Tampa, Florida, the Paying Agent far the Redeemed Bonds (�he "Paying Agent"), to publish notice of such redemption and to take s�ch further action as may be required by Orc�3nance No. 2799-82, as amended and supplemented, securing the Red�emed �onds (the "Bond Ordinance"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED $Y 'L'HE CITY COMt�TSSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AS FOLYAWS: SECTION 1. The Finanae Diredtar of the Ci�y is hereby authorized and directed to call for optionai redemption pursuant to the Bond Ordinance the Redeemed Bonds on July 1, 1,996 (the "Call i(����J � �. , Date"), as permi�ted by the Bond Ordinance, for which the City shall then have on deposit adequat� and suf€icient funds for such redemption. The Redeemed Bonds are hereby irrevocably called for red�mption on the Call Date, at lOQ� of the principal amount t�ereaf as set forth in Resolution No. 83-37 of the City. Prior to the Call Date, th� Ci�y's Finance Dir�ctor is her�by authorized to deposat £unds of the City to be use@ to redeem the Redeemed Bonds with ��e Paying Agent pursuant to arrangements satisfactory to the Ci�y°s Finance Directo�, the City Attorn�y and the City's Bond Counsel. SECTION 2. The Finance Director is hereby direc�ed to provide notice of such redemption to the Paying Agent at least forty-five (45) days before the Cail Date. SECTION 3. The Paying Agent is hereby authori�ed and dir�cted to publish a rede�ption notice substan�ially in the form attach�d heretp as Exhibit 01A", at lea�t thirty j30) days prior to the Ca11 Date in a financial journal of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State oi Neca �ork. SECTION 5. This resolution may be am�nded, rep�aled or supplemented by the City provided such aGtion is adapted not latex than forty-five (45) days prior to the Ca11 Date; othe�wis� thi� resolution shall be irrepealable and the dir�ction given �o the Finance Director and the Paying Aqen� shaZl be irrevocable. SECTION 6. Al1 capitalized undefined �erms �sea herein shall have the meanings set forth in the B�nd Ordinance. 2 �C��°a�' � � �, . SECTION 7. This resolution shall beccme effective immediately upon its adop�ion. Passed and adop�e�. by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, this 4th day of April , 1996. . Rita Garve a'�"t�17p��COIItAl1SS 1.OY1@C 1�'�te8� " �'• 'd�..�..�.�.� Gy Pi�ia E : �oucle�u � Ci.iy CI:Prk Appro�red as �o form anci legal sufficiencyo !� P�mela K. Akin City l�ttorney � �'�-��{ . "°"', "�, .. . EXfIIBIT A NOTICE OF REDEY+IPTIOPi CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORII3A PARKIT�TG SYSTEM R�VENUE BONDS, SERIES 1983 NOTTCE IS HEREHY GIUEN that all of the outstanding City of Cle�rwater, Florida, Park.ing System Revenaxe Bonds, Series 1983, listed hereinl3elow, have been irrevocably called for redemption on July 1, 1996, �t Z00� of �he principal amount thereof. MATURITY D.��'E PRINCIPAF, CUSIP OF BOPTAS AMOUNT NUA�BER Januaay 1, 1997 $100,000 Januazy 1, 1998 $110,000 Payment of the principal amount of said Bonds, with premium, wi11 be made on or after the redemption date of July 1, 19960 �apon the presenta�ion of sai�d �onds at the of�ice of Th� Bank of New York, 10Z Barclay Street, Lobby Leve1, Carporate Trust Deliveri�s, Nee� York, New York 10286, Attention: Kevin Young, as successor to NCNB National Bank of �'lorida, as Paying Agent for said Bonds. Interest on said Bonds accruing to or psior to 5aid redemption da�e wi11 be paid in �he usual manner. Tnterest on said Bonds will cease �o accrue grom and after saad �edemption date. Dated this day of , 1996. TFiE BAPYK OF NE'tra i'ORK �s Payir�g Agent By �����