370 PALM ISLAND DR SE__ __ _ 2013-'�'-1102:39 7274467720» " � / �� _ � � � � � � �� r � � � ' a �� � P 1l2 � ELEVATION CERTI�ICATE E�"�3','v�a FEDERAL EM�R(�ENCY MANAGEM�NT AGiENCY NATIONAL FLpOD INSURANCE PRO(3RAM . , ArfENTtON: Use oi this certllicate doea not provlde a waivor ol the Ilood {naurancs purchase requtrement. Th�s lorm is used only co �rovide alevation informAtbn necestery to onwro oompUancp wlth qppllcebl6 oommunity floodpkaln me�nspemenl ordinances, to deiermine the propqr lnsurance pramlum rats, snd/or to auppon q raqueet ior e Letlsr bl Mpp Amendment or Revislon (LQMA or LOMR). InstrucUons for oompl�tlnQ thls lorm oan ba iound on Ih� lallowlny pagea. SECTION A PiiOPERTY INFORIYIATION ElUiLDING OWNER'$ NAME ' IVAN T. SMImH • STREET AODREg$ pndudlnp Apt„ Udt, 8ult� u�d�or Bldp, Numba) OR P.O, ROUTE ANO 84% NUM9ER 370 PALM IS[,AND DRIVE S.E. FOti INBURANCE COMPMIY UIDE POLIGY NUMBEFI CO�IPANY NAIC NUTABEH O7MEq�ESCRIP7�qN (�ot md Bbck NumWrt. Nc.► UNYT 6A ISLAND ESTATE$ OF CL�ARWATER, LOT 25, PB 60, PG 90 CiTr FL�T� I�P CODE Cl�arwater, SECTION B FLOOp INSURANCE RATE MAp (FIRM) INFORMATION Provide the lollowing frOm I�e proper FIRM ($66 In8lruGlons�: _ 7. Indicate the etevation datum ayelem ueed on Iha FIRM lor Bp�a Flood Elevatlons (BFE): � N(3VD '28 0 Other (desctibe on back) e. For Zones A or V, where no BFE ia provided on Ihq FIRM, and Me communiry haa astabliehed a AFE for thls buliding site, Indicate tha communiry's BF�: LL�LL�L� .LJ fAAt NOVO (or qihqr �1RM ddWm-se6 Sectlon B, Item 7), SECTION C BIfILDINO ELEVATION INFORMATION t. Using Ihe Elevation Cerlilicele In6truCUonS, IndlCale tha dia�ram number irom Ihe dlaqrama f0und on Pepes 5 and B that besl � descrfbes th6 eubjeCl buildinp'e reierencs Iw�l !�, 2(a), F1FiM Zones A1 •A30, AE, AH, and A(wlth BFE), 7he top oi the rslersncs level Iloor Irom tho oeloctad dlapram ka at an alevelion ot L1.�L_l7 f. L� �eet NGVD (or other FIRM daturn�ae Sectlon B, Item 7). (4). �IRM Yones V1 •V30, VE, and V(with BF�). 'Cha boltom ot the 1owe8t horizontel struCkural member o1 the reterence fevel from the selected dlagram, Is at an elav�tlon ol ��..� .i,J t�at NQVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B, Item 7), (c). FIRM Zone A(wllhout BFE). The tloor u4�d ae the reterence level trom the salqcted diA4ram Is �.0 feet above ❑ or below L} (check one) the hlghest grada �djaceM to the bullding. .. (d). FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as the relerenae level irom the selvded dla�ram is W.0 teet above 0 or below ❑(check ona) ihe highest grade e,dJaCent to the building. 11 no ilood depth numbar Is avallable, Is the building's lowest iloor (�eference level) elevated ln accordance with the communfty's floodplaln mana�ement o►dinanca? Q Yes [� No ❑ Unknown 3. �ndicate tha eleva►lon datum system uaed In defermininp the a4pvs r�foroaCi level elevatlo�s: C NdVD '29 [� Oth6r (describe under Commems on Peqe 2). (NdiE: !1 fhs e►evallon datum uaed In mapsur�n� the eleveli�ns is differenf fhan ihat used on Jhe FIRM (seo Sectbn 8, ltem �), thpn conveA the elev8Nort6 to th� datum system used on the FIRM and show the conversion equarion under Comments on pape 2.) . a. �ievation raterence mark used eppeara o� FIRM: ❑ Yes � No (See lnatrucdona on Pape 4) 5. Tha rglerance level