October 12, 2005
Present: Paul J. Kelley
Hank Epstein
Nicholas Matsis
Edward O'Brien, Jr.
F. David Hemerick
Frank L. Dame
Mark A. Smith
Also Present: Bill MOiiis
Bev Buysse
Gordie Wills
Catherine Yellin
Patricia Sullivan
Board Member - departed at 8:51 a.m.
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Marine & Aviation Department Director
Assistant Marine & Aviation Department Director
Airport Operations Manager
Senior Staff Assistant.
Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. at the Marina.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
2 - Introduction of Assistant City Manaoer Rod Irwin
. Assistant City Manager Rod Irwin discussed his background in enterprise operations and
economic development and reviewed long range considerations for Clearwater, including the
importance of connecting Downtown with the beach.
Concerns were expressed that City efforts are lagging to develop a Downtown marina,
critical to Clearwater, a water community, that plans for the promenade on the old bridge's
footprint have not been presented to the MAB (Marina Advisory Board) for review, and that the
MAB needs to be apprised earlier of projects for input.
3 - Minutes Approval- September 14.2005
Member Epstein moved to approve the minutes of the September 14, 2005, meeting as
submitted in written summation to each board member. The motion was duly seconded and
carried unanimously.
4 - Old Business
Waterway Management Plan
In response to Airport Operations Manager Gordie Wills' request for board input on the
waterway management plan, a member stated that the board was providing limited input
because its influence is limited.
Marine Advisory 2005-10-12 -
Mr. Wills reviewed boater information priorities previously identified by the MAB, and
staff work on four-color placards with this information, including safety issues, to be distributed
to boaters at launch ramps and at the Marina. It was recommended that the placards include
information regarding the Harbormaster and Assistant Marine & Aviation Department Director,
with their names and contact numbers.
Mr. Wills reviewed proposed safety issues: 1) Careless and reckless operations; 2)
Violation of navigation rules; 3) Operator inattention; 4) Operator inexperience; 5) BUI (Boating
Under the Influence); 6) Inattention to zones; 7) Congested waters; 8) Excessive speed; 9)
Standing in boat while going fast/bow riding; and 10) Insufficient PFDs (Personal Safety
Devices) for passengers. Consensus was to add these issues to the placards.
Mr. Wills distributed "Guidelines for the Development of Municipal Harbor Management
Plans," produced by the Coastal Resources Management Council in 1998 for the State of
Rhode Island. He requested th::!t board members review the document before the next meeting,
and determine which sections could be used to establish a management plan for the City's
municipal harbor.
Discussion ensued with complaints expressed that the guidelines were written for Rhode
Island, not Florida, that the guidelines are not relevant to Clearwater, and that board efforts
would not be valued. It was stated if the MAB wants to be effective, members must put in the
time to provide input to staff.
Recreation Zone
Concern was strongly expressed that MAB direction had not been followed and that the
recently State approved minimum wake zone in Mandalay Channel did not include a recreation
zone as recommended by the MAB and City Council. Marine & Aviation Department Director
Bill Morris said the State had fequested that the City bring forward a comprehensive waterway
management plan, rather than requesting piecemeal changes.
Discussion ensued regarding problems with the new zone, use of channel bottomland
for zone marking, the lack of markings at the boat ramp, and enforcement. Concern was
expressed that following heated discussions by the City Council and MAB on the wake zone
issue, the direction to include a recreation zone, if possible, had not been followed and needs to
be amended. It was stated that the recreation zone issue needs to be brought back before the
Marina Advisory Board Concerns
Discussion ensured with comments that the board is toothless, plans for the Downtown
marina have been scrapped, the City should not have given up recreational slips in the
Mandalay Channel if those types of slips are needed, the board lacks influence and receives no
City Council input, the board's mission needs to be reviewed as its actions are not recognized,
the board should have power, similar to the Community Development Board, and the board
does not receive information until it is too late.
5 - New Business
Marine Advisory 2005-10-12
. Marina Expansion Feasibility Study Update
Mr. Morris reported in the 1920s, the Federal government deeded the City right-of-way
50C feet to the north and 700 feet to south of the Causeway, with a reverter clause that remains
in effect prohibiting any use that does not serve a public purpose_._ He reviewed a previous City
Commission decision to not construct a marina on Island Estates due to high costs related to
copper content in the water, and requirements to use cement pilings, not pressure treated
pilings, and for boats at that marina to be put on lifts. He said adding a marina to the Downtown
waterfront is a referendum issue. It cannot be constructed before adequate parking is
developed and Coachman P~rk is redesigned. A pedestrian bridge that will expand the Pinellas
Trail will impact parking along the Causeway and the channel.
In response to a question, Mr. Morris reported that staff is working to determine who
owns the yacht club basin bottomland.
Mr. Morris reviewed September's presentation by Wade Trim consultants, hired by the
City with grant money specified to evaluate if recreational boat slips could be added at the
Marina. The feasibility study was undertaken due to the closure of many private marinas. The
consultants considered all options to rearrange boat slips to meet that goal and presented those
ideas to the MAS for input. Following that meeting, the consultants scrapped the initial draft
designs based on MAS input. The consultants are scheduled to make a formal presentation to
the Council on November 14, 2005, and the Council can either accept or deny the feasibility
study, which would not be acted upon prior to 2009.
. Discussion ensued with concerns expressed that consultant reaction to MAS input is
necessary prior to the formal presentation and several MAS members felt the quality of the
consulting job was sub par. -
Member Epstein moved to reschedule the next meeting to November 2,2005, for MAS
review of the Marina Expansion Feasibility Study. The motion was duly seconded and carriedH
6- Aqenda for next me~tinqon November 9.2005
The November meeting was rescheduled to November 2, 2005, for MAS review of the
Marina Expansion Feasibility Study.
The meeting adjourned at 9:28 a.m.
7 - Adjournment
Marine Advisory 2005-10-12