473 EAST SHORE DR'p � �� ��;�: �;�-� �,��� ��l�a �) � Ll����t og-aq-I 5- (C� �� ��► -0�13 - . . ELEVATtC?Id CERTI�ICAT� �'�'i�" ����`'{ _`� FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMEhIT AG�NCY ����p�'���f Y���'`�x' ��F ^� NATIONAL FL�}db lNSURANCE PROGRAM f? � i1°:� 1 i.: � ATTENiTiON: U��a'f�tti�is'cer�'�ficate does npt provids a w�iver af the fiood ineurance purahase require� provide eiev�tion intormation necessary to ensure campliance with 8�ppfic�hie community flpodplaln m deterrnine the proper insuranCe premium rate, 8,n�/or to support � requgst for a Lett�r oS Map Amendn lnstrUCtlans for aottlpleting this iorm C�n be found or� the fpiioWing \l�` ��C�;' � SEGTION A PFiOPERTY INFORMATION euiLO��►G owNER'3 MAME EAST Sii0�F2E Nl�]"'EF� _ STfiEET ADDRE55 (k+GUeing Apt, Urnt. S�ite andlor 81Cq. Number) O�i P.O. ROl1TE AND BOX NUM9ER 473 �ast shore �ive OTNBR p�$CRIPTION (LGt eod Block Num�rs, etc.} p�dt �OD�C � r.a� 6, ai� e. GGEAF� �'I"ER HEACfi PAFiC FIRS'.0 ADDTI'IC�N �3� �« �IN , . STATE Ci�.�wdt�x �3�11 - -- �'-- -- SEG'iION 8 FLOOQ 1NrURAN�E RATE MAP {FIRM) Prqvide the folln+,�ting from me aro4�3r FIRM (3ee instrucYians): i. COMMUNI7'i' NI�MdER 125096 2. PANEI N1,1! t6ER ;i. SUFFt" !.. DATE �� �4FM iN4E% 5. �kAM ; 0007 D $/I9/91 AE -- -Ci V U a O.M.B, ►;: 067•0 �xp�rti Mdy 37, 1 � � ent. This form is used anly to �agement ordinances, to �nt or Revision (LOMA or LOMR)_ age9. Foa �NSURANC� coMPFwv usE Pp�tCY PIUMBER � i COMPANY NAiC NUMBER , Page 21 d5 c�f P�.nelld3 C13.. FL 21A CQQE 34b30 �N Te. BASE �LQOD ELEVaTUa� 1 [m AO Zonas. usd depVf) u 7_ Indical9 the elevation datum System used On the FIRM for 8ase Flnod Elevatiorl8 (BFE); X NGV '29 — Other (desc►ibe on back} 8. For Zones A or V, where no BFE is provided on tne FIRM, and the communiry has estabHshed a B E tor this bui4ding site, indicate the community's BFE: . .� feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum--see S9Ctiqn 8, Item 7), SECTE�N C BU1L�lNG �L�VATION INFORMATION t. USing the Elevatian Gertiiicate inslruCtfons, indicate the diagram number trom the di2�grams found describes the subjeci building's reference 18ve1 �_ . 2(a). �IRM Zones A1-A3U, AE, AH, and A(with BPE). The tap of the reference levei floar from the s af ,_� fiL feet NGVD (ar other FIRM datum-see SeCtion 8, item 7), (b). F1RM Zones Vi-V30, V�, and V(with BFE). The battom at the lowest horizontal structural mer the selected diagram. is at an elevation of : ._. feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum--s (c). FIRM Zone A(without BFE). The flqpr used as the referenee level trom the selected diagram i! below �(check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. (d). FIRM zone A0. The floor used as fhe rgference le�el frpm the sel�cted diagram is .� f ona} the highest grade adjacent to the building. If no flood depth number is av2�ilable, is the bui fevel) elevatad in accardance with the community'81104dpiain man2gement ordinanCe? _ Y�: 3. Indicate tne eigva�on datur ; systasn use:: i�s d�te�mir.eng the abava reference �evel eleuations: X. under Comment5 on Page 2). (NOTE- !f the etevatio» datum ased in measuring the e/evations is the FlRM (see Section 8, ltem 7J, then convert ttre efev€�ticens fo the datum svstem used an the � equ8tion unde� Commenrs on Page 2.) 