FLD2015-10040 - Letters of OppositionZitouni, Trish
From: Watkins, Sherry
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 9:01 AM
To: Chase, Susan; Kuligowski, Patricia; Sprague, Nicole; Stutz, Stephanie; Sullivan, Patricia;
Wilis, Anne; Zitouni, Trish; Aja, Audra; Akin, Pam; Albritton, David; Amen, Bonita; Banacki,
Ariel; Brian Barker; Christopher Anuszkiewicz; DuPont, Kimberly; Jay Daigneault Attorney;
Jennifer Ditro; John Funk; John Quattrocki; Mary A. Lau; Michael Boutzoukas; Richard
Adelson; Soto, Camilo
Cc: Clayton, Gina; Tefft, Robert; Delk, Michael
Subject: FW: Please Veto the Garage Plans for Island Estates
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
7�tan�C yo�ti
Sherry Glat�ins
Adininit�rative Fkna�yst
��anning and Dere�opme�rt DeparlmenE
T2T 562-�fbS2
g���t�r .��� s�t.�r�F�,n. • �x � s�►���
From: ]ohn [mailto:floridafunksC�yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2016 5:33 PM
To: Watkins, Sherry
Subject: Fwd: Please Veto the Garage Plans for Island Estates
Hi Sherry
I have received a number of letters addressed to the Mayor, Council and CDB,
several of which, I have forwarded to you. The others I will have with me when I stop by the planning dept.
The emailed letter below was specifically addressed to me, so I am forwarding it to you.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Ed Veranth" <ed@edveranth.com>
Date: January 17, 2016 at 4:35:48 PM EST
To: <floridafunks@yahoo.com>
Subject: Please Veto the Garage Plans for Island Estates
Dear John,
1 �.a
Please do not let them build that huge three story parking garage on Windward
Passage. I understand that there are commercial interests on our street but this
is also a residential street and a residential island. There are far too many spaces
in this garage and seeing the plans will make it out-of-place in our little
Please do not do this to us.
Thank you.
Ed Veranth
EdCc�EdVeranth. com
2 C�.�
� From: Rick Morris [mailto:ricmorris(a�yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2016 1:24 PM
To: Cretekos, George; ]onson, Bill; doreen.Hock-PolitoCc�myclearwater.com; Hamilton, Hoyt; Polglaze, Jay;
brianCa�deuelengineering.com; davea1950Ca�gmail.com; radelson2Ca�gmail.com; mboutzoukasCa�becker-poliakoff.com;
chrisCc�placemakerdesignstudio.com; mlauC�laulane.com; floridafunksCa�yahoo.com; iaCa�boardwalkcompany.com
Subject: CMA parking proposal
Mr. Mayor, Council members and Community Development Board members:
I am a resident of Island Estates and am writing about the proposed parking structure that CMA is asking for
permission to built on its property. I am seriously concerned about the height and capacity of the garage, which
is significantly larger than anything normally required by CMA. The aesthetics of this massive building on
Island Estates, directly across the street from a residential community, will negatively change the nature of the
neighborhood and impact the entire Island community. This process seems to have been approached nearly
secretly by CMA, with residents generally becoming aware of the proposal within just the last couple of days.
I strongly urge you to vote 'no' on this proposal, at least to give residents a chance to fully understand the
proposal and publicly voice our opinions.
Rick Morris
� From: Dale Lindberg [mailto:dlind2068@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 4:21 PM
To: Cretekos, George; Jonson, Bill; doreen.Hock-PolitoCa�myclearwater.com; Hamilton, Hoyt; Polglaze, Jay;
brianCa�deuelengineering.com; davea1950Ca�Qmail.com; radelson2Ca�gmail.com; mboutzoukasCa�becker-poliakoff.com;
chris placemakerdesignstudio.com; mlauCa�laulane.com; floridafunksCa�yahoo.com; jqCc�boardwalkcompany.com
Cc: Rick Stillwell
Subject: Clearwater Marine Aquarium Expansion
Ladies and Gentlemen;
I am a condo owner at 202 Windward Passage and am concerned we do not understand the benefits and impacts
from the proposed expansion to our neigborhood. I am requesting that you delay any approval of plans to move
forward until the impacts are better understood. I would like to see an independent study done to address the
positive and negative impacts.
Thank you for your consideration.
Dale Lindberg
From: Michaei Jackson [mailto:mjacksonCa�ez-tender.com]
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 2:47 PM
To: Cretekos, George; Jonson, Bill; Hock-DiPolito, Doreen; Hamilton, Hoyt; Polglaze, Jay; brianCa�deuelengineering.com;
davea1950Ca�ymail.com; radelson2@gmail.com; mboutzoukasCa�becker-poliakoff.com; chris@placemakerdesignstudio.com;
mlauCa�laulane.com; floridafunksCa�yahoo.com; j�Ccaboardwalkcompany.com
Subject: NO - to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium Parking Lot
Clearwater City Council members, and members of the Community Development Board.
As a resident of Island Estates, I am strongly urging a NO vote on the proposed behemoth parking structure for
the Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA)..
It should go without saying that any attempt to advance an eye sore the size of that which is being proposed for
CMA would be met with great resistance from Island Estates residents. We were not noticed of any public
hearings surrounding this issue and that in and of itself is not only patently unfair but in my opinion illegal.
The Council should provide adequate legal notice to all Island Estates residents (at a minimum) and all residents
should be entitled to be heard on this matter as it directly affects us all! It affects not only our way of life and
will negatively affect our property values, but there are serious safety concerns that would need to be addressed.
