SHIP AR/02 -1
State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program
Annual Report and Local Housing Incentives Certification
On behalf of City of Clearwater, I hereby certify that:
1. The Annual Report information submitted electronically to Florida Housing Finance Corporation is true
and accurate for the closeout year_2012 -2013 and interim years_2013 -2014 and 2014 - 2015.
2. The local housing incentives or local housing incentive plan have been implemented or are in the process
of being implemented. Included, at a minimum:
(a) Permits as defined in s.163.3164 (15) and (16) for affordable housing projects are
expedited to a greater degree than other projects; and
(b)There is an ongoing process for review of local policies, ordinances, regulations, and
plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption.
3. The cumulative cost per newly constructed housing per housing unit, from these actions is
estimated to be $0.00.
4. The cumulative cost per rehabilitated housing per housing unit, from these actions is estimated to
be $0.00
Staff Member responsible for submitting annual report to FHFC: Ms. Terry Malcolm -Smith
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George N. Cretekos (Mayor)
Witness Printed Name Name and Title
Witness Signature
Witness Printed Name
k u L a k- 04 -0- Date a1916
Signature G nt
420.9075(10) Each county or eligible municipality shall submit to the corporation by September 15 of each year a report of its affordable
housing programs and accomplishments through June 30 immediately preceding submittal of the report. The report shall be certified as
accurate and complete by the local government's chief elected official or his or her designee. Transmittal of the annual report by a
county's or eligible municipality's chief elected official, or his or her designee, certifies that the local housing incentive strategies, or, if
applicable, the local housing incentive plan, have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented pursuant to the adopted
schedule for implementation.
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Guidance on the "Certification of Regulatory Reform"
On the "Regulatory Reform Certification" page that accompanies the Annual Report, how do we calculate the dollar
amounts for Sections 3 and 4?
Section 67- 37.019 (5) of the SHIP Rule outlines the following "Incentive Strategy" requirements for all SHIP
The local government staff or entity with administrative authority for a local housing assistance plan shall provide
documented evidence to the Corporation or its designated monitoring agent, that:
(a) Permits, as defined in Sections 163.3164(15) and (16), F.S., for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater
degree than other projects; and
(b) There is an ongoing process for review of local policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions that increase the
cost of housing prior to their adoption.
The "Certification for Implementation of Regulatory Reform Activities Required by SHIP" is one main method that the
Florida Housing Finance Corporation uses to document a jurisdiction's compliance with this SHIP requirement.
Sections 1 and 2: These are simply statements to evidence that the jurisdiction has implemented the incentive Strategies
(a) and (b) that are referenced in the SHIP Rule.
Section 3: First, enter the Fiscal Year that is ending this June 30.
Talk with the group or individual in your jurisdiction that performs the "Ongoing Review" SHIP incentive strategy and
ask them about their review process during the 12 months of this fiscal year. Include in Section 3 the group's per unit
estimate of housing cost increases for new construction that have resulted from new local policies, ordinances,
regulations, and more that were considered during the state fiscal year. If there have been no new policies to increase
costs, enter $0.
Section 4: . Similar to Section 3, provide in Section 4 the group's per unit estimate of housing cost increases for
rehabilitation activities that have resulted from new local policies, ordinances, regulations and more that were considered
during the state fiscal year. If there have been no new policies to increase costs, enter $0.
NOTE: The SHIP Statute and Rule provide no guidance or method by which a local jurisdiction must determine the cost
increase that will result from a new rule, ordinance, fee, etc. Such estimates are a local determination, and the jurisdiction
should retain back up material to justify the dollar amounts reported on this certification form, which is signed by the
jurisdiction's chief elected official.
http: / /www. /FH -Image WebDocs/ SHIP /OnLineARHelpFiles /OnLineAR... 8/17/2015