• ,.., '�.
x�soa.trrxox xo. 97-13
ALii'�30fiYZINf3 '1� }►PF'�P�'T'E CYTY Or^EICERLS '1°O E7�CC3T� R
v`i'I�2ELTLaE &OY3Gi"d'tIDI23AL t7CCtiP3�tdCi[ A�'�� (
�t0. CS�i-f12833'7) e�iTifi C37{ i�tAPISPQRTATIdN, INC. , F4?R �
Zti�TA&Lri�84�d ��T�7�1NC� OF 2a5 1�T O� 4� ZtdC&£
��R1+5G?AT�Ete TdITF3YL3 Tt� CSX RYGYi'P-OE'-WA�, PARIII�I.�IIvYI3c3 �
$s�a%Z�D' a Ttit�ClU►CiE 9QTJ�I'H�.'RLY OS HICiFiI.ilAID AVlr'NtT�;
£9Rf3iiSAYN9Cs t'i2Y EFE�CTIIi/E DATE.
�, the C3ty oi Clearwater has found it necessary to install and
maintain a 98 inch rein#orced concxete pipe for transmission of stoxmwatex,
within the CSX right-of-way parallel to the tracts of CSX Transportation Inc.;
��, an appropriate agreement has been prepared;
�E IT EI�SCfF,�9F.�3 ��' `i� CI'i`7t CU�SSIOE�Y OF Tf� CITY OF°
CY.EA�tWAR�Ft� F7A%ti19�:
Section l. The Diayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorize to execute
the Pigeline Longitudinal;;��ccupancy Agreement with CSX Transportation Inc., a
copy of which is attached hereto, ior the pu=pose of installing and maintaining a
46 inch reinforced concrete pipe foz transmission of stormwater, within the CS}C
right-of-way, parallel to the tracts of said Railroad, Southerly of Iiighland
Avenue, in Clearwater, Florida, as is more particularly described an said
Section 2. This resolution sh�ll take effect immediately upon a�iop�ion.
FAS3ED a�,P7D AII�FTED this 20th day of M�rch , 1997 ,
Rita Garvey //
Mayor-Commissioner �.. �
Cyn i� �. Goudeau
cit lerk
Ap�'ItOV�U AS Tb �l5�t:
�Iahn C�Y����g� A��G. Cie;� A�Ce�w'i��
. • • ,,.-,, --,.
CSXT Form 25.,/-G - Page 1
. Revised April 2995 �
Agreement No. CSX-628317
TF�IS AGREEFYENT, Made as of February 20, 1997, by and between CSX
TR.4NSPORTATION, INC., a Virginia corporation, whose address as 500 Water 5treet,
3aeksanville, Florida 32202, hereinafter called "Licensor" and CITY OF
�LEr�RWAT�R, a municipal corporation, political subdivision or state agency, under
the l�ws of the StsCe of FL, whose mailing address is P. 0. Sox 4748, Clearwater,
FL 3461�, hereinafter called "Licensee," WI'TAIESSETH:
WHEREAS, Licensee desires to c�r�:truct and maintain a certain pipeline or
duct work, solely for the transmission of stormwater, hereinafter called
"Piueline" along the rail carridor, right of way and property owned or controlled
by Licensor at or near ClearwaCe�', County of Pinellas, 5tate of Flozida,
paralleiing Railroad's trackage, beginning at Valuation Station 1281+96, Milepost
�Y_872.96 and extenda.ng eo Valuation Seation 1284+01, F4ilepost SY-872.99,
extending far a distance of 205 ieet, Clearwater Subdivision, in�luding
necessary subterranean crossing(s), h�reinafter called the "Occu�ancv"; as shown
on print of Licensee's Drawing No. JL0028317,
dated October 1, 1995, attaahed
hereto and made a part h�reof; othet d�etaals and data pertaining eo said Pipeline
be�ng as indicated an Licensae`s Application Form, dated October 25, 1995, also
actached hereeo and made a part hereof:
FtpW, THEREFORE, in considera�ion of the mutual covenants, conditions, terms
and agreemencs herein contained, the parties hereto agree and covenant as
1. 1.9CEIdSE:
1.1 Licensor, insofar as it has the legal right, power and authority to
do so, and 'ats pr€sent• title permits, and subject to;
(A) Licensor's present and future right to occupy, possess and use
its pruperty within the area of the Occupancy for any and all purposes;
(B) All encumbrances,y conditions, covenants and easements
applicab�e ko Licensor'r title to or rights in the subject prop�rty; and
(�) Compliance by Licensee with t1�e terms and conditions herein
does hereby granC to Li.censee the nonexclusive license and permission to
constiruct, maintain, '�epai�, renew, operate, use, alcer or change said Pipelfne
in the Occupancy abave solely £or the �se statied above, for the term herein
sCatied, and td remova same upan termfnation.