I understand that there is an upcoming vote and at a minimum, this should be postponed for 90-120 days to
allow for proper procedures to be followed so that ALL residents can be heard on this matter.
Let's not have a major legal debacle on our hands by hastily attempting to ram this unsightly 59' HIGH multi-
level residential view-blocking parking lot in our beautiful residential community without first hearing from
ALL of its citizens and not just those with a vested interest in same.
Thank you, and please do the right thing here and vote NO!
Mike and Penny Jackson
124 Windward Island
Clearwater, FL 33767
F Vera Guinan`�eAonan�nmcum
Subie�,,;t� Please vote ~NO"on the current CKA expansion plans for Island Estates
January 1o.mm1Vat 3:49 PM
-nypdg��n6�my:/an,wa,e'oom. �,I vea , gm�/coo. I I; a , 3ma.| .xn'
Dear Mayo r C retek os, C it y C ou nc il Mern bers, C h aj r of C D 8, Vice C hai r of C D B and C 1) Boa rd Members
cxn��,|ane,nm�ema�|gnc�umvvo:,. 'n`av��au|�navem. ,|o,�un�on�s�y��vo�om. /«��orm
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Amu homeowner um The Vi|lagomn Island Estates, | ask you ,usupport the residents of Island Estates uy voting ~NO^on the current
development plans by CMAto Wiow us to becorie better informed about these plans, their actual impact unIsland Estates now and for the
future, and x, have aoar voice (which me have not had m date) m what will eventually be approved for this stretch u/ Windward Passage, The
current plans proved a considerably unpleasant, unwanted and "after-the-fact" surprise to residents, x you had been sx the meeting at St-
Brendan's, you would have seen that, The majority present absolutely did not support these late-advised and expanded plans. The City and
the CDB needs mntarl over and work closely now with Island Estates residents to find a better solution for CMA and residents. Until ihen, a
^WO^ vote, or, minimally a delay my1'a months should be given to allow us to educate ourselves and work toward a solution that works for all
Just imagine if you woke up one morning and walked out your front door to find a multi-level, parking structure built right across the street,
This unattractive structure of concrete and guard rails is now an immovable, permanent structure destined mms your '`vimv/'Ymr the how many
yom/y What a bitter experience that would be. nim not okay that m lovely stretch oyWindward Passage, with an open feel and access to the
water for a nice walk, )ssubsumed by concrete and parking facilities.
Then mbe told that omA increases our property values Is offensive and |mpure spin, Residents facing that "wall of concrete" will find umore
difficult to get a decent price for their homes, along with the added negative factors of traffic Issues and esthetic issues.
Any City ur Board approvals mf CMA plans at this point in time subjects residents to all these disadvantages, when better solutions can be
found. | know you understand that this is not what *e feel we pay taxes for, u|m not what people on Island Estates bought homes for. omx'w
plans are not currently suitable for such a residential mommunity We have not been given sufficient Input amm community that will bemo
heavily impacted. Has CmA been given an okay onIsland Estates ama'vonon|euionprize" due to sympathy because their downtown, plans
imploded? We should not umm consolation prize.
My experience, and those of other residents I have spoken with, is that these CMA plans proceeded "under the radar". Concerned citizens
then found themselves presented with a 'Tait accompli" with the implication that we should just rollover and accept our fate. | oanncu, uimv|y
cannot, support this way of doing things. I strongly urge you to correct this injustice by either (1) voting NO on the current CMA plans, or(a)
postnoNng any vote for 1emonths to allow residents time to educate themselves, and tobe included |n all these developments.
| would support CMA If they worked closely with the community to develop a plan to works for all concerned parties. They should ue far more
flexible mn creatively developing remote parking instead m taking the easy way mf driving through our neighborhood. |kmow Clearwater
continues to work hard to make downtown more lively and inviting to residents and tourists. I do not believe, with all the creativity available to
mam and out cd government, that this cannot work. It can work and u would um fantastic for tourists and residents,
CMA is thinking, first and foremost, like an entertainment venue, when it says its mission is rescue. All or the planning |a for "entertainment
and tourist" value. nCMA cannot see its way to working better with Island Estates, then perhaps we are not the right place for them mobe.
Should they not then use their considerable development funds and expertise to f I nd a site more suitable to their needs? That |m also m
possible solution.
Thank you for supporting what works best for Island Estates esamajorly residential community. Please vote NOonTuesday.
Veronica Guinan
240 Windward Passage
Clearwater, FLoo767
Sent from my Fed
From: Vera Guinan [mailto:veraguinanCa�aol.com]
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 2:06 PM
To: Jackson, Matthew
Cc: Cretekos, George; Jonson, Bill; direen.hoch-politoCa�myclearwater.com; Hamilton, Hoyt; Polglaze, Jay; Horne, William;
brianCa�deuelengineering.com; davea1950Ca�gmail.com; radelson2Ca�gmail.com; mboutzoukasCa�becker-poliakoff.com;
chris placemakerdesignstudio.com; mlau@laulane.com; floridafunksCc�yahoo.com; iq@boardwalkcompany.com;
Subject: CMA Development Plans - Your Report and Recommendations
Dear Mr. Jackson:
I would like to follow up on our previous communication regarding protests on the current development plans
for CMA, specifically referring to "CDB Planning and Development Department Staff Report". While there are
many points in this report that I believe Island Estates residents could certainly take issue with, on many
grounds, I will refer to one point as an example: Page 8, Item 4 titled "Adjoining properties will not suffer
substantial detriment as a result of the proposed development" provides a staff answer that states, "The only
known detriment to the adjoining properties from the site is the availability of adequate on-site off-street
parking. The proposal includes a 437 space parking garage which will allow all parking for the aquarium to
occur on-site. As such, the lack of available parking will be mitigated and it is not anticipated the proposal will
have any substantial detriment to the adjoining properties."
