06/21/1989 CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL WORKSESSION GOAL SETTING June 21, 1989 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met at Clearwater East Library with the following members present: Rita Garvey Mayor/Commissioner Don Winner Vice-Mayor/Commissioner Lee Regulski Commissioner William Nunamaker Commissioner Richard Fitzgerald Commissioner Also present were: Ron H. Rabun City Manager Michael Wright Assistant City Manager Kathy Rice Assistant City Manager Charles Hunsicker Assistant City Manager Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. The City Manager reviewed goals set by staff which are: 1) provide an acceptable level of City services that the public perceives in a positive manner; 2) work within a conservative budget concept; 3) maintain a reputation as a leader in innovation and the delivery of municipal services and 4) create and maintain a high level of employee morale. The purpose of today's meeting is to receive consensus and direction from the Commission regarding goals to be set for the City. In July the City staff will meet to formulate implementation of agreed upon goals and in August, staff will again meet with Commission to review the implementation measures, finalize the goals and update the policy manual. The City Manager indicated he hoped to meet regarding goals annually. Discussion ensued regarding the goal to maintain the reputation as a leader and the delivery of municipal services. It was felt Clearwater is already a leader in this regard and wishes to maintain that status. Discussion turned to the goals statement set by the Clearwater Long Range Economic Development Task Force which is as follows: Clearwater should be an environmentally sound, safe and pleasant community in which to live, work, play and visit. This should be facilitated and accompanied by enhanced economic vitality. Concerns were expressed regarding drug problems and it was expressed that the Commission did not just want to address the problem but eliminate it. The Manager asked if there were any other components to be added to the mission statements and questioned if the Commission wished to add or delete any of the proposed 26 goals. Discussion ensued regarding how the Commission would rank the goals. It was stated that these are goals that have a one to five year focus. Commission will establish high, medium and low priorities. Goal #4 which is to reduce our fire ISO rating from three to two was discussed. It was indicated that by reducing this rating, it would also reduce fire insurance premiums for citizens of Clearwater. Staff indicated this was more just making an application for a review of the rating as we are already doing things that will lead to the reduction in the rating. Goal #17 Concentration on acquiring alternative non-tax revenue sources including additional impact fees. It was requested an addition be made to this goal which is to continue to strive to reduce cost at the same level of service. Discussion returned to police goals and it was again emphasized they would like to eliminate drugs. It was stated that while is a highly desirable goal, it is probably not achievable. Suggestions were made that goals be set to reduce the crime rate by 10 percent and to work with the court system to induce them to support police actions and keeping arrestees in jail for a longer period of time. General discussion ensued with it being stated the community needs to be involved in changing the crime situation and that if people were involved with children and if people would obey traffic laws, this would free up police officers for more serious crimes. It was suggested that a goal be to adopt a high profile stance and to work proactively to impact state policies on crime problems. The suggestion was made we encourage progressive fines that would result in higher fines for each additional arrest for the same offense. It was suggested we support more federal involvement in controlling the drug problem and a suggestion was made that foreign aid be tied to those countries cooperating in reducing and eradicating drug problems. Suggestions were made that ordinances be drafted to deal with the problems such as safety on roads, waterways, airspace, drugs and prostitution. It was stated the City needs to address the issue of the prostitution problem and also needs to look at closing crack houses through the use of building codes. Staff indicated that if the goal was established to reduce crime within target areas, staff will come back with implementation procedures. Discussion then turned to goals for addressing the City's water supply. It was suggested that hotels and motels and recreation facilities be encouraged to conserve water. Discussion ensued regarding whether the goal should be to conserve or to secure additional resources. It was indicated staff is wishing to pursue the development of a water supply master plan. In response to questions it was indicated we currently supply 25 - 30 percent of our own water and we buy over 70 percent of our water from Pinellas County. The master water supply plan will bring recommendations regarding whether or not we should try to drill additional wells for the City or if we should buy all of our water from Pinellas County. It was the consensus that the master water supply plan be a staff goal and the City Commission's goal would be to promote conservation. A question was raised regarding the recycling goal and it was indicated we are far ahead of other cities in recycling. Discussion ensued regarding water pollution control and whether or not we will be seeking to recycle reclaimed water. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the City could put in a system for "gray water" and it was indicated this may be required in the future. It was reported that we currently recycle 1 million gallons of water for irrigation for golf courses. Commission consensus was that the wastewater reuse plan was a medium priority while stormwater management was a high priority. Goal #11 regarding soliciting exploratory RFP's for the sale of the gas system was discussed. It was stated the only way to determine whether or not it is feasible to sell the system is to have the proposals made. It was indicated if the decision was made not to sell the system, it was felt the gas division needed to be separated and operate at arm's length. The City Manager stated he would have the proposal back in 90 days. A question was raised regarding what benefit there would be to expanding the CRA district. Mike Wright, Assistant City Manager indicated it would be to increase housing in the downtown area. It was indicated it would be made a high priority to determine if this was feasible. Discussion then ensued regarding expansion of the enterprise zone and some suggestion was made that this be specific to housing. Commission stated it would be a high priority to evaluate the CRA district and to expand it to update the downtown plan and the expansion of the enterprise zone. A request was made that industrial expansion be incorporated in the downtown plan. A question was raised regarding transportation goals and it was stated this is addressed in the comprehensive plan. The Land Development Code will be amended within one year of submission of the comprehensive plan and the process has already been started. A suggestion was made that we actively lobby for more state and federal funds for local road projects. Discussion ensued regarding the proposals for Drew and Druid Road. It was requested we be proactive regarding the improvements to Drew Street. A study for an east west corridor is under way and should be completed within four months. Discussion ensued regarding goals for the beach with concerns being expressed there needed to be a way to encourage rehabilitation of existing older buildings. It was also stated amendments to the code to meet FEMA standards are in process. Consensus was that planning for redevelopment of the beach would be a low priority. A question was raised regarding converting properties at Greenwood and Myrtle, south of Druid, to an industrial area. It was indicated the owners of the property would need to apply for this zoning change. Questions were raised regarding plans for a consolidated City Hall and it was indicated the space need study has a high priority but completion of the City Hall is a medium priority. Discussion ensued regarding goals to improve the city's insurance program and to consolidate and improve the city's pension plan. One suggestion is to separate disability pension from the regular pension. It was stated the City can not force people out of the current plan. Discussion ensued regarding impacts on the budget with it being stated medical insurance and workman's compensation costs are up. It was indicated we are self insured for worker's compensation to some degree. We are looking for ways to fund these increases. It was indicated the insurance and pension goals should be high priority. Discussion ensued regarding goals to increase the City's revenue sources with it being stated there are rules and laws that regulate impact fees. In response to a question, it was indicated the City does have a suggestion awards committee for employees who make cost savings suggestions. Discussion ensued regarding goals to provide additional hours at the Library as well as to coordinate and expand volunteer efforts within the City. It was suggested this be under the Public Information Officer. It was indicated that a coordinator for volunteerism was suggested so that it would not create conflicts in recruiting. It was stated there are 45 less employees than there were a year ago. Consensus was that volunteerism would be a number one priority. Discussion ensued regarding a goal for landscaping of Courtney Campbell Causeway and it was indicated that a grant from DOT is being sought. This would provide for volunteers and money. Consensus was for staff to work on a 75th Birthday Celebration. Goal #23 regarding the PRIM proposal which would provide for recreation improvement milage was discussed. It was also indicated the ordinance regarding recreational impact fees is being amended to allow us more flexibility in use of these funds. Discussion ensued regarding a proactive annexation policy and it was indicated we are investigating areas in which to solicit for annexation. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of the State changing its laws which would allow some involuntary annexation and was stated this is always been eliminated by the legislature in the past. It was stated when the policy books are reviewed, the Commission travel policy will be included. The meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m.