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HL GSS ASA55 1 r i1ums�u:Ml
E flu ba,over , C;ui�ru°u int Pilre',Nafl a u. llm llp�,;uulr��u�.11 wuo
1. "Jetwork llrwtr u1au es
ki Rs:: u't:l 11 J!"
VIII, Fr'uuwlI.0 i id aw"u
Iv. �'lelt'wavor k llra RsWlion
w "fir PN MP 40bgs
aNV. Document
g Ounull a re :U.ASA5512 lunurivwure:'ulHs to rnatcl1w ciuunr,in t I(lre wraHs �LUUUwIuI„�GUU ':'lu:uln�
h. EnMde Sauumewe In lm auuqmuruM mwrrlm'°.q
I., 0 rIlll;t,,;P 0.'P tr,V new ASS l Ihrtl'.rwa,,,
j. 1reu,foirdww lb;ulliu'ul
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1. hnst uUlalk:uur A Threw aIB
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1. l<<la;wne at INA Mw'•:'u
�. �IL. �a'ur"v°wrwV�.ul �II"ilu�ri�_ ,rr'r�d lradw9.�u�u�lu?u
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m uder , aRrr.,e rriu ual. E)G!C l,U[)llI4G#1 r(,gmulur.l4ng ltic,w i inideM tial 1110CARTMI34S,
l l.w udwn�°urn.^r uroarunwR ;a,TI ��`�. spye 2 of,Z
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Myew wwrnnlber 17, 2014 a,;P'l1ty(,)f(-1 w:anm w pater AAA Iillrwrvv aPP PrnsP aPPw.ny'ion y�P)Pry. +,r
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P. The Clyyw of Chmmmter Pnm aging Poo emwaH and P.PRL gPIIMW wwjdpnnnemnt P Ilea se w,b�nnure�r do riot waLJ[')lPw;:a I ffiw,? atlest,
11`ururawrwa;n and nneca uty^n,apaWuw s of Next Gennemlf.uwaon V nnaw.ww alts PMF~'rJI N MM nunw uea,nkig c"mmbelir Hrireats the
Mwmw vwu:rauld Uk e to Prmpl mmmerH w NGFVV that cain a,or nynnuo(,'r PPS,Anti 10,flware Plirotaaa,yPoi n, «;wunaP R.yF'U.PuIIPer'Prng Ihtm
P:Pwte n.y aoPreikmi is P::'P a Witesy P'yGP VV w::aPwn9.uPPPt4y that is u6eVumuan°a d Oa Ow ASA with V=oua°aIPO "IER Smr ow
PP°% MR and IL,PIhnaQ ww Uh yllra,""IGP..IT Pw Vmlln Mmnu^it The^50iUtJ0fl AlHi COVEN,.3 rmuwewPrn sights MSF?bA,CP-°IE), and(:,Ss,
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IR, PPhccwerr Clurlrmury P'ur'ewwtiwall w';uPJia:wrn�
i, Pletwwmaur Vrwikw�,irfa es
H. Routing
in PRdUrrcian(y
uv tdletvior ll° dynPrDrm,s TrmnwwPanyllci n
wr'.. yw"PN w!aw;w.P:'P:oa!°ngs..
vL Document
AS A5525 tl nrnmak, Pn 11110M 4 , rM P w I
w;. L nmuP',l ywmur'cefir"e in PraVnnwp auuwrny rn`m1l)(J
d. Install P r wP e ummm;uyyu.aunuw.A an City an8 y urw�uulrwwa„abv:it prwawwPn:Il4wd V)PauP'fitmru
a^. m.uyc:na wr u P rn m"nwn yr yP"PA Q h ewwwaP k
P', perfnam°Irnu PesflnnPW'P;
I 01D ASA5515 WO
. Drl,w»cover n'IA,urreinPP-'hewaVVw,rsnofogw-,ryilu:uir
II P. P"n„7n,nP;Pmn
lPil. PPaww:Pa,md nrx:y
Pw,wn WWI y”d r ss .yrorns1 wP:Pon
v. lJPN ,;ey'yarngs
A. Document
bu n u.uanPliyyu.ume 2 ASASS15 Mrwwwmn•;aik to rn°nwuh+ kn current firirw aPPm coinfi a„Ilra to n
P rr aPww e rourcel[uue ni mode
d w auu;~'0VC9 Ilan nranmw ASA
once. Pe Pu':ur'mrn lll�sfi ng
C'uu,lto nuawr initwwrl I r, Imp e of Z
Terms and Conditions.
