7724-07 ORDINANCE NO. 7724-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, RELATING TO OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES; AMENDING PROVISIONS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; AMENDING CODE OF ORDINANCES SECTIONS 6.25, 7.41, 7.43, AND 7.44 TO CHANGE TERM "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT"; REPEALING AND RESERVING ALL OF CHAPTER 9, BATHHOUSES AND MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS; AMENDING SECTIONS 25.021, 25.051, 25.052, 25.053, 25.054, 25.055, 25.056, 25.057, 25.073, 25.131, 25.135, 25.137, 25.173, AND 28.04 TO CHANGE TERM "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT"; AMENDING CHAPTER 29, TAXATION AND OTHER FEES, ARTICLE II; AMENDING SECTION 29.21 TO CHANGE TERM "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT" AND TO PROVIDE THAT PROOF OF CERTAIN STATE LICENSURE AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS IS NECESSARY IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT; REPEALING AND RESERVING SECTIONS 29.22 AND 29.33; AMENDING SECTION 29.24 TO CHANGE TERM "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT" AND TO ADD CERTAIN DEFINITIONS; AMENDING SECTION 29.26 TO CHANGE TERMINOLOGY; AMENDING SECTION 29.27 TO CHANGE TERMINOLOGY, TO PROVIDE FOR ALTERNATIVE BACKGROUND CHECKS AND TO REQUIRE BUSINESSES USING CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS OR OTHER AUXILIARY BUSINESSES TO OBTAIN AND MAINTAIN RECORDS OF SUCH, AND PROVIDING THAT PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICE, OCCUPATION OR BUSINESS SHALL NOT BE MAINTAINED UNTIL SUCH RECORDS ARE OBTAINED; AMENDING SECTION 29.28 TO CHANGE TERM"OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT" AND ADD PROVISIONS REGARDING PROOF, MAINTENANCE, AND SUBCONTRACTORS; AMENDING SECTION 29.29 TO CHANGE TERM "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT" AND TO CHANGE OTHER TERMINOLOGY; AMENDING SECTION 29.30 TO CHANGE TERM "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT" AND TO PROVIDE FOR DISPLAY AND POSSESSION OF THE BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT; AMENDING SECTION 29.31 TO CHANGE TERM "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT" AND TO CHANGE OTHER TERMINOLOGY; AMENDING SECTIONS 29.32, 29.33, 29.35, 29.36, 29.43, 29.45, 29.48, 29.50, 29.52, 29.54, 29.55, 29.56, AND 33.022 TO CHANGE TERM "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" OR "LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT"; AMENDING SECTIONS 29.34, 29.37, 29.38, 29.39, 29.40, 29.41, 29.44, 29.47, 29.49, 29.53, AND 29.57 TO CHANGE TERM Ordinance No. 7724-07 "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" OR "LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT AND TO MAKE CERTAIN OTHER HOUSEKEEPING AMENDMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 29.41 TO CHANGE TERM "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT', TO CHANGE OTHER TERMINOLOGY, AND TO CLARIFY CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS REGARDING EXOTIC DANCERS; AMENDING SECTION 29.42 TO PROVIDE PROCEDURES FOR PROVISIONAL AND EMERGENCY ISSUANCE; REPEALING AND RESERVING SECTION 29.51; AMENDING SECTION 29.58 TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN TRANSITIONAL RULES; ADDING SECTION 29.59 TO PROVIDE THAT CERTAIN ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED WITHIN THE CITY OF CLEARWATER SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF OPERATING A BUSINESS WITHOUT A BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT; AMENDING APPENDIX A, SCHEDULE OF FEES, RATES AND CHARGES, V. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS (~47.087) TO CHANGE TERM "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" TO "BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT', TO ADD, OMIT AND CLARIFY CERTAIN CATEGORIES, TO REPEAL SUBSECTION XX., TO RENUMBER CATEGORIES, TO REQUIRE APPROVALS FROM CERTAIN CITY DEPARTMENTS, TO REVISE THE REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO CERTAIN FEES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Section 1. Chapter 6, Alcoholic Beverages, Article II, Division 1, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: * * * * * * Sec. 6.25. Business tax receipt occupstion3//icense required. All alcoholic beverage establishments in the city shall obtain a business tax receipt be licensed in accordance with the applicable requirements of state law and of the county. For the purpose of obtaining a state license, the owner of the establishment shall obtain a statement of zoning compliance from the development code administrator following conditional use approval. * * * * * * Section 2. Chapter 7. Amusements, Article II, Division 2, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 7.41. Required. It shall be unlawful for any operator to own, operate, manage, lease or control in the city any coin-operated or token-operated amusement machine, device or game until such operator has paid to the city aR business occupational license tax 2 Ordinance No. 7724-07 and obtained an business tax receipt occupational licenso as provided in section 29.58. * * * * * * Sec. 7.43. Investigation before issuance. Before the issuance of any business tax receipt occupation3/liconso for four or more coin-operated amusement devices or games, the city manager shall determine that the operator, if an individual applying for the permit, or that the officers and directors, if a corporation applying for the permit, have not been a party to the maintenance of any nuisance, directly or indirectly, in the city for the preceding two years, or if the individual, corporate officers or directors applying have been convicted of a felony, involving moral turpitude, either in the state or elsewhere. Sec. 7.44. Revocation, re-issuance. Upon the chief of police notifying an operator of a business that has been issued a business tax receipt occup3tion31 liconso lioensed pursuant to article II of chapter 29 that any location where the operator has any coin-operated amusement device or game is creating a nuisance, the taxpayer licensee shall, within a period of five days, rectify the conditions satisfactorily to the chief of police; and upon the failure to do so, the city commissioners, upon the recommendation of the chief of police, and after a hearing for which the operator has been given not less than three days' notice and has an opportunity to appear and be heard, may revoke and cancel the business tax receipt occupational Hcense issued for that particular location. Upon the ceasing of the nuisance, upon application, a new business tax receipt occupationalliconso may be issued and the new business tax receipt occup3tion31 licenso shall be subject to this section. Section 3. Chapter 9. Bathhouses and Massage Establishments, Articles I, II, and III, Code of Ordinances, is revoked, reserved and amended to read: CHAPTER 9. Reserved. Chapter 9 BATHHOUSES AND MASSAGE ESTA811SHMENTS* ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL SeG. 9.01. Definitions. The f-ollo'Ning words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 3 Ordinance No. 7724-07 Bath means any method of l.\lashing or cleansing of the structure of the human body or any external part thereof with ':.later or other liquid, vapor or steam, including but not limited to steam rooms, cabinet baths, sauna baths, sitz baths, colon irrigations, sho'....ers and baths of all kinds. Bathhouse means any establishment having a fixed place of business 'Nhere baths are administered or where any person engages in, carries on or permits to be engaged in or carried on any or all of the activities mentioned in the definition of bath, provided that nothing in this section contained shall be construed to include a duly licensed hospital, nursing home, modical clinic, physician, surgeon, physical therapist, chiropractor, osteopath, naturopath, podiatrist, or persons holding a drugless practitioner's certificate under the la':.ls of this state. Furthermore, this definition shall exclude from its operation barbershops and beauty salons (Le., duly licensed barbers and cosmetologists) in which baths are administered only to the scalp, the face, tho neck or the shoulders. Bath technio.'an means any person 'Nho for any consideration whatsoever administers a bath to another person at a bathhouso. Co owner means any and all persons listed by an applicant pursuant to section 9.32(5). Emp!oyoe means any person other than a bath technician who renders any service to a patron in connection with the operation of a bathhouse and who receives compensation directly or indirectly from the operator or owner of the bathhouse or its patrons. Licensed massage therapist means a person licensed or required to be licensed by F.g. ch. 480, as may be amended from timo to time, '::ho administers massage for compensation, '/:hether such person is actually Iiconsed or not. Massago means as set forth in F.g. ~ 480.033, as may be amended from time to time. Massage 3fJPrentice means apprentice as defined by F.g. ~ 480.033, as may be amended from time to time. Massage est-ablishment means a site or premises or portion thereof '....herein a licensed massage therapist practices massage. P-atron means any person who receives a bath at a bathhouse, upon payment of money or other consideration thoref-or. Rocognized sohoo! means a board approved massage school as defined by F.S. ~ 480.033, as may be amended from time to time. Soxual or gonita! parts shall mean the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, anus, perineum or the vul'.'a of any person. t^.'ith regard to the breasts of a female, sexual part shall mean the nipple or the pigmented portion adjacent thereto, otherwise referred to as the areola. 4 Ordinance No. 7724-07 Sec. 9.02. Provisions relating to licensing. Except as otherwise provided in this article, the provisions of chapter 29, article II, relating to occupational licenses shall apply to massage establishments, bathhouses, licensed massage therapists, massage apprentices and bath technicians. ARTICLE II. BATHHOUSES DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 9.21. Right of license inspector to enter. The license inspector is hereby authorized to enter, examine and survey any premises for which a permit has been issued pursuant to this division, during business hours, to enforce the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 9.22. Posting of chapter provisions. Every person owning, operating or managing a bathhouse shall post a copy of this chapter in a conspicuous place in the bathhouse so that it may be readily seen by persons entering the premises. Sec. 9.23. Operating requirements. No bathhouse shall be operated, maintained, established or conducted within the city unless such bathhouse shall comply with the following: (1) The premises shall have adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing non disposable instruments and materials used in administering baths. Such non disposable instruments and materials shall be disinfected and sterilized after use on each patron. (2) Closed cabinets shall be provided and used for the storage of clean linens, towels and other materials used in connection with administering baths. /\11 soiled linens, tov.'els and other materials shall be kept in properly cO'lered containers or cabinets, which containers or cabinets shall be kept separato from the clean storage areas. (3) Clean linens and towels shall be provided for each patron. No common use of tov/els or linens shall be permitted. (4) All bathhouse tables, bathtubs, shower stalls, steam or bath areas and floors shall have surfaces '.\'hich may be readily disinfected. (5) Adequate bathing, dressing, locker and toilet facilities shall be provided for the number of patrons to be served at any given time. If male and female patrons are to be served simultaneously, separate 5 Ordinance No. 7724-07 bathing, dressing, locker, and toilet facilities shall be provided. Separate toilet and lavatory facilities shall be maintained for personnel. Doors to all dressing rooms shall be self closing. (6) ,^.I1 ':Jalls, ceilings, floors, pools, showers, b::lthtubs, steam rooms and all other physical facilities shall be in good repair and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. \lVet and dry heat rooms, steam or vapor rooms, steam or vapor cabinets, shower compartments ::lnd toilet rooms shall be thoroughly cleaned each day the business is in operation. Bathtubs and showers shall be thoroughly cleaned after each use. VVhen carpeting is used on the floors, it shall be kept dry. (7) The premises sh::lll be equipped with a service tank for custodial services. (8) The eating of food or the consuming of alcoholic beverages in the b::lth work ::lreas shall not be permitted. (9) Animals, except Seeing Eye dogs, sh::lll not be permitted in the bath ':Jork areas. (10) All employees ::lnd bath technicians shall INear clean outer g::lrments whose use sh::lll be restricted to the bathhouse, and in addition, such employees and bath technicians shall ::It all times during normal "/orking hours at the b::lthhouse, conceal, v:ith ::l fully opaque covering, the sexual or genital parts of their bodies. (11) All bath services sh::lll be rendered or carried on in one ':Iork ::lrea devoted to baths. There sh::lll be no separate or individual cubicles, rooms, booths or areas set apart for private baths except that, if male and fem::lle p::ltrons ::lre to be served simult::lneously, two separate '1lork areas sh::lll be set ::lpart for male and female patrons. No bath service may be rendered or c::lrried on in a ':.'ork ::lrea in such a m::lnner or condition th::lt is not readily visible at ::lll times from any place within the S::lme ':.lork area. (12) The sexu::l1 or genital parts of patrons shall be covered ::It all times by towels, cloths, robes, underg::lrments, swim trunks, sv:imsuits, or other similar fully op::lque materials 'Nhile in the presence of an employee or b::lth technici::ln. Sec. 9.24. Unla'.vf-ul conduct. (1) It sh::lll be unla'Nful for any bath technician, employee, patron or other person in a bathhouse to place his hands upon, to touch with any part of his body, to fondle in any manner, or to mass::lge or bathe a sexual or genital part of any bath technician, employee, patron or other person. (2) It sh::lll be unlawful for any bath technician, employee, patron or other person in a b::lthhouse to expose his sexual or genital parts or any portion thereof to any other b::lth technician, employee, patron or other person. It sh::lll 6 Ordinance No. 7724-07 also be unlavJful for any bath technician, employee, patron or other person in a bathhouse to expose the sexual or genital parts or any portion thereof of any other bath technician, employee, patron or other person. (3) It shall be unlavJfuI f-or any bath technician, employee, patron or other person ',\'hile in the presence of any bath technician, employee, patron or other person in a bathhouse, to fail to conceal with a fully opaque covering, the sexual or genital parts of such person's body. (4) It shall be unla'Mul for any person owning, operating or managing a bathhouse to knowingly