4. Elevation retarence mark usad appears on FiRM: _ Yes Xx No (Sea Instruciions on Page a) , 5. The reference fevef efevation is based on: X actual constructian _, construction drawings (NOi�. Use of conshucBan drawings 1s only valid if the bui(ding does aot yet have the reference ease this cerdficate wi!! o»!y 6e valiGl for the buiJding during fhe Coursg of canstruction. A post-co wiJ1 be required onca consrructiaR is cnmplete.) 6. l�he elevation of th8 lowest gl'Sde immediately adjacent to the building is: S-.3 feet SeCtion B, Item 7}. SEC'CION o CCMMUNITY IN�ORMATION Pages 5 and 6 that best diagr�m is at an elevation �er ot the retere�ce level from � Sectian B, ttem 7)- � _ f9et above � or :et above _ or below _ {cneck ding`s �owest tioor (referenee _ No _ Unknown NGVD'29 — Other (describe diHeleRt fhan tnaf uSH� or7 !RM and shnw the Conversion See CC�nerits� floar in placa, in which �ion Elevatian Certiticare (or ather FiRM datum•see 1. If the community officiat responsible fqr verifyinq building elevations speaties that the reterence I vel indicatetl fn Section C. item t is not thB "lowest floor" as defined in the commUniry's flaadpt8�ln management ordinance, the ele ation oi the buifding's "lovuest floor° as definsd by the OrdinanCe is_ _ ,� feet NGVD (or pther F#RM datum-see S tion S, Item 7). 2, pate ot the start of construction or subst8ntist improvement — FEMA Form 81•3i� MAY 90 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EbITI0N5 I $EE flEV�RSE S�DE FOA CD�TINUATIO� 92�13-Q876-00 ��/E0 3Jbd 1�1053�1 32�OHS 1Sb3 6600lbbLZt 50�5Z bZOZlE�f50 ELEVATIQN CERTIFICATE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANACEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL 1�LOOD INSURANCE PROGRANA ATTENi10N: Uae of this �artrficate does not provide a waiver of th� ifoad tnsurance purchase requireme� vide elar+ation informatlon nece�sary to ensure compiiance with applieable commun+ry fluodplain manager the praper insurance premium rate, and/ar to auppon a requast tor a Leuer of Map Amendment or Revisic required to respond to this collection af information unless a valtd OM� co�trol rsumber is diaplay8d in the instructfons for coMpl�ting this form csn be found on the following pa� SECTIOM A RROPERTY MFORMATION BUILQING OWNER'S NAME STRE£T A4DRESS {Indudinq Apt, Unit. Sui[e andlw �Idg• Mumber) OR P,O. ROUTE ANO BOX NUMBER o.nn.B. rvo. �osr•ao�- Fxpiras July 31, 1999 Thls form is used onty to pro- �nt oKJinances, to determine {L�MA oi LOMR). You are not pper right cornar of this form. IIVSURANCE COMPANY u9E CY NUMqER NAIC ►JUMBER OTry�R DESCp�PT10N (lot and 81ock Numb�rs. etc.) ��e�3��r �each Park Fixst Addit�.oxi, Bl� B, Lots 6& 7, „.-._._y _� ..� ai....�. �rnn .n;,A r.�,+a 7 tn 15 Tnnll]SiZtP. r'� a, p�n 71� Pa[� ?i ! p-L�.j.0 RP6"OY c�TV P�n�11as Courr�y. Flazic�a STATE � XIP CflD� SEC710N � FLOOD INSURAIVGE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION Provid� the f011owfng frOm the proper FIr�M {See Instruction�): t. COMMUNI'IY NUMB�R 125096 2..PANEL NllMeER oao� 3. 3UFFI% � 4. �ATE OF FiRM INBEX 5. F�flM ZON� I 6. 6ASE FLQ�� E4EWATION (in Aa Zones. use depth) os/19/9i � �z �� 7. lndicate the e�evatipn datum system used on the FIRM far 9ase Fload Elevations {aFE}: � NGVD '29 ❑ Other (describe on back} 8. �or ZoneS A or V, where no B�E Is pravided on the FIRM, and the cammuniiy has estabiished a BFE f r this building site, indicate tY�e community's BFE: ���-� •!