FLS2015-05009� Planning & Development Department � C earwater Flexible � 5 -- -' on 2 BRIGHTWATER DR CO �ses � Attacl FLS2015-05009 1 — IT IS INCUMBENT UPON THE APPLICANT TO SUBMIT CO� Brightwater Blue Residence, lnc. fIVE, tNCOMPLETE OR INCORRECT INFORMATION MAY INVALI� Zoning: Tourist Atlas #: 276A ALl APPLICATIONS ARE TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY AND CORRECTLY, AND SUBMITTED IN PERSUIV �rvv rr....,�. ..__.. cR1ES) TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY NOON ON THE SCHEDULED DEADLINE DATE. A TOTAL OF 11 COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS AND APPLICATION MATERIALS (1 ORIGINAL AND 10 COPIES) AS REQUIRED WITHIN ARE TO BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. PLANS AND APPLICATIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COLLATED, STAPLED AND FOLDED INTO SETS. THE APPLICANT, BY FILING THIS APPLICATION, AGREES TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE. FIRE DEPT PRELIMARY SITE PIAN REVIEW fEE: $200 APPLICATION FEE: $475 PROPERTY OWNER (PER DEED): BfIgIltWat2C BIU@ R2SIC�8C1C8S, LLC MAILING ADDRESS: Z�JrJ1 DC@W StC@@t, Suite 301, Clearwater, FL. 33765 PHONE NUMBER: %Z7-726-667H EMai�: briqhtwaterblue@icloud.com AGENT OR REPRESENTATIVE: BIII W. MaZaS MAILING ADDRESS: ZrJ51 DC@W StC82t,Suite 301,CIearwater, FL. 33765 PHONE NUMBER: %Z7-726-6G%8 EMAIL• bt71c'3ZaSC I71e.00111 ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: ��J2 - 188 BflgiltWatBC DCIVB, Clearwater, FL. 33767 PARCEL NUMBER(S): OH-29-15-04932-000-0340, 0360, 0390, 0410, 0400, 0420, 0430, 0450 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOtS 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46 Bayside Subdivision No. 2 as recorded in Plat Book 27, pages 32 and 33 PROPOSE� usE(s): Townhouses DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: EXillblt �A� Specifically identify the request (include all requested code flexibility; e.g., reduction in required number of porking spaces, height setbacks, lot size, lot width, specific use, etc.J: Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 1 of 8 Revised 01/12 � Clearwater � Planning & Development Department Flexible Standard Development Application Data Sheet PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS FILLED OUT, IN ITS ENTIRETY. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM WILL RESULT IN YOUR APPLICATION BEING FOUND INCOMPLETE AND POSSIBLY DEFERRED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION CYCLE. ZONING DISTRICT: FUTURE LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION EXISTING USE (currently existing on site) Tourist Resort Facilities High Vacant PROPOSED USE (new use, if any; pius existing, �f to rema�n�: Residential Units plus Amenities Structure SITE AREA: 90,596.5 sq. tt. 2.07 GRO55 FLOOR AREA (total square footage of all buildings): Existing: � sq. ft. Proposed: sq. ft. Maximum Allowabie: sq. ft. acres GROSS FLOOR AREA (total square footage devoted to each use, if there will be multiple uses): First use: � sq. ft. Second use: sq. ft. Third use: sq. ft. FLOOR AREA RATIO (total square footage of ail buildings divided by the total square footage of entire site): Existing: � Proposed: Maximum Allowable: BUILDING COVERAGE/FOOTPRINT (1�` floor square footage of ali buildings): Existing: 0 sq. ft. ( 0 % of site) Proposed: 30,164.00 sq. ft. ( 33.29 �o of site) Maximum Permitted: sq. ft. ( % of site) GREEN SPACE WITHIN VEHICULAR USE AREA (green space within the parking lot and interior of site; not perimeter buffer): Existing: � sq. ft. ( � % of site) Proposed: 2,687 sq. ft. ( 13 /o of site) VEHICULAR USE AREA (parking spaces, drive aisles, loading area): Existing: � sq. ft. ( � Proposed: 20,607.00 sq. ft. ( 74 % of site) % of site) Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtie Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 2 of 8 Revised 01/12 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE RATIO (total square footage of impervious areas divided by the total square footage of entire site�: Existing: 0 Proposed: �.74 Maximum Permitted: 0.95 DENSITY (units, rooms or beds per acre) Existing: 0 Proposed: 30 Maximum Permitted: 62 OFF-STREET PARKING: BUILDING HEIGHT: Existing: �.� Proposed: 44'-6" BFE Maximum Permitted: 'rJ� Existing: 0 Note: A parking demand study must be provided !n conjunction with any request Proposed: 72 to reduce the amount of required off-street parking spaces. Pleose see the Minimum Required: 45 adopted Parkrng Demand Study Guidelines for further information. WHAT IS THE ESTIMATED TOTAL VALUE OF THE PROJECT UPON COMPLETION? $ ZONING DISTRICTS FOR ALL ADIACENT PROPERTY: Nonn: Clearwater Harbor soutn: Tourist East: TOUCISt west: Tourist STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS � p '' I, the undersigned, acknowledge that all Sworn to and subscribed before me this —l--;�-'� � �ay of representations made in this application are true and ;f-1 ��� ��� ( S . to me and/or by accurate to the best of my knowledge and authorize ,t,,�n ' L �--���'� City representatives to visit and photograph the ���(L L L�t ! ��7Z�5 �,�rv o it� s personally'kno� has property described in this application. produced � as identification. ,+, t, �.�,.�, Signature of property/oy✓�fer or representative �NotarY Pub�iG;`- � Mycommission,expires: f ` ��`� � �JN...'� s .s. .:.�ar�a.mtL,�:a:Y�„�ss..w.: , u�i,,, :=�,aa` �'�;<<,,' HAYDEE VELEZ ;, . z Notary Public - State of Florida N�'��',' My Comm. Expires Jan 31, 2017 '�•,,���� �d;o Commission # EE 870424 � Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tei: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 3 of 8 Revised 01/12 o (` Planning & Development Department � l� �a�a�er Flexible Standard Develo ment A lication P pp � Site Plan Submittal Package Check list IN ADDITION TO THE COMPLETED fLEXIBLE STANDARD DEVELOPMENT (FLS) APPLICATION, ALL FLS APPLICATIONS SHALL INCLUDE A SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL PACKAGE THAT INCLUDES THE fOLLOWING INFORMATION AND/OR PLANS: ❑ Responses to the flexibility criteria for the specific use(s) being requested as set forth in the Zoning District(s) in which the subject property is located. The attached flexible Standard Development Application Flexibility Criteria sheet shall be used to provide these responses. ❑ Responses to the General Applicability criteria set forth in Section 3-914.A. The attached Flexible Standard Development Application Generai Appiicability Criteria sheet shali be used to provide these responses. ❑ A signed and sealed survey of the property prepared by a registered land surveyor including the location of the property, dimensions, acreage, location of all current structures/improvements, location of all public and private easements including official records book and page numbers and street right(s)-of-way within and adjacent to the site. D if the application would resuit in the removal or relocation of mobile home owners residing in a mobile home park as provided in F.S. § 723.083, the application must provide that information required by Section 4-202.A.5. ❑ If this application is being submitted for the purpose of a boatlift, catwalk, davit, dock, marina, pier, seawall or other si milar marine