09/21/2005 . . . ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD (EAB) CITY OF CLEARWATER September 21,2005 (Wednesday) PRESENT Mike Flanery Norma Carlough Judy McSwine Sandra Jamieson Chair Vice Chair Board Member Board Member ALSO PRESENT AI Carrier Asst. Director of Engineering/ESM Mr. Richard Albee Land Resource Specialist, Planning City of Clearwater Veronica Josef Staff Assistant Leslie Dougall-Sides Asst. City Attorney Mr. Lou Badami Water Superintendant-Public Utilities To provide continuity for research, items are in the agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. ABSENT Unless otherwise noted, no action was taken regarding items. ADMINISTRATION Chair Flanery called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm in the Council Chamber, City Hall. ITEM # 1- Review Minutes of Julv 20 & Auaust 17. 2005 Minutes of July 20, 2005 & August 17, 2005 were unanimously approved by all the Board Members. Item # 2 - Citizens Comments None REPORTS Item # 3 None 10f4 S:\ESMlAdministrativeltemslBoardslEAB Minutes2005 . . . Item # 4 - Community Development Vice Chair Carlough reported that in a recent Work Session Meeting, suggestions were being made to combine the Beautification Board with the Art Program in Clearwater. The Beautification Board feels that they have no important projects to review and they are now down to 3 members which is not have enough for a quorum. Therefore Vice Chair Carlough inquired if Margo Walbolt - Cultural Affairs Manager with Parks & Rec. could give a talk at the next Environmental Advisory Board Meeting, as art impacts on Environment and that the Environmental Advisory Board should have some input into this. Item # 5 - Commission Liaison None Item # 6 - Public Works Environmental Proiects Member McSwine reported that she had spoken to Elliot Shoberg on : -- Glen Oaks Project , which is still under construction and is moving along. Construction is 30% complete. Stevenson Creek-Estuary Project- the core of engineers moved their time line for construction to February 6, 2006. -- DISCUSSION ITEMS Item # 7 - Create a Healthv Environment None Item # 8 - Role of the Environmental Advisory Board Vice Chair Carlough reported that in 1994 Environmental Advisory was created as a committee with 10 members which was dissolved and became a board. In 1995 to 7 members, in 1997 to 5 member and now the EAB is down to 4 members. Mr. AI Carrier reported that there was one person who was interested in applying for the Environmental Advisory Board, but he is currently serving the CRB (Community Relations Board) Member McSwine stated that she will get in touch with someone who was interested in becoming a member of the EAB. Vice Chair Carlough also reported that lots of environmental issues were brought forward in a recent Council meeting but none were brought before the Environmental Advisory Board. The mission statement the following is stated : " The Environmental Advisory Board is to provide citizens insight to the city commission council and to the city staff on environmental activities within and affecting the city." " Citizens are encouraged to attend the Environmental Advisory Board Meeting and present environmental items not otherwise on the agenda and as the duty of an Environmental Board is to advise or give an opinion to recommend as a course of action consulting to discuss environmental issues as the city says." 20f4 S:\ESM/AdministrativeltemslBoardslEAB Minutes2005 . Member Jamieson motioned that "we make a recommendation to the city council and to the city staff that they remind the citizens that they have a form to which they can bring their environmental issues to the Environmental Advisory Board and citizens to be encouraged to attend the Environmental Advisory Board Meetings." The motion was seconded by Chair Flanery, Vice Chair Carlough and Member McSwine. Mr. AI Carrier suggested that the board attend council meetings on Thursday nights where they have citizens to be heard and items not on the agenda, introduce Councilman Jonson as the liaison for the EAB to the council and present our goal to the city. This will help make people aware of the EAB board. Item # 9 Mr. AI Carrier introduced Mr. Richard Albee - Land Resource Specialist, City of Clearwater, who is also on the DRC (Development Review Committee) & BPRC (Building Plan Review Committee) - whose primary function is on Tree Preservation on construction sites. Mr. Richard Albee gave a brief talk on Tree Protective Ordinance which basically consists of : ~ Plan Review - assessing trees on the site before any design starts. Give engineers useful information to assist in design. Review plans and make sure that the plans are actually preserving the trees. . ~ Design Reviewing - to ensure that the trees will survive that construction impact. Regulate the Landscape Ordinance. Mr. Richard Albee also created a Landscape Pre-Inspection program, after the plan was approved to make sure that plant and materials are still alive and healthy. INFORMATION ITEM Vice Chair Carlough stated that she is currently on CAC (Citizens Advisory Committee) for the review of the city's comprehensive plan that covers land usage, transportation, housing, coastal marine.etc. and therefore suggested that the board members take pictures of places that needs to be discussed at the Environmental Advisory Board Meetings for the city. Member Jamieson inquired if Mr. AI Carrier could get a list of the various fees that are charged for review and make a recommendation for it has come to our attention that there is no longer a horticulture staff person, who reviews landscaping that has been planted as a result of development. The city would be better served to have a professional who understands the impact and it is our recommendation as a board to look into increasing fees to pay for additional city staff who can do this. Vice Chair Carlough reported a non-environmental issue, an article form the newspaper, that the Department of Environmental Protection has designated Safety Harbor, Municipal Marina, Largo Intercoastal Marina and the St,Petersburg Municipal Marine as clean marinas and nothing was stated about the Clearwater Beach Marina. 30f4 . Item # 9 - Establish Aaenda S:\ESWAdministrativeltemslBoardslEAB Minutes2005 . . . Landscaping in new developments in the City Recommendations on having a Horticultural in monitoring the environment - McSwine - Jamieson Item # 10 - Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm. The next EAB meeting will be in November 16,2005. Chair / Vice Chair Environmental Advisory Board Attest : t5C>>-rcl~l'f.LV 4of4 /d//~/06 ._.._--~_:_~---_:::_-- Date ____!R.if::.~f Date S:\ESWAdministrative/tems/Boards/EAB Minutes2005