04/21/1998 - Economic Development Public MeetingECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC MEETING
April 21, 1998
Present: Patti Strough Patti the Architect, Inc.
Debbie White Greater Clearwater Chamber of Commerce
Kate Kelly Kimberly Home
Bob Clark City Commissioner
Alan Ferri Housing and Urban Development Director
Brenda Moses Board Reporter
Housing and Urban Development Director Alan Ferri called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. at the Greater Clearwater Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Ferri explained the Consolidated Plan integrates funding and service delivery of local, State, Federal, and private sector resources for various public housing, economic development,
and home ownership programs. HOME (Housing Opportunities Made Equal) and SHIP (State Housing Initiatives Partnership) programs can only be used for housing. SHIP requires 65% of funds
be used for construction, and 70% for home ownership. He reviewed costs allocated to various nonprofit entities such as the Salvation Army Homeless Shelter, Girls’ Club, and Partners
in Self-Sufficiency. Last year approximately $200,000 was allocated to assist nonprofit organizations expand public facilities. A long term agreement with the NDC (National Development
Council) last year involved $100,000 of local resources, matched by the NDC. The NDC’s goal is to further housing and economic development across the country. That $200,000 is set
aside for SBA loans to businesses. Because the NDC has 1 of 6 small business lending licenses, they can go to secondary markets and offer an average of 2 points lower on loans than
a conventional lender. The funds from both the Grow Clearwater Fund and the NDC will be matched by the U. S. Treasury, doubling the amount of funding available for new small business
loans. This year part of the City is designated as a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area. The City will be able to provide job training opportunities for low and moderate income
persons in that area, and funds do not count against the usual 15% cap for public services. The City’s goal is to place a minimum of 25 low and moderate income persons in that area
each year.
Patti Strough of Patti the Architect, Inc., questioned if persons looking for employment can be automatically placed in the job training program. Mr. Ferri said Career Options will
provide training programs based on specific criteria. Employers participating in the program agree to hire applicants at a specific wage for a specified time period. He offered to
put Ms. Strough in contact with participating entities.
Kate Kelly of the Kimberly Home reviewed the purpose of the Kimberly Home and the renovations made to the facility. She remarked since the City intends to erect a focal point in the
vicinity of the Kimberly Home, at Drew and Cleveland Streets, perhaps more funding can be obtained to beautify and improve the facility. She noted the home’s clients are expectant mothers
in need of day care and employment assistance. Mr. Ferri explained the importance of completing the application forms in detail to obtain funding assistance. A point system is in place
to determine allocation of funding to qualified nonprofit agencies.
Mr. Ferri requested agencies review their program records, document potential problems, and submit them in writing to his office no later than the first week of June, 1998.
The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.