February 1, 2006
Present: Tom Calhoun
James Hess
Dennis Roper
Norma Carlough
Board Member
Board Member
Absent: David Spaulding
Board Member
Also Present: Bryan Ruff
William Morris
Gordon Wills
Brenda Moses
Assistant City Attorney
Marine & Aviation Director
Airport Operations Manager
Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
2 - Approval of Minutes
Member Roper moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 3, 2005,
as submitted in written summation to each board member. The motion was duly seconded and
carried unanimously.
Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair
Assistant City Attorney Bryan Ruff reported that the board needed to elect a Chair and
Member Hess moved to elect Member Calhoun as Chair. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
Member Hess agreed to serve as Vice-Chair.
3 - Tenant & Lease Report from FBO
FBO (Fixed-Base Operator) representative Barbara Cooper reported all 47 T-hangars
are occupied, with 121 names on the waiting list, and all 40 shade hangars are fully occupied,
with 20 names on the waiting list. Six spaces are rented in the corporate hangar; one is
temporary. All 50 hard stands are occupied, however 5 - 6 of them are used seasonally.
Twenty grass stands are rented and 5 are always occupied and are mainly used for transient
customers. Five transient spaces are used mainly by the FBO to service pilots who use the
airpark several times a day. Everyone using the airpark is paid up to date. She said when
counting hardstands, she also counts cement tabs.
Airpark Advisory 2006-02-01
. 4 - Old Business
FBO Building Status
Airport Operations Manager Gordon Wills said by agreement with FOOT (Florida
Department of Transportation), which increased funding for the interim FBO building, the City
will pay $0.20 on the dollar for the building. Costs have risen since the original cost estimates.
He reviewed the schedule to construct the new building, which will be 1,400 square-feet larger
than the current building, and constructed with prefabricated modular units. Upon completion,
the current building will be razed and sod installed. If funds remain, a canopy will be installed
over the 12-foot wide deck. The north side of the building will include a storage area for
maintenance items. In response to a question, Mr. Wills said the City, not FOOT, requires
inspections. The building's design includes an open center area with tables and chairs for small
meetings. This interim building will not be replaced until funds are available for a new terminal
building as proposed in the Airpark Master Plan. Funds must be in place before FOOT will
provide matching funds. The kitchen area will include a microwave, toaster oven, sandwich and
snack machines, but no food service staff. In response to a question, Mr. Wills said when the
current building is demolished, there would be room for 4 - 5 more grass stands. In response
to a question, Mr. Wills said the exterior restroom will have a secure ceiling to prevent access to
the main building. The Airpark also has night security.
Volunteer Day
In response to a question, Ms. Cooper said the January 28, 2006, Volunteer Day was a
huge success. The CAP (Civil Air Patrol) provided cadets to help with traffic control. Neighbors
and tenants were advised before the event to expect heavier than normal traffic. She said the
CAP plans to repeat the event bimonthly and provide free plane rides to cadets. Ms. Cooper
requested that the CAP provide her written notification a month before each event. It was
requested that she inform the board. Mr. Wills said City staff also would try to place notices on
the City's website and C-View Channel 15.
In response to a question, Mr. Wills said that after discussion with the City Council, staff
is not pursuing a change in FBO at this time.
Updated Masterplan
In response to a question, Mr. Wills said due to costs, staff revised the Airpark Master
Plan in-house by deleting the driving range and north triangle from the design. The revision
has been given to a consultant. The next step is to request FOOT and FAA's approval of the
new airport layout plan.
5 - New Business
Neighborhood Day and Proposed New Name for Airpark
Marine & Aviation Director Bill Morris said traditionally, Neighborhood Day is held in
conjunction with the City's neighborhood event. However, as the new FBO building will be
Airpark Advisory 2006-02-01
under construction, safety issues need to be considered this year. Staff has proposed to
schedule Neighborhood Day in June this year.
It was recommended that construction of the new building and demolition of the current
structure be expedited for completion for a May Neighborhood Day, as June is too hot and the
Airpark lacks shade. Ms. Cooper expressed concern about liability related to onsite
construction debris.
Member Roper moved to defer setting a date for Neighborhood Day until after receipt of
an updated construction schedule from the FBO and the City. The motion was duly seconded
and carried unanimously.
Mr. Wills said the City would be responsible for setting the date for Neighborhood Day
according to construction schedules. It was remarked that the date will have to be set soon to
coordinate activities.
Mr. Morris also suggested changing the Airpark's name to the Clearwater Community
Airpark and is awaiting a response from the City Clerk regarding the process. Discussion
ensued with a recommendation that staff obtain citizen and Airpark tenant input prior to
submitting the recommendation to the City Council, and support expressed for the names,
"Clearwater Community Airpark" and "Clearwater Community Airport." Discussion ensued
regarding the terms airpark and airport with a recommendation that the name include "airport,"
as long as staff notifies the community that the facility's use would not change.
One person spoke in support of changing the date of Neighborhood Day, as
neighborhoods hold block parties at the same time.
Member Roper moved to recommend to the City Council, with the input of tenants, that
the Airpark's name be changed to Clearwater Community Airport. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
One person spoke regarding informing the neighborhood of the proposed Airpark name
change. Mr. Morris requested results of neighborhood input by the resident by March 10, 2006.
Citizens to be Heard
Gary Beniamin requested information regarding the last increase to Airpark leases, the
percentage of increase, the budget for last year and next year, and capital, investment,and
income-producing figures in this year's budget.
Ms. Cooper reported all tenants were notified of the 4.3% CPt increase that went into
effect on January 1, 2006. Mr. Wills said the only capital improvement item this year is $10,000
for annual maintenance of T -hangars. Staff will provide Mr. Benjamin with budget information
as requested. Board members requested the same information.
Airpark Advisory 2006-02-01
6 - Aqenda for Next Meetinq on Mav 3. 2006
7 - Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.
Board Reporter
Airpark Advisory 2006-02-01