f. Together r with signed 'Statement nt Of 'Work "'(;SOW) arid executed ch am e orders these terms and
c,oarrodrtacon s fonrrn,n the complete A r"n?ac rn ra"t, no other v erb�al or written ameN"kcd$"CY£",nt is binding. Where a"%
50W or Change Order(s)conflict vvatlh standard 't rirnns and conditions the rdu"d''ar3/ or Change Order(s) porr°,vraaih,
Wheire a°a SOW and Change Order coarnfhnct:the Change C)rder prevails,
id. For hourly bhlllecd engaagerrw.nts a ad-hit.auur rrniirrdnrnrurrn per ochry a+ M apply for eaun.h requested ounnsitua visit. Frx. rh fee om aagr'"r'r e nisa exclude aana4p services not sp eclficadty u'docuurrnosraterµd in the SOW, rtcn it"yapulre d .service
or eruve d tasks are uraa.huu eod. ""fhoa claustorrncar, agrees that ali work not specfficaHy prnc,llt.urde d is excluded
froror°nn all fixed fee rar rrnot to ceec d prices quoted,
4, trrvoarces are due upon renal t,
5, tdpararn cowrnpahantio n of the odefivoaraables described d dra the (OW), t ante nsyrs, inn, shah provide the Customer
with as Project Corn pletroarr Noutint (PC N), rh e c ustoarn,arsr M11 sign the Pt N either accepting or rejecting
o'dcahuver-anbloss within five (5) b usrrness days, The cu.ast run r wrvhll provide written a drasr.rrauanrataOor,n on the
yuuaatif1icaatloorn of the rrf ectoc:.nnrvn in the d,CN, If the ha'CN is not retUrrne d tlhnoa services will be rdeern"noacd acceptable
aancf complete. hxtrsrrsy's,, Inc::, shall Ihave up to five (5) days to ropspoonrncwd to a"n rejection rnoutio:.o:., Parties wilt
work as rapuerativOy do resolve issues.
td. ervicoas a>Hi be performed d during rararrnaal bUSirnes, 110cuus 830arn .... >,:0parr°, Monday th'rrrarrh,h Friday,
sc°lcnadirng hohdays, No off tiou,urs (outside regular brusl n !rs,s hor ors) afire included uurnlesss rath ierwis . stated in
the OW' it services vic es pea*r forITK',^rd after daau.a nurnanss hours,,weekends, arnu"d/rrr hnrahwrd'ays will be invoiced at tiro e
and as half Unless othenivise specified crn the SOW or part of the services in fixed fee St::htfur".
7, Services requested aaau° d approved in as hear r°rnaal Change O,rd r`beyond those rdun c urn'nrarnt ed ir,u th°nub SOW H be
invoiced cd atd the ratite structure defined in the SOW, unless otherwise cdr'curnne me d in as specific dnhnaarnp;c"
fug, fsta rnsys, Item,;, is not r°raspncroraslp;alrws for rnnaar'acrfarctaurusr products (hardware/software) that odor meat p err rurn as,
advertised. Extenvy°s, inc. turnncn and effort iunvcadve d rru r erut'idyiirnp, and resolving such rnaaurnu.rfaClu.urer
hardware and/or software bugs is outside the scope of services provided, unless this service rs the work
specific i de ntlflr?rd in the SOW or, Change Ord r. -nie rtaaainuufsart:u.arer is expected to ssrrllvra udrafeus in the
hardware and/or software they supply, Any a ardrditnrarmtianl effort rnee(Ie d by Exte nsys, Inc, to aassrst ir;n this
parroc r ss will require an execusteod change order,
t:dl. ..Trtdd k-hdd3E: Customer r'rn,any snot, without fo n,naal wirittrvrn consent by Ext rnsys, Inc.,, hire or aatt rrupat to
bore any d.ste nsys, Inc'. employee, previous fate nasys, hrna ennnpalcuyer"b, or scubo:o ntrwor for ra pe6od of two
years frcarrr the last date the o.rfiloayee or subcontractor nt;raaotoar wnuans errnpnloayeod by Extennsys, Inc, A breach rid this
not to hire clause will UIUSe f.xtensys, inc. irrcupaaraabhe haarrrn, and as such the cuus'tc:arner° agrees to pay
pnctcarn,sys, drnc, ao rrnurniranuurnn finder's 'fee of $100,000. Payment of the f"3d.tttd,tdfdt,h fee by td,.nor crustooun°ova„ to
Extensys, hone, shaald meat be considered the sole rerrne dy aaavaHaablle to Extensy°s" true. Custoai`ners w HI have
tw army (20) hucrsrrness days to effect as Gourds 'f r a accsideiritaat breaacd'n of this n_@auuse, such cure vViill be
cc, patanbhe to dpsrt rrsys, drac.
