HDA 405 & 415 Coronado Drive (Parcel C) - ATTACHMENT C405 & 415 Coronado Drive (PARCEL C) 1 2014
Attachment C
Beach by Design Criteria
a) Density:
The project will maintain an overnight accommodation density of 126 units per acre
based on a 1.32 acre parcel. This includes 66 base density units plus 100
additional units requested from the Hotel Density Reserve via a Development
Agreement. The total number of units proposed for overnight accommodations is
b) Height & Separation:
The maximum base flood elevation on site is (AE) 12 feet. The maximum allowable
building height is 100 above the base flood elevation. The proposed building height
is 98 feet two inches above the base flood elevation, to top of roof, and 108 feet
10 inches to top of roof top mechanical and stair towers.
c) Design, Scale and Mass of Building:
1. Buildings with a footprint of greater than 5000 square feet or a
single dimension of greater than one hundred (100) feet will be constructed
so that no more than two (2) of the three (3) building dimensions in the
vertical or horizontal planes are equal in length. For this purpose, equal in
length means that the two lengths vary by less than forty (40 %) of the shorter
of the two (2) lengths. The horizontal plan measurements relate to the
footprint of the building.
The project site is an an elongated C shape, the long leg of the site is
approximately twice as long as the shorter legs. The proposed building design
follows the site configuration, the resultant building foot print also has unequal legs
with the longer of the two, twice the length of the shorter. Vertically the building is
comprised of two nine -story perpendicular towers intersecting at the corner of 5th
and Coronado with a three -story parking garage extending from the towers along
the length of the site along Coronado Drive.
See attached plans and elevations,
2. No plane of a building may continue uninterrupted for greater
than one hundred linear feet (100'). For the purpose of this standard,
interrupted means an offset of greater than five feet (5').
405 & 415 Coronado Drive (PARCEL C) 2014
The proposed design adds many horizontal steps in the building facades such that
no one surface is longer than 100 feet without a break in the fagade. The singular
exception is along the eastern inner fagade to accommodate the parking ramp.
The See attached plans and elevations,
3. At least sixty percent (60 %) of any elevation will be covered with
windows or architectural decoration. For the purpose of this standard, an
elevation is that portion of a building that is visible from a particular point
outside the parcel proposed for development.
In the proposed elevation design, a significant portion of each fagade is composed
of windows, balconies, or articulated fagade. The result is that over 60% of each
fagade is covered in windows and /or architectural decoration.
See attached plans and elevations
4. No more than sixty percent (60 %) of the theoretical maximum building
envelope located above forty -five feet (45') will be occupied by a building.
However, in those instances where an overnight accommodations use on
less than 2.0 acres that has been allocated additional density via the Hotel
Density Reserve, no more than seventy -five percent (75 %) of the theoretical
maximum building envelope located above forty -five feet (45') may be
occupied by a building unless the property is located between Gulfview
Boulevard and the Gulf of Mexico, then no more than 70% may be occupied
by a building.
The proposed design occupies approximately 44% of the "Theoretical Building
Envelope" above 45'. This is significantly less than the allowable 75 %.
See attached plans and elevations,
5. The height and mass of buildings will be correlated to: (1) the
dimensional aspects of the parcel of the parcel proposed for development
and (2) adjacent public spaces such as streets and parks.
The building height is maintained at less than 100 -feet to provide a buffer between
the 150 -foot tall buildings along South Gulfview and the proposed buildings to the
east & north. The height and mass of the building meet the design standards of
Beach by Design. The mass of the building allows for significant landscape buffer
areas as well as an enhanced landscape and hardscape areas.
See attached plans and elevations,
405 & 415 Coronado Drive (PARCEL C) 2014
6. Buildings may be designed for a vertical or horizontal mix of
permitting uses.