structure, then the appiication must provide detailed plans and specifications prepared by a Florida professionai engineer, bearing the seal and signature of the engineer, except signed and sealed plans shall not be required for the repair or replacement of decking, stringers, railing, lower landings, tie piles, or the patching or reinforcing of existing piling on private and commercial docks. ❑ A site plan prepared by a professional architect, engineer, certified planner or landscape architect drawn to a minimum scale of one inch equals 50 feet on a sheet size not to exceed 24 inches by 36 inches that includes the following information: ❑ Index sheet of the same size shall be included with individual sheet numbers referenced thereon. ❑ North arrow, scale, location map and date prepared. ❑ Identification of the boundaries of phases, if development is proposed to be constructed in phases. ❑ Location of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL), whether the property is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area, and the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) of the property, as applicable. ❑ Location, footprint, size and height of ali existing and proposed buildings and structures on the site. ❑ Location and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems, both on-site and off-site, with proposed points of access. ❑ Location of all existing and proposed sidewalks, curbs, gutters, water lines, sanitary sewer lines, storm drains, manholes, inlets, lift stations, fire hydrants, underground conduits, seawalls and any proposed utility easements. ❑ Location of onsite and offsite stormwater management facilities, including offsite elevations, as may be required by the Engineering Department to evaluate proposed stormwater management, as well as a narrative describing the proposed stormwater control plan including all calculations and data necessary to demonstrate compliance with the City of Clearwater Storm Drainage Design Criteria manual. ❑ Location of solid waste collection facilities, required screening and provisions for accessibility for collection. ❑ Location of off-street loading area, if required by Section 3-1406. ❑ Location, type and lamp height of all outdoor lighting fixtures. ❑ Location of all existing and proposed attached and freestanding signage. 0 All adjacent right(si-of-way, with indication of centerline and width, paved width, existing median cuts and intersections, street light poles, bus shelters, signage and utility company facilities. Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tei: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 4 of 8 Revised 01/12 ❑ Dimensions of existing and proposed lot lines, streets, drives, building lines, setbacks, structural overhangs and building separations. ❑ Building or structure elevation drawings that depict the proposed building height, building materials, and concealment of all mechanical equipment located on the roof. 0 Typical floor plans, including floor plans for each floor of any parking garage. ❑ Identification and description of watercourses, wetlands, tree masses, specimen trees, and other environmentally sensitive areas. ❑ If there is any requested deviation to the parking standards a parking demand study will need to be provided. Prior to the preparation of such study, the methodology shall be approved by the Planning and Engineering Departments. The findings of the study will be used in determining whether or not deviations to the parking standards are approved. ❑ Tree inventory, prepared by a certified arborist, of all trees four inches DBH or more that reflects the size, canopy, and condition of such trees; as well as a tree survey showing the location, DBH and species of all existing trees with a DBH of four inches or more, and identifying those trees proposed to be removed, if any. ❑ A traffic impact study shall be required for any development which may degrade the acceptable level of service for any roadway as adopted in the Comprehensive Plan. Trip generation shall be based on the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual. ❑ An appiication for a certificate of concurrency/capacity or a nonconcurrency affidavit. No development approval shall be granted until a certificate of concurrency/capacity is issued or a nonconcurrency affidavit is executed. ❑ A landscape plan shall be provided for any project where there is a new use or a change of use; or an existing use is improved or remodeled in a value of 25% or more of the valuation of the principal structure as reflected on the property appraiser's current records, or if an amendment is required to an existing approved site plan; or a parking lot requires additional landscaping pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, Division 14. The landscape plan shall include the following information, if not otherwise required in conjunction with the appiication for development approval: ❑ Location, size, description, specifications and quantities of all existing and proposed landscape materials, including botanical and common names. ❑ Existing trees on-site and immediately adjacent to the site, by species, size and location, including drip line. ❑ Typical planting details for trees, palms, shrubs, and ground cover plants, including planting instructions, soil mixes, backfilling, mulching, staking and protective measures. ❑ Interior landscape areas hatched and/or shaded and labeled and interior landscape coverage, expressed both in square feet, exclusive of perimeter landscaped strips, and as a percentage of the paved area coverage of the parking lot and vehicular use areas. ❑ Location of existing and proposed structures and improvements, including but not limited to sidewalks, walls, fences, pools, patios, dumpster pads, pad mounted transformers, fire hydrants, overhead obstructions, sign �ocations, curbs, gutters, water lines, sanitary sewer lines, storm drains, manholes, inlets, lift stations, fire hydrants, underground conduits, seawalis, utility easements, treatment of all ground surfaces, and any other features that may influence the proposed landscape. ❑ Location of parking areas and other vehicular use areas, including parking spaces, circulation aisles, interior landscape islands and curbing. ❑ Drainage and retention areas, including swales, side slopes and bottom elevations, and drainage structures and other drainage improvements. ❑ All adjacent right(s)-of-way, with indication of centerline and width, paved width, existing median cuts and intersections, street light poles, bus shelters, signage and utility company facilities. ❑ Delineation and dimensions of all required perimeter landscaped buffers including sight triangles, if any. ❑ An irrigation plan. Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Ciearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 5 of S Revised 01/12 r Clearwater �, Planning & Development Department Flexible Standard Development Application General Applicability Criteria PROVIDE COMPLETE RESPONSES TO EACH OF THE SIX (6j GENERAL APPLICABILITY CRITERIA EXPLAINING HOW, IN DETAII, THE CRITERION IS BEING COMPLIED WITH PER THIS DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL. 1. The proposed development of the land will be in harmony with the scale, bulk, coverage, density and character of adjacent properties in which it is located. See Attachment'B' 2. The proposed development will not hinder or discourage the appropriate development and use of adjacent land and buildings or significantly impair the value thereof. See Attachment'B' 3. The proposed development will not adversely affect the health or safety or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. See Attachment'B' 4. The proposed development is designed to minimize traffic congestion. See Attachment'B' 5. The proposed development is consistent with the community character of the immediate vicinity of the parcel proposed for development. See Attachment'B' 6. The design of the proposed development minimizes adverse effects, including visual, acoustic and olfactory and hours of operation impacts, on adjacent properties. See Attachment'B' Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Ciearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 6 of 8 Revised 01/12 o Planning & Development Department ���arwater Flexible Standard Develo ment A lication P pP " Flexibility Criteria PROVIDE COMPLETE RESPONSES TO THE APPLICABLE FLEXIBILITY CRITERIA FOR THE SPECIFIC USE(S) BEING REQUESTED AS SET FORTH IN THE ZONING DISTRICT(S) IN WHICH THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED. EXPLAIN HOW, IN DETAII, EACH CRITERION IS BEING COMPLIED WITH PER THIS DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL (USE SEPARATE SHEETS AS NECESSARY�. 1 See Attachment'C' 2 See Attachment'C' 3 See Attachment 'C' 4 See Attachment'C' S See Attachment'C' 6 See Attachment 'C' , See Attachment 'C' $ See Attachment'C' Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 7 of 8 Revised 01/12 Planning & Development Department Flexible Standard Development Application Affidavit to Authorize Agent/Representative 1. Provide names of all property owners on deed - PRINT fuil names: Brightwater Blue Residences, LLC 2. That (I am/we are) the owner(s) and record title holder(s) of the foilowing described property: Brightwater Blue Residences, LLC 3. That this property constitutes the property for which a request for (describe request): Construction of attached residential units 4. That the undersigned (has/have) appointed and (does/do) appoint: Bill W. Mazas as (his/their) agent(s) to execute any petitions or other documents necessary to affect such petition; 5. That this affidavit has been executed to induce the City of Clearwater, Florida to consider and act on the above described property; 6. That site visits to the property are necessary by City representatives in order to process this application and the owner authorizes City representatives to visit and photograph the property described in this application; 7. That (I/w the un ersi authority, hereby certify that the foregoing is tr a correct. Pro rty Owner Property Owner Bill W. Mazas Sam Karamountzos Property Owner Property Owner STATE OF FLOR[DA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS BEFORE ME THE UNDERSIGNED, AN OFFICER DULY COMMISSIONED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, ON THIS ��� DAY OF ,`�� �I c\C�' r� , PERSONALLY APPEARED /� /�..- � � � C- L. �-'� ' ���� !''iZ /�t--� WHO HAVING BEEN FIRST DULY SWORN DEP D Y T AtHE/SHE FULLY UNDERSTANDS THE CONTENTS OF THE AFFIDAVIT THAT HE/SHE SIGNED. ..�-�;� � � p1P11",LB���� HAYOEE VELEZ �j�:�. (I�f `` 0.F F / � t '�+ :`' c Notary Public - State ot Florida �� t��L � �-- =N : « 4� My Comm. Expires Jan 31, 2017b %; °� t! � Notary Public Signature , qFOFr'��o-��` Commission # EE 870424 5�,; ,nnn, 'n / / Notary Seal/Stamp ° My Commission E p es: �—�( � t 7 Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 8 of 8 Revised 01/12 ������ EXHIBIT `A' DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST - UPLAND Request: The subject property consists of 8 separate parcels associated with addresses 148 through 196 Brightwater Drive on Clearwater Beach. The lots once housed several motel/hotels consisting of a seventy-four (74) rooms. Existing conditions are primarily vacant with the exception of an unfinished concrete block structure at the east end of the property. The parcels falls within the City of Ciearwater's community redevelopment area known as the 'Small Hotel' District under Beach by Design and within the Tourist Zoning Designation for Clearwater Beach. The subject project known as Brightwater Blue Residences consists of thirty (30) Resort Attached Dwelling [RADJ units with thirty (30) private boat slips. There are two structures proposed each with 15 units per building with a gross floor area of 29,600 sf. A common building will be incorporated with outdoor pool area, office, fitness center, and restrooms. The Common Building and docks are for use by resort unit owners and resort guests only. Once completed the proposed development will contain 2 buildings (building 1 and building 2) of which building 1 will consist of 2 stories over parking with a height of 39' 9" feet above grade (34' 7" BFE), building 2 will consist of 3 stories over parking with a height of 49' 8" from grade (44' 6" BFE). Parking shall be supplied on-site with a garage accommodating two (2) cars per unit along with guest parking. Building 2 will consist of 3 stories over parking with a height of Itemized Repuests: 1. Docks: a. Reduction to west side setback from required 78 ft. to 49.5 ft.; and b. Increase overall width of combined docks from allowed 585 ft. to 703 ft. 2. Upland: a. 30 Resort Attached Dwelling [RAD] Units w/ 30 Boat Slips. 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 �1 Brighiwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narratives(4-30-20151 ATTACHMENT `B' L APPLICABILiTY CRITERIA - UPLAND 1. The proposed development of the land will be in harmony with scale, bu/k, coverage density and character of adjacent properties in which it is located in a. Redevelopment of the property is consistent with revitalization goals of the comprehensive code and character set forth in the Tourist designation zoning. The subject property is overlaid by the small hotel district per City of Clearwater's Beach by Design criteria. Brightwater Drive is located on peninsula primarily buffered by a preservation area known as Clearwater Bay. The road is mostly aligned with smaller scaled condominiums, motels and townhomes with limited heights of 4 stories over parking. Larger resorts are primarily located towards the west along Hamden Drive. Clearwater Bay contributes to the buffering of residential uses along Devon and Bayside Drive and Small Hotel district which the property is located. Developments along Clearwater Bay currently have docks constructed within the last five to eight years. Most structures along Brightwater Drive appear to have minimal setbacks to the property lines, while maximizing density potential allowed by the City of Clearwater's Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code. Brightwater Biue Residences consists of thirty (30) Resort Attached Dwelling [RAD] units along with thirty (30) private boat slips. There are two structures proposed for the development along with an ancillary building with all three falling below maximum