cause, allow or permit in or about such bathhouse, any agent, employee or any other person under his control or supervision to perf-orm such acts as are prohibited in subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section. DIVISION 2. PERMITS SeG. 9.31. Bathhouse permit Required. It shall be unla':Jful f-or any person to establish or operate a bathhouse within the city 'Nithout a valid, current permit issued pursuant to this division, in addition to the occupational license required by chapter 29, article II. SeG. 9.32. Same Application; fee. Any person desiring a permit to establish or operate a bathhouse within the city shall make application therefor to the city's occupational license inspector on forms provided f-or that purpose. Each bathhouse shall require a separate permit. Each bathhouse permit application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as prescribed in appendix 1\ to this Code plus an additional $25.00 for each as 3pplicable. The following, in 3ddition to any other inf-ormation \\'hich may be required by the license inspector, shall be furnished by each applicant at the time of application: (1) Name, address and telephone number of applicant; (2) Name, 3ddress and telephone number of the location of the bathhouse; (3) \^.'ritten proof th3t the 3pplicant is 3t least 18 years of age; (<1) T'NO front face portrait photographs of the 3pplic3nt 3t least two inches by WJO inches, taken 'J.'ithin 30 days of date of applic3tion; (5) Characterization of type of ownership of the business, Le., whether individual, partnership, corporation or otherwise, 3nd the names and addresses of any 3nd all co ol/mers; (6) l\. complete list of the names and residence addresses of all b3th technicbns and employees of the bathhouse; 7 Ordinance No. 7724-07 (7) An affidavit stating the business, occupation, profession or employment history of the applicant for the three years immediately preceding the date of application; (8) An affidavit stating the full history of any criminal convictions, excluding misdemeanor traffic violations, of the applicant and of each co owner. Sec. 9.33. Same Investigation of premises. The license inspector of the city, before issuing any permit, shall investigate or cause an investigation to be made of the promises named and described in the application for a bathhouse permit f<>r the purpose of determining whether the bathhouse complies v.'ith the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 9.34. Same Issuance. If the license inspector is fully satisfied from his investigation that the bathhouse is in conformity 'A'ith the provisions of this chapter, he shall, unless othe/"\vise prohibited by section 9.39, issue a permit authorizing the operation of a bathhouse. Sec. 9.35. Same Suspension. If the license inspector finds that a bathhouse, for ....'hich a permit \".'as issued pursuant to this division, does not conform to the standards set forth in section 9.23, or if the permittee (or its agents or employees) has refused or hampered the license inspector the right to immediate entry to the promises, the license inspector shall issue a written order for the immediate suspension of the permit until such time as he finds that the reason f<>r such suspension no longer exists. /\ copy of the order shall behand deliverod to the location of the bathhouse and posted on the main entrance to the premises and another copy of such order shall be served on the permittee, or on any bath technician or employee. Such order shall set forth the reasons for suspension. No person shall operate or assist in the operation of or patronize a bathhouse '::hen subject to an order of suspension. Upon delivery of the order of suspension, the bathhouse shall immediately cease operations and shall not resume operations except on a written order of reinstatement by the license inspector. Sec. 9.3&. Same Expiration. Each bathhouse permit issued pursuant to this division shall expire on the next succeeding September 30, unless sooner suspended. A permit issued on or after April 1 may be issued for one half the fee otherwise applicable. Sec. 9.37. 8ath tochnician permit required, application, issuance, expiration. 8 Ordinance No. 7724-07 (1) All persons who desire to perf{)rm the services of 3 b3th technician 3t 3 bathhouse Sh311: (a) Make application therefor to the occupational license inspeotor on forms provided for such purpose. Each b3th technician permit application shall be 3ccompanied by a. nonrefundable fee as presoribed in appendix ,fl, to this Code. In addition to 3ny other information 'Nhich may be required by the license inspector, the following shall 3ccompany each 3pplic3tion: 1. 'Nritten proof that the applic3nt is at least 18 years of age; 2. Copy of a county he31th certificate issued within the 30 days immediately preceding the d3te of application, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section; 3. SINorn notarized affidavit stating the applicant's full history of any criminal convictions excluding misdemeanor traffic violations; -1. Two front face portr3it photographs of the applicant, at le3st two inches by t\\'0 inches, taken within the 30 days preceding the d3te of application. (b) As 3n alternative to the health certificate required by subsection (a)2 of this section, 311 persons who desire to perform the services of bath technici3n 3t a bathhouse shall first undergo a physical examin3tion for cont3gious 3nd communic3ble diseases, which shall include recognized blood tests for syphilis and acquired immune deficiency syndrome, a culture for gonorrhea, 3 chest X r3Y which is to be made 3nd interpreted by a tr3ined radiologist acceptable to the county health dep3rtment, and such other laboratory tests, done in a 13bor3tory accept3ble to the county health department, as may be necessit3ted by the above eX3mination, 3nd sh311 furnish to the city licensing department, a certific3te based upon and issued within 30 days of such examin3tion, signed by 3 physicbn duly licensed by the st3te and stating th3t the person examined is either free from any contagious or communic3ble disease or inc3pable of communicating any of such diseases to others. (c) If the license inspector is fully s3tisfied th3t the b3th technici3n application is in conformity with the provisions of this section, he sh311, unless prohibited by section 9.39, issue a permit authorizing the practice by the b3th technici3n of his services within the city. Each permit issued pursuant to this section shall expire on the next succeeding September 30, unless sooner suspended. /\ permit issued on or after April 1 may be issued for one half the fee other\vise applicable. 9 Ordinance No. 7724-07 (2) It shall be unlawful for any person to perform the services of a bath technickm '::ithin the city v:ithout: (a) ,4, valid, current public health card issued to that person; and (b) /\ valid, current permit issued to such person pursuant to this section. Sec. 9.38. Notification of changes; updating application information. (1) Every bathhouse permittee shall report immediately to the license inspector any and all changes of o'A'nership or management of the bath business, including but not limited to changes of manager or other person principally in charge; stockholders holding more than ten percent of the stook of the oorporation; offioers, directors and partners; any and all changes of name, style or designation under '.,-'hich the business is to be conducted; any and all changes or transfers of bath technicians employed in the business whether by employment, discharge or termination, or othel\vise; and any ohanges in the information required by section 9.32. (2) Every bath technician shall report immediately to the licensing inspector any and all changes of employment, whether by employment, disoharge or termination, giving the name and address of the former employer, if any, and the name and address of the nell: employer, if any, if the new employer operates a bathhouse within the city, and any changes in the information required by section 9.37. Sec. 9.39. Denial. (1) The license inspector shall not issue a bathhouse or bath technician permit if he finds that: (a) The correct permit fee has not been tendered to the city or, in the case of a check or money order, honored with payment upon presentation; (b) Regarding a bathhouse permit, the operation as proposed by the applicant, if permitted, 'Nould not oomply with the provisions of this chapter; (c) The applioant, if an individual, or any of the co owners, if the applicant is not an individual, has been convicted of any: 1. Felony involving fraud, deceit, or an offense involving moral turpitude, unless such conviction occurred at least three years prior to the date of the applioation, or has been convicted of any off-ense immlving sexual misoonduct with minors, keeping or residing in a house of ill fame, solicitation of a lewd or unla'Mul act, prostitution or pandering, unless such con'.'iction has 10 Ordinance No. 7724-07 occurred at least three years prior to application for permit and the applicant has had no subsequent convictions; or 2. Offense involving the use of or threat to use force or violence upon the person of another. For the purpose of this section conviction shall not include INithheld adjudication. (d) The applicant has knowingly made any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of f-act in the permit application or in any document required by the city in conjunotion herewith; (e) The applicant has had a bath business, bath technician, or other similar permit or license denied, re'.(oked or suspended for any of the above causes by the city or any other state or local agency within five years prior to the date of application; or (f) The applicant, if an individual, or any of the co O\\'ners, if the applioant is not an individual, is not over the age of 18 years. (2) The license inspector, upon denying an application, shall state his reasons in 'Nriting, specifying the particular grounds for denial. Sec. 9.40. Appeals. (1) Any applicant or permittee aggrieved by a decision of the license inspector in the denial of an application for bathhouse permit or bath technioian permit, or '::ith reference to the revocation of a bathhouse permit or bath technician permit pursuant to this di'.'ision shall ha'.(e the right of appeal to the city manager. Such appeal shall be taken by filing 'Nith the city clerk, within ten days after the decision complained, a 'A'ritten statement setting forth the grounds for suoh appeal. The city clerk shall forthlNith notify the city manager '.vho shall schedule a public hearing and shall give notice of suoh hearing to the appellant. (2) The decision and order of the city manager shall be final and oonolusive, unless the appellant, within ten days follO\A.'ing notification of the deoision and ordor of the city manager, files a '.witten statement setting forth the grounds of appeal from the decision or order of the oity manager with the oity olerk. Upon the filing of suoh written statement, the city olerk shall notify the oity manager and shall schedule a public hearing bef<>re the city commission and shall give notice of such hearing to the appellant. I\t such hearing, the city commission shall be entitled to consider any exhibits and any minutes or a transcript of the hearing held bef<>re the city manager in addition to any other matter the appellant may '.vish to present relating to the grounds of appeal. The deoision and order of the city commission on such further appeal shall be final and conclusive. SeG. 9.41. Transfer prohibited. 11 Ordinance No. 7724-07 No bathhouse or bath teohnioian permit shall be transferable, and suoh authorization as a permit oonfers shall be oonferred only on the permittee named therein. ARTICLE III. MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS Sec. 9.61. Minimum standards for massage establishments and licensed massage therapists. (1) Eaoh massage establishment, licensed massage therapist and massage apprentioe who administers massages for oompensation '....ithin the city shall at all times comply with the requirements of F.S. ch. 480, as may be amended from time to time, and the rules and regulations of the state board of massage, including but not limited to the licensure requirements thereof, and shall obtain an occupational license pursuant to chapter 29, article II. (2) It shall be a violation for any person to operate a massage establishment or administer massage for compensation in the city without oomplying with subsection (1) of this section. Section 4. Chapter 25. Public Transportation Carriers, Article II, Divisions 1, 2 and 3, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: Sec. 25.021. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Business tax receipt Oooup3tiona! license means the written authority granted by the business tax receipt occupational license division pursuant to this article to engage in a taxicab business in the city. Business tax receipt Oooup3tion3/ Jioonse division means that agency of the city responsible for issuing business tax receipts occupational licenses, and shall include the director of such agency. * * * * * * Taxicab company means any business entity of whatever nature or composition which is licensed by the business tax receipt oooupational lioense division to operate one or more taxicabs and engage in a taxicab service, and may be a corporation, partnership, joint venture, natural person, or other individual, association or combined persons or entities. * * * * * * 12 Ordinance No. 7724-07 DIVISION 2. BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT OCCUPATIONAL L1CENSE* * * * * * * Sec. 25.051. Required. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person or taxicab company to own, lease, control, drive, carry on, engage in or conduct the business of operating one or more taxicabs for the transportation of persons on the public streets of the city or dispatched for hire on the public streets of the city without first having obtained a business tax receipt an occupation311ioense from the business tax occupational license division atter paying the tax as prescribed by section 29.58. This section shall apply only to taxicab companies that pick up passengers within the city limits or that have any office or dispatch facilities located within the city. (2) Any taxicab company which is licensed by another municipality or county to conduct a taxicab business and which registers such business tax receipt occupational license in this city in accordance with section 29.30 shall not be relieved of the responsibility of complying with this division. Sec. 25.052. Twenty-four-hour service. Since there is an existing and continuing public need for 24-hour taxicab service, and the providing of 24-hour service is recognized as burdensome, it is the intention of the city that this burden should be equitably and fairly shared. Therefore, all taxicab companies must operate and provide taxicab service 24 hours a day in order to receive and retain a business tax receipt an occupationallioonse. Sec. 25.053. Application. (1) No taxicab shall be operated for hire on the streets, highways, roads, avenues, and public ways of the city until its owner, lessee, or controlling taxicab company has first obtained a valid business tax receipt occupational license for the taxicab company and a taxicab permit for each taxicab to be operated for hire within the city. (2) In order to secure a business tax receipt an occupation31 license an applicant must provide information on a form provided by the business tax occup3tionallicense division. The applicant must: (a) Be at least 18 years of age; (b) Be a citizen of the United States or an alien admitted for permanent residence who has otherwise been granted employment authorization by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service; 13 Ordinance No. 7724-07 (c) Not have been convicted of any felony if such violation is related to the operation of a motor vehicle or with the operation of a taxicab, and not have been convicted of violating any ordinance governing the conduct of taxicab business tax receipt oooupationallioense holders. (3) If the applicant for a business tax receipt an occupational lioense is a corporation or partnership, then the chief executive officer of the corporation or, if a partnership, the partner with the greatest proprietary interest, shall possess all of the requirements set out in subsection (2) of this section. Sec. 25.054. Investigation of applicants. Upon the filing of the business tax receipt occupational lioense application, the business tax receipt oooupational license division and police department shall make an investigation, including any hearing deemed necessary, as to each application for license for the operation of the taxicab company. In determining whether a license shall be issued, the business tax receipt occupational license division shall determine the fitness of the applicant to engage in the business of operating taxicabs in accordance with chapter 29, pertaining to licenses. Sec. 25.055. Issuance. If the business tax receipt occupational license division finds that the applicant is qualified to operate a taxicab business pursuant to chapter 29 and that the applicant has complied with the requirements of this article, a license will be issued to the applicant. If the business tax receipt oCGupational license division finds that the applicant is not fit to conduct the taxicab business or the equipment is not fit for such business in the city, no license will be issued, and notice of the action of the business tax receipt occupational license division will be given to the applicant setting forth the reason for the refusal of such business tax receipt license and informing the applicant of his appellate rights pursuant to chapter 29. Sec. 25.056. Transfer. No business tax receipt license shall be transferable except upon application to and consent of the occupational license division, which shall determine the qualifications of the proposed transferee in accordance with the provisions of chapter 29 and this article. Sec. 25.057. Revocation or suspension. (1) Upon a finding of due cause, the city manager shall have the authority to revoke or suspend any business tax receipt oooupational license issued by the city. (2) Due cause for the revocation or suspension of an business tax receipt occupational license shall include but shall not be limited to the following: 14 Ordinance No. 7724-07 (a) Obtaining an business tax receipt occupational license by providing false information; (b) Conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction of any shareholder, partner or member of any corporation, partnership, firm or association, holding a 51 percent interest or more in the entity, of any of the following: criminal homicide; rape; aggravated battery; burglary; aggravated assault; kidnapping; robbery; child molestation; grand theft; criminal solicitation to commit or attempt to commit any of the crimes enumerated in this subsection; and unlawful possession, sale or distribution of any controlled substance which is regulated or prohibited by F.S. ch. 893, if such violation is related to operation of the company, or violation of any ordinances of the city governing the conduct of holders of business tax receipts occupational licenses for the taxicab business; (c) Violation of any of the provisions of this article or the traffic regulations applicable within the city. (3) No taxicab company business tax receipt occupational license shall be revoked or suspended except upon a finding of due cause and after a hearing before the city manager not less than five days following service of a notice to the company, which notice shall state the place, date, time and purpose of such hearing and the charges upon which the hearing shall be held. (4) After revocation of a taxicab company business tax receipt occupational license, no application for aR business tax receipt occupational license from the same taxicab company shall be accepted or considered for a period of 12 months from the date of revocation. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "same taxicab company" means the same natural person, partnership, corporation, or other business entity which held the revoked license, or any other partnership, corporation, or business entity having one or more partners, officers, directors, or members in common with the partnership, corporation, or other business entity which held the revoked license. * * * * * * Sec. 25.073. Same--By chief of police. Upon approval by the business tax receipt occupational licenso division of an application for a taxicab company business tax receipt occupational license and the issuance of such receipt license and compliance with all other provisions of this article, the chief of police shall issue an annual taxicab permit for each taxicab that complies with this article. Section 5. Chapter 25. Public Transportation Carriers, Article III, Division 1, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: 15 Ordinance No. 7724-07 * * * * * * Sec. 25.131. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Business tax receipt OCCLJlxl(.iona! licenso means the written authority granted by the business tax receipt occupational liconso division pursuant to this article to engage in the public conveyance business in the city. Business tax receipt Oooupationa! licenso division means that agency of the city responsible for issuing business tax receipts oooupational license and shall include the director of such agency. * * * * * * Public conveyance company means any business entity of whatever nature or composition which is licensed by the business tax receipt oooupational licenso division to operate one or more public conveyances for the transportation of passengers for hire, fee, or compensation of any kind, and may be a corporation, partnership, joint venture, natural person, or other individual, association or combined persons or entities. * * * * * * Sec. 25.133. Compliance with article. * * * * * * (2) Companies licensed by other municipalities or counties. Any public conveyance company which is licensed by another municipality or county to conduct a public conveyance business and which registers such business tax receipts ocoupational Hoense in this city in accordance with section 29.30 shall not be relieved of the responsibility of complying with this article. * * * * * * Sec. 25.135. Annual reports. Every public conveyance company havinq a business tax receipt licensed to provide public conveyance service in the city shall, by September 30 October 1 of each year, submit to the business tax receipt oooupational lioense division the following information: 16 Ordinance No. 7724-07 (a) A description of the motor vehicle being used as a public conveyance, setting forth the make, model, year, color, body style, motor vehicle identification and license tax numbers thereof; (b) Each public conveyance permit number; (c) A list setting forth the current names and addresses of all drivers employed by or contracting with the public conveyance company. Each public conveyance company shall have available at all times a current and accurate residential address and telephone number for every public conveyance driver, and such information shall be released to any city police officer conducting an active criminal investigation. * * * * * * Sec. 25.137. Liability insurance. (1) It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any public conveyance to drive or operate the public conveyance or to permit it to be driven or operated upon the public streets of the city unless such owner or operator shall have first filed with the business tax receipt ocoupational lioense division evidence of procuring a liability insurance policy, upon which a city is listed as an additional insured party, issued by a good responsible insurance company, or a surety bond issued by a good and responsible surety company. Such insurance company or surety company must have authority to do business as such in the state. The minimum amount of liability insurance or surety bond coverage for each public conveyance shall be as follows: (a) One hundred thousand dollars bodily injury liability for anyone person injured by reason of the negligent operation of the public conveyance; (b) Three hundred thousand dollars bodily injury liability for the maximum compensation to all persons injured in anyone accident; and (c) One hundred thousand dollars for all property damage in anyone accident. (2) In lieu of subsection (2) of this section, the public conveyance owner or operator may make application to the state, pursuant to F.S. ~ 324.171, to qualify as a self-insurer in at least the same amounts as required in this section. Such owner or operator shall file with the city clerk a copy of the application and all documentation filed with the state. Upon approval of such application by the state, a current copy of such approval shall be filed with the business tax occl:.Ipation::1/ HooRse division. Upon filing such grant of approval from the state with the business tax OCCUP::1t.iOR::1/ lioonso division, such owner, operator, or driver shall be entitled to function as a self-insurer until such time as the approval is revoked, cancelled or otherwise terminated. * * * * * * 17 Ordinance No. 7724-07 Sec. 25.173. Same--By chief of police. Upon approval by the business tax receipt occupational HGonso division of an application for a public conveyance company aR business tax receipt oCGupatfonal licenso and the issuance of such business tax receipt licenso and compliance with all other provisions of this article, the chief of police shall issue an annual public conveyance permit for each public conveyance that complies with this article. * * * * * * Section 5. Chapter 28. Streets, Sidewalks, Other Public Places, Article I, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: * * * * * * Sec. 28.04. Trading and selling on streets. Except for the sale of ice cream from ice cream trucks on streets in residential areas, which have been issued a city business tax receipt occupational Hcense for such use, and unless authorized by Article III of Chapter 22 which pertains to special events, it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, barter, exchange, or offer to sell, barter or exchange any goods, wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever in or on or over any street, right-of-way or public property, sidewalk or park within the city. This section shall not apply to curb service furnished by any regularly established and licensed place of business in the city, and this section shall not apply to the holding of bazaars or other sales not made or carried on for personal profit, where such sales are operated in front of or adjacent to a store or place of business with the consent of the owner or manager thereof. The prohibition set out in subsection (1) of this section shall not prevent the operation of a sidewalk cafe on the public sidewalk where the sidewalk cafe is permitted under the provisions of section 3-201 C. of the Land Development Code. Section 6. Chapter 29. Taxation and Other Fees, Article II, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: ARTICLE II. Business Occupational Licenso Tax Receipts Sec. 29.21. Certificates or examinations required. No business tax receipt Occupational License shall be issued to any person otherwise required by ordinance of the city to have a certificate of competency and/or state license or any other requirements mandated bv ordinance, statute, rule, law or other provision or to have passed an examination before engaging in a business or profession in the city, until such person has exhibited to the city 18 Ordinance No. 7724-07 manager proof of having the certificate or of having passed the examination. Sec. 29.22. Reserved Disclosures required of insuranGe agents. Any person oonduoting the business, occupation or profession of an insurance agent shall file a sworn statement listing the n::1me of each insurance company for which he is acting. Sec. 29.23. Reserved Business of pro\'iding future consumer services. Any person applying for an oocupational license in tho city to engage in the business of providing future consumer services as th::1t term is defined in section 2(a) of county Ordinance No. 77 4 shall, prior to obtaining ::1 city occupationallioonse and in addition to any other requirement provided in this article, at the time of application provide proof of complianoe '....ith county Ordinance No. 77 4, including evidonce of any license obtained ::1nd any bond or affidavit provided. Sec. 29.24. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: * * * * * * Business Tax OOOtlpatioRa! LiOfJRSeS means the method by which the city grants the privilege of engaging in or managing any business, profession or occupation within its jurisdiction. It shall not mean any fees or licenses paid to any board, commission or officer for permits, registration, examination or inspection which are hereby deemed to be regulatory and in addition to and not in lieu of any business tax Oocupational Licenses imposed pursuant to the provisions of this article unless otherwise provided by law. Business Tax Receipt means the document issued bv the city indicatina all fees. taxes and other associated costs associated with conductina the business at any and all appropriate locations within the City have been paid. City Manaaer means the City Manaaer or his desianee. Department means the department responsible for issuina Business Tax Receipts. Director means the person in charae of the department. Inspector means any person authorized to conduct inspections of business tax and/or business tax Receipt codes. 