05/13/1995 - Downtown Partnership Retreat CITY OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN PARTNERSHIP RETREAT May 13, 1995 The City of Clearwater, the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), the Downtown Clearwater Association (DCA) and the Downtown Development Board (DDB) met at the Junior League of Clearwater/Dunedin, Inc., 129 N. Fort Harrison Avenue, Clearwater, Saturday, May 13, 1995, at 9:00 a.m. The following were present: Rita Garvey, City Kate McCullough, DDB Fred A. Thomas, City Dan Leiter, DDB Sue A. Berfield, City David Stone, DDB Mike Dallmann, City Judy Hackett, DDB J. B. Johnson, City Pete Woodham, Chamber Betty Deptula, City Phil Henderson, Chamber Mary K. "Sue" Diana, City Steve Fowler, Chamber Pete Gozza, CRA Vickie Crouch, Chamber Joyce Baskin, DCA Mary Story, Church ofScientology The purpose of the retreat was to reach a consensus on the definitive role of each member and to create an action plan for achievement of objectives within the Partnership. The Retreat opened with group activities geared toward promoting teamwork. Attendees divided into teams. The various activities demonstrated the need for creating a sense of trust, different leadership styles and recognition of each individual's ability to contribute to the team. After the opening activities' session, the attendees divided into groups comprising representatives from each organization. A suggestion was made for each group to brainstorm forming a consensus on a general plan for the downtown in which each agency's role would be defined. A representative from each group would then present its recommendations to the whole group. After considerable discussion among the groups, the following input was given. The CRA and the City Commission would develop the plan with input and consensus from the Partnership. The City would be responsible for the infrastructure and offer incentives for development. The CRA would be responsible for recruitment. The DDB would develop and provide the promotional materials and a marketing plan with the input and consensus from the Partnership. The Chamber would be responsible for developing a strong business environment. It was felt the events sponsored by the Downtown Clearwater Association have had a positive effect on downtown and should be continued. In order to establish stability, It was felt the Partnership should meet more regularly. For better utilization of the Partnership, a suggestion was made for a common phone number. There was discussion regarding including a representative from the beach in the Partnership. It was believed a promotions coordinator should be hired funded by the Chamber and the DDB. The coordinator would take over the promotions role working with the Chamber and the DCA with funding approved by the DDB. It was noted more involvement is needed from individuals from other parts of Clearwater, not just the downtown. Concern was expressed regarding this involvement. A suggestion was made to schedule more Town Meetings and that the Partnership be a participant at these Town Meetings. Recruitment and retention should be under the CRA, streetscape (sticks and bricks) under the DDB, events and promotions under the DCA and the enforcement and services under the City. There was discussion regarding a parking plan and signage for the downtown. Discussion ensued regarding the City and the CRA taking the lead role in creating a master plan for the entire City. The DDB would market the plan. Discussion ensued regarding the new Design Review Board the City is creating. A recommendation was made that this board work with the consultants to develop specific guidelines. Discussion ensued in regard to the downtown ambassadors and it was indicated they have been handling retention. After each group's views were presented, the group leaders remained to document the goals and responsibilities of each agency. A question was raised about whether the beach should be added to the Partnership. It was felt if the beach is added maybe Countryside should be too. The consensus was to not include the beach at this time. Discussion returned to the position of a promotions coordinator whose job description would need to be developed. Some of the areas this position could be responsible for would include retention, promotion, advertising, coordination of events taking place and the newsletter. The coordinator would report to the Partnership and work with the ambassadors. Expenses for this position could be shared between the Chamber and the DDB. Administrative costs would be cut and efficiency increased. It was mentioned Delray Beach has such a coordinator. Consensus was not reached on this issue. There was discussion regarding downtown merchants not keeping their properties clean. It was indicated the DCA has taken over the responsibility for convincing merchants to clean their properties. However, it was noted there have been problems in this area. A recommendation was made to call City code enforcement to handle problem areas. As to the roles/duties of each agency, the following was compiled: City Commission Downtown Development Board ? Infrastructure ? Funds for promotional materials/events ? Incentives ? Funds for development of a marketing plan ? Master plan (CRA) ? Enforcement Downtown Clearwater Association ? Services ? Downtown events Community Redevelopment Agency Chamber of Commerce ? Master Plan (City) ? Recruitment ? Promotion ? Expansion and relocation ? Demographics The Retreat adjourned at 1:28 p.m.