158 HARBORAGE CTELEVAi'iJN CERTIFICATE "`—f�" °�e��-°°�� ,�'(�r-`��y �i(PIRES� JUNE JO 198V FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANpG@METIt AGENCY NATlONAL FLOCID IN^e!l11ANCE PROa�;(/ 'l�a [� D:�...> '�.�.. lo;m ,s rv De �sec ior 7� F�_,-Ft. M"pns�•uc: �- o,:�r �•.'. . „a�o ... c ara a� e'o� 7ne h�.rA��O Srtf. .N�J <"! Pre-FIRM b��i a�u�,�ny7�� ��•sVUC s � . cr,� r . . . , an no ., , „ or !^ e•se s�6e _ _ � Pet�r 5, � Janace J. Wc�rhurst � � w • w� � lD�ly 1 58 Harboraga Court Clearwater, Florida �-�Ty nc ,• G D�pT STREET App'iESB r c e 0._.�,T,�_ Ap.-A/UnA-U /Bleg.-B �. �— % NUM R lot No. 25 of Marina Del Re A•t �and Key. Unit B OT►iEq DESCRIPTION (grock and �a numDe�s.. etc.) Clearwot�r 8sa�h Area arv _ STATE ZIP�`—^ rorm +s to bommp�f� by a lend surveyor; ern�ineer, or erchifect who is aur�lwired by stero law to certiry efevation inlormation wAen the e/evatia �ration ior zc�rM�t A1,�43p, �F. AH, A(wrfh BFEJ. Vt-V3C. VE. and V(witA BFE} �s reque!sd. ln Me case o1 zpie AO. !he building aNitiel. ths prt�erry r. or rhe owner'a repr�eserrtsti�.e should comFrete tne inlormstirn in Seetion ! and may elso oompbte ths esrti/ieatprt. Commun'tv al�eeials who are rrized by Iocat faw d adinan4ro ro piovide llooQplain managsment iMormetion mey pbo opmpl6te thia 1brm. TION 1. Using ihe Flood tns�erartce Manuai pr the NF�P Flood Insurance Appl'scation—Part 2 Worksheet, indicate the propsr diagram number 2. FIRM Zor.es A1-A30, AE, AH, and q(with BFE). The top of the reference level floor from tFse selected diagram is at ar � slevation of i S� 0,2 fc3et NGVD. (a othar det�m-see N5) 3. FIRM 2ones V1-V30, VE, and V(with BFE). TAe Gottom af the lowest horizontal structural mem�er of ihe referance fevel floor fror the selected diagrem is st an elevation of teet NGYO (or other datum-see �i5). A. FIRM Lone AO. The floor used as the reference level frc n th� selected diagram is � feet abwe �ighest naWral grade next to the building (also erHer in tina g). Th�s va{ue must be equal te or greate► than the AO Zo�e fl�e� depth number listed belpw. !{ nu tloocf depth number is av�,ilable, is the bvilding'3 bwest floor (or reference lavel) alevated in accordance with the commuriry's floadplain msnagemertt ordinances? ❑ Y� ❑ No ❑ Unkncwn 5. Indicat� the eleveCwn detum system used in determining the above reference levsl elevations:�]NGI�D ❑Oth�rr (describe on baCk) 6. Indicate the elevation datrum systsm used an the FIRM for basa fbod e!evations: � NGVD �i Other jdeacribe on back) (ATTENTl011i: d Nra yleve!p� oarum rsed in measunng the Bleve.•iOns is drlle•eM Man that used on fhe FIAAf, fnen the eltlyations proviOE7 mu8t be cOnvs�fed to the d�f�rt aysl,am used on ;he FIRM.) 7. Is the reference level bas�. ,A. on actual constructio�7 X] Yes ❑ N�' ' A"No" answrer is only valid if :he building does not have ihe reference level floor in place. Fi!t in ;he elevation based on constr�c- tiOn dt8wings end do n9t complet6 question k8. If "No" is che�Cked, this c6rtifiCetion wiU be vaiid orty tor buildirrgg in the Gnutse Cf construCtion. After aonstruction of the reference level ►loor is completed, a post-co�st�uction elevaticr, certificate will ±+e reqvEred for oorttinued flppd ingurance coverage. 