97-09� � i'.. •: , *� .� ,. .�. � A RESOLUTfOt� (�F THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AUTNOF2IZING THE EXECUTION OF SUPPLEMEP�7RL JOlP1Ti PARTICIPAT60P1 AGREEMENT NO. 2(1Ni�l 7826645) BETWEEN THE CITY OF CLEARWATER AND THE STATE O� FLORIDA DEPARTMENi OF TRANSPORTATION; PROVIDIfVG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the construction of improvements at the Clearvaater Airpark is necessary 4o the safe, �fficient and economically sound operation of the Clearwater Airpark; and � VOiHER�AS, �he Flarida �epar#ment of Transportaiion (FDOT) is prepared to assist in #he improv�ment� under Supplemental Joint Project Agreement #2 (WPI 7�26645), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Avi�tic�n �?ivi�ion asf F�OT requires a resolufion to meet FDOT grant requirements; nov✓, therefiore, BE 1T RESOL�;'ED BY THE ClTY COMMISSIOlU OF 7HE CITY C7F CLEARWATER, FLORI�A: �ectiop 1. The Ciiy Commission hereby au4horizes the execution of � S�appl�mental Joint Rart6cipation Agreement #2 (WPI 7825645) beiween 4he City and ths State of Flo�ida Departmer�t of Transportation for the construction of airplane hangars at the Cleann�ater AirparP�. �idn �. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of March 1997, Approv�� as to form and lega! suffiiciancy: J��'-c- rass�s � Assistant City Attorey � � . �' Rita Garvey Mayor-Commissioner Attest: � ���� Cy t i1a C. Goudeau Ciry ierk f�es�tlUti�n �o. ���9 �-. � r�oaa+ ru�ow�m PUBLIC TRANSP ADMIN 06C • 07f91 Paje 1 d� SfATfe Of i7.URIDA D�PARTA9f.ttT 061RANSWRTAttQV PUBL6C TRAt�SF�'JR'T�TION SUI'�L�MENTAL JO[P�d'T PAR7'ICiPATION t�G[iEEMEIYT �! 2 ��, 4�JPI Na: 7826645 Fund: O10 SAMAS A�Prop: 088719 Punction; fi37 SA.MAS Obj.: 790007 Joh I`lo: � SQOd-3516 Federal No: Qrg. Code: 55072Q2Q72� Cvntract No: AC'-244 Vendor No.: F596000289002 THI5 AGftEEi1�1ENT, made and entered into this day of 19 ; by and befween tlne ST�'�E �F �L,C3RIDA DEPARTIvdEA1T OF 'TRANSPORTATION, an agency of ihe State of �Iorida, hereinafr_er re%rred to as the Department, and �t� of Clearwater, P.O. �ox 4748, Ciearwater� Florida 3�618-4748 hereinafter referred to as Agency. WITNESSETH: � �,HEF.�AS, Phe Qepartment and the Agency heretufore on the 21 st of .T�ane �" t l9 9�, entered into � Joini Participation Agreement; and WHEREAS, the ,�gency desires to accomp(ish certain project items as outlined in the Attachment "A" agp�nded hereto; and WHEIiEAS, the Departm.ent desires to participate ia all eligible items for this project as outlined in AtEachment "A" for a total Department Share of � 342.�(10 NOW, THE�tE�QItE THIS INDENTURE PdiTNESSETH: that for and in consideration of the mutual benefits to flow from each to the other, ihe parties hereto agree that ttie above described Joint Particigation Agre�fnent i� td be amended and supplemented as fo!lpws: 1.OfJ I'rojecE Descripti4n: The project description is amended 2.Q0 Projeet C�st: Pxragrat�h 3.00 c�f sa'rd Agreement is ir�ereased/�;xxxxx�c�c by $,�234,UU0 bringing the revised tot�l ��s� bf the grdject tn �,�6�,000. ,. Para�raph 4.tt�"i bf saicC 14gre�m�nt is in�t�asct�xx�t�ijc by � 1 t'1�(�{)0 hringing the Dep�c�tment's �r�vi�d share in th� ptoject t� 5��2,t�?D. __ ___. _• � �,i� 1�m�cted E�ibirs: �X�ibii�/� _1� .__ ���aFd �g�eerneni i� (/!i� �rner� b� 1��i��hrrt�nt ""1�". �z+1�1 �t���r°a�cit "Cia�: �*����� � �.� �r�° �:�ia�i ���r�t � �rtt��d mtt� �i�ng�. �� � � .-... r•ouM �u-0�om PUAI.IC TRANSP AOMM OGC - 07/9� Pagcld7 iR�PI NO. 7826645 JO� NO. i 5000-3516 C�ntract f�io. AC-244 Agreement Date �xcept as hereby modi€ied, amended or changed, afl oiher terms of said Agreement dated June 19, 1995. and any subsequent supp9ements shali remain in full force and effect. a,;. I►�1 WI'�NE�S VJHERlE6�', �e parties hereto have cause�'these presents be execueed, the day and yPar first ahove written. AGENCY City of Clearwater �'.O, �ox 4748, Cleuwater, F134b18-4748 BY: y4� �r',��,�� �./ TtTLE: �',� e L G'�,�w9�i �, Countersigned: ....•� Ri.ta Garvey, Maycr-Coa��zssion�r F�ttest:: Cynthia E. Goudeau, City Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Sohn Cara�ss�s, AssisCa�nti City Attioraey � DATE FUIVDZNG APPROVED BY CONiPTROLLER {SEE A'i"i'ACHED ENCUMBRANCE FORR�I) APPRO�'ED AS TO FORM, LEGALIIY . fI. b%i -� � ��lr./r•. _ � �. DEPART�4ENT OF TI2ANSPORTATION D�PAR.T�•fENT OP'I'RANSPORTATION DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND pROGRAM� 7'iTLE � � � r�oaM �uawm .PUBIJC TRANSP ADArtN OOC - 07/9� �3d3 W P[ NO. 782G645 JOB NO. 1500d-3516 Ccmtract No. Ao-24� Agreement Date ' ATT��HNdENT "A" SUPPi.EME1�dTAL AGREEM�IVT This l�ttachmen2 forms an integral pa;t of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement 'between the State af Florida, Department of Transportatian and �tv of Clearwater, P O Box 474�r ��y��g�,�(orida 34�1�-4748 — dated DFSCRiPTI�N OF SUPPLEM�NT (Include jusL:ication %r cost change): This is a multi-year funded ; pro,�ect. '�he Deparfinent is adding $ 117,0� to match t�►e Agency si�are of $ 117,000 bringing the revised �.Atal prfljeck cost tcs $ G84�,Q04. _ 0 I. Project Cast; As approved Supplemental JPA #f 1 Total Peoject Cn�t $ 450,000 II. Fund Farticipad�n: Department $ 225,U00 .�►gency S 225,� Total Prtiject Cc�s� $ d50,0UU As amended Supplemental JPA #2 $ 684,000 S 342,(Xj0 � 342,(`�0 � �$�i� P Net Change ' $ 234,(�?0 $ 11'7,(� S 117,000 � ��i� y.1 'V� *'� ]�rtrRer��t tn�y �ipr�i� i�i trp t� i� h�1f �� i�fi� �r►v!'�c�erat sh�� �� thi� prtoj�i: �s �r�nv,"ded by �' �'j� a7�` �litli J3L>iiWl �,�+.