ANNUAL REPORT AND LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES CERTIFICATION (2)SHIP AR/02 -1 State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program Annual Report and Local Housing Incentives Certification On behalf of City of Clearwater, I hereby certify that: 1. The Annual Report information submitted electronically to Florida Housing Finance Corporation is true and accurate for the closeout year 2013 -2014. 2. The local housing incentives or local housing incentive plan have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented. Included, at a minimum: (a) Permits as defined in s.163.3164 (15) and (16) for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects; and (b)There is an ongoing process for review of local policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption. 3. The cumulative cost per newly constructed housing per housing unit, from these actions is estimated to be $0.00. 4. The cumulative cost per rehabilitated housing per housing unit, from these actions is estimated to be $0.00 Staff Member responsible for submitting annual report to FHFC: Ms. Terry Malcolm -Smith Date '"qe...0/1tnCrC \tV4 Date 1 °'14%15 Witness Signature Chief Elected Official or Designee Signature George N. Cretekos (Mayor) Witness Printed Name Name and Title Date Witness Signature Witness Printed Name Or yt,LLl ic, 04.1-C Date 10/./i5 Signature ATTEST (Seal) fsrABUSNE AF 420.9075(10) Each county or eligible municipality shall submit to the corporation by September 15 of each year a report of its affordable housing programs and accomplishments through June 30 immediately preceding submittal of the report. The report shall be certified as accurate and complete by the local government's chief elected official or his or her designee. Transmittal of the annual report by a county's or eligible municipality's chief elected official, or his or her designee, certifies that the local housing incentive strategies, or, if applicable, the local housing incentive plan, have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented pursuant to the adopted schedule for implementation. Form 1 Title: SHIP Annual Report Clearwater FY 2013/2014 Page 1 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Report Status: Unsubmitted Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 SHIP Distribution Summary Homeownership 1 Purchase Assistance with Rehab $41,750.00 5 2 Purchase Assistance without Rehab $29,338.75 5 10 New Construction $46,000.00 4 3 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation $163,244.87 10 Homeownership Totals: $280,333.62 24 Rentals Rental Totals: Subtotals: $280,333.62 24 Additional Use of Funds Administrative Homeownership Counseling Admin From Program Income Admin From Disaster Funds $4,758.72 $12,896.01 Total Revenue (Actual and /or Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund State Annual Distribution $158,624.00 Program Income (Interest) $3,834.17 Program Income (Payments) $125,125.96 Recaptured Funds Disaster Funds Other Funds Carryover funds from previous year $3,213.93 Total: $290,798.06 * Carry Forward to Next Year: - $7,190.29 NOTE: This carry forward amount will only be accurate when all revenue amounts and all expended, encumbered and unencumbered amounts have been added to Form 1 Page 2 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Form 2 Rental Unit Information 1 No rental strategies are in use Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced ( "Leveraging ") SHIP Funds Expended $280,333.62 15.67% Public Moneys Expended $191,028.50 10.67% Private Funds Expended $1,203,727.00 67.26% Owner Contribution $114,449.23 6.40% Total Value of All Units $1,789,538.35 100.00% SHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership /Construction /Rehab Homeownership $280,333.62 $158,624.00 176.73% 65% Construction / Rehabilitation $250,994.87 $158,624.00 158.23% 75% Program Compliance - Income Set - Asides Extremely Low $24,984.13 $24,984.13 8.59% Very Low $96,028.97 $96,028.97 33.02% Low $136,092.84 $136,092.84 46.80% Moderate $23,227.68 $23,227.68 7.99% Totals: $280,333.62 $.00 $.00 $280,333.62 96.40% Project Funding for Expended Funds Only Extremely Low $24,984.13 $24,984.13 1 Very Low $96,028.97 5 $96,028.97 5 Low $136,092.84 17 $136,092.84 17 Moderate $23,227.68 1 $23,227.68 1 Totals: $280,333.62 0 $.00 24 $280,333.62 24 Page 3 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Form 3 Number of Households /Units Produced Purchase Assistance City of Clearwater with Rehab Purchase Assistance without Rehab City of Clearwater 0 1 4 0 5 New Construction City of Clearwater 0 0 4 0 4 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Clearwater 1 3 5 1 10 Totals: Characteristics /Age (Head of Household) 1 5 17 1 24 Purchase Assistance with Rehab Purchase Assistance without Rehab New Construction Owner Occupied Rehabilitation City of Clearwater City of Clearwater City of Clearwater Clearwater 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 6 5 5 4 10 Totals: Family Size 1 8 8 7 Purchase Assistance City of Clearwater with Rehab 5 Purchase Assistance without Rehab City of Clearwater 0 5 0 5 New Construction City