1043 ELDORADO AVE���4 EPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federei Em�9��Y ��9ement AgencY National Flood In�rance Program ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Important: Read the instructions on pages 1-9. SECTION A - PROPERTY lNFORAM1ATION A2. Buil�Fng Street P�ddress (nc{ucing A�•. Unit, Suite, endJor Bldg_ No.) ar P.O. Route and Baoc No. 1043 ELDORADO AVE OMB No. 1660-�08 Eupires March 31, 2012 For Insurance Company Use: Cny CCEARWATER State Fl ZIP Cade 33i67 A3, Prope�tY Descri'P�� (Ld and Block Numbers, Tax Percel Number, Legel Description, etc.) PARCEL 05-29-15-5466Cs068-0130 , LOTS 12 8� 13 BLOCK 68 , MANDALAY SUB , PLAT BOOK 014 PA�CE 032 , PINELLAS COUtSTY FLORIDA A4. 8uQc5ng Use (e.g., Residentiai, Non-ResideMial, Addition, P�cossorY, etc.) $�SIDENTIAI. A5. Latitude/Langftude: Lat. 28.0037 Long. $2.826Q Horizordel Detum: ❑ NAD 1527 � NAD 9983 R6. Attach et least Z phatographs ot the builc�n9 ��e ��� is �ing used to obtain flood inwrance. A7. Buitding Diagram Nurr�ber EIGHT ;4$. For a buil�ng with a crawlspace ar enclosure(s): A9. For e buil�ng wtth an attached garage: a) Squara toatage af aawlspece or endowre(s) � sq ft a) Square footage d at�Ched garage _1;� sq ft b) No. of permenent flaod openings in the crawls�ce or b) No. of permane�t fload apenings in the attached garage endosure(s) within 1_0 foat above a�acent grede 7� • wid�in 1.0 foat above adacent grede _0 cj Total n� erea of flood openi�s in AB.b .Z6,55 sq in c) Tdel net area of flood ap�inys in A9.b 0 sq in d) En�ne�ed flood openings? ❑ Yes � No d) En�neered flood apenings? ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 8- FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 61. NFIP Cort�nunity Name & Corrimunity Number B2. Caunty Name B3. Stete CLEARWATER CITY OF 125096 PINQLAS FLORIDA B4. Map/Penel Number B5. Sufl�c B6. FlRM Index 67. FIRM Pand BS. Fbod B9_ Base Fioad Oevatian(s) (Zone 12103C0064 G Dete Effiective/Revised Date Zone(s) AO. use bese flood deP�) OS/182U09 09/03l1�3 i!E 8� AE VE =13.0 AE =12.0 FEET 810. In�cate the source of the Base Fbod Elevation (BF� data or base fl�d depth entered in ttem B9. ❑ FIS i�afile � FIRM ❑ CommuNry Determined ❑ Other (�esc�ibe) B'l i. Indcate elcvation datum used for BFE in Item B9: ❑ NGVD 1929 BJ NAVD 1988 ❑ Other (Describe) 812. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources 9ystem (CBRS� area or Othervvise Prdected Area (OPA)? ❑ Yes � No Designation Date WA ❑ CBRS ❑ OPA SECTION C- BUILDINO ELEVATtON INFORAAATION {SURVEY REQUIREDj C1. Building elevations are 6ased on: ❑ Construction Dre`e'ln9s` � Building Under Conshrudion* ❑ Finished Constructian *A new Eleva6an Certificate wili be required when ca�strudion of the buil�ng is camdete. C2. Elevations — Zones A1-A30, AE, AH, A(with BF�. VE. V1-V30, V(with BF�, AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO. Complete Items C2.a-h below according to the building diagram specified in ttem A7_ Use the same datum as the BFE Senchmark Utilized NGS AL 0118 Verticai Datum NAVD 1988 Conversion/Comments yONE Check the measur�nent used. a? TeP aF baitom floor (�epid'ng basement, crawispace. ar enclosurc floor) S,RAW4$Z � fiezt 0 meters (Pue�to Rico onlY) b) Top of the next higher flo� $�•� ��� ❑ meters (Puerto Rica only; c) B�tom afi the laavest horiaantel strudursl member (v Zones ony) �; b'� � 1ed ❑ m�e�s (PueRo Rico only) d) Attached garege (top afi sleb) 4•37 � ieet ❑ meters (Puerto Rico only} e) Lowe� eleve6� a4 machinery w e��mant servicing the buil�ng �¢„]� � Teet ❑ meters (Puerto Rico cniy) (Describe ty� at equi�nent and locetlon in Canments) � Lrnnrest adjacent (finished) grade next to buili5ng (LAG) 4.37 ��eet ❑ meters (Puert� Rico �r.