19 Ordinance No. 7724-07 * * * * * * Rental unit means any commercial unit or space or residential or dwelling, room, apartment, hotel, or motel unit, as may be rented or leased, and located on one lot, plot or parcel of land. Taxpaver means any person liable for the taxes imposed under the provisions of Chapters 7.25. and 29. respectivelv. any aaent reauired to file and pay any taxes imposed under said provisions. and the heirs. successors. assianees. and transferees of any such person or aaent. wherever relevant to any provision of this article or other law or ordinance. and includes any and all individuals listed on the business tax application and/or business tax receipt. * * * * * * Sec. 29.26. Enforcement and inspection--Generally. (1) The following persons are authorized to conduct inspections In the manner prescribed in this section: (a) The city manager shall make all investigations reasonably necessary for the enforcement of this code. (b) The city manager shall have the authority to order the inspection of taxpayers Iicensoes, their businesses records, by any city staff offici31 having duties to perform with reference to such licensees or businesses. (c) All police officers shall be empowered to enforce compliance with the provisions of this article. (2) All persons authorized in this section to inspect business tax receipts licenses, businesses or records the authority to enter, with or without search warrant as the law may require, at all reasonable times, the following premises: (a) Those for which a business tax receipt license is required; (b) Those for which a business tax receipt license was issued and which, at the time of inspection, are operating under such business tax receipt license; (c) Those for which a business tax receipt license has been revoked or 20 Ordinance No. 7724-07 suspended. Sec. 29.27. Police background check. For the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Clearwater, some business types require a police background check on the owners or operators of the business. Most of these businesses are identified in the fee schedule of Appendix A of this Code. From time to time, the director of the department central permitting and the police chief may identify other businesses which will require a police background check, but are not so noted in the fee schedule of Appendix A of this Code. Any business owner. operator who is required to obtain a police backoround check may furnish a state criminal backoround check if it was completed by a State reoulatorv aoency within 6 months of the application for a business tax receipt and the backoround check can be verified as beino completed by that aoency. If the applicant elects to provide the alternative backoround check. it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide the proof of passino such backoround check. The City may require a City backoround check on a case-by-case basis if there are Questions about the validity or accuracy of a backoround check provided by the applicant. Sec. 29.28. Evidence of engaging in business. ill For the purposes of this article, any person offering a service or product to the public at a given location by any means, whether or not a transaction takes place, shall be liable for aR-business tax receipt Occupational Licenses for that business. (2) Any principal business that utilizes or requires any contractor. sub- contractor or any other type of business that also requires a business tax receipt shall obtain proof and maintain the record of the business tax receipt of the contractor. sub-contractor or anv other type of business. The contractor. sub- contractor or any other type of business shall not be able to perform the service. occupation or business on the premises of the principal business until a business tax receipt has been obtained. Sec. 29.29. Determination of classifications. If there is a disagreement between the applicant and city staff on the question of proper classification for any business, occupation or profession for business tax receipt license purposes, the city manager shall decide the proper classification, but the applicant has the right to appeal this decision to the e-City commission Manaoer whose decision shall be final. . 21 Ordinance No. 7724-07 Sec. 29.30. Business Tax Receipt License required. (1) Any person who maintains a permanent or temporary business location or branch office within the city to manage a profession, business or occupation shall first obtain a city business tax receipt lioense for each location and pay the appropriate fee as prescribed in Appendix A of this Code. Such business tax receipt license shall be signed by the director of the department central permitting and shall have the city seal affixed. (2) Any person who does not maintain a permanent business location or branch office within the city but who transacts any business or engages in any occupation or profession in interstate commerce where such business license tax is not prohibited by section 8 of article 1 of the United States Constitution shall also be liable for obtaining a city business tax receipt Occupation:]1 Licenses. (3) Any person who does not maintain a permanent business location or branch office within the city but who desires to transact a business or within the city shall register with the city manager the business tax receipt license of that municipality or other governmental subdivision in which they maintain a permanent business location, or if no business tax receipt lioense is required by the other municipality, a registration of the business shall be required, unless otherwise provided by this article. Such registration shall be accomplished prior to the commencement of the business, shall be subject to a registration fee as prescribed in appendix A to this Code and shall be valid from the date of issuance to the next succeeding September 30 October 1. (4) The burden of securing a business tax receipt n Ocoupational Licenses rests with the principal of a business, but in the event of noncompliance by the principal, his agent or employee shall be subject to the same enforcement policies. (5) For properties with multiple businesses, a business tax receipt R Occupational Licenses shall be required for each business. (6) Accessory uses, as defined by this article, shall be exempt from business tax receipt Occup:]tional Licenses requirements. (7) Each business shall display the business tax receipt in a prominent location within the individual business location. Each reoistered business shall have the business tax receipt or a copy of the business tax receipt inion possession of the business representative(s) while conductino business within the City. Sec. 29.31. Issuance requirements for new businesses. 22 Ordinance No. 7724-07 (1) A business tax receipt license shall be issued pursuant to this article for any new business, occupation or profession when all applicable conditions are satisfied. (a) The application for a business tax receipt n Occupational Lioenses has definitely stated the exact location at which the business shall be operated and a zoning official has verified that such business, occupation or profession is allowed under the community ./aRe development code, section 4-205 36.061 . (b) The application has been approved by the police chief when required for the business, occupation or profession. (c) The application has been approved by the CGity ManaQer commission when required for the business, occupation or profession. (d) The application has been approved by the county health department when required for the business, occupation or profession. (e) The application has been approved by the harbormaster when required for the business, occupation or profession. (f) The application has been approved by the building official when occupancy of a vacant or reconstructed business premises is involved. (g) The application has been completed without failure to disclose or misrepresentation of the information required. (2) No business tax receipt license shall be issued for any business that intends to engage in an unlawful activity, as part of its business. (3) Within 30 days of the submittal of an application, the director of the department oentral permitting shall issue a business tax receipt Iioense or notify the applicant in writing setting forth the grounds for the city's refusal to issue a business tax receipt lioense. The applicant shall have the right of appeal as specified in section 29.44. Sec. 29.32. Single business tax receipt IiceAse for more than one business tax receipt license. In all cases where the same person or corporation must obtain more than one business tax receipt license for the business operated at the same location, that person or corporation may be issued a single license business tax receipt describing the various business tax receipt license categories represented by such certificate. In such a case the amount paid for the business tax receipt license shall be the 23 Ordinance No. 7724-07 same as if individual certificates are issued. This section shall serve only to permit the city to consolidate the separate business tax receipt license into one certificate. Sec. 29.33. Duplicate Business Tax Receipts license issuance. Duplicate business license tax receipts may be issued by the director-Gity manager. An administrative fee as prescribed in appendix A to this Code will be assessed for each duplicate business tax receipt license issued. Sec. 29.34. Applicability to certain professions. The required tax in section Appendix A 29.58 for architects, auctioneers, auditors, accountants, attorneys, dentists, draftsmen, engineers, chiropractors, physicians, real estate brokers and sales associates, and other similar professions shall be construed to mean that each individual person shall pay the tax provided for in this article whether practicing by himself, employed by another, or in a partnership, corporation or professional association, except where the professional services of a particular employee are wholly utilized by the employer and are not available to the public, either privately or in the name of the employer. Sec. 29.35. Tenants in municipally owned or leased facilities. Persons engaged in any business, occupation or profession on or in municipally owned or leased facilities must obtain a business tax receipt R Occupational Licenses unless exempt by law, ordinance or statute. Sec. 29.36. Business Tax receipts license required for each lease department. Every person operating what is commonly known as a lease department in any store shall pay a business tax license fee for the operation of each department so leased according to the proper classification of the business or occupation as set forth in this article. Sec. 29.37. Identification on trucks required. Any and all trucks or other vehicles operated or used in connection with any contracting, building, delivery, maintenance, repair service, or manufacturing business or occupation conducted within the city shall have painted or otherwise prominently displayed in a visible and legible manner upon such truck or other vehicle, the name.L..aflG address and telephone number of the business in which such truck or other vehicle is used. Such information shall be displaved painted on both 24 Ordinance No. 7724-07 sides of the vehicle and the letters in such sign shall be a minimum height of three inches. Sec. 29.38. Transfer. (1) Business tax receipts Licenses issued by the city may be transferred with the approval of the director of the department central permitting subject, however, to the following conditions: (a) All business tax receipts license may be transferred to a new owner when there is a bona fide sale of the business upon payment of a transfer fee as prescribed in appendix A to this Code and presentation of evidence of the sale and the original business tax receipt license. (b) Upon written request and presentation of the original business tax receipt license, any business tax receipt license may be transferred from one location to another location in the city upon payment of a transfer fee as prescribed in appendix A to this Code. Such transfers shall be accomplished provided the applicant receives approvals from zonino submits a land use certificate as required by the community Jami development code and the required building and fire inspections have been accomplished. (c) Where the taxpayer licensee has been exempted from payment of all or any part of the business license tax therefore, any such business tax receipt license shall not be transferable pursuant to this section. (d) Holders of alcoholic beverage licenses shall comply with chapter 6 of this Code. (e) The activity in which the new business engages, as part of the business, must be lawful. (f) The transferee must meet the requirements of the Code to obtain a business tax receipt n Occupational Lioenses. (2) Within 30 days from the date the applicant submits the request, the director of the department central permitting shall transfer the business tax receipt lioense or notify the applicant in writing setting forth the grounds for the city's refusal to transfer the business tax receipt license. The applicant shall have the right of appeal as specified in section 29.44. Sec. 29.39. Review upon renewal. (1) Upon the annual renewal of all business tax receipt licenses, any business tax receipt license may be reviewed to determine if all applicable 25 Ordinance No. 7724-07 provisions of this article, state, county, city and/or federal laws, ordinances, rules and regulations have been complied with, by the taxpaver licensee. (2) When the taxpaver licensee has failed to comply with, follow or adhere to any applicable provisions of this article, state law or city ordinance, rule or regulation, the director of the department central permitting may deny the re- issuance of the business tax receipt license only after complying with the requirements contained in section 29.41 of the Code. Sec. 29.40. Delinquent Ppenalties. (1) All business license taxes imposed by this article shall be due and payable on September 30 October 1 of each year and shall expire on September 30 of the succeeding year. Those business tax receipts licenses not renewed by September 30 October 1 shall be considered delinquent and shall be subject to an administrative fee and delinquency penalty as per Appendix A. It is the duty of an inspector the code enforcement officer, occupational license_or a law enforcement officer to make affidavit of 'Jiolation and request for hearing, and to cause such person or persons or officers and directors of any corporation to be brought before the Municipal Code Enforcement Board or the county court utilizinQ processes as set forth in Article 7 of the Communitv Development Code. and Florida State Statutes ,as amended from time to time. (2) Each business tax receipt license required by this chapter shall be obtained prior to the commencement of business or the practice of a profession and if not, shall be subject to an administrative fee and penalty as per Appendix A, in addition to the penalties of section 1.12. Sec. 29.41. Right to revoke or deny. (1) Subject to the requirements contained in subsection (2) of this section, the director of the department central permitting may revoke any business tax receipt license granted pursuant to this article for cause, and may deny the re-issuance of a business tax receipt license to an established business for cause. For the purpose of this section, "cause" exists when the taxpaver licensee commits or permits any of the following violations: (a) The taxpaver licensee maintains or allows a nuisance to be maintained at the business licensed premises. As used in this subsection, the term "nuisance" shall mean engaging in any activity or permitting any activity on the business licensed premises declared to constitute a public nuisance in section 3-1503 of the Communitv Development Code ~, or proscribed by F.S. ch. 796, ~ 798.02 or ch. 800, or any amendments thereto or proscribed by sections 6.43 or 21.13 of the Code; 26 Ordinance No. 7724-07 (b) The taxpayer licensee engages in or permits disorderly or immoral conduct on the business lioonsed premises; (c) The taxpayer lioensee causes or permits the playing of any form of music either by mechanical device or live performance in such a manner that the sound is audible beyond the property line of the business licensed premises where the music is being played or performed in violation of any state law, or local ordinance; (d) The taxpayer licensee commits or permits within the permit year the same violation of the Code on the business licensed premises three or more times; (e) The taxpayer licensee has violated on the premises any county ordinance, state or federal statute or rule or regulation pertaining to the activity which has been business licensed pursuant to this article; (f) The taxpayer licensee fails to secure and maintain adequate offstreet parking facilities for use by patrons of the business premises; (g) The taxpayer licensee to comply with the fire prevention ordinances of the city, after reasonable notice has been given to the taxpayer licensee to eliminate or correct any condition in violation of such ordinances on the business licensed premises; (h) The taxpayer licensee fails to maintain a safe building or system on the business licensed premises in accordance with section 47.161 of the Code after reasonable notice has been given to the taxpayer licensee to eliminate or correct the unsafe condition. (2) Upon discovering that cause exists to revoke or deny the re-issuance of a business tax receipt license, the director of the department central permitting shall issue the taxpayer lioensoe a written warning requesting the taxpayer licensee to eliminate the violation within 30 days from receipt of the warning and notifying the taxpayer licensee of the city's intent to revoke or deny the re-issuance of the business tax receipt license if the violation is not corrected. If the business licensee willfully fails to eliminate the violation or if the taxpayer licensee permits the violation to reoccur within 90 days from the date of the taxpayer Iioensee's receipt of the warning, the director of the department central permitting shall issue another written warning notifying the taxpayer licensee of the city's intent to revoke or deny the re- issuance of the business tax receipt license if the violation is not corrected within 30 days from receipt of the second warning. If the taxpayer licensee willfully fails to eliminate the violation or if the taxpayer licensee permits the violation to reoccur within one year from the date of the taxpayer licensee's receipt of the second 27 Ordinance No. 7724-07 warning, the director of the department centr::!1 permitting shall issue the taxpayer licensee a written notice setting forth the grounds for the city's intent to revoke or deny the re-issuance of the business tax receipt license. Within ten calendar days from the date the director of the department central permitting notifies the taxpayer licensee of the city's intent to revoke the business tax receipt license or deny the re- issuance of the business tax receipt license for cause, the business tax receipt license shall be automatically revoked or nonrenewable, unless the taxpayer licensee files with the city clerk a written statement setting forth fully the grounds for such appeal. Upon the filing of such written statement, the city clerk shall notify the city manager, who shall schedule and conduct a hearing before the city manager within 30 calendar days from the date the written statement was filed. The taxpayer licensee shall be given written notice of the hearing by certified mail return receipt requested and shall have an opportunity to present evidence on his or her behalf, to cross examine witnesses, and to be represented by counsel. The city shall have the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence, and the city manager's decision shall be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing. Within ten calendar days of the hearing, the city manager shall file with the city clerk's office and shall serve on the taxpayer licensee a written decision containing findings of fact and conclusions of the legal basis for the decision. Within 30 days of the date the city manager files the decision with the city clerk, the decision shall become final unless the taxpayer licensee files a petition for a writ of certiorari in the circuit court for Pinellas County. The filing of a pleading seeking judicial review shall automatically stay the revocation until judicial review has been exhausted unless the city obtains injunctive relief. (3) Any taxpayer licensee or any who has had a business tax receipt R Occupation::!1 Licenses revoked or has had the issuance or renewal of the business tax receipt license denied pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, shall not be eligible to submit an application for another business tax receipt license to conduct another business in the city until one year has expired from the date the business tax receipt license was revoked or denied by the city or, if an appeal is taken while the business continues in operation, until one year from the later of the date of the last decision or order affirming the revocation or denial or the date the business ceases operations in compliance with the decision or order. (4) Any taxpayer licensee who has had a business tax receipt R Occup::!tional Licenses revoked or has had the renewal of the business tax receipt license denied pursuant to subsection (2) of this section and who seeks to engage in a business involving the sale or rental of materials protected by the First Amendment or the presentation or the performance of entertainment protected by the First Amendment shall be eligible to submit immediately an application for a new business tax receipt license to conduct another business protected by the First Amendment at a different location subject to further review to determine the taxpayer Iicensoe 's compliance with applicable laws, statutes and the issuance requirements of section 29.31. 28 Ordinance No. 7724-07 (5) The director of the department central permitting shall not issue a business tax receipt n Occupational Licenses if the director finds that: (a) The applicant, if an individual, or any of the co-owners, if the applicant is not an individual, does not seek to engage in a business involving the sale or rental of materials protected by the First Amendment or the presentation or performance of entertainment protected by the First Amendment and has, within three years previous to the date of application: 1. Been convicted, been on house arrest, probation, or parole, or been incarcerated for any felony involving fraud or dishonesty, any offense involving moral turpitude, any offense involving sexual misconduct with minors, any offense involving a lewd or lascivious act or prostitution, or criminal solicitation to commit or attempt to commit any of the above; or 2. Been convicted, been on house arrest, probation, or parole, or been incarcerated for any felony involving the use of or threat to use force or violence upon the person of another, or for criminal solicitation to commit or attempt to commit any such felony; (b) The applicant, if an individual, or any of the co-owners, if the applicant is not an individual, seeks to engage in a business as an adult use establishment as defined in section 8-102 of the Community Development code. 41.505 9f in employment as an entertainer in such a business, or in emplovment as an exotic dancer reoardless of whether the business is an adult use establishment. when the business involves the sale or rental of materials protected by the First Amendment or the presentation or the performance of entertainment protected by the First Amendment and when the applicant has been convicted of a specified criminal act unless: 1 . More than one year has elapsed since the latter of the date of conviction or the date of release from confinement, probation or parole imposed for the conviction of a misdemeanor offense or ordinance violation; or 2. More than three years elapsed since the latter of the date of conviction or the date of release from confinement, probation or parole imposed for the conviction of a felony offense; or (c) The applicant has knowingly made any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of fact in the permit application or in any document required by the city in conjunction therewith. A person denied a business tax 29 Ordinance No. 7724-07 receipt n Occupational Licenses pursuant to this subparagraph may not apply for a business tax receipt license for a period of one year following the denial. For the purposes of this section, the term "conviction" shall include any disposition of a criminal case involving the imposition against applicant of a fine, probation, incarceration, or other adverse sentence of a punitive nature, whether or not the applicant has been formally adjudicated guilty; For the purpose of this section, the term "specified criminal act" shall include the following: (a) An offense under F.S. Ch. 794 (relating to sexual battery); (b) An offense under F.S. Ch. 796 (relating to prostitution); (c) An offense under F.S. ~ 798.02 and Ch. 800 (relating to lewdness and indecent exposure); (d) An offense under F.S. ~ 827.071 (relating to sexual performance by a child); (e) An offense under section 6.43 of the Code (relating to lap dancing); or (f) An offense under an analogous statute of a state other than Florida, or under an analogous ordinance of another county or city. (6) The director of the department central permitting, upon denying an applicant pursuant to subsection (5) of this section, shall notify the applicant of the denial within 30 days of the submittal of the application or within 30 days of the receipt of any police background investigative report that is required by a certain occupational classification or sub-classification. The director of the department centr::lI permitting shall state the reasons for the denial in writing, specifying the particular grounds for such denial. (7) Any applicant aggrieved by the actions of the director of the department central permitting in the denial of an application pursuant to subsection (5) of this section shall have the right of appeal as specified in section 29.44. Sec. 29.42. Provisional Iisense. and emergency issuance of business tax receipts (1) The director of central permitting shall issue a provisional business tax 30 Ordinance No. 7724-07 receipt license, upon reauest. whenevef a police background investigation is required by a certain occupational classification or sub-classification after a period of 30 days followina submittal of the completed application provided as long ::lS the applicant has satisfied all other business tax receipt licensing requirements except for completion of the police investigation and provided as long as the applicant has completed the information requested on the background information report and the personal data report used by the police department in conducting the background investigation. At such time as a favorable police investigation is received, the provisional designation shall be removed and the business tax receipt license shall have the character of a regularly issued business tax receipt license for the classification or sub-classification involved. A provisional business tax receipt license shall be no less effective than a regular business tax receipt license, except that such business tax receipt license shall be considered void ab initio upon receipt by the director of central permitting of a completed police investigative report which contains information which, if known by the inspector at the time of application, would have been grounds for denial of the application. (2) Upon receipt of a police investigative report containing information that the applicant is not qualified to obtain a business tax receipt an occupational license pursuant to the requirements contained in section 29.41 (5), the city manaaer or his/her desianee director of contral permitting shall notify the applicant of the denial within 30 days of the receipt of the investigative report. The city manaaer or his/her desianee director of central permitting shall state the reasons for the denial in writing, specifying the particular grounds for such denial. The police chief or his/her desianee shall be responsible to take all necessary actions to nullify the provisional business tax receipt. The applicant shall have the right of appeal as specified in section 29.44. (3) The director has the authority to arant a temporary business tax receipt under exiaent circumstances. such as natural disasters, when the ability to conduct a backaround check would be impractical. unreasonable or impossible to complete. The time the business tax receipt shall be valid shall be for a period of time as directed by the Director, who will base his determination on the dearee the exiaent circumstances exist. Sec. 29.43. Registration of exempt persons or organizations. Any natural person, partnership, organization, corporation or other entity which would be required to obtain an business tax receipt Occupational Licenses pursuant to this article but for the exemptions permitted by F.S. ch. 205 shall register with the city manager and complete an appropriate application which shall disclose the address of the business, the nature of the business, and such other relevant information as the city manager may request to support the claimed exemption. There shall be no fee required for such application and registration and re- registration shall not be required unless the address of the business or the character 31 Ordinance No. 7724-07 or nature of the business is changed. Sec. 29.44. Appeals. Any applicant or licensee taxpayer who has been denied the issuance or transfer of a business tax receipt n Occupational Licenses pursuant to section 29.31, 29.38 or 29.41 (5) shall have the right of appeal to the city manager. Within ten calendar days from the date the city notifies the applicant or taxpayer licensee of the city's decision to deny the issuance or transfer of a business tax receipt R Occupational Licenses, the applicant or taxpayer licensee shall file with the city clerk a written statement fully setting forth the grounds for such appeal. Upon the filing of such written statement, the city clerk shall notify the city manager, who shall schedule and conduct a hearing before the city manager within 30 days atter the filing of the written statement. The applicant or taxpayer licensee shall be given written notice of the hearing by certified mail return receipt requested and shall have an opportunity to present evidence on his or her behalf, to cross examine witnesses, and to be represented by counsel. The city shall have the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence, and the city manager's decision shall be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing. Within ten calendar days of the hearing, the city manager shall file with the city clerk's office and shall serve on the applicant or taxpayer licensee a written decision containing findings of fact and conclusions of the legal basis for the decision. The decision of the city manager shall be final and conclusive, subject to judicial review by common law certiorari in the circuit court for Pinellas County. The applicant or taxpayer licensee may abate the enforcement of the denial by filing a petition for a writ of certiorari and obtaining a temporary injunction or temporary restraining order. Sec. 29.45. Business tax receipt License no protection from prosecution for unlawful conduct of business. No business tax receipt license issued pursuant to the provisions of this article shall: (1) Protect any person from prosecution for transacting any business, trade or profession not covered by such business tax receipt license; (2) Protect any merchant doing business with a greater stock in trade than covered by such business tax receipt license; or (3) Any hotel keeper or landlord or manager of a residential development having a greater number of rooms or units than is covered by such business tax receipt license. * * * * * * Sec. 29.47. Regulatory fees for non:city businesses. 