March 4, 2004
Committee Member/Commissioner
Committee Member/Commissioner
Committee Member/Commissioner
Committee Member
John Lee
Hoyt P. Hamilton
Frank Hibbard
William C. Jonson
John Schmalzbauer
Committee Member
Committee Member
Tom Jensen
Nathan Hightower
Also Present: Joe Roseto
Stuart Kaufman
Brenda Moses
Human Resources Director
Pension Advisory Committee Attorney
Board Reporter
The Vice-Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
2. Approval of Minutes - February 12. 2004
Member Hamilton moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 12,
2004, as submitted in written summation to each board member. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
3. Employees to be Heard - None.
4. Action Items:
a. Review and Action on Employee Requests for Years of Service Pensions:
1. David Daiker, Fire
2. Charles Saporito, Fire
3. William Gillette, Fire
4. Jeffery Klamo, Parks & Recreation
5. Robert Miller, Parks & Recreation
Member Hibbard moved to approve Years of Service Pensions for David Daiker,
Charles Saporito, William Gillette, Jeffery Klamo, and Robert Miller. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
b. Review and Action on Employee Requests to Vest Pensions:
1. Dale Stoddard, Police
Member Schmalzbauer moved to approve an employee request to vest pension for Dale
Stoddard. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Pension Advisory 2004-03-04
Approval of New Hires as Plan Members:
As of February 18, 2004, the City had 1,770.93 FTEs out of 1895.4 budgeted positions.
Guillermo Lopez was originally hired as temporary; status changed to full-time and pension
eligible as of February 9, 2004. Jason Johnson was originally hired as temporary; status
changed to full-time and pension eligible as of February 9, 2004.
Member Jonson moved to accept the following employees into membership in the
Pension Plan:
Name. Job. Class. & Dept./Div.
Hire Date
Pension Elig.
Sergio Fidelis, Police Cadet/Police 1/12/04
Amy Forrest, Staff Assistant/Economic Dev & Housing 2/2/04
Tracie Black, Police Officer/Police 1/12/04
Clement Vericker, Senior Auditorllnternal Audit 2/9/04
Shaun Beasley, Recreation Specialist/Parks & Recreation 2/9/04
George Agovino, Police Cadet/Police 1/12/04
Richard Callahan, Police Officer/Police 1/12/04
Christopher Priest, Police Officer/Police 1/12/04
Guillermo Lopez, Solid Waste Worker/Solid Waste 1/26/04
Jason Johnson, Solid Waste Worker/Solid Waste 1/26/04
Shaun Beasley, Recreation Specialist/Parks & Recreation 2/7/04
Gregory Harvey, Recreation Programmer/Parks & Recreation 2/7/04
The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
5. Pendinq/New Business
a. Frank Young - Set Hearing Date for Non-job-connected Disability Pension
PAC (Pension Advisory Committee) Attorney Stuart Kaufman said the IME (Independent
Medical Examination) will not be scheduled until April due to the physician's schedule, therefore
he suggested postponing setting the hearing date until the April 8, 2004, meeting.
Member Hamilton moved to postpone setting the hearing date for the non-job-connected
disability pension for Frank Young until the April meeting. The motion was duly seconded and
carried unanimously.
b. Evers Maxie - Set Hearing Date for Non-job-connected Disability Pension
Mr. Kaufman said the IME report should be ready in time for the next meeting. Two
years ago, Mr. Maxie filed and was denied a job-connected-disability request. Those medical
records will be included as part of the information provided to the PAC.
Member Hamilton moved to schedule a hearing for the non-job-connected disability
pension request by Evers Maxie on April 8, 2004. The motion was duly seconded and carried
Pension Advisory 2004-03-04
Joseph Rinaldi - Reconsideration for Non-job-connected Disability Pension
Mr. Kaufman said Sergeant Joseph Rinaldi passed away on November 8, 2003. Prior to
death, he filed an application for a non-service connected disability. Sergeant Rinaldi's son is
requesting that the disability application be processed, as it was filed prior to his death. Mr.
Kaufman said nothing in the ordinance prohibits the PAC from processing the application and
considering a disability pension request after an applicant is deceased. The Pension Plan
requires that the participant submit to an IME prior to eligibility for a disability benefit. Prior to
death, Sergeant Rinaldi submitted the reports of two physicians along with his application. Mr.
Kaufman stated the PAC could adopt the reports as Sergeant Rinaldi's IMEs, or Sergeant
Rinaldi's medical records can be submitted to an IME physician for review to satisfy the
requirement. In response to a question, Mr. Kaufman said the medical records can be
submitted into evidence today or at the time of the hearing.
Member Schmalzbauer moved to accept the medical records of the two physicians
submitted with the application into evidence as part of the record. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
Mr. Kaufman requested the PAC also set a hearing date.
Member Schmalzbauer moved to schedule a hearing for the non-job-connected
disability pension request by Joseph Rinaldi for April 8, 2004. The motion was duly seconded
and carried unanimously.
Tania Alich - Hearing for Job-connected Disability Pension
Mr. Kaufman said Police Officer Tania Alich has applied for a job-connected disability
pension. He reviewed the eligibility criteria that the PAC must consider for a disability pension.