L,2 The ceYin oeline� as us�d h�rein, shal:l include nnly the pipes,
du�t$� �asing, ve�ts, taanitolef, connecto�s� £ixCU�es, appliances and ancillary
ia�ilitie� devored �xclusfv�ly to the t�ansraissian t�sage aborre vichin tire
� O�cupaney� and as sh�;in on at�ached Applfcacir,n �'nrr�.
�� �(,L,77�/i '��°°�`��
' � ' CSXT Form 2537-C �y.PaBe 2
' � ' ' Revised Apsil 19. �
Agreement No. CSX-028317
i� 1.3 1Vo additional Pipeline or Wireline or other facilities shall be
placed, allowed ar maintained by Licensee in, upon or along the Occupancy excepC
upon separ�te prior written consent of Licensor.
�, LlC�tVSE FE�; 'F�i3M:
2.1 Yn lieu o€ annual payraents and in consideration of i.ice�zsor's waiver
:af fuCUre fee increases, Licensee shail pay Licensar a one-time nonre£undable
License Fee of TWENTY FOUR THOUSAY�ID AND 00/100 U.S. DOLL,AR.S ($24,000.00) upon
execution of this AgreeQent.
2,2 However, License� assumes sole responsibility foz, and shall pay
:��� directly (or reimburse Licensor), any additional annual taxes and/or periodic
assessments levied against Licensor or Licensor's property solely on account of
said Pipeline or Occupancy.
2.3 Effective Date of this Agreement shall be Che date first written
above. License shall be revocabie only in the event of Licensee's default, as
herein provided, but sha�.l. also terminate upon (a) Licensee's cessatian of use
of the Pipeline or Crossing for the purpose(s) above, (b) removal of the
Fipeline, and/ox (c) subsequent mutual consent.
2.4 Tn further consideration for the Iicense or right hereby gxazted,
License� hereby agrees that Licensor shall not be charged or assessed, directly
or indirectly, with any part of the cose of the installation o£ said T'ipeline and
� appurtenances, andJor maintenance thereof, or for any public works project af
ai►ich said Pipeline is a part.
3.1 I.icensee shall construct, maintain, relocate, repair, renew, alter,
and/or remove said Pipeline, in a prudent, workmanlike manner, using quality
materials and complying with any applicable stazldard(s) or regulation(s) of
Licensor (A.R.E.A. Specifications), Licensee's particular industry, and/or any
goveznm�ntal'or regulatory body having jurisdiction over the Occupancy or
Pi,peline. -
3.2 Location and construction of Pipeline shall be made strictly in
accotdance with design(s) and specifications furnished to and appXOVed by
I,fcensor. and of material(s) and size(s) appropriate for the purpose(s) above
3.3 All Lfcensee's work and exercise of rights hexeunder shall be
undettaken 50 85 tio eliminate ox minfmize any impact on or interference �'ith the
safe use and aperaCion o£ 2.3censor`s track(s).
3.4 In the fnstallaCion� maintenance, repair n� remov�l oi said Pipel.ine,
t.ice�see shall noG use explasiv�s of any type or perfnYm o� ra'��@ a�►5+ �Iastin�
vi,chouc tke sepnr�ce expr�ss �riacen conseri� o£ Li�ensor. As a crsndf�ion Co such
Ctl(iSet�Cy a rep�e5en�acive uill be assi�ricd by� Liaensor to mnni.cdrt blasting, �tid
e;� Li�entep shall r�i�aburs� I.icen�n�' for ri�e �nci�p �c�s� andJa� �xp�nsr� o�'
�u�rn�is�ttn�, said adert�iCOr.
���j��t�� ����
�' CSXT Form 2537-C `�'Page 3
' � Revised April 199. �
Agreement No. CSX-028317
� 3.5 Any repairs or maintenance to Pipeline, whether resulting from acts
o£ Licensee, ar natural or weather events, which are necessary Co pxotect or
facilitaCe Licensor's use of its property, shall be made by Y.icensee promptly,
but in no event later than thirty (30) days after Licensee has notice as �o the
need for such repairs or maintenance.
3.6 Licensor, in order to protect or safeguard its property, rail
operations, equip�ent and/or employees from damage or injury, may request
immed�ke ot contract to make such repa irs ore rene als,tat the s le risk e cost and
may ma
expense o£ Licensee.
