November 17, 1982
The City of Clearwater Health Facilities Authority met in regular session
in the City Commission Chamber, City Hall on Wednesday, November 17, 1982.
The following members were present:
C. J. Wollett
George Bouse
Ruth Condon
Frank George
Clinton Holden
Also present were:
John Gray
Emil C. Marquardt, Jr
Thomas Bustin
Lucille Williams
Vice - Chairman
Morton Plant Hospital Administrator
Attorney for Morton Plant Hospital
City Attorney
City Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman C. J. Wollett.
He presented the minutes of the April 14, 1982 meeting which had been mailed
to the members of the Authority. Upon hearing no corrections or additions,
he declared the minutes approved.
1T EN #3 - Chairman's Report.
The Chairman reminded the Board members if they wished to run for office
in the upcoming February 8, 1983 election of the City of Clearwater, they would
be required to resign from this board. He congratulated Clinton Holden on being
re- appointed to the Authority for another four -year term. He reported to the
Board that he had signed a letter for Morton Plant Hospital at the request of
the Florida State Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. The letter
gave assurance that if a request was received from Morton Plant Hospital or
any non - profit corporation, for tax -free bonds or a revenue issue such requests
would be considered.
Mr. Marquardt reported the letter verifies the existence of the Clearwater
Health Facilities Authority in this area and that each request is considered
on its own merits.
John Gray, Hospital Administrator, addressed the Board and reported on
projects being discussed by the hospital. They may request approximately
$200,000 for equipment.
The Hospital is licensed for 745 beds and currently has 680. They are
considering a seven -story addition to the No. Witt Building to consist of 24
private rooms plus expansion of the cafeteria and other additional space at
1. 11/17/82
an estimated cost of $3,145,000. Other additional renovations will bring them
up to the 745 beds they are allotted. An ambulatory care center of two stories
to be constructed over the emergency parking lot for out - patient surgery is
estimated to cost $1,881,000. Certificates of need have been approved for the
seven -story building and the ambulatory tier sector.
They are also working on a rehabilitation beds facility. This is a new
concept and the cost range would be between the high of a hospital bed and the
low of a nursing home. An application has been prepared for a 65 bed facility,
the cost of which approximates $9,000,000. The final project being worked on
is a psychiatric hospital and they have petitioned for a certificate of need
for a 110 bed facility estimated cost of $12,000,000 has been filed.
To fund all of the projects would require a $25,000,000 - $30,000,000 bond
issue; however, some of the smaller projects may be privately funded.
ITEM 5 - Selection of April Meeting Date and Time.
The Authority, by unanimous consent, set April 13, 1983, at 4:15 p.m. for
their next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 4:37 p.m.
2. 11/17/82