While on duty in February 2003, Officer Alich was involved in an incident. As a result, she
suffered some psychOlogical and physical issues. She was seen by Dr. Eric Michael Kaplan
and Dr. G. E. Vega, two IME physicians. Dr. Kaplan determined that Ms. Alich is totally
disabled from performing as a full duty police officer, but stated with appropriate treatment it is
possible that she could return to light duty work within six months. Dr. Vega indicated that
based on her physical condition, including back and neck problems, Ms. Alich cannot perform
as a police officer and is totally and permanently disabled. Mr. Kaufman reviewed the
exclusionary factors that the PAC also must consider. He explained the process for hearing the
case and noted that Ms. Alich is being represented by legal counsel.
Don Andersen, representative, said two IMEs were performed. He said the reports
indicate prolonged standing, sitting, and walking create problems for Ms. Alich. A physical
examination indicates evidence there is up to 50% loss of range of motion in the neck and up to
60% loss of range of motion in the lower back as well as a limp left leg. Dr. Vega indicates the
injuries are permanent. Mr. Andersen reviewed Ms. Alich's current medications and major
symptoms. He said her GAF (Global Ability Function) is significantly lower than the minimum
required GAF of 70 for a full duty police officer. She also possesses an inability to be around
others. The information provided also indicates that none of the exclusionary factors are
present and that the incident occurred while on the job. He said the information provided
regarding Ms. Alich's condition speaks for itself.
Pension Advisory 2004-03-04
Mr. Kaufman requested the PAC accept the information provided.
Member Hibbard moved to accept the information provided to the PAC, including IME
reports of Dr. Kaplan and Dr. Vega, and the Worker's Compensation records. The motion was
duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Human Resources Director Joe Roseto said the City feels Ms. Alich's injuries are job-
connected, that none of the exclusionary factors apply, that the applicant is totally and
permanently disabled, that the applicant is eligible for a disability pension, and the City does not
object to the disability request being granted.
It was remarked that Officer Alich is a great police officer.
Member Schmalzbauer moved to grant the request of Tania Alich for a full job-
connected disability pension based on the disability being total and permanent, with none of the
exclusionary factors being present. The motion was duly seconded.
Discussion ensued. It was remarked that doctors' handwriting as always, is poor and
difficult to read. It was felt based on the evidence provided that the conditions are present to
grant the disability request. Ms. Alich was thanked for her service and dedication to the City. It
was remarked that some of the statements in one of the IME reports appear to be contradictory.
Upon the vote being taken, the motion carried unanimously.
Director's Reports -None.
7. Committee Members to be Heard
Trustee Hibbard expressed concern that one of the physicians in Tania Alich's case
made his final diagnosis fit the City's disability policy. He would like to see the City offer a light
duty position for employees that are not totally disabled. It was remarked that State Statutes
preclude police officers and firefighters from physically performing certain duties even on light
duty status.
Mr. Roseto said the threshold for sworn and non-sworn officers differs. The challenge is
if the City wants to take police officers off the street and make clerical-type positions available
to them. Once a police officer accepts a non-sworn position, their benefits change.
Concern was expressed about the pension eligibility requirements for sworn officers who
wish to become reemployed with the City in another capacity. Mr. Kaufman said the changes to
the Pension Plan are being finalized. In addition, consideration is being given to the
interpretation of Chapters 175 and 185 of Florida Statutes, and the criteria regarding fire and
police pensioners who come back to the City with respect to whether pension benefits would be
suspended and recalculated based upon their subsequent period of employment, or whether
they should be allowed to begin vesting anew.
It was remarked there was some duplication in the information provided to the PAC
regarding Ms. Alich's case. It was remarked that sometimes portions of one doctor's reports
are inadvertently attached to another doctor's reports. Mr. Roseto said staff strives to ensure
all the pertinent information is provided to the PAC. He said materials sometimes are sent to
Pension Advisory 2004-03-04
the internal printing department for compilation and extra prints may have inadvertently been
In response to a question, Mr. Kaufman said he has not received an update from the
court regarding the Alvarez appeal for a job-connected disability pension. The PAC had denied
the request and granted Ms. Alvarez a non-job-connected disability.
Mr. Kaufman invited the PAC to attend Klausner & Kaufman's client workshop on March
28,2004, at Pier 66 in Ft. Lauderdale. The only cost to attendees would be their hotel room.
Dinner is free. Educational conferences are held Sunday afternoon and all day Monday and
Tuesday. It is a great opportunity for Trustees to discuss pension matters with other Trustees
throughout the country. Mr. Roseto requested Trustees who wish to attend the conference
should let him know as soon as possible so that he can ensure their costs are covered. In
response to a question, Mr. Kaufman said next year's conference will be in Orlando. In
response to a question, he said he would try to work in a weekend day into the schedule if
8. Adiournment
The meeting adjourned at 9: 35 a.m.
Pension Advisory Committee
\ Attest:
'ljMda) ZIrOYh
oard Reporter
Pension Advisory 2004-03-04