3,7 Neixher the €ailure of Licensor to object to any work done, matQrial
used, or method of construction or maintenance o£ said Occupancy, nor any
appraval given or supervision exercised by Licensor, shall be construed as an
a@mission of liabilzty or responsibility by Licensor, or as a waiver by Licensor
of any of the ob.ligations, liability and/or responsibility of Licensee under this
3,g Licensee hereby agrees to reimburse Licensor any loss, cost or
�xpense (including losses resulting from train delays and/or in�abf� mY��pTOp�Y
train schedules) arising from any failure of Licensee to make,
irs or maintenance of Pipeline.
or incomplete, repa
e�,1 gefo�re any work hereunder is performed, or before use of the
Occupancy for the contracted eY i t(s) (includin atbutsnotl lim ted t�zonnn�,
shall ohcain all necessary p y g letter(s) or
building, constof a 1 roval all.icensee expressly agreestand warrants that it shall
certificate(s) PP a roval(s) and
conform and limit ia�a � ha111ecomplyh with� all appl cable (ordinances, rules,
regulations, requirements and laws of any governmental authority (state,
or local) having jurisdiction over Licensee's activities, including the location,
contact, excavation and protection regulations of nde St te �"4ne �CaZ1f�CyCa11
Health Act (OSilA) (20 CFR 192b.651(b), et al.),
Before You Dig" r�quirements.
4,2 Licensee assuman vi lati ns there f, orrforlcosts or expensesunf
permit(s) or approval(s), y
compliance or �emedy.
5,X 4fitl�Y�sppct to any subsurfac� installation upon Licensor's p�nperty,
Li�ensee. aC fts sole co5t a�d expens�, shall;
(pj Supporc Crack(s) and roadbed oi Li�censor, in � a�nner
satisf�ctory ro Lfc�nscr�';
��� ��
. • � CSXT Form 2537-G ��Fage 4
Revised April 1495 �
Agreement �o. CS�-028317
� (gj �ackfilY with satisfactory material and thoroughly tamp all
trenches to prevent settling of surface of land and roadbed of Licensor; and
(�) EiCher remove any surplus earth or material from Licensor's
property or cause said sutplus earth or maCerial to be placed and distributed at
location(s) and in such manner as Licensor may approve.
5,2 After construction of Pipeline, Licensee shall:
(A) Restore said track(s), roadbed and other disturbed property of
Licensor; and
(B) Ereat, maintain and periodically verify the accuracy of
abovegraund markers, in a form approved by Licensor, indicating the location,
depCh and ownership of Pipeline or related facilities.
5.3 Upon removal of the Pipeline, Licensee shall remain re$ °subsequent
afly gettlement of the track(s) or roadbed for a period o£ one (1) y
to comple'tion of installation.
b.l In the event that Licensor's rail operations and/or track maintenance
s in rade or alignm
ent of additions to, or relocation of
han e sar
result in c g & '
� or other facilities, or in the event future use by Licen
'"""� 'censor s track(s) e1 h� pr depth
�1 e of location, h g
—'� of right-of-way and,property necessitate any chang
of pipeline or Occupancy, Licensee, at i�s sole cost and expense and within
thirty (3d) day� afeer notice in writing from Licensor, shall make changes in
Pipeline or Occupancy to accommodate Licensor's track{s) ar cperations.
6,2 If Licensee fails tu do so, Licensor may make or contract to make
sucb changes, at Licensee's aast.
'�. PiPE CIi�4�J�ES:
7.1 Licensee shall periodically monitor and veri£y the depch or i►eight
of E'ipeline and Occupancy in relation to Licensor's track(s) and facilities, and
shali xelocate Pipeline or change Occupancy, at Licensee's expense, shauld such
relo�aCion or change be necessary to comply with the minimum clearanee
requirer�ents of this Agreement or of any public authority.
7,2 If Licensee underCakes Co revise, renew, relocate or change all or
any pare af Pipeline (including any change in circumfer�nce� dfameter or radius
bE p�,pt oti car�`ier pipe, change in pipe operacing pressu�e; or chan ublic
mat�rials Ctiansmitted in and through said pipe), or is requited by ariy p
agenCy or couXC order Co do so, plans therefo� shall be subY�i �1 � the f C rms� and
a�proval h�fore �ny such change is made. After app
condiCions af this Agreemenc s�al,l apply ttt�reto.
