re Budget
August 4, 1999
Present: Brian J. Aungst Mayor/Commissioner
Ed Hooper Vice-Mayor/Commissioner
J. B. Johnson Commissioner
Robert Clark Commissioner
Ed Hart Commissioner
Also Present: Michael J. Roberto City Manager
Richard L. Hedrick Deputy City Manager
Bill Horne Assistant City Manager
Pamela K. Akin City Attorney
Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk
Brenda Moses Board Reporter
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. to review issues regarding the Fiscal Year 1999/00 operating budget and programs.
Deputy City Manager Richard Hedrick said requests had been made to review these items.
Public Safety Issues
Police Department
Police Chief Sid Klein said eliminating PSTs (Police Service Technicians) at the MSB (Municipal Services Building), City Hall, and Main Library would reduce security and the monitoring
of the homeless and transient population. The previous use of private security was unsuccessful. PSTs patrol the bayfront, Coachman Park, process parking ticket warrants, etc. While
funding is available for 3 PST positions in the subject budget year, future funding has not been identified. In response to a question, he said PSTs answer daily calls regarding transients,
etc. Should PST positions be eliminated, police officers will be removed from street duty to handle these functions. It was noted a previous Commission had requested security for the
MSB, City Hall, and Library.
The proposed budget also recommends eliminating 4 officer positions funded by grants that do not have retention requirements. The officers would be reassigned.
The majority expressed a desire to retain 3 PST positions with current year dollars carried over to next year, and to determine how to fund the positions in the future. However, it
was felt direction should not be given until all issues are reviewed.
Fire Department
Fire Chief Rowland Herald reviewed the need for 3 additional firefighters. Efficient response times are critical to public health and safety.
Human Relations
Human Relations Director Eleanor Breland reviewed staff’s role in federal investigations of housing and employment discrimination. The County does not have a contract with the EEOC
(Equal Employment Opportunity Council?) to provide these services. She suggested allocating adequate time to transition these programs to the County. It was suggested a deadline may
hinder negotiations and the program’s effectiveness. It was felt the transition should occur during the next fiscal year, if possible.
Ms. Breland reviewed diversity program costs. One FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) position has been assigned to the program. It was felt this minority hiring program will attract development
She reviewed the summer youth program, previously administered by Career Options, which will not exist after September 1999. In response to a question, Ms. Breland said program administration
includes job development, counseling, mentoring, job assignments, etc. The program has employed between 65 and 100 youth annually. Consensus was the program is important. It was suggested
other alternatives be sought to fund and administer the program. It was noted without City funding, staff cannot participate in its administration. The majority requested $50,000 be
considered for this program.
Parks and Recreation
Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Art Kader discussed programs considered for elimination or reduction: 1) Jasmine Court Recreation Center; 2) Clearwater Beach Pool; 3) Jack
Russell Stadium renovations and maintenance; 4) McMullen Tennis Complex; 5) Long Center funding; 6) gateway maintenance; 7) general parks maintenance; 8) D. D. Davis Park; and 9) Ross
Norton Park swimming pool.
Regarding Jasmine Ct., Mr. Kader indicated the Clearwater Housing Authority (CHA) has indicated a willingness to provide $10,000 - $12,000 toward this program. The majority requested
the program be considered for funding and accepting CHA’s offer. Mr. Kader stated they are requesting the allocation for McMullen tennis complex be reinstated with the understanding
revenues will be increased to cover this expenditure.
It was noted the funding for the Long Center has been reinstated and the D. D. Davis Park will be put off one year.
Five persons spoke in favor of maintaining the Ross Norton Park swimming pool’s year round schedule. The lack of accessibility to the Long Center swimming pool was noted. It was suggested
staff review the issue.
The meeting recessed from 11:13 to 11:27 a.m.
Quality of Life Administrator Arlita Hallam said a proposal for Sunday hours at the Countryside Library was prompted by community requests. If approved, the costs of a skeletal staff
have not been budgeted. It was suggested the proposal be considered in the future.
Public Communications and Marketing
Director of Public Communications and Marketing Jackie Molsick reviewed the broadcast of: 1) public meetings and 2) series shows. C-View programs communicate with the public and provide
a sense of community. Clearwater Magazine will be discontinued after a final publication. It was suggested if series shows are eliminated, public interest in viewing public meetings
also will wane. It was suggested the proposal be reconsidered. In response to a question, Ms. Molsick said marketing for special projects covers City events, Vision-related items,
Farmer’s Market, holiday events, etc.
In response to a concern, staff will update the Commission regarding member recommended changes.
A running total of requested changes and how to balance the budget will be provided at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 11:47 a.m.