06/02/2004 . . . BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEETING CITY OF CLEARWATER June 2, 2004 Present: Rebecca A vrin Sally Foote Elizabeth France Brooks Hammac Sheila Sullivan Committee Member Committee Member 2nd Vice Chair Committee Member Committee Member Also Present: Leroy Chin Marsha Beall Terry Finch Park, Planning & Project Manager Staff Assistant Environmental Manager Absent: Sandy Curry Allen Dadetto Chair Vice Chair #1 Call to Order - The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. at Municipal Services Building Parks & Recreation Conference Room. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. #2 Approval of Minutes of May 5. 2004 - Minutes were approved as corrected to members. Reference to City Manager in Item #6 was corrected to City Council. #3 Old Business - . Policies & Procedures - Mr. Chin referenced an email received on May 19, 2004 from the City Clerk's office clarifying the Beautification Committee's chain of command. Ms. Goudeaustated, "An advisory board advises the City Council, not the City Manager". Corrections to three references in the "Policy & Procedures" were amended. #4 New Business - . CW Projects - "Fire Training Center" and "Main Fire Station/Administration Facilities". Ms. Curry was unable to attend meeting, therefore she submitted a report on the above-mentioned projects via emaiI.Thereportwasreviewedbeforecommittee.Mr.Chin suggested the report be forwarded to the Project Manager, Mr. Hanson. Members present were in agreement. Mr. Chin spoke with Mr. Hanson, Fire Support Manager. It was agreed to delay any presentations at this time. Ms. Foote recommended this issue be revisited in 6 months. . City Projects - Ms. France shared information about the "Adopt-A-Street Program" and her own neighborhood involvement. The program has proven highly effective in promoting personal responsibility and community pride. In recognition of community accomplishments, Adopt-A- Street signs are placed in each participating neighborhood. Additional signage can be obtained through Grant opportunities. For information, contact Jan Smith, Neighborhood Service Manager or Dorothee Morrow, Traffic Engineering. . Ms. France is seeking ideas to promote more community awareness in other areas of the city. A neighbor suggested placing inserts in water bill statements. Ms. Foote's Garden club adopted the neighborhood aligning Drew Street, Saturn and Hillcrest. Ms. France encouraged the Committee to consider opportunities to get citizens to partner with the City and become more responsible. Ms. Foote explained the physical demands required to participate in this effort. Mr. Chin requested Ms. France contact Code Enforcement to find out how parameters of responsibilities are drawn. Once the information is clear, the members can decide about taking on this project. . Public/Private Groups -Ms. Foote reiterated the initial concept of this sub-committee is to coordinate a list of projects by department. Once the list is compiled the Beautification Committee will review the list and discuss partnering on specific projects. Mr. Chin suggested contacting Neighborhood Services for the initial list. Ms. Foote will research and make recommendation at the July meeting. . #5 Presentation - Teresa Finch, Environmental Manager . Stormwater Pollution Control Program - Ms. Finch gave a brief overview of Stormwater Management, Hazardous waste, Exotic Plant Control program and NPDES permitting (Clean Water Act). Ms. Finch explained the pro and con issues of the current Alum Injection system. . Kapok Wetland and Floodplain Restoration - Location of this project is along Glen Oak Avenue and Cliff Stevens Park. Plans include restoring the floodplain in that area, constructing a weir on the channel north of Glen Oak A venue and excavation of a IOO-foot wide channel to connect it with Cliff Stevens Park. The conceptual plan proposes the renovation of approximately 37 acres of wetland, restore the area to original state, provide extension of the East/W est Trail, and additional recreational opportunities including bridges, sidewalks, boardwalk and canoeing. Construction is estimated to begin August 2004. .'! (1, . Not on the Agenda "-?",,,~-,/., ,-. ". . Discussion on the landscaping along Keene Road. Ms. France suggested committee involvement in the landscaping along tlw iR.noil~'il'lJ~f Keene Road and Venus Avenue. Mr. Chin will do a drive-by along the new Keene Road extension from Gulf to Bay to Sunset Point Road to assess the area. . Ms. France introduced a CD-ROM on the "Invasive Plants of the Eastern United States" produced by USDA Forest Service. Additional copies can be ordered from Richard Reardon, FHTET, USDA Forest Service, Morgantown, West Virginia. . Ms. France announced this evening the Clearwater Audubon Society is presenting "Florida Dragonflies" at Moccasin Lake Park. #6 Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.91. ~'::aAAj1'l- fL, ta , Chair /- ./J /1 ~11. . L-. 'GGt L~1-_ (' . . Beautification Committee Al~ Beautification 2004-0602 2