coverage allowed. A common building will be incorporated serving the outdoor pool area, office, fitness center, and restrooms. The Common Building and docks are for use by resort unit owners and guests. Once completed the proposed development will have a maximum building height of 49' 8" feet (44' 6"above BFE) or 3 stories over parking. Onsite parking shall be supplied within a garage accommodating two (2) cars per unit with guest parking located on the grounds. Brightwater Blue Residences is proposing a structure meeting minimum flexible criteria, while maintaining a smaller scale development fitting the characteristics of Beach by Design's overlay. The building coverage is below maximum allowed by the impervious surface ratio standards with setbacks meeting or exceeding minimum requirements. The project incorporates a variety of creative and attractive features such as artistic ,enhanced roof lighting; architectural details; staggered building presentation; cornices; railed balconies; pilasters; a variation of building materials, colors and textures; distinctive fenestration patterns; colored, patterned brick/stone pavers, and enhanced lush, tropical landscaping. Brightwater Blue Residences wiil complement and be in harmony with the adjacent neighbors by matching similar height, bulk, scale and features for both programmatic and visual interest down Brightwater Drive. Beach by Design guidelines do not specify specific character criteria for this district but does discuss general building parameters within the Beach by Design overlay. The design of the proposed project meets the intent for character of Beach by Design and 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 �2 Brightwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narratives(4-30-20?5) Comprehensive Plan. Improvements will contribute to adjacent properties by developing a vacant piece of land, while removing an unfinished structure towards the east. Furthermore, the project will implement a sidewalk along Brightwater Drive fully connecting sidewalks towards the east and west contributing and promoting pedestrian friendly street level activities. 2. The proposed developmeni will not hinder or discourage the appropriate developments and use of the adjacent /and and buildings or significantly impair the value thereof. a. The proposed development serves the surrounding tourist and residential community as a whole. The project will not hinder its neighbors, but bring value and help drive further redevelopment to the area. The site will be developed and enhanced per the City of Clearwater's Comprehensive Plan, Community Development Code, and Beach by Design requirements by establishing a high standard of architecture that can be replicated by residential or commercial uses. The subject building sets an even higher standard and utilizes architectural designs and features reminiscent of Dutch West Indies architecture and of the overall characteristic for Small Hotel District per Beach by Design. Brightwater Blue Residences will become a place valued by both tourist and local residents that have friends or families visiting Clearwater Beach. Furthermore, redevelopment of the property will remove a non-conforming/unfinished structure onsite, while developing the rest of the vacant land, thus eliminating visual hindrances along the roadway. Redevelopment will be of Dutch West Indies in style contributing to a more active street level fa�ade along Brightwater Drive, while completing construction on one of the last pieces of vacant land within the area. Stepbacks beyond code requirements are provided along Brightwater Drive in relationship to the balconies on level two. The value of the abutting properties will not be compromised, but will likely be enhanced by the redevelopment of the property. 3. The proposed will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. a. The proposed development serves the surrounding tourist and residential community as a whole. Brightwater Blue Residences will not adversely affect the health and safety of neighbors or persons residing in the area. Currently employees from surrounding establishments park within the public right-of-way adjacent to the subject property. Parked vehicles produce adverse effects by limiting pedestrian activity and hindering vehicular movements depending on staging. On-site Improvements incorporate parking for guests and/or owners implementing a pedestrian safe sidewalk adjacent to the development. Other proposed improvements consists of constructing a five (5) foot wide pedestrian sidewalk along Brightwater Drive further contributing to the city's future goal for public parking within the right-of-way. Construction of the proposed public sidewalk allows for residents of Brightwater Drive and guest to improve the health and safety of pedestrian activity. There are no proposed uses that will have a detrimental effect on the health of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 _ �3 Brightwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narra;ives(4-30-2015j 4. The proposed development is designed to minimize troffic congestion. a. The proposed project consists of 30 Resort Attached Dwelling units meeting minimum on-site parking per Tourist Zoning designation. The property strongly enhances the health and safety of the neighborhood by providing pedestrian access to public right-of-way, installation of pedestrian friendly sidewalk along Brightwater Drive, and utility infrastructure improvements. Currently the site is vacant allowing for employees from surrounding establishments to park within the city's right-of-way resulting in non-conforming or conflicting items. Brightwater Blue Residences will allow guests to park in individual garages or within guest parking stalls on-site. Furthermore, all employees will be required to either walk, could be reimbursed for public transportation to work, or will be required to be dropped-off further reducing or minimizing traffic congestion. The installed pedestrian sidewalk also allows for alternative forms of traveling within the tourist district by residents. There are several PSTA bus stops with drop-off and pickup locations throughout Clearwater Beach known as the Jolly Trolley for employees, visitors and/or guests of the complex west of Hamden Drive. 