97-03� RESOLU'IIOPT NO. 97-03 � A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, ASSE3S7NG CERTAIN REAL PROPE1tTY LOCATED IN I3ELLEAiIZ SUBDIVISIOAT, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, HA�IING �k A P�ST OFFTCE ADDItESS OF 1359 S. FT. HARRISO1oT �` A�IEI�ILTE, CLEARWATER, FLORID�, AS DESCRIBED MORE �'AR'TICULARL,Y IIEEREIN, IN THE AMOUNT OF $6373.00 FOR T�iE C�STS OF I?EMOLi�ION INCURR.ED IN REMOVING A IiANC'sEitOiJS STRUCTUItE, WITHOUT Ti� C6NSENT OF OW�IER Wi3EREAS, pursaant to Chapter 47 of the Clearwater Cade of Ordinances and the Standard �uilr�ing Code, V13e Building Official deternuned that certain real property described herein ar�d the buildin� situated thereon were unsafe, unsanitary, unfit for human habita#ion, and dangerous and detrirs�ental to the health, safety, and �eneral �,velfare of Yhe community, and did not properly comply I with ths requirements of saici �ade, and found that an emergency existed which, in his opuuon, �' invol��ed danger to human lif� and health, ara�l �rdered the demolition of the building; and VVI�REfiS, the Cit�y of Clearwater has caused the demolition of the buildin�, and the c.ost of stYCh work should now b� a�sessed as a lien on behalf of the City of Clearwater against the property; now, thec�fore, B� TT ItE50LVED �Y THE CITY CONIlVIISSIqN OF THE CTTY OF` C'LEARWATER, Fi,ORIDA: Section 1. The Building Qfficial having ordered the de�nolition of the building situated on the following describ�d prope►ty: Lots 10 and 11, Block 15, Beileair Subdivision (Parcel �umber 21/29/15/06462/Q15/0100 ). �wner of recard: Ita Mae Ceraolo c+'o Howard P. Rives, III 12d5 S. Myrtis Avenue Clearwater, �L 34618 '� ���t�� n 0 � �. � and the City of {�learvvater having now completed said work, the �ity Corrunission does hereby assess and �hac�e a]i�n on behalf of the City of Clearwater against ths properly for the necessary costs incurred as follows: Ti�TAL DEMf)LITION COSTS $6373.00 (See �ttaclun�nt "A") Ssction 2. As soon as practicable, a C�rtificaie of Indebtedness against the property for the aceiount of assessment si�all be prepared, which certificate shall canstitute a lien prior to all otller liens �xcept the lisn for taxes. Said certificate, yvhen issued, shal be payable to the City with interest at a rate of eight perc�nt (�%) per annvm. S�cti�n 3, 'i'he City Clerk is here6y d'crected ta prepar� a I�Totice of Lien in the amount a£ the assessment a�ainst said property, ar►d io record the same in the ]Pubtic Records of Pinellas County, Fiorida. f� Section 4. Tl�s res�lutian shall take effect immediately upon adoption. �ASSED t�i:ND A�iO�PT'E33 ttvs .�th A�test: �~"�� -��- C 'a E. Goudeau Cit Cl�rk �pc�oved as ta �orr� and ��gal sui�ici��nCy: '�-'�� �..�. — � i�issi5t�ztt City Attomey :� day of January , 199 7 � r Rita Garvey Ma�or-Commissioner ���-0,�u��� ����:� � ��. � � � ATTACHII'I�N�' °tA" Resolution 97-03 (1359 S. Ft. Harrison Avenue - Cleacwater, Florida) ��SK NALOL -(Pinellas County Records for ownership) �Tarious correspondence and telephane calls PUiCI]aSC FP„(�UISAt10i1S Ta�e photograghs �OTAI. �UTJ1�2S EXPE�+T�ES Pourteen (14� �SOUrs @ $25.00 per hour Film, develo}�iazg, aesd prints �ertified M2� and regular posta�e Titte �earch - �ex�on Title Services, Inc. Asbestos �urvey - �pational Healt3� Conservadon, Inc. 1�,sbestos Recnaval - I.ae�g �ngineering �f Florida Monitaring of A�h�tos Remov�l - Occupat�onal I-�ealth Conservarion, Inc. Demolition (1Howard 3immie's) TOTAL EXp'ENSES LIEN AIVIOUATT � I C 14 A�Q�TNT $350.00 40.32 3.80 65.00 67a.OQ 1049.f0 395.00 3�00.00 $6373.i2 $6373.00 ,������i�r� �'����