10, Any OW rs slaeciftcanhhy for the provision of services as described in the OW by E to n ys, Inc. to the
customer arid as such includes no hardware, software, licenses, or manrnternaarnce services (product
support) or rrnliscoellarwouas c:osraap o norms of any kinird.
11. Irnv noes past rdUe are subject to as late payment fee or� 00 and d...S'% (our m;;a ii nturn permitted by haw)
irrtci oast charge per month on the outstanding k°aanhaarnce, AH costs incurred in the collection of past cdt,,ie
invoices will be added ton the outstandirig balance arnud w rlh be suubp ct for compounding hraeres°t charges,
k tto"rasys, Iric,� 253 Pine Ave North, Building B Ol dsrnnar, h�t_34677 +1 813,85S.3909 Q aad,caaa"rrraWyv�lir°ic:.c:carw�a
1110 B ricyell Ave. -.Smite 4 30 Miami, FL 3,3 d 33. n"1305 t07,8800
Exteniv� l
rhe Agreement (terms ancl conditions, SOW, and Change Orders) shaH be interpreted and coristrUed
accordiing to, and governed by,the Ilaawars of state of Florida; excluding any such laws that rnight diriect the
apphcation of the laws of another jurisdiction. The courts Vocated in Pir)ellaS CC)Ljnty shall have Jurisdiction
to fn ar any cfispute Linder this Agreement,
11 In the event of an dispute relating to this Agreement, the parties agree to exercise th6r best efforts to
resolve the dispu,ute as soon as possibie, The parties shafl, without d6ay, continue to per-forrn their
respecliwa obkgations according the Agreement provided the dispute is not related to unplaid rnvoices,
14,. Arbitration, Any controversies w disputes rc-0atiing to the execudon of services described in 0,w SOW shaH
be resolved by binfflrig arbitration in accordainire with the then CUrrent! Corr mercial Arb tratiion RWes of
the Ainierican Arbitration Associadorn, Me pbairties shaH endeavor to select a niutimlly acc,eptable
arbitiratror knowledgeable abOUt iSSUes r6ating to the subject rnatter of this Agreernent. II n 0he event the
parties are unable to agrele to such as s0ection, each par,ty wHI soled, an arbitrator and the arbitrators in
turn shall s0ect as third airbitrator, Phe arbiU,atiari shaH take place in Pinellas County, or otherwise
rnUtUally agreed upon by the parties.All documents, rnaterialls, and inforniation in the possession of each
party that are in ainy way r0evant to the dlaim(s) or dlspute(s) sh0 be rnade avaflable to tl"ie other party
for review and copying no later than U,dme period] after the notice of arbitraflon is served. he
arbitrator(s) shall not have the authority, powev, or dght to afteir, charige, arne�n<:I, rniodify, add, oir
subtract frorn any provisior, of this Agreernent or to awarcl PUnitive damages, -rtie arbitrator shall have
the power to issue rnandatory orders and restraining ordeirs in connection with the arbitratioru "i"he
award rendeirecl by the arbitrator shafll be firrial ancl binding on the 1,,)artles, and judga c,!nt may be entered
thereon in any court having jUrisdiction. fl',w agreeinc,,,nt to arbitration shall be sl,)ecffically enforceable
under pr'evaMng ar[)itratian haw. During the continuance d.�)f any arbitiratilon proceeding, dhe parties shaH
condinue to perforrn their respective obligaUons under this Agreeirrient.