The building will be designed to provide restaurant, retail, and a mix of high end
overnight accommodation space.
d) Setbacks & Stepbacks:
1. Rights -of -way.
The area between the building and the edge of the pavement as existing and
planned should be sufficiently wide to create a pedestrian - friendly
environment. The distances from structures to the edge of the right -of -way
should be:
a) Fifteen feet (15') along arterials, and (Proposed 15.00' on Coronado Drive)
b) Twelve feet (12') along local streets. (Proposed 15.00' on Hamden)
The design proposes the required 15'setback along Hamden Drive and 5th
Street. Along Coronado Drive we are proposing a minimum setback of 10 feet.
The building approaches the 10 foot line in three locations only. Because of the
curved property line and the angled building line along Coronado Drive the majority
of the building is actually significantly behind the 15'setback line. Only 17% of the
building is in front of the 15' line and the average setback is 16 feet eight inches
By pulling the building to the 10 foot setback line, we are able to reduce the
buildings garage height to three stories (two elevated) and reduces the overall
building height to nine stories.
2. Side and Rear Setbacks
Except for the setbacks set forth above, no side or rear setback lines are
recommended, except as may be required to comply with the City's Fire Code.
10' setback proposed.
3. Coronado Drive Setbacks and Stepbacks.
To reduce upper story massing along the street and ensure a human scale
street environment, buildings using the hotel density reserve along
Coronado Drive shall be constructed in accordance with the following:
405 & 415 Coronado Drive (PARCEL C) 2014
a. Buildings constructed with a front setback of fifteen feet (15') or more
shall stepback with a minimum depth of fifteen feet (15') from the
setback line at a height not more than twenty -five feet (25').
The proposed building has an additional 15'stepbacks at the requisite 25' heights
(above BFE) for significant portions of the building frontage along Hamden Drive.
Please see Elevations, plans, and isometric massing study.
b. Buildings constructed with a front setback greater than or equal to ten
feet (10') and less than fifteen feet (15') shall stepback at a height not
more than twenty feet (20'). The required stepback/ setback ratio is one
and one -half feet (15) for every one foot (1') reduction in setback in
addition to the minimum stepback of fifteen feet (15').
The proposed building has an additional 15' to 20' stepbacks, from the setback
line, at the requisite 20' height (above BFE) for significant portions of the building
frontage along Coronado and Hamden Drives. Approximately 50% of the building
along Coronado Drive is the three story garage and is under 35' in Height.
Please see Elevations, plans, and isometric massing study.
c. Buildings constructed with a front setback of less than ten feet (10')
shall provide a building stepback required stepback/ setback ratio is
two and one -half feet (2.5') for every one foot (1') reduction in setback
in addition to the minimum stepback of fifteen feet (15').
d. To achieve upper story facade variety and articulation, additional
stepbacks may be required. To avoid a monotonous streetscape, a
building shall not replicate the stepback configuration of the
neighboring buildings including those across rights -of -way.
The neighboring buildings along Coronado Drive are low rise buildings and the
proposed design does not mimic or mirror the existing buildings.
e. Required stepbacks shall span a minimum of 75% of the building
frontage width.
The required stepbacks span approximately 75% of the building frontage. The
proposed design brings certain appropriate and reasonable portions of the building
405 & 415 Coronado Drive (PARCEL C) 2014
forward to create appropriate mass and presence along Coronado and Hamden
e) Street -Level Facades
The human scale and aesthetic appeal of street -level facades, and their
relationship to the sidewalk, are essential to a pedestrian - friendly
environment. Accordingly:
At least sixty percent (60 %) of the street level facades of buildings used for
nonresidential purposes which abut a public street or pedestrian access
way, will be transparent. For the purpose of this standard:
a) street level facade means that portion of a building facade from ground level
to a height of twelve feet (12')
At least 60% of the street level facades are transparent. The facades include
significant amount of glazed storefront at the building entry and accessory spaces
on Coronado and 5th, as well as the Porte Cochere and building entrance on 5th,
and along Hamden Drive the view into the garage is decoratively screened with
metal "Green" screening. Additionally, as defined below, the buildings step back
15 feet or more from all three street front facades, so the streetscapes are
effectively 100% transparent. See attached plans and elevations,
b) transparent means windows or doors that allow pedestrians to see into:
i. the building, or
ii. landscaped or hardscaped courtyard or plazas, where street level
facades are set back at least fifteen feet (15') from the edge of the sidewalk
and the area between the sidewalk and the facade is a landscaped or
hardscaped courtyard
The buildings step back 15 feet or more from all three street front facades, so the
streetscapes are effectively 100% transparent. See attached plans and elevations,
c) Parking structures should utilize architectural details and design elements
such a false recessed windows, arches, planter boxes, metal grillwork, etc.