-� �eet NGVD {or other �IRM datum^see Secfion B, {tem 7), SEGTI�N C BUILDINQ EL�VATION INFORMATION 1. Using the Elev�tidn CertifiC�te lnsVUCtions, indica� the dia9ram number iram the diagrams foUnd on desCribes the subject building's referencs level � � 2(a). FiRM Zones A7 -A30, AE, AH, and A(with B�E). '1'he top af the reference level floo� from the selec Qf � I l�LLJ ��J feet NGVI] (or ather �IRM datum--see Section B, Item 7}. (b). FIRM Zones V1-V30, VE, and V(with BFE). The bOrtom of the lowest horizantal structural membe the selected diagram, is at an elevation of L � 1.JJ�J .LJ feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see ; (c). FIAM Zane A(without B�E). 7he floar used as the reference level fram the selected diagram is � below L(check one) the highest grade adjaCent t0 the building. (d). FtRM Zone AO. The tloor used ss the referenae level from the selected diagram is �_ L.� ieet one) the highest gratie adjace� to the buitding. lf no flood depth number is avaiiable, is the buildir level) elevated �n accordancE with i�6 corrzmu�ity's fioae+plain management ordinance? ❑ Y9s � 3, Indicate the elevaHon datum system used in determining the above reference le�el elevatlons: C N� under �omments on I�age 2). (NDT�: ff the elevallon d�tum used !n measuring tha eleva�ions is dr� the FIFfM jsse Se�tion B, ftam 7], then CQnv9rt the elevatiorts fo the datum system used on the Flp equ8tion under Commerrts on Page 2.) 4. Elevation reference mark used appea�'s on FIRM: � Yes � No {See InStruct�ns on Page 4) 5. 7he referenca level elevation is based on: � actual Constfuction ❑ cons�uction drawings (NOTE: Use of CQnstr'uctioR draWrngs rs only valid if the building does nof yet have the relerence le� case this certiflcats WrU OnIY be ya!!O br the buildrng du�ng the course ot canstrucilon. A post-constr will be reyuired once corlst►uc1(on is complete. j 6. The efevation of the lowest grade immediately adJacent ta the building is: 5 L teet NG� SvCtion B, Item 7}_ S�GTION D COMMUNITY IMFORMA710N #�7-1. 1. lF the community afflciat responsible for verifying building elevations speCifles that the referenc8 is nat the "lowest ftoor� as de8ned in the community's floadplain management ordin�nce, the e}e floor" as defined by the ordinance is: '' � I,LJ feet tdGVd (�r other F1RM datum-see S� 2. Date oi the StBrt Ot can5truct�on or substantial improvement - -• FEMA Form 81-31, MAR 97 R�PLACE5 ALL PREV10U5 EblTIOP15 E0/Z0 3Jdd l�lOS321 3�IOHS 1St73 6600LbbLZL 5 and 6 that best diagr8m is at an elevation of the rsferenCe leve! from ection e, ttem �. �.�I feet above � or rove C or belaw �(check s lowest f�oor (reference Na [� Unknown �D '2s C �mer (describe �enf than that used an and show the conversion f►por in place, in which !ion Elevatton Certrficate (or other FiRM datum-see -02 indiCated in Section C, ltem t n af the building's "lowest i S, Item 7). REVERSE SiDE F�R CQNTfNUABQIV 90�5T bZOZ/EZ/59 ' � - EL�VATION CERTIFICA7E FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATtONAL FLOdD INSURANCE PROGRAM AiT�NT'ION: l)5e of this csrtificate does not provide � waiver of the flood insuranCe purchase r6quire provide e3evation information necessary to ensure cnmpiiance with applicable cammunity f{o0dplein n determine the proper insurance premium rate, and/or to supporE � request fq�r a Letter of Map Amendr tnshuCtions f�r Completing thl$ form tan be found on the following SECTION A PROpERTY INFORMATIQN BU��D�NG O�NNER'S NAME STREET A��faESS (InClUtling Apt, Unit, 9uite andlOr 61dg. Numba� GR P.O. ROUT6 AND BOX NU1d8ER OTH�R D�SCRiPT10N (LOl and Biotic Numberg, eTG.) c�rr SEC�iON � Fii?OD iNSURANCl� �IA7'� MAp (FiIRAA) Provide the toUow+ng From tne proper• FIRM (See InstruCtions}: 1. C41�IMUNfT/ b4M3ER I25096 2. PANEL Ni1MBHR Q007 O,M,B. Nti: fXpiresMdySr, ._ t. Th+s form is used only ta gement ordinances, to or �te�islon (LOMA 4r LOMR)_ ies. FOH INSIJRANCE C4MPANY U8E POLICY hWMBER CAMPANY NAtG NUMBER &]Ok �1 � P2c.J@ STATE ZiP CODE � s. SUF�x a, paTH OF FRM �woEX s. FtRM ZON B. BASE FLOOO EIEVATION {i� AO Zonee, usa tlepVq IJ 9/19/91. � i�. 