March 27, 2006
Steve Swanberg
Allen Weatherilt
Ron Whitcomb
Sarah Wiand
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Also Present:
Kevin Dunbar
Bill Morris
Marsha Beall
Director, Parks and Recreation Dept.
Director, Marine & Aviation Dept.
Staff Assistant
Jim Appelt
Tom Fletcher
Jonathan Wade, Sr.
Vice Chair
Board Member
Mr. Swanberg called the meeting to order at 6:35p.m. at the Long Center.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that
ITEM #2 - Speaker: Marine & Aviation Director Bill Morris-
. Mr. Morris distributed a copy of the Downtown Boat Slips Recommended Concept Plan. The plan was
resurrected from a 2003 package for a downtown referendum that did not pass. The initial conceptual design
provides: 1) upwards of 149 slips; 2) a mix of slips reflecting a market survey, to include permanent, short-
term; and day slips, and ferry and water taxi access; 3) mooring for 25-foot to 70-foot vessels; 4) utilities to
each slip; 5) wave attenuation for safe harborage; 6) revamping Coachman Park. Since then, this plan has been
modified to propose 138 boat slips of varying lengths jetting out from the old Clearwater Memorial Causeway
bridge, which will be rebuilt as a promenade. The new plan goes to a November 2006 referendum, and will
exclude Coachman Park.
Based on a citizen survey, the most pressing issue on the table at this point is a need for downtown boat slips.
The Marine Department currently has 210 boat slips. About 60% of renters are nonresidents. Historically,
they maintained a large waiting list of citizens requesting boat slips. It is estimated that only flve people on
that list will get an opportunity for a boat slip in a given year. City Council recently authorized the Marine
Department to over time begin doubling the rates to nonresident and require deposits to hold future
opportunities for a slip. Priority is to be supportive to Clearwater citizens.
Ms. Wiand asked if the new proposal included commercial usage. Mr. Morris envisioned it to allow for only
excursion vessels and 2-3 drop off/pickup slips. All of these proposals will be decided through voter support
and future referendums. Mr. Swanberg asked about entertaining temporary slips for event patrons. Mr. Morris
stated Mayor Hibbard requested additional slips be made available for that purpose.
Parks & Recreation 2006-3-27
Another proposed project is to produce a multi-site feasibility study to analyze potential locations for the
development of a high and dry marina/off site boat storage, or a combination thereof to support boat storage
and access. Potential location being studied are: 1) Seminole launch ramp; 2) Jack Russell Stadium; and 3)
Stevenson Creek. Studies are being conducted to consider the impact on local communities, environment, and
utilities. A partnership to create storage facilities and concierge service is also being considered as an added
service to boaters.
Ms. Wiand inquired as to plans for boat slips at the cove on the old yacht basin on Clearwater beach. Mr.
Morris explained that currently there are 57 boat slips on that property. Of that, the City has only one slip.
Condominium developers and the City of Clearwater have shown interest in use of those slips. The City would
like to acquire 19 of 57 slips for purpose of providing free public access to the beach. No water, power, or
sewer service will be available at the public docks, as they will be day-use slips only. Condominium developers
would like to use the slips as an additional amenity to their residents. Ms. Wiand expressed concerns that the
developer shall have exclusive use of the slips for the life of the facility. To remedy that, the City would
require the developer to sign an agreement for a five-year lease with renewable terms every five years up to a
maximum of thirty years. The City Charter has a recapture clause where City Council has the authority to
reclaim the property for a greater municipal service. Ms. Wiand concern is where things sit right now. Mr.
Morris continues to pursue various elements to find a reasonable balance between all parties.
ITEM #3 - Approval of Minutes of Parks and Recreation Board Meeting of February 27.2006 - Mr. Whitcomb
moved to approve the minutes as submitted to members. The motion was duly seconded and carried.
ITEM #4 - Old Business -
a) Capital Projects Update - Mr. Dunbar explained the Capital Improvement Projects report and reviewed
updates on the following projects:
· Tennis & Basketball Court''Resurfacing - completed the resurfacing of the court and curb line at
McMullen Tennis Complex; completed enhanced resurfacing process on the tennis courts at CBRC.
Mr. Whitcomb personally thanked Mr. Dunbar and the City for completing the work at McMullen
Tennis Complex prior to the Ladies Pro Tournament.
· Ross Norton Pool Renovations - Aquatic renovations are well on the way and scheduled to be
completed the on or about April 17 . Work includes: pool resurfacing, pool decking, aqua and other
play equipment, and shade canopies. Anticipate startup of pool is April 15, with pool opening on May
· Long Center - Pool renovations bids are out and Council should award in April. Plans are to close the
pools from May-October 2006 for pool resurfacing, relighting, and painting the superstructure. During
that time, the swim teams will move to either Morningside Recreation Complex or Ross Norton
Aquatic Complex. The summer camp use of the pool will be reassigned to other locations.
· Recreation Trail - Mandalay Bridge: Waiting for approval from FDOT for the redesign of the
Mandalay Bridge. Druid Road Trail: at 90% completion. Funding is in place to finish construction on
section of trail from Glen Oaks to Pinellas Trail; and the section between Pinellas Trial to the
Memorial Bridge. Ms. Wiand asked about the decision to have the bridge accessible to fire trucks and
buses. Mr. Dunbar stated that it is not a consideration in the proposed designs for this bridge.
· Long Center Sunshine Limitless Playground - Finalizing construction documents. Construction to
begin in 30 days. $200,000 in FRDAP grant proceeds will assist in funding. The old playground will
be taken down and replaced with the new Limitless Playground. East-West Trail will be extended to
Belcher Road.
b) Upcoming Recreation Events - The Clearwater Parks & Recreation Calendar was distributed to members.
Mr. Dunbar mentioned the annual Fun & Sun Festival from April 21-May 7. For tickets, please contact Mr.
c) 2006 Meeting Calendar - Mr. Dunbar tabled discussions until the May meeting.
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ITEM #5 - New Business - Mr. Dunbar announced plans are forthcoming for an official dedication ceremony
for the new artwork at Ross Norton Recreation Complex. Members are encouraged to attend.
Morningside Recreation Center - Wednesday, April 7 at 7:30pm, Mr. Dunbar will meet with the Morningside
Homeowners Association to discuss future plans to redesign the existing Morningside Recreation Complex.
Mr. Dunbar will touch on the status of the schematic design process to get an idea of what elements could go in
the Center and the cost of construction to see if it fits in the budget. If it does not, the City will pursue
opportunities to increase the available amount of funds to complete the on-site improvements oer reduce the
scope of the project to meet budget. October 2006, the City will begin the construction document design of the
Center. The City has already committed to keeping the pool; other items remain open to discussion.
Mr. Dunbar advised member Mr. Al Carrier, Assistant Engineer, Environmental & Stormwater Division will be
invited to speak at the May 2006 Parks & Recreation meeting regarding stormwater projects in the works at
Glen Oaks and Kapok Park.
ITEM #6 - Adjournment - Members adjourned at 8:30p.m.
The next meeting will be held April 24 at Long Center to tour the East/West Trail.
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