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704 ELDOR,qpp qVE FLS2014-06011 PIanning & Devetopment Department 1 Lawrence Seigel Itandard Development Application Zoning: Low Medium Density Re Atlas #: 258A �gs, Duplexes prAssociated Accessory Use/Structures IT tS INCUMBENT UPON THE APPtICANT TO SUBMIT COMPLETE AND CORREGT INFORMATION. ANY M151fADING, QECEPTIVE, INCOMPLETE OR lNCORRECF INFORMATION MAY INVALfDATE YOUR APPtICAT10N. AU APPLICA'f10NS ARE TO BE FiLLED OUT CONIPLETELY AND CORRECTLY, ANO SUBMtiTED IN PERSQN (IYO FAX C3R DEUYERiESj TO TkE PIANI�itNG & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY NOt11V ON THE SCHEDUIEQ DEAOLINE DATE. A 7QTA1 Of 11 COMPLETE SETS Of PLAMS AND APPLICATEON MATERtALS (1 ORIGtNAL AND 10 COPtES) AS REQUiRED WI'fNEN ARE TO BE SUBMITTED FOR RE1/IEW BY THE DEVfLORMENT REYIEW COMMITTEE. PLANS AND APPLICATIONS ARE REQUIRED TQ BE COLIATED, STAPLED AND fOLDEO iNTO SETS. THE APPUCANT, BY FlLING THiS APPLICATION, AGREES TO COMPLY WITH Atl AFPUCABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT CODE. FIRE DEPT PRELtMARY SITE PL�IN REVIEW FEE: $200 APPLECATION FEE: $200 (if for detached dwellings or duplexes) OR !>ROPERTY OWNER (PER DEED): MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: $lOQ (if far accessory uses/structures for detoched dweflings/dup/exes) EMAlL: _ C� U? ����_�; F�l. C? �.- C..b vf,�ii. AGENT OR REPRESENTATIVE: ��-�J G�- �-+t�.�C�G� C�.'�(" �'.�.�" :?'��.�/L� �Pt�'[�i�° _ MAILING ADORESS: �� t7� C`j _ jri,�t y�-��' _-�� � i���. '�GL... ���''�tG� PH�NE NUMBER: _'7Z��- rJ,,-' c�{�_'7 iDf`� EMA1 t: �y t3�S2�:� _� i�.. ✓t �"�'°` G:- "� H�t= . GC) vs��--- ADDRESS OF SU61EC1' PR4PERTY: �!� � � ��� �-� /�U�S��,r-��� ��� y'' � '„�� ��-7 PARCEL NUMBER{S): "a�` [ �'a f �S�=� �s�+�j%� � [JC� Q LEGAL DESCRIPTiON: �,,,�"� ,�-}-�'�� PROP05ED USf(5): �tiL(,p�p�_ ��vtni��.�s,�,�,�• _ DfSCRIPTlO�1 OF REQUEST: Specifica!!y identijy the request j �% `�/ � �} 1^ � `f �,� � y ,�,,��.�.j �,� � ,:, .}. i ✓�,{' '�_ (inc/ude al1 requested cade f(exi6ility,• ��,� � � � .�� �.,- ��,� � e.g., reduction in required number of ti ��-� ��' `��� �� �-� parking spaces, heighT, seibocks, tot size, 1ot width, specific use, etc.): Pianning 8 Develapment Department,1Q0 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33T56, Tet: 727-562-4567; Fafc: 72T-56Z-4865 Page 1 of T Revised �9112 r � � � � a � ' ' f i ` . � ' E # ! ! . � . � , ! i . � M � • # � ' ' � , 1. ' ' t ! . � � . .. . . FLEASE ENSURE �'Hi�1�' ThlE FCJLiOWiP� 3NfOR14rtATlfll+t i5 FtLi:EC} €3tJT, �i►t !TS ENT1RfTY. fAlt3lRE TQ CQ�4PLETE TNlS FQRM W#L{. RESi1Li tfM 'lt►LiR APPLiCA'�FQN BEE�fG F{3f.li�D 1[�tCOMPLETE RND �t}SS#BiY flE�ERREb �t�tT!#. "'fHE Ff�l.€.ClWtkw}G l4PF'£tGtLTidiV CYCl.E. ZC7l�1�� �tiSTR![T: Ft.�i`�.€€�E LaiPifi �.15E i��,#d L��Sf sl`�;A'S1t3�ta: EkC1ST1�EG USE {cu�enify e�is[irs� on site�: �%�d r�l� "' �..5�%/� �t�it� �+e��a; ^� tQGS; e�n� iCt-� �.t.� "" R,'th,aL° i1.`�iCs�� �rbt3�.y't-- �L � �t.�a�. i 1t{ �; �vt,.t,e, PRflPQSEI� E}5� �ne�,� uss, if ���r.' pius exis�in�':�fto rerraain): ,�'�' i�C,��G ��.:�+..� i�.2,�; t3e,��� S[TE AREA: � ZZ-i�aC! �t�. ft. GROSS FiLX3R A;R�A [tota! square foctage of ail buiiciingsp: Existing. ?��j� sq� ft. Propos�d: � �} 5 .{-,> sq. ft. Maximurr3 Affawabfe: �j f,� ��, �. � • i�d ecres G'iRp�S FLi?OR AftEA (Lotat sGuare �aatage devote� to earh Jse, if there wiil 8e .mu�tiple usesj: First tase: 3+-i �!o sq. ft. Se�ffnd �s�: ----' s�. ft. �`hird tts�: ,s.