32 Ordinance No. 7724-07 Any business, occupation or profession that does business in the city that is not required to pay a business n occupation license tax and for which regulation has not been preempted by the state or the county charter, shall pay a regulatory fee equal to the occupation license business tax set forth in section Appendix A ~, provided that over 50 percent of the revenue of the business, occupation or profession is derived in the city. The business, occupation or profession claiming exemption under the 50 percent requirement shall bear the burden of proof. Sec. 29.48. Cumulative effect of article. Fees paid pursuant to this article are not in lieu of other fees and taxes required by other city departments, boards, commissions or officers for permits, registration, examination, inspection or other regulatory purposes. The provisions of this article are cumulative and in addition to all other federal, state, county and municipal laws providing for the collection of taxes, business tax receipt license and permit fees and charges. Sec. 29.49. Penalty for violation of article. Any person who violates any of the terms of this article may be ordered to pay a fine by the municipal code enforcement board in accordance with Article 7 of the Community Development Code chapter 2, article III, division 9, or may be cited by an inspector or law enforcement officer a code enforcement officer and be subject to the imposition of a civil penalty in accordance with section 1.12(3). Any violation of this article which is subject to a civil penalty as set forth in section 1.12(3) shall be a class 11 V violation. Sec. 29.50. Debt to the city. The amount of any business license tax, fee and penalty imposed by the provisions of this article is hereby declared to be a debt due to the city, and any person carrying on any business without first having procured a business tax receipt license from the city to do so shall be liable to the city for the amount of such business license tax, administrative fee and penalty recoverable in any court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 29.51. Reserved Required for each separate location of business. A separate license certificate shall be required for each location of a business unless otherwise providod f-or in this article. Sec. 29.52. Payment of fees prerequisite to issuance of business tax receipt license. It is the intent of the city to grant valid business tax receipts Occupational Licenses only to those applicants who have fully and faithfully paid the required fees 33 Ordinance No. 7724-07 as established in the schedule of fees in Appendix A in this Code. No business tax receipt license shall be valid until all fees are so paid. A dishonored bank draft, check or other similar non-cash payment shall be in direct contravention of the intent expressed in this section. Any business tax receipt Occupational Licenses issued to any applicant whose payment is subsequently dishonored shall be void ab initio. Sec. 29.53. Pro-ration. No business tax receipt license shall be issued for more than one year. For each business tax receipt license obtained between October 1 and March 30April 1, the full tax for one year shall be paid, and for each business tax receipt license obtained between April 1 and September 30, one-half of the full tax shall be paid. Sec. 29.54. Computation based on stock on hand; affidavit. In all cases where the business license tax depends on the stock of merchandise, the tax shall be computed according to the stock of merchandise the applicant will have on hand as of the first day of the business tax receipt license year for which the business tax receipt license is issued. In all such cases the applicant shall file with the city manager an affidavit stating as accurately as possible the value of the stock of merchandise on hand as of the first day of the business tax receipt license year, and also stating the exact value of the stock of merchandise as shown by the last merchandise inventory taken by the applicant. Sec. 29.55. Adjustment. If a taxpayer licensee shall effect a change in or of status in his business by: (1) Augmenting the volume of business done by him; (2) Expanding the size of his business, plant or premises; (3) Increasing the number or size of his vehicles; or (4) Making any other lawful and material change of any kind in his business; the city manager shall require the payment of an additional or higher business tax receipt license fee, to be prorated for the balance of the business tax receipt license year. Sec. 29.56. Rebate. No portion of any business Occupational Licenses tax assessed in this article shall be rebated, unless it clearly appears that such business license tax was collected by mistake or error. Before making such rebates to a taxpayer licensee, all 34 Ordinance No. 7724-07 amounts payable under a proper business tax receipt license shall be paid by such licensee taxpayer. Sec. 29.57. Failure of due notice. It shall be no defense for nonpayment of any business tax receipt Iioense fee required by this article that the taxpayer licensee did not receive any bill or notice from the city that such fee was due. Sec. 29.58. Reserved. Transitional Rules (1) The use of the term "Occupational License" in any ordinance. policv. procedure. document or other communication of the City shall mean "Business Tax Receipt" effective January 1. 2007. (2) Anv ordinance. policv. procedure. document or other communication of the City that refers to "Occupational License" shall be valid until such time as the ordinance. policv. procedure. document or other communication of the City is amended or expires. (3) All occupational licenses that have been issued and are currentlv valid shall be considered valid business tax receipts until September 30.2007. Sec.29.59 Prima facie evidence of operatina a business without a business tax receipt A. Prima facie evidence of operatino a business without a business tax receipt shall include but not be limited to conductino one or more of the followino activities without havino obtained said receipt: (1) Conductino any business. leoal or illeoal. in which anvthino of value. includino money. services. product. or any other consideration is exchanoed or intended to be exchanoed in the future: (2) Advertisino in any form for a business indicatino the business is operatino within the city limits of Clearwater: (3) Holdino out a product or service. leoal or iIIeoal. for monetary oain or exchanoe. barter. or any other consideration. present. past or future (4) Havino documentation associated with professional licenses. corporations. fictitious names. public and/or private records or any other source indicatino a business is located within the City. B. It is not a defense to a notice of violation. notice to appear or other citation for operatino a business without a business tax receipt that a business tax receipt is not required where the business. leoal or illeoal. cannot obtain approvals from the City. 35 Ordinance No. 7724-07 * * * * * * Section 7. Chapter 33. Waterways and Vessels, Article II, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: * * * * * * Sec. 33.022. Same--Enforcement. Under the direction of the city manager, the harbormaster is authorized and directed to enforce rules and regulations established pursuant to section 33.021 and to assist in the collection of business occupational license taxes and other charges levied and imposed by city ordinances. * * * * * * Section 8. Appendix A, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read: APPENDIX A SCHEDULE OF FEES, RA lES AND CHARGES* * * * * * * TABLE INSET: Page I. Adult Uses.......... CDA:3 II. Amusements.......... CDA:3 III. Animals.......... CDA:3 IV. Qat/:1/:1011ses and Massage Establishments.......... CDA:3 V. Reserved.......... CDA:3 VI. Cemeteries........ .. CDA:3 36 Ordinance No. 7724-07 VII. Erosion and Siltation ControL....... CDA:4 VIII. Reserved.......... CDA:4 IX. Fire Department Training Facility.......... CDA:4 X. Library.......... CDA:4 XI. Parks, Beaches, Recreation.......... CDA:4 XII. Peddlers, Solicitors and Canvassers.......... CDA:7 XIII. Police Department.......... CDA:7 XIV. Public Transportation Carriers.......... CDA:8 XV. Reserved.......... CDA:8 XVI. Reserved.......... CDA:8 XVII. Reserved.......... CDA:8 XVIII. Reserved.......... CDA:8 XIX. Streets, Sidewalks, Other Public Places.......... CDA:8 xx. Reserved. TaxatioA aREI Ott-Jer Foss.......... CDA:10 XXI. Traffic and Motor Vehicles.......... CDA:17 XXII. Transportation Impact Fee.......... CDA:18 XXIII. Tree Protection.......... CDA: 18 XXIV. Utilities--Generallnformation and Deposits.......... CDA:18 37 Ordinance No. 7724-07 xxv. Public Works Utility Fees, Rates and Charges.......... CDA:21 XXVI. Clearwater Gas System Fees, Rates and Charges.......... CDA:43 XXVII. Waterways and Vessels.......... CDA:55 XXVIII. Business Tax Receipt Occl:ll'lational License Fees.......... CDA:55 Subject Amount * * * * * * xx. TAXATION AND OTHIiR FEES: RESERVED (1) Qcc/;Jf)atfona! liconso ta-x: (a) Registration fee for persons not m3intaining 3 perm3nent busineEs (S 29.30(3)) . . . 25.00 (b) Duplic3te license fee (s 29.33) . . . 10.00 (c) Transfer fee (s 29.38(1), (2)) . . .3.00 (Ord. No. 5887 95, S 1, 8 17 95; Ord. No. 6533 00, S 1, '1 20 00) * * * * * * XXVIII. BUSINESS OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX FEES: TABLE INSET: Category No. Sub CateQorv C t N aegory ~ 001.000 002.000 003.000 OOJ.010 Fee ABSTRACT OR TITLE COMPANIES Abstract or title Goml'lanies .......... $243.00 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE .^.sministrative office .......... 90.75 ADVERTISING OR MARKETING '/\s'.<er1isin€l or marketing 003.010 Agency, generaL......... 66.50 38 Ordinance No. 7724-07 003.020 003.030 003.040 003.050 003.070 003.080 003.090 004.000 005.000 005.010 005.020 005.030 005.040 005.050 005.060 005.070 005.080 005.090 006.000 003.020 Coupon book publisher or distributor (See note B).......... 121.25 003.030 Directory or guidebook publisher.......... 121 .25 003.040 Handbill or sample distributor.......... 66.50 003.050 Soliciting for publication not listed in city.......... 54.25 003.070 Reserved Outd9or signs, advertising for other than the 9l-lsiness on the premises.......... ~ 003.080 Welcome or greeting service.......... 60.50 003.090 Trade inducement business, NOC.......... 133.50 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT Adl-llt entertainment esta91ishment (See note B; and C) See Chapter 41 , P.rtiele V) 1,215.25 AGENT OR AGENCY Agent or agency (See also brokers): 005.010 Book or magazine.......... 54.25 005.020 Claim or collection (see note B).......... 133.50 005.030 Credit reporting and mercantile.......... 78.75 005.040 Employment. General Aaencv.......... 78.75 005.041 Emplovment. Dav Labor (See notes B and C) ......... 78.75 005.042 Emplovment. Staff Leasina / T emporarv Service... ... .... 78.75 005.050 Manufacturers/sales representative, NOC.......... 54.25 005.060 Private detective or company (See note Ii Q).......... 133.50 005.070 Property management or leasing.......... 66.50 005.080 Talent (see note D).......... 78.75 005.090 Travel (see note D).......... 90.75 AIRCRAFT AifGfaft (See note B; requires Engineering Marine and Aviation Dept. approval): 39 Ordinance No. 7724-07 0013.010 006.010 Charter or rental (See note B: reauires Marine and Aviation Dept. 133.50 approval).......... 006.020 006.020 Flying instruction (See note B. reauires Marine and Aviation Dept. 133.50 approval).......... OOe.OdO 006.030 Passenger service (See note B. reauires Marine and Aviation Dept. 133.50 approval).......... OOe.O~O 006.040 Sales, new or used (See note B. reauires Marine and Aviation Dept. 133.50 approvaIL....... 006.050 006.050 Servicing (See note B. reauires Marine and Aviation Dept. approvaIL....... 133.50 0013.0130 006.060 Storage, field or hangar (See note B. reauires Marine and Aviation Dept. 133.50 approvaIL....... 007.000 AI RPORT :;AifpGft (See note B, Reauires Marine and Aviation Deot. 273.25 approval).......... 008.000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING: Fire. Buralarv. Medical .^,larm system 66.50 b~siness , fire, b~rgI3ry, medical monitoring (See note B).......... 009.000 AMBULANCE SERVICE Ambulance service (See article III of chapter 66.50 25).......... Plus each PEN'vehicle.......... 24.00 010.000 ANIMALS AAimals 010.010 010.010 Kennel/Boardina. BreedinQ (See note CL....... 66.50 010.0dO 010.030 Groomer.......... 54.25 011.000 APPRAISER Appraiser (See note D for real estate).......... 78.75 012.000 ARMORED CAR SERVICE Armored car service (See note B).......... 66.50 Plus fG!: each vehicle.......... 24.00 013.000 ARTIST.( includes qraphic desian) Mist .......... 90.75 014.000 AUCTIONEER A~ctioAeer (See notes B and D).......... 267.00 OH .01 0 014.010 Auction gallery (See notes B and D).......... 820.00 40 Ordinance No. 7724-07 015.000 AUDITOR AYditaf.......... 84.75 016.000 AUTOMOTIVE Al:ltoFl1oti'lo: 016.010 016.010 Dealership - Sale of new and used vehicles .......... 486.00 016.020 016.020 Dealer - Sale of only used motor vehicles (See Note D).......... 364.50 0113.030 016.030 Garage - General repairs or replacements (See note D), for 10 bays or 90.75 less.......... 0113.031 Plus,f:ef each additional bay.......... 12.00 016.040 016.040 Rental- Autos, trucks, recreational vehicles.......... 182.00 0113.050 016.050 Parking lot, permanent or temporary (See note C) 016.051 016.051 1--10 spaces.......... 30.00 016.052 016.052 11--50 spaces.......... 42.25 016.053 016.053 Over 50 spaces.......... 90.75 016.060 016.060 Storage 0113.061 016.061 1--50 spaces.......... 66.50 016.062 016.062 Over 50 spaces.......... 