instead of transparent alternatives. When a parking garage abuts a public
road or other public place, it will be designed such that the function of the
building is not readily apparent except at points of ingress and egress.
405 & 415 Coronado Drive (PARCEL C) 2014
The design proposes decoratively screened and articulated garage openings on
the first two levels. At the 2nd level we propose undecorated garage openings,
however, the openings will still be modulated to coordinate with the general rhythm
and pattern of the other building fagade openings and windows. The openings in
the parking area at the 3rd floor level is pulled back minimally 15 feet from the face
of the building, effectively hiding the openings from pedestrian and higher levels.
See attached plans and elevations,
2. Window coverings, and other opaque materials may cover not more than
10% of the area of any street -level window in a nonresidential building that
fronts on a public right -of way.
Not more than 10% of the area of any street -level windows are opaqued,
3. Building entrances should be aesthetically inviting and easily identified.
Goods for sale will not be displayed outside of a building, except as a
permitted temporary use. This standard does not apply to outdoor food
service establishments.
4. Awnings and other structures that offer pedestrians cover from the
elements are recommended. Awnings help define entryways and provide
storefront identity to both pedestrians and drivers.
The design proposes cantilevered awnings and canopies along the Coronado hotel
entry and accessory area facades as well as a significant canopy over the Porte
Cochere on 5t" Street. These fagade articulations will serve to identify the available
hotel activity areas and entrances.
See attached plans and elevations
f) Parking Areas
To create a well- defined and aesthetically appealing street boundary, all
parking areas will be separated from public rights of way by a landscaped
decorative wall, fence or other opaque landscape treatment of not less than
three feet (3') and not more than three and one -half feet (3 %') in height.
Surface parking areas that are visible from public streets or other public
places will be landscaped such that the parking areas are defined more by
their landscaping materials than their paved areas when viewed from
adjacent property. The use of shade trees is encouraged in parking lots.
405 & 415 Coronado Drive (PARCEL C) 2014
However, care should be taken to choose trees that do not drop excessive
amounts of leaves, flowers, or seeds on the vehicles below. Entrances to
parking areas should be clearly marked in order to avoid confusion and
minimize automobile - pedestrian conflicts. Attractive signage and changes
to the texture of the road (such as pavers) are recommended. When a parking
garage abuts a public road or other public place, it will be designed such that
the function of the building is not readily apparent except at points of ingress
and egress.
The design proposes decoratively screened and articulated garage openings on
the first two levels. At the second level we propose undecorated garage openings,
however, the openings will still be modulated to coordinate with the general rhythm
and pattern of the other building fagade openings and windows. The openings in
the parking area at the 3rd floor level is pulled back minimally 15 feet from the face
of the building, effectively hiding the openings from pedestrian and higher levels.
See attached plans and elevations,
g) Signage
Signage is an important contributor to the overall character of a place.
However, few general rules apply to signage. Generally, signage should be
creative, unique, simple, and discrete. Blade signs, banners and sandwich
boards should not be discouraged, but signs placed on the sidewalk should
not obstruct pedestrian traffic.
