September 28, 2004
Linda Damsky
Robert Freedman
Carlen Petersen
C.E. Snedeker
Richard Wisemiller
Vice Chair
Board Member
Board Member
Also Present:
Margo Walbolt
Marsha Beall
Division Manager, Cultural Affairs
Staff Assistant, Cultural Affairs
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:30pm at MSB.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in
that order.
ITEM #2 - Approval of Minutes of Sister City Board Meeting of July 27. 2004 - Member Wisemiller
moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 27, 2004 as submitted. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #3 - Correspondence - Mr. Shoichi Washizawa and Mr. Hiroshi Miyazawa - Members received
copies of said letters. Mr. Washizawa, Mayor of Nagano City and Mr. Miyazawa, Manager of
International Relations expressed their appreciation to the City of Clearwater for hosting the Nagano City
junior high school students in August 2004. Mr. Miyazawa referenced the Teacher Exchange in October
2004. Nagano plans are to send two English Teachers, Mr. Hideaki Shimizu and Ms. Eriko Aizawa, to
Clearwater from October 15 to November 19. A delegation of 30 Nagano citizens will attend the 45th
Anniversary Exchange in Spring 2005.
ITEM #4 - Old Business-
a) Policy & Procedures - The initial draft is under review at the City Clerk's Office.
b) Middle School student trip - August 2004 - Members discussed some of the events that took
place during the August 9-15, 2004 Nagano Exchange. Clearwater hosted nine students and
three adults. During their stay they visited City Hall, Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Ruth
Eckerd Hall and Middle Schools. The schedule was adjusted due to a hurricane evacuation
occurring on the last days of their visit. The financial impact to the Nagano budget resulted
in an expenditure of $1,138.35 for lodging and food.
c) Pinellas County teachers in Nagano - Ms. Damsky stated two teachers (Judy Barrett and Pam
Morris) have begun their one-year internship teaching in various middle schools in Nagano.
d) Nagano Teacher visits - Ms. Damsky received correspondence confirming the two Nagano
Teachers (Mr. Hideaki Shimizu and Mr. Eriko Aizawa) will be arriving in Clearwater on
October 17. Mr. Wisemiller, Sister Cities, Inc. updated members on the home stay schedule
that has been arranged for their visit. This information will be confirmed at the Sister Cities,
Inc. meeting later this evening. Ms. Walbolt suggested adding Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbeck as
an additional homestay family for contingency emergencies. Ms. Walbolt added that the
City of Clearwater is tentatively planning the following activities:
November 4 - Meet City Councilmembers
Attend City Council Session
November 10 - Sayonara Party - Main Library
Mr. Freedman offered an experience at Ruth Eckerd Hall. Ms. Damsky suggested a visit at
the Clearwater Aquarium. Ms. Petersen mentioned the Florida Aquarium.
Ms. Walbolt will pursue these suggestions with the City of Clearwater.
e) Nagano Delegation - May 2005 - Ms. Walbolt suggested preparing a formal proposal to
Nagano officials inviting them to Clearwater. The proposal will suggest the most favorable
dates available and outline all the various activities scheduled. Some activities could include,
May 7th - a Nagano float in the Fun & Sun parade; May 8th - a small pre-reception at
Harborview Center and afterwards attending Coachman Park's venue of "The Florida
Orchestra", followed by a Fireworks display. If time permits, events may include a student
art exhibition at the Main Library, and a visit to Ruth Eckerd Hall.
ITEM #5 - New Business-
a) Homestay policies and procedures - Ms. Walbolt brought to the table the value of creating a
Task Force to establish Emergency Operation Procedures. Suggested topics include contact
list, application process, liability program, and consent to treat form. Mr. Wisemiller will
seek volunteers from the Sister Cities, Inc. Ms. Petersen suggested an initial contact with the
Sister Cities International to discover any existing policies they have available.
b) Pinellas County School recommendation- Ms. Damsky advised members a proposal is being
drafted and will be submitted to the Pinellas County School District Superintendent and
Attorneys to review the level of participation the school system is willing to facilitate in the
Nagano exchange program. Ms. Damsky suggested the District may limit involvement to
only the Teacher exchanges. This would shift the full responsibility for Student exchanges to
the Sister Cities, Inc. and City of Clearwater. Discussion ensued on how to direct the
additional responsibilities that this would incur on securing homestay families, passports,
schedules, staffing issues. Ms. Walbolt expressed concerns for the continuity of the Sister
City Exchange program. Mr. Freedman suggested tabling this matter until after receipt of this
c) Program budget - Current assets stand at $2,946.31. As of October 1st an additional $3,000
will be added in the budget's "Special Projects" fund.
d) City Planning Committees - Ms. Walbolt opened suggestions for creating a "General
Planning Committee" task force. The premise of this committee would be to assist in the
preparation of the April 2005 - 45th Anniversary Nagano Delegation visit to Clearwater. The
members could consist of volunteers from the general public. Mr. Freedman suggested
developing a list of task, such as: meet and greet, reception planning, gifts, protocol,
sponsorships, and transportation coordination. Mr. Walbolt will contact the Main Library to
arrange a kickoff meeting on October 27, 2004 at 6:00pm. St. Petersburg Times and C- View
will be contacted for public announcements.