`y'� g) Highest adjacent (finished) grede next to buiit6ng (HAG) 4.87 � ieet ❑ meters iPuerio Zi� cr`y hj Lowest adjacent yrade at lawe� elevation of deck or �airs, induding 4,�7 � feet ❑ meters (?uer•.a �`x M; strudural suooat _ D-SURVEYOR, ENC3INEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATtQN This certi6cation is to be siyned �d seeled by s lend SurveYor. en9meer, of efCTltteC[ 8umonzeo oy iaw �o m uay cxracsc� + information_ I caerhly fhat fhe i�farmebian ovl �s CerfificaAe represents my best eiT�xLs to interPre: the data a���. ! understand ihat am false stai�ment mey be punishab/e by frne or imprisonment under 18 U.5_ Cais, Sez t;�r t,7;; s ❑ Chedc here if comments are prawided on 6adc offam. Were latibude and longtude in Sea"sa; � pro��•.:,.•+ ey e licensed tand wrveyor? � `!� � "Y� Certifier's Name BILL HYATT License Nurt�er 4�i6 Trile PRESIDENT Comparry Netm KNOW IT NOW 1NC Address 1497 MAtN ST�Ki21 City DUNEDlN State FL ZiF Caca �c4� ��'`G .c' `f:.�:*i _ '� �1: s',;:-�� C C`v � �$ � T,S -' . `c T f �' j,� V_ ���� r}�` ���`_ �q��fe �����,_ Date 12292010 Telephone 727-4i5-83{f5 L 12-29-10 � FEMA Form 81-31, Mar t)9 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions ANT: in these spaces, copy the corresponding information from SeCtion A. �e� Ad�ess lindudina Aut.. Unit. Suite. end/or Bld�. NoJ or P_O. Route and Bax No. ELDORADO AVE CLEARWATER State FL ZIP Code 33767 For Insurance Comr�emr Use: SECTION D- SURVEYOR, EN(�INEER. OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) CopY both sides oithis Elevatian CeRi6cete ta (1) community o(�dal, (21 imsurencb ag�t/compenY, and (3) buiding owner. Camments C2. E= OUTSI DE AIR CONDITIONER UNIT ��� Si�aWre Date 12/29/2010 — - . - -- - - E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION FOR ZONE AO AND 20NE A For Zones AO end A(withwt BF�, canplete ltems E1-E5. Iithc CeRific�e is intended to support a LOMA or IOMR-F request, compiete Sections A, B, and C. For Items E1-E4, use naturel grede, if available. Check the rr�astvament used. in Puerto Rico ar►y, eMer meters. E1. Provide elevation iniartnetion for the following and check the appropriate baxeg to show wh�her the elevat�n is abo�re or belaMr the highest adjecent grada (HAG) end the lowest adacant grade (LAG). a) Top otbattom floor (indud'ing basement, crewispace, or �dowre) is ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ abwe or 0 below the HAG. b) Top of boltom floa Mdudng basement, craw�pace, or endosure) is . ❑ ted ❑ m�ars ❑ abare or ❑ beiow the LAG. Q. Far BuAding Diegrems 6�9 wlih pertnanent flood openings pravfded in Section A items 8 and/a 9(see pages 8-9 aF Instrucdons), the next hi�a floor (elevatian C2.b in the diegrams) aF the buiiding is ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ ebove or ❑ belaw the HAG. Ei. Attached 4�9e (�P of slab) is . ❑ feet ❑ meters 0 above or ❑ below the HAG. E4. Top of platform d machinary and/or ec�ipment servicing the bull�ng is ❑ feet ❑ m�ers ❑ abave a' � bdaw tha HAG. E5. Zone AO onty: If noflood depth nurt�ar is aveilable, ts the tap af the hottom floor elevated in accordence with the r,ommunit�s flaadplain manapement ordinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown. The Ixal dflc�al must