-'_' s�. ft. FLt�'C3R AEtEA RATif3 {totad squar� fc>otage of afi buiCdings �ivides� by ti�e toiai square ?cat�ge og en#ire si#e j; �isting: . �{j"� Froz�€�sed: « � �(o Max�rr��m AlfowabPe: k,j�e�, Sliil..t��il�G COVERAG�jFt7t)�'PR#t�i �s�`;�c�rsq�are €oatage of at� bi,i�d�ngs�: Exist�ng: 1�,p�' s�. ft, � . C�Z'� % af site) Propas�d: �{e � sq. ft. { • C? �`� % ot si�e) Maxi�rrum Perrritted: _ _�� ¢t �4• �- ( % af sstzj t'iREEl� SPA�� 1NITFtit�l �r'EHIC#J41tR i�SE Ai�E;� (green space within the parking lot and interior afs'rte; �ot perinteter buffer): Exisfi€�lg; �� f� 5t3- �i• ( °'o oi sit�} Pro�seci: sq. ft. ' % of site} VEHfCULAFi USE AR�.A (pae�sng spaces, drive aisles, loadiri� area}, Ex�sting, ?� j�- s�. ft. ( � of �it�? Pro�ose�i: s�. ft- ( 9� af site) PEannirtg & f]aveio�ment DeFarEmea'+t, 1Ek0 S. Myrtte Avenc�e, Cleaa�wrater, FL 33755, Tel: 727-5�62-4567; �ax; 72i-Sfi2w48�65 Pege 2 of 7 Revisetf 011'! 2 IMPfRV}��15 Si#R�AC� �:'�EQ ��o�a# square �o�ata�e a; ����aus areas d�rided b�t�e t��a� �c€uaro �ovtage �€ :�':�re siter: �ci�ing: '.���.`� Prr�pose�: � C7`�-�$ t�?a�timun^ Ferrrtit�ed� _ (G �',,,�'" �3i�fSlTY {u��s, r�orr.s flr be�s per ac�ej: E�stissg: 1 Fra�aseca: � Maxir��;�z Permi�ed: t�ts �`v� QF�•Si'f�EE'� PARK3�Cs: �Xss�i37ge ,� �ro�ase�: ? N�it�irr�un? R�G�ised: �. BLl�iD1t�FG �^1:�fGiytT: �:istgng: Propose�: �vfaximum ��rm"rti�d: � ��', �r.�ewe.. �-� ! - �Q � �� �+i�YI�-'t"'S ��� �ja+� � .��i ak ���� ..._,..Y Va�2: �i pat�cing Qem�rnd �iucfy rn�st �e �r�vided Fn conjurat�ian wi`�h ony req�asr to redute the a�r€ourt o� rzquir2d Q�=st.�e2t perr�ir�g spoces. Piease,se� t�e cdoptsd t�ar,firag t�emand Si�sr�y Geridefines t�r; urtheF 6n.fvr,r�tian. �v��� �s ��� ���r�v ao�A�. �rA�u� o� r�� ��r��cr u�r� co�r���r€o�? s�5� Oi�4 �:.=:. Zt3�pf�I6 D#STRi1.TS f�t?R ALL �t3JA��[T' �R�?€�ERTI: Na�h_ L.N� i3�. Scut#�: � _. �ast: �.,1'krS 'V �, _ _ �JSS�: �� � s?��E E1F r'��3��i.�, £L�t}:hif''! iP� P3�E�.3.A�s �. i, EF�e ���se�ne�: �t�ttios�s�iedga t�ia� a�i S�ror.=: ��s 2nt� suascas'�3 b�fcrn r:� �ais � dcy �� re,�rs�ta�sr�s ��e �r �.�€s �p�� ?re �� �r � ���'Y.�-� �. zd T�a� � �-n=;� x�r t�t�� a� �' r,� �cecr�E�g¢ �,�r3 au�aar`:r� # �l,y i��� io �s� �r� -�i�tog:�: ui� �si� `�5%�'^e(� �-�_P �h� s �rs��raii� icn�w�..� �rc� �e"s�red ir� �s� a�€srs�o _ 1'� . , t�vn� APa�.ry gttblsc � t�?�issi�n �xgi?�,s: � :� �� �'�� 99� '� � � 8� 24}1� ������m� �,���f� +L �e�#� 3+��e ,'�1$i�; �� V�a � 1�'i�r€:�r� V�'�is fj 'r`�. ��1� i $�u f $�'�+*�; � ��Y?^��i^� �B�E : f�? :�2if'3S�-� #t9�c^ �^ ' Pl�n�ing �'a �e��lc�pr�eni De�artme�� rm ' �: ��� �� F�exi�ble Stanc��r�. �eve�Qp�me�� A�piic�tio�: �' �`�°"�" �at� Pl�n Su�►��ttal Pac�a�e Chec� list fN AD�tita�E TL} T�{E C£?�RPLETE!} �t.EXiBLE STA�IF3ARt� DE�!€L�PMEN'� {FI.S} APPLfCA710tt�, ALL Ft.S APP�CAiiQNS FCiR A SiMt'slE-fAMiLY itEiACHEi7 il�Al�i.Cit�C�, DtlFLEX, C?R AGGESSf3RY USE/5�'Rl1CiilRE �SSCiCIATE� WlTt� E#TEfER A St�kGLE-FAMlLY t3fTAtt^iEf? DWEI.LI�� t3R CiElPE�X SHAI.i. i[+���.UD� I� �1.C3T P�AN iNf'�'F! TN� fC9LLC?�it�Cs INFQRiVf/4,T#OM: t',� R�spcanses icr the G�en�rad Appiicab+ii�r eriteria as set forth ir� Section 3-914.A. �he at�aci�eci FSe�ii�4e 5tar�darc# �ev�icrpment Application Generai Appim�at�i#ity Criteria sheet shatt t�� us2d io provit�e ihes� res�a�ses. � Respc�nses to i�e �exibiiiiy crcteria for the s�eci�c use(s} being requested as s�t fort�s in t�e Zc�nir,� ��strict{s} irt �hith the sc�bject propert�r is Ec�a�ed. i'he attache� Flex��ie Staadard Dev�iopme�t AppficatEOn �l�xib�Iity �r�eria sheet shaf( be used ta provide these resconsPS. � A signed and seai�� sts€vey o# th� oroperty Qrepa�^sr� i�y a regisisrets` I�n� st�rveyor incfuding �hQ focation of ihe gro�erisJ, dsmeeasions, acreage, I�e�iion of ail curre�t s��;ctures�improvements, €�cation of ai# putslic and p�vate easemenLs ir�cludieag a��e�aP records bot�k and Ra�e nur�abers and steeet r�ght{s}-�f-way within arad acf�acent to ti�e site. r��t� � 4� tP�� app4ica�ia� wou�� res�lt in the re�ova? or f eir�catian caf �-nebife horrte owners f251f�!