April 6, 2005
Rebecca A vrin
Allan Dadetto
Elizabeth France
Brooks Hammac
Helen Kerwin
2nd Vice Chair
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Also Present:
Leroy Chin
Richard Allison
Marsha Beall
Park, Planning & Project Manager
Landscape Architect
Staff Assistant
Christine Travis
Committee Member
Ms. Avrin called the meeting to order at 8:04 a.m. at Municipal Services Building
Parks & Recreation Conference Room.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that
ITEM #2 _ Approval of Minutes of Beautification Committee Meeting of March 2, 2005 - Item #4 Crest Lake
Park. Ms. France suggested rephrasing sentence to read "Northern landscape buffer of the parking area across
from the dog park and adjacent to a private residence on South Glenwood is 75% completed". Ms. France moved
to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was duly seconded and carried.
ITEM #3 - Old Business-
a) Policy and Procedures -Members reviewed the updated "Policy & Procedures" for any corrections or
deletions. Mr. Chin asked Ms. Kerwin, the newest member of the committee, if it seemed clearly
stated and understandable. Ms. Kerwin stated that it was. Discussions will continue.
b) Landscape Beautification Awards - Members received a copy of the "Landscape Beautification
Awards" criteria. Ms. France will contact Ms. Curry and request that she forward the original form
to Ms. Beall. It was decided to review the criteria and continue discussion at the next meeting. Mr.
Chin suggested that when initially selecting a project for consideration, look closely at the structure
of the project and where it will be years down the road. He advised members to ultimately consider
the project for its sustainability, foliage designs, and installation time. Mr. Chin also suggested
looking at the award itself. Some ideas discussed include a plaque, a picture of the project with a
brass engraving, picture collage of awards over 5-year period, or an outside fixture.
ITEM #4 - New Business -
a) City Hall relocation - Mr. Dadetto opened discussion regarding a recent article in the St. Petersburg
Times referring to the Calvary Baptist and City Hall site. Ms. France referenced a recent meeting
she attended where Opus South unveiled its proposal for the downtown bluff. The $250-million plan
would transform the sites now occupied by City Hall, Calvary Baptist Church and Calvary Christian
School. Two residential towers, a public parking garage and a rebuilt City Hall are part of the
master plan. A third tower, 15 to 20 stories, might be for either office or residential use. Mr.
Dadetto suggested a letter of support to save the Dome for historical value. No action was taken at
this time.
Beautification 2005-04-06
b) Memorial Causeway Landscaping project - This project will provide for the landscape, irrigation
and beautification of the Memorial Causeway Project starting from the county parking lots at Oak
Avenue and running west to the small bridge leading to Clearwater Beach. This project has many
sub-projects, which will be done in phases. They include the following county parking lot
renovation and beautification; landscaping east and west approaching the new bridge; replace
Lugustrom trees on causeway medians, irrigate the right-of-way, beautify a secure area under west
portion of bridge; address parking areas on the south side of causeway and repair and improve
recreational trail on causeway.
ITEM #5 Adjournment - Members adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
The next meeting will be held May 4, 2005 at MSB.
Beautification 2005-04-06
Parks & Recreation Board
City of Clearwater
BeautiFication Committee
Landscape BeautiFication Awarc/s
The Parks and Recreation Department Beauti(;cat,'on Committee invites you to participate in its Landscape
Beauti{;cation Awards. The purpose of this program is to encourage and recognize outstanding achievement
in landscaping activities and neighborhood beaut;{;cation projects that improve the overall appearance of the
city. The Beauti{;cation Committee is an advisory committee appointed by the Clearwater City Commission
and is dedicated to beaufi{;cation of Clearwater.
Any person or group maintaining commercial, public, or community property in the City of ClearWater
Entries will be judged hy the Beauti{;cation Committee and local horticultural professionals. Judges will visit
each site unannounced.
Winners will be presented with awards at a specialAwards Ceremony before the City Commission. Winners will
also be recognized in area newspapers and Most Outstanding winners will he recognized hy a yard sign.
Landscaping is a reRection of both time and design trends. Categories maybe added, deletecl and mocli{;ed
as required.
1. Commercial/Retail-Outdoor projects at facilitieS such as shopping malls, restaurants, retain husinesses,
gas stations, etc.
2. Puhlidlnstitutiona/-Outdoor projects at Facilities such as schools, govemmenthuilclings, hospitals,
Churches, or lihraries.
3. Cityscape--Street plantings in median !Strips and next to siclewalks.
4. Community Professional-Community landscaping projects clesignecl and.maintained by professional
landscape architects or contractors.
5. Neighborhood and CividService Organizations.-Community planting!S maintained bycomrnunity residents
through homeowner associations, garden cluhs, or civic organizations.
6. EnvironmentallEcological-WildliFe hahitat; wilJllower plantings; wetlands p/antings; xeriscape p/antings;
natural hahitat plantings.
7. Religious Organizations
Levell. Projects which have been in place one full year.
Level II. Special AChievement Award for of former lirst p/aceLevell winners for sustained maintenance, for
at least three years, of their project.
1. Property must he within the City of Clearwater.
2. Landscape must be in place for one fuff year at timeo{ entry.
. 1.
Overall appearance and enjoyment the project hrings to citizens and visitors.
Quality of Design; selection, grouping and placement of plant materials; harmony, interest, utility and
Treatment of parking lot areas.
Environmental Stewardship - Preservation of trees and natural amenities; use of envIronmentally sound
practices, including xeriscaping and use of native plants and recycled materials.
Awareness of ordinance violations (signs-check suitability, size and location).
Determine if property enhances the appearance of the area.
Effort--how hard and how consistent a group has worked to maintain the project.
The frequency of awards will he Rexihle. Therefore, there is no specific deadline for suhmission. Entry forms
suhmitted will he held and collectively judged at designated times. There are no restrictions on the numher
of times you may suhmit a project. However, you may win First place in each Level only once. Levell winners
must wait three years in order to resuhmit for consideration in Leve/II - Special Achievement.
Grading System: For each category, please score 0..; 10 and total at hottom. Fill out one evaluation. for
each property.
Overall Appearance
1. Aesthetic Aspects
a. First impression
h. Lasting impression .
2. Does the property enhance the appearance of the area
Quality of Design
1. Selection, grouping and placement of plant material (harmony, interest,
utility, and foresight)
2. Suitahility to site
3. Preservation of Trees and Natural Amen,ties
4. Sufficient and effective irrigation
5. Proper, efficient, and environmentally friendly fertilization
6. Ordinance Violations
1/1. Treatment of Parking Lot Areas
1. Creation of More Attractive Parking Areas
2. Consideration of Vehicular and Pedestrian Use
IV. Effort--Development and Maintenance of Project
1. Suil A"dly~ (Deleted)
1. Ahsence of Weeds
2. Application of Mulch
3. Appropriate Pruning, Trimming and Edging
4. Condition of Plant Material and Lawn
Landscape Beautification Awards
Entry Form
Print EXACTLY how certificate, if awarclecl, should read)
ADDRESS OF ENTRY (Include directions from nearest major intersection)
CA TEGORY OF ENTRY, lEVEL OF ENTRY (Deterrninewhich category on Page.1 bestdescrihes your
Category Level
DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (Specify exact area to he judgecl.lnctudeinformation ahout pUrpose, ohjectives,
problems incurred, and persons or groups involvecl. Picture must accompany entry form.)
. For more information, please call
oremait to