8• Provide the fdlowing measurements using the natural grade next to ihe building (round to the nearest foot), e. The reference {evg� is; b. The garage floor (if ep;,iiCable) is: ��'eet � ebove [I below (check one) the highest grade. �� feet � above (^ �low fcheck on9) the highest grade. LL.,� feet ❑ above ❑ below (check one) the loweat grade. w feet ❑ above ( � t�eipw (check one) the bwest grade. SECTION 11 FLQOD INSUfiANCE RATE MAP INFORIAATION Provide .he follonrirtg trom the prt�er FIHM (see Instructipns an back-Date of FIRM) and accompanying insurance sppllit�t�: 125Q96 I 0014 D I B � Jt��e 'i , 3 A 1', vation r6ferenee mark used appears on FIRM Ysa []!�!o (S9e rev SECTION IN CERTII �6fOn iMbAniBOn ao► z�cnes Afr-A30. AE. A� 'tl� BFE7,�V1-V30.�E, and V(►vil �7 �� a fhs owner's re�xesentative cen srpn the certificstfon. Communiry d�hd� �t iMor►nation. may dso eign the certilicad�xi. I csrtiJv M►at Me pn ac 2cxw. ua� 1'i .Q SitiE� !o� detail v. - - ----.. ._.._.. .,._ is r9quireJ. In the Caes o/ spne A:l, the buil�fnp alArlal. q�s wlro aro authwireo by /ocN hw cr o,OiGi,anca ro proriea Bon on this certiReats rsproaenta »y bsst e!!or►& to inferFrs� Claus F. Fastiny L.S. 1�28 � ((r A Lcnd Survo; or t� COMPANY NAME -. 1!�62 �andalwo�d �rivs Dunedin _ Florida 3�698 �,a.�o�w �ne w� �rv pP! �w M�r nr br�e0� � naR�""aMe fur �E w Fpi OPTK�NAL C�111(�qTY lJSE: Is tfls referonC� lewel abo ths bwlst fbOr w ❑VES ❑NO H NO tks ekve}bn of ths bwest floor is test iNGVO. cEw� wiw �,a, no�n 19�� 734-9�39 ae7E p�p� - aYa� TIw ��e� e�r �boW !w sudpl�d w � 593-'117 (6/87) -� ___ ___ � �.�.. �..� .�,�� �;.�: . .,. . , . . .�.:_.� � :, ��, � ..++:�..-.�.._�._�� .;:� ,�? . , � "�`+• � , . .. � . � � . . � ;; .'�.- z.:____. _____.___ V.. _. __ --_ _ _ __ _ __ ,_ .� _ . . �4 _._. _. . _._. . __.._. ..___.. __..._. ._ ..._.__._ _..__.___._-___ ._.._.__,_- �' '-' IT1 �!C?!� FGR'�L`�-,��ETING THE �1_F:,�,y;iC1N C£�t'I�I�ATE *`��x•d rsu �,. , �,. �, " .. , � �rP'. V , "y 1] 1�C�P is';P � r `'t \ . e, r `ihaei C 1 ; -t "ryNti ;,. h�a�ramc Ih�Mt lotal 1ns,., ; �p�f� , � ; � �, , � � �E ava,�ab'p :hrough �, , : i�� , ' �� .3, .4 ...�.� ,5 .:2f .*?,., .. `��= . ,.'7�- . , , c - - • . ..� ,.. . ,. . ^- . . . . _.. . .e .. . .. ,.. 1 '. `�.3� �_ n �t� �N minr� ._ A r�,'ft'rBnCt .ey�' +5 SNCr.f? � �?r:� G! ?1+.0 WNn�`' .+., <<�nes A;•A�G°. AE AH. :,r� A;sv�t!- r.c� � Q ^. ,�: � pe' �, c, c a�.�s �n I � � - 2 e:a � ���' � . irc .�s t�a! ;�e F a i , .,, �..� f't%ti�BSU'Cli C�, .,.. `!iF- tpR L,.} i..n .EfE' � �' �n\'ct al.r. . S�1 �;:.,.. I ' 1 �(1 �? N.. -1t n n�t£¢ t,j� � � nr ��;� Ele�3t;an C�- hc };e -+d cz �s ,a .,� a r. :..c,� s�v�i� � A �,,,,� -,i ,:� �� 3U�lE h�a � t Y t� H�F}. l.:-�a 3 f structural mRmbe* ef Th�� r�,.