#1� !R 3 tfdObilB horr�e �a€-dc as provitte� in f.5. § 723.�353, ihe a�p,icatpor� r�?trst provide ti�at infaerrraf'san rec�uired by Ssc#Pon 4-2�2.AS. L� di t#�is ap{��€catiars is being submitted for t�e purpose a€ a boatP'sft, cat,�ratk, �+avit, dock, marsna, P�er, seawail ar �a�her sirn�far �{� rnarine siructure, thera the app[icatian rr�usi {srovide sietaiked �ans and sp�cifications ��epared by a FBorida Professio�ai �f, ersg�neer, bear�ng �.he s�aE and sign�tuce �rf the en�.ineer, except signed and sea�ed pians si�ail r�ot �� required far th�e repair or repEa�2ment af tfecking, stringers, rail�ng, lower [end"sngs, tie ;�iles, or the patc€�ing ar reinfcsr�ing v€ existing pix€ng gr� prir�ate and ca�rrrercia� da�#cs. '� A tree survey sho�€r�g the iocatifln, i�BH �diar�eter at breast heig�t�, ar�d speci�s t�n tt�e parcef pro�osed #ar deveiop�r,e�t wit[� a DBH of rour inrhes or more and iderrt€fy�ngt�scase trees pr�pvsed ta be rerr,oveci. ,�,,' � srte plan wi#h t�ae t'tr1��u�'sng information: � Nortia a�royw, scal�, It�cat;�n rnap and date prepareci. i� Lr�cation of the �nastaE Cc�nstruciion Controf Line {�CCt}, �+hether the pra�erty is lotater� v^�st�in a Special Flc�od tiazard Area, and the Base �food Lievatian (BFE) af the �roperty, as app#ice�ie. � Locatian, set�acks aa�d use af a1i ex'ssiing anci �ropased buik3€ng and str,sctur�s. CI �oca#ien of al� existir�g ant� pr�posed p�rk�ng areas, sf�aewa�ks �r�d driveways. � Lcscation, t'i�'Pe �f materia9 and height o€ �i! �xistsng and propc�sed fences. � L€�cation af a!( existirg and proposeo uts[ities, inc#uding rvater, sea�rer, gas, an� s�ormv3rater. � i.ocatio�s �f �f! ex€stir�� ut€lity easernents> intiuding C?f�csa� ReeoYds book and page numbers, and a;�y proposed utitity easements. Q Building or struct�re e�evation r#-awings that depici �k�e Rroposed bu'slding height,'��ildir�g rnater�ais, an� c4ncea�ment af a�! mechanica� eauipsner�t 3ocated o�a the roof. �iann#tsg 8 Deve�oprnen# �part�rr�nt: 9E�T S. k�tfe Ave�tue, Cl�ater, FL 33755, Tel: 727-bS2-4567� Fauc: 7�Y-562-48&5 ['age 4 csf 'i 92evised 01i12 �� � ,� ; � s , � � .� � � � �. �'�ann��g � Deve�t�pm�n� �;epar�ment �l��ib�� Sta�ad�rd �eveiopm�nt Ap�Iica�o� �+���ra� A�plicabilit� �rite�i� PRt'�VtDE GOMPtETf RESPQA�SES TO EAGF! EE7�F TiiE S�X (5� GElVERAt APPEiCI�,BiLiTY CR!?ERfA IXPLAEAi11VG l�03f{1y �N £3f'TA#LJ 3'HE CEt[iERtQlV IS BEING C5}�dEP�.�Et� WITi�! PE#2 ThttS �E1�E3.CIPA�E�t3 PROPt1SAL 1. 7"he pro�roseci de�eloprr�ent oi the tand urill be ir� harmor�y with t�e scaie. bufk, coe�erage, dens'sty ar�d ct�aracter of ad}acent pro�rties in which i� is Iacated, r � i ih � �{�,. � s�,�'t"�C,�'U� i "a+a A,."�'C�•G�t�. �� _ � f � ' � ur �-� c.r,� �. �� :cc�� ; d � � �+.�.d �. �� �.c�.�r�c;�..�.k �� �►�.� 2. �he pro�osed �eve�op€nent vai�l not hir�d�r a� discourage the agprc�p�ate deerelapnnent a�� use of ad�acent land and buiidings or si�r��cantiy �rr�pair the vapue thereaf. �.�'• s' l �J a�2. �� t�2. �2. r- . �' !.' _, Yw .1 s e , �. t_' �� .� "' .. � i � _s ��l� _ ♦' ' 3. �e pemposed deveiopc�er�� �vil� rtat adversefy a�i�et �he health Qr safety or g�rso�s residing or wor�sing ir� �he rsei�hbarha�rd af the proposed us�. � � trc33�� tZ,C3�- v � [ � � � � . ,� r- �. �-oe prape�se� �ievetopan�rst is desigc�d to minirt�ize irafific congestion. — '�-.�++� '� *�i �"ifi_3r'� x�a_ '"`".