The statement "... it is not anticipated the proposal will have any substantial detriment to the
adjoining properties" is remarkable on its face. We are not aware that "the adjoining properties"
were consulted on "any substantial detriment ...." at any point in this process. It appears to be
strictly a civil and commercial planning approach, leaving out the major factor of resident input.
Of course this behemoth of a garage on what is currently an attractive, waterfront area of
Windward has grossly negative effects for the adjoining properties. That that is not
acknowledged is astounding. Many letters of protest have been written by residents of The
Village on Island Estates, as the most directly affected "adjoining" property. The owner of the
commercial building at 251 Windward Passage objects too! So both residential and commercial
protests exists here. I understand that there is also protest by owners of the condos at 202
Windward Passage .... so there is, in fact, substantial detriment experienced ... thus the protests!
As the Senior Planner on this project, I ask you to raise this point with the CDB and recommend
further study WITH involvement from a"Residents Council" of 3-4 Island Estates residents to
represent the residential interests. I know the CDB expects recommendations from you and your
colleagues, and it is imperative that this be brought forward. Tuesday's meeting should be
postponed until this is in place.
Veronica Guinan
240 Windward Passage, 401
Clearwater, FL 33767
Sent from my iPad
From: Terry Carter [mailto:tcartergaCa�icloud.com]
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 11:29 AM
To: Hamilton, Hoyt; Polglaze, )ay; brianCa?deuelengineering.com; radelson2Ca�gmail.com; mboutzoukasC�becker-
poliakoff.com; chris@placemakerdesignstudio.com; mlauCc�laulane.com; floridafunks@yahoo.com;
jq@boardwalkcompany.com; davea1950Cc�gmail.com; Cretekos, George; doreen.Hock-PolitoCa�myclearwater.com; ]onson,
Subject: Notice: Vote NO on the Proposed Clearwater Marine Aquarium development plans
URGENT: Residents of Island Estates wish
to have a voice regarding the CMA
Vote NO on the CMA expansion plans, and postpone any
further activity until the Residents of Island Estates have
had a voice.
As a Resident and Taxpayer of ISLAND ESTATES
(C�earwater, FL) I/we wish to have a voice in the
community with regards to development plans of the CMA.
It is alarming that the citizens have NOT been given the
opportunity to review/understand and voice concerns with
the CMA expansion proposal.
The inherent impact to quali , of life and ro e
values and overall Safe for Residents of Island Estates is
significant, and has not been taken into consideration.
As residents we have invested our life savings into our
homes and communities. If is unfair and unreasonable for
elected and non-elected officials to force this expansion
into the community without appropriate review and input
from the citizens/residents of Island Estates.
I urge you to VOTE NO to the CMA expansion plans, and
postpone any further activity until the Residents of
ISLAND ESTATES have had a voice.
Residents of Island Estates
From: Sheron Nichols [mailto:SheronCa�verizon.net]
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 9:52 AM
To: Cretekos, George; Doreen.Hock-PoltoCc�myclearwater.com; Jonson, Bill; Polglaze, Jay; Davea1950(a�gmail.com;
radelson2Ca�gmail.com; mboutroukasCn�becker-poliakoff.com; chris placemakerdesignstudio.com; mlauCa)laulane.com;
FloridafunksC�yahoo.com; iq@boardwaycompany.com; brian@deuelengineering.com; VeraguinanCa�aol.com
Subject: FW: CMA
Unless I have a bad e-mail address for Sherry, her e-mail was returned to me. Since then, I have had the opportunity to
getting the above e-mails so you too can hear my side.
Sheron �V"uFiols, �Presid'ent
No6Ces �Kanagement, Inc.
251 Windward Passage
Suite F
Clearwater, FL 33'767
Phone: (727) 441-1454
Fax: (727) 298-8280
From: Sheron Nichols [mailto:SheronCa�verizon.net]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 4:28 PM
To: 'Sherry.Watkins@myClerwater.com'
Subject: CMA
I cannot be at the Tuesday meeting for the approval of the biggest garage I have ever seen on a small residential island.
I own the adjoining property 251 Windward to be exact. Several months ago the CMA approached me about what they
wanted or needed for their lack of adequate parking. Couple years ago, everyone including myself finally agreed to a
garage building on their site. Now that same garage has grown to an unbelievable size. I cannot agree to this latest
design. The city officials ignore the public about putting the CMA on the mainland. There were other suggestions about
putting them to the north end of the city. Again ignored. All the time CMA were spreading the parking throughout the
Island, vacant lots, church and street parking, never did they need or use 400 parking spaces. This garage plan smacks
with there is something else CMA plans on doing with the garage. If you live, work, or own anything around CMA you
learn not to trust or believe in anything that is presented. Unfortunately the city fathers approve everything they ask
for. I have had to have a business and office building in the middle of this circus. When there are parking violations , the
police will do nothing about it. (been told to look the other way). All other departments at the city just never seem to
see the violations or the at risky situations that exist.. I have had to follow a person in a wheel chair wheeling down the
middle of Windward with traffic backed up behind him. I have watch mothers pushing strollers with the children in
them down the middle of Windward talking on the phone or to one another. I have never approved of the expansion of
CMA and continue to NOT approve this garage either. When traffic is backed up on Island Way, with the residents not
able to get off the island because the tourist are leaving the garage, will see if the rest of the island is happy with CMA.