133.50 0113.070 016.070 Washing and polishing.......... 30.00 0113.080 016.080 Wrecker or towing service.......... 54.25 016.090 016.090 Service station, per fuel pump.......... 30.00 017.000 BAIT DEALER Bait doaler.......... 42.25 018.000 BAKERY Bakery €lOOdE , retail.......... 66.50 019.000 BANKS BaRk&(including savings and loan associations) for each bank 303.50 location main or branch .......... 019.010 019.010 Automatic teller machines, each machine .......... 121.50 41 Ordinance No. 7724-07 020.000 021.000 021.010 022.000 022.010 024.000 023.010 023.020 023.030 023.040 023.041 024.000 024.010 024.020 024.030 024.040 024.050 024.0130 025.000 021.010 023.010 023.020 023.030 023.040 023.041 024.010 024.020 024.030 024.040 024.050 024.060 BARTENDER Bartender, free lance.......... 60.50 BATHHOUSE Bathhel:lse (see chapter Q divisien III).......... 3Q,OO...- Technician......... . ee...ao- BEAUTY SALON/BARBER SHOP. NAIL SALON. TANNING SALON. (See Note D)........ Beauty salon/barber shol'l, nail salen, tanninQ salon 48.25 Plus, fa!: each chair or booth (see nete D).......... 12.00 Manicurist (see note D).......... 3Q,OO...- BOATS AND BOAT TRAILERS Boats ami boat traileFs: (includes iet skis and wave runners) Dealers.......... 121.50 Repairs and service.......... 72.50 Rental (needs harbormaster Marine and Aviation Dept approval) (includes iet skis and wave runners).......... 42.25 Storage.......... 90.75 Washing and polishing.......... 30.00 BOAT. PASSENGER, each boat Boats, passenger (needs harbormaster Marine and Aviation Deot approval) (includes charter. oarasail and shuttle service) : 1--15 passengers.......... 48.25 16--25 passengers.......... 66.50 26--50 passengers.......... 78.75 51--100 passengers.......... 90.75 101--300 passengers.......... 121.50 Over 300 passengers.......... 243.00 BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Boekkeel'linQ service.......... 66.50 42 Ordinance No. 7724-07 026.000 027.000 027.010 027.010 027.020 027.020 027.030 027.030 027.040 027.040 027.050 027.050 028.000 029.000 030.000 031.000 032.000 033.000 033.010 033.010 033.020 033.020 033.030 033.030 033.040 034.000 035.000 033.040 BROADCASTING. RADIO AND TELEVISION STATION OR STUDIO Broadcasting, radio aAd televisic)A station or stlldio.......... 133.50 BROKER ~, each Broker, mortgage (see note D).......... 66.50 Broker, merchandise.......... 66.50 Broker, stocks, bonds, etc., dealer.......... 200.25 Broker, stocks, bonds, etc., individual not emploved bv a dealer holdinQ a business tax receipt from the City of Clearwater.......... 133.50 Broker, real estate (see note D).......... 66.50 Plus-feF each sales associate additional salesperson.......... 30.00 BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICES Business advisory servises, NOC.......... 133.50 (Reserved) BUYERS CLUB Buyers elllB.......... 121.50 CATERER Gatefef.......... 66.50 CEMETERY / CREMATORIUM CemeteryJcrematorillm.......... 243.00 CLEANING. PRESSING AND DYEING Cleaning, pressing and dyeing Plant........ .. 212.25 Branch/collection, each.......... 66.50 Self service coin operated or hand laundry.......... 78.75 Plus, pef each machine.......... 1.10 Carpet cleaning 9A-6ite.......... 66.50 COIN AND/OR STAMP DEALER Coin and/or stamp dealer (see note B).......... 66.50 COMMERCIAL RECREATION / ENTERTAINMENT Commercial 486.00 43 Ordinance No. 7724-07 035.010 035.010 035.020 035.020 035.030 035.030 035.040 035.040 035.050 035.050 035.060 035.060 035.070 035.080 035.081 036.000 037.000 037.010 037.020 037.030 038.000 038.010 038.020 038.021 038.022 038.030 035.070 035.080 035.081 037.010 037.020 037.030 038.010 038.020 038.021 038.022 038.030 recreatien/entertainment, NOC.......... Dealer or lessor of amusement machines.......... Miniature golf.......... 133.50 66.50 Per Amusement gamet machinet or ride (excluEliA€j Elealer). each.......... Entertainer (each) (see note B).......... Skating rink, shuffleboard, archery range or golf course.......... Billiard parlor, first table.......... Pef:-Plus. each additional table.......... (Reserved) Theaters, with-up 1 to 150 seats.......... Theaters, with 150 1M. or more seats.......... CONSULTANT Consultant, NOC.......... CONTRACTORS Contractors, general construction: Class "A" general (see note D).......... Class "B" building (see note D).......... Class "c" residential (see note D).......... 40.25 66.50 133.50 84.75 12.00 303.50 668.25 90.75 303.50 212.25 121.50 CONTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS ContractoFs or SU9coAtFaGtors (not general) Acoustics.......... Air conditioning cC>FltraGtor, Class A (See note D).......... Air conditioning contractor, Class B (See note D).......... Air conditioning contractor, Class C (See note D).......... Alarm systems specialty Contractor (See note D).......... 44 66.50 182.00 121.50 84.75 66.50 Ordinance No. 7724-07 038.040 038.040 Aluminum Specialitv Structure (See note D).......... 66.50 038.045 Asbestos. (See Note D) 66.50 038.050 038.050 Awning, shades and blinds.......... 54.00 038.0eO 038.060 Boiler.......... 66.50 038.070 038.070 Carpentry Specialtv(See note D).......... 66.50 038.080 038.080 CabiAetry ana millwork Cabinet (See note D).......... 66.50 038.090 038.090 Communication systems specialty (See note D) .......... 66.50 038.100 038.100 Demolition, building (See note D).......... 66.50 038.110 038.110 Dredging.......... 66.50 OJ8.120 038.120 Drywall (see note D).......... 66.50 038.130 038.130 Electrical (see note D).......... 182.00 038. 140 038.140 Excavating, including filling, grading, and land clearing.......... 66.50 038.150 038.150 Elevator (See note D).......... 66.50 OJ8.HW 038.160 Exterminator (See note D).......... 66.50 038.170 038.170 Fence erection (See note D).......... 66.50 038.175 Finish Carpentry (See Note D) ......... 66.50 OJ8.180 038.180 Fire sprinkler system, building (See note D).......... 66.50 038.181 Fire suppression (See Note D) ......... 66.50 OJ8.190 038.190 Flat work masonry specialty (See note D).......... 66.50 038.200 038.200 Floor covering, laying carpet I vinvl, s3AaiAg, fiAishing.......... 66.50 OJ8.210 038.210 Gas, natural (See note D).......... 66.50 OJ8.220 038.220 Gas, liquid petroleum (See note D).......... 66.50 OJ8.230 038.230 Garage door and operator installation (See Aete D) (See: Shutter and ~ openina protectivesL....... 45 Ordinance No. 7724-07 oa8.2<10 038.250 038.2aO oa8.270 038.280 038.290 0311.300 0311.310 0311.320 0311.330 0311.3<10 0311.350 0311.3aO 0311.370 038.J80 oall.390 038.240 038.250 038.260 038.270 038.280 038.290 038.300 038.310 038.320 038.330 038.335 038.338 038.340 038.350 038.360 038.370 038.380 038.390 0311.<lOO 038.400 038.<110 038.410 038. <120 038.420 0311.<l30 038.430 0311.<I<l0 038.440 Glass and glazing (See note D).......... 66.50 Gunite and sandblasting.......... 66.50 Hauling, trucking or moving.......... 66.50 House moving (FOOT).......... 66.50 Installation, NOC.......... 66.50 Insulation.......... 66.50 Irrigation systems specialty (See note D).......... 66.50 Janitorial service.......... 66.50 Landscaping/tree surgery.......... 66.50 Lawn, yard and garden care.......... Liahtina (See Note D) Limited enerav svstem (See Note D) 42.25 66.50 66.50 Low voltage systems specialty (See note D).......... 66.50 Maintenance work (NOC).......... 66.50 Marble setting includes tile (See note D).......... 66.50 Marine specialty (See note D).......... 66.50 Mechanical contractor (See note D).......... 182.00 Mobile home setblp specialty installer (See note 0, Dept of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles).......... 66.50 Ornamental iron work.......... 66.50 Painting - including paperhanging (See note D).......... 66.50 Paperhanging (only).......... 66.50 Partitions, movable.......... 66.50 Paving (See note D).......... 66.50 46 Ordinance No. 7724-07 Od8. 450 038.450 0380460 038.460 Od80470 038.470 038. 480 038.480 0380490 038.490 038.500 038.500 038.510 038.510 038.520 038.520 038.530 038.530 038.540 038.540 038.550 038.550 038.560 038.560 038.570 038.570 038.580 038.580 038.590 038.590 038.600 038.600 038.e10 038.610 038.620 038.620 038.630 038.630 03lU40 038.640 038.e41 038.641 038.642 038.642 Pile driving (See note D).......... 66.50 Pipeline (See Rete D).......... 66.50 Plaster and stucco specialty (see note D).......... 66.50 Plumbing (See note D).......... 182.00 Pollutant storage systems; gasoline, oil, etc (See note D).......... 66.50 Pressure cleaning.......... 66.50 Prestressed precast concrete specialty (See note D).......... 66.50 Refrigeration, commercial and industrial (See note D).......... 66.50 Reinforcing steel specialty (See note D).......... 66.50 Roofing (See note D).......... 66.50 Septic tank/sewer cleaning.......... 66.50 Sheet metal (See note D).......... 66.50 Shutter and opening protectives (See note D).......... 66.50 Signs - electrical (See note D).......... 66.50 Signs - nonelectrical (See note D).......... 66.50 Solar (See note D).......... 66.50 Steel reinforcing (See note D).......... 66.50 Structural masonry specialty (See note D).......... 66.50 Structural steel (See note D).......... 66.50 Swimming pool, residential (See note D).......... 66.50 Swimming pool, commercial (See note D).......... 66.50 Swimming pool, service servicina (See note D).......... 66.50 47 Ordinance No. 7724-07 038.6aO 038.660 038.670 038.680 038.690 038.700 038.710 038.720 039.000 040.000 040.010 041.000 042.000 043.000 044.000 045.000 046.000 047.000 048.000 038.643 038.650 038.660 038.670 038.680 038.690 038.700 038.710 038.720 040.010 040.020 Swimmina pool. cleanina Tile and marble specialty (See note D).......... Underground utility (See note D).......... Veneer specialty (See note D).......... Water softener installation and service.......... Welding (reEll:liFOs certification).......... Well drilling (requires certification from SWFWMD).......... Window cleaning.......... Wrecking and dismantling (other than building).......... COSTUME OR CLOTHING RENTAL Ceshufle er clething renta!.......... DATA PROCESSING Data processing conSl:lltaAtlprG!'Irammer Data processiAg software Consultant I proarammer.......... Web Desianer DATING I ROOMMATE I ESCORT SERVICE Dating/roommate service (See note B).......... DECORATOR. INTERIOR Decorator, interior.......... DELIVERY I MESSENGER SERVICE Delivery/messeAger service(includes first vehicle).......... Plus,-peF each additional vehicle.......... DESIGNER. INDUSTRIAL Desi!'lner, inEh:lstrial (See note D).......... DISC JOCKEY, FREE LANCE Disc jeckey. fr-ee laAce.......... DIVER {)j.yef.......... DRAFTSMAN Draftsman.......... ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Electric pewer cempany.......... 66.50 66.50 66.50 66.50 66.50 66.50 66.50 42.25 66.50 54.25 9O-:-7a oo,.w 90.75 90.75 133.50 66.50 66.50 24.00 66.50 66.50 60.50 90.75 182.00 48 Ordinance No. 7724-07 049.000 0<19.010 049.010 049.020 049.030 050.000 050.100 051.000 052.000 053.000 053.010 053.010 053.020 053.020 053.030 053.030 053.0<10 053.040 053.050 053.050 053.060 053.060 053.070 054.000 055.000 056.000 057.000 058.000 05B.010 058.010 EQUIPMENT RENTAL EEll,Jipmont rental, small tools or appliances......... Equipment rental, large Larae, heavy duty eauipment.......... Small tools I eauipment. appliances. etc Mail Boxes FLORIST f.Iefi&t ......... FORTUNE TELLER. each ( includes astroloaer. clairvoyant. palmist. psychic. tarot card reader) (See notes Band D) ....... FREE SERVICE BUREAU Free servico sl,Jreal,J.......... FURNITURE. REFINISH. REUPHOLSTER. CLEAN AND REPAIR Furnitl,Jre, refinisA, rOl,Jpholster, clean ana repair.......... GROUP CARE I COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL HOME Grol,Jp car-e facilities Congregate care (21 or more clients).......... ConyalescenUnursing home.......... Community Residential Home Family caro home (1--6 clients).......... Community Residential Home Grol,Jp care, le'Joll (7--14 clients).......... Assisted LivinQ Facilitv Grol,Jp caro, lo'/elll (15--20 clients).......... HalfWay House Grol,Jp care, le'.'ellll (1--20 - special treatment).......... Home care I comoanion. non healthcare (See not B) ........... GUNS DEALER-GYR&. includes repair (See note B and C. No home occupation; requires federal firearms license), aealor, inc!l,Jaes ropair.......... HEARING AID. AGENT OR DEALER HearinlJ aia, alJent or aoaler.......... HOSPITAL Hospital.......... INCOME TAX PREPARER Income tax preparor.......... INSURANCE Insl,Jrance Per eacA company, Company. per each class, and type of insurance (accident. auto. fire. health. home. life. etcL....... ~ 133.50 66.50 66.50 66.50 133.50 84.75 66.50 182.00 182.00 42.25 54.25 84.75 102.75 133.50 133.50 77.50 267.00 66.50 90.75 49 Ordinance No. 7724-07 0138.020 0138.030 0138.031 058.040 0138.0130 059.000 059.010 060.000 061.000 062.000 063.000 064.000 065.000 066.000 058.020 058.030 058.050 060.010 060.020 061.010 064.010 064.020 066.010 Adjuster......... . 78.75 Agency (includes 1 principal, owner, manager or agent).......... 66.50 Plus, pef each additional agent . customer service.......... 30.00 (Reserved) Agent, independent.......... 90.75 ITINERANT OR PERMANENT. KNIFE I TOOL SHARPENER Itinerant or permanent, knife tool sharpener.......... 30.00 ITINERANT. AGRICULTURE PEDDLER Itinerant, a€lricl,lltl,lre peaaler.......... 42.25 KINDERGARTEN. NURSERY OR DAY CARE CENTER. commercial site Kinaer€larten, nl,lrsery or aay care (See notes B and D).......... 54.25 Day Care Home. residential site. (See notes B and D) Nanny. Professional Babysitter. (See notes B and D) 54.25 54.25 LABORATORY Laboratory (includes dental, medical, ambulatory center, research, analytical, photo, chemical testing, etc.).......... 96.75 Plus,-peF each employee.......... Blood Plasma Center (See note C) Plus. each employee............. 24.00 96.75 24.00 LAND DEVELOPERS Lana aevelopers.......... 133.50 LECTURER Lectl,lrer ana instrl,lctor......... 84.75 LOAN. FINANCE. CONSUMER DISCOUNT. OR MORTGAGE LENDING COMPANY Loan, finance or consumer aiscol,lnt company (See note D).......... 303.50 Check Cashina. (See note B & C) ............. Money ExchanQe. (See Note B & C) .......... 133.50 133.50 LOCKSMITH LocksmithJSee note B).......... 54.25 MAIL ORDER ESTABLISHMENT Mail oraer ostablishment.......... 66.50 66.50 Internet Sales Business (See 070.040 Merchant for new merchandise 50 Ordinance No. 7724-07 inventory value over $3.000)... ... ... " 067.000 MAILING. PACKAGING. ADDRESSING. FAXING Mailing, paGkaging, 66.50 addressing, faxing.......... 068.000 MANUFACTURING Manl:lfaCltl:lring, fabricating, processing, compounding 068.010 068.010 1 employee (including owner).......... 54.25 068.020 068.020 2--4 employees (including owner).......... 78.75 06B.030 068.030 5--10 employees (including owner).......... 108.75 06B.040 068.040 11--25 employees (including owner).......... 133.50 068.050 068.050 26--50 employees (including owner).......... 200.25 06B.060 068.060 51--100 employees (including owner).......... 267.00 06B.070 068.070 101--500 employees (including owner).......... 303.50 06B.OBO 068.080 Over 500 employees (including owner).......... 498.00 069.000 MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT Massage establishment (See note D and 72.50 Chapter 9).......... 