-� �. Th� prup�sec� develo�mer�t is carsis�ent wiih ihe cort�rnunity ch2racter of tf�e irrr�-nediate vicir�ity et the �Sarcei propos�cf for devslaprr�ent. � t^�s c�;� �%�.-c�C. i� �c� �'�k i.J s $�^�G it� C.�l.�cti^C�.;�,,r Cx.� � �rv �.- e, a.�- �.�.'.�- wtc. �c.�.c.� . 6. The design a€ the pro�oser3 s�evedapment minimizes adverse e;°fez-�s, inciuding visua4, acous�ie and oifaciory and fiours o� operation im�acts, ot� adjacent prc�perti�s. �" a �,. .� 3 L? f �i� � i • . � I . � . ! . i�lann'srrg ��ev$io�ssn$nt E:►�pae#me�rt, i+D4 S. �#�4yrtle Av�nue, Ciearwa%r, f1. 337�6, Tgi: 727-562-�656i; �a�c: iZ7-v�62-4865 Page 5 af 7 Re�ised Oi}12 � -< � ; �� Y � ���� � � �l��tna�g & �e�rel�pn���� De�ar�meni F�exi��e S�a���r� �3�evelc�pm��t .��pl����an �° �le����I��y �r�t�r�a PROVti�E COARPLETE RESPii�iSES T4 3HE APPLiCABI� F�EXtB#EiTY CRITFRIA FC3R �E SPEG�EC tiSE�Sj BE2tV{'z iiEQi�ESTE�i t�S 5ET �o�m a� r�� zc�uFn�� ��sr�arcr(s} «w��cr� r�r� su�s�c€ ��o����r �s s.o��a. ���a�nt �t�w, r�v fl�r�,��., �c� c�ta��tt�� t5 SEtNG C4MP4tE� iN�TH PE€i Tif15 ElE1lEL�FME�t'� PR+OPflSA€. (tiS� SEPAREi'tE SHEE'E'S �,S A[ECESSARY). i.. t� tr't5 t3,S� YiJ 4' %G '�'�avvt.p� __ G}.�aJEi18 2. � i�"�iQe.. t�'v{►rJ�.�' iG+t �R?v�L�t. '� i' � i � �' ��G. �'p f� l+�7 V'�C.�, ifi GW�L+ pf-� �,r s�,q.,- � 3. '�. ft3 d�. �l+�,C.,�,t. i�1 �� �� U.L'L V C�.3r�. _ v`►bti3t�.1�� c�..�,��,� �����tvr�_�^ .�; ���e,, �.i•�r-�f ��-�--- e1ca..1�v�.- c:� �,3aukk;� �ro�pe��-;e.�. � a. �'',� k� � r,r�► �-� �.y`; � 5. l � �v �Y`�'t�,"� i1°t.nt t,3�°.-� � 1�°i�i �GK.�j !`.+„� G�e� �r�t.C�� �'1�,L'� � i �`�ll �P .. ���PQ� �. , _._ . � s. � � iM+�uvt�..zj�'�- �✓�c.;vz.:"�'� �i�� �J� t�t4^t.c��c3 �..3;-�1ti �-�,f,g ��t�.c�.�.t�.--�- �� �fl �1 e��.�r- �3e�c� _� � c��.�.. ar�.c.r�.s . :,.s e l�� r r�„� � �� �,• .t r .,, ..� ..� A � _ _. . _., a c��.., � �. �� ���.n, ����- �a� �t�� � �, wc�.�e�-�'v�,,�-� �,nc.�e. �.�c�. 1�� _ c�-o:v�. � � -�in� G} �-t.t �-� c,, s.akt� �e, ---� , s. �4� �ti��rss�. L��tclt_ �.L,.�: �-� �l.�,a . ._. _. . _ _. . -' 3-- - - t - - - - 3 _ � _ _ � _ - _ __ _ �Le. �+'v� � t�e.e..k � �,�,. c.� c�.�c a��.. ` � �� - � c.. �.��ipw w'�.��r' l�i; � ,� �danning � t�veiuprner�t ile�ra�tmeat, iOEi S. ii9yatle Av�r�ua, Cisarwatet, F�. 3375G, Te�: 137-562-�4SET; Fax: 72i`-562•d865 P'�ga 6 e�# 7 �2esrised d}9ft2 , � � � �: P�anning & i3eveicsprne�� £tepart�eni . � � . � . _ ! ! ' ' ! ! , f ; � _ _ �Iffida�t tv Authc��°i�e A.��ent,%R����se��at�v� '?, Frovi�e narnes o��ij {aeQ�rerty awner-s on d�ed —PRihiT tuEt nzmes: �awrerce A, Seige� Arlene W. Seige2 2_ Thai �t amisve �re} �hs ov;n� �s) arici rec.grct titfe ?us,�e�#s) �� t�°e :`�ii�;�;^n� des�ri�ed pra ���: --7 �- , ft = �1 r- � / � �1'� .t' r� � £3 t' �—_ + � r': �_ �.� �. _-_ E._. f �Ct�` �.s �t.�t'i'� 1� t� .�'r, �' t'? . i" P � 3.. That#�,i� �ro�rE}� �a;�sti�e.rtes ihe pr�aerty f.orwL"sch a rpqvest iar;descri�e re��estx� �.�.�vc.-�cYc ��.. �.-;.�a�.� ��,-�,., ��.a�.:,��.x,� ��'��-�"'t 1'�`-�`� .4-�. 5� ��r'� .�,-, _ { �"C.1PlQ� '�Wf7 L.Xg�svtia�—ja�—,-,�'�G�cv�C.�Si-��L d�' Y`C� aS� bv� 4. '�hat sfie +�ndarsigr;ed �h�sJhave} ,��:� e �~ �; � r�c� �5 {h sft��eirj ag ni;s) to execvie any aracf (d�sj�o} Ot aC�EP f�0iU11?2f?LS R2C£S53rf iQ 3sur�Ct Sut' �}mtlfioSk; 5. ��t th€s ai�davit �ias �e�r exec�:er# :o i�duce �h� Cit�� oi C#�a�r�t�r, r4arda to ccsns�cer a^d 2C� cn the abave �escrived pra�serty; £. ihat s�#e visits ra the grog�rty are necessaryr by Ci;y represertativPS ir osde� ta �: ocsss this a�olicazion and �e �u:ner a=.;th�rizes City repr�sen�atiues tavisi2 and phaeograph fi�e pr�perty ctexr�isQ� in ih€s appl[catir�n; }he foregoissa is true and c��: ec;. ST�TE C�� �L!