07/16/2014 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES CITY OF CLEARWATER July 16, 2014 Present: Chair D. Michael Flanery, Vice Chair Lynn F. Sumerson, Board Member R. Peter Stasis, Board Member Linda S. Varonich Absent: Board Member Michael Engelmann Also Present: Laura Mahony—Assistant City Attorney II, Ed Chesney - Environmental Manager, Patricia O. Sullivan - Board Reporter The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. at the Municipal Services Building. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. 2 —Approval of Minutes 2.1. Approve the minutes of the April 16, 2014 Environmental Advisory Board meeting as submitted in written summation. Member Sumerson moved to approve Item 2.1. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. 3 —Citizen To Be Heard re Items Not on the Agenda: Lisa Lanza said Moccasin Lake Nature Park solar panels should remain in place until they were replaced. She said the new CMA (Clearwater Marine Aquarium) will have an environmental impact and recommended board review of the project. Jasmina Forcan said six months ago, Code Enforcement said light from Bay Care's parking lot that intruded into her home was a violation. Now, she reported that staff said Bay Care had complied by shielding the light fixtures closest to residences; she said the lights were still intrusive. She said the Clearwater lighting Code was obsolete and needed to regulate LEDs and other intrusive light. She recommended the City review International Dark Sky Association documents for guidance and update Clearwater's lighting Code. She also suggested board members read "The End of Night," by Paul Bogard, and presented a "dark sky" light fixture available locally. 4—Moccasin Lake Park— Use of Pesticides Administrative Support Manager Felicia Leonard said the Moccasin Lake Park Master Plan update and Mission was to highlight the park's natural ecosystems and discontinue its focus on energy. Based on the Master Plan, major renovations will incorporate energy conservation. Nothing would be removed immediately. Ms. Forcan expressed concern that staff used Roundup near tortoises' burrows at Moccasin Lake Park and recommended other herbicides. Environmental Advisory 2014-07-16 1 Ms. Leonard said staff was directed to limit power tool use at Moccasin Lake Park to reduce noise that disturbed the birds of prey. The department used diluted Roundup for high pedestrian areas; park sidewalks must meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accessibility requirements. The chemical was used a distance from the gopher tortoise's grazing area. Roundup will not be used near tortoises; they mostly live at the northern end of the park. Gopher Tortoises are regulated by the State. Ms. Leonard said Parks & Recreation Department staff was establishing an environmental stewardship division to review best practices for environmental parks and develop a tortoise management system for the Moccasin Lake, Lake Chautauqua, and Soule Road parks. Volunteers were needed to help inventory wildlife corridors; the Turtle Club was asked to help inventory tortoise habitats. Support was expressed for the Parks & Recreation Department establishing an environmental policy exclusively for its nature parks. In response to a question, Ms. Leonard said at small sites, staff was performing test studies of using beetles to control potato vines as was done in the City of Largo. She will provide Environmental Manager Ed Chesney with information re test site locations and protocols. 5—Group Discussion Discussion ensued re bright and intrusive light that to some was seen as a Citywide problem. It was stated the EAB (Environmental Advisory Board) had recommended expanding the GreenPrint document to include Dark Sky concepts. Concern was expressed the City Council had taken no action re board recommendations to update the Code re intrusive lighting. It was questioned if Clearwater Christian College's sport field lighting was sufficiently shielded. Member Varonich moved to request that staff provide the board with Dark Sky initiative information related to amending the Code and ameliorating resident and environmental concerns. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Member Varonich moved to request that the Dark Sky mission be incorporated into Greenprint and that the City adopt Dark Sky lighting. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. It was noted Ms. Forcan's "Dark Sky" light fixture was made in China and used fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs. Items not on the Agenda Recent and upcoming events were reviewed. Concerns were expressed that public utilities were falling short of requirements to generate more renewable energy and the Governor recently approved construction of a nuclear power plant. Support was expressed for innovative uses of solar energy. Environmental Advisory 2014-07-16 2 In response to questions, Mr. Chesney said the Urban Land Institute was tasked with reviewing the Development Code for downtown and reporting on why some areas were not seeing any redevelopment. He will forward board members the link to the institute's last presentation to Council as well as a City trail system map. In response to a question, Mr. Chesney discussed the Stevenson Creek project; dredging was completed. The processing site required restoration and approximately 26,000 mangroves had been ordered for planting in October. The City was negotiating final costs with USACE (US Army Corps of Engineers). Re dredge material, FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) took some good sand and the muck was transported to a sludge farm in Hillsborough County. It was questioned why dredge material was not used to create a spoil island for threatened species in the harbor. Mr. Chesney said the volume of material removed was insufficient to create a spoil island and it would be difficult to permit the relocation of freshwater dredge material to a salt water environment. Member Varonich moved to recommend the City schedule a celebration of the estuary restoration of Stevenson Creek. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Mr. Chesney reviewed a proposal to add a trail on the banks of Stevenson Creek in the East Gateway area as an environmental asset. There were concerns the trail would end at Court Street at a spot unsuitable for pedestrian crossings. Member Sumerson moved to support the East Gateway vision to construct a trail along Stevenson Creek. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. The City's Public Works Department was complimented re its groundwater pilot program to replenish the aquifer. It was noted these efforts curtail salt water intrusion into the aquifer. 6 - Agenda Topics for October 15, 2014 meeting "As- Builts" for Stevenson Creek dredging project. Greenlight Pinellas update. 7 — Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Environmental Advisory 2014 -07 -16 Chair Environmental Advisory Board 3