12/01/2004 . . . BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEETING CITY OF CLEARWATER December 1, 2004 Present: Sandy Curry Allan Dadetto Elizabeth France Rebecca A vrin Helen Kerwin Christine Travis Chair Vice Chair 2nd Vice Chair Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Also Present: Leroy Chin Marsha Beall Dwayne Kile Adam Perez Michael Quillen Park, Planning & Project Manager Staff Assistant District Design Engineer P.E. Program Manager City Engineer Director Absent: Brooks Hammac Committee Member The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. at Municipal Services Building Parks & Recreation Conference Room. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. #2 Approval of Minutes of November 3. 2004 - Ms. France moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 3, 2004 after correcting item #4a from Mr. to Ms., and #7 remove's' in Ms. France. The motion was duly seconded and carried. #3 Correspondence - Ms. France recapped information received from Ms. Cyndi Meinck, Executive Assistant, Office of County Commissioner, regarding Keene Road landscaping. Ms. Meinck staff stated a bid opening would occur in November, award in December, pre-installation meeting in January, beginning of plant installation in February, with completion in May 2005. Ms. France asked about the landscaping of the wide medians between North Venus and North Keene Road and between South Venus and South Keene Road from Drew Street and Gulf to Bay. Mr. Chin will contact Mr. Murphree to discuss design plans and clarify what landscaping is planned in the medians. #4 Old Business - a) City Projects - Mr. Chin will identify some "new" projects in the works for discussion at the January meeting. Lake Belleview, a Stormwater improvement project will be a topic for January. b) Public/Private Groups - Ms. Curry asked the status of the draft Letter of Introduction expressing the Beautification Committee's intent to create a partnership with various community groups. Mr. Chin explained it is under review by management. One issue that has been clarified is that it cannot go out using City letterhead. The letter will need to be reviewed again and updated. Mr. Chin will follow-up on the logistics of this issue and report at the January meeting. . . . #5 New Business - 2005 Election of Officers Mr. Dadetto moved to appoint Ms. A vrin Chair. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Mr. Dadetto moved to appoint Ms. Curry Vice-Chair. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Ms. A vrin movedto appoint Mr. Dadetto 2nd Vice-Chair. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. . Ms. Curry inquired as to attendance at January 5, 2005 meeting. Ms. Curry wouldlike to see time set aside to do an Orientation for new members, and then continuing writing Policy & Procedures. Mr. Dadetto and Ms. Kerwin will not be available to attend. . Ms. Curry asked Mr. Chin to make inquiries as to the plans for the Florida Progress Trail in Countryside. Mr. Chin will discuss with Felicia Leonard and report back to members. . Mr. Dadetto suggested members dedicate some time in 2005 to focus on the Historical issues our community faces. #6 Speakers - Mr. Quillen, City Engineering Director; Mr. Kile, P.E. District Design Engineer; Mr. Perez, P.E. Program Manager; and Ms. Walbolt, Cultural Affairs Manager. The topic of discussion was the FDOT Enterprise Interchange design, encompassing Drew Street, Coachman Road, Sunset Point Road, and Enterprise Road. DOT's partnered with Clearwater's City Council to design some graphics to be placed on the walls at interchanges. Mr. Quillen stated the focus of this US 19 project is to provide good continuity from Gandy Blvd. all the way to Northern Pinellas County. With the support of Legislators, funding increased from $50 million to well over $600 million. With those additional funds, plans were developed to enhance the Interchanges walls with a series of designs, such as seashells, dolphins, and turtles. Mr. Kile explained one of the restrictions placed on using those funds was to dedicate 1 V2% for landscaping purposes only. This project would include landscaping each intersection with cabbage palms, date palms, and bedding materials. Questions arose about how to expand the definition of landscaping. Members agreed that it would be beneficial to have some of the funds utilized for Public Art. Mr. Kile suggested contacting the State DOT Secretary and local Legislators to solicit support to redraftthe verbiage of this policy. Ms. Walbolt will submit examples of other places in the country where this is already being done since Transportation money is very often a prime source of Public Art money. As a result of today's conversation, Ms. Curry moved to have the Beautification Committee pursue more flexibility in the use of the 1 V2 % of funds and allow it to include other ways to enhance a project, including Public Art, that does not necessarily fall under the description of plant material or has a lot of upkeep. The motion was duly seconded and carried. The first step will be to include this request in the minutes for City Council to take under advisement. Second, is to obtain Ms. Walbolt's list and contact local representatives. s: Marsha/Beautification/2004 2 . Not on Agenda - Ms. Curry referenced November meeting referring to the teams reporting to Brian Murphree. Ms. Curry asked if there was a team designated for the Countryside area. Mr. Chin explained that Countryside Recreation Center has an onsite team who handles landscaping issues in that area. This team does not report directly to Mr. Murphree. Ms. Curry mentioned the 2004 FRPA Conference at Westin-Innisbrook. Ms. Curry, Ms. France and Mr. Dadetto attended the conference and hope to be invited to attend the 2005 Conference. Ms. A vrin suggested investigating a potential project at the intersection at Chestnut and Court Street. Mr. Dadetto will call Dr. Fox, who has a business at that location, to see if there are any plans in the works for that property. Ms. A vrin took a moment to thank Ms. Curry for her term as Chair for the Beautification Committee. #7 Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. . ~0er.d'~-1. /V~, ./ .,/ Chair Beautification Committee Staff Assistant . s: Marsha/Beautification/2004 3