11/02/2005 . . . MARINE ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES CITY OF CLEARWATER November 2, 2005 Present: Paul J. Kelley Hank Epstein Edward O'Brien, Jr. F. David Hemerick Frank L. Dame Mark A. Smith Chair Vice-Chair Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Absent: Nicholas Matsis Board Member Also Present: Bill Morris Bev Buysse Gordie Wills Catherine Yellin Patricia Sullivan Marine & Aviation Department Director Assistant Marine & Aviation Department Director Airport Operations Manager Senior Staff Assistant Board Reporter The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. at the Marina. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. 2 - Minutes Approval - October 12. 2005 Member Epstein moved to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2005, as amended: page 2, paragraph 4, last sentence to read "It was stated if the MAS (Marina Advisory Board) wants to be effective, members must put in the time to provide input to staff." The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. 3 - Director AI Humphers update on SaBina Center AI Humphers, Director of the Clearwater Community Sailing Center, updated the MAB regarding the sailing center's new 5-year lease, revenues, mission, membership, programming, accomplishments, activities, and usage. He said the center attracts many visitors to Clearwater and its enhanced reputation reflects well on the City. For the future, the center is working to increase its membership and revenue base, while increasing instruction and providing programming for those who otherwise could not afford it. City staff was thanked for their efforts. . 4 - Wade Trim update on Marina Feasibilitv Study Dave Gildersleeve, of Wade Trim, and Tom Cuba, of Delta Seven, summarized findings from the Marina Feasibility Study, due to the State by the end of the year. The study was undertaken to determine the number of recreational boat slips that could be added to the marina, while maintaining a balance of commercial and recreational slips, and to develop a pre- design cost estimate for budgeting and an estimated schedule for design, permitting, and construction. Assumptions included replacing the fixed system with a concrete floating dock system, wider slips, utilities at each slip, and easily accessible fueling slips. The original Marine Advisory 2005-11-02 1 . assumption that limited expansion to City-owned submerged lands was changed after meeting with the State and now includes more of the basin. Current uplands do not constrain a marina reconfiguration. The northwest corner of the marina and commercial slips require special attention. Currently, the Clearwater beach marina has 166 slips. The study reviewed current conditions and identified underutilized areas. Existing environmental site conditions do not restrict expansion. Messrs. Gildersleeve and Cuba reviewed the groups they had met with and boundary examinations, assumptions, and exploratory layouts they had considered. Important issues included turning radii necessary to maneuver in and out of slips, maximizing recreational boat usage, visibility, navigation and passenger safety, and sea wall use. Composite layouts increased the number of slips, the linear feet of slips, multiple fuel options, room to turn around, and a water taxi slip. The location of fuel docks is an operational issue that can be determined in the future. Expanding the marina will require environmental permits and a submerged land lease. Messrs. Gildersleeve and Cuba estimated that design, permitting, razing the current site, and construction will cost $8,051,500 (includes 15% contingency due to rising costs of materials), and take from 22 to 33 mo:-:ths, using a design/build method. No additional staff would be required to operate the expanded marina. If it is determined that expanding the marina is feasible, the City can apply for State grants to help offset design and construction costs. A payback (cost benefit) analysis would have to be done, based 0:-: the final design, and projected construction and permitting costs. . The study determined the marina could be expanded by up to 64 new recreational slips. The City would need to lease submerged lands and comply with environmental regulations management. The new marina would be constructed with a floating concrete system, which recognizes the channel to the south. In response to questions, Mr. Cuba said a mooring system was considered and rejected, as it would require a ferry and significant space to allow vessels to arc around them. Mr. Gildersleeve said slips cannot be added to the current configuration. The marina eventually will need to be replaced with less polluting floating docks. Discussion ensued regarding the need for a cost benefit analysis and market study. Staff will distribute copies of the proposed layouts for board review. In response to a question, Marine & Aviation Department Director Bill Morris said current passenger loading at commercial slips is efficient. Due to disappearing commercial marinas, the State is more flexible in allowing marinas to expand, as long as environmental standards are met. It was suggested that escalating energy costs may downsize future boating habits and practices. Mr. Cuba said market demand will exceed whatever slips are constructed. 5 - Old Business Waterway Management Plan . Discussion ensued regarding the board's next step with suggestions that staff develop a draft for MAB review, that safety concerns, such as the submerged turntable, be addressed immediately, that the City Council commit to making the waterway management plan an integral part of the City's planning process and comprehensive plan, and that the MAB be afforded the Marine Advisory 2005-11-02 2 . ability to enforce the Code on waterways as the COB (Community Development Board) enforces the Code on land. Mr. Morris said the comprehensive guidelines for developing a municipal harbor management plan were distributed in a word document to allow members to cut and paste sections they find relative to developing a City plan. Before it can be enforced, the plan will require approval by the Coast Guard, Pinellas County, FWC (Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission), USACOE (United States Army Corps of Engineers), and FDEP (Florida Department of Environmental Protection). Airport Operations Manager Gordie Wills presented a draft of the three-fold boater information handout to be distributed at the Marina and launch ramps. Ten placards outlining waterways and wake zones will be installed soon. Mr. Wills recommended that Assistant Marine & Aviation Department Director Bev Buysse be charged with developing a waterway management plan draft, as she previously developed the plan for Tampa 8:J,. Ms. Buysse reviewed her background and distributed an outline of agency jurisdiction, existing ordinances, responsibilities of the MAB, information that needs to be gathered, and questions for board members to consider regarding plan research and drafting duties, developing a time line, and public education opportunities. She requested that members review the document and e-mail her suggestions before December's meeting. 7 - Aoenda for next meetino on December 14. 2005 , Ch~~Boam 8 - Adjournment Bo . Marine Advisory 2005-11-02 3