��� �
�. �� ' ...g �'�v
• , . CSXT Form 2539-G 'age 5
Revised April 1995 �
. Agreement No. CSX-U2S317
8. Op�g�����tE�l�E `7�lTH RAIL FAClLITIES:
g,1 Rlthough the Pipeline/Occupancy herein permitted may not presently
interfere with Licensor's railroad operations or facilities, in Che event that
the operation, existence or maintenance of said Pipeline, in the sole judgment
of Licensor, causes: (a) interference (physical, magnetic or otherwise) with
Licensor's communi.cation, signal or other wires, powerlines, train control
system, or ather facilities; or (b) interference in any manner with the
op�ration, maintenance or use by Licensor of its right-of-way, track(s),
struceures, pole lines, devices, other property, or any appurtenances thereto;
then and in either event, Licensee, upon receipt of written notice from Licensor
of any such interference, and at I.icensee's sole risk, cost and expense, shall
promptly take such remedial action or make such changes in its Pipeline, or its
insulation or carrier pipe, as may be required in the judgment of Licensor to
eliminate all such interference. Upon Licensee's failure to remedy or change,
Licensor may do so or contract to do so, at Licensee's sole cos�.
g;2 Without assuming any duty hereunder to inspect Licensee's Pipeline,
Licensor hereby reserves the right to inspect same and to require Licensee to
undertake necessary repairs, maintenance or adjustments to Pipeline, which
Licensee hereby agrees to make promptly, at Licensee's sole cost and expense.
� Wig�i tespect to the relative risk and liabilities of the parties, it is
herehy agreed that:
9.1 Licensee hereby assumes, and, to the fullest extent permitted by
state law {Canstitutional or Statutory, as amended), shall defend, indemnify �nd
save I.icensor harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, claim, suit,
damage, chaxge or expense which Licensor may suffer, sustain, incur or in any way
be subjected Co, on accounG of death of ar injury to any P�� and for�dama e
(including officers, agents, employees or invitees of Licensor), 8
�o or loss of or destruction of any property whatsoever, arising out of,
resulting �rom, or in any way connected wiCh the construction, presence,
existence, repair, maintenance, ,replacement, operation, use ar removal oE
Pipeline or �ny structure in connection therewith, or restoration n£ premises of
Licensor to good order or condit�.on afCer remaval, EXGEPT when caused solely by
the fault or negligence of Lfcensor.
9,2 Use of Licensor's right-of-way involves certain risks of loss or
damage as a result of Licensor's rail operations. Notwithstanding Section 4.1,
Licensee express].y assumes all risk of loss and damage to Licensee's Property or
Pfpcline in, on, over or under the Occupancy, includfng loss of or any
interferec.ce with use or servfce tlteYeof, Yegardless �f cause, including
eleccrttcal field creation, £ire or derailment arising ouC of LicensoY's rail
opeYations. FoY Chis Section, th� term "Licensee's Property" shall include pipe
contenCS as wpll as pitopeYty of thiY'd paYties situated or placed upan �.icensor`s
��g1�Cybf•�ta�y by Licensee oY by such thitid p�rCies a� request o£ or for benefiC
� af I.i�ensee.
�� � !�'
� CSXT Form 2537-G �age 6
Revised April 199s �
Agreewent No. CSX-628317
� 9.3 Notwithstanding Section 9.1, Licensee also expressly assumes allrisk
of loss which may result from Licensee's failure to maintain either the Pipeline
ot`the requited depth and encasement for Pipeline.
9.4 To the extent permitted by State Iaw, as above, Licensee assumes a�l
responsibility for, and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Licensor harmless
f�om: (a) all claims, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees,
as a consequence of any sudden oz nonsudden pollution of air, water, land and/or
ground water on or off the Occupancy area, arising from or in connecCion with the
use of this Occupancy or resulting from leaking, bursting, spilling, or any
escape of the material transmitted in oz through said Pipeline; (b) any claim or
liabiiity a�ising under federal or state law dealing with either such sudden or
nonsudden pollution of air, water, land and/or ground �ater arising therefxom or
the re�edy thereof; and (c) any subsidence or failure of lateral or subjacent
�upport of Licensoz's tracks arising from such leakage, etc.
9.5 Obligations of Licensee hereunder to defend, indemnify and hold
Licensor harmless shall also extend to companies and other legal entities that
contzo� or are controlled by or subsidiaries of or axe a£filiated with Licensor,
and their respective officers, agents and employees.
9.6 If a claim is made or action is brought against either party, for
which the other party may be responsible hereunder in whole or in parC, such
'f' d and ermitted to participate in the handlir.g or
other party shall be noti ie p
defense of such claim or action.
