December 16, 2004
Present: Brian J. Aungst
Frank Hibbard
Hoyt P. Hamilton
William C. Jonson
Carlen Petersen
Also present: William B. Horne II
Garry Brumback
Pamela K. Akin
Cynthia E. Goudeau
Patricia O. Sullivan
City Manager
Assistant City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
Board Reporter
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The invocation was
offered by Pastor Randy Morris, Woodlawn Church of God. The Mayor led the Pledge of
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
4 - Introductions and Awards
4.1 Employee of the Month
Ron Hamm, Clearwater Gas System, was presented the December 2004 Employee of
the Month award.
5 - Presentations:
5.1 Proclamation - Miniature Art Society
The Mayor proclaimed January 2005 Miniature Art Month.
5.2 Brownfields Awards to Council
Economic Development and Housing Manager Geri Campos presented two awards to
the City Council received at the Annual State Brownfields Conference.
6 - Approval of Minutes
6.1 City Council - December 2, 2004
Councilmember Petersen moved to approve the minutes of the December 2, 2004,
meeting, as recorded and submitted in written summation by the City Clerk to each
Council member. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Council 2004-12-16
7 - Citizens to be Heard re Items Not on the Agenda:
Julie Thompson expressed concern regarding homeless related problems in her
neighborhood near the Highland Avenue/Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard intersection.
Public Hearings - Not before 6:00 PM
8 - Quasi-judicial public hearings
8.1 - Approve the Petition for Annexation. Land Use Plan Amendment from County Residential
Low (Rl) to City Residential Low (Rl) and Zonino Atlas Amendment from the County R-3.
Sinole-Family Residential District to the City Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) District
for 1208 Claire Drive (Lot 9 of Stevenson's Heiohts in Sec. 10-29-15); and Pass Ordinances
#7353-05. #7354-05 and #7355-05 on first readino.
The subject site is at 1208 Claire Drive, on the north side of Claire Drive approximately
550 feet west of Betty Lane. The applicant is requesting this annexation to receive solid waste
service. The property is contiguous with existing City boundaries to the north and west;
therefore, the proposed annexation is consistent with Pinellas County Ordinance #00-63 with
regard to voluntary annexation. The subject site is approximately 0.21 acres in area and is
occupied by a single-family detached dwelling. It is proposed that the property have a Future
Land Use Plan designation of Residential Low (RL) and a zoning category of Low Medium
Density Residential (LMDR).
The Planning Department has determined that the proposed annexation is consistent
with the following standards specified in the Community Development Code: 1) The proposed
annexation will not have an adverse impact on public facilities and their level of service; 2) The
proposed annexation is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, the Countywide Plan,
the Community Development Code, and Pinellas County and Florida Law; and 3) The proposed
annexation is contiguous to existing municipal boundaries and represents a logical extension of
the boundaries.
This annexation has been reviewed by the Pinellas Planning Council (PPC) and Pinellas
County staffs according to the provisions of Pinellas County Ordinance #00-63, Section 7(1-3),
and no objections have been raised. The Community Development Board reviewed this
application at its public hearing on November 16, 2004 and unanimously recommended
Councilmember Hamilton moved to approve the Petition for Annexation, Land Use Plan
Amendment from County Residential Low (RL) to City Residential Low (RL) and Zoning Atlas
Amendment from the County R-3, Single-Family Residential District to the City Low Medium
Density Residential (LMDR) District for 1208 Claire Drive (Lot 9 of Stevenson's Heights in Sec.
10-29-15). The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Ordinance #7353-05 was presented for first reading and read by title only.
Councilmember Jonson moved to pass Ordinance #7353-05 on first reading. The motion was
duly seconded and upon roll call, the vote was:
"Ayes": Hibbard, Hamilton, Jonson, Petersen, and Aungst.
Council 2004-12-16
"Nays": None.
Ordinance #7354-05 was presented for first reading and read by title only.
Councilmember Petersen moved to pass Ordinance #7354-05 on first reading. The motion was
duly seconded and upon roll call, the vote was:
"Ayes": Hibbard, Hamilton, Jonson, Petersen, and Aungst.
"Nays": None.
Ordinance #7355-05 was presented for first reading and read by title only.
Councilmember Hibbard moved to pass Ordinance #7355-05 on first reading. The motion was
duly seconded and upon roll call, the vote was:
"Ayes": Hibbard, Hamilton, Jonson, Petersen, and Aungst.
"Nays": None.
9 - Administrative public hearings
9.1 - Approve the City of Clearwater FY2003-2004 Consolidated Annual Performance and
Evaluation Report (CAPER).
The Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) is the principal
administrative report, documenting the City's expenditures of Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) programs funds to the U. S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). For FY (Fiscal Year) 2003-04, the
City's allocations for the CDSG and HOME programs were $1,180,000 and $592,678,
The CAPER document serves as the basis for program monitoring for compliance and
for financial audits for all activities conducted during the FY 2003-04 as outlined in the
Consolidated Action Plan for that program year. The report provides HUD with necessary
information for the Department to meet its requirement to assess each grantee's ability to carry
out relevant Community Planning Development (CPD) programs in compliance with all
applicable rules and regulations. It also provides information necessary for HUD's Annual
Report to Congress and it provides grantees an opportunity to describe to citizens their
successes in revitalizing deteriorated neighborhoods and in meeting objectives stipulated in
their Consolidated Planning document.
The City of Clearwater FY 2003-04 CAPER contains information on the City's
assessment of activities: 1) Assessment of Three to Five Year Goals and Objectives; 2)
Affordable Housing; 3) Continuum of Care; 4) Leveraging Resources; 5) Affirmatively Furthering
Fair Housing; 6) Citizens Comments; and 7) Self-Evaluation.