5. The proposed development is consistent with the community character of the immediate vicinity of the porcel proposed for devefopment. Brightwater Blue Residences consists of thirty (30) Resort Attached Dwelling [RADJ units along with thirty (30) private boat siips. There are two structures proposed for the development along with an ancillary building with ali three falling below maximum coverage allowed. A common building will be incorporated serving the outdoor pool area, office, fitness center, and restrooms. The Common Building and docks are for use by resort unit owners and guests of. Once completed the proposed development will have a building 1 height of 39' 9" feet above grade (34' 7" BFE) or 2 stories over parking and building 2 will have a height of 49' 8" feet (44' 6" above BFE) or 3 stories over parking. Onsite parking shall be supplied within a garage accommodating two (2) cars per unit with guest parking located on the grounds. Brightwater Blue Residences is proposing a structure meeting minimum flexible criteria, while maintaining a smaller scale hotel fitting the charecteristics of Beach by Design's overlay. The building coverage is below maximum allowed by the impervious surface ratio standards with setbacks meeting or exceeding minimum requirements. The project incorporates a variety of creative and attractive features such as artistic ,enhanced roof lighting; architectural detaiis; staggered building presentation; cornices; railed balconies; pilasters; a variation of building materials, colors and textures; distinctive fenestration patterns; colored, patterned brick/stone pavers, and enhanced lush, tropical landscaping. Brightwater Blue Residences will complement and be in harmony with the adjacent neighbors by matching similar height, buik, scale and features for both programmatic and visual interest down Brightwater Drive. Beach by Desig� guidelines do not specify specific character criteria for this 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 �4 Brightwater Blue Re;idences UPLAND Narrative;(4-30-2015) district but does discuss general building parameters within the Beach by Design overlay. The design of the proposed project meets the intent for character of Beach by Design and Comprehensive Plan. Improvements will contribute to adjacent properties by developing a vacant piece of land, while removing an unfinished structure towards the east. Furthermore, the project wili implement a sidewalk along Brightwater Drive fully connecting sidewalks towards the east and west contributing and promoting pedestrian friendly street level activities. Brightwater Blue Residences will complement and further contribute to the community's character set forth per Beach by Design Small Hotel District. 6. The design of the proposed development minimizes adverse effects, including visual, acoustic and olfactory and hours of impacts, on adjacent properties. The proposed development minimizes adverse effects on adjacent properties by creating a more active fa�ade, while contributing and connecting pedestrian friendly areas with other properties down erightwater Drive. Redevelopment of the parcel for a resort attached dwelling is consistent with allowable uses within the tourist zoning designation for Beach by Design's Small Motel District. The proposed structure further reduces acoustic and olfactory effects by improving on- site utilities will providing a structure meeting current building code regulations. Furthermore the visual hindrance of the unfinished structure will be removed as part of the initial demolition phase. 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 �5 Brightwater Blue Residenees UPLAND Narratives(4-30-2015) ATTACHMENT 'C FLEXIBILITY CRITERIA - UPLAND Q. RESORT ATTACHED DWELLINGS within "T" Tourist District 1. Height: a. The increased height results in an improved site plan or improved design and appearance; i. There are no proposed height increases beyond allowabfe code for the subject property. The proposed building 1 structure contains 2 stories over individuol parking gorages and building 2 structure contains 3 stories over individual parking garages. Height is limited to 49' 8" feet above existing grade. Brightwater Blue Residences olso incorporates a IS foot front setback to parking stalls and 10 feet side and rear setbacks to the building. The proposed development results in an improved site, design and appearance os set forth in the overlaying guidelines of eeach by Design and Clearwater's Community Development Plan. The design has been altered from the original approval adding a 3rd living level to building 2. b. The increased height is necessary to allow the improvement of off-street parking on the ground floor of the residential building. i. There is no request to increase height above maximum allowed per code. The design has been altered from the original approval adding a 3�d living level to building 2. 2. Off-street parking: Off-street parking within the footprint of the residential building is designed and constructed to create a street level facade comparable to the architectural character and finishes of a residential building without parking on the ground level; a. Off-street parking for guest is contained within individual two- (2) car garage per unit. Guest parking wil! be providing outside and onsite between the building and right-of-way. The development meets minimum parking criteria for Resort Attached Dwellings at 1.5 spaces per RAD unit or 60 parking stalls total. The architectural character, facade and finish are consistent with providing a low-intensity street level fa�ade along Brightwater Drive fitting in with the small hotel district and surrounding properties. 3. Frontsetback: a. The reduction in front setback contributes to a more active and dynamic street life; i. There are no reduction request to setbacks. b. The reduction in front setback results in an improved site plan or improved design and appearance. i. There are no reduction request to setbacks. 4. Rear or Side setback: a. The reduction in side or rear setback does not prevent access to the rear of any building by emergency vehicles; 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 �6 Brighiwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narratives(4-30-2G?5) i. There ore no requests to reduce the side setbacks beyond minimal flexible development criteria under the Tourist zoning designation. The design also provides for greater emergency access and hose laying lengths for fire personal, while providing emergency vehicle access into the front of the property. b. The reduction in rear setback results in an improved site plan, more efficient parking or improved design and appearance; i. There are no reduction request to setbacks. c. The reduction in rear setback does not reduce the amount of landscaped area otherwise required. i. There are no reduction request to setbacks. 5. The design of all buildings complies with the Tourist District design guidelines in Division 5 of Article 3. SECTION 3-501 TOURIST DISTRICT BEACH BY DESIGN DESIGN GUIDELINES A. Density The maximum permitted density of residential development shall be 30 dwelling units per acre. Through the use of Transfer of Development Rights (TDRs) from other property located within the Clearwater Beach Community Redevelopment District, the maximum permitted density for residential development may be increased by not more than 20 percent. Historically the maximum permitted density for overnight accommodation uses has been 40 units per acre. In order to assist in the redevelopment of Clearwater Beach, the maximum permitted density in Beach by Design shall be 50 units per acre.* It also allows this maximum density of 50 units per acre to be exceeded through the allocation of units from the Destination Resort Density Pool, the ailocation of units from the Hotel Density Reserve, and the use of TDRs from other properties located within the Clearwater Beach Community Redevelopment District in compliance with the following provisions: 1. The amount of TDRs used for resorts/overnight accommodation projects shall not be limited provided such projects can demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this Plan, the Community Development Code and concurrency requirements. 