November 1, 1993
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelop:ment
Agency, met in regular session at City H.all, Monday, November 1,
1993 at 9:10 A.M., with the following members present:
Arthur X. Deegan, II
Rita Garvey
Richard Fitzgerald
Sue Barfield
Fred Thomas
Phil Henderson
Ex-officio Trustee
Lillian Trickel
Ex-officio Trustee
Also Present:
Peter Gozza
Michael Wright
Al Galbraith
Jacquie DeGroy
Executive Director
city manager
city Attorney
Acting Secretary
1.:1:__ 2. ADDroval. of Minutes
Trustee Berf leld moved to approve the minutes of the Octlober
18, 1993 meeting. The motion was seconded and carried unanimoU:sly.
Item 3~ SeptemberFinanc~al Report
This repor't will be reviewed at the November 15, 1993 meeting.
I1:em4..UJlfiJlishe4 .Busine,s
There was no unfinished business.
5. . Key. Business
a) Executive Director Goals/Obiectives
Peter Gozza, Executive Director, outlined his 'work
program for 1993-94 which will, also, serve as a basis for the
incentive bonus at fiscal year end. After much discussion and
reviewjTrustee Garvey moved that the Executive Director Goals and
Objectives with amendments be approved. The motion was seconded
and carried unanimously. A copy of the approved goals and
Objectives are attached and thus made a part of these minutes.
November 1, 1993
In accordance with the property inventory system (Gioal
#3) Peter Gozza will meet with Charlie Dye, Pinellas Coulnty
Property Appraiser I s Office, to determine if maintaining this
system would be economically efficient. ~rhis will also detern1line
if the CRA will assume responsible for the Interlocal Agreemenlt.
b) Main street Concept
Mr. Gozza defined the "Main street Concept" and its
typical first year activities, which, in part, consist of
organizing the field professionals, property owners/tenants,
community leaders and concerned citizens to serve on committees: of
volunteers that address the following:
Organization Committee:
Complete workplan (Goals & objectives/project assignments)
Develop committees (Promotion/design/economic restructuring)
Produce monthly newsletter
Create a Main street brochure (for "constituentstl)
Develop volunteer pool
Review staff performance
Promotion Committee:
Develop Promotion strategy (positioning statement/targets)
Create Logo graphic (district identification)
Set Calendar of Events (12 months promotions)
Produce a Business Directory
Launch Image Campaign (advertisJong/P.R.)
Start new community festival
Produce seasonal retail events
Install holiday decorations/promotions
Design Committee:
Conduct building inventory
Review codes & ordinances affecting district
Identify key building rehabilitation priorities
Hold, workshops for prope:t:oty ownElrs on rehabilitation
Conduct traffic/parking studies
Publish desiqnquidelines for siqnage, bldg. rehab
Establish incentive programs for bldq rehab
Evaluate pUblic improvement needs
Economic Restructing Co~~ittee:
Conduct business survey & invent:ory
Collect market data (demographic/market)
Conduct shopper survey/focus grc~ups
Hold retail assistance workshops (cust serv/business plans)
Complete preliminary market analysis (identify needs)
November 1, 1993
Trustee Fitzgerald pointed out that this concept was sinlilar
to the Downtown Development Board's program that was already in
place. Chairperson Deegan aCknowledged the efforts and
accomplishments of the conuni ttees, but indicated that in ordel::~ for
our Main Street concept to be successful, it needed to be a joint
effort between the Downtown Development Board, the Chambelt: of
Commerce, and the CRA. He felt this joint effort shoul<1 be
directed by the Executive Director of the CRA. Phil Henderson,
Chairperson of the Downtown Development Board, concurred with this
Trustee Garvey moved that the Main street concept be approived,
giving direction to Peter Gozza to work with Judi Hackett and
together to bring before the CRA details on how to implement a Main
street proqram that fits the Clearwater area. The motion was
seconded and carried unanimously.
Item 6. Bxeoutivtnirector Verbal Reports
Peter Gozza reported briefly on the Economic Development
strategic Planning meeting with the Chamber of Commerce. The
Chaltlber will be working with a ci ty staff commi ttee on how to
h.andle and track prospects.
Mr. Gozza will present a CDC outline at the November 15, 1993
CRA meeting.
Item ?Other ~ru8'teeBusiDess
Trustee Thomas requested that all CRA agenda revisionsl be
dated. The board secretary indicated this request would be mlet.
Chairperson Deegan pointed out that since the city Commislsion
authorized. expenditure of funds to bring the STEPPS building :lnto
a state of repair for use as a "drop in"center, the CRA, being the
owner of the building should authorize the use of Silme.
Commissioner 'rhomas moved that the CRA grant the Drop-In Ct;!ll'lter
TasJcForcet.he use of the STEPPS building. The motion was secoll1ded
and approved on a 4-1 vote. Trustee Fi'tzgerald voted "no".
~teJla 8. A4ioUZ"DDlU.t
Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 AM
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November 1, jL993