� 90. ItdSURA�iCE:
10.1 Prior to commencement of surveys, constructic;n or occupation of
Occupancy pursuant to this Agreement, Licensee shall procure, and shall maintain
during the continuance of this Agreement, at Licensee's sole cost and expense,
a policy of Commercial General Liabilitv Insurance (CGL), naming Licensor as
additional insured and covering limbility assumed by Licensee under this
Agreement. A coverage limit o£ not less than THREE MILLION DOLLARS ($3,000;000)
Combineai Single Limit per occurxence for bodily injury liability and property
damage liability is currenCly recommended as a prudent limit to protecx
Lieensee's assumed obligaCions.
10.2 If said CGL policy does not automatically cover I.icensee's
contractual liability during periods of survey, construction, maintenance and
continued occupation, a specific endorsement adding such eoverage si�all be
purchased by Licensee. If sa.:Cd CGL policy is written on a"claims made'° basi.s
instead of a"per occurrence" basis, Licensee shall arrange for adequats time for
repo�'ring losses. Pailure to do so shall be at Licensee's sole risk.
10.3 Notwithstanding the provisions af Sections 10.1 and 10.2, Licensee,
pursuant to State Statuee(s), may self-insure or self-assume, in any amounL(s),
any contractied liability arising under this Agreement, undet a funded program of
sclf-insutance, vhich £und s�ill respond to liability of Licensee imposed by and
� in a�cardance vith the procedures �stablished by laa.
��� �
. � CSXT Form 2537-G '�''age )
Revised April 199. �
. Agreement No. CSX-028317
� 10.4 Securing such insurance shall noC limit Licensee`s liability under
this Agreement, but shall be additional security therefor.
10.5 Licensee agrees that neither Licensee nor its agen[s or contractor(s)
shall perform construction or demolition operatians withi:x fif tY� stle,(tannelf
any operated railroad track(s) or affecting any railroad bridge,
track(s), roadbed, overpass or underpass. However, in the event Licensee finds
it necessary to perform construction or demo ait�on� censor the sumlofs'TWO HUNDRED
Licensee shall (a) notify Licensor and (b) p y
FIFTY AND 00/100 U.S. D01.LARS ($250.00) to cover the cost af adding this
Occupancy (Crossing) to Licensor's Railrnad Yrotective Liabilitv (RPL1 Polic� for
any period of actual construction or demolition.
11.1 Nothing herein contained shall be construed to permit Licensee, or
any contractor of Licensee, to move any vehicl.ewithoutu se� arate priorcwritten
Licensog, except at public road crossing(s), P
approval of Licensor (CSXT Form 7422)•
11.2 If Licensor deems it advisable, during the progress of any
aonstruction, maintenance, repair, renewal, alteration, change or remo�al of said
Pipeline, to place watchmen, flagmen, inspectors or supervisors at the Occupancy
goz protection of operations of Licensor or athers on Licensor's right-of-way,
and Co keep persons, equipment and materials away from Licensor's track(s),
� Licensor sha11 have the right to do so at the expense of Licensee, but Licensor
shall noe be liable foz failure to do so.
�1,3 3ubject to Licensor's consent and to Licensor's Railroad Operating
Rules and existing labor agreements, Licensee may provide such flagmen, watchmen,
inspectors nr supervisors, during all times of construction, repair, maintenance,
rep].acemant or removal, at Licensee's sole risk and expense; and in such evenc,
Lic�nsor sha11 not be liable for the failure or neglect of such watchman,
fla,gr�en, inspectors or supervisors.
_ 92: i.ICE�lSOR'S GOST�: '
12.1 Any additional or�elternative costs or expenses incurred by Licensox
C�ackCChandes�or1Pipe�Changestshall also be paid by/Licens�e��y gs a result of
Tr B
12,2 Licensor's expense for �rages ("force account" chazge�) and rnaterials
for any work performed at the �xpense of Licensee pursusnt hereto, shall be paid
by Licensee within thirty (30) days after receipt o£ Licen�or's bill therefor,
subject to Licensee's budgetary rules.
12.3 Such expense shall inciude, but not be limited ta, ca5t of railroad
labor and supervision under "force account" rules, plu� currenc applicable
overhead percentages, Che actual cosC of ma�erLals, and insurance, freight and
handling ch�rges on all �aacerials used. EquipmenG Yentals shtsll be i.n accurdance
vith ticensot's applicable fixed rate(s).