c�tiy this intormadon in Secdon G. SECTION F- PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTAT1VEj CERTIFICATION The property o�wn� a owner's authorized representative who cort�pietes Secdans A, B, and E for Zone A(without a FEMA issued or communily-issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements !rr Sectlons A, B, and E aro caroct �o the best of my krawledQe. Property Owner's or Ownei's Autharized RepreseMative's Name p,��� Cfy State ZIP Code S'igneture Date TelePhone Cotnrnents ❑ Check hare itettachmen:s 3ECTION C3 - COMMUNITY INFORMATION {OPTIONAL) The locel o1'ficiel who is eutharized by lew or ordnan� to administer the cammunitys floodplain rrreneganent ordnance can canplete Sedions A, B. C tor =? and G dthis Bevatian Catificate. Complete the appUcable Rem(s) end �gn belaav. Check the measurement used in kems G8 and G9. G1. ❑ The informetlan in Seaiat C was taken from other dowmentatian thet has be.en siyned end sealed by e licenaed wrveyor, engineer, or arhstea ufio is authorized by law to certity devation information. (In�cete the source and dete d the devatlan deta in the Camrt�ents area belawJ G2. ❑ A cammunity of�aal campleted Section E for a buiidng located in Zone A(w�haut a FEMA-issued or oorrununity-i�ed BFE� or Zone AO. G3. ❑ Tha idlowing iniamaiion (Itans G4-G8) is provided for communily Aoodplein maneg�nent purposes. G7. This pemit has be� issued fa: Perrnit � New Construdion G6. Date ❑ 3ub�entiel I�roven►eM G8. Bavadon of es-buiR lo�west floor (ndu�ng besement) aF the buqdf�: ❑ feet ❑ meters (PR) Debum G9. BFE a(in Zone AO) depth aF 1loodng at the building site: ❑� ❑�� ��) �m G10. Cort►munitys desi� flood elavatlan ❑ feet ❑ meters (PR) Datum Locai OfidePs Name �° Communihr Name Telephane Sti�eturo Date Ccrrttnents tssss� CJ �h*�k �ere i'attachments FEMA Form 8131, N�f � Rep(aces ali previous ediY�ns /� , �� � ;� ographs ,� �-� =o� item A6. Farinsurance Cornper Buikiing Street Ad� �� �.� �� 3� '•�.` x P.O. Ra�te and Bar Ido. Pdicy Numbe� 1043 EIDORADO AYE CttY CLEARWATER S� _> � � ,'":'?�' �� � � If using the Elevation � �'� ��ar�ce, affoc at least two building photographs below accordir�q to the instructions far item � �� ��� �_ date taken; °Front 1�iew" and "Rear View°; and, if required, `Right Side Vew" and °Lefi S+de �r `��-.. ���t#o9raphs than will fit on this page, use the Contintration Page on the reverse_ PICS TAKEN 12-29-? � FRONT VIEW � / - _. - �� � - .�-- � - � �.- ^- !� _ � �.e — ,- z.. ^�` - = � � = � �_- .� � - � � � � -��!=��.=, � � � � - --- , ��� SEE NEXT PAGE FOR REAR VIEW a Building Photographs contirn�ation Page Building ��°��'�°�9 �, Uni� S�i�e, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Ra�be and Ba�c No. Paicy Nurr�er 1043 EL� �� CI�/ C�"� � FL ZIP COde 33767 CamP�rY NAIC Nurrber If su ���graphs than will fit on the preceding page, affix the addfior�l phatographs below_ Iderrtify ali ph�� �-- :.�:� �ken; "Front Viev�' and "Rear Vew"; and, if required, °Right Side View° and "Left Side View." I R�-- � :� +� , F- ` b � E '-�-,� mn-► s.ama-I ,Env. ( a, �. w. ,�� ift�s ��''� I :'S LOWES E. _OWE � � - ...--_..—� � :' - --C. t � ." ! F � �rJ � _ � �<. �Y �,�-i. � t = s..m ,. ..,�.� 1 � _ �:� ������ ���_ _ fi.� ..w ._`�'_s. E.:_ �''3��..,6.._ ,-_ �a.�, _ . . _... . � �� :.,��_ __. �� �� �� - ��� �s�si� _ _�.-:--�� --�.-. _ i � < ,,,..� - - � � =+ '� _ ,- ___ - � q . � � 1 � - w.. ' .. L _��% .... �� �.J ;�"� �t � L. , . �g,tai %U - _+�il4C/�i" .'�E.c:s1�C- ts_` '���