I know for a fact, their popularity with the island people is dropping every day. I know people who supported
financially, stopped. CMA has far extended the mission it was established on. It is now a full blown business with our
public officials supporting them. You have to wonder what their mission is.
SFieron 91�'uFiols, �'rre,sident
�V'o6Ces �I�lanagement, Inc.
251 Windward Passage
Suite F
Clearwater, FL 33767
Phone: (727) 441-1454
Fax: (727) 298-8280
From: BRUCE RABON [mailto:brabon1722Ca�hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, )anuary 18, 2016 7:19 AM
To: Cretekos, George; Jonson, Bill; doreen.hock-politoCa�myclearwater.com; Hamilton, Hoyt;
brianCa�deuelengineering.com; davea1950Ca�gmail.com; mboutzoukasCa�becker-poliakoff.com;
chris@placemakerdesignstudio.com; floridafunksCa>yahoo.com; jq@boardwalkcompany.com
Subject: CMA Garage/Expansion
Good Morning,
Interesting.....I've communicated (late fall 2015) with Bill Horne about this
very topic, the CMA expansion, and he told me to his knowledge there were
no CMA expansion plans in with the city to improve this site or of its
expansion. Now there seems to be some very aggressive plans for a rather
large garage and further expansion being fast tracked. Even though these
plans might meet city code requirements that does not mean that this
expansion would be appropriate for the Island Estates community. To date
Island Estates has enjoyed light commercial type usage and should remain
so even though these past several years we have been good neighbors and
tolerated an environment similar to living around a theme park with the
addition of vehicles going to the CMA and the city allowing them to park all
over our neighborhoods and on grass fields. Now it's time for the CMA to be
a good neighbor. Regarding this expansion I urge and ask you to vote
no. Thank you,
Bruce Rabon
212 Leeward Island
Clearwater, FL.33767
Zitouni, Trish
From: Watkins, Sherry
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 10:01 AM
To: Jackson, Matthew; Chase, Susan; Kuligowski, Patricia; Sprague, Nicole; Stutz, Stephanie;
Sullivan, Patricia; Wills, Anne; Zitouni, Trish; Aja, Audra; Akin, Pam; Albritton, David; Amen,
Bonita; Banacki, Ariel; Brian Barker; Christopher Anuszkiewicz; DuPont, Kimberly; Jay
Daigneault Attorney; Jennifer Ditro; John Funk; John Quattrocki; Mary A. Lau; Michael
Boutzoukas; Richard Adelson; Soto, Camilo
Cc: Clayton, Gina; Delk, Michael; Tefft, Robert
Subject: FW: Proposed Renovation of Clearwater Marine Aquarium
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Email received for CMA.
Thank you,
Sherry Watkins
Administrative Analyst
Planning and Development Department
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonson, Bill
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 7:29 PM
To: Kuligowski, Patricia
Cc: Watkins, Sherry
Subject: FW: Proposed Renovation of Clearwater Marine Aquarium
For the record
Bill Jonson
Clearwater City Councilmember
Please note that e-mails sent by or received by City Councilmembers are public records and
are made available to all Councilmembers, City staff and the press. They are also available
to the public upon request.
�-----Original Message-----
From: 7ody Howard [mailto:howarjl�ayahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2016 6:02 PM
To: Cretekos, George; 7onson, Bill; doreen.Hock-Polito(almvclearwater.com; Hamilton, Hoyt;
Polglaze, Jay; brian(�deuelengineerin�.com; davea1950@�mail.com; radelson2@�mail.com;
mboutzoukas(�becker-poliakoff.com; chris(�placemakerdesi�nstudio.com; mlau(�laulane.com;
floridafunks@yahoo.com; lq(�boardwalkcompany.com
Subject: Proposed Renovation of Clearwater Marine Aquarium
Dear City Officials and Community Develop Board,
We are writing in response to the upcoming meeting on 7anuary 19 to discuss the proposed
modifications to be made at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. We are not able to attend the
meeting ourselves as we are out of town, but wanted our voices to be heard.
In general, we are not opposed to modest updates and renovations of the CMA. However, we are
opposed to the significant modifications with 2 new large buildings and a very large parking
public deck. We do not want to become the parking lot and traffic relief for Clearwater
Beach. Especially with the significant new hotel construction down on the beach. The
traffic problems will be even worse. We do not want it diverted to our residential
Island Estates is a residential oasis on Clearwater Beach. We specifically selected to buy
in this location for its proximity to the beach, but it's residential community feel. We
believe a large public parking deck bring even more traffic to the community, and is reducing
our quality of life. We live directly on Windward Passage. Shall we sit in 2 hour traffic
lines all the way to our condo door? We do not want our island turned into a commercial
center. We believe the construction as proposed will reduce our property values and diminish
our quality of life. We would be disappointed to have to sell and take our investment to
another community.
Please vote "no" to the proposed CMA renovations.
7ody Howard & 7avad Hosseini
Residents of Residences of Windward Passage condominium Howaril�vahoo.com Hosseis�yahoo.com
From: Ed Veranth [mailto:edCa�edveranth.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Jonson, Bill
Subject: Please Veto the Garage Plans for Island Estates
Dear Mr. Jonson,
Please do not let them build that huge three story parking garage on Windward Passage. I
understand that there are commercial interests on our street but this is also a residential
street and a residential island. There are far too many spaces in this garage and seeing the
plans will make it out-of-place in our little community.