��� t�
� �
CSXT Form 253T-C Page 9
Revised April 199� �
Agreement No. CS%-028317
� 12,4 All undisputed bills or portions of bills not paid within said thirty
(30) days shall thexeafter accrue inCerest ae twelve percent (12X) per annum,
unless limited by local law, and then at the highest rate so permitted. Unless
Licensee shall have furnished detailed objections to such bills within said
thirty (30) days, bills shall be presumed undisputed.
y�, p�IFAU�.7, BREACH, WAfVER:
].3.1 The proper and complete performance of each covenant o,f this
AgreemenL shall ba deemed of the essence thereof, and in the event Licensee shall
fail ar refuse to.fully and completely perform any of said covenants or to remedy
any breach, within thirty (30) days after receiving a written notice from
Licensor to do so (or within forty-eight (48) hours in the event of notice of a
� rail�oad �mergency), Licensor shall have the option of revoking this Agreement,
and the privileges and powers hereby conferred, regardless of license fee(s)
having been paid in advance for any annual or other period. Upon such
gevocation, Licsnsee shall make removal in accordance wiCh Article 14.
13.2 Any waiver by Licensor of any breach of covenant or condition shall
not be construed as a permanent waiver of such covenant or condition, or any
subsequent breach thereof, unless such covenant or condition is permanently
waived in w3citing by Licensor.
94. TE�.MiNATI()N, REM09IAL:
;� 14.1 AlI rights which Licensee may have hereunder shall cease upon
(a) terminat'son (b) revocation (c) subsequent agreement, or (d) upon Licensee's
ge�oval of Pipeline fram the Occupancy. Howevc�r, neither revocation nor
termin�eion o£ this Agreement shall affect any claims and linbilities whict� may
have arisen ox accrued hereunder, and which at the time af Cermination or
revocation have not been satisfied; neither party, however, waiving any third
party defenses or actions. _
14.2 Within thirty (30) days after revocation or termir►ation, Licensee at
its snl� gisk a�d expense, shall (a) remove Pipeline fro�a the right-of-vay of
Licensor, unless the paxties hereto agree"otherwise, (b) reseor� property af
Licensar in a manmer satisfactory to Licensox, and (c) reimbugse Linensor any
loss, cost or expense o£ Lic��sox resulting from such removal.
9S. (dOTBCE:
15.1 Lic�nsee shall give Licensor's Division Engineer (5656 Adama D=iva,
Tampa, FL 33619-3240) at least five (5) days' written notice before doing any
vark on Licensor's right-of-way, except that in cases of emer�ency shorter notice
may be given to said Aivision Engineer.
15.2 All other notices and communications concerning this Agreement shall
be addressed to L cens e at the address above, and to Licensor at the address
above, c/o GSXT Contract Administratfon J180; or at such other addrhss as either
party may designate fn writing to the oCher.
7 ��/`�
� CSXT Form 2537-C 'age 9
Revised April 1995 �
Agreement No. CSX-028317
� 15.3 Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, all such notices shall be
in writing and sent via CerCified or RegisCered Mail, ReCUSn Receipt Requested,
or by courier, and shall be effeetive upon (a) actual receipt, or (b) date of
refusal of such delivery.
16.1 The ri�hts herein conferred are the privilege of Licensee only, and
Licensee shall abtain Licensor's prior written consent to any assignment of
Licensee's interest herein; said consent �hall not be unreasonably withheld.
16.2 nu� � to thesb nefit Zof the parties iheretoe and tt�eir respective
upon and i
successors or assigns.
16.3 Licensee shall give Licensor notice of any legal succession (by
merger, consolidation, reorganization, etc.) or other change of Zegal existence
ox staCUS of License�, with a copy of documents attesCing to such change or legal
succession, within thirty (30) days thereof.
1{,t� Licensor expressly reserves the right to assign this Agreement, in
whole or in part, ta any grantee or vendee of Licensor's underlying property
interests in the Occupancy, upon notice thereof to Licensee.
1b.5' In the event of_- any unauthorized sale, transfar, assignment,
� sublicen�e or encumbrance of this Agreement, or any of the rights and przvileges
hereunder, Licensox, at its option, may revoke Chis Agreement 6y raritten notice
to Licensee or any such assignee; and Licensee sha11 rPimburSe Licensor any loss,
cost ar expense incurred by Licensor as a result of iicensee's failure to oUtain
�aid written consent.
17.1 Licensee sha11 nac at any time own or claim any right, title ox
�nterest in ox to Licensor`�s property occupied by Licensee's Pipeline, nor s�all
the exercisa af this Agreement for any lengfih o£ time give rise ca any right,
title ar ineerest in Licensee to said property other than �i►e license herein
17,2 Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to giv�, and Licensar
hereby �xpressly waives, any claim of ownership in and to any part of Licensee's
17.3 Zicensee shall not create or permit any mortgage, pledge, security,
inCerest, lien or encumbrances, including without limitation, tax liens and liens
or er►cwnbrances with respect Ca wotk performed or equipment furrtished in
coanection with the constiructfon, installarion, repair, maintenance or �peration
of Licensee's Pipeline in o� on any porCion of the Occupancy (col2ecCi+rely,
"Liens or Encwnbrances"), Co be established or remain against the Occupancy or
-}� 8ny portion thereof oY any other Y.icensor properCy.