2. Any TDRs gained from the additional 10 overnight accommodation units per acre authorized by this section of Beach by Design shall only be used for overnight accommodation uses. The conversion of such density to another use is prohibited. Beach by Design also supports the allocation of additional density for resort development through the Destination Resort Density Pool established in Section V.B.1 of this plan, as well as the allocation of additional density for mid-price hotels through the Hotel Density Reserve established in Section V.6.2 of this plan. The maximum permitted floor area ratio for nonresident development is limited to 1.0 pursuant to the Pinellas County Planning Council intensity standards. - erightwater elue Residences does not include a request for TDR's. 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 �� Brightwater Blue Resldences UPLAND Narratives(4-30-2015) B. Height Maximum height is prescribed by the respective zoning districts in the Community Development Code unless otherwise restricted by Beach by Design. The height may be increased, however, to one hundred fifty feet (150') if: 1. additional density is atlocated to the development either by transferred development rights, or via the Destination Resort Density Pool pursuant to the CRD designation, or via the Hotel Density Reserve where the subject property is located between South Gulfview Boulevard and the Gulf of Mexico or on the west side of Coronado Drive; 2. portions of any structures which exceed one hundred feet (100') are spaced at least one hundred feet (100') apart (with no more than two (2) structures which exceed one hundred feet (100'j within five hundred feet (500'); or four (4) structures which exceed one hundred feet (100') within eight hundred feet (800') so long as the elevations of all structures which exceed one hundred feet (100') when such structures are viewed from the east do not occupy a total of forty percent (40%) of a north south vertical plane which is parallel to the alignment of Coronado and North Mandalay of the building envelope above one hundred feet (100'�; and The Proposed development falls within the small hotel district as outlined by Beach by Design. Height within the designation is limited to 4 stories over parking or 50 feet above base flood. Brightwater 81ue Residences is limited in height to three stories over parking or 49' 8" feet above existing grade (44' 6" BFE). The above criteria is not applicable. 3. the floor plate of any portion of a building that exceeds forty-five feet (45') in height is limited as follows: a) between forty-five feet (45') and one hundred feet (100'), the floorplate will be no greater than 25,000 square feet except for parking structures open to the public; and b) between one hundred feet (100') and one hundred fifty feet (150'), the floorplate will be no greater than 10,000 square feet; and C) deviations to the above floorplate requirements may be approved provided the mass and scale of the design creates a tiered effect and complies with the maximum building envelop allowance above 45' as described in section C. 1.4 below The Proposed development is limited to 49' 8" feet above existing grade (44' 6" BFEJ or three stories over parking. Beach by Design's small hotel district allows for a buildinq to be fifty feet above base flood, thus the above criteria is not applicable since the project is 49' S" feet from existing grade (44' 6" BFE). 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 Ig Brightwater 81ue Residerc�s UP�AND Narratives(4-30-2015) C. Design, Scale and Mass of Buildings No particular architectural style is prescribed. However, good architecture, from a community character perspective, comes in all shapes and styles. There is, however, in every community an established vocabulary of the "good;' the "bad," and the "ugly." New buildings should respect this vocabulary and enhance the community character wherever possible. The more daring the design, the more sensitive the particular architecture is to failure. Quantifiable aspects of the architectura� vocabulary are: 1. Buildings with a footprint of greater than 5,000 square feet or a single dimension of greater than one hundred (100) feet will be constructed so that no more than two (2) of the three (3) building dimensions in the vertical or horizontal planes are equal in length. For this purpose, equal in length means that the two lengths vary by less than forty percent (40%) of the shorter of the two (2) lengths. The horizontal plane measurements relate to the footprint of the building The proposed development only consists of 30 individual units between, 2373 sf and 4639 sf within the building envelope and does not have a single dimension more than 100 ft. in length. The longest building dimension is only at 69 feet when combining 3 units together. This section is not applicable. 2. No plane of a building may continue uninterrupted for greater than one hundred linear feet (100'). For the purpose of this standard, interrupted means an offset of greater than five feet (5'). The proposed development only consists of 30 individual units between 2373 sf and 4639 sf within the building envelope and does not have a single dimension more than 100 ft. in length. The longest building dimension is only at 69 feet when combining 3 units together. This section is not applicable. 3. At least sixty percent (60%) of any elevation will be covered with windows or architectural decoration. For the purpose of this standard, an elevation is that portion of a building that is visible from a particular point outside the parcel proposed for development. At least 60% of the building fa�ade will be covered by architectural decoration. 4. No more than sixty percent (60%) of the theoretical maximum building envelope located above forty-five feet (45') will be occupied by a building. However, in those instances where an overnight accommodations use on less than 2.0 acres that has been allocated additional density via the Hotel Density Reserve, no more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Emai�: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 � � �9 Brightwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narratives(4-30-2015) theoretical maximum building envelope located above forty-five feet (45') may be occupied by a building unless the property is located between Gulfview Boulevard and the Gulf of Mexico, then no more than 70% may be occupied by a building. There is no building proposed with a theoreticol building envelope over 60%. This section is not applicabfe. 5. The height and mass of buildings will be correlated to: (1) the dimensional aspects of the parcel proposed for development and (2) adjacent public spaces such as streets and parks. The proposed height and mass of the building is correlated to dimensional aspects of the proposed parcel and is consistent with adjacent and surrounding properties within Beach by Design Districts. The proposed fasade will incorporate balconies and awnings over each ground level window with 2°d story building overhangs. 