Through programs covered under the CAPER, over 38,567 persons were assisted
through Public Services, Public Facilities, Housing Rehabilitation and New Construction, Fair
Housing and Economic Development programs. Also, during this past fiscal year 14 homes
Council 2004-12-16
were rehabilitated and five new homes were constructed through City CDBG and HOME
Programs. The City's Neighborhood and Affordable Housing Advisory Committee approved the
FY 2003-04 CAPER on December 7,2004. The FY 2003-04 CAPER is due to HUD no later
than December 29, 2004.
Councilmember Hamilton moved to approve the City of Clearwater FY 2003-04
Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
9,2 - Declare property at 1250 Palmetto Street surplus to City needs. and approve an
Aareement For Exchanae of Real Property with the School Board of Pine lias County. Florida
conveyina same to the Board in exchanae for fee title to an 11,475 square-foot parcel. and
easement over and across 25,477 square-feet of land. in Sec. 5-29-16. with estimated c10sina
costs of $1.550. and that appropriate officials be authorized to execute same and all other
instruments required to effect closina as described therein.
The City's Reclaimed Water Service Area 19 that begins at McMullen-Booth Road and
Union Street embraces the Elysium and Chelsea residential subdivisions, Sylvan Abbey
Cemetery, McMullen-Booth Elementary School, and its environs. The subject Agreement
provides that the School Board of Pinellas County ("Board") will convey the critical property
interests described therein to facilitate construction of the Union Street Booster Station. The
Booster Station is required to boost the system pressure from the low pressure effluent pipeline,
connecting the City's Northeast APCF to the East APCF outfall, to feed irrigation systems within
the service area.
Although the interests being exchanged are not identical in value, the City Charter allows
the transfer of surplus real property to another governmental entity for less than appraised value
if the Council finds a valid public purpose for the transfer. Among Agreement provisions, the
Board will convey its property interests to the City within 45 days of the Effective Date of
contract. The City will retain title to the former library property for from three to five years
following the Effective Date, during which time the City has entered into a lease of the library
with Le'azon Technology Institute for up to five years. The lease was approved by Council on
August 19, 2004, and provides for termination by the City if the property is required for another
public purpose. Upon proper notice from the Board, delivered not sooner than three years
following the Effective Date, the City will terminate the Le'azon lease and transfer title to the
Councilmember Jonson moved to declare property at 1250 Palmetto Street surplus to
City needs, and approve an Agreement For Exchange of Real Property with the School Board of
Pinellas County, Florida conveying same to the Board in exchange for fee title to an 11,475
square-foot parcel, and easement over and across 25,477 square-feet of land, in Sec. 5-29-16,
with estimated closing costs of $1,550, and that appropriate officials be authorized to execute
same and all other instruments required to effect closing as described therein. The motion was
duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Council 2004-12-16
9.3 - Approve the applicant's request to vacate the east 240 feet of the 40-foot riaht-of-wav of
State Street. (adiacent to 1312 State Street), subiect to retainina a drainaae and utilitv
easement over the full width thereof, and pass Ordinance #7370-05 on first readina, (VAC2004-
18 Reichel).
The applicant seeks this vacation to expand the adjacent property to the north and
proposes attached dwelling units and landscaping for use of the right-of-way, if it is vacated.
Progress Energy, Verizon, Bright House and Knology Broadband have no objections to the
vacation request, provided that a drainage and utility easement is retained. Public Works
Administration has no objections to the vacation provided that a drainage and utility easement is
retained over the full width of the right-of-way to be vacated.
Councilmember Petersen moved to approve the applicant's request to vacate the east
240 feet of the 40-foot right-of-way of State Street, (adjacent to 1312 State Street), subject to
retaining a drainage and utility easement over the full width thereof. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
Ordinance #7370-05 was presented for first reading and read by title only.
Councilmember Hibbard moved to pass Ordinance #7370-05 on first reading. The motion was
duly seconded and upon roll call, the vote was:
"Ayes": Hibbard, Hamilton, Jonson, Petersen, and Aungst.
"Nays": None.
9.4 - Denv a development aareement between K & P Clearwater Estate, LLC (the property
owner) and the City of Clearwater and deny Resolution #04-39.
The subject site is 2.739 acres (including First Street and a portion of South Gulfview
Boulevard rights-of-way, excluding new Second Street right-of-way and a portion of Coronado
Drive) and is located at 100 Coronado Drive and 201,215 and 219 South Gulfview Boulevard.
On October 19, 2004, at the developer's request, the COB (Community Development Board)
recommended denial.
In her November 29, 2004 memorandum, Planning Director Cyndi Tarapani reported
that K & P Clearwater Estate, LLC has purchased the Days Inn property formerly owned by
Antonios Markopoulos. The new development entity submitted three applications including a
site plan, vacation/dedication of rights-of-way, and a development agreement. The status of
each application is described below along with the staff recommendation on each matter.
On August 17, 2004, the COB approved a flexible site plan application for a resort hotel,
its accessory uses, and residential condominiums. Subsequently, the City requested that the
COB reconsider its decision for the sole purpose of adding requisite conditions to the original
approval. On September 21,2004, the COB agreed to reconsider its approval and scheduled
that reconsideration for October 19, 2004. On October 19, 2004, the COB amended its
approval to attach three conditions, making the site plan approval contingent upon future
decisions of the City Council: 1) approval of a development agreement; 2) approval of the
vacation of rights-of-way (a portion of Gulfview Boulevard and all of First Street) and dedication
of rights-of-way by the developer (new Second Street on southern end of site); and 3) approval
Council 2004-12-16
of a land exchange, trading a portion of the City's northern right-of-way of Gulfview Boulevard
for new right-of-way along Coronado Avenue. The land exchange is now part of the
Development Agreement.