�%' 1.�
�" CSXT Form 2537-G �'`Page 10
Revised April 19S_ �
Agreement No. CS%-028317
� 17.4 In the event that any property of Licensor becomes subject to such
Liens or Encumbrances, Licensee agrees to pay, discharge ox remove the same
promptiy upon Lfcensee's receipt of notice that such Lien or Encumbrances has
been iiled oY doeketed against the Occupancy or any other property of Licensor;
howev2r, 1Licensee reserves the right to challenge, at its sole expense, the
validity and/ar enforceability of any such Liens or Encwabrances:
1�. i`,ER4E�iA9. PRQVISi(lP1S:
1$.1 This Agreemeng, and the attached specifications, contains the entire
understanaing between the parties hereto.
18.2 Nei�her this Agreement, any provision hereaf, nor any agreement ox
provision included he�ein by reference, shall operate or be construed as i�y.ing
for the benefit o� any third person.
18.3 Neither the form of this Agreement, nor any language herein, shall
be interpzeted ar construed in favor of or against either party hereto as the
sole drafter thereoi.
18.4 This Agreement is executed under current interpretation of applicable
£ederal, state, county, municipal or other local statute, ordinance or law:
Hawever, each separate division (paragraph, clause, item, term, condition,
cavenant or agreement) l�ereof shall have independent and severable status for the
� determination of legality, so that if any separaee division is determined to be
vaid or unenforceable foz any reason, sucti determination shall have no effect
up9n the validiey or enfarceability of each other separate �ivisian, or any
combination thereo£.
18.5 This Agreement sha11 be construed and governed by the laws of the
state in which the Pipeline and Occupancy is located.
'!9. RlDERS:
The following Rider(�) is/are herewith attached and anclu�3,�d hereiz�:
( J ppen-cut or tunneling construction limits
(XJ Telecommue�icatian Cable or Fiber Aptic line
• �;
' • ' CSXT Form 2537-G �age 11
Revised Apzil 1995 �
• Agreement No. CSX-028317
� IN �ITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in
@uplicate (each of which shall constitute an original) a� of the date first above
�itness �o� Licensor: CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC.
Print/Type Name:
Print/Type Title:
�itness for Licens�e: CITY OF CLEARWATER
Who, by the execution hereoi, af£irms that
he/she has the authoriCy to do so and to
binci the Licensee to the terms and
� conditions of this Agreeme�t.
Print/Type Name:
Print/Type Title:
_ Social Security No.:
xax Identification No.: —
' Authority under Ordinance or
Resolution No. ' �
/ ! �!`"„
� �
'� 1. No construction of any type pursuant or related in any way to this
Agreemenc shall be commenced by Licer�see, or by any agent, representative,
contractor, subcontractor nf Licensee, without Licensee first giving at least
thirty (30) days iS'ritten notice to the following Para11e1 Cable Occupier(s):
{"MCI") Ms. Donna Pruett
MCI Telecommunications Corporation
R&U Planning Aept. 1105/LOC 642
Richardsan, TX 75082
Phone No. (800) 624-9675
or (972) 498-6042
2, The notice shall be accompanied by drawing(s) showing the general
plan, elevation, details and meChods of Licensee's proposed construceion, and the
location of Occupier(s)' cable or facilities in relation to Licensee's proposed
3. Prior to any constructzon, Licensee must locate and identify, any
existing cable, wire or fiber optic line (including any appurtenances thereto)
of said cable occupier(s) traversing or located in, on, or immediately adjacent
to 'the proposed Crossing, at Licensee's sole risk.
4. Any changes, alteration, relocation or proteceion of caire(s),
cable(s) or facilitzes of such Occupier(s), required by said Occupier(s}, sha11
be at Licensea's sole expense except as otherwise negotiated between Licensee and
said Occupier(s).
S. Licensee shall be solely responsible and liable for any damage to
(e.g „ cutting, dislocating, etc.) said wire(s) or cable(s), and appurtenances
thereto, resultin�a in any way from Licensee's exercise oP rights or privile�es
ttndet [his Agreement. -
6. Lfcensee shall defend, indemnify and hold Licensor haxmless from any
such damage claims and any relocation ar protection costs a£ said Occupiei(s).