6. Buildings may be designed for a vertical or horizontal mix of permitted uses. Redevelopment of the subject property consists only of a Resort Attached Dwelling without a request for mixed-use occupancy. D. Setbacks and Stepbacks 1. Rights-of-way. The area between the building and the edge of the pavement as existing and planned should be sufficiently wide to create a pedestrian-friendly environment. The distances from structures to the edge of the right-of- way should be: a. Fifteen feet (15') along arterials, and b. Twelve feet (12') along local streets A ten foot (10') pedestrian path is key to establishing a pedestrian- friendly place in the nonresidential environment. Accordingly, arcades may be constructed in the public space, but may not narrow the pedestrian path to less than ten feet (10'). Decorative awnings and arcades and public balconies may extend into the public space and even into the right-of-way (provided they do not obstruct vehicular traffic). Outdoor cafe tables are also permitted in the public space, subject to the requirements in Section H, Sidewalks. There are no requests to reduce the setbacks, thus not applicoble. 2. Side and Rear Setbacks 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 ~ (10 Brightwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narratives(4-30-20�5j Except for the setbacks set forth above, no side or rear setback lines are recommended, except as may be required to comply with the City's Fire Code. There are no reductions to the rear or side setbacks, thus not applicable. 3. Coronado Drive Setbacks and Stepbacks. To reduce upper story massing along the street and ensure a human scale street environment, buildings using the hotel density reserve along Coronado Drive shall be constructed in accordance with the following: e. Buildings constructed with a front setback of fifteen feet (15') or more shall stepback with a minimum depth of fifteen feet (15') from the setback line at a height not more than twenty-five feet (25')• b. Buildings constructed with a front setback greater than or equal to ten feet (10') and less than fifteen feet (15') shall stepback at a height not more than twenty feet (20'). The required stepback/ setback ratio is one and one-half feet (1.5') for every one foot (1') reduction in setback in addition to the minimum stepback of fifteen feet (15'). Buildings constructed with a front setback of less than ten feet (10') shall provide a building stepback at a height not more than fifteen feet (15'). The required stepback/ setback ratio is two and one-half feet (2.5') for every one foot (1') reduction in setback in addition to the minimum stepback of fifteen feet (15'►. d. To achieve upper story facade variety and articulation, additional stepbacks may be required. To avoid a monotonous streetscape, a building shall not replicate the stepback configuration of the neighboring buildings including those across rights-of-way. e. Required stepbacks shall span a minimum of 75% of the building frontage width. The proposed development is located along Brightwater Drive and is not applicable. E. Street-Level Facades The human scale and aesthetic appeal of street-level facades, and their relationship to the sidewalk, are essential to a pedestrian-friendly environment. Accordingly: i. At least sixty percent (60%) of the street level facades of Buildings used for nonresidential purposes which abut a public street or pedestrian access way, will be transparent. For the purpose of this standard: 8) street level facade means that portion of a building facade from ground level to a height of twelve feet (12') b� transparent means windows or doors that allow pedestrians to see into: 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 � � � ; 11 Brightwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narratives(4-30-2015) ii. the building, or iii. landscaped or hardscaped courtyard or plazas, where street level facades are set back at least fifteen feet (15') from the edge of the sidewalk and the area between the sidewalk and the facade is a landscaped or hardscape courtyard or plaza iv. Parking structures should utilize architectural details and design elements such a false recessed windows, arches, planter boxes, metal grillwork, etc. instead of transparent alternatives. When a parking garage abuts a public road or other public place, it will be designed such that the function of the building is not readily apparent except at points of ingress and egress. The proposed development contributes to a more dynamic and friendly pedestrian environment along erightwater Drive by installing a pedestrian friendly sidewalk. At least 60% of the streec level fa�ade will be landscaped and the architectural fa�ade will incorporate architectural details and design elements as shown on the attached rendering. 2. Window coverings, and other opaque materials may cover no more than 10% of the area of any street-level window in a nonresidential building that fronts on a public right-of-way. The proposed structure will not allow for any window coverings or other opaque materials to any areas greater than 10%. 3. Building entrances should be aesthetically inviting and easily identified. Goods for sale will not be displayed outside of a building, except as a permitted temporary use. This standard does not apply to outdoor food service establishments. euilding entrances of each unit will be identified with covered canopy and columns 4. Awnings and other structures that offer pedestrians cover from the elements are recommended. Awnings help define entryways and provide storefront identity to both pedestrians and drivers. Each unit will have covered canopies and canti(evered balconies which helps create a pedestrian street scale F. Parking Areas 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 �12 Brightwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narratives(4-30-2015i To create a well-defined and aesthetically appealing street boundary, all parking areas will be separated from public rights of way by a landscaped decorative wall, fence or other opaque landscape treatment of not less than three feet (3') and not more than three and one-half feet (31/2') in height. Surface parking areas that are visible from public streets or other public places will be landscaped such that the parking areas are defined more by their landscaping materials than their paved areas when viewed from adjacent property. The use of shade trees is encouraged in parking lots. However, care should be taken to choose trees that do not drop excessive amounts of leaves, flowers, or seeds on the vehicles below. Entrances to parking areas should be clearly marked in order to avoid confusion and minimize automobile-pedestrian conflicts. Attractive signage and changes to the texture of the road (such as pavers) are recommended. When a parking garage abuts a public road or other public place, it will be designed such that the function of the building is not readily apparent except at points of ingress and egress. Each residence townhomes will be grouped in five areas creoting a courtyard affect for the vehicles with one round- about point of ingress and egress. A total of six drives will be provided for the 30 units on site. G. Signage Signage is an important