September 14, 2005
Paul J. Kelley
Hank Epstein
David Hemerick
Edward O'Brien
Frank Dame
Nick Matsis
Mark Smith
Chair - arrived 8:17 a.m.
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member - departed 9:24 a.m.
Board Member
Also Present:
Bill Morris
Gordon Wills
Bev Buysse
Catherine Yellin
Brenda Moses
Marine & Aviation Director
Airport Operations Manager
Marine & Aviation Assistant Director
Senior Staff Assistant
Board Reporter
The Vice-Chair called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. at the Marina.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily
discussed in that order.
2 - Minutes Approval - Auaust 10. 2005
. Member Dame moved to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2005, meeting as
submitted in written summation to each Board Member. The motion was duly seconded and
carried unanimously.
3 - Wade Trim Guest Speaker on Marina Expansion Feasibility Study
David Gildersleeve, Project Manager for Wade Trim, and Tom Cuba of Delta Seven
Environmental Company provided preliminary information on the Marina Expansion Feasibility
Study. The final report will be presented to the City Council in November. A FWC (Florida Fish
and Wildlife Conservation Commission) grant is funding the study. He requested MAB (Marine
Advisory Board) input.
Mr. Cuba said the study considered ideal locations for commercial and private tenants
and the maximum number of slips that could be realized. He suggested the Show Queen and
Sea Screamer be moved to provide private tenants a wider access for boats. Study proposals
include relocating the fuel dock, increasing the number of private slips, reconfiguring the
parking area, adding a deck to provide elevated views of the Marina, adding 40-foot transient
slips for long-term lease or coastal cruisers, alternatives for ticket portals, and a Marina guide
and kiosk.
Discussion ensued with comments that 40 separate businesses cannot share a location,
high volume commercial businesses cannot locate next to pleasure boats as they generate
significant trash, traffic, deliveries, noise, etc., businesses should continue selling tickets at their
boats rather than using a ticket portal, and the proposed location for the fuel dock is
problematic due to strong currents. It was recommended that the City reconsider 30-day
Marine Advisory 2005-09-14
docking permits, as the City could cancel dock permits too easily and harm long-term
businesses. It was commented that the State has too few pleasure craft areas. Concern was
expressed that while the commercial fleet has been a predominant force at the Marina, the City
may determine at some point that commercial businesses at the Marina are unwelcome.
In response to a question, Mr. Cuba said none of the proposals displaces commercial
businesses from the Marina. He said commercial mooring fields cover more water surface than
marinas and require shuttle services. It was reported that the USACOE (United States Army
Corps of Engineers) is considering an underwater cable that could be raised for boats to tie to
during hurricanes. In response to a remark that none of the proposals is creative, Mr.
Gildersleeve said Wade Trim was instructed to retain the Marina's current size. He reported
ideally, the Marina could be expanded by 65 boat slips.
Discussion ensued with comments that MAB members are experienced boaters and are
familiar with the Marina, and that relocating commercial tenants would deter foot traffic, inhibit
visibility, and hurt business. Opposition was expressed to relocating commercial tenants and
the fuel dock.
In response to a question, Mr. Cuba said the study proposes a separation of
approximately 57 feet between 35-foot private boat slips, which would be a boat and one-half
length long. Concern was expressed that inexperienced boaters would have problems
maneuvering boats in that tight of a space. Recommendations were made that boat slips
should be at least two boat lengths long and that the study should consider strong north-south
currents at the east end of the Marina, which make the maneuverability of larger boats difficult.
Concern was expressed that fuel spills already are a problem.
Marine & Aviation Director Bill Morris reported the Downtown Plan includes floating
cement docks with built-in wave attenuators. Installing wave attenuators at the Marina would
probably require regular dredging. Most commercial docks are fixed but floating docks could be
used for some recreational dockings. Mr. Cuba suggested the permitting of deflectors close to
the Marina's north side would be a problem.
Discussion ensued regarding alternative marina configurations. Mr. Cuba said adding
space between private use docks would result in fewer slips. It was recommended that the
docks be rebuilt to the best possible configuration. Mr. Cuba said the Marina's "dead end" may
change if commercial boats are relocated. It was stated that tenants on the Marina's west side
would have problems with relocating to the east side. It was stated that vessels, 70 feet or
longer, use several boat slips, thus reducing the number of proposed slips. In response to a
question, Mr. Cuba said the study uses 150 feet as the channel's minimum controlling width,
which is consistent with ICW (Intracoastal Waterway).