069.010 069.010 Massage therapist, each (See note D and Chapter 9).......... 42.25 MERCHANT OR MERCHANDISING Merchant or merchandising: Inventorv 070.000 cost value excludes tobacco and alcoholic beveraaes (See note B for sale of used merchandise. and alcoholic beveraaes) 070.010 070.010 Inventory cost value $1 ,OOO,.QO or less.......... 42.25 070.020 070.020 Inventorv cost value $1.001 to $1.999 Over $1,000.00 but less than 54.25 $2,000.00.......... 070.030 070.030 Inventorv cost value $2.000 to $2.999 Over $2,000.00 bl,d less than 66.50 $3,000.00.......... 070.040 070.040 Inventorv cost value $3,000,.QO and over.......... 66.50 Plus, each ~ $1 ,OOO,.QO or any fraction thereof over $3,000,.QO.......... 5.10 070.050 070.050 Mobile tool sales.......... 133.50 51 Ordinance No. 7724-07 070.0139 070.060 Antiques, used merchandise (See note B).......... 66.50 070.070 070.070 Merchant, temporary permanent/location (Christmas tree and pumpkin 60.00 sales).......... 070.080 070.080 Merchant, itinerant, permanent/location.......... 182.00 070.090 070.090 Merchant, show or flea market, per exhibitor, includes food vendors, per 9.70 event/show.......... 070.100 070.100 Downtown convention/exhibition center.......... 3,646.00 070.110 070.110 Hardware store or lumber yard with an inventory value less than 231.50 $100,000.00.......... 070.120 070.120 Merchant, ice cream truck, each driver (See notes B and D).......... 55.00 071.000 MOBILE HOMES Mobile homes 071.010 071.010 Dealer (new or used) sales and service.......... 133.50 071.020 071.020 Park, rental 1 to 25 spaces.......... 84.75 Plus-peF, each additional space ~.......... 3.90 071.030 071.030 Transport service (if independent of city licensed dealer or manufacturer 78.75 holdina a Citv of Clearwater business tax receipt).......... 072.000 MOTORCYCLE Motorcycle, dealer.......... 96.75 072.010 072.010 Motorcycle, scooter or bicycle rentaL....... 66.50 073.000 MOVING. TRANSFER COMPANY Moving. transfer company (See note B 108.75 and D).......... 074.000 MUSIC MACHINES / JUKE BOX MllSic machines!jllke box, coin operated: (not amusement or vending machines) 074.019 074.010 Dealer or lessor.......... 133.50 074.020 074.020 Operator or lessee. each machine.......... 42.25 075.000 NEWSPAPER, PERIODICAL OR NEWSLETTER N(l'.'/spaper, periodioal or newsletter: 52 Ordinance No. 7724-07 075.010 075.020 075.0:m 075.040 076.000 077.000 077.010 077.020 078.000 079.000 079.010 080.000 081.000 082.000 083.000 084.000 08<1.010 08<1.020 08<1.0JO 084.0<10 075.010 075.020 075.030 077.010 077.020 079.010 080.010 083.010 084.010 084.020 084.030 084.040 Less than 6 issues per week.......... 90.75 6 Or more issues per week.......... 267.00 Agency or bureau.......... 133.50 66.50 NOTARY PUBLIC, indeoendent ............ NURSERY. PLANTS Nursery, I3lants (See note D).......... 66.50 PATROL. NIGHT PATROLMAN. OR PRIVATE WATCHMAN. SECURITY GUARD: Patrol, niQht patrolman, or private watchman Firm (See note B).......... 90.75 Individual (See note B).......... 42.25 PAWN BROKER Pawn broker (See note B and D).......... 400.75 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Petrolel:lm pr-oSl:lcts, wholesale.......... 267.00 Petroleum products, deliver I sale, includes LP.......... 133.50 PHOTOGRAPHY. Photooraoher or Video Taoino Photography (See note B).......... 66.50 Video Taoina, Videoaraoher (See note B) 66.50 PIANO TUNER Piane tl:lner.......... 30.00 PLATING OR ANODIZING, METAL Plating er anosizinQ, metal.......... 66.50 PRINTING. PUBLISHING Printing, publishing, engraving, lithographing and binding (includes blueprinting services).......... Publishina. Desk Too 72.50 72.50 PROFESSIONAL Pmfession (per licensee and per location) Accountant (See note D if CPA).......... 121.50 Architect (See note D).......... 121.50 Attorney (See note D).......... 121.50 Chiropractor (See note D).......... 121.50 53 Ordinance No. 7724-07 084.041 084.050 084.060 084.070 084.090 084.100 084.110 084.120 084.130 084.140 084.150 084 .1 60 084.170 084.180 084.190 084.200 084.210 084.220 084.230 085.000 084.041 084.050 084.060 084.070 084.090 084.100 084.110 084.120 084.121 084.130 084.140 084.150 084.160 084.170 084.180 084.190 084.200 084.210 084.211 084.220 084.230 Counselor/social worker (See note D).......... 90.75 Court reporter.......... 90.75 Dental hygienist (See note D).......... 90.75 Dentist (See note D).......... 121.50 Designer, interior (See note D).......... 121.50 Embalmerlfuneral director/undertaker (See note D).......... 121.50 Engineer (See note D).......... 121.50 Homeopathic physician.......... Mental Health Counselor (See note 0) ....... 121.50 121.50 Occupational therapist (See note D).......... 121.50 (Reserved) Optician, including sale of lenses and frames (See note D).......... 121.50 Optometrist (See note D).......... 121.50 (Reserved) Physician (See note D).......... 121.50 Physiotherapist (See note D).......... 121.50 Profession, NOC (See note D).......... 121.50 Psychologist (See note D).......... Process Server (See note 0)... ...... 121.50 90.75 Surveyor (See note D).......... 121.50 Veterinarian, also see animals (See notes C and D).......... 121.50 PROMOTER / PROMOTIONS. exhibits. shows. sports events/tournaments, or similar type events Promoter/promotions (See note B) (if temporary, per 243.00 54 Ordinance No. 7724-07 086.000 087.000 088.000 089.000 089.010 089.020 090.000 090.010 091.000 089.010 089.020 090.010 091.010 091.020 091.030 091.040 091.100 091.060 091.070 event).......... RAILROAD Railmad .......... RECORDING STUDIO ReGording stl:ldio.......... REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICE Refuse GolleGticm and dis!}osal serviGe, (Mav ReQuire Solid Waste Dept approval, See Chapter 32) See note and SeG. S, 32.292 City Code) REFUSE MACHINE. COMPACTING AND I OR BINDING: Refuse maGRine, Geml'l3cting snd'!'er binding Owner or lessor.......... Operator or lessee. per machine.......... RENTAL PROPERTY ReRtat, NOC (See note B).......... Hall. BanQuet Facility Halll facility/property, nonresidentiallolse (See note B).......... SINGLE FAMILY I DUPLEX: Rental Period. 30 days or more. 1 - 5 units on the same or contiauous parcels Rental, l:lnits (1 a).......... Plus, each additional unit 1** l:lnit ever 5 .......... SINGLE FAMILY I DUPLEX: Rental Period. less than 30 days. (See note C) 1 - 5 units on the same or contiQuous parcels Plus. each additional unit APARTMENT: Rental Period. 30 days or more. 3 - 5 units Plus. each additional unit APARTMENT: Rental Period. less than 30 davs. 3 - 5 units (See note C) Plus. each additional unit CONDOITOWNHOUSE: Rental Period. 30 days or more. 1-5 units within the same complex Plus. each additional unit CONDOITOWNHOUSE: Rental Period. less than 30 days. (See note C) 1 - 5 units within the same complex Plus. each additional unit HOTEL. MOTEL: (See note D) 1 - 5 units Plus. each additional unit BED AND BREAKFAST: (See notes C and D) 1 - 5 rooms Plus. each additional room 273.25 66.50 273.25 267.00 121.50 ~ 121.50 30.00 1.70 30.00 1.70 30.00 1.70 30.00 1.70 30.00 1.70 30.00 1.70 30.00 1.70 30.00 1.70 55 Ordinance No. 7724-07 091.080 COMMERICAL: 1 - 5 units 30.00 Plus, each additional unit 1.70 091.090 Rental Prooertv. NOC: 1 - 5 units 30.00 Plus. each additional unit 1.70 092.000 REPAIR AND SERVICE, NOC Re~air aAEI ser'\'iGe, NOe (iRClbld9S 54.25 hanaymaR), owner.......... Plus, fa!: each employee (other than owner).......... 12.00 093.000 RESTAURANT Restablrant (See note D; and note B for alcoholic beverage sales) 09J.010 093.010 1--10 seats.......... 42.25 093.020 093.020 11--25 seats.......... 66.50 09J.OJO 093.030 26--50 seats.......... 133.00 09J.040 093.040 51--100 seats.......... 200.25 09J.050 093.050 101 or more seats.......... 267.00 09J.0130 096.060 Snack bar, soda fountain.......... 54.25 09J.070 093.070 Concession stand/vendor, per location or unit.......... 54.25 09J.080 093.080 Canteen wagon or truck, per mobile unit.......... 60.50 09J.090 093.090 Drive-in or drive-through/take out or delivery.......... 90.75 Nightclub/bar/tavern/cabareUlounge (See note B; see adult use 093.100 093.100 entertainment; see commercial recreation/entertainment, entertainers).......... 267.00 093.110 093.110 Dancing area.......... 54.25 093.120 NiQhtclub Entertainment (live music. comedy act. karaoke) 66.50 SCHOOLS / TRADE, STUDIO AND INSTRUCTION SCReels trade, studio 094.000 and instrblctieR(See note D; also see note B for dancing or charm 66.50 schools).......... 094.010 Health Club (See note D) 66.50 094.020 Personal Trainer 66.50 56 Ordinance No. 7724-07 095.000 096.000 097.000 098.000 098.500 099.000 099.010 099.020 100.000 101.000 102.000 103.000 103.010 103.020 103.030 103.040 103.050 104.000 105.000 105.010 099.010 099.020 103.010 103.020 103.030 103.040 103.050 105.010 SECRETARIAL SERVICES Secretarial service (includes stenographers)......... . 66.50 SEWING SewiAg (dressmaker, seamstress, tailor, etc.).......... 54.25 SHOE REPAIR OR SHOE POLISHING STAND Shoe repair (or boot black staRd}......... 54.25 SITTING I HOUSE, PLANT, PET Sittin9 house, plant, pet (See note B).......... 60.50 SPECIAL EVENTS - CITY SPONSORED Special events city spensered, per day, per exhibit .......... 1.20 STORAGE I WAREHOUSING Storage/warehousing Indoor, per 1,000 square feet (minimum $50.00 fee).......... 12.00 Outdoor, per 1,000 square feet (minimum $50.00 fee).......... 24.00 TATTOO PARLORS Tanee parlers (See note C and D~and Florida State Statute 877.04. letter from doctor reauired).......... 121.50 TAXICAB Taxicab, includes first vehicle (See note B and Chapter 25. proof of insurance with City listed as additional insured party).......... 66.50 Plus fef each additional vehicle.......... 24.00 TAXIDERMIST Taxidermist.......... 54.25 TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH Telephone and telegr3j:lh Telephone, company.......... 273.25 Each branch office.......... 36.00 Telephone, business, private (includes 900 service; see note B).......... 66.50 Telephone, solicitation (See notes B and D).......... 66.50 Telephone, answering service.......... 66.50 121.50 TOilETS. PORTABLE SERVICE Toilets, portable service.......... TRAilER, CARGO Trailer, cargo (for boat trailers, see boats) Trailer, cargo, sales and service.......... 66.50 57 Ordinance No. 7724-07 105.020 106.000 107.000 108.000 109.000 110.000 110.010 110.020 111.000 112.000 113.000 105.020 Trailer, cargo, rental.......... 54.25 TRANSIT OR READY-MIX CEMENT AND CONCRETE Transit or ready mix cement ami concrete.......... 267.00 (This business tax receipt IiGeA&e required of any distributor making deliveries and/or sales within city limits, regardless of location of plant.) TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Transportation services (bus station - interstate, chartered, limousine, sightseeing) (See chapter 25. oroof of insurance with City listed as additional insured party; see note B).......... 255.00 VACUUM CLEANER SALES AND SERVICE Vacl;lI:lm cleaner sales and ~.......... 66.50 VALET PARKING. each location Valet parking.......... 60.50 VENDING MACHINES VendinlJ machines (excluding amusement, music maGhines, cigarette or stamp machines) 110.010 Dealer or lessor.......... 66.50 110.020 Operator or lessee, per machine.......... 12.00 VIDEO OR FILM RENTALS Video or film rentals.......... 66.50 WRECKING YARD Wrecking yard.......... 267.00 UNCLASSIFIED, any business. occupation. profession or exhibition not specifically desionated. (may reauire Note B) Unclassifed, every IH:lsiness occl;lpation, profession or exhibition, sl;lbstantially fixed er temporaFily enlJalJed in by any person within the Gity and for whicn no license has been ordained and not nerein specifically designated (See nete B).......... 133.50 Other rel3ted occupational license fees/charges: The duplicate license fee shall be $16.50. The minimum occupational tax shall be $25.00 (state statute). Penalty, delinquent and administrative fees: The penalty fee (operating prior to obt:lining a license) shall be equal to 25 percent of the established fee. The delinquent fee shall be ten percent for the month of October plus five percent for each month of delinquency, not to exceed 25 percent of the established occupational license tax. In addition to penalty foe, he administrative fee shall bo t'NO times the normal fee with a maximum of $250.00 per license on :lccounts not paid by January 31st following the renewal notice. 58 Ordinance No. 7724-07 Notes: The REGISTRATION FEE shall be $27.50 A TRANSFER FEE shall be up to 10% of the annual license t3X but not less than $3.00 or more than $25.00 A. Requires appro'.'al by the city commission. B. Requires city police department recommendation. The applic3nt Sh311 complete a background information report, executed under oath, and shall submit to 3 b3ckground investigation, photogr3ph, and fingerprints. The recommendation shall be b3sed upon the criteri3 set forth in section 29.41 (6) 3nd sh311 include 3 st3tement of the bcts upon '/lhich the recommendation is based. e. Reserved. D. Requires inspection, appro..,31 or license of st3te or county authority. NOe Not otherwise classified. OTHER RELATED FEES I CHARGES SHAll BE AS FOllOWS: Notes: L ADMINISTRATIVE FEE shall be 2 times the annual business tax fee. in addition to the 25 percent delinquent fee. on business tax receipt not renewed bv January 31st. DELINQUENT FEE shall be 10 percent for the month of October. plus an additional 5 percent for each subsequent month of delinQuencv. not to exceed 25 percent of the business tax. on business tax receipt not renewed bv September 30th. DUPLICATE BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT FEE shall be $16.50 MINIMUM BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT FEE shall be $25.00 (State Statute) PENAL TV FEE shall be 25 percent of the business tax due. for operatino a business prior to obtainino a business tax receipt. REGISTRATION FEE shall be $27.50 TRANSFER FEE shall be 10 percent of the annual business tax but not less than $3.00 or more than $25.00: when there is a bona fide sale of the business and presentation of the orioinal business tax receipt and proof of sale. or when a business has moved from one location to another within the city limits and presentation of the orioinal business tax receipt. 59 Ordinance No. 7724-07 r .......---. - ~ A. Requires approval by the city council commission. B. Requires city police department recommendation. The applicant shall complete a background information report, executed under oath, and shall submit to a background investigation, photograph, and fingerprints. The recommendation shall be based upon the criteria set forth in section 29.41{e) and shall include a statement of the facts upon which the recommendation is based. C. Reserved. Reauires approval bv the Planning Department. D. Requires inspection, approval or license of state or county authority. NOC - Not otherwise classified. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect on the date of adoption. PASSED ON FIRST READING January 18, 2007 PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED January 31, 2007 -~~ t/ ~ 'Frartk V. Hibbard Mayor Approved as to form: Attest: 60 Ordinance No. 7724-07