Vacating First Street will allow consolidation of the entire site without any intervening
vehicular way. Theoretically, elimination of an intervening right-of-way can facilitate a more
effective site plan. However, in this instance, vacation of First Street has assisted in the
creation of a form and design that overpowers both the site and surrounding area and does not
meet the design guidelines of Beach By Design.
The Development Agreement first was heard by the COB on August 17, 2004, along with
the flexible site plan application. At that meeting, the COB continued the Development
Agreement, with the developer's consent, for one month to address two outstanding issues: 1)
to insure that the 50-year license agreement for the bridge was in compliance with the City
Charter and 2) to attempt to increase public parking in the project. The Development
Agreement was heard again by the COB on September 21, 2004. The new owner, K & P
Clearwater Estate, LLC, through their representative, Patrick O'Connor, requested a
continuance of one month to allow the new owner to assess the Development Agreement and
the COB continued the item to October 19, 2004.
On October 19, 2004, the developer's representative asked the COB to deny the
Agreement, since it was not complete. The developer did not propose any changes to the
development agreement from that submitted. The COB did recommend denial of the
Development Agreement as written.
Several drafts of the Agreement have been presented to the City staff to revise some
sections; however, there remain significant issues on which City staff and the developer do not
agree. Major areas of disagreement are outlined.
Allocation of Densitv Pool Units - The Development Agreement requires that the project
consist of a minimum of 350 hotel rooms up to a maximum of 450 hotel rooms. The Agreement
also allows that residential use may be included in the project pursuant to a conversion rate
from hotel rooms to residential units on the basis of four hotel rooms for every three residential
units (same conversion rate as in the Tourist zoning district) (Section 2.03.1 c and d). The
developer currently has 200 hotel rooms on site and this nonconforming density and use were
approved by the COB as a Termination of Nonconforming Use. Based on that approval, the
developer converted 100 existing hotel rooms to 75 condominium units. The remaining existing
100 hotel rooms are proposed to be added to the requested 250 hotel rooms from the density
pool to create a hotel with 350 rooms total.
The COB approved the site plan for the project consisting of those uses: 350-room hotel
with its accessory uses and 75 residential condominium units. However, it should be noted that
the COB's approval of the site plan is contingent upon the Council's approval of an Agreement
that allocates the density pool hotel units. It is acknowledged in the Agreement that any
combination of hotel and/or residential use other than that previously approved by the COB will
require a subsequent approval by the COB (Section 2.03.1 d).
The applicant has requested approval of the allocation of 250 hotel rooms from the
beach density pool. Although the City desires to encourage revitalization of the beach as
Council 2004-12-16
contemplated in Beach by Design, the number of units requested by this project, along with the
residential component of the project, has resulted in a design that does not meet the design
guidelines of the beach plan. Therefore, the City does not recommend the allocation as
requested and believes that this forms one of the major reasons for denial of the Agreement.
The City would contemplate a revised project that reduces the size and scale of the project and
meets the design guidelines of Beach by Design. It is expected that significant changes in both
the design and scope of the project (measured by the number of hotel units and/or residential
condominium units) would be necessary to meet the guidelines.
Pedestrian BridQe across Gulfview Boulevard - The developer proposes a pedestrian
bridge that spans Gulfview Boulevard and connects the hotel project with the beach. The
Development Agreement refers to the bridge as "Pedestrian Access Improvements" (Section
2.03.1e, Item 24 in Definitions Section). On the hotel side, the bridge lands on the sidewalk with
an outside stairway; in addition, hotel guests may access the bridge from the second level of the
hotel. The City objects to the pedestrian bridge for several reasons. In general, the City does
not support the concept of a pedestrian bridge due to the potential for this structure to block
views along Gulfview Boulevard and the potential for additional requests for bridges that could
clutter the visual appeal of Gulfview Boulevard.
Specifically, the City does not support this bridge as proposed by the developer due to
its beachside landing and conflicts created with the City's lifeguard building. The City structure
currently houses the lifeguard station/office as well as the parking collection facility for the Pier
60 parking lot. According to the proposed plans, the proposed bridge landing is extremely close
to, if not adjacent to, the City's building, which will create difficulties in retaining the existing
building and accommodating the new bridge. The City requested that Post Buckley Schuh &
Jernigan, its design consultant for Beach Walk, evaluate the effect of the proposed bridge on
the City's building. Post Buckley responded on November 19, 2004 as follows: "If the Patel
development continues with its plan to develop a bridge from its hotel development to the
Lifeguard building, the existing building will need to be demolished, because there is little
chance of renovating this building to accommodate the stairs and elevator needed for the
bridge. Once demolished, the chances of reconstructing this building somewhere else in the
general vicinity, west of the CCCL (Coastal Construction Control Line) line and within the VE
flood zone, are slim at best. Furthermore, if the City were able to reconstruct, the building would
be very different in appearance and function due to the requirement of the VE Flood Zone
determination. Finding a location is also difficult, because Pier 60, the Pier 60 parking lot and
the relocated Gulfview Boulevard greatly limit the possible locations that would be suitable for
the new building."
Mahshid Arasteh, Public Works Administrator, further estimates the cost of
reconstructing the Lifeguard building, if permits could be issued, at $165 to $185 per square-foot
for 1,800 square-feet, for a total estimated cost of between $297,000 and $333,000. It also
should be noted that this estimate is in current dollars and should be increased 10% per year for
each year construction is delayed.
Finally, instead of recognizing the necessity of CDB approval for a change in the location
of the bridge landing, the Agreement proposes to make this change a minor change not
requiring review by the CDB (Item 24 of the Definitions Section). The authority for site plan
review rests with the CDB, not the City Council; therefore, this provision is a violation of the
City's Community Development Code. In addition, the Agreement proposes that the Developer
Council 2004-12-16
and City staff would agree to a bridge location within 30 days after approval of the Agreement.