7. Indicate the eievation datum system used on G'►e FIRM tor Base Flood �levation5 (B��}: � NGVD 8_ Other {describe an bsok) 8. For Zones A or V, where no �FE is provided on the FIRM, and the Community has A3tablished a 8F for this building site, indicate the communiry's BFE: .— `' .—� feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Sectton B. Item 7}. S�GTION C BUkLDINQ ELEVATION INFORMATI�N 1. Using the Elevation Certlficate lnswctions, lndicate the diagram number from the diagrams found describes the subject building's referenCe levef _� . 2(a}. FIRM Zanes A7-A30, AE. AH, and A(with BFE). The top of the reference �evel floor from the se of � �� .�feet NGYQ (or other FIRM datum-see Sectian �, �tem 7). (b). FIRM Zones V1-V30, VE, and V(w+th 6FE)- The bottom oi the Iowest horizontal strucwral mert the selected diagram, is at 2�n efevation of � ��� _.— fest NGVp (or otfier FIRM datum-sa (e}. FIAM Zone A{without BF�}. The ffoor used as the referenca Ievei from the selected diagram is below �. (checK one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. Pages 5 and 6 that best dlagram is at an eiavation �� of ;he refergnce levei kom Sectian B, Item �. _.,,_ . _ teat above � or (dj. �iFtM Zone AO. The fIGGr used as the reference level from the selected dlagrarvt i8 --.� fe t above � or below `.: (check ane) the highest grade adjacent to the buildin�. 4i no fl0od depih number is available, is the buil ing's lowest tfoor (reference Igvel) etevated in sccordance with the communiry's floodpfain management ordinance? � Y8s ,Y No _.,. Unknown 3. {tldicate the eievatlon datum syste� used in �8termining the above refe�ence level etevstions: i�' GVD '29 .� O1her (describe under Comments on Page 2)• {NOT�� J� tha alevarion datum �sed i» measuring the elevativns is iNarent than that used on ihe FlRM jsee Section B, rtem 71, tnen conv�rt the elevations to fhe datum system used on the � f#M and show the converSfon equatipn under Comments on P�ge 2•) 4. Elevation referenoe mark used appears on FIRM: ❑ Yes � No (See ingtructions on Page 4) { �pnts) 5. The reterence level elevstion is based on: I$� actual cansuuetion ^ construction drawings (NOTE_ Use of construction dr�w�I�Irfgs is on/y valid if the bvildi»g does rtot yet have tl�e refe�nce 1 vel floor in Rface, Jn which CBse thls cerdNcafe wil! anly 6e va!!d for the building during iha course of c:nnstruCtlon. A post=con trucfron EJevatian CeKificate wi!! be I6qufred orrce eonstrucfion 1s complete.) 6_ The elevation of the lowest grade +mmediately adjacent to the buiiding is_ +� '�. �. feet N VD (ar other FIRM datum-see Sectiqn 8, Itetn 7). SECTICN D GOMMIINITY INFOAMAYION i, If Ihe community oHicial responsible for verilying building elevatians speci#ies that the reference ie ei indicated in Section C, Item 1 is not the "lowest floor^ as deflned in the cammunity's floodplain manag�ment ordinance, the eie� tion of the buifding's "Iqwest floo�" as defined by the ordinance is: �:� •'•—� feet NGVD (or other FIRM dsturr�se� Se i�On e, ItBm 7}. 