of Clearwater 2 1 1 4 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Clearwater 4 6 0 10 Totals: Race (Head of Household) 9 14 1 24 24 Purchase Assistance with Rehab City of Clearwater Purchase Assistance without Rehab City of Clearwater 3 1 1 5 New Construction City of Clearwater 2 0 1 0 0 1 4 Page 4 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Clearwater 5 4 1 10 Totals: Special Needs (Any Member of Househo d) 14 6 3 0 1 24 Purchase Assistance City of Clearwater with Rehab Purchase Assistance without Rehab New Construction City of Clearwater City of Clearwater Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Clearwater Totals: Special Target Groups for Funds Expended (i.e. teachers, nurses, law enforcement, fire fighters, etc.) Set Aside Form 4 Status of Incentive Strategies Incentive Strategy: The City of Clearwater has prepared its Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) for fiscal years 2015 -2018 that is consistence with the Florida Statutes and the Florida Administrative codes (FAC). The housing incentives contained with the City's LHAP are: Expedited Permitting Ongoing Review Process Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Resolution Number 15 -05 Implementation Schedule (Date): 'Ongoing Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe the steps that will be taken to implement the plan: Yes Status of Strategy - (is the strategy functioning as intended, i.e. are the time frames being met, etc.): Both strategies are being met and continue to be evaluated to improve efficiency. Support Services Page 5 Page 6 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Support Services are an important element in every community. The City of Clearwater partners with organizations that provide support services in many areas. The availability of these services may include, but are not limited to the following: Fair Housing Counseling provided by Gulf Coast Legal Services, Inc. This organization provides housing services to help lower income families and individuals to locate and secure permanent, decent and affordable housing. The program also strives to counsel households on Fair Housing/Tenant Rights. Gulf Coast Legal also provide legal assistance for low to moderate - income residents of Clearwater who are experiencing or who have experienced discrimination and or fraud in housing. Pinellas Opportunity Council through their Chores Services Program, promotes better livable opportunities by providing services to the elderly and the frail elderly. The services help to alleviate blight and blighting conditions, reduce crime, and create a sense of pride in their community by providing heavy household cleaning, yard work and minor repairs. WestCare Gulf Coast of Florida provides an ovemight facility for homeless persons under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Homeless Emergency Project provides shelter, meals, case management, benefit advocacy, life skills training, vocation, medical, dental, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, transportation and referrals to other supportive service providers. Homebuyer counseling to families who desire to purchase a home in Clearwater is offered through Tampa Bay Community Development Corporation and Community Service Foundation. The Grace House is another one of our partners who provides eight weeks of shelter and services to families with children that are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, with the goal of moving them into sustainable housing. Other Accomplishments The City of Clearwater celebrates Neighborhoods day every year by encouraging communities to hold block parties in their neighborhoods on the designated day. City leaders and staff members coordinate visits to each block party giving both the citizens and the City team members an opportunity to meet,socialize and discuss all aspect of the City of Clearwater. The City and the citizens use this opportunity to create and grow neighborhood pride and support. For one community, it was not just about the festivities. These neighbors were not happy about one of the houses in the neighborhood which had fallen into disrepair. The house was visible to passersby by the various tarps on the roof along with the buckets, bricks, rocks and other items being used to hold the tarps down. Beside being blighted, the dwelling was an unsafe structure to the elderly woman living there because some of the ceilings were falling down. One of the code enforcement officers made contact with the elderly homeowner whose limited resources prevented her from addressing the roof situation along with the safety issues within her dwelling. After numerous contact by the code enforcement department, the homeowner reluctantly gave her permission for the code enforcement department to forward her information to the Housing Department. The Housing Department immediately contacted the homeowner who was in no hurry to address the poor condition of her property. With much perseverance by the housing staff, the homeowner completed the application and consented to all the required inspections necessary for the rehabilitation of her home. In