BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURES ( ..-~ '_,l '" LI- o >- I- - (.) ea ater AIRP ARK ADVISORY BOARD BYLA WS AND RULES OF PROCEDURES ( , , .1 AIRPARK ADVISORY BOARD BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURES BYLA WS ARTICLE I - JURISDICTION Section 1: These bylaws supplement and establish procedures for compliance with Clearwater City Ordinance which apply to the Airpark Advisory Board and Sec. 2.061 of the City Code, which pertains to the operation of City Aviation Boards and Committees. ARTICLE II - PURPOSE Section 1: The airpark advisory board shall make recommendations on airpark matters brought forward by the City Councilor staff liaison. ARTICLE III - MEMBERS Section 1: There will be five (5) members appointed by the City Council. The normal term of office for each member shall be four (4) years. Section 2: Non-voting (ex-officio) members may be appointed by the City Council. ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Section 1: There shall be a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Section 2: The Chair shall preside over meetings of the Airpark Advisory Board. Perform such other functions as the board may assign by rule or order. Section 3: The Vice-Chair shall act in the absence of the Chair and perform other such duties as the Chair may assign. Should the Chair vacate his office, the Vice-Chair shall act as Chair until the next Chair is elected at the next regular meeting. ARTICLE V - ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1: Elections of officers will be held annually at the regularly scheduled November meeting. Section 2: Should a vacancy occur before the annual meeting that cannot be filled by accession, election of replacement(s) would be held at the next regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for the purpose. ( , , , Section 3: Candidates will be nominated from the voting membership after their agreement to serve has been obtained. Election will be by simple majority vote. Newly elected officers will take office immediately upon election. Results of the election will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and reported to the City Clerk by letter. ARTICLE VI - TERMS OF OFFICE. Section 1: The term of office for board officers shall be twelve months; however, an officer will not vacate his office until his successor has been elected, unless he is unable to continue to perform his duties. Section 2: Officers will not serve more than three (3) consecutive years in one officer position; however, they may be elected to a different officer position. After a one-year absence from an elected officer position, the member may be reelected to that office. ARTICLE VII - MEETINGS Section 1: Meetings - The board will meet quarterly, on the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th months, or as called by the Director of the Marine & Aviation Department. Section 2: Notice - Whenever possible, notice of all meetings shall be given to all Board members at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting. Section 3: Attendance - Members shall notify the board liaison if they are unable to attend a meeting. Excessive absenteeism shall be addressed as defined in Sec. 2.066 of the City Code. Section 4: A quorum for all meeting shall be three (3) board members. Section 5: All board meetings and records will be open to the public and subject to Sunshine Law, FS 119. ARTICLE VIII - MISCELLANEOUS Section 1: These bylaws and procedures may be altered (as deemed necessary) in a manner not inconsistent with the City Code. Section 2: Any two board members may recommend a change to these bylaws and procedures by submitting the proposed change in writing to the Airpark Advisory Board City staff liaison no later than eight (8) days before any regular meeting of the Board. Section 3: The City staff liaison will communicate the proposed change to all members at least one day prior to the meeting, and will include the proposed change on the agenda. Section 4: These bylaws and procedures and all subsequent amendments will be filed with the City Clerk. < ' RULES OF PROCEDURES RULE I - MEETINGS Section 1: Parliamentary procedures in board meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, as amended, and by the Rules contained herein. Section 2: Voting shall be by voice and shall be recorded by individual "aye" or "nay" when not unanimous. Section 3: The staff liaison will present agenda items to be addressed by the board. RULE II - ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1: The normal order of business will be as follows: Call to order Minutes of Previous Meeting Old Business New Business Citizens to be heard on items not on the Agenda Adjournment RULE III - AGENDA ITEMS Section 1: Only items listed on the agenda shall be acted upon during a meeting. Section 2: Board members and the public may request items be placed on the agenda for subsequent meetings. RULE IV - PUBLIC COMMENT Section 1: Public comments regarding item on the agenda: a. Each speaker will approach the podium and limit comments to a maximum of three minutes. b. No person shall speak more than once on the same subject at the same meeting. Section 2: Citizens to be heard regarding items not on the agenda: a. Each speaker will be asked to approach the podium, give their name and address, and limit their comments to a maximum of three minutes. b. No person shall speak more than once on the same subject at the same meeting unless granted permission by the Board. , ,< c. When time limits are set for speakers, unused time cannot be passed from one speaker to another. Extensions of time limits can be given if approved by a majority of the Board. d. Items brought forward from a speaker cannot be voted on as it was not on the agenda RULE V - DEBATE OF MOTIONS/TIE VOTES Section 1: Any board member making a motion or second shall address the Chair and await recognition before speaking. The Chair must recognize any person who seeks the floor while entitled to it. The person making the motion is entitled to the floor first for debate. No one is entitled to the floor a second time on the same motions as long as any other board member who has not spoken on the issue desires the floor. Section 2: When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be stated by the Chair before any debate shall be in order. All questions shall be stated and put by the Chair, and the Chair shall declare all votes. Section 3: A tie vote shall constitute a continuance of the item to the next regularly scheduled meeting, but upon a tie vote on the same item at the next meeting, the item shall not be rescheduled except upon request of a board member or staff liaison. RULE VI - RULES OF ORDER Section 1: Except as provided herein, or as may be required by Florida Law, the rules of the Airpark Advisory Board shall be as provided in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order. RULE VII - RULES OF DECORUM Section 1: At all times, Airpark Advisory Board Members, staff, and public shall conduct themselves in a respectful and civil manner. The Chair shall rule out of order any person who is making obscene, profane, impertinent, irrelevant, immaterial, inflammatory statements or inciting violence or fighting. The determination of the Chair or a majority of the board members shall be final on such matters. No member of the audience shall, during a meeting, make or cause to be made any audible or disruptive sound or noise. Signs or graphic displays of any kind shall not be displayed, except in connection with a presentation made to the advisory board by a speaker at the podium. All persons at all times shall conduct themselves in accordance with these rules and failing such shall be removed from the meeting. In the event of such removal, such person shall not thereafter be readmitted to the same meeting. The meeting may be recessed, if deemed necessary, in order to restore order. Accepted by Airport Advisory Board