05/25/1999 - Public Input Meeting Beach Parking and Mandalay AvenuePUBLIC INPUT MEETING
May 25, 1999
Present: Ed Hart Commissioner
Also Present: Michael J. Roberto City Manager
Richard L. Hedrick Deputy City Manager
Brenda Moses Board Reporter
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Clearwater Beach Recreation Center.
The City Manager reviewed the Clearwater Beach parking analysis, including constraints, opportunities, and recommended options: 1) Rockaway Beach; 2) Pelican Walk; 3) North Hilton parking
lot; 4) South Hilton parking lot; 5) Marina; 6) Pier 60; 7) Pier 60 Plus Days Inn property; 8) Coronado/Hamden et al; and 9) South Beach/Inlet. Staff’s analysis indicates the Pier 60
Plus location meets more criteria than other options.
One resident suggested the presentation include a “total cost” column for each proposed project and delete the “lost redevelopment opportunities” column. The City Manager said the
revenue stream to support higher costs must be considered. He said costs for land considered for parking garages are high due to current development. Approximately half of the audience
opposed a parking garage at Pier 60.
The City Manager reviewed existing conditions on Mandalay Avenue and opportunities for change. Five options were presented.
Resident concerns included: 1) maintaining aesthetics; 2) the need to replace general fund income from current Pier 60 parking lots; 3) the sale of developmental rights; 4) the need
for a supply and demand marketing analysis; 5) traffic; 6) suggested change to parallel or automated parking; 7) staff disregard of public input; 8) need for directional signs to parking
areas; 9) street blockage by large commercial vehicles; and 10) ticketing drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians using crosswalks.
It was recommended the City consider residents’ needs before tourists’ needs. It was hoped parking plans for south beach will be as comprehensive as those done for north beach. Concern
was expressed a concrete parking garage is being considered where the City had removed buildings and opened the vista when the Pier 60 park was developed. The correct decision may be
expensive. Aesthetics are not important enough to eliminate existing parking. Concern was expressed a parking garage will either solve all problems or cause chaos. One resident said
traffic flow must be addressed before parking garages are built. It was suggested the City review parking needs on Coronado as a parking garage is planned at Pelican Walk. It was suggested
private businesses be encouraged to purchase spaces to defray costs.
The City Manager said it is important to move vehicles off the street as quickly as possible. Parking garages can serve additional other purposes. Creating retail
anchors reduces traffic congestion. Public community hearings have identified issues that staff is addressing. The City is striving to balance the needs of residents and tourism.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.