November 15, 1993
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelolpment
Agency, met in regular session at City Hall, Monday, Novembeir 15,
1993 at 9:10 A.M., with the following members present:
,l\rthur X. Deegan, II
Rita Garvey
Richard Fitzgerald
Sue Barfield
Fred Thomas
Phil Henderson
Lillian Trickel
Ex-officio Trustee
Ex-officio Trustee
Also PresE::nt:
Peter Gozza
JKathy Rice
j!U Galbraith
\1acquie DeGroy
Executive Director
Deputy City Manager
City Attorney
Acting Secretary
Item 2.. Appro'tlll of Minutes
TrusteeBEn~field moved to approve the minutes of the November
1, 1993 meetinc.;:r.. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Item 3 ..Sept.eJli1J~er Financial Reoort
The year-Ell1d September 30, 1993 firlancial report was reviewed
by Peter Cozza,. Noted item was the int.erest paid on the revenue
account which is; close to 7%. Trustee Thomas moved to approVle and
accept the yeaz'..end financial report. I]~he motion was seconded and
carried unanimc)usly.
Item 4.. Unfini~.bed Business
There was no unfinished business.
Item 5.. New Btl!iiness
,) COMun~j;y. Development corporation
Peter Goz:~;a, Executive Director, updated the Board Olil the
status of the C1DC and recommended that the proposed CDC district be
expanded to inc:::lude the current eRA area along with the current
Enterprise ZonE~ eliminating that portion of the Enterprise Zone
that is already' a part of the Neighborhood Housing Services CDC.
CDC membership ls determined by holding a meeting to sign up CDC
November 15, 1993
members by havin~J interested eligible participants comple'te
notarized residency forms. The Board of Directors are elected Jby
this membership. CDC application to the state has to be submitbed
by April 1, 1994.
Due to Board concerns, Mr. Gozza was asked to research and
present the followring to the Board at the November 29th meeting:
1. Preis; and cons of CDC boundary issue (To expand the
dis:t:rict or not; advantages of E-zone vs eRA)
2. Whol is eligible for CDC membership? (A full
definition of "residency" as it applies to the CDC)
3. Ho~' will the CDC funds be used?
Chairperson D'eeqan recommended that due to time constraintfs,
the Board be prepc:tl:,ed to make a definitive conclusion on the CDC
issue by the next regularly scheduled CRA meeting.
Chairperson D'eegan requested Ray Korzeniowski keep the ChambE~r
of Commerce adviseid of the CDC issue and encourage them to bring
any comments or concerns to Peter Gozza.
CDe STATUTE: Must be either a non-profit corporation or eligible
for small business: administration loans. Its membership must l)e
open to all serViCE! area residents 18 years of age or older. A
majority of its board members must be elected by those members c~f
the corporation who are service area residents.
CLEARWATER CDe MISSION STATEHENT: The purpose of the ClearwatElr
Community Developlnlant Corporation is to enhance the economlc
development of till:! City of Clearwater's Enterprise Zone by
improving the appecu:'ance and profitability of existing businesses~;
by attracting new bllsinesses; and by supporting new housing in the
area; thereby crea'tlnq more jobs and employment opportunities fc~r
area residents.
))) CSX RR/Am~~rak Depot
The board requested Peter Yauch' s rep~::>rt on the ISTEA grant
reimbursement be submitted to them as soon as it is received.
Mr. Cozza repc)rted that other sites are also being considereld
for the eRA office iand that he will keep the board advised of any
developments. Id1eally, he would want the site to be a rel-
habilitation projec:t; in order to encourage the downtown propert:y
6.. Executi va Dirac,1~or Verbal ReportJi
There were nOllE::.
November 15, 1993
'1.. other Trus'tlse Business
At a recent, meeting between Peter Cozza and Judi Hac}~ett it
was recommended by Ms. Hackett that the Main street Program .and its
committees be ut'lder the leadership of the eRA starting in DE~cember
1993" The Main street concept that Mr.. Gozza is recommendjLng for
Clearwater is the concept outlined in the minutes of Noven[ber J
Trustee Thc>mas requested 't.hat the }tIain street Program be
addressed on each eRA agenda with a tracking list format. Main
street Comnd ttee: Reports will be submitted. Chairperson Deegan
recommended thai: both the CDC and Main street Program issues remain
on the agenda c:c::mtinually under "Unfinished Business"" '.Jrrustee
Garvey would like the site selection for the eRA office tc~ be on
the agenda, also.
Chairperson Deegan raised the issue of the need to \llSe the
Florida Power Grant money by December 31, 1993. Mr. GOZ2:a will
have Florida POWE~r contact Chairperson Deegan and advise him of the
terms of the grc:lnt money.
Trustee Garvey extended thanks to the Downtown Development
Board for gett::ing the Main street Concept process st:arted,
appreciated the fact that they are working with Peter Goz:za and
hopefully will ~lo forward together..
A joint meeit:ing between the Downtown Development Boardcllnd the
community RedevE~lopment Agency will take place in January. A date
will be selectE~ci by the Downtolwn Dev~elopment Board due to new
members taking ():ffice in January. That da1l:e will be commurlicated
to the eRA. A C:learwater Main street cc)ncept will be preser~ted at
that meeting.
Item. 8. A4jc;>>urJpent
Meeting wa~; adjourned at 9:40 AM.
November l~>, 1993