�RIDri, C€iI3NTY OF PI�iELL.4.5 P�a�rerty �ne� Froper;y Ctivne: BE��RE NE T�iE �iA[E?EEiSt�NED, At� d��tCER DE�LY Coiu�Mi�S3Qi��� 8Y'#�� �A`,�»+S t?� TH€ S��.T� GF FLC?R6DR, t�1N THiS �r'"�� �?AY vF __ 3 � �!i r'�.%� �/� � �� �'cf2SG�ALLY fi.PP�A.f3ED ;"�/ �°°� � �� �vt �`-�'"� �F ��JYr � � - -,... �.'.��VV'df-€O }'F+VP�v BEEAE F":RS � L�Ui.Y .�'iVtrC3RiV DEPrJS�L� .4�.'D S�-,` YS T�A7 }i�H� �t,'LLY IINC?E??SafiP}�S TH� C`tilNT€toT7S C3� ili� :�tFFii3!;VfT THAT i-?EfSHv SI.f"st�iEC3. '",•`; �$E}RA A. KA.Pl.AN ` � � / _,�:ra:::�x i `'' `'�. � .� � x. ..: Com�rassicm � EE 131� - �. �� '� �ce& 0cfobei S: 2t3#5 �tofarJ� �uirt'rc Sicn�tur� eo�a�-r�,=���ax�.m�s Ncat2� S�aU��2mN � N�r Cammissi�r� E�t�es= ����✓ �� �� � F�3�rsing & Devaia�metrt [�2pat�meni ii�Q S. �SyrY3e Rvetaue, C3aanua#er_ FL 33755, Te€: 727�82-4�5?; i�ax: 727-552-1tE65 ?9�v � 4i % �BViSEt� �'� �i � .L.�+JtiL ������� k I1JdVF. �7�I0.J�t ���tQ���� �EJ"'t ����i�11�� !'� V G. '�.S4CTl#'ZY�Yf'[��� G'�`i�v('T �.£�T 1, S�.�C�C 2, ��d�3A�Y �UB�I''�1SiC��1, AS R�G�'3F��?E�i I�# �'i.AT BC?tJK 14x Pf�C��S 32 TH��1�f�N 35, �N�L�S�'�+E, OF T�E PUB�lC R�C�R�3S t}FPI?�E1.lAS �t��NTY, FLC�R��t�,��1�3 THAT PA�'� C�� '�A�AT�� ELDaRADO A',f'��UE. L7ESGR���� AS Ft}LLO�i�: �EGih� A�' T#;E sou�-��►,s-� caa��R � �F �AlD LC�T 1, BLt'��K 2; R�JN Tf-fENGE �ASTERE.`t" ALt}NG TNE SCiJ'FHERLY f.i�iE C?F 5,41�7 I�AN�ALA'Y SClBC3t�€SIC3�, 25.U4 FEET; �HENCE N�f�THEF��.Y, PARA�.L�L TC� T`HE F�4ST�RLY �.IF�E QF S�41I� LC3T 'f , B�.C3CK 2, it}. ����ET; TH�i��� i1�(ESTERLY, 2�.0 FEET �'(� T!-�E �#t'�RT�i�S�' CG'Ri�'�R C�F SAf�i �.4T �, ��.C�C� 2; TNE�lGE S�?�i'��ERi.Y A�.C?�G T#�E EA�TEi�LY L�t�� C�FSAiC3 Lt?�` �: BLC7CK 2; �8.�� FEE� TQ TH� F£7li��` t�F SEG3Nt+��NC; L�S,S A��3 E�CEPi' ��.�. R���R�RN RIGHTS �#��` �(GHTS t�i T1�E �A�lC3S �,��? SUB�ER�`zE�} LAN�� L`�I�l� WES3 t�� T�� �0�3H�RLY 2�.C� ��EET �F SAf� LC?T �, SL��� �. TC�GE�'�i�R i�I( �'�i AN 1����SS AND �t���5� F�iS��Et�T �� Ft'3�.i.0�+` x: �Rc3M THF P�C�RT�f�ST CC�f�l�ER t7� �t�T �, B��G�C �„ fii�A�t�AI.AY St�Baii#'�SiQN, AS �ZEC4�2L��� (1� ��T B40K t47 F'�C3�� 32 Tk�RC�UGfi� 3�,1���.€�S�1f�; aF THE �I�BL�C R���}��?S t�F F�#NEi.LAS Gt���TY; ��.t?RIDA: #�U� T�i�f�GE EASTE��.Y, A��?i�G TN� F'9��}JEC�'�4�d QF THE �1C?R�HE�i.'� �.��E �F S�i(�3 LC3T 1; �L�3CK 2, 3C1.D FEE'� F4R �`�#E RC��t��` QF BEG�N���i£�; THEfi�CE CC3NT[�f�lE, �LE�NG �AiD P�C�JECT#C}N 15_t� FEEi: T�3�.NCE �4t3RTHERE.Y, ALt7�fG � L�NE PARAl.LEL'�C? THE �AS7�RLY �.f�� C3F �.C?T 2, SLC3C�C 2, 4� �AtC� �r1A�l�AG4`'` Sl�Bi�!'�ifSiC7�i; 4C�,22 FE�T T4 THE St�l1T1�E�L� R1GHT-flF-i�J�.Y �.ii�� OF AC�C�� STF�E�T; T#�Et��� V4iEST��LY, ALO�i� TH� �C?UTl�Ef�L� RiVf� F'V�'S/Y�1 { l.t�l`!�r �� �114i} �+gL+l'1�til'9� � ! ��i. / F � �.�5 ! ,.; S i—S�iY�v'� �7L/ii I £ T��tr i 7 P°�4VSiV /'4. �SV� #'ARALL�L T� SftlL� �STE�LY Llh�� Q� LC��' 2, BL.Q�K �, 4�',3fy F�ET TQ TH� p�.7�NT C3� BEC�INi�I�G. A�Q �'C?G�THER tiVlT�i ���RE�S .A�{� �L3��SS �A�Ef�i�€�' !� Ct�tufMt�N 1�lITH {�`�H�RS i�ESG�fB�Q AS FC3�.L�3�.}V�. C�3€vif�iE�CE AT aHE #�C?��'i��,AST Ct�RNER t"�F L4T 2, BL�G� 2, ��c���� s€�s���sfc�r�s s���� � s��r��v�s€�� �,�ca����� �a -�� ���- ������� �� �����r��� �� ��� SC?t'3!4 34, P�:GES �2=35 ��GL►.�S6i+'E ;�F THE ,�UB�.iC ��C£�R�?S 4� �'�N�LLAS �UUi�T�`, �!LC�R�I��; Tt��;�GE R�3P� �AS�' AL.t}�G �"�IE �RC?�JEC�C3i� QF TI�E NC�R�'HE��.� LtNE t�F SA€�3 Lt'3T �, �L4C�S 2, 1�.Cr� FE�T �QR �"�� ����T C}� B�GtN�1#�G, �Rfllt� S�i� PflI�T t?F $�Gi�€t�lNG, R�i� EAS�' 35.44 �EE�' �'Q 7HE Rf GHT-C7�-11"�fi�Y �F ACf��I� STF�EET THE�iG� �C3�i SQt�TH 5C Q�GRE�S 44 �RiI�U�`ES � s SEC���S EAS�; 27.33 F��' �i.Q�G �'�E G�c��� {�� � Ci�Rt/E Ta 7'H� LE�" �f�T� ��A[�fUS C�F �2�.C�Q �'��T: AN ARC �F 27.38 F��T; TN��#CE R�N �ES�' 43.28 ���'t' TO T�E ��l��'ER L1l�� E�F °�fACt��EE� �� DL�A� �VE�UE T�'ENCE S�'}t1iH 45.t30 F'E�T A�C}N� TNE �Et��E� �.