contributor to the overall character of a place. However, few general rules apply to signage. Generally, signage should be creative, unique, simple, and discrete. Blade signs, banners and sandwich boards should not be discouraged, but signs placed on the sidewalk shoutd not obstruct pedestrian traffic. Signage will be provided along the building fa�ade and where applicable per code allowance. Once designed a separate package will be submitted for review under separate cover. H. Sidewalks Sidewalks along arterials and retail streets should be at least ten feet (10') in width. All sidewalks along arterials and retail streets will be landscaped with palm trees, spaced to a maximum of thirty-five feet (35') on centers, with "clear grey" of not less than eight feet (8'). Acceptable palm trees include sabal palms (sabal palmetto), medjool palms (phoenix dactylifera 'medjool'), and canary island date palms (phoenix canariensis). Sidewalks along side streets will be landscaped with palms (clear trunk of not less than eight feet (8')) or shade trees, spaced at maximum intervals of thirty-five feet (35') on centers. 1. Portions of required sidewalks may be improved for non- pedestrian purposes including outdoor dining and landscape material, provided that movement of pedestrians along the sidewalk is not obstructed; and 2. non-pedestrian improvements and uses are located on the street 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 �13 Brightwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narratives(4-30-20?5) side of the sidewalk. Distinctive paving patterns should be used to separate permanent sidewalk cafe improvements from the pedestrian space on the sidewalk. To enhance pedestrian safety and calm traffic, distinctive paving should also be used to mark crosswalks. The proposed development incorporates on-site landscaping aligning the right-of-way of Brightwater Drive. Due to existing site and right-of-way constraints there is no londscaping proposed within the right-of-way. A 5 foot wide pedestrian sidewalk will be installed connecting broken pieces along the east ond west ends. Also, improvements furthermore allow for an improved pedestrian friendly environment adjacent to the property by eliminating non-conforming parking within the city's right-of-way. I. Street furniture and eicycle Racks Street furniture, including benches and trash receptacles should be liberally placed along the sidewalks, at intervals no greater than thirty linear feet (30') of sidewalk. Bicycle racks should also be provided, especially near popular destinations, to promote transportation alternatives. Complicated bicycle rack systems should be avoided. The placement of street furniture and bicycle racks should not interrupt pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk. The propose development will offer a 6-stall bicyde rack for guests of the resort onsite to promote alternative forms of transportation on Clearwater Beach. There are no hardscope items proposed within the City's right-of- way. 1. Street Lighting Street lighting should respond to the pedestrian- oriented nature of a tourist destination. In this context, it should balance the functional with the attractive — providing adequate light to vehicular traffic, while simultaneously creating intimate spaces along the sidewalks. Clearwater's historic lighting is an attractive, single-globe fixture atop a cast-iron pole. The proposed development is not proposing placement and/or improvement to existing street lights. K. Fountains Fountains provide attractive focal points to public spaces and add natural elements to urban environments. They should be interesting, engaging and unique. While it is important not to overburden architectural creativity regarding fountains, they should meet at least the following standards in order to be a functional and attractive component of the public space: 1. They should be supplemented with street furniture such as 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 � 14 Brightwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narraiives(4-30-2015) benches and trash receptacles, and 2. They should have rims that are: 8. Tall enough to limit unsupervised access by small children, and b. Wide enough to permit seating. fountains should be encouraged in landscaped and hardscaped courtyards and plazas. Property improvements does include the use of fountains due to the limited amount of space between landscaping elements and pedestrian pathways. Hardscape elements such as trash receptacles and benches will be located throughout the site. L. Materials and Colors 1. Facades Finish materials and building colors will reflect Florida or coastal vernacular themes. All awnings should contain at least three (3) distinct colors. Bright colors will be limited to trims and other accents. Glass curtain walls are prohibited. 2. Sidewalks: Sidewalks shall be constructed of: a. Pavers; b. Patterned, distressed or special aggregate concrete; or c. Other infused treatment that distinguishes the sidewalks from the typical suburban concrete sidewalks. Materials should be chosen to minimize the cost and complexity of maintenance. This project is intended to evoke the feeling of Dutch West lndies with a beach community feel along with traditional West indies Island Architecture. Since the building has minimal setbacks. The building fa�ade will incorporate balconies and awnings over ground level windows and the main entrance. Other architectural features can be found on the colored rendering submitted. Sidewalks will be in accordance with the City of Clearwater Construction Specification standards. 3. Street Furniture d. Street furniture will be constructed of low- maintenance materials, and will be in a color that is compatible with its surroundings. The proposed bicycle rack will be powdered coated, maintained and stored onsite if necessary. There are no other street furniture, lighting or elements are proposed within the right-of-way. 4. Color Palette i. Recommended palette for building colors is presented within Beach by Design criteria. See architectural renderings for color selection. 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 j15 Brighhs�aier Blue Residences UPLAND Narratives(430-201Sj 0 Overall the proposed development is consistent with the Tourist District design guidelines in Division 5 of Artides 3 within the City's Land Development Code for Flexible criteria. Specifically while limiting building height and density matching characteristics set forth under eeach by Design and Comprehensive Plan. 6. Accessory uses: a. Accessory uses, including but not limited to restaurants, snack bars, and sundries shops, must be incidental and subordinate to the primary use, and the maximum floor area for interior accessory uses shall not exceed, in the aggregate, ten percent of the building footprint. i. There are no accessory uses as part of the development. b. No signage shall be visible from outside of the development. i. A sign package will be submitted under separate cover. 2551 Drew St. Suite 301, Clearwater FL, 33767 Website: www.regency-development.com — Email: bmazas@me.com Phone/Fax: 727-726-6678 �16 Brightwater Blue Residences UPLAND Narratives(4-30-2015)