Please do not do this to us.
Thank you.
Ed Veranth
Ed(c�EdVeranth. com
Zitouni, Trish
From: Watkins, Sherry
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 10:20 AM
To: Chase, Susan; Kuligowski, Patricia; Sprague, Nicole; Stutz, Stephanie; Sullivan, Patricia;
Wills, Anne; Zitouni, Trish; Aja, Audra; Akin, Pam; Albritton, David; Amen, Bonita; Banacki,
Ariel; Brian Barker; Christopher Anuszkiewicz; DuPont, Kimberly; Jay Daigneault Attorney;
Jennifer Ditro; John Funk; John Quattrocki; Mary A. Lau; Michael Boutzoukas; Richard
Adelson; Soto, Camilo
Subject: FW: Vote NO- CMA Expansion Plans on Island Estates
Email received for CMA.
I�tan�c you,
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�27 562-�1582
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From: ]onson, Bill
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 7:30 PM
To: Kuligowski, Patricia
Cc: Watkins, Sherry
Subject: FW: Vote NO- CMA Expansion Plans on Island Estates
For the record
Bill Jonson
Clearwater City Councilmember
Please note that e-mails sent by or received by City Councilmembers are public records and are made available to all
Councilmembers, City staff and the press. They are also available to the public upon request.
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� From: Rick [mailto:rstillw@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2016 2:16 PM
To: Jonson, Bill; doreen.Hock-PolitoCc�myclearwater.com; �qCa�boardwalkcompany.com
Subject: FW: Vote NO- CMA Expansion Plans on Island Estates
Please vote no on the CMA Island Estates expansion or at the very least vote to postpone the
project until the residents of Island Estates have a chance to be made aware of this project and
better understand the future impact.
Only yesterday I became aware of the plans that the CMA has for expansion on Island Estates. I am very
concerned about the plans to build a 60 foot high 437 space pay parking garage which may ultimately serve as
beach parking. The traffic problems on Island Estates from the CMA visitors is already a headache to residents
and will only get worse with the proposed garage. It seems that this is a good opportunity for the garage to
be built in downtown Clearwater with the CMA providing shuttle transportation to and from the aquarium.
This would not only reduce traffic in Island Estates but also on the Causeway Memorial Bridge and as a by-
product would bring people into the downtown Clearwater area for the locai merchants.
Rick Stillwell
Board President
Residences at Windward Passage Condominium Association
202 Windward Passage
Zitouni, Trish
From: Watkins, Sherry
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 10:21 AM
To: Jackson, Matthew; Chase, Susan; Kuligowski, Patricia; Sprague, Nicole; Stutz, Stephanie;
Sullivan, Patricia; Wills, Anne; Zitouni, Trish; Aja, Audra; Akin, Pam; Albritton, David; Amen,
Bonita; Banacki, Ariel; Brian Barker; Christopher Anuszkiewicz; DuPont, Kimberly; Jay
Daigneault Attorney; Jennifer Ditro; John Funk; John Quattrocki; Mary A. Lau; Michael
Boutzoukas; Richard Adelson; Soto, Camilo
Cc: Clayton, Gina; Tefft, Robert; Delk, Michael
Subject: FW: CMA expansion: Vote NO on the Proposed Clearwater Marine Aquarium development
Email received for CMA.
7�ian�C you
.>herry G1aG�irts
Fkc�minist�`�ire �na�(sE
f''�anning and De✓e�opmet� Departmet�t
TZT 562-�582
�, 1MM�
� .
From: Jonson, Bill
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 7:30 PM
To: Kuligowski, Patricia
Cc: Watkins, Sherry
Subject: FW: CMA expansion: Vote NO on the Proposed Clearwater Marine Aquarium development plans
Forthe record
Clearwater City Councilmember
Please note that e-mails sent by or received by City Councilmembers are public records and are made available to all
Councilmembers, City staff and the press. They are also available to the public upon request.
�R���'t' A�'k*a BEAU1't�LTi, � BAY TC) 8�1t:�!
,,� From: Robin Carter [mailto:rcartergaCa�gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2016 2:06 PM
To: Cretekos, George; brianCa�deuelengineering.com; Hamilton, Hoyt; Polglaze, Jay; radelson2Cc�gmail.com;
mboutzoukasCu�becker-poliakoff.com; chris placemakerdesignstudio.com; mlauCc�laulane.com; floridafunksCa�yahoo.com;
iqC�?boardwalkcompany.com; davea1950Ca�gmail.com; doreen.Hock-PolitoCa�myclearwater.com; Jonson, Bill
Subject: CMA expansion: Vote NO on the Proposed Clearwater Marine Aquarium development plans
URGENT: Residents of Island Estates wish to have a voice regarding the
CMA proposal.
Vote NO on the CMA expansion plans, and postpone any further activity until the Residents of
Island Estates have had a voice.
As a Resident and Taxpayer of ISLAND ESTATES (Clearwater, FL) I/we wish to have a voice in
the community with regards to development plans of the CMA.
It is alarming that the citizens have NOT been given the opportunity to review/understand and
voice concerns with the CMA expansion proposal.
The inherent impact to Qualitv of life and propertv values and overall Safe for Residents of Island
Estates is significant, and has not been taken into consideration.
As residents we have invested our life savings into our homes and communities. If is unfair and
unreasonable for elected and non-elected officials to force this expansion into the community
without appropriate review and input from the citizens/residents of Island Estates.