Signage shall be designed per code and submitted for approval along with the
building permit.
h) Sidewalks
Sidewalks along arterials and retail streets should be at least ten feet (10') in
width. All sidewalks along arterials and retail streets will be landscaped with
palm trees, spaced to a maximum of thirty -five feet (35') on centers, with
"clear grey" of not less than eight feet (8'). Acceptable palm trees include
sabal palms (sabal palmetto), medjool palms (phoenix dactylifera ' medjool'),
and canary island date palms (phoenix canariensis). Sidewalks along side
streets will be landscaped with palms (clear trunk of not less than eight feet
(8')) or shade trees, spaced at maximum intervals of thirty -five feet (35') on
centers. Portions of required sidewalks may be improved for nonpedestrian
purposes including outdoor dining and landscape material, provided that:
Movement of pedestrians along the sidewalk is not obstructed; and non -
pedestrian improvements and uses are located on the street side of the
405 & 415 Coronado Drive (PARCEL C) 2014
sidewalk. Distinctive paving patterns should be used to separate permanent
sidewalk cafe improvements from the pedestrian space on the sidewalk. To
enhance pedestrian safety and calm traffic, distinctive paving should also be
used to mark crosswalks.
Sidewalks are minimally 10' wide. Landscaping shall be designed per code and
shall be submitted for approval at DRC application.
i) Street Furniture and Bicycle Racks
Street furniture, including benches and trash receptacles should be liberally
placed along the sidewalks, at intervals no greater than thirty linear feet (30')
of sidewalk. Bicycle racks should also be provided, especially near popular
destinations, to promote transportation alternatives. Complicated bicycle
rack systems should be avoided. The placement of street furniture and
bicycle racks should not interrupt pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk.
Street Benches and trash receptacles area proposed along Coronado Drive and
shall be designed per code and submitted for approval at building permit.
j) Street Lighting
Street lighting should respond to the pedestrian- oriented nature of a tourist
destination. In this context, it should balance the functional with the
attractive — providing adequate light to vehicular traffic, while
simultaneously creating intimate spaces along the sidewalks. Clearwater's
historic lighting is an attractive, single -globe fixture atop a cast -iron pole.
Street lighting shall be designed per code and submitted for approval at building
k) Fountains
Fountains provide attractive focal points to public spaces and add natural
elements to urban environments. They should be interesting, engaging and
unique. While it is important not to overburden architectural creativity
regarding fountains, they should meet at least the following standards in
order to be a functional and attractive component of the public space:
1. They should be supplemented with street furniture such as benches and
trash receptacles, and
405 & 415 Coronado Drive (PARCEL C) 1 2014
2. They should have rims that are:
a. Tall enough to limit unsupervised access by small children, and
b. Wide enough to permit seating. Fountains should be
encouraged in landscaped and hardscaped courtyards and plazas.
There are no fountains planned for the property, at this time.
L. Materials and Colors
1. Facades
Finish materials and building colors will reflect Florida or coastal vernacular
themes. All awnings should contain at least three (3) distinct colors. Bright
colors will be limited to trims and other accents. Glass curtain walls are
The design is primarily white stucco with pale blue and blue -gray surfaces. All
colors are anticipated to follow the BbD color palate.
2. Sidewalks
Sidewalks will be constructed of:
a. Pavers;
b. Patterned, distressed, or special aggregate concrete;
c. Other finished treatment that distinguishes the sidewalks from typical
suburban concrete sidewalks. Materials should be chosen to minimize the
cost and complexity of maintenance.
Proposed sidewalks will be designed using several coordinating paver styles as
well as concrete.
3. Street Furniture
Street furniture will be constructed of low- maintenance materials, and will be
in a color that is compatible with its surroundings.
Concrete street benches are being proposed along Coronado Drive. Designs shall
be coordinated with City staff.
405 & 415 Coronado Drive (PARCEL C) 1 2014
4. Color Palette
A recommended palette for building colors is presented on the following
The building shall utilize the BbD color palates.