4- Old Business
Waterway Management Plan
Airport Operations Manager Gordie Wills facilitated discussion regarding the Waterway
Management Plan. The goal is to prepare a final document for submission to the City Council.
Mr. Morris said the formal waterway management plan needs to include wake zones, a
Downtown marina, the future relationship of Coachman Park with the waterfront, etc. The City
Council is not required to adopt the plan developed by the MAS.
Marine Advisory 2005-09-14
Discussion ensued with a recommendation that a comprehensive brochure with
graphics be developed to include boater advisory information, contact names and phone
numbers, navigable waterway charts, City wake, boat speed, and traffic pattern rules, and
information regarding s~fe bo~ting practices and regulations. The brochures should be
distributed at the Marina, Coast Guard Auxiliary, local marinas, at the Power Squadron, and
boating classes, jet ski and boat dealers, boat rental firms, the Sailing Center, local restaurants
and shops, and via City utility and Marina tenant bill mailings and County boat registration
mailings. Boating information also could be broadcast on C-View, the County channel, Radio
940 AM, and included in local public publications. Posters and signage were recommended for
the Marina fuel dock and boat launch locations.
It was recommended that two brochures be published: 1) one to address traffic patterns
and 2) one to address markings, wake and speed zones, heights, vessel lengths, etc. It was
suggested that long brochures would discourage boaters from reading them. It was
recommended that a single, concise, four-color brochure would be sufficient if it bullets each
issue identified. It was recommended that information on the Recreation Zone should be added
to the Marina's current brochure. Mr. Wills requested that MAB members mark up the current
brochure with recommendations. The waterway management plan will apply only to Clearwater
It was recommended that the Council approve hiring the contractor, who currently works
on a barge near the Memorial Causeway Bridge, to remove the old Seminole Street bridge
turnstile, which is a navigatinn::ll hazard, impossible to see at high tide, and has caused serious
injuries. Mr. Morris reported that action cannot be added to the current contract.
Member Dame moved to recommend to the City Council that the navigational hazard to
the north of Red Marker R2, at the entranceway to Island Estates channel, be removed. The
motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
5 - New Business
It was suggested that the MAB recommend re-institution of a requirement to instruct
Marina tenants to have an ingress/egress passage for personal water craft along the Causeway
to mitigate its overuse. Concern was expressed that personal water craft are operated within
20 feet of Devon Drive residences. Discussion ensued regarding common violations to
personal water craft regulations. It was requested the Harbormaster instruct Marina tenants
regarding regulations. It was recommended that leases of tenants who violate regulations
should be terminated. It was commented that the MAB should re-address wake zones and the
recreation zone when working on the Waterway Management Plan.
Red Tide Issues
Discussion ensued regarding problems related to Red Tide. Mr. Morris said the City
would need to contract removal of dead aquatic life after it washes up onshore. Bids have
been high. As Clearwater is a tourist destination zone, it was stated that dead fish need to be
:-emoved promptly.
Marine Advisory 2005-09-14
Wake Zone extension request between Bayside and Brightwater
It was reported that discussion at the last County Boater Access Task Force meeting
considered boating etiquette, with concerns expressed regarding ramp rage occurrences. The
FWC's brochure, "Boat Ramp Etiquette," is part of the Boat Smart Course and is being
distributed to alleviate this problem. Another discussion item considers how to encourage
municipalities to expand their marinas. The County is interested in buying waterfront property.
The City of Dunedin opposes increased traffic that would result from a ramp at Honeymoon
Island. The Seminole Launch Ramp site is being analyzed for a nearby high and dry facility.
Once the City determines how to manage the uplands, access to the Seminole Launch Ramp
will be controlled.
Skim Board Area
Marine & Aviation Assistant Director Bev Buyssee said Clearwater lifeguards reported
that skim boards pose safety hazards to swimmers and have recommended the designation of
a specific skim board area. Lifeguards are frustrated by their inability to stop skim boarding
activity. Mr. Morris reported Sand Key Park has a marked skim board area.
Member Dame moved to recommend to the City Council that a designated skim board
area be designated at Clearwater beach. The motion was duly seconded. Members
Hemerick, O'Brien, Dame, and Smith and Chair Kelley voted "Aye"; Member Epstein voted
"Nay." Motion carried.
6 - Aqenda for next meetinq on October 12. 2005
Mr. Wills will prioritize Waterway Management Plan items.
MAB members will submit marked navigation charts regarding areas that should be
included in an informational brochure.
7 - Adiournment
The meeting adjourned at g:~.
. ... Chair
Marine Advisory Board
Marine Advisory 2005-09..14