�•rr�E Ie•�e! !�oo� • e t e., r s. ��r��r,ta! ' if P �pSt:ry„ wili J!?'Pr . 4f rRp !— . �� '" . ' � , � ' . ��. �j------------�^ro.�.._ �...._ �. "9 � , - ---��,. ,� � ,. �. : .7o-k ,., !aq . � , 7ho at3^y;3^t. ^3";+,. d8�" '.:�;-' ihe 4�H@rpnCeS G?tween the i'�:nr thBt eip:•at�Gns ShCUld t�e mea�,�`c�] ,.`. �rOr*t in R ZO^�°5 3^:r+ l i0'iC __� �:te�a�.:•� to+ a! A mn.�e sru .�e meas� �' :,-r; i"e Y..�O ,: . . _. r�.� -s- •aiererc� � ' +:�a• } i r--- t F.a.iGn'. ; . . :0".Bc ci��q:r;. �.: �:.. be meas� .... ;i� �ac?t� , theiOweSt^.�*;�on(3lstru�t�.yE`f - member ot th� •ef2renre !evel fleor. �� SLeE � � wir� — ORSE4EN' �H�,"r.`'--'�' `---- .�.. . .�..__. . _,_,,.1._.., �� .i ,. ,` � . , :: "1 I. �:.� .b . 1 U4 °�ERE . �':�� - (. � y' �I _ � 4.i - �--:==- � tl _ � ! .�._ _�_ __ � �" _' .'' _ ' n� t t ._ ' ` The reference level eleyation may. t�e repor?ed !a �he sa^!e ?evei �i F;e::is�on used *� reaori base flood eleva!ien on the F��iL1 (@.9., tf lh@ �ase tior� e3evatic:n �is 5h�Y? ,O ;ha t)c8i=5f ^Z;` i,�,;t, :�'g �r;arC�,;;.g iEv?i �:ay be reaorted re ihe ne3feSt half toCf�. � B«se fio�:� etesati,^,ns arH s'�c:,�n on i�e ccm?:u^is,�'s r�occl Ir,s�sar.�e Ra;n �.�a �FiRrA� fer zanea At-A30, AN. AE, �'i-V30, and VE. aase i! y p` � o�d eievat�ans may also be or, ti!$ w;th .he e�s�m;;^:ty fcr zone� A ard V' .o� a!I subd+visio�s an�i Qther new• d2ve!oprr�8!'i'S SfCa�Br thar, b0 lo�s cr 5 a:.res. whi�he��e� �n !he ;esser, �f rr�� siart a! cunsiructinn was after Decem�er 3:, ]9'�. 3ase tlocd depth r.umbers are showr. or, tFe �om;n�n,?y's ri�od ;r.sura; cz Rz�e Y"a� (FiRM} for zona AC. i-h�se deptY� numbers shou;d be use� to com�are wit!� !he l�e�ght o` ;ne -e!a;er,ce +evel �;. r; � ttie Elevarion CeK�ticate. ��a�e ^ig. es; na,u�a graae in Lire 8 of �iPvation reterence mark� other th�* those shawn on the �I;a,M m4y be used tc; re!erence level e'.evativn de'erminaticns. In aze�s ex�eriencing ground s�.bsfdence, the m�st recentiy ad;usted reterence mark eievati�ns avaiiab!e must be used ;o� sievaiion determinations If a referer.ce merk noi shown on the FIRM is usec�, �dentify the referance mark �sed in the comrnent section. Date oi FIRM ussd in $ectian II of the Elavation Certificate can be ei>her ihe date of ihe FIRM in eftect when the certifiCation is being providecl pr the date cf,the FlRM that was in effsctat the time the 4uilding was Constructed, , . . . , . , , � : . �,. . � .. .•. i �M��.Q: � . . . .. , . . . . � . . .�"�e.. . ." .. ., � .._ .. _.. . _ .. . . .. .. ,.,.. . . . , ,.. j " . • . � . � ' :�.� � � P�. . � , WOl'E TO INSURANCE AGENTS AND COMMUNITV OFFICIALS. In alt q Zones, the rerer�nce tevN is tne top o! the !-±wes! �ioc, and ;r: v zones !ne rN�ren�s bvet �s tAs ponpn oi tAe Nab/horizontal wpport. Agsnta s�ould retsr to the tioo0 �nsurance manuat !o. mstrucUOr o;+. Ipwast Noo� definitan. 593-11'-2 (6/B,'