There have been many previous attempts to negotiate an acceptable location with the
developer, and all to no avail thus far. To postpone agreement on this important issue, which
has many connections to other design issues of the project until after approval of the
Agreement, is neither logical nor appropriate.
The uncertainties in reconstruction, coupled with the developer's refusal thus far to
relocate the beachside landing of the bridge to a location agreeable to the City, creates an
unacceptable situation. Therefore, the proposed bridge forms the second major reason for
staff's recommendation of denial of the Development Agreement.
Public Parkin!:! within the Proiect - The COB-approved site plan includes 15 parking
spaces open to the public and located on the first floor of the structure, accessed from the
garage entrance on new Second Street. These spaces are in addition to the parking required
by the development and would be operated by the developer as paid parking spaces on a first-
come first-serve basis. Through the pending development agreement, the developer proposes
to increase the public parking from 15 to 100 spaces (Item 29 of the Definition and Section
2.03.1 a). However, the developer has not provided revised site and building plans to detail the
location of these spaces. Since no definition of the proposed spaces has been provided by the
developer, it also is unclear whether this proposal results in an actual net increase of 85 spaces
or whether the proposal is merely a re-allocation of the use of the same number of parking
spaces, i.e., defining the spaces as "public spaces" that are the required spaces for either the
hotel or residential use or both.
If the developer intends to provide an actual increase in the public spaces, it is expected
that significant changes to the parking layout will be necessary to accommodate these
additional 85 spaces. Since no revised plans have been submitted, it is unclear if the 100 public
parking spaces still can be located on the first level of parking. Currently, all parking for the
residential condominium units also are located on the first floor, which eliminates the need for
residents to use the car elevators; rather residents would access their parking directly via the
Second Street garage entry. It is unclear if the residents' parking will remain on the first level or
be relocated to another floor, necessitating the use of the car elevators for 150 additional cars
than originally approved and evaluated.
Staff remains concerned about the size of the porte cocherelentryway to the hotel and is
increasingly concerned if an additional 150 cars will now use this limited area for access to the
car elevators and garage. The COB approved stacking spaces for the hotel portion of the
development only. If a net increase in parking is proposed, it is expected that additional
stacking spaces will be needed for the residential portion of the project, which requires a new
COB review and approval, since stacking spaces are not code-compliant.
It also should be noted that the developer has proposed a "Parking Protocol," which
establishes the operation of parking and access for hotel guests, public parking, and residents'
parking (Section 5.05.4). The Parking Protocol requires the hotel management to use an
adequate number of valets to handle traffic volumes, to close the porte cochere when full to
capacity, to provide written directions to visitors to the Second Street garage entrance, and to
require hotel event planners to encourage use of the Second Street garage entrance by event!
meeting attendees. While all provisions of the Parking Protocol are logical efforts to manage
traffic, the design of the porte cochere and use of car elevators have the effect of making the
Council 2004-12-16
project more reliant on operations rather than on an effective access and parking design. This
almost total reliance on operations, that may vary with different hotel owners or managers, is a
tenuous situation and staff remains concerned about the potential for traffic to backup into
Gulfview Boulevard or Coronado Drive. The City also is opposed to the developer's proposal in
Section 5.05.4b that eliminates the requirement for valet service as described in the Parking
Protocol, if the CDB eliminates the need for a valet service. This provision has the effect of
amending the development agreement through CDB action; clearly, the only allowable
mechanism in the City code to amend the Development Agreement is through City Council
Finally, instead of recognizing the necessity of CDB approval for changes to the parking
layout in the garage, the Development Agreement states that the Developer "may" seek
approval of the CDB for changes in parking and access. Therefore, the site plan attached to
this Development Agreement is not the final version of the site plan since staff believes that
most, if not all, parking alternatives will require additional review by the CDB. In summary, the
provision to circumvent CDB review of a revised parking layout and the lack of certainty about
the project's ability to meet its parking demands form the third major reason for staff's
recommendation for denial of the Development Agreement.
Other major provisions of the Development Agreement that should be noted: 1) Lenoth
of the Aoreement - 10 years (Section 16.18); 2) Lenoth of Approval of Density Pool Units - In
order to retain and use the 250 hotel units from the pool, the developer must either pay his fair
share for Beach Walk no later than two years from the Effective Date of the Agreement or the
project's Commencement Date must be within three years from the Effective Date of the
Agreement. If one of these dates is not met, the allocation of hotel units shall expire. The
Commencement Date is defined as the date that the Developer commences construction on the
foundation or other structural element of the project. Per Florida Statute, the Effective Date is
30 days after receipt of the Agreement by the State Department of Community Affairs. (Section
3.01.3 and Definition Section); 3) Quality Standards - The project may be either a four-star, four-
diamond rating from AAA or the Mobil Travel Guide or a three-star, three-diamond rating with
additional amenities. If the project elects the four-star rating, no further City monitoring is
required. If the project elects the three-star plus amenities rating, then the City has the right to
monitoring and enforcement proceedings for the life of the Agreement. (Section 2.03.5); 4)
Beach Walk Payment - The developer will pay his pro rata share of the construction cost of
Beach Walk based on the frontage of the project as a proportion of the entire road project. If the
City commences construction of Beach Walk prior to the developer's application for the first
building permit, then the Developer must pay his fair share prior to issuance of a building permit.
The Developer's fair share may be in the form of a letter of credit, trust account, or escrow
facility. If the Developer is ready to commence construction prior to the City beginning Beach
Walk, then the City must solicit bids within 45 days of the Developer's notification that he
intends to construct and the fair share is due to the City upon award of the construction contract.
