May 4, 2005
Present: Bruce Miller
Donald "Scott" Armstrong
Tom Calhoun
Dennis Ropei'
David Spaulding
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Also Present: Bryan Ruff
William Morris
Gordon Wills
Patricia O. Suiiivan
Assistant City Attorney
Marine & Aviation Director
Airport Operations Manager
Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
2 - Approval of Minutes
Member Calhoun moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 5,
2005, as submitted in written summation to each board member. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
3 - Tenant & Lease Report from FBO
David King, FBO (Fixcd Base Operator), said no changes have occurred to the status of
leases since the previous meeting. The flight school and maintenance operations have new
owners. In response to a question, he said a checklist has been developed to gather tenant
information as directed by the City. Out of concern for medical privacy issues, the FBO will
maintain these records so they are not subject to public access.
A few tenants have hot paid their ERU (Equivalent Residentia! Unit) charges, which
were due approximately 5 months ago. Mr. King has paid the City for those costs and awaits
authority to collect the fees from those tenants. Assistant City Attorney Bryan Ruff reported the
Legal Department had opined that charging Airpark tenants for ERU charges is legal. In
response to a question, Airport Operations Manager Gordon Wills said ERU charges only apply
to impervious surfaces and reviewed the formula used to charge tenants. It was recommended
an explanation of the formula be forwarded to all tenants.
4 - New Business
a) Brief discussion on Open House
Marine & Aviation Director Bill Morris reported this year's smaller turnout for the Airpark
Open House provided an intimate atmosphere and provided all interested participants access to
Airpark Advisory 2005-05-04
the airplanes. He thanked the FBO for providing helicopter rides. The event provided an
opportunity to answer City Council and administration concerns regarding newspaper reported
issues. Attendees seemed to greatly enjoy themselves.
b) Feedback from meeting with pilots
Mr. Wills reported the pilots' meeting had a large turnout. Discussions related to
concerns, questions, and recommendations. The Airpark has implemented some pilot ideas by
removing old tires and repl;\cing55-gallon drums with plastic trash cans. He recommended
meetings be scheduled twice a year.
Consensus was for the AAB (Airpark Advisory Board) to provide representation to the
next pilots' meeting.
Discussion ensued regarding the flight pattern. Mr. Morris said FDOT (Florida
Department of Transportation) had determined the current flight pattern is best to meet the
airpark's goal of being neighborhood friendly. Comments were made that meetings provide a
good opportunity to provide pilots with feedback and share ideas. It was recommended that
airpark pilots be told to tighten their flight patterns and avoid St. Petersburg/Clearwater Airport
5 - Other Business
Neighborhood Meeting
Mr. Morris reported an unofficial meeting with the Grovewobd Subdivision has been
scheduled for May 7,2005, at the East Library to report on changes implemented since a
recent crash. Approximately 75% of Airpark flights are associated with the flight school.
Recreational flights by tenants approximate 11 % of Airpark operations. One resident was
pleased that safety issues are being addressed.
Discussion ensued regarding Citation jet aircraft. Mr. Morris said the City does not
encourage this type of aircraft to fly into the Airpark and closely monitors their use. The City
cannot deny airpark access to these aircraft if they meet all required parameters.
Citizens to be Heard
Gary Beniamin expressed concern the Airpark cannot realize its financial potential
without expansion to the north triangle and concluded he will not support the airpark unless it
makes money.
Chris Fiore expressed concern newspaper articles regarding the Airpark are biased and
recommended City staff write good stories about the Airpark and that a master plan committee
be formed to address hangar construction.
Airpark Advisory 2005-05-04
Jim Hess recommendod the northern triangle be developed with Airpark uses before the
master plan is updated.
Ellen Hess expressed concern regarding early access to meeting minutes and her
forwarding of information to the board.
Economic Impact Study
Member Roper moved to recommend the City update its E<;onomic Impact Study. The
motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Mr. Morris reported FDOT funds may be available in late summer for a master plan
update with input from neighbors and pilots.
Special Meetings
It was reported that any member can contact Mr. Morris and iequest that a special
meeting be scheduled, if approved by the Chair.
6- Aqenda for next meetinq .:... August 3, 2005
7 - Adiournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:09 p.m.
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Chair, Airpark Advisory Board
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Board Reporter
Airpark Advisory 2005-05-04