Sister City Advisory 2004-0928
. ITEM #6 - Adjournment - Members adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be January 25, 2005 at MSB, Conference Room 130.
Sister City Advisory 2004-0928
" -', .
!. .. ,
TELEPHONE (727) 562-4050 FAX (127) 562-4052
August 31, 2004
The Honorable Shoichi Washizawa
Mayor of Nagano City
1613 Midori-Cho, Nagano City
Japan 380-8512
Dear Mayor Washizawa:
We continue to have hot, steamy days with occasional thundershowers.
Thank you for sending Mr. Kenichi Yui, Mr. Mitsura Kainuma, and Nagano
middle school students to Clearwater. They had a full schedule planned by our
Cultural Affairs Manager, Margo Walbolt. I hope they enjoyed themselves.
Our homestay families became very attached to the children. Although I could
not be at City Hall during their visit, they were greeted by our Vice Mayor
Frank Hibbard and our Councilmembers. Mr. Yui gave an interesting talk and
the children introduced themselves. .
I appreciated the gift of the Farmer's Art wood carving and the book on
Nagano's urban initiatives through citizen involvement. Clearwater also is
involved in this process and it was very interesting to read about the different
phases of your City's plans.
Best wishes to you, your administration and your citizens.
,6~ J . hL;t-
Brian J. Aungst
Jr,; .
""-''-'. . ............. . ...
1"he Honorable Brian Aungst
Mayor of Clearwater
SEP 14 2004
September 2, 2004
Dear Mayor Aungst,
As 'Ye enter a cooler season, I a,~ pleased to hear that,the c~tize~s of Clearwate'r. and most
;importantly, you, the mayor; are in good health.
'Thank you for taking in the Nagano Board of Education member, Mr. Kenichi Yui, the
chaperone and the nine Junior High School eJCchange students during the 22nd exchange
visit, August 9th through 15th.
As per the aim of the visit, friendships between the students and host families were
deepened. The students will surely remember this precious e1Cperience for the rest of their
Although the hurricane appeared part way through the visit. I thank you from the bottom
of my heart {or the trouble you took to. evacuate to 8 safe place. We truly appreciate th c
kindness that you, the host~fami,lies l!'nd. all. involved in the exc,hange showed the
participants. Although the hurricane didn't hit Clearwater square on, I extend my great
sympathy for the serious damage caused in the surrounding areas_
This visit. youth from both cities were able to build lasting friendships. We celebrat.ed 45
years of sister city relations and developed the history of friendly relations built by both
cities. We hope to continue to deepen the bonds between our cities_
In conclusion,. I send gratitude on behalf of the delegation of exchange students and my
warmest appreciation for your cooperation in this splendid undertaking_
Sincerely, 4 ~
Shoichi Washizawa l . }
Mayor of Nagano City
Nagaro City Hall
1613 Midori-cho, Nagano City
Japan 380-8512
TEL +81-26'224-5447 FAA +81.26-224-5121
E-mail kokusai@city.nagMO.nagano.jp
~ fHfH5!: pJT
=r380-8512 ~JH~:&ffi'fi~18J1613
TEL +81-26-224-5447 FAX_ +81.26-224-5121
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Dear Ms. Walbolt.
Since the return of the Nagano City junior high school students. the Japanese press haa
been reporting great damage~ caused by a powerf~l hurricane near mid"Florida. We are
, concerned that you may have bad damages in :Cle'~lWater a8 well.
, ,'~~.
As you may know, Japan bas also been stfUck bi.;'non'stop record tyPhoons, hitting several
iuefls ~i~ tremendous damage. Although Na~~no City wa~ luc.ky to avoid being hit
dead"on, there are reports of damaged fruit orchaiils due to violent winds.
" Thank you very much for your help during ~e junior high school students' visit to
Clearwater. Even though the angmal plans '~ere changed to cut short the homestay
becaus9 of the approaching hurricane, ,thanke':":to the warm-heartedneee of your host
'families, the students, had an invaluable experi~nce. We are very grateful to the host
families, who were under such- stressful circumstances with the~ Own evacuation. for
taking care of the junior high school students' evaCuation.
As for the Teacher Exchange to . Clearwater, we ask for your support In making
We plan to send two English teachers, Mr. Hide,ski Shimizu and Ms. Erika Aizawa; {rom
Nagano City to your city from Oetobet 15 to Nov:ember 19. As things progress, we'll send
yO'll more details about the itinerary.
The schedule for next year's 45th Anniversary of Sister City Relatione Commemorative
Visit to Clearwater is still in the initial stages. 'Ye hope you will allow us to send a
goodwill delegation of 30 citizens, led by the Honorable Mayor Washizawa, to Clearwater.
We havg ygt to plan any detaile, but we will let you know as,plans solidify.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Hiroshi NIiyazawa
, Manager, International Relatione Section