97-28RESOLUT'ION NO. 97-2� A� RE50LUTION OF TI� CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, ASSESSIN('i CERTAIl�T REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN P1NE CREST, CLEARVVATER, FLORIDA, HAVING A POST OFFICE ADDRESS OF 8Q0 �'ENNSYLVAIVIA AVENUE, CLEARWATER, FLORID�A, AS DESCRIBED MORE PARTICULARLY HEREIN, IN THE AI+�IGUNT OF $5,292.00 FOR THE COSTS OF DEM�LITI�ON INCURRED IN REMOVII�TG A DANGEROUS STRUCTURE, WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF OWNER. V�Ii�REAS, pursuant to Chapter 47 of the Clearwater Code of Ordinances and the Standard Buua�g caae, th� Building Official determined that certain real property described herein and the building situate.ci thereon were unsafe, unsanitary, unfit for human habitation, and dangerous and detrimenYal to the health, 'safety, and generat welfare of the community, and did not properly comply with th� requirements of said Code, and found that an emergency e�sted which, in his opinion, involved danger to human life and health, and ordered the demelition of the building; and VVHEREAS, the City of �learwater has caused the demolition of the building, and the cost of such work should now be assessed as a lien on bahalf af the City of Clearwater a�ainst the pror;�r!y; no�w, therefore, F�E ?T RESOLVEI3 BY THE CITY COMIvIISSION OF THE CYTY OF �LEAR�IATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Building Official having ordered the demolition of the building situated on the following described property: Lot 6, Black 5, Pine Crest (Parcel Nucnber 10l29/15/69138/405/0060). Uwner of record: Edward W. Lewis 802 Pennsylvania Avenue Clearwater, FL 34615 ft���il��ir�rt l��2� '� � and the City of �learwater having now completed said work, the City Commission does hereby assess a�td charge a lien on behalf of the City of Clearwater a�ainst tha property foz the necessary costs incurred as follows: TOTAL DEMOLITION COSTS $5,292,00 (See Attachment "t�") Section 2. As soon as practicable, a Certificate of Tndebtedness against the pro�erty for the amount of assessment shall be prepared; which certificate shall constirirte a lien prior to all other liens sxcept the lien for t�es. Said certificate, when issued, shall be payable to the City with interest at a rate of eight percent (8%) per annum. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to prepare a Notice of Lien in the amount of the assessment against said property, and to record the same in the Public Records of Pinelias County, Florida. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTEI3 this 17th day of April ,1�. Attest: � Cyn 'a E. Goudea�x City lerk Approved as to form 1nd legal sufficiency: ��� ,� ohn Carassas Assistant City Attorney Rita Crarvey Mayor-Commissioner fd�s�r�iutibt� ��'�Z� ATTACI�MENT "f1" Resolution 96-28 (�00 Pennsylvania Avenue, Clearwater, Florida) T'AS� NALOI., -(Pinellas County Records for ownership) Vanous correspondence and telephone calls Nurchase requisitions Take photogaphs T6JTAI. �OURS EXk'ENSES N'me (9) hours @ $25.00 per hour Film, developing, and prints Certified Mail and regular postage Title Search - Sexton Title Services, Inc. Asbestos 5urvey - Occupational �rIealth Conservation, Inc. Asbestas Rerr►ova1- Lang Engineering of Florida Monitorin� of Asbestos Remova} - Qccupational Health Conservation, Inc. l�emolition (Howard Jimmie`s, Inc.) TOTAL EXPENSES LIF;N AIVIOiTNT TIME ►] AMOUNT $225.00 29.68 6.32 65.00 250.00 2,236.65 579.00 1,900.00 �5,291.65 �5,292.00 ite$olution 97-Z8 