May 16, 1988
The City Commission, meeting as the Board of Trustees of the Employees Pension Fund, met in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, May 16, 1988, at 9:00 a.m., with the following
members present:
Rita Garvey Mayor/Commissioner
James Berfield Vice-Mayor/Commissioner(Arrived 9:03 a.m.)
Lee Regulski Commissioner
Don Winner Commissioner
William Nunamaker Commissioner (Arrived 9:02 a.m.)
Also Present were:
Ron H. Rabun City Manager
Milton A. Galbraith, Jr. City Attorney
Cynthia Goudeau City Clerk
ITEM #2 Minutes Commissioner Winner moved to approve the minutes of the May 2, 1988 meeting. `Motion` was duly seconded and `carried` unanimously.
ITEM #3 Other Business. Release & Settlement Agreement between Stephen Zimmerman & the City.
Mr. Zimmerman was first employed by the City on April 18, 1975, was dismissed from his position on or about the 19th day of November, 1984, and reinstated by an Arbitrator's Award dated
July 26, 1985. After his dismissal, but before his reinstatement, he withdrew all of the funds he contributed to the Clearwater Employees' Pension fund. A dispute arose between Stephen
Zimmerman and the City, as to the facts and circumstances surrounding the withdrawal of those funds and the impact that had on the start date of pension credit for Mr. Zimmerman. A
lawsuit resulted.
Both parties desire to settle the various disputed claims and legal defenses, and enter into the Agreement. The proposed Agreement provides that service credit in the City Employees'
Pension Plan for Mr. Zimmerman will be computed as starting on 6/19/79, not his original hire date of 4/18/75.
Commissioner Regulski moved to authorize the Release and Settlement Agreement between Stephen Zimmerman and the City. `Motion` was duly seconded and `carried` unanimously.
ITEM #4 Meeting adjourned at 9:04 a.m.