15. Neither party shall be hable for any fakire or, delay in perforniance under the Agreement (other than for
delay in the payr-nent of money due and payable hereunder) to Che extent said failures or delays arta
proximately cw sed (1) by cai,,uses beyond thal party's reasonable control and occurring without its Wflt 011'
negligence, including, wil:hCUt hinitation, failur'e of suppbers, suboontiractors, and carriers, or party, to
substantially nwet its performance obIligaLions under, this, Agreernent, 1provided that, as as condition to ghee
cUrn of no liability, the party experiencing the diffi •,ally shaH give the other prompt written notice, Mth
full details following the OCCUrrenice of the cw,,ise relied upon, Dates by which perforinance obligations
are scheduled to be rnet wffl be extended for as period of trine equal to the tjrne lost due to any d0ay so
POSSIMLIT"Y OF SUCH DAMAGES, CUMMER agrees that they share in any errors of rnisunderstandling
t�hat may arise and therefore p no event shah Extensys, finc.'s, LiabHiity exceed fees paid by the customer
serviccr^s rendered or dehvered under the SOW.
17, p1,ie Agreemerit (Terrns and 9 ondi0ons, SO'Ws and Change Orders) are co of docurnents between
Extensys, lnc, and custorner, ctistorner therefor agrees to safeguard sud') documents frorn all exterinal
Extensy,, lnc,l 253 Pine Ave North, BuHdirg B Udsmar, FL,34677 +1813-855,3909 l vvww,er+d�N�erusysicic,c()frr I
1110 litrickeil Ave, - SiMe 430 Miami, FL-31,3131 C t 1305.30 7.8800
Invoking Pmceduires:
L Customer Mil be invoiced bi_weeMy for 1he consulting servicles and expenses,,
2 Custorner Mi be invoiced add costs associated wrth out of-pocket expenses (indUding,witNmt hrritation,
co sts and expenses associated Mth rneads, Ilraad ging, Ilocad transp:)rtatiort and any other appficable
business expenses) listed on the invoice as a sepairaLe line item kjn�ess otherwise stated fi'i the SOW,
I ReimbUrSeMent for o ut-of- r'ack r.t expenses, whein authorized and up to any limits set forth iri the SOW,
shaH be. in accordancie with custorr'ier's published policies governing travO and ass(xiated bUSirleSS
experrse , which inforrnatiora sl'naH be provided by the custolrier,
4 Exterasys, Mc, slwiffl provicle itn Ustomer with SUfflcent detaHs upon request to support its invoices,
unclu ding time sheets for services perforrned and expense receipts and justifications for authorized
expenses, unless otherw se agreed t(,') by the, pairties,
Custolimer ResponsibiRdes:
L CL,Istornaie�, to provide dedicated staff rnerribers and cor'Aact kfformation for each departrneint, and/or
localtion involved iri the project.
2, Custom er wiH create ari)d interrrall change,recard, advise inteirrinaI staff of potential impact to any systerris
as needed, and ensurre IExtensyd,, hic. is provided an appropriate change window to execute documented
3. Custorner is respansUe for ensuring nonnad activities such as backups arid any steps neeided to protect
data or coinfiguration Ues are executed prior Io Extensys, hnc. servicc,,s unless otherwise stated in the
✓ , CUstorner to provide access to all per dnent areas and systerns as needed to, perform the work, both
physical and virtuat, Extensys, drml, user accomits dtll be estabihshed in advance when possNe to avoid
delays in service delivery,
5, 0 storner to provide wadi exMirig pertinent. drawings, configurations, poficies and doicumentadoru as
6. Provide an asset list detailing age of equipment arid yearly rnaintenance cost
T fin16ly feedback and participation
Extensys, Inc,1 253 Nnie Ave North, BLAIding B Oldsmar, Fir 34677 rI 8118SS,3909 p wwmexterisysincxorri
1 110 BrickeH Ave, -Suite 430 p Kzmfl,FL 331,31 1 305307.8800