00 - RULES OF PROCEDURE CLEARWATER BUDGET TASK FORCE RULES OF PROCEDURE ARTICLE I - MISSION, SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES Defined by the City Council: Section 1. Mission. Establish an energetic group of citizens to advise the City Council, from a citizen's perspective, on how to reduce future City budgets, and provide recommendations based upon given objectives, using the framework of the City's mission statement "to provide cost effective municipal services and infrastructure necessary for a high quality of life for all our citizens" as a guide. Section 2. Scope. The area of focus will be limited to the General Fund budget, to include a general review and understanding of the following budget components and departmental budgets: . Employee pension plan . Pay plans and collective bargaining agreements . Health insurance benefits . Property/Liability Insurance . Public Safety Program Budgets o Police o Fire . Quality of Life Program Budgets o Parks and Recreation o Library . General review of comparative service levels of neighboring communities and like-size Florida communities. . Impact of possible State legislative actions as to how these actions could impact the City's budget and what that might mean to a City taxpayer. Section 3. Objectives. Provide a means for citizens from a variety of age groups and geographic areas within the City to come together to study the specific issues outlined in the scope and provide educated recommendations to the Council in the following areas: o Identify non-essential services o Provide recommendations in priority order as to specific budgeted programs or projects that the Council should look at for reduction. 1 ARTICLE II - OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Section 1. There shall be a Chair and Vice-Chair elected by the Task Force members. Section 2. The Chair shall preside over meetings of the Budget Task Force and maintain order. The Chair can not make a motion. Section 3. The Vice-Chair shall act in the absence of the Chair. Section 4. Should the Chair vacate the office, the Task Force members shall elect a new Chair as soon as possible. ARTICLE III - ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1. The order of business shall ordinarily be: 1. Call to order 2. Approval of minutes 3. Questions from previous meeting 4. Staff presentation 5. Questions 6. Discussion/Action 7. Assignment for next meeting 8. Adjourn ARTICLE IV - RULES OF ORDER Section 1. Discussion. Any member wishing to speak shall address the Chair and be recognized prior to speaking. Section 2. Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of business by the Task Force shall be seven (7) members. Section 2. Motions. A member wishing to make a motion shall address the Chair and wait to be recognized before making the motion. Upon the motion being seconded the Chair shall state the motion. The person making the motion is entitled to the floor first for debate. No one is entitled to the floor a second time on the same motion as long as any other member who has not spoken on the issue desires the floor. 2 Section 3. Votes. The Chair shall state the motion prior to requesting the vote. Votes will be taken by voice vote and shall be stated by the Chair. A tie vote shall constitute a continuance to the next meeting, but a tie vote on the same motion at the next meeting shall be considered defeat of the motion. Section 4. Reconsideration/Rescission of Action. Any member voting on the prevailing side of a motion may move a reconsideration of that action, provided the motion to reconsider is made at the same meeting at which the action was taken. No motion to reconsider shall be made more than once on the same matter. Task Force action may be rescinded by a majority vote. A motion to rescind may be made by any Task Force member. Section 5. Questions and Requests for Information. In order to assure all members are equally informed, questions to and requests for information from staff should be made at meetings of the Task Force. ARTICLE V - RULES OF DECORUM Section 1. At all times Budget Task Force members shall conduct themselves in a respectful and civil manner. The Chair shall rule out of order any member making profane, impertinent, irrelevant, immaterial, inflammatory statements or being disrespectful to other task force members or staff. Adopted by the Budget Task Force Dece~~~ Nathan Hightower, C Attest: 3