��� t�F �fACAT�C# E�. UQ��X? A'��Pit}E i't'3 TI�E t+�t?RTHEf�S�' CQRN��i C�� �'�dp�' PART C?F TH� � aT 2�.��3 FEET �F VA�I�TEQ �L �Q�C?C3 A'�tEl�E�E, itV�ICi� A�J41�€S L4T 1; BLC?CK 2S M�t�I3��#Y s`vUBC}IViS1G'�l�i, 'TH�N�E SNEST '� S.�St7 ���T AL�Jt�tG T!-!E iV4F2TH �lNE QF '�NAT PAR'F' OE TE-iE �fEST �5 FE�T C?F �'AC�T�E3 E�. t3QRt�D4 AV��U� iNHlC� A�i��#�i�#S �4T i, $#.QGK2, N�ANL3ALAY SiJB�I��SlQ�, i4 A P4dl�fT �{J_t?f� �'EET �ASTERE.Y {7F TH� SOi.;T�iEAST CC3Ri�€ER C3F i��T 2, $�4Ci� 2: �A��}ACAY ����E�i�SfC��; T�ENGE R�� �dC3RTH 5£�,�t� ��Ei' Ti1 iHE �4lNT' i�F BEG�f�€�i�iG. �, o�ae�se aY: q �. �'� . �; � _ tf `� ��� � � � �*. t?a �+ ;�� 4? ` � l,f -..._, ._..�.._ � ... . s} � '. F e� » i'� tY:"""'.:� �z 2t" .,' a �„ 'T.�:'^`S:^^`^°'� �""TT`'.,^'" ._..."^'_"t"S"�s ..;a *�..'7"".�,""�""t.. :.�'�'� " PR(�PEk7Y HDORESS: 704 ELpORADO AVE CLEARY�+A7ER SEACH , FlGRtDA ?3I67 kx � _tif. ,,a.�,wt.t�. k.:. � �.r:.r. ,,,!i'. �.�;,.r =+C:_,.�.. �'�'e�'.d ..r.�.z'�.-'�'.�:.�.:.:.*":>, �,ti FlEtD WORK DATE; �rlitoit AEVIS':O,°�£ DATE{5).;a�v.z ��1tcm'=ar %e�L2 +.�.vzn•:as ieev.; a;�:As ~ ;;� '�� � t�.� r� ������� �,�°? SURVEY htUMBEP,: 14A7.OSpb �r, PINEtL4SC�iNtY� � (�Y � 14T L?: '� i � A. : .l�F ^ �'U L1C .:+CR.'v+� °CF �.Y (" ^,�� 4VA"F-0, 7c?kt7 ��Ci68i ,rr,'.5 tiA DStl r?:�Y'e'i �" 4vp`?'Gti i+:K"9^„L+ 8��,� CP f�$�. , ' G�. ;= GGCA5S�v4, w'W`T"nik'.Tiu4 0.±+.� „:,. .- s• '!2' PtRC .., 3 � v,���C,4a.�.. :.�!�£ `SS N?°'E'�.�2'^ n�tE6�ES --+�z_ . �. � ` j" C� I �" =�,.ge ' 1 '' {�; L � ' i� � � � �' ��`'�`� ��� ��.:. � �;� �. �-��osc� �s c.t.cxr; �; .�^"''"'"� _ �(� ��"".,` � �:'4 � c T�f t 6� r:Y;�L'u- @'='J P.A,'^�.uESr* ;���;s�rrs,�oc�n�s a;5s� �p�-,s5s "�"�..,,,,� tt1CRE556iGRf55 �� � �;� w't� ��'�� � 1y, � EASfl�4fNT ¢� b'� o� : 3J x,� • c7 � e'` q �;� �� Ft ST28'"r2' E E 0?.Gi• P+� f 34.63' (C) �e' rttr� �,� FNO.'X` Ct.n i I O.Q(7 � P?5_iai` (D) � XJ :��o-..4 p 7374? s arz��ar r.ur acs � �;� � �� � r.acsrr ; �+ _ _ _� ...- 29 p t4�37 ZS.Q�Y {{3;; , � { ���s � }�a y 25,�;up�p��+'����+.,_. ��.r c.a f � � L � (,:y (P liny:�5✓ yV. F i�� � F. � '� . r: � � � � �.�T _ � � ' : '� � `� = g D7't�G2Y WI � � � � r � � 5a.4 - . . ....."�� �2S � � � � y �- s�T= 3�? �� y � v U �, � ,,�� mrn � �$ � a v� y �- 1� 3 0�t � � 3 � � �� `�g �,7 �,��� _ .�'.�3��`�` N :�' �y ;`' Cc Cp�� �{ `.;# 2 33v. � . v, ��9 � � . G N � 9 � �i �� Rg �04 '2�$,� m ,,,,'S ���. F;i . z: ;J9SDI2 � . Z x �. i � : � "' �PA�t PU'r%?$ . . �. � . � � 27.�' � : . � � - _ , . �1 �` � a9�x3ar� w • h .. . � . .i� �' . ;, �„ , :, 5 ..� r �. ,,......_:s. `e' �� � . - ry_,.. � - r.T ON r, ;.� 8397t -K�R! �sPt',t� t0 � SERC '�A[�. EAST 25.04' �3 �' � � . +;1 : st a. �ACB7 # L97337 � � �L+tc'.&t 5; � � YJ�ut3J1. � � ' 10.50`{i� S3S.�4',Pi}} �,: 3� 89`33t�Z` W r34.75' fG) � c< ' � � ° N 89'33�2' W I OS,G`0' T4 SrRC ��ca Q�fi �' �� 1� � ,. � t her6dy' c�r�}! tA�e��� of cfthe henson F s� �Cesc�eO! my �� � � and to Ur� .11`ds e b't� r� � B�� � !f!&91SNA9 � � t5 30 2? +��t�m 3f8ttd� �tbrfft � D#? FIU�dB B�ald � � � � ---�--�-- i Qf� g sJ.9�orcbsFkx+ �� �� GRAPHtC SGAi� (In Feet) `� , "`, �� � � " `. � �� 'u ! inch = 30' tt t,<�,�`�� �%/` r" � __�. lCEiCHASFE{'HfPtS�J ___._____ �i�' r t �S dFlMdf vrahixiauy $a��ya �n0 rAsypur ' � ' t � � " �.. � r� ? ��.�, t( �*� t '.itP 0.� .?114 $tFA'3^ !�JtrtR' � / PCSPtO!7hY�F 1n:4tKN7'#^h9vlYeen,^&++Nntl�i`uM. itXJt<h'�6lr 3r,�P�iY.dY6Vnf[�a!'t+aS SA. � �rJr.r.g�r r s*xatr�eanan,edcot�ts+r�v+r�5na«amecu.n+�e�.rxcO^�n�n,hpsrcer�E. `� �� �'r.