2, pate of the start ot constructian or substen��i improvement fEMA Fwm 81-31� MAY 94 92--13-Q876-�0 �e�ie ��ad REPLAtES ALL PREVI�US EDtTtONS 12i0S3�1 3�IOH5 1St73 6600LbbLZL $EE REVERSE SIDE �R CANT�NUATIOk 50�9T biOZ/EZ190 0 05/23/2014 15;07 7274470099 EAST SHORE RESORT SEC710tJ E CERTfFF�ATION PAGE 02/03 This certification is to be sig ed by a Iand surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized 6y state or {ocal law to Certity ekevati4n 'rnfarmatian when the elevat on information for Zones A1—A30, AE, AH, A(with BF�),Vi—V30,VE, and V{with BFE} is required. Community offiCials who ar auihorized by Ixal law or ordinanCe to provide floadplain management information, may also sign the certification. In the cas9 of anes AO and A{without a FEMA or communiry issued 8FE), a building official, a property owner, ar att owngr's representative may al5o sign the certific�tion. Reference IAvei diag�ams 6 7 and B- Distinguishing �eatures—If the certifier;s unable to certify to breakaway/non-breakaw�y waN, enc3osure Size, location aF servic9ng �quipment. araa use. wall openings, or unfinished area Feature(s}, then tist the Feature(s} not incfuded in the certification nder Comments below. The diagram number, 5ection C, ltem 1, must stitE be entered. ! eertrfy that the inFormation rr► Sections 8 anrl C on this certificate represents my best eflarts to interpret fhe data available. ! understand thai any false fatament may ba punishable by fine or imprisanment under i$ !!.5_ Code, Section i00T. CERTIFIER'S NAM� I UCENSE NUMBER (or A(lix SB21) ' irce I� 4898 _ - T!'fl.fi G7MPAIVYlJAME ' - ssion�l or & Gep F. Youn Inc pDpRE5S c�rv sr,a� 299 N' eet r St. Pe�ersbura�, _ �'L, 337C , $I(',NATURE DATE PHONE 04 15 97 (813)822-4317 CQpies should be made I this Certificate fnr: 1) community offiaiai, 2j insu�ance agenUcompeny, and 3) building owner. CdMMENTS: •�AWL USC of TT.S. FLCQU ELEVATION Q oK SLAB A V ZONES ZONES and State Road 60, on �he South side ot S�ate Roac� 60, at the aWAGENT O�DE wirM BASEMENT A ON PILES, PIEH3, OR COLUMNS A V 7he diagram$ above �Ilustrata the points at which the alevations should be measured in A Zones and V Zones. Elevalions for ail A Z�ne$ should be mQ�sured st the top ot the reference level floor. Elevatiqns for a!I V ZpnBs shoufd be me�sured at the bottom of fhe Iowest horizontal 5tructural member. I�age 2 ZIP � 0 05/23I2014 15:07 7274470099 EAST SHORE RESORT PAGE 01/03 S�CTIpN � GEATIFkCAT1�N , ��' ' - This certifiC2tion is t0 be 5ign by a{and 5urveyor, engineer. or architect who is authorized by state or toca! law to certiiy elevation informatlon when the e�BVBtio informAtipn for Zones Ai—A30. A�, AH, A(with �FE),Vi—V30,VE, and V(with BFE) is required_ Cornmunity officlals who are utho�ized by locai law or ordinance to provide floodplain snanagement information. may also sign the cartifiCation. in the case of Z nes AO end A(without a F�MA or community issued 8FE}, a building o�cial, a property owner. or an owner's representative may so sign the certification. qeterBnCe levei diagrams 6, and S- Distinguishing Features—If the caRifier is unable to aertify to break�w�y�non-bre�k�way wall, enclosure size, ixaUon of se�icing squipment, �rea use, wall openings, or unfinished are� Feature(5?, then list the Fe�-��re(s) not incfuded in the cerfificatian u der Comments below. The di�gr�m numbet, Sec6on