I urge you to VOTE NO to the CMA expansion plans, and postpone any further activity until the
Residents of ISLAND ESTATES have had a voice.
Robin Carter
From: Diana Vuilliomenet [mailto:dianamacvC�gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2016 11:36 AM
To: Cretekos, George; Jonson, Bill; Polglaze, Jay; davea1950Ca>gmail.com; radelson2Cc�gmail.com; mboutzoukasCa�becker-
poliakoff.com; chrisC�placemakerdesignstudio.com; mlauCc�laulane.com; floridafunksC��ahoo.com;
j�Cc�boardwaycompany.com; brian@deuelengineering.com
Subject: Fwd: Vote NO on CMA proposal
Importance: High
Dear Mr Mayor, Planning Board, CMA, and Other Concerned
Two weeks ago we received the notice of the Community
Development Board meeting next week since we live within 200
feet of CMA. Due to this being a second home for us this two
week notice does not give us enough time to buy reasonably
priced airline tickets over a holiday weekend to come to the
meeting. We are on a fixed income but we need our voice to be
heard. If it were not for our neighbors informing us of the vastly
different design that the Board has approved we would be
uninformed members of a residential neighborhood that is trying
to be taken over by a Business that is trying to sell itself as a
nonprofit organization. Don't get me wrong we have enj oyed the
CMA and our son attended many of their summer camps. But it
seems they have lost sight of what they were all about. Since the
movies all they can think about is making money and becoming
a Sea World. But all of this has come at the expense of the
residents of Island Estates and particularly the people of the
Villages on Island Estates. No longer can we open our
windows for fresh air. If we do we have to listen to the
constant blow horns and whistles of the shows at CMA, we can't
quietly sit by the pool due to the noises coming from CMA, we
have to deal with the constant traffic of people cutting from the
church parking lot thru our property dumping their trash and at
times stopping to drop their draws and taking a swim in our pool
as they try to get CMA, we have to deal with the constant
pollution from the cars going to CMA, we have to listen to the
constant slamming of car doors, we have to listen to the cars
constantly driving thru and at times parking in our private
parking spots, we have to have someone get out of our car when
we are trying to leave our property to look for running kids
across the cross walks without looking, and I could go on and
on. Yet you don't give the residents of Island Estates the time to
address all of these changes. This is flat out WRONG.
We have no clue where you got facts stating building a towering
parking garage is going to help increase the value of our
property. Not only does a parking garage not belong in a �
residential community it will create many other issues. One of
those will be people not wanting to pay for parking so we will
continue to have people parking on private parking, cutting thru
our property to get where they want and one of my biggest
concerns is the vagrants that will start moving in during the
night when the CMA is closed.
I see so many issues with these new proposals that the
community has not had the time to fully review and address it is
PLEASE VOTE NO and give us the time and opportunity to
address these issues properly .
Diana & Paul Vuilliomenet
240 Windward Passage
Lii�xna i�i�illiot�zenet
Zitouni, Trish
From: Watkins, Sherry
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 10:34 AM
To: Jackson, Matthew; Chase, Susan; Kuligowski, Patricia; Sprague, Nicole; Stutz, Stephanie;
Sullivan, Patricia; Wills, Anne; Zitouni, Trish; Aja, Audra; Akin, Pam; Albritton, David; Amen,
Bonita; Banacki, Ariel; Brian Barker; Christopher Anuszkiewicz; DuPont, Kimberly; Jay
Daigneault Attorney; Jennifer Ditro; John Funk; John Quattrocki; Mary A. Lau; Michael
Boutzoukas; Richard Adelson; Soto, Camilo
Cc: Clayton, Gina; Delk, Michael; Tefft, Robert
Subject: FW: Please vote "NO" on the current CMA expansion plans for Island Estates
Email received for CMA.
7�ian�c you,
Sherry �IaG�C'ns
F4dminis��aEire Ana�ySE
� (anning and Dere%pmerrt DepartmerrG
?2T 562-�I�582
� ����r�����z�•��������
From: Jonson, Bill
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 7:32 PM
To: Kuligowski, Patricia
Cc: Watkins, Sherry
Subject: FW: Please vote "NO" on the current CMA expansion plans for Island Estates
For the record
Bill Jonson
Clearwater City Councilmember
Please note that e-mails sent by or received by City Councilmembers are public records and are made available to all
Councilmembers, City staff and the press. They are also available to the public upon request.
, „
� < � ,u
�� ti��.,
� t� 4 :
� From: Vera Guinan [mailto:veraguinanCa>aol.com]
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 3:55 PM
To: Jonson, Bill
Subject: Fwd: Please vote "NO" on the current CMA expansion plans for Island Estates
Dear Mr. Jonson,
I am resending this email as address was incorrectly written.