(Initial) CDaCe)
(IniCial) (Date)
`��� ��
• " ' � —. CSXT 7455-f
''��� '' PL[CA7wN FOR PIPELME PARA1� LELING P}OPER17E5 A; lRACK �/ Rev. 0�2a- 9:
(For RR Use) Division F. /j. �.l . Subdivision Q/,��+f/A� l'�2 Va! Sec. (Map) V/2 �L �,L /'7
' Locatiom :�eginning�fea from mileposc and cndin; feet from milcpos[
�/�/ S�-}ia,� C�8>�9G �'/���SYB7�. .�L. �!/g��D,J ia��k� �/ y�, ��
,.� Application �nd plans must be approved and wntten auttlonry recerv from e Iroad Company bcfoee conswction u �;
i pr�pmsal ancS consGUCtiun musc be ip accordance wich CSXTs Speeificationa, Thc Amvican Railway En�ineerin� Association
Spcei�czdons asd any aovcrnina taws or rc;ulacions. Original and one copy of both application and dnwiag should be submined
to: CSX Teanspoc�don, Propaty Servicex J180, S00 Watar Strcec, Jacksonvillc, FL 3102
1. Comptete Legat Name of applicanC CITY DF CLEARW�►TER, FLORIDA
Company Officec Name: Hr. Terence C. Jennings, P• E• '�tla Chiei Engineer, Public Wo:
Tclephone: ( SI3 ) 462 - 69�0 Fax;( 813 ) 462 - 66k1
2. Addressc P. 0. Box 474� C�ry; Cleaswater $tate; Floxida Zip; 34 1
a. Type of isusiness: Individual, Developer, XX Municipaliry. Coiporation, (Sute in which
iacorpatated:��, Paraas;shiP. (rype of PaivienhSp: )
4. I�acasion; BeginniD; 5 feet _noztheast d'uection from Railroad Milepost 873
�nd �n39ng 71Q f�t �rtheast (direaionl from Razlroad Mi)cpost 8T3
Ysluation Stations if hnown: Begin.�in� Endin� Valuacion Map No. if laiown:
5. Ta�va: �,�ganaaeer Counry. Pinellas Siaze: Florida
5. Temporazy track s+�pgort or riprspp6n; required? Ya No X (Dam'be and Detail on Drswing)
7. Wira, pol�.t, o'ostrucaons to be re(ocazed? Yes No 7I (Desaibe and 1?etail on Drawitag)
8. Ptodu� to be eonveyed �t�rmwater Flammable? Ya Ido X Tempenture N/A
9. Max. Qlarkfing Px� AaJA PSI. Field Test F'ressure TsL ?ype Test
IQ. Lacacion oi shut-ofr valves FIl�
11. Number of man6otes lacated on Railroad Ri�fit-of-Way: 2
Mazei�a! Reinf . Concrete ' •
Mazcria! Sor.cificarions & Gr�de Clas's IV, AS�i C 76
Miniffiuua Yield Srrea�th of �Iacerial PSY 4Q00 psi
Taside Di�ctcc 4. 0 f ee t
W�! T�ici�ess 0.42 feet
C)ursid�Llaameta 4.84 feet
s'• � of �e� N/A
ISind a:loints standard
Tottl Length �tlun Raiiroac] Ri;nt-o: G.ay 205 f e e t
Vents: Numbec N/A Sixc Hei�it above,ground
Seals: Bath eads N/A One end N�
Bury: 4 fcet 0 - ���a (minimum
Bury: (Itoaduay ditches) N/A feet incLa
PROiEC1TVE COATAIG: Yes _._ l�o N A Kind • `
1�. Mechod of installation o en-ccz t.-ench �
14. Yf application is rcvision to exising z��en� g:vc a;reemeat numbcr and daze: ��
15. Will line bc locazed in public road Rir,,3:-o.`-Way? NO (�f •yu•, show uar�e, road numbr: aad Righ;-of-�Vay on print)
D.O T/,�..A.R Crossing Tiumba:
I; a�ptieation is approved, xpplicznt a�;ces to reimburse CSXT tor any cosc incurred by the itilroxd iacid �, to 'snsaJlz::o^,
�ainten�ace, and/or supervision ncecssieztnd'oy thi; p�peline insrallation and fiuti�cr a�r:es to xssume all lizbili:y ior accidrnu o:
i�juries which arisa as a result of this inssallxtioc. Should opea cut installazion be tequ've� applicaat wil! ba raponsible for al1 coss
incutred by CSXT to remov� and reirstall rtil zhd incidenu! �ack resurtacinp. Non-re[undable A?nlieation Fee in tne unou :: o:
5200 is at'.achcd
Q , � `� 1
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� l.-�� �� / Chfei Engfn�e�, public Kc�.
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