04/24/1991 - Town Meeting TOWN MEETING
April 24, 1991
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met at Countryside Library with the following members present:
Rita Garvey Mayor/Commissioner
Sue Berfield Vice-Mayor/Commissioner
Lee Regulski Commissioner
William Nunamaker Commissioner
Richard Fitzgerald Commissioner
Also present was:
Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Garvey.
Fred Hubner, representing Chateau Woods Condominium Association requested there be closer cross over between the City and Homeowners Associations. The Commission suggested he contact
the Coalition of Homeowners and become involved in that organization.
Herb Leonhardt, questioned the status of any movement on the 50% rule for renovations of buildings on the beach. It was indicated there was no new information at this time.
In response to a question, it was indicated the cruising control ordinance would be adopted May 2, 1991. He questioned whether or not there was any way to have just beer and wine for
bars within 200 feet of residences and churches. This is to be referred to the legal department.
Jeanne Gerety, questioned when the Countryside Boulevard widening was scheduled for the north side of Curlew Road. She also complained regarding merge signs needed for a curve at North
Ridge and the removal of four-way stop signs on North Ridge. It was indicated the widening of Countryside Boulevard to Curlew is not on the long range plan but we are currently under
way for Countryside from Belcher to S.R. 580. It was suggested she check the County plan for the additional widening.
Larry Dobson, questioned the status of the widening of Countryside Boulevard from Belcher to S.R. 590 and it was indicated it would be completed within the next ten to eighteen months.
Dick White, representing the Landmark Homeowners Association, stated additional attention needs to be given to speeding on Landmark Drive. He also requested a follow-up report regarding
cat burglaries which had been reported in the area and he questioned why there was no turn signal to turn onto Landmark Drive at S.R. 580. He stated he felt that police response time
in this area was still poor. Commissioner Fitzgerald indicated that Mike Wright, City Manager, is working on this.
E. J. Metskevich, complained that he is being harassed by the City and stated he has no building code violations at his house. He requested information regarding the money the City
has spent on inspections at his building. He questioned why violations he has reported have not been investigated.
Jim Hubble, representing Winding Wood Ten Condo Association, questioned whether or not there were any plans for a traffic light at Winding Wood Drive and Countryside Boulevard. Commissioner
Regulski explained the process needed
in order to have a traffic light approved.
E. J. Metskevich indicated Sand Key Park would be a good place to encourage teens to go instead of cruising Clearwater Beach.
Discussion ensued regarding the dilemma in encouraging teens to go one place where certain violations, such as under-age drinking, would be ignored. Commissioner Berfield indicated
the County owns the park and they are not receptive to having it open at night.
Bill Jonson, thanked the Commission for fighting the legislation regarding billboards during the recent legislative session. He also thanked the police department for their efforts
in the Neighborhood Watch program.
Questions came up regarding the ability to get statistics from the police department to be used by Neighborhood Watch Programs. Commissioner Fitzgerald indicated that this had been
provided over the years however, several problems developed and this information was no longer published. It was indicated the police department does plan to reinstitute the program
and hopes to have it up and running by the summer.
Dick Wyatt thanked the Commission for the park at the upper end of Landmark Drive and Curlew Road.
Mr. Jonson reported the May 6th meeting of the Coalition of Homeowners will discuss the topic of Neighborhood Watch Programs. He also spoke regarding the landscape ordinance stating
that required trees and shrubs have been allowed to deteriorate or be removed. He requested additional enforcement.
The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.