Thank you,
Veronica Guinan
Sent from my iPad
Begin farwarded message:
From: Vera Guinan <vera ug inan(c�aol.com>
Date: January 15, 2016 at 3:48:23 PM EST
To: Geor�e.Cretekos(cc�m�clearwater.com, Doreen.Hock-Polto(a�mvclearwater.com,
Bi11.Jonson(c�mvckearwater.com, Jav.Pol�(a�mvclearwater.com, davea1950(a��mail.com,
radelson2(c�gmail.com, mboutzoukas(a�becker-poliakoff.com,
chris(a��lacemakerdesignstudio.com, mlau(a�laulane.com, floridafunks(a��yahoo.com,
jc�(a�boardwa.��panv.com, brian(a�deuelen ing eerin .c�om,
Subject: Please vote "NO" on the current CMA expansion plans for Island Estates
Dear Mayor Cretekos, City Council Members, Chair of CDB, Vice Chair of CDB and CD Board
As a homeowner at The Village on Island Estates, I ask you to support the residents of Island
Estates by voting "NO" on the current development plans by CMA to allow us to become better
informed about these plans, their actual impact on Island Estates now and for the future, and to
have a fair voice (which we have not had to date) in what will eventually be approved for this
stretch of Windward Passage. The current plans proved a considerably unpleasant, unwanted
and "after-the-fact" surprise to residents. If you had been at the meeting at St. Brendan's, you
would have seen that. The majority present absolutely did not support these late-advised and
expanded plans. The City and the CDB needs to start over and work closely now with Island
Estates residents to find a better solution for CMA and residents. Until then, a"NO" vote, or,
minimally a delay of 1-2 months should be given to allow us to educate ourselves and work
toward a solution that works for all parties.
Just imagine if you woke up one morning and walked out your front door to find a multi-level,
parking structure built right across the street. This unattractive structure of concrete and guard
rails is now an immovable, permanent structure destined to be your "view" for the how many
years. What a bitter experience that would be. It is not okay that a lovely stretch of Windward
Passage, with an open feel and access to the water for a nice walk, is subsumed by concrete and
parking facilities.
Then to be told that CMA increases our property values is offensive and is pure spin. Residents
facing that "wall of concrete" will find it more difficult to get a decent price for their homes,
along with the added negative factors of traffic issues and esthetic issues.
Any City or Board approvals of CMA plans at this point in time subjects residents to all these
disadvantages, when better solutions can be found. I know you understand that this is not what
we feel we pay taxes for. It is not what people on Island Estates bought homes for. CMA's plans
are not currently suitable for such a residential community. We have not been given sufficient
input as a community that will be so heavily impacted. Has CMA been given an okay on Island
Estates as a"consolation prize" due to sympathy because their downtown plans imploded? We
should not be a consolation prize.
My experience, and those of other residents I have spoken with, is that these CMA plans
proceeded "under the radar". Concerned citizens then found themselves presented with a"fait
accompli" with the implication that we should just roll over and accept our fate. I cannot, simply
cannot, support this way of doing things. I strongly urge you to correct this injustice by either
(1) voting NO on the current CMA plans, or (2) postponing any vote for 1-2 months to allow
residents time to educate themselves, and to be included in all these developments.
I would support CMA if they worked closely with the community to develop a plan to works for
all concerned parties. They should be far more flexible on creatively developing remote parking
instead of taking the easy way of driving through our neighborhood. I know Clearwater
continues to work hard to make downtown more lively and inviting to residents and tourists. I
do not believe, with all the creativity available to us in and out of government, that this cannot
work. It can work and it would be fantastic for tourists and residents,
CMA is thinking, first and foremost, like an entertainment venue, when it says its mission is
rescue. All of the planning is for "entertainment and tourist" value. If CMA cannot see its way
to working better with Island Estates, then perhaps we are not the right place for them to be.
Should they not then use their considerable development funds and expertise to find a site more
suitable to their needs? That is also a possible solution.
Thank you for supporting what works best for Island Estates as a majorly residential community.
Please vote NO on Tuesday.
Veronica Guinan
240 Windward Passage
Clearwater, FL 33767
Sent from my iPad
As a unit owner/corporate member of The Village On Island Estates Condominium Association, Inc.
located at 240 Windward Passage Clearwater Fl. I am outraged that I was not noticed of the "public"
hearings pertaining to the Application For Expansion of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium site located
at 249 Windward Passage Clearwater Fl.
I know this was not simply an over site and that only a few select owners were noticed.
The VOIE is a condominium complex of 51 units. All Unit Owners/Association Members of of the
Corporation own "in Common" the "Whole" of the property located at 240 Windward Passage,
known as "The Village On Island Estates"
It occurs to me that neither past nor future hearings pertaining to this matter have not been properly
Irregardless of the merits of CMA's proposals for variances and permits it is my belief that City Of
Clearwater and the CMA
have not met the legal responsibility of "Legal Notice" to the public.
I personally will encourage my Association to refer this matter to our attorney for review for possible
legal remedies if the CMA Application for Expansion is approved.
I respectfully ask that the City of Clearwater stop any and all application hearings by the CMA and
begin anew.
Charles Giarrizzo-
Evelyn, Glarrizzo
240 Windward
Passage #504
Clearwater R.
Jane Bongo
Clearwater Marine Aquarium New Proposal
January 15, 2016 at 6:16 PM
John Ricci
VOIE Condo Sheron Nichols
R of the Village on Island Estates, who resides within 200-feet of the
CDOlearwater Marine Aquarium, consider this our opinion and objection to the aquarium's
latest pIan to "pave paradise and put up a..." ggrage?
Like many in the community, we applaud the success of the aquarium to capture
Flollywood's attention, which catapulted its popularity, as well as their focus to rescue,
rehab and release "marine life." In, light of news from aquarium officials that attendance is
declining, is the proposed size, a 60-foogh garage building that will stretch the entire
length of the aquarium property along Windward Passage, warranted? The garage is
hardly a positive or benefit to the "human life" that resides across the street and it will
disrupt Island Estates' quaint, aesthetic residential characteristic and possibly future
security and safety.
C I earwalter,- a view city leaders said they wanted to protect. Our concern is that the
same criteria will be applied to the building on Windward Passage, walling the south side
of the sidewalk and eliminating the view corridor.
