04/11/1995 MINUTES CIVIL SERVICE BOARD Tuesday, April 11, 1995 - 5:00 p.m. Human Resources Dept., 112 South Osceola Avenue, Clearwater FL Members present: John Doran, Chairman Bill Carroza Sydney Snair Annette Patterson Also present: H. Michael Laursen, Human Resources Director Sally Demarest, Board Reporter, City Clerk Department The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 5:02 p.m. in the Human Resources Training Room of City Hall. In order to provide continuity, the items will be listed in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Mr. Sydney Snair to approve the minutes of the February 14 1995, meeting. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. A motion was made by Mr. Carroza to approve the minutes of the March 15, 1995, meeting. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Report on Chairman's Presentation to the City Commission Board Secretary Laursen distributed copies of the minutes of the March 2, 1995 City Commission meeting which included an overview of the board's annual presentation by Chairman Doran, and said the presentation was well-delivered and well-received; the members agreed. It was noted that the hearing officer issue was particularly stressed in the report. Hearing Officer Appointment Process Update Mr. Laursen reported a meeting with City Attorney Pam Akin revealed that the Legal Department had received a total of five hearing officer applicants. An examination for qualifications testing is being prepared. A suggestion was made and it was the general consensus of the board to recommend to the City Commission that an appropriate remuneration be offered in an effort to attract and retain suitable candidates. The need to shorten the amount of time now required for the grievance process was stressed. It was noted that Assistant City Attorney Miles Lance had offered to contact two persons whose names were provided by member Carroza who may be willing to serve as hearing officers on a pro bono basis. The board agreed that the time factor in hearings is crucial, and that action in this regard should be taken now. A motion was made by Mr. Snair to recommend to the City Commission that a compensation plan be established that will remunerate local hearing officers, rather than State officials. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Director's Reports Bring your Daughters/Sons to Work Mr. Laursen distributed copies of a memorandum distributed to City employees addressing the Third Annual National Bring Your Daughters to Work Day on April 27, 1995. It was noted that the City welcomes both sons and daughters in its celebration of this day. In response to concerns, Risk Management was asked to approve a work situation wherein there may have been a possible safety hazard for the child. It was mentioned that a conflict with the scheduling of the school board's testing program may preclude some youngsters from attending. Channel 28 will provide media coverage. Old Business A memorandum dated February 12, 1995 from CWA Shop Steward Nick Gossman indicated improved management/employee relations in the Police Department Communications Division. It was noted that Capt. Frank Palumbo recently received an award from the City Commission on behalf of the Division. Concern was expressed that the cases of Linda Radcliffe and Lori Goldston both took many months to complete and the case of Sandy Shelton has been pending before the State hearing officer for a considerable period of time. The board agreed that these cases in point be emphasized to the City Commission in the board's recommendation for local hearing officers and related compensation. New Business Ms. Patterson thanked the board members for their concern and support during her recent illness. There being no further business, by motion made and duly seconded, the meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, H. Michael Laursen Secretary to the Board Director, Human Resources