12/20/2006 \-c .~ ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES CITY OF CLEARWATER . December 20, 2006 Present D. Michael Flanery Sandra Jamieson Ron Gregory Joseph Calio Nelda Gant Leslie Dougall Sides Michael D. Quillen D. Scott Rice Ed Chesney Morris, William D David Gildersleeve Veronica Josef Also Present Chair Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Asst. City Attorney Engineering Director Assistant Director Eng.lStormwater/Env. Environmental Manager Director of Marine & Aviation Wade Trim Senior Staff Assistant To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. The Chair Mike Flanery called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. at City Hall. 1. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES. OCTOBER 18. 2006 . The Minutes of November 15, 2006 was approved as submitted in written summation to each board member. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS . None. 3. BOAT SLIP - Presentation was provided by David Gildersleeve of Wade Trim followed by EAB questions and answers, highlighting the following: - Water quality sampling and Topographic Survey Most of the new substantial marinas have floating concrete dock systems Project will not have individual sewer lines but will have a centralized pump out facility for the 129 slips. - Wade Trim is also developing the promenade design _ The concrete piling system will not impact the land underneath as the floating docks move with the tide. The larger boats will be closer to the channel and the smaller boats will be closer to the sea wall. Sea Grass is well protected and will have no impacts with the construction of the Boat Slip project. PERMITS . David Gildersleeve - FDEP permit application was submitted in May and subsequently withdrawn as the referendum moved from November 2006 to March 2007. Will resume permitting once the referendum passes in March 2007. Environmental Advisory 2006.12.20 1 ,~.~. '- . . . SEWAGE PUMP OUT William Morris - There is only one central sewage pump out location for general use. Grant money was available under the "Clean Water Act" to get a sewage pump out boat. Pump out boat is available to the entire Clearwater community on the water. The pump out boat will service the beach marina as well as the boat slip project. Whether the Downtown Boat Slip project passes or not, the high & dry storage project will move ahead and will seek funding at a later date. David Gildersleeve - Worked on a plan for high & dry, evaluating two or three sites with Bill Morris and hope of getting about 300 high and dry storage spaces for smaller boats. Member Ron Greaorv - Was satisfied with Wade Trim's presentation and information provided on water quality, but questioned the proximity of the slips to the intercoastal water way. David Gildersleeve - The current set back from the intracoastal centerline is 103 feet. Do not have the full permit process in the works. Preliminary work is done. e.g. City of Jacksonville set back is 65 feet. for their commercial boat traffic through the intercostal water way. Hillsborough River set back is 32 feet. The Environmental Board Members stated that the downtown re-development and the waterfront are linked and is economically and environmentally a sound investment in the City's funding, which is well planned and Member Ron Gregory asked the board to consider a motion. Environmental Advisory Board "made a motion to support the Downtown Boat Slip project and the vote was unanimous. The Environmental Advisory Board will send their recommendation of support to the City Council. 5. EAB Stormwater Rate Discussion Member Ron Greaorv.- Inquired on how projects are evaluated, purpose of the project, what elements do they include and requested a map, and a brief description of what areas the projects serve and planned projects that relate to the budget. Member Ron Gregory also stated that from an environmental stand point, more money should be spent on stormwater projects and what criteria is used to rate their effectiveness. Ed Chesney - The map is in production and will have ready before the next EAB meeting. 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS Discussions took place on the list of projects that was distributed to the Board Members on the existing, completed and future projects and also inquired on funding, how city dollars match the other available dollars. Ed Chesney - i. ii. iii. Beach Walk is in progress Stormwater Pipe Improvement projects are on going improvements to existing facilities. Town lake/Prospect lake was built downtown as a regional water quality pond. Redevelopment projects runoff are going through Town lake. Water Quality monitoring is done by the City. Stevenson Creek Estuary Restoration is more of an environmental project rather than just water quality or flood protection. Army Corp of Engineers have it on hold. Glen Oaks project just opened, completion of the Glen Oaks project enables us to start working on the small projects like the lake Bellevue and Turner Street stormwater project. iv. v. Environmental Advisory 2006.12.20 2 .... ....., Mike Quiflen - On the Stevenson Creek Estuary Restoration the Army Corps of Engineers are paying 65 % we will pay 35 % from the 5.8 million dollars assuming we get the funding from the Army Corrp of Engineers which is not a guarantee. FUNDING - EXISTING I COMPLETED & FUTURE PROJECTS . Mike Quillen $ 972,000 will be spent on water quality improvement projects within the city and has a consent order from the FDEP. Alliaator Lake is a water quality project with some created wetlands. Alliaator Creek is a channel improvement project, with 4 million dollars of improvement at this time. Kapok proiect is complete, now doing water quality sampling, the completion of this project has allowed the other Alligator Creek drainage improvements to move forward. Myrtle Ave is nearly complete, this is the outfall from Prospect Lake. Stevenson Creek Improvements project, Turner Street project and a tie in with Lake Bellevue. 6.9 million dollars for Stevenson creek which has 3 different projects along Stevenson creek. Lake Bellevue is part of Stevenson Creek. Construction starts 2007. Coopers Point water quality. The City is in charge of maintenance. Storm System Expansion project is set aside for property purchases, if we need to purchase property to construct a pond. Transfer Yard - This is a Public Services complex area where the City stores materials. FDEP determined that we do not have enough containment for the type of materials we store. Ed Chesney . FUTURE PROJECTS Ed Chesney - Channel Improvements - A Master plan is complete for each major water shed. There are many areas in the basin that are considered future projects. The water management district has conceptual permits for the basin plans. . Mike Quillen - Most of the money is spent on Channel Improvements for water quality, flood control and also set up money targeting future erosion projects. - Coastal water - Clearwater beach has a lot of flooding issues and have been doing a lot of work, capacity improvement to reduce flooding. Storm sewer system has been upgraded. Member Ron Greaorv stated that from an environmental standpoint money should be spent on stormwater and water quality projects and should not be used for recreational items, as the City rates are very high. Member Joseph Calio inquired if it was appropriate for the EAB to get so deeply involved in the fees charged for stormwater. Member Sandra Jamieson - It is our goal to look into issues relating to funding on an environmental impact or are we meeting the needs of the community in terms of how they impact the environment rather than how we fund it. More education needs to be done for the public on the impact the particular project has on water quality and to prevent flooding. Member Sandra Jamieson suggested that the board revise the EAB Policy Manual and have Leslie Dougall Sides-Asst. City Attorney to advise the board on the issues that we are legally constrained by. Environmental Advisory 2006.12.20 3 ,.- . . . 6. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS None 7. ESTABLISH AGENDA Review EAB Policy Manual 8. DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was discussed and agreed by the Board that the next meeting will be a Work Session. 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 pm. v u () ,\./c- -;J; r;;; 1- Veronica Josef Senior Staff Assistant Environmental Advisory 2006.12.20 ""'~-- c/ Chair Environmental Advisory Boar '4/'~~/O 7 Date: ..::J/ ~'/' I 3}~t!07 4