July 27, 2004
Linda Damsky
Carlen Petersen
C.E. Snedeker
Richard Wise miller
Board Member
Board Member
Also Present:
Margo Walbolt
Marsha Beall
Division Manager, Cultural Affairs
Staff Assistant, Cultural Affairs
Robert Freedman
Vice Chair
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in
that order.
ITEM #1 - Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 4:33pm
ITEM #2 - Approval of Minutes of Sister City Board Meeting of April 27, 2004 - Mr. Snedeker moved to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 27, 2004 as submitted. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #3 - Correspondence - Randi Suzuki and Aphrodite Marinake - Members received copies of said
letters. Mr. Suzuki's letter responded to an article in the St. Petersburg Times on May 9 regarding the
economic value of the Sister City program. Mr. Suzuki quoted statistics from the Florida-Japan Institute.
After further research, Ms. Walbolt discovered Florida-Japan Institute is governed by a State Advisory
Committee composed of state officials, educators and business people, while the day-to-day activities are
entrusted to the co-directorship of the University of South Florida (USF), the University of West Florida
(UWF), and the St. Petersburg Junior College (SPJC). Ms. Walbolt arranged a meeting with Mr. Stan
Vittetoe, the new Provost at St. Petersburg Junior College. Mr. Vittetoe is extremely interested in doing
anything he can to connect the College with the Sister City program, including hosting an event in April
2005. Mr. Marinake's letter regarded the nature of hospitality offered to the Japanese visitors during their
next visit to our City.
ITEM #4 - Old Business -
a) 45th Anniversary Trip - Discussion of recent Clearwater Delegation trip to Nagano, Japan.
Ms. Damsky gave a brief overview of the trip and stated Nagano announced plans for a
reciprocated trip to Clearwater in Spring 2005 with about 50 people. Ms. Walbolt is working
on scheduling the visit to coincide with the Clearwater's Fun & Sun Festival, April 17-May 8.
Ms. Walbolt has entertained the idea with Mr. Schmidt, City of Clearwater Events Manager.
Together, they have drafted a schedule for the week to include, but not inclusive, May ih - a
Nagano float in the Fun & Sun parade; May 8th - a small pre-reception at Harborview Center
and afterwards attending Coachman Park's venue of "The Florida Orchestra", followed by a
Fireworks display. Ms. Walbolt is working with the Library to have a Student Art Exhibit.
Ruth Eckerd Hall is interested in having a cultural exchange at their facilities. Ms. Damsky
suggested using the first and last day of the trip for visiting time.
Mr. Snedeker asked if Mr. Phil Henderson, of Dolphin Encounter has been contacted this
year to arrange a boat cruise as done in the past. Ms. Walbolt will contact staff for history on
this matter. Suggestions under consideration include an outing/concert at Bright House
Networks Field, Rotary Club involvement, school musiclband groups, and sponsorship
Mr. Wisemiller will advise Clearwater Sister City Inc. of the need for homestays during the
week of April 18, 2005. Ms. Walbolt suggested contacting previous hosts. Ms. Damsky
suggested soliciting the Nagano visitors for a contact list to reunite previous homestays.
Ms. Damsky inquired as to the balance in the budget. Ms. Walbolt stated current assets are
just under $5,000. After October 1 sl an additional $3,000 will be placed in the budget.
b) Policy & Procedures - The draft was submitted to members for review. Minor changes were
suggested. Ms. Petersen motioned to accept the draft as corrected. The motion was duly
seconded and carried by those present.
ITEM #5 - New Business -
a) 2004-2005 Nagano Exchanges Scheduled - Ms. Walbolt distributed August 9-15, 2004
itinerary schedule for Middle School Exchange Students. Karen Maldonado, Events
V olunteer Coordinator will coordinate the daily events. Mr. Wisemiller has a volunteer from
Nagano whom he will ask to help Ms. Maldonado. Ms. Damsky has three 11th grade
exchange students she will contact for additional assistance.
Ms. Walbolt submitted to members the Nagano-Clearwater Exchange 2004-2005 schedule.
b) Future initiatives/exchanges - All initiatives for cultural/sports/tourism are in discussion. Ms.
Walbolt and Mr. Freedman are exploring possible grant sources. One possible opportunity is
through the Division of Cultural Affairs for the State. Other resources will develop through
cultural exchanges, such as student artwork. Ms. Walbolt mentioned St. Petersburg College
will be dedicating a new building at the Clearwater Campus called "The Crossroads" in
September 2004. This facility will house a new Fine Arts program.
c) Review of Matrix - Reviewed Matrix to define task responsibilities.
Not on the Agenda
Ms. Damsky mentioned two teachers (Judy Barrett and Pamela Morris) are leaving August 241h for
Nagano, Japan. Ms. Damsky recalled in the past the teachers would meet with the Mayor prior to leaving
and receive gifts to offer to the Nagano host. Ms. Walbolt will contact the Mayor and Public
Communications to promote this event. Mr. Wisemiller suggested inviting some of the exchange students
to attend.
Ms. Walbolt received a package of items (news clippings and videos) from Nagano, Japan to disseminate
between the City, Pinellas County School and the Clearwater Sister City International, Inc. Also, as a
gesture of good will, Nagano sent paper origami dolls for each delegate from Clearwater.
Sister City Advisory 2004-0727
ITEM #6 - Adjournment - Members adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be September 28, 2004 at MSB, Conference Room 130.
Sister City Advisory 2004-0727