February, a new roof was installed, the ceilings were repaired along with all code related items observed in the dwelling. This project is an great example of neighborhoods and City staff working and communicating for a better City. Availability for Public Inspection and Comments The City's Annual Report was made available for public inspection and comments at the Housing Division located in City Hall. Homeownership Default & Foreclosure Mortgage Foreclosures A. Very low income households in foreclosure: 1 B. Low income households in foreclosure: 3 C. Moderate households in foreclosure: 0 Foreclosed Loans Life -to -date: 18 Page 7 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Page 8 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 SHIP Program Foreclosure Percentage Rate Life to Date: 5 Mortgage Defaults A. Very low income households in default: 1 B. Low income households in default: 3 C. Moderate households in default: 0 Defaulted Loans Life -to -date: 18 SHIP Program Default Percentage Rate Life to Date: 5 Welfare to Work Programs IN /A Strategies and Production Costs Purchase Assistance with Rehab $8,350.00 Purchase Assistance without Rehab $5,867.75 New Construction $11,500.00 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation $16,324.48 Expended Funds Total Unit Count: 24 Total Expended Amount: $280,334.00 Purchase Assistance with Rehab Tatjana Kraja 1312 Belleair Road Clearwater 33756 $14,390.00 ❑ Purchase Assistance with Rehab Mandiej Caldwell 200 S. Aurora Avenue Clearwater 33765 $3,922.50 ❑ Purchase Assistance with Rehab Olta Jazxhi 2070 Druid Park Drive North Clearwater 33764 $3,925.00 ❑ Purchase Assistance with Rehab Rugaiyah McGee 1106 Grove Street Clearwater 33755 $3,922.50 ❑ Purchase Assistance with Rehab Diane Merlino 838 Woodlawn Street Clearwater 33756 $15,590.00 ❑ Purchase Assistance without Rehab Andrea Ewing Watson 625 Fairmont Street Clearwater 33755 $3,897.50 ❑ Purchase Assistance without Rehab Georgi kostov 2016 N. Keene Road Clearwater 33755 $3,678.75 ❑ Purchase Assistance without Rehab Susan Grimm 2580 Sea Wind Way Clearwater 33763 $3,806.25 ❑ Page 9 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Page 10 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Purchase Assistance without Rehab Annie Samson 914 Nicholson Street Clearwater 33755 $14,165.00 Purchase Assistance without Rehab Luis Perez 707 Carlton Street Clearwater 33755 $3,791.25 ❑ New Construction Luis Diaz 125 N. BettyLane Clearwater 33755 $11,500.00 ❑ New Construction Francine Mihalinec 1286 Calusa Circle Clearwater 33755 $11,500.00 ❑ New Construction Souad Alami 1284 Calusa Circle Clearwater 33755 $11,500.00 ❑ New Construction Trish Renee Henning 117 N. Betty Lane Clearwater 33755 $11,500.00 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Geneva Fisher 1345 Sandy lane Clearwater 33755 $19,652.04 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Bernice Allen 1707 Greenlea Drive Clearwater 33755 $14,104.08 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Bertha Boone 1532 Long Street Clearwater 33755 $7,186.64 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Guy Hayes 1411 Chandler Avenue Clearwater 33755 $5,422.28 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Loretta Swift 1364 Hibiscus Street Clearwater 33755 $4,224.24 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Dawn Ploughman 6 N. Mercury Avenue Clearwater 33765 $12,273.89 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Arlene Vidette 06 Kilmer Avenue Clearwater 33764 $23,294.08 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Deborah Gillespie 905 Casler Avenue Clearwater 33755 $23,227.68 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Odilis Marmolejos 1475 Pine Street Clearwater 33756 $28,875.81 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Mary Jane Collins 1111 Sunset Point Road Clearwater 33755 $24,984.13 ❑ Administrative Expenditures IThe City of Clearwater Administrative Expenditures $17,654.73 Sub Recipients and Consultants Program Income Loan Repayment: $47,756.54 Refinance: Foreclosure: Sale of Property: $77,369.42 Interest Earned: $3,834.17 Other 0: Total: $128,960.13 Page 11 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 1112009 Page 12 Explanation of Recaptured funds Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Total: Rental Developments Single Family Area Purchase Price The average area purchase price of single family units: Or Not Applicable $.00 Clearwater 2013 Closeout 114,178.00 Form 5 Special Needs Breakdown SHIP Expended and Encumbered for Special Needs Applicants 1 Purchase Assistance with Rehab $3,922.50 2 Purchase Assistance without Rehab 10 New Construction $23,000.00 2 3 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation $108,854.10 Special Needs Category Breakdown by Strategy (1) Purchase Assistance with Rehab (10) New Construction (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance Receiving Veterans Disability Benefits Receiving Veterans Disability Benefits Person with Disabling Condition (not DD) Person with Disabling Condition (not DD) Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance $24,984.13 Page 13