08/09/1993 - Special Town Meeting SPECIAL TOWN MEETING
August 9, 1993
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met at the East Library with the following members present:
Rita Garvey Mayor/Commissioner
Arthur X. Deegan, II Vice-Mayor/Commissioner
Richard Fitzgerald Commissioner
Sue A. Berfield Commissioner
Fred A. Thomas Commissioner
Also present:
Michael J. Wright City Manager
Jeffrey E. Harper Administrative Services Director
Tina G. Wilson Budget Manager
Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Mayor Garvey.
The City Manager stated the Commission actually begins its workshops on the budget tomorrow. Other meetings will be held throughout the month and the official public hearings will
be on September 2 and 16, 1993.
Tina Wilson, Budget Director, reviewed the proposed budget and historical trends in tax revenues, number of employees, etc.
The City Manager reported he is recommending new initiatives in Central Permitting, Economic Development, neighborhood response/code enforcement, Community Outreach, non-resident fees
and an expansion of the gas system into Pasco County.
Changes in staffing were reviewed. Ms. Wilson indicated if the Gas expansion is approved there will be a net increase of 19.6 FTEs.
Norman Grasso, spoke in opposition to the non-residents fees to be applied to the Horseshoe Club whose members are approximately 75% non-resident. He stated the increase was not appropriate
for those clubs that maintain their facility. He recommended a lesser fee for these associations.
Harold Burkhart representing the Lawn Bowls Club agreed with Mr. Grasso, that those clubs who maintain their facilities should not be assessed a non-resident fee. He indicated 60%
of the club are non-residents.
Bob Wright, representing the Coalition of Homeowners, complimented Ms. Wilson and staff on the preparation of the program budget. He stated the coalition's recommendation has been
to set goals and to reduce staff by attrition. He was concerned the proposed budget increased the number of employees. He also expressed concern there had been no 3 year financial
forecast for the last 18 months. He stated the CIP does not include the consolidated City Hall, gas expansion or Police
Department computer system. He stated they are opposed to the Pasco County expansion of the gas system.
Dan Moran also complimented Ms. Wilson and staff. He felt the $400,000 funding of Ruth Eckerd Hall should be reconsidered. He also asked that expenditures for the Long Center be reviewed
and cut back if they can be.
Hollis Castner expressed concern regarding the closing of Ross Norton Pool. He felt if the facility was publicized it would be used more making it more cost effective. He presented
a petition to the Mayor.
Ms. Safer also spoke in opposition to the closing of Ross Norton Pool. She stated being able to swim in the heated pool has assisted her recovery from back surgery.
Howard Keatch stated it would be a big mistake to close Ross Norton Pool. He indicated he is 83 years old and depends on the pool.
Geraldine Watts stated she has been using the Ross Norton Pool since 1977. She stated without the pool for her therapy she would be in a wheelchair.
John Badeau spoke in favor of construction projects needed to address ADA requirements indicating he felt the transition plan had some shortcomings.
Ms. Wilson reviewed the funds included in the budget to address ADA.
Filmore Jubb stated Ross Norton Pool is the only pool available to the economically challenged.
Joe Evich complimented Ms. Wilson and staff. He expressed concerns regarding the items that were not included in the CIP. He also spoke in favor of granting the Commission a raise
in order to compensate them appropriately. He requested the surplus be put back to the pre-Atrium sale level. He supported the increase in non-resident fees. He asked that the Commission,
if they approve the gas expansion, not approve the entire project at this time.
Caroline Bazell spoke in favor of maintaining Ross Norton Pool.
Douglas Buckwalter also spoke in favor of maintaining Ross Norton Pool. He stated swimming in the heated pool is good for his slight physical disability. He indicated he would not
object to an increase in fees.
James Paul, Nancy Fletcher and Tom Constantine supported maintaining Ross Norton Pool.
A gentleman indicated use of Ross Norton Pool has helped him to regain his equilibrium after a stroke. Another gentleman also supported maintaining the pool.
Edith Hackather and Irma Ezell spoke in favor of maintaining Ross Norton Pool.
The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.