elevali0n IS basad on: � eC[u81 CqnStruClloR 0 oonetrucUon drawiapa (►vOTE: Use ol consirucflon d►awinps !s only valid 1t �he buAdfna �osa rrot yaf have the referencs level �oor In place, in whlch case rnis cenlpcare wf!! onfy be vaNd !or rhe bulld)n8 durbep rhe cour� of c�onstrucNan. A pos6consNUCrlon Elevarion Cerrillcare wit� ba required once wnstrucNon la oampl�te.) ' fi. The elevatlon o� the lowest grad� Immedlately ad)ac�nt lo Ihe bullding is; (�1�, �.faet NGVD (or other FIRM datum•aee Section B, Item �. 3ECT10N D COIiAMUNITY INFORMA7'ION 1. It the community ofllCial responaible for verltylnp bulldln� elevalbne epeCifle� thAt the relarence level indlcated In Se�tbn C, Item 1 is nol the 'lowesl t�oor" na dellnid In the community'� tl0odplain manap�mont ordlnance, tha alevallori of the bu(Idlnp's "lowest Iloor" as deflned by the ordlnpnce Is; ��.�.� feet NdVC (oK other (=1RM dalum-�ee Sectton B, ltpm 7), 2, Data af tha start of constructlon or wb�tpndal (mprovpment � FEMA Form B1 •31, MAY 93 RE%AC,ES A!1 PREVIOiJ$ Epll'IOiNS 5EE REVERSE $IOE fOR COrlI1NUATION /- � �VV 2013-��-110239 7274467720» P 2/2 ' � 8EC'ffON � CERTIFICAI'14N . � � -- � - .,.� Th�s certificat�on Is to be ai�ned by A land �uNeyor, �nqinssr, or uohlt�ot who t� wllw�is�d�y �t�te or loc.l t�w to cartly elevation inlarmation when lhe elevaqon InformeUon tor Zonss A1—/(30, AE, AH, A(wfth BFE),Vi—V30,VE, snd V(wlth 8FE) la required. Communily oHicieis whp �re autho�ixed by loca) law or ordinanoe lo �ovide AoodplMn Inahspement informatlon, may alw �Ipn the certil�catlon, In the caee of Zan�e� AO And A(without a fEMA or commul�ty Issued 8RE); e► 4ulldlnp ollidal, a property owner, or an . owner's representatfve may also a�n the certiticetlon, � pelerence ievel dlagrams �, 7 and 8• Dietinpulahlnp Features--If tha co�lliar ie unabls to osrtlly to breakawsylnon-breakaway wall, enCloSUre s�ze, Iocatio� ot aervk�ng eq�lpment, area use, well openinqa, or un(inished area Fealure(s), then Ilgt th8 Fealure(s) not included in �he cenil'rcation under Commenta below, The diepram number, 3ectfcn C, Item 1, must Still be entered. I cerrily rh�1 the inlormAlian !n Secflona B and C on fhla Csrdllcete r�sprs�snta my bs�t e1lorta� fa Mterpret the data evallable. i unders�and that any false afatemenl may bs punlahable by llne orlmprlaonmsnt undsr t8 U.S. Cods, SecNon t0U1. �= CERTu1Eg�S.NAMep�NNY UGEN9ENUM{BER�aAMIzS�aq �,�p31 LA fitFl f{ T�L%�NO SUF3VEYQR �MP�Y��.R. PENNY � ASSOCIATES. (NC. `����� �02 11Y6NU6 N. °m SEMINQLE FL�r�.93778 zia S�c3NATUpE DATE PIIONE /n7 /4Q � ��_aaa_e Coplss �hould bs mads ot this �o�t� 10�:1) Conitnunity oHIcW, 2) Insur�no� �p�nt/Cqmppny� and 3) bulldlnp qwn�r. CoMMENTS: gASIS OF BENCI3I�ARK: . Q BRIDGE WINDWARD PASSAG6 �00' ± EA$T OF MIDWAY �LEVATION 6.93 HENCHMARK: 240 SKIFF pOINT L.PL.EL. 6.84 NOT�: GARAGE FL. EL. b.53 ' oi+ uA� A V ZONES iOHEb AEfER(N�l LEVE4 ��!! 1 ii •• ,},}x flL10b {LlvATqN 111/I��NCI ACJ►A!M UVLL OMO� wrc►� M�IArMC A OM MW, PIlM� 011 COLUMNe A V The diaprams above ulustrate the polata �t wFdch ih� rl�v�do�� stwuld b� msawrsd in A Zones and V Zones. Elevatlons for all A Zane; 4hould bo meaeured et the lop of the retere�ce IwN Iloor. Elevations tor ell V Zonea should bs meeisund �t th� bottom ot th� low��t horl=onid nruaurai mambof. pape 2 � �'