�`'' '�.:,2?c�....C..s�`hv..�.L#�.ti'��';� '�"��T""""�.r"'�`^^'..=��i.��'jh�"'�„ atc n: . .� . . .. � "'..�' �'�scLh...�` .'"�'''-°�;'�`e�&��..""�ie�� . , v �:.."..._._, r;ti::;_,..1'"�"`x�� PLC}QDtIVFC�Rk1ATICIN FUUliJ'iS'JF�iVTEREST ,. : . .� �� BY PERFORMtEVG A SEARC4�! W1TH THe :OC'AL GpVERiti�hG � lM7CM? qECK OV£�R lF�2GRES5IEGRES$ FtySEP.f'EN7 ��j MUNif�FALt7Y OR W+MRN FEMk GOV THE PROPERTY AwpEARS Tp gg � LQCATEO IN ZQi�lE VE C4Yi a tf A&4SE FE.00L7 EtEVATiOid Of 73}. THIS , � � ?Rt?PERTY WAS F04li�tD liV THE CPTY OF GLEARWATERO, COMdu4llN17Y '"x a" ......w'=�'=-`�"^ ,`;'�...�,..5::.:w .3.�1� fdUMBER i2504d.0AiED09/03to3. �'?{ �""��'_'�� �...W.�.�._��"� ,. ., � . t ! . . ! ���f ��t�t 6 � � Ci.ifNTNU3vS8ER � D4FE: }l24t2S71� M � ...�, _�:., ,.. , ��, , .. � � �,.,.. ��� � ., . w , . :t � # 1 �y� � BtSYER: Lawrencs A 4e+ga� and Ariene W. Seigei, husband a nd wife , ���� "''�` �T� �� ���� 4"J LERTtFiED r(? y.AWREt�CE A Sc"lGEt AtVD ARLENE Y+f SEtGE�^!~� t„ ��� S� . ' �ussaa,ro Ac�o tiv�F� �n,��run� rsanarvA� �nnE YJ�STC�R iAt�D FtiLE INSURtIlVCE COt�iPkNY " ] �"'�'4' �.,"'""'�'�;�r � . , ::.u�a°. �, , n......��,x -�� �. .� ( a"� `�.� g £ z �r"t r `• r' � w.cwe,xatlz#ardcam „�'„��—,;"`=`... .�.,Ci � Y �„ ,.,; („t , V t' � V i;;r. �; K j`�.. P.L66J:5^t97d•£�3i4�£d97 Thss �s Fag2 5 of 2 and is nat valid wit�cut ai� fsages. ��. �?3�3�37 tt4pAf ' . ,. My�,A 33�13 ..-.-�--.-^.r.-=-�.. .�. .�a-..�. ..�..,....»....e,_._ _... +`4 ' �s`'r`7!'LaEesd�',eS+ReD.k � .- � ..: u � :: _,,� .� zy t �,�- � ,..:�'.,� �- --�- --s �-3 AEPOAT dF StFRYEY i4C 0546 5 page of2 ��� i� .�. .. F. +S n'. ' FX .n, ;3:;i,;,,.• ��a,,,q;a:.,::',rn ..4. ,. . .�'^ ��� �^^. ^ � �� si.. ', g,ty .y u�.. LY'f}gy 9 8t� t5 tWt v3�ICE NYC�IOUt 8 . , . , �-i: �i"'t4 r�� LEGAL OESCRiF'a'tON: .~ _ �==�� . �twao�sawc�,w�.n�r+rssor�.esa�aa+�=ac«• u�aaw++x aF�naeca¢mnaa++iar.ucax,s�.Ream,wzw s+,cca�,u�s�oo��tras �,� c� � ar�rsr �e usrtx. !�s uunQ ��;uuarcan ttstr�. ro u�as�cwts. xis ��� +nr�u..^4aeera �� �-�� s49tMa.Kt9c��ese�Ct�v�EC�4�tL�i�YW[�'or�iu+.aca2d�i��:ac�ra�Yiw�.ac.;x�.a.v�,ac�++w�v�rtia wcs�r«dns a��[ aarora� S�CWTt.�4EG�t '+� �t6i;�i'iwffrW tvRfF�£�6 MN%40wf pg� � Y �OQF'y }��'y�iO�W GA(t.JRi �p�y�{ �WYMCr.RPeM�lY U4Tttt:Oi'-ki drTK � �. . ���'J�M��'ry��1����51ClIlpiGm.f�!({%;SMQRL�;It0+3�LK�t�tO?JRtx91R49tOLLO:iY4Q2VtC�4N�WC IRCS� ��} - /Gr.T P��.a]F 9e� Y,N&iW�1KK�9G�i�trmPrt+Y+MrY4msa4D�.:KU�P�dt�.�tY<'MiatfaOASEY:.I.tdCxlfYWlatlltMWltt@Eg�'taENSAt2i90CLH.]1)QT� ..OfHt �,� �" ��A+10M4N!K �'�li �KY1^6CfYMbM�, sw�(. �+vl. /�lOM6�M M�M�- y V � lOER � �p �� . � � #r w'i���pp a �.'�v"�nyapsya�.a,.p�!�nr�o� ns_t�» a+r�y2 r�Ra�RC w�'i mv a$.a � roxa+�aweaaV�� � �S.�I�lMM2��A'LFPTLWR4e,'bMp �X•G�iICP�f[��*f�]m9C 4C0���'wt ��� 0.11.�o:R�� �} �6.ro��m�a���in�+`�`eo�,W�+. �±�� j.. �/*� . WI�K�"3YmsP}K MOl�qx'6fio'+trow*p'[WS+O. } ��"l Y�.�.,.�, *�4`T"?^u",.,. ,�,+:.., ...n..... �... t.r.F-. .::;.: '1 �:L'�3..'�.x�`,.....,fl.v.: ."�_...�.�,. ;.ov.£".F-"n•;•��'-F r ,:"` ��» : S ,EO85?EC[FlC SVfiV'cYOR nFdTES: �{� $EA,RINGS Al2E 9+45ED Olti iffE fIORtDA $TATE Pi.ANE COORLIliJkTE SYSTPM (WES't' 20NE) {+t0liTH AM1rtERtCAN DATUM fJF 94$3, :7940 ��� CS3JUSi'Mi£MT) � � , �': �'�., .. ., ...,..�-.- ..:,�.�...""`� _.._r.:F�.,�.,.�..:.x.�..�:......;�._.�3��"�'�,��.. -'.::-,^ � � .....;�....�...� �.._:_�s�.���-°._..�.� --�"�-�.�-�-,�'W"�.�..,_..'^'° � ^..._._..._.__._.s:��.�-� �,�j n_ �- GENERALSiJf2V�YOP,PtOTES: Yt� a €, t. '*'k.._c5�i7csc �?.o .zu+itoot�x �� ss�rev,vassusa�..rC'yn�Terw.'?utws�^'casy.. C ie�. mo �. f< e*s�:p x+j 3� 2F z,+*YOrtrva'x�s+z'�rrTesx�RaSO�.