Moreover, not all residents share the belief that the aquarium has "fortified the entirm-
tconomy of the City of Clearwater" or the aspiration to raise the most tourist
-fevelopment taxes (or bed N the county at the expense of disrupting our
Kathleen Forde i,
Clearwater Marine Aquarium Proposal
January 15, 2016 at 1:59 PM
Mary A. Lau
1 LIF, F4 j 11�� I
0 & . 0 01111 1
You are already aware of the problems caused by the crowds visiting CMA. In this week's meeting,
officials of CMA insisted that the organization was dedicated to animal welfare and human education,
yet the category cited in their proposal is "Entertainment." While I am a supporter of CMA and
applaud the rescue and rehabilitation aspects of their mission, I submit that the driving force of recent
activities has been to create profit and build audiences for entertainment, with animal welfare only
secondary. Though late last year the same CMA officials stated at the Board meeting that they
expected attendance to decrease, they seem to be planning for continued growth. This is not in the
best interest of island Estates, a iggidential Community.
I suggest that, except for handicapped people and employees, all aquarium parking be removed from
Island Estates. If, tourists are told not to expect to park at the facility, they will go to the off -site parking
on the mainland. This works for other institutions around the country,
The proposed parking garage is a solid, 60-foot-high wall extending the entire length of CMA property
facing Windward Passage. The designers were careful to make the view from the causeway view
more attractive, but have made the community side ugly, confining, and utilitarian in the worst sense,
despite the poor attempt at mitigation by the "living wall" portion. Would any of you like to face a
Berlin Wall? My property, despite Frank's claim, has lost valge already, and will only lose more if it
faces such an ugly structure.
My fear is that you will once again ignore the outcry from the community and approve the proposed
buildings. If that is the case, please consider these modest requests:
--Do not allow anyone except CMA and Island Way Grill patrons to ever park in the garage, Do not
provide transportation from the garage to the beach. Our island is not off -site beach parking.
Because peoplle will want to avoid paying for parking, please make the area within 10 blocks of CMA
in all directions resident-onIY_ppj_mjLpar _ing- We can display permits on windshields to prove
Clearwater Marine Aquarium Proposal
January 1u^mo16ouo:o2pM
Mary A. Lam
Dear Mr, Mayor, Planning Board, CIVIA, and Other Concerned Parties,
| received the notice nv Community Development Board meeting next week, since | live within 2oo feet ovCMA. Although I will bemwo*
state | want to express my strong opposition i f rom height, setback and landscaping code. Just recently the Board
approved ALL the variance requests for a vastly different design, and the community---not just near neighbors but residents of all of island
Estates —need time to examine and respond to the brand new proposals, The Planning Board meeting should be postponed by at least a
month or two.
You are already aware o* the problems caused uy the crowds visiting CMA. m this week's meeting, officials mfCNm insisted that the
organization was dedicated moanimal welfare and human education, yet the category died in their proposal is "Entertainment," While ;ama
supporter ofCMA and applaud the rescue and rehabilitation aspects m their mission, | submit that the driving force oyrecent activities has
been to create profit and build audiences for entertainment, with animal welfare only secondary, Though late last year the same oxmAofficials
stated at the Board meeting that they expected attendance to decrease, they seem to be planning for continued growth, This |m not `n the best
interest ofIsland Estates, a residential community.
| suggest that, except for handicapped people and employees, all aquarium parking be removed from Island Estates. |Y tourists are told not to
expect to park at the facility, they will go to the off-site parking on the mainland. This works for other institutions around the country,
The proposed parking garage iea solid, 6m'mwt-h|go wall extending the entire length of CMA property facing Windward Passage. The
designers were careful to make the view from the causeway view more attractive, but have made the community side ugly, confining, and
utilitarian in the worst sense, despite the poor attempt at mitigation by the "living wall" portion, Would any of you like ,o face a Berlin Wall? My
property, despite Frank's claim, has lost value already, and will only lose more if it faces such an uglystructure.
My fear is that you Will once again ignore the outcry from the community and approve the proposed buildings. n that /m the case, please
consider these modest requests:
I Do not allow anyone except CMx and Island Way Grill patrons /o ever park |n the garage. Do not provide transportation from the
garage tm the beach, Our island |a not off-site beach parking.
2, -Because people will want to avoid paying for parking, please make the area within 10 block$ of CMA in all directions re ident-�n
R@umjLULKjog� We can display permits on windshields to prove residency,
a, —Lock the garage munight'oprevent vagrancy. oo not permit overnight parking,
4. —Require at least 20'setback from Windward Passage and add attractive landscaping, including the full number of trees our zoning code
requires. That will reduce the canyon emectL
5, —Situate the ticket wNnduwmthe garage far inside the structure to lessen the backlog of traffic blocking the street,
n —Design lighting mu that it does not shine toward Windward Passage */ give ue perpetual light.
r "Find ways to protect the pedestrians and bikers who use Windward Passage and Island Way. People turning into and out o/ the lots
even now think they Ihmver|gnt-of-wmyto make their turns. The current plan's ingress and egress routes are are6pm for disaster.
m —Though |hate the idea o/ more stoplights, wa might need one mxthe entrance and another at the exit- Right now, cars lining uptamake
a left into CMA form a solid line blocking left turns from Larboard onto Windward, and cars exiting come out in a steady stream instead of
^^uynBtxan the turning lane from the Causeway onto Island Way.
Again, the best solution would hemdefeat this new proposal entirely. Thank you for your attention,
William and Lisa Worms
24m Windward Passage w1302