C, Itom 1, must still be entered. ! ceriify thaf the inform�tion i� Sections B and C on this certilicate represents my besr aiforts to rnterpret tha data available. l und8r�tand that any fa(se at�9t9m6nt may ba puniBhaWe by hne or imprrsonmerrt under 78 U.B. Code, secrion �o�r. CERT�FIER'S NAM� NichalaS_Circello TITLE I,sand Sur`vevor _ ADORE33 299 �iinth 5tre Nc $IGNATURE • �� Goplas should be nlade ot COMMEIY'TS: 1941", n LtCEN3� NItMBER (or AlFTx SeAlJ _ 4898 � - COMFANY NqM1E G�OIZGE F . ccTY , �7aTE 21p t�lorida 33701 V PMOME 813/�22-43i7 his C9rWicete for:1) cor►talunity oftiCial, 2) Insuran�e pger�ticompany, and 3) building owner. oN sua A v 2iSN�5 Z ROOD 'eLEVf*�ON = 7.985 feet N.G.V.D., lo�ated l.S miles West of the of L7.S. Alt�nate 19 and � �A9F.AAEHT A �?' ZONES ON PI�ES. wERS. OR COLU�Ms A ZONES ZO�:eS The diagrams adove iil�strate th� point� at which ihe elevations shouid be measured in A Zones antl V Zones. Elavations tor ali A Zorles shou�d be measured at the top oS tn� reference level floor. . Elevativns for aU V Zor��es shoutd be measured at the battdm af the lowest hurizantal structural memher. Page 2 F! Q�G f_[v�npa �:. .a.e�xr � G� �E 05/2312014 15:07 � , 7274470099 EAST SHORE RESORT PAGE 03I03 SEC710N � CERTIFICA'1'I�N ' ' ' This certificatiort is to be signe by a I�nd surveyor, engineer. or arChitect who is authorized by st8t8 0� IoCal law to certify elevation intormation when the elevation inforrrtation for Zon�s A1 A30, AE, AFI, A(with B�E),V1—V30,VE, and V(with 6FE) is required. Commu�ity q#ficisis who are a orized by Iocai law or ordinance to provide floodplain management infomtatipn: may aiso sign the certifiCe^ttipn. {n the r,�se of ZO es AO and A(without a FEMA or Community issued �FE), a building oNiClat, a property aw�er, or an awner'S representative may al o sign the cerlifiCation. Reference ievei diagrams 6, 7 �nd 8- Distinguishing Features—If the certifier is unable to certlfy !o breakawaylnon-breakaway wall, Bnclosure size, location Of senlicing equipmesrt, area use, wall openings, or unfinished erea Feature(s}, then list the Fgature(s) not included in the certiflc3N4n under Comments belpw. The diagram number, Section C, item �, must sti{i be entered. 1 c�rtify that the infprmeHa�T in I ections B and C on thls cartiffcat6 represents my besf efforts to irltBfp/8i the data SVBilable. ! undersfand fh�t any f�186 st�ment may b� pun/shable by fine or imprisonment Under y& U.S. Cpde, Sectron 1QOi. CERTIFIER'S NAME L�C�N3E NUMBER (b7 Altiac Sed�) Nicholas Ci��l10 489$ . TiiLE - - COIiAPANY NAME - L Surve or GEt�RGE �. YO'[11�I�, 7�idC. ADDRESS CITY 57qTE 299 Nin�eh Str No h S�. Petersbu� F1or�da ' SI013ATURE ' �0/���'� ��:aNS 813/822-4317 c�- Cooies should I�e msde of t is Certificste tor: 1) communitv ofiicial. s) tnsurance aaenvcomnsnv, and 3) 6uildina owner. COMMENTS: ZIP 3701 3ench_Malk used: Pinellas C.�uYtV Er�ineerincf Depax�nent i?ap.No. ].45 "A� USCE �.941", e�evation = 7.985 �eet N.G.V.D., 3-oca'ted ]..8 zt'�.�.es Wes� of the �,nte�^���or of tT.S. �t.�rnate 19 and pN SLAB A ZON�S i aq�E W ITH BA6EMENT A �j' 20NES BASE ZGiA oN PIL�fi� weRS. oa cDW�s A V The diagrsms abov9 ill strate the points at which the el�evations shCUid be measured in A Zones and V Zones. �levations tor all A Zan s should be measurad at the top of the reterence {evel floar. Elevations for all V Zon S should be measured at the bottom o# the lowest horizontal5tructural member. Page 2