�^r�vous3JV'.n^•rw�dtoauny.ur^taaMc-�c2oaC+,e�:e�.»caswlat'�zs..mY"'�� #f#d �1.� :�. 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".or.a^_� a�.virv +ormTe%e,?t a^vatshape r�xed;:+eka:ura `� 4! (�� t3?a so�� .e;es W atsr:aCtC�b�we-r'� �'n .er�u'ttierar�� a�. ..ti c.r4rs:6s :�gicib�tatse^xi. i�Y;. Fg 8 �v: itlehe6'a;heHAa r.e*sC 3su 'C+'F.e e be *�wJSP2!' ,c, c x..,.: o^cH'cw-vRU0t7fs.or'�::-c* .e.,.r.c-:�e {$ 6.. k� m?r. � ya � a3 ^say o:'N>^�e<+, d. v�-c a` ^c Y..v che �+eew r. �� t� 7e. '�w�asshaw. rr� i�sstgccT¢.royrynsyxwruat.e�a:�x ha€�xs�ertceof�ecxC¢dm;r+«a.rA+�c:stiraur.ra�e'3. ti. rla. a:.;+_J-:a,.eCe'�.*tss:�vtyhtzGrxct�_-.t�r�.+i:utj�.rrxlsti.¢so:t•es�u'sb�:toiuro.s...^:t'i�.S.A�.*�.rr�f�,:yoar ac�...+.t,v.=��....,.1,.,.-1arz�'a� �,i �i: Ea-ra� au`;�.^P�esa+:y. �1 � ih P`ti:+A ro �.SS�+Cff3$ u:in.: Jd E:.^,ni'ttt 3�'=�'MJ"W.'�ehe'�E`.�dvG..i�jiia�2�f ye'y`^.ejfi>te. k�� �. 7, -das� caa. e.r+ s sF .�3 n s ex i sr for . eh ca -7 -� ya iag #e �..xr^a<ts x+^a.I� rt�.z� ,e^ S^e �a s r-c 7 �.� �+,�_....z�,* . .,tx .,�, ri�r „p .�,�...rx, ; ,..pa�».r. , .. ,_ ,,�s< r. ��.�_�. , ,.� �.a.�. a s.._ � .�._. - ._..r... .e:y°. a � eE IEGEND: � ��;�t E F �y �4�R�Yo�;S ��? r � i��: u�zrm�, :�.�,, .,c �aca.�a,.-�eu: �. aaxc�rc� sc. src:a, i�i t,� :`-y�'_.�� en. ec++cr,mer.�a v. m:xbt w. ea�+c;us: rs � _., aa e�a�wa. �e- aecr.srr sn:. x+_a � � _.., aa.•. ma�rta�rr.rmrn. �a. wmeec�aa� sec :t+ruzwc ��� �'� C°'�"�._._._.._ nm. w�ia� ��.ar uma..asiv � sc�o+�racam K� c�+.��.�rta�w»zrc+.z. a+ x�onwnc .v u�t�.�envac ��1'�"x�wc �4� o.RC� O4etFwitG9CRC*��.*C �FR aK:�'�'W �. lM�fG' -"'� ltr. �fiR'�' r� e� '" - eaM'. x.+e�e�s e_ uus�roc a.r..e �.rrzwz � su,a��nm. -- � tLw a�weR*'+c'R+� Kea ae�amao'�6�ra+ so �xr#v�.:x t � . .G� CiG.OATS'J .l. 1�HSMI�/L'C 5W .�i'.'RO•RF. g g �� stA �� C 6Atr-. MJt Md+. Wk aW. yt+atu ur, :.aay +ea krs. �w zwic reu �o.a�awrda�wz �.� �`��� v+�la2aow�-}.� en araceeaxaea �.e.s. arp�xsuo !� aa�acrrct�fis � 9VRlM�Ytt4[ �. A'M� O-G. QbX•V+D �� C:.I. 4�NwIMTI'S CXt uRSXLMS�,�,^THt�s •.�.&, 7C!'J'!VX GQ pLVtQf: C!� �x5 � �. :O�+G•�,r `i �.� �'^'�� CIkK� tL�tlp�: 'S0. P900'L'/8friL3 M. � � �� f k�. IWCO/71L2 C4w C9MR:.SCM:X. OM WSCS�AACCtlMLfXl ;,l_ .Tklftl.°.,� ,�,� `�''-wr-ss�.� e.+........ � G'�4 ".q+A�..^.`Y/ub.JT�9t 4tv '1�641�,1eDKCEAG "C 'w:"1ww'kTCdpiOc �; i.R' wu'2tl�t;$ � �r.� GS StlCG[',f�' pu, OeOV:t �f. xCOCt��'1Mk2 ��; 7 ',A.arKrTV'C r..mc+v..-. �' ta2V9K/cs a9 o�S^.' �1st+nwKVac< h �'� GS OP'�p21C9:SS P: GU' ! ��,.... AxflN'T �� 41'''".'� SA a� a rtA'OUX �f. �M.f?4L �:'¢ dl tYAMtsCV^ !4. 3C7leTQ'Q.RYA*JC t �G*i� ���� '.riY UICalbY 1.C.C. A7K1trQ%PJ�+CCSXe�*i+: 3 ;j .. � .�+t'R f""'••� e00�� i7LY. OR4'mt �.f.'1'. RA�Fb�'G!}tPl'1tP7Mx x t..Cw-�:0.S0.+`;: �q. ! f tt l.�M'� 04LVtnC � f�t19JPfi�C d M<{ y}Cr.'. �7 yv. S1/dGV<:��vflno^¢v:t*a'a. M. X'A.VI^. .� !NZ �M.+ �� ' � i `JS OLCf�9C4Ce:�t "� f� � pp°'"w� ior. cax.Maar ns �uwsue.aoc `� �-• _�'. �' f 1 Q �,�.vu>eer., z.a�.. s�os.ror. 1* rwr.ce vr..,.ar��:���:�e-. ¥ :. ao esar umnxz �.s �or mexe.c � °.� �r, c ns�r t 2. ( g/7 �O6��LIt d7 t'!AO rA�.0 !Of6:KtOfRO^M�ba dS. arG$'S'.aCJd4.n.rtu� a } Hax*+Rr,rce reu na.t?CCt=�.wxx� r!. R.COt![ v•:. +UCU.�eLA5P�C4: ro:l � a�usn_.c a�+,: .�r,' ��`n.aa' c� �xu. �¢ ��vw�sn m.a�.ae r:•r-. � a x, 1��. �� caxnwa *v +eiaoaexne rsu nqre�e�oaxwa:rot �'-.^.•ar«s��*. $:�� j S4:r•:-O�' nc F'JSY44l�w7Ye�ev .ur.rS.�r.mwr �} 4 Mr.+.kGC.i !a¢ +'06a�aR]+cAT. r;. � '+N(z.. .�. w +.�.�.+R � '�Gt'•fi� .'�.^ 'OSBYiM�VA.C' Rf.Y 4 t+Rt}?'R�G4l �MF-�.•t�'Ki..bc.' �,� F, � �:.trt��%CM+W+ps. 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