(Section 5.05.7). It should also be noted that the City is required, pursuant to Section 5.05.7c,
to require any developer, fronting on Beach Walk who requests hotel units, to pay its fair share
for those improvements. The only other project that currently meets these two requirements is
the Taub/Hyattt project whose recently approved Development Agreement also requires them to
pay their fair share of Beach Walk; 5) Land Exchanoe - The City will exchange a portion of
South Gulfview Boulevard along the north property line of the site for the Developer's property
of additional right-of-way along Coronado Drive. (Section 5.03.6); and 6) Relocated First
Street/New Second Street - Upon the City's vacation of First Street, the Developer shall
Council 2004-12-16
construct new Second Street including pavement, sidewalks, and streetscaping. It should be
noted that the vacation of First Street is not effective until the Developer commences
construction of the project. (Section 5.05.3)
In summary, the City Administration recommends denial of this Development Agreement
as presented: 1) The Allocation of hotel units from the density pool creates a design and form
that does not meet the intent and design guidelines of Beach by Design: 2) The Developer
proposes a beachside landing to a pedestrian bridge that creates a major conflict with the City's
lifeguard building and the Developer has refused to relocate the bridge. Further, the Developer
proposes relocating the bridge after approval of the agreement without requisite review by the
CDB; and 3) The Developer proposes an increase in the approved public parking from 15 to 100
spaces without agreeing to required review by the CDB nor has he detailed related changes to
the site plan which are expected to result in unanticipated effects on the access and parking for
the project. It also is unclear whether this proposal results in a net increase in the number of
parking spaces or whether the proposal is merely a re-allocation of the use of the same number
of parking spaces.
Planning Director Cyndi Tarapani reviewed the project and changes, recently proposed
by the developer, regarding the location of the pedestrian bridge, the building's mass, and the
parking agreement.
Attorney Tim Johnson, representative, reviewed the request, stating Dr. Kirim Patel had
purchased the property recently based on CDB approval of a site plan that included 350 hotel
rooms and 75 condominiums. He said the applicant had requested CDB denial of the
Development Agreement to resolve outstanding issues. The applicant feared a negative vote
would delay a resubmittal for one year.
Mr. Johnson stated the proposal would replace substandard hotel properties with a high-
quality convention resort, and assure the widening of Coronado Drive and construction of
BeachWalk. He distributed a project comparison with the Hyatt, stating the projects are similar
when considering the size of the sites. He found this project to be less intensive and noted
compliance with Beach by Design is not a criteria for granting bonus units.
Mr. Johnson said during discussions with the Westin, that flag had supported the
proposed pedestrian bridge to provide hotel patrons safe beach access. He said the developer
is willing to negotiate a new location, pay for the bridge, and go through the process required for
relocation. He said the bridge would be eliminated from the proposal if it cannot be permitted
for construction west of the CCCL.
Concern was expressed regarding parking protocol. Mr. Johnson said the developer
agreed to dedicate 85 parking spaces throughout the parking structure for public use at all
times, in addition to 15 ground level self-park spaces. He said the hotel will maintain records to
prove this condition is met. He said a generator will provide backup power for the elevators,
which, according to the submitted traffic study, will move three cars per minute. The hotel
entrance will be closed whenever necessary to prevent traffic backups into Gulfview Boulevard.
He said every aspect of running a 4-star hotel is management intensive.
Mr. Johnson said the owner has made a substantial investment in the property and
would consider constructing 150 condominiums, as a matter of right, if this request is denied.
Council 2004-12-16
He said the proposal would add public parking, allow for the widening of Coronado Drive, and
. complement the Hyatt project.
Twelve people spoke in favor of the proposal and one person spoke in opposition. One
person recommended maintaining four lanes of traffic on Coronado during BeachWalk
In response to a question, Ms. Tarapani said if the City Council denies the request, the
developer cannot submit the same proposal for one year, unless substantial changes to the plan
address reasons for denial.
Concern was expressed in a substantial density pool allowance being invested in a
design that did not meet Beach by Design standards. Discussion ensued and it was
recommended the number of condominiums and parking spaces be reduced and that a tier
design be considered to limit the massiveness of the project.
Concern was also expressed regarding the uncertainties of the project related to the
pedestrian bridge, parking and the proposed notch out in the center of the building.
Dr. Patel's investment in the community was welcomed.
Discussion ensued regarding a continuance of this item and recommendations were
made the applicant work with staff, staff be more proactive and provide clear examples of
acceptable alternatives, the project include dedicated public parking, the bridge proposal be
designed to provide public access and be ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant, the
project not be overwhelmed by condominiums, and a simulation be submitted that illustrates the
project's compatibility with its surroundings.
Council member Hamilton moved to continue Item 9.4 to February 3, 2005. There was
no second. Discussion ensued regarding the time necessary for staff review before the item
can be brought back for consideration.
Councilmember Hamilton moved to continue Item 9.4 to February 17, 2005. The
motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
The City Council recessed from 8:29 to 8:36 p.m.
9.5 - Deny the applicant's request to vacate a portion of 60-foot street rioht-of-way of First Street
beoinnino at the northwest corner of Lot 48 of L1oyd-White-Skinner Subdivision (A.K.A. 100
Coronado Drive) and more particularly described in Exhibit "A", subiect to specified conditions,
and deny Ordinance #7371-05 on first readino, (V2004-02 K and P Clearwater Estate, LLC).
Councilmember Hamilton moved to continue Item 9.5 to February 17, 2005. The
motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Council 2004-12-16
9.6 - Denv the applicant's request to vacate two portions of South Gulfview Boulevard. one
beinQ located alonQ the north property line of Lot 1. Block A. Columbia Subdivision (A. K.A. 100
Coronado Drive) and the other adiacent to the west lot lines of Lots 44.48 and 52 throuQh 55
inclusive. said riQht-of-wav portions beinQ more particularlv described in Exhibit "A". subiect to
specified conditions and deny Ordinance #7372-05 on first readinQ. (VAC 2004-04 K and P
Clearwater. LLC).
Councilmember Hamilton moved to continue Item 9.6 to February 17, 2005. The
motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
10 - Second Readings - public hearing
10.1 - Adopt Ordinance #7321-04 on second readinQ. amendinQ water and sewer utilitv rates.
Ordinance #7321-04 was presented for second reading and read by title only.
Councilmember Jonson moved to pass and adopt Ordinance #7321-04 on second and final
reading. The motion was duly seconded and upon roll call, the vote was:
"Ayes": Hibbard, Hamilton, Jonson, Petersen, and Aungst.
"Nays": None.
10.2 - Adopt Ordinance #7352-04 on second readinQ. amendinQ Sec. 33.067 of the Code of
Ordinances reQardinQ defined areas for no internal combustion motors on Sand Kev.
Ordinance #7352-04 was presented for second reading and read by title only.
Councilmember Petersen moved to pass and adopt Ordinance #7352-04 on second and final
reading. The motion was duly seconded and upon roll call, the vote was:
"Ayes": Hibbard, Hamilton, Jonson, Petersen, and Aungst.
"Nays": None.
City Manager Reports
11 - Consent Agenda - Approved as submitted.
11.1 - Authorize transfer of UP to $100.000 to establish a proiect within the Special ProQram
Fund to pay for professional services associated with the development of the City's 5-vear
Consolidated PlanninQ document. Analvsis of Impediments to Fair HousinQ document. and for
the Master PlanninQ of the Jack Russell site.
11.2 - Appoint Mr. Robert GoinQ to a two-year term endinQ December 31. 2006. as a Trustee of
the Clearwater FirefiQhters' Supplemental Trust Fund in accordance with Sec. 175.061 of the
Florida State Statutes.
11.3 - Award a contract to Alan Jav Automotive Network for the purchase of three 2005
Chevrolet 2500 3/4-ton Suburbans. at a cost of $86.199 in accordance with Sec. 2.564(1 )(d)-
Florida Sheriff's Association & Florida Association of Counties Contract #04-12-0823 and
authorize lease purchase under the City's Master Lease Purchase aQreement.
Council 2004-12-16
11.4 - Approve the acceptance of a FY 2004/2005 Assistance to Firefiohters Grant in the
amount of $293.248 from the Department of Homeland Security. and approve City matchino
funds in the amount of $125,677, for a total proiect budoet of $418,925.
11.5 - Approve settlement of the entire workers' compensation claim of Timothy Hannas. to
include indemnity. medical. and attorney fees for the sum of $150.000 and authorize the
appropriate officials to execute same.
11.6 - Accept Utility Easement with Hammerhead's Hardware, L.L.C.. a Florida limited liability
company. d/b/a Ace Hardware. 1015 West Bay Drive, Laroo. Florida 33770 within Sec. 33-29-
15. Pinellas County, Florida. as described in detail in Exhibit "A" of the easement.
11.7 - Approve an aoreement with the National Ocean Service (NOS) - National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration for a water level and weather observation station on Bio Pier 60 and
authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.
11.8 - Approve acceptance of a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) orant to repair/replace
the damaoed Fixed Base Operator's roof at the Clearwater Airpark.
11.9 - Authorize creation of a Capital Improvement Proiect for repairs and modifications to the
South Beach Pavilion and approve transferrino $90,000 from General Services Retained
Earninos to fund the proiect.
11.10 - Accept a 50.59 square-foot Drainaoe and Utility Easement conveyed by Curtis B. Small
("Grantor") over and across a portion of Lot 2. Kellett's Subdivision. in receipt of $1 and other
valuable consideration as defined therein.
11.11 - Approve the McKim & Creed Work Order for Construction Enoineerino Inspection (CEI)
Services for the Northeast Filter and Marshall Street Blower Motor Control Centers (MCC)
Rehabilitation Proiect (03-0066-UT) in the amount of $167.400. and that the appropriate officials
be authorized to execute same.
11.12 - Award a contract to American Water Services Underoround Infrastructures, Inc..
(formally known as Azurix North American Underoround Infrastructure. Inc.) in the amount of
$250.000 for sanitary sewer line rehabilitation at various locations throuohout the Citv of
Clearwater. usino the City of Laroo Aoreement for Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Inversion
Linino contract (#02-B-871) awarded September 3. 2002.
11.13 - Approve Chanoe Order #1 to Aquatic Plants of Florida, of Sarasota. Florida for the 2004
Kapok Wetland and Floodplain Restoration Proiect (99-0085-EN) which increases the contract
amount by $29,637.70. for a new contract total of $183,663.81. and authorize the appropriate
officials to execute same.
Council 2004-12-16
11.14 - Approve a work oider in the amount of $295.190 to Wade-Trim. an Enoineer of Recoid.
for professional services to prepare the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) of the
Comprehensive Plan and increase the Capital Improvement Prooram budoet by $215.392 of
oeneral fund revenue. $29.519 of water and sewer revenue. $29.519 of stormwater revenue.
$14.760 of marine and aviation revenue and $6.000 of solid waste revenue. for a total increase
of $295.190. and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.
11.15 - Develop additional criteria to be added to the Neiohborhood Conservation Overlay
District (NCOD) provisions in the Community Development Code to assist in desionatino
neiohborhoods elioible to pursue NCOD desionation in 2005 and accept applications and
undertake one NCOD plannino process in 2006.
11.16 - Approve the conversion of the part time Staff Assistant position in the City Attorney's
Office to a full-time Senior Staff Assistant position. addino the eQuivalent of .3 FTE.
11.17 - Authorize the City Attorney to institute a Quiet title action to clear a cloud on the title of
property located at 1108 Enoman Street. Clearwater, Florida. and owned by the City of
Clearwater. Leoal Description: Lot 37. Block B. Greenwood Park #2. accordino to the map or
plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 81. Paoe 16-T. of the Public Records of Pinellas County,
11.18 - Knioht Enterprises - Installation of oas mains and service lines durino the contract period
January 1. 2005 throuoh December 31, 2005. at a cost not to exceed $950.000.
. Council member Hamilton moved to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted and that
the appropriate officials be authorized to execute same. The motion was duly seconded and
carried unanimously.
12 - Other Items on City Manager Reports
12.1 - Adopt Resolution #04-36 establishino the intent to reimburse certain Water and Sewer
proiect costs incurred with proceeds of future tax-exempt financino.
A Water and Sewer rate study has been completed which recommends implementation
of water and wastewater rate increase of 7% in FY 2006, and 6% rate increase in FY 2007, FY
2008, and FY 2009, and reclaimed water rate increases of 29.4% in FY 2006 and FY 2007 with
subsequent increases of 6% annually in FY 2008 and FY 2009. These rate increases are
sufficient to provide for operations, capital projects, and debt service on bonds issued.
The rate study identified a need for approximately $135.6 million in capital projects
through FY 2009, with $28,812,375 to be funded with bond proceeds in FY 2006 and
$49,101,449 to be funded with bond proceeds in FY 2008. The date of issuance will be
determined at a later date based upon market conditions. The Water and Sewer Fund will be
incurring expenses on these projects prior to the issuance of the bonds. This reimbursement
resolution will allow for the City to be reimbursed from the Bond proceeds.
Council 2004-12-16
Council member Jonson moved to establish the intent to reimburse certain Water and
Sewer project costs incurred with proceeds of future tax-exempt financing. The motion was
duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Resolution #04-36 was presented and read by title only. Councilmember Hamilton
moved to pass and adopt Resolution #04-36 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute
same. The motion was duly seconded and upon roll call, the vote was:
"Ayes": Hibbard, Hamilton, Jonson, Petersen, and Aungst.
"Nays": None.
12.2 - Pass on first readino Ordinance #7373-05. alionino construction advertisino reauirements
with ouidance provided in the 2004 Florida Statutes. Chapter 255.
The 2004 Florida Statutes Chapter 255 specifies advertising requirements for county,
municipality, and other political subdivisions when construction project costs exceed $200,000
and $500,000. This change will align the City requirements with those required by Florida
Statutes. Current advertising requirements for goods and services and for construction projects
where the cost of the project is $200,000 or less will remain one time in a newspaper of general
circulation within the City and at least 10 calendar days prior to the established opening of the
Construction projects, where the cost of the project exceeds $200,000, shall be publicly
advertised at least one time in a newspaper of general circulation within the county where the
project is located and at least 21 days prior to the established opening date and at least 5 days
prior to any scheduled pre-bid conference. Construction projects where the cost of the project
exceeds $500,000 shall be publicly advertised at least one time in a newspaper of general
circulation within the county where the project is located and at least 30 days prior to the
established opening date and at least 5 days prior to any scheduled pre-bid conference.
Councilmember Hibbard moved to align City construction advertising requirements with
guidance provided in the 2004 Florida Statutes, Chapter 255. The motion was duly seconded
and carried unanimously.
Ordinance #7373-05 was presented for first reading and read by title only.
Councilmember Hamilton moved to pass Ordinance #7373-05 on first reading. The motion was
duly seconded and upon roll call, the vote was:
"Ayes": Hibbard, Hamilton, Jonson, Petersen, and Aungst.
"Nays": None.
Council 2004-12-16
12.3 - Request City Council discuss and provide ouidance on Resolution #04-38 authorizino
chanoes to the recentlv amended commercial and private dock permits for storaoe of vessels at
the Clearwater Municipal Marina and the conditions surroundino the turnover of business
ownership at the Clearwater Municipal Marina.
City Council approved Resolution #04-14 on July 15, 2004. The resolution modified the
commercial and private dock permits, and included a transfer fee equivalent to three year's
base rent in effect at the time of a sale, payable by the purchaser. Afterward, about twenty
charter fishing boat captains met with the Harbormaster to address issues/concerns they had
with the changes to the dock permits. Several tenants separately approached the City
Manager, who has asked that staff bring the dock permit changes back to the City Council for
additional review.
The following changes were discussed with the majority of the charter fishing boat
owners and the Marine Advisory Board and are submitted for consideration/approval: 1) Amend
the transfer fee for current tenants to allow the boat ownership transfer to include retaining the
slip to be the dollar equivalent of one year's base rent in effect at the time of the sale of a boat,
for current commercial and private tenant sales; 2) All current commercial and private tenants
only will have to inform prospective buyers of a one-year transfer fee; 3) Future owners will have
to inform prospective buyers of a three-year transfer fee, as established by Resolution #04-14;
and 4) Approve a no transfer fee for a business sold to a boat captain or crewmember, with
proof of being with the business for five years or more.
Virtually every tenant requested a longer term dock permit or a lease so that they had a
document with a term greater than thirty days they could use when financing a boat repair or
upgrade or that a new purchaser could use to help get finanCing to buy an existing business.
They addressed the following items and wanted no transfer fee: 1) Establish a three-year dock
permit for commercial tenants by an addendum to their docking permit; 2) Re-institute a
provision to discourage changes in business form by instituting a fee equivalent to five years slip
rent fee at time of sale for any business desiring to change the business from its current form to
another type of business; 3) Charge a fee to both remain on or be placed on both the
commercial waiting list and the private slip waiting list. These fees would be held by the marina
and any interest on these fees be retained by the marina as an administrative fee. If a person
requested to be removed from either waiting list they would be returned the principal amount
only. The tenants felt the fee should be substantial and suggestions ranged from $5,000 to
$1,000 for commercial slips. Other marinas charge fees of $75 to $100 to be on a waiting list
for recreational boat slips. Some are refundable some are not.
The charter fishing boat captains requested this item be continued for further
discussions with the Harbormaster.
Councilmember Hamilton moved to continue Item 12.3 to January 20,2005. The
motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Council 2004-12-16
12.4 - Award the South Beach Pavilion lease to Steve and Lisa Chandler for a 1 O-year term
beoinnino January 1, 2005. for a ouaranteed minimum lease payment of $1.000,080. in equal
payments of $8.334, plus annual payments of yearly oross sales. excludino beach rentals: 20%
from $750.000 to $1,000.000. 22.5% from $1,000,001 to $1.500,000 and 25% above
$1,500.001, plus monthly payments of 40% of monthly oross beach rental sales for the term of
the lease. plus $2,500 per year to the Clearwater Beach Patrol Lifeouards for the term of the
lease and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.
RFP 02-05 was released on October 1, 2004 for a 10-year lease of the South Beach
Pavilion. Six proposals were received. The criteria for evaluating the responses to the RFP
(Request for Proposals) included such items as similar experience, responsiveness, references
and financial return to the City. In order to evaluate the financial return to the City, the past
three years of audited financial reports of the South Beach Pavilion's performance were used to
compare each proposal's financial projections.
The review team of the Directors of Planning, Economic Development, Parks and
Recreation, Marine and Aviation, the Assistant Finance Director, and an Assistant City Attorney
evaluated the responses and developed a short-list of four from which to receive oral
presentations. The financial return proposed by the four short-listed responders ranged from
$153,000 to $2,602,500. Two proposals included financial returns not required by the RFP.
One provided support for the beach lifeguard program, the other support for Capitol
Improvement Projects.
At the oral presentations on November 23, 2004, the review team evaluated the
presenters experience with the local community, municipal contracts, their ability to manage
beach rental inventory, and their understanding of the criteria outlined in the RFP. Based on the
financial return to the City, along with their experience in providing beach services, particularly
beach rental, the review team chose the proposal submitted by Steve and Lisa Chandler as the
most responsive.
The Hamilton family was thanked for 35 years of service operating the South Beach
Pavilion and the Chandlers were congratulated on this new endeavor.
Councilmember Hibbard moved to award the South Beach Pavilion lease to Steve and
Lisa Chandler d/b/a Fields, Inc. for a 1 O-year term beginning January 1, 2005, for a guaranteed
minimum lease payment of $1,000,080, in equal payments of $8334, plus annual payments of
yearly gross sales, excluding beach rentals: 20% from $750,000 to $1,000,000, 22.5% from
$1,000,001 to $1,500,000 and 25% above $1,500,001, plus monthly payments of 40% of
monthly gross beach rental sales for the term of the lease, plus $2,500 per year to the
Clearwater Beach Patrol Lifeguards for the term of the lease and authorize the appropriate
officials to execute same. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
12.5 - IAFF Union neootiations update.
Human Resources Director Joe Roseto reported the City will continue to work with the
Union to draft an impasse resolution acceptable to the City. Both sides retain their right to
declare an impasse.
Council 2004-12-16
13 - City Attorney Reports
13.1 - Settino impasse hearino re: IAFF contract. if needed. - None.
14 - City Manager Verbal Reports
14.1 - Provide direction re lanes on Coronado Drive and Water Features on BeachWalk.
Staff provided warranty and other information related to the proposed fountains.
Discussion ensued with comments that BeachWalk will provide significant visual interest, and
the maintenance for fountains operating near sand would be too expensive.
Richard Claybrooke, of PBS&J, suggested more extensive artwork hardscape along
BeachWalk could include play features for children to climb.
Consensus was to retain four lanes of traffic on Coronado Drive during construction of
BeachWalk and eliminate proposed water features from the BeachWalk design.
15 - Council Discussion Items
15.1 - Fillino Vacancy of Mavoral Seat
Tomorrow is the last day to qualify as a candidate in the City's March 8,2005 General
Election. As of today, there is only one candidate for each of the seats up for election.
Consensus was to schedule a special meeting for January 4,2005, at 8:15 a.m., to appoint
Mayor-elect Hibbard to fill the unexpired term of Brian Aungst, and to appoint Council member-
elect Doran to the unexpired term left by Hibbard's appointment to Mayor if no additional
candidates qualify to run by tomorrow's deadline.
16. Other Council Action
Councilmember Hibbard requested staff consider an alternate date for the January 2005
meeting; congratulated UPARC on its successful golf tournament; represented the Mayor at the
Youth Concert at Ruth Eckerd Hall; and met with Senator Bob Graham at the Main Library.
Councilmembers Peterson and Jonson found the Community Development Code
training helpful. Councilmember Jonson recommended scheduling discussion of the Code.
Councilmember Peterson said the DDB (Downtown Development Board) had a special
meeting on Tuesday and is planning a retreat in February 2005.
Council members Peterson and Hamilton enjoyed participating in the holiday parade and
thanked citizens for their participation.
Councilmember Jonson thanked Councilmember Hibbard for supporting his appointment
to the MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) Local Coordinating Board for the
Disadvantaged and enjoyed participating in staff holiday festivities.
Council 2004-12-16
Councilmember Hamilton thanked Councilmember Hibbard for his efforts lobbying the
County Commission and said he looks forward to filling the elected official position on the TOC
and he encouraged residents to support the Library Foundation, which held its annual holiday
event last week.
Mavor Aunost congratulated Councilmember Hamilton on his appointment to the TOC.
He announced this is his last meeting as Mayor, saying it has been a privilege and honor to
serve on the Council for six years and that he enjoyed working with staff and his Council peers.
The Council wished Happy Holidays to all.
17 - Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
Council 2004-12-16