March 2, 1998
Rita Garvey
J. B. Johnson
Robert Clark
Ed Hooper
Karen Seel
Michael J. Roberto
Kathy S. Rice
Pamela K. Akin
Cynthia E. Goudeau
Brenda Moses
City Manager
Deputy City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
Board Reporter
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall.
Margie Simmons, Finance Director, was presented the Florida Government Finance
Officers' Association Certificate of Achievement.
Land Development Code Status Report - Siemon. Larsen
Charles Siemon of Siemon, Larsen & Marsh, presented a recommended strategic
management approach to revision of the City's LDC (Land Development Code). He gave a
status report of the firm's progress in the first phase of the project. His firm has reviewed
existing legal and planning documents, interviewed elected officials, staff, and key land use
participants, and identified procedural issues that need to be addressed. In order to achieve
the City's Vision, a number of developmental standards should be examined to include: 1)
parking; 2) density transfers; and 3) minimum property standards. Recommendations included:
1) reduction of the number of entities responsible for administration of the LDC process; 2)
reorganization and reformatting of LDC revisions; 3) simplification of the language and
presentation of the LDC; 4) encouragement of development and redevelopment; 5) certainty
and flexibility with regard to development of established standards; and 6) renaming the LDC to
CDRC (Community Development and Redevelopment Code). He suggested reducing those
involved in the approval process: 1) a Development Review Committee; 2) a Land
Development Code Administrator; 3) a Community Development and Redevelopment Board; 4)
the City Commission; and 5) a Hearing officer in the event affected parties are dissatisfied with
board decisions. The above would be responsible to review requests and make
recommendations. Involvement of the City Commission would be required by State law in
some instances.
Discussion ensued regarding relationships between land area and bulk size, and
consistency of community character. Implementing effective regulations regarding
conservation and mixed use districts should be considered. Designing a program that informs,
educates, and encourages participation will be necessary to strike a balance.
In response to a question, Mr. Siemon said he has not reviewed the role of City Advisory
Boards outside the parameters of the LDC. It was remarked that advisory boards could be
used as task forces to address specific issues, and subcommittees formed. The City
Commission could address signage issues. It was noted there are deed restrictions in some
neighborhoods and Mr. Siemon suggested the City not get involved in those issues.
Historic Survey Findinas - Central Business District and Old Clearwater Bav Neiahborhood -
Archaeoloaical Consultants. Inc.
The City received a State survey and planning grant for this project. Senior
Architectural Historian Carrie Scupholm of ACI (Archaeological Consultants, Incorporated)
presented a Clearwater Historic Preservation Survey and Planning Project for the City's Central
Business District and the Old Clearwater Bay Neighborhood done in February 1998. This
survey will assist the City with effective implementation of a design review program as it applies
to historic structures and potential historic districts. The goal of this project was to identify and
document all buildings not previously surveyed in the project area. ACI conducted field surveys
and research of these areas in July and August 1997. Research indicated 93 buildings in the
project area were listed in the Florida Site File from previous surveys. ACI identified an
additional 450 historic structures, for a total of 490. Whenever possible, owner-occupants
were interviewed regarding additions, alterations, and landscaping of properties. Nine (9)
buildings were found to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. In
response to a question, Ms. Scupholm said in order for a building to be listed in the National
Register of Historic Places, a nomination process is required. The architectural description,
history, photographs and maps of the building are gathered, sent to the State, and onto the
National Parks Service in Washington, DC for consideration in the National Register. Senior
Planner Lou Hilton said the City currently has 5 properties listed on the National Register of
Historic Places. In response to a request, Mr. Hilton said he will distribute copies of the ACI
survey to all libraries.
1997 -98 First Quarter Budaet Review
In response to a question, Budget Director Tina Wilson said the audit has not been
completed. She will supply Commissioner See I with detailed information regarding retained
earnings regarding some of the funds and how they impact the General Fund and CIP (Capital
Improvement Project). In response to a question, Ms. Wilson said the Community Response
Team was unable to find funds for 2 1/2 full-time positions. The CRA (Community
Redevelopment Agency) partially funds 1 position. It was suggested a little more detail be
included in the budget summary to avoid future confusion.
In response to a question, Ms. Wilson said Harborview Center quarterly revenues
increased 152% over last year. She noted there were some major differences such as a new
working kitchen this year that affected those figures.
In response to questions, Ms. Wilson said major amendments impacting the utility fund
are in the Gas fund and due to offsets in the decrease of expenditures.
Approve acceptance of $450.000 three year arant. 1/1/98-12/31/2000. from US Dept. of
Justice/Office of Communitv Oriented Policina Services (COPS)
The Clearwater Police Department will use this grant to hire six new, additional full-time
community police officers. The officers will be assigned to the Downtown Bicycle Team and the
North Greenwood Neighborhood Patrol. The grant will be an important component of the City's
One City. One Future. Strategy. Allocating additional community policing resources to these
neighborhoods will lead to a reduction of crime and a feeling of well-being on the part of the
businesses and residents there, thus paving the way for other economic improvements that are
planned for both areas. Under the COPS Grants Program, all the above-referenced positions
are required to be retained at the conclusion of the grant period. The department will budget
for the continuation of these positions in preparation of the 2000/2001 budget. The project
costs for salaries and benefits for the six police officers will total. $259,600 annually.
Clearwater's award allocation from the US Department of Justice/COPS is for a total of
$450,000, requiring a local match of $212,896.64 over a three-year period. A $39,862.04
match is required for Year 1 of the grant; $66,359.46 is required for Year 2; and $106,675.14 is
required for Year 3. The $212,896.64 match will be available in the Special Law Enforcement
Trust Fund - 181-99398. Clearwater's initial costs for equipping the six police officers will total
$62,226, a one-time expense in the first year of the grant to include costs for uniforms,
weapons, radios, bicycles, and computers for the officers. Funding will be provided under a
grant award from the Department of Justice's Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program-
In response to a question, Chief Sid Klein said this grant has a requirement to retain
these positions at the end of 3 years. Contraband and forfeiture funds are being used as a
match to the State funds. Equipment and uniforms are being acquired through other grants.
The net result is 6 officers for 3 years with a zero impact on the General Fund. At the end of 3
years, $212,896.64 will be required to maintain these positions. It was noted grant funded
positions will be evaluated in the upcoming budget. A periodic analysis will be done to
determine the effectiveness of community policing. The City's police bicycle patrol will increase
by 8 or 9 officers thanks to a grant received Friday. The grant will provide for construction of a
substation in South Greenwood and 2-3 bicycle patrol officers for community policing.
In response to a question, Chief Klein said the Countryside Recreation Center police
substation is not closed. Although the officer at that location has been reassigned, he will
continue to maintain a presence at the recreation center and in the immediate area.
In response to a question, Chief Klein said there is no security issue at City Hall. The
bulk of the public frequent the MSB (Municipal Services Building) for permits and other needs.
It was suggested placing a person in the City Hall lobby for the purpose of directing visitors to
pertinent locations.
Mayor Garvey said everyone needs to get the word out about the Neighborhood Watch
meeting on March 28, 1998, at the Harborview Center.
Presentation re Maior Roadwav Proiects planned for next 5 vears within the City (WSO)
Director of Engineering Mahshid Arasteh presented an overview of major roadway
projects planned by the DOT in Pinellas County over the next 5 years. Next year projects
totalling $250 million are planned: $160 million in State projects; $40 million in County projects;
and $50 million in City projects. Projects include stormwater and drainage solutions.
In response to questions, Ms. Arasteh said the MPO (Metropolitan Planning
Organization) is not considering restripping. A right-of-way purchase will be required at the
Drew Street intersection. The City owns most of the right-of-way on Sunset Point Road.
Studies are being done regarding Druid Road, for the Memorial Causeway Bridge, and bridges
at Island Estates. A question was raised regarding the change in the number of lanes on
Keene, Drew Street and Virginia Avenue. Ms. Arasteh said that was not a City project, but she
guessed it was because traffic between those areas is commercial and further north the traffic
is lighter. It was questioned why the new lanes on Drew Street are 6 feet lower than the original
In response to a question, Public Works Administrator Rich Baier said the Highland
Avenue roadwork is scheduled for completion April, 1998.
The meeting recessed from 10:28 to 10:46 a.m.
(Cont. from 1/15/98) Public Hearina & First Readina Ord. #6228-98 - RM-8 Zonina for propertv
located at 524 Bamboo Lane. Bamboo Sub.. Lots 4. 11 & 12 (Carlisle Motors. Inco, Z98-01) -
Public Hearina & First Readina Ords. #6234-98 & #6235-98 - Land Use Plan
Amendment to Commercial General & CI Zonina for property located at NW corner of
intersection of Vine Ave. & Seminole St. and S of Nicholson St.. Pine Crest Sub.. Blk 4. Lots 1-
6 (Morton Plant Hospital Association. LUP98-01. Z98-04)
The applicant (Morton Plant Hospital Association) is requesting a zoning change for Lots
1 - 6, Block 4 in Pine Crest Subdivision, at the northwest corner of Vine Avenue and Seminole
Street, and south of Nicholson Street. These lots are now vacant. The applicant is requesting
a zoning change in order to develop a family practice medical facility to serve the needs of the
residents in the area. The subject lots are presently zoned Multiple Family Residential "Eight"
(RM-8) with a compatible land use plan classification of Residential Urban. The CI zoning
district is proposed in order to allow the proposed medical facility. The future Land Use Plan
Classification of Residential Urban will be changed to Commercial General to conform with the
proposed zoning district, and compatible with the Countywide Future Land Use Plan
Classification on adjoining properties to the west of the subject lots. The total land area for the
subject site is 41,818 square feet (0.96 acres) which is under one acre. Four (4) acres or more
are required to establish a new Infill Commercial District. While these lots are under 4 acres,
the proposed amendments are an expansion to the applicant's CI zoned properties (lots 7-12)
to the west immediately adjacent to the proposed rezoning lots. This area is within a
predominantly commercial zoned neighborhood. Therefore, the request to rezone these
properties to CI would be consistent with the adjoining land use pattern to the west and
compatible with the existing contiguous CI zoning district. The proposed land Use Plan
Amendment will not have any significant impact on the services in the area.
Interim Central Permitting Director Jeff Kronschnabl said Morton Plant's efforts will
enhance the area. In response to a question, Senior Planner Sandy Glatthorn said the
applicant is asking for commercial status in order to expand. Commercial infill is already
present on the west side of the block. No letters of opposition have been received from the
surrounding neighborhood.
Public Hearing & First Reading Ords. #6236.98 & #6237.98 - Annexation & RS-8 Zoning for
property located at 1759 St. Croix Dr., Virginia Grove Terrace 5th Addition, Blk B, lot 19 (Mary
C. Holdren Tsacrios, A98-03)
Lt. Kronschnabl said this is a request for sewage and water service. He will verify the
correct property name and supply the Commission with a more legible map.
Review orooosed preliminary subdivision plat for Sunshine Mall: authorize DRC to review
and act uoon oreliminarv olat
The applicant is proposing to subdivide the 35.437 acre Sunshine Mall site into 7 lots in
conjunction with a Master Planned Development proposal to be approved by the City
Commission at second ordinance reading on March 5, 1998. The land is currently unplatted,
having a metes and bounds legal description. The platting of the property will enable the
unplatted site to be divided in an orderly layout, to ensure proper legal descriptions of the
parcels and allow individual lots to be owned in fee simple. The entire property will still be
considered as one planned development under the Master Planned Development zoning district
assigned to the property.
Ms. Glatthorn said the subject property is unplatted and the legal description is lengthy.
This request will allow for a subdivision name and separate ownership of lots through
subdivision. Access would be permitted from a signalized intersection at Missouri Avenue. The
Planning & Zoning Board had previously approved this request. In response to a question, Ms.
Glatthorn said any deviations from this request would require City Commission approval. The
developer has agreed to supply the City with detailed landscaping, parking, ingress, and egress
Authorize local contributions to suooort develooment of Tuscanv aoartments bv CED
Construction under the low Income Housina Tax Credit Proaram
Assistant City Manager Rick Hedrick said this site plan is divided into 3 uses: 1) elderly
housing; 2) luxury apartments; and 3) commercial property. A cash contribution by the City is
required for construction on Druid Road. The City is making concessions to the developer to
enhance his eligibility for Low Income Housing Tax Credits. It was noted this project will
positively affect the Missouri Avenue corridor. Mr. Hedrick reviewed total expenditures over a
20 year period and said the City would realize a return on investment on the total Sunshine Mall
project. He noted that the City had adopted a housing policy 4-5 years ago, outlining
considerations and concessions it would consider for developing. A breakdown of numbers for
each project and the square footage for each unit was requested. In response to a question,
Mr. Hedrick said ownership for drainage is to be negotiated. It was noted anticipated assessed
ad valorem values will increase from $2 million to $18.5 million. In response to a question,
Clearwater Housing and Urban Development Director Alan Ferri said the CED looked at the
Sunshine marketing study and surrounding housing. He felt the elderly population will find this
project an attractive alternative to their current residence. It was questioned why the City has to
provide incentives to this developer when many developers have been successful without them.
Mr. Hedrick said this is a quality development and an opportunity to "kick-start" Missouri
Avenue. In response to a question, he said the State is contributing $914,000 to the project
and working with the County for matching funds. In response to questions regarding how the
City's roll-off program and Solid Waste issues impact this project, he said CGS (Clearwater Gas
System) and the Solid Waste enterprise funds look at the project as an opportunity. It will not
negatively impact their profit margins. Gas appliances could be installed at the property and
future business obtained from the other 2 planned projects.
. Marine Advisory Board - 1 appointment
Deputy City Manager Kathy Rice said this appointment has been postponed due to
interest indicated by additional parties.
Res. #98-11 - Assessina property owners the costs of havina mowed or cleared owners' lots -
Reauest authorization to file an action in Circuit Court for review of arbitration decision
reaardina termination of former Police Officer Philip Biazzo - PULLED
City Attorney Pam Akin said contract work negotiations are continuing.
City Manager Verbal Reports
Mr. Hedrick said the City's portion regarding Pickle Plus restaurant should be complete
by March 9, 1998. The restaurant's anticipated opening is April, 1998.
Other Commission Action
Mavor Garvev requested Ms. Akin review the referendum items on the March 10 ballot.
Commissioner Johnson thanked Alan Stowell for thanking the Solid Waste Department
for their good work.
Commissioner Seel requested an updated report regarding unappropriated retained
earnings. She said she cannot attend the Homeowners Association meeting tonight and
requested someone attend in her place. Commissioner Hooper said he will attend.
Discussion ensued regarding a rotation of Commissioners attending various meetings.
No consensus was reached.
Commissioner Seel requested an updated on activities on Edgewater Drive.
Commissioner Seel said the Bicycle Committee at the MPO (Metropolitan Planning
